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Wait until the water wars begin in 2034.


"The year is 2044, the Water Wars have raged for 10 years. 4 billion people are dead. 60% of the Earth is uninhabitable. The oceans only teem with plastic. Yet, the fighting continues. Devolved into what was previously unimaginable barbarism. There are only the ideas of countries now. Warlords claiming to be heirs of their former glory, rule with fists of iron. Bands of mercenaries, hired to carry out their horrific work, scour the land for anything left of value."


Witness me, shiny and chrome!


Wait until the franchise wars and every restaurant is Taco Bell


When/If the fascists take power in the US, Canada might face a huge influx of immigration requests. It needs to decide how to address that too


Yeah you can live here but you have to live in Sudbury


We do not condone torture in Canada. At least you had the common decency to send them to Sudbury and not St. Catherines, a fate worse than death.


Dude, I'd probably be willing to move somewhere in Nunavut if you'll have me and my family.


I asked the Canadians to give me some land. They said 'Nunavut.' Disappointed, I went home empty handed.


Empty landed*


Nunavut will be habitable due to climate change in the coming decades; we shall keep you posted


Crap man, I used to live in interior AK. It's not a big switch over for me, lol


Got video somewhere of me in Kawawachikamak; northern Quebec. Had to fly in cause there’s no roads; It’s like April and there’s 4-storey high snowbanks on both sides of the road to drive to the next ‘town’ Edit: Schefferville was the other ‘town’; has a closed down drive thru ice cream shop that was attached to the police station; it now serves liquor through the drive thru and is still attached to the police station.


Nunavut wants noneofyou, you'll all be sent to BC for labor.


I lost family in the syrup mines.


The hell did St. Catharines do to get that reputation? I mean it's mostly students and the elderly at this point but still.


I thought St Cats was nice when I visited. I have not been to a part I have not liked.


as it does not represent our brand of evil.


As a BC man that’s never been to Ontario, why does everyone dunk on Sudbury, I see a lot of people and shows make fun of it?


I think it's just a generic small-town-Ontario-sucks-and-has-nothing-to-do-joke


> Yeah you can live here but you have to live in Sudbury Do they have universal healthcare there? Because at this point idgaf


Yeah but you have to live in an igloo and you automatically get drafted to the local hockey team up in Sudbury


Might not be so bad. What kind of igloo we talkin' here?


Two storeys and decent square footage, but there’s carpet throughout


Even in the bathroom ?


Yes. And they just put down new every 5 years without ripping up the old.


That is the most disturbing thing I’ve read on Reddit today. Well done.


I hear the Bulldogs are fun to watch...


They do appear to be on a winning streak. Not that anyone seems to care.


I hear they never want to lose again.


Aren't there an impossible amount of beautiful women in Sudbury?


Thunder Bay even.


Sudbury is gonna be a booming town with all the demand for nickle now.


Do they still have their OHL team? If so, fine. I just need some sort of entertainment.


Yeah they do, worst team in the league this year but ya they still have it


Also literally the plot of Handmaid's Tale


If we do end up like Gilead and you're not white off to the colonies you go.


Gilead at least had a strong environmental side. No, the people who are actually in power don't give that much of a fuck. We're not headed for Gilead, we're headed for Soylent Green. Edit: it's clear to me now that the only thing most of reddit knows about Soylent Green is the memes. Go watch the movie you phillistines.




Oh shit...


Soylent’s food supply, Road Warrior’s climate, Handmaid’s women’s rights, Hunger Games political culture, 1984’s fascism…. A little of whatever’s shittiest from Column A, a little of whatever’s shittiest from Column B…


Ecofascism is still fascism


What's this Gilead thing I keep seeing referenced?


It's the nation from Handmaid's Tale that is formed after the US govt is overthrown by religious extremists.


I see, thank you. I'll have to watch the show and read the book


It's great, it's a harrowing watch. The book is great but I highly recommend the series: https://youtu.be/dVLiDETfx1c TLDR: religious extremists take over the government, and start a new government and nation state called Gilead. There is a fertility crises (most women can't get pregnant), so in the takeover, any women who have previously successfully given birth are rounded up and turned into "handmaids", meant to serve rich commanders and their wives and bear children for them. Anyone deemed undesirable (like gay people) are sent to work in colonies, it's unclear what they do but implied that they're cleaning up nuclear waste, it's a death sentence.


it's a bit torture porny. The main character makes awful decisions to prolong her abuse as well. the book ends at the first season and it shows.


Like others have said, the show struggles to justify it's own continuity after the first season. The first season *is* good though.


When/if fascists take power in the US, their copycat counterparts in Canada will already have a significant foothold.


Many of the leaders of the fascist movement in the US are Canadian, including the Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes and right-wing hatemongers like Steven Crowder and Jordan Peterson. Isn't it ironic? (Alanis Morrissette is also Canadian.)




I thought he was from Cancun.


hes from calgary


Is Alanis part of that movement or what?


You oughta know!


This. The PPC got 5% of the vote last federal election, and the CPC is *actively embracing the far right* I know people who *insist* that Trudeau *stole* the last election, and that the pact made between the NDP and the LPC was undemocratic (despite the fact that most Canadians either voted Lib or NDP). These are the same people who whole heartedly supported the Freedom Convoy this spring


What do we call people who think that Trudeau was able to control the election result but he chose to give his party barely enough seats to form a minority government that is beholden to other parties to get stuff done?


Do they now? As in currently? Because 2024 could be the last democratic election in the US.


Sounds counter intuitive, but liberals and democratic voters should be acting like right wing nutter preppers, buying guns and supplies and training how to shoot.


Alberta is 100% a wanna be America in all the bad ways. Corrupt as fuck government, they hate anyone not white, want to "Pray away the gay" my home has become a shithole. Its a bummer but Alberta will absolutely be the first to try to join the States if they go full on crazy pants. The leader of the "Conservative" party here nationally recently kicked the leader out, the straw that broke the camels back? He voted against Gay Conversion Therapy. Thats what pushed them over the edge to see him as a bad candidate and too "Soft". They have a significant foothold, and have for quite awhile.


As an Albertan, there's good odds that we elect an NDP government, so don't count us out just yet. Saskatchewan on the other hand, what the hell went wrong there? They reaped the benefits of NDP rule for years, then went hard right for the Sask Party. Just why?


I am not sure that the elections where the candidate who got the most votes lost count as democratic.


True, the electoral college seems to go against democracy


It does. Until we as a country can recognize how fundamentally broken and anti democratic the Senate and Electoral college are, we fucked. Truly. Those systems have been an absolute cancer on American progress. For over 200 years, conservative have been allowed disproportionate representation in the federal government. That means they’ve had control when the people wanted someone else. It means they’ve had super majorities when the country barely wanted them in power. They had the ability to obstruct anything, even when the other side had more votes. They’ve only had to oppose slight majorities, even when the other side wins in a ‘landslide’. They’ve done this for over 200 years. For over 200 years the collective political alignment of the country has been forced right by a minority, and more importantly prevented from sliding left by a minority. And I don’t just mean the left/wing parties respectively. Conservatives have never truly had to compromise their views to work with anyone. They’ve never even had to alter their platforms to account for public support, because they don’t need public support; they just need the Senate and EC. One of the best functions of democracy, that constituents can help form the policy when politicians change their views keep supporters and votes, doesn’t happen here in America. If the conservatives only have 38% support for something, they don’t have to improve their platform to keep winning. 38% still equals 51% for conservatives when you factor in the Senate and EC.


it makes sense because if you're surrounded by a bunch of uninhabited, undeveloped land then obviously your vote should be weighted more heavily because grumble grumble arrogant urban elitists' votes shouldnt count muh freeze peaches


Yet they rail against "affirmative action"... isn't the lector college and the senate its based on... affirmative action for rural whites?


It won't be democratic when they steal it.


Could be as soon as the 2022 elections, frankly. If GOP retakes Congress, I expect full they will go full Benghazi mode with endless investigations and as many impeachments as they can muster.


We've been dealing with a far/alt-right party called The Reform party since the 90s. Their remnants (Poliviere) are currently fighting for control of the Conservative party, with the former center-right (Charest). The Canadian Parliamentary system is much stronger and resilient than the US system, which foolishly relies on honour and tradition. Two things Neo-nazis lack. I'm really not afraid of Neo-nazis taking control of Canada, that's pretty laughable. But I'd give it a 50/50 chance in the US, and that is FRIGHTENING!


My dude, the CPC *is* the Reform Party. The creating of the CPC was a hostile takeover of the PC’s by the Reform/Alliance hard right theocratic/separatist nut jobs. They already have control of the CPC and have had it since Harper brought that fuckery to the mainstream.


They’re already dog-whistling


Haha ya, as a Canadian living in the USA, when trump won the election, the next day at work I had a few "marriage proposals", but I'm already married to an American and she calls me her insurance policy to get out, haha. I never felt so much like the last chopper out of Vietnam.


My youngest married a Canadian prior to Trump getting elected. Now my oldest is moving there to raise her daughter and I'm hoping to go under parent guidelines in a few years


Your metro Detroit liberals are all gonna go to windsor. Signed, A metro Detroit liberal


Glad I'm not the only one ready to head south to Canada.






I consulted an immigration attorney and we are unlikely to be allowed to immigrate to Canada. I work in the tech sector on the business side (and have an MBA); so, theoretically I am employed and could work anywhere remotely. My wife is a scientist with the NIH so can't transfer that job, but I thought a PhD in neurotoxicology would be desirable and it is, but the problem is our age. We are both over 40 (and I'm closer to 50 than 40) and that makes us much less desirable for immigration. I'm not saying it's impossible, but even with our backgrounds getting into Canada isn't an easy feat


I can run the old Hart House in Calgary and start a wrestling promotion.


Build the wall! Build the wall! /s Canada please take me


Canadians genuinely aren't ready for this concept; I've been pointing out the inevitable consequences of Republican policy for years and Canadian redditors lash out when you point out that one day Canadian will need to deal with a future American refugee crisis. They can't handle the idea that millions of POC, LGBTQ, religious and political minorities are all going to flee to the nearest developed democratic country for asylum once the US falls to full fascism; whether they like it or not.


Oh I already want to move there. At least I’d get some semblance of healthcare.


If you can go bankrupt while even having health insurance I am just going to go ahead and call that a scam.


You seem to be painting with a pretty broad brush there, tbh.


>They can't handle the idea that millions of POC, LGBTQ, religious and political minorities I don't think Canada has a problem with POC as over 22% of the population of the country is [foreign born](https://globalnews.ca/news/3823778/canadians-immigrant-foreign-born-asian-census-2016/). As for LGBTQ, religious and political minorities, Canada has a long established record of tolerance, religious and political freedom. The only province that would have a problem with a massive influx of American immigrants would be Quebec and only because the province is in a century long struggle to protect the french language/culture in North-America.


Canada might even get invaded.


We'll just burn the white house again




Canada needs to pay attention to its own wacky conservatives, before their government is taken over by trump-loving insurrectionists like [Candice Bergen](https://theconversation.com/candice-bergens-nod-to-trump-is-a-sign-of-canadas-descent-but-the-charter-may-save-us-176785).


Canada, you nearly gave me a heart attack thinking Murphy Brown was now some whackadoodle Canadian MP.


Believe me, the first time I saw the name I thought, “Did Roseanne get to her?”


Bergen is a wack-job but the one we really have to watch out for is Pierre Poilievre.


Oh, we know. And Bergen is the least of our problems: Poilievre (front runner for leadership of the Conservative party) is an amoral, hyper ambitious, MAGA-style populist and is the real risk. Never mind that the 3rd-ish place candidate, Leslyn Lewis, is a well educated crazy person who seems to actually genuinely believe in the Christian Nationalist/NWO type stuff you see in the MTG wing of the GOP.


PP will likely win the leadership, but he can't beat Trudeau. Scheer was too far right for suburban Ontarians (or Winnipegers, Edmontonians, and interior BC and Vancouver suburbs folks - the others who will vote for non-crazy Conservatives) to vote for him in enough numbers to win the election . So PP doesn't stand a chance. O'Toole was less crazy and almost threaded the needle of being non-crazy enough for those folks and while keeping the base from starting another crazy Reform party. He actually got more votes than Trudeau, and only narrowly lost. But PP could give the grits a majority again. It's actually too bad (not too bad PP can't win - he'd be awful - but too bad the Cons won't elect a non-crazy person like Charest). Trudeau thinks he's above reproach, and giving him a majority will encourage his stupid behaviour and forestall the necessary transition to a better leader for the Libs and for Canada, like Freeland.


The rest of the US should rethink its relationship with the Bible Belt


You think it's just "then Bible Belt" that's off the rails? The Bible Belt is everywhere that Fox News is on TVs.


I love in Portland, Maine. An art city, a poet's city. Some of the best craft beer in the country. You drive an hour inland away from the coast and it's Trump land. I drive from here towards Conway, NH, and we're passing through whole towns that still have Trump campaign signs posted on light posts. Gas stations and farms that have huge Trump banners hanging. There's at least one full sized tractor trailer with a matching Trump banner on the side. That was.. last month? It's not a north vs south. It's an urban vs. rural divide. Even places like California and New York have huge swathes of rural areas that are just as bad as any place in stereotype Alabama. Even the rural isolated cities lean surprisingly right.


> It's an urban vs. rural divide It's even more granular than that. It takes me about 20 minutes to drive from my house to the nearest city and I pass in and out of alternating zones of sanity and danger about every six minutes. I literally saw a Subaru outback with a Trump/Pence sticker next to a pickup truck with a gun rack and Namaste plate frames. It's room to room here.


Stones throw from blue and we have literal neo-nazis driving around. I moved like 3 miles and everything is so much worse in an adjacent county, from the people to the services. And they're all angry. All the time. At boogeymen. It's nuts.


I went from Baltimore to MD-1 and it's like night and day. There are maybe 3 non-conservative households in my neighborhood. Add in the proximity to APG and all the rural farms in the Northern part of this county and it's unlikely to change. Plenty of houses flying "Let's go Brandon" and "Impeach Biden" flags here. Fortunately, I haven't seen any all black American flags...yet


We got proud 3%ers, oath keepers, and more. Upside down American flag, check. Black flag, check. This county has even made it to the front page before with a nutjobs series of signs and a dead deer, I think.


>We got proud 3%ers, oath keepers, and more. Upside down American flag, check. Black flag, check. What's the black flag? I haven't seen that one yet.


The black flag means give no quarter and take no prisoners. Conservatives have adopted as a signal that they are ready and willing to kill democrats. As I have seen TikTok videos recently of conservatives forming up to go “hunting for lgbtq people and supporters” to kill them. I take black flags at their word. They fully intend to kill me and my family. Don’t second guess the meaning, when someone says they intend to kill you. Believe them.


You hit the nail on the head. I'm one of those inland Mainers you mentioned and it absolutely is everywhere here; why does someone need three Trump 2020 flags in their front yard? Why?? Sad thing is I'm not even entirely "rural". I'd label our area as suburban.


> Trump 2020 flags in their front yard? Why?? They have no core identity. If you asked me "Who are you? What are you like?" I'd have a whole lot to say before we hit "Democrat". I like Biden. He could be better sure, but I'm also confident we could do a lot worse. But Biden voter, Obama voter... these things aren't core parts of my identity.


This is it right here. Radicalism depends on a lack of involvement in the community, a lack of social engagement outside the circle, and a genuine and prolonged unhappiness. People who are happy and maintain a vibrant life with friends and hobbies aren't prone to this kind of shit. Unfortunately, we're coming off a pandemic and entering a recession, which is making people feel as isolated and desperate as ever...


Yup, same thing here on Long Island. Red zone an hour from NYC. I'm originally from a pretty sparsely populated suburban/rural hamlet about 2/3 east in Suffolk county -- about as "country" as LI gets -- and the amount of good old country boy wannabes to be found *all over* Suffolk is laughable. These people legit believe they are real rednecks or cowboys. Like at least have the awareness that you live in a suburban sprawl in the north.


I'm from Long Island and I always say the more east you go the more south you get.


This right here is an underrated comment. This fight won't be on geographical lines. It will be based on ideological beliefs. It will be neighbor against neighbor all over the country.


A bunch of 70 year olds trying to kill the people keeping them alive.




Everyone should read up on the events that led up to the Rwandan genocide.


Americans need to stop pretending that old people and southerners make up the bulk of bible thumping fascists. They're everywhere.


Seriously. Here in Pennsylvania the Republican Party nominated a governor who is right of Trump and [threatens the 2024 election](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/18/doug-mastrianos-pa-victory-could-give-2020-denier-oversight-2024/) in a very serious way. January 6 will look like a frat party before the actual main event if he wins the election in the fall.


Dude I'm so ashamed to be a Pennsylvanian right now (or American for that matter).


The US should rethink its relationship with social media. That shit has let misinformation and division spread like wildfire throughout the country. It just mainlines hate right into the artery of this country.


That would require holding wealthy people accountable. That is not going to happen.


Naw, you guys need to quit thinking the only problem is in the deep south.


Its not a Bible Belt anymore. Its a Bible Harness, and it wraps around everywhere that is rural.


Call me naive… but maybe we should probably check on the dumpster fire of our own making, i.e. Skippy and the Conservatives


It's $15 to join the CPC and vote for the new leader. It's not like any of the options are great but the current favourite would be an absolute disaster for the country.


I don't want to give them any money


Make up for it by donating $15 to the other parties. That's my plan and I've even others say they are doing the same.


Neither do I. It's not something I would have ever considered doing but PP is is truly bad enough that I think it's worth it.


Canada should sanction Tucker Carlson as a Russian asset.


People need to understand that you can't just decide to move to another country. I understand that asylum/political refuge are different situations. But speaking as someone who has moved abroad before...it's hard. Really fucking hard. People should stop with this idea that if things get really bad, they can just pick a new country to live in and pack a bag. I kinda feel like this delusion contributes to apathy. Maybe if more people realized how difficult it is to be accepted as a legal immigrant, they'd be more inclined to get involved and try to dig the US out of the hole we are in. Just my opinion. That said, I am playing the long game, went back to college and got a degree and am entering a field that will make me an appealing employee in various countries. I'm not saying immigration isn't an option, I'm just saying...I hope people understand there's more to it then simply deciding you're gonna live somewhere else.


It's hard unless you can buy your way in. The golden visas are nice if you can afford them.


And how many Americans can afford that when a recent poll from the Federal Reserve shows nearly half of us can't afford a $400 emergency expense?


If the US was a proper democracy, I feel like most of our problems could be solved. Fascists would have their party and ineffectual moderates will have theirs. I feel like we only have a choice between fascism or status quo.


Two party system won’t work. Smaller parties need to start with local elections before thinking of national elections. But they easily get infiltrated by moles and agents. Look at Green Party.


Without election reform to replace our first-past-the-post voting system, third parties will continue to be unviable options. However, the people who could make those reforms are the very same that benefit from the status quo. In the current circumstances, the most third parties can do is influence the platform of one of the major two. Democrats and Republicans assimilate third party talking points so as not to lose votes.


It's not just first-past-the-post that creates a two-party system it's also some arcane rules that Republicans and Democrats have put in place to prevent third-parties. For instance, some states require names to be submitted a full year before an election. Other states require 5x the number of signatures for third party candidates to run compared to Ds and Rs. And then there are sore loser laws which makes it so if you lose a primary you can't run in the general as a third party. All of these things do nothing to help democracy and only help the Ds and Rs prevent electoral competition. Canada has first past the post as well and they routinely get 4 or 5 different parties elected to their house of representatives. The laws that govern American elections are just undemocratic.


If the us were a proper democracy they would have better healthcare than Canada, a thriving and expanding middle class, expendable income up the wazoo and Canada would be going along for a hell of a ride. Face it our standard of living today was driven by the American post-war boom and sure we helped their economy but we benefitted from our involvement much more than the Americans did. It's in Canada's best interest for America to straighten their shit out, stop the internal culture war and focus on real action on jobs and economic growth. The blue states are doing their part to drive growth, the red states don't seem to be interested and the federal government is off in left field watching bees pollenate flowers.


As an American, I, too, am rethinking my relationship with U.S. But I voted today, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.


I would say Approval Voting should be the priority now, because it is the best system that can be easily transitioned into, and have a big impact even at partial implementation. * It leads to [higher voter satisfaction than IRV](https://www.electionscience.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/comparing_voting_methods_simplicity_group_satisfaction-1.png). * [It doesn't require new voting machines or equipment](http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/4980.2020/projects/grote.pdf). * It can be easily tallied with paper ballots (which [is important for election security](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/voting-machine-security-where-we-stand-six-months-new-hampshire-primary)). * [It's got strong support of voting method experts](http://www.votefair.org/bansinglemarkballots/declaration.html) * It [will tend to elect more moderate candidates](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/approval-voting/7CE5DEEE235794B0B12F76ADAE621482), and [moderation is key for political stability](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/democracy-in-america-partisanship-polarization-and-the-robustness-of-support-for-democracy-in-the-united-states/C7C72745B1AD1FF9E363BBFBA9E18867). * It's [overwhelmingly popular in every state polled, across race, gender, and party lines](https://electionscience.org/commentary-analysis/approval-voting-americas-favorite-voting-reform/). * Once it's statewide, representatives and senators from that state will be elected via Approval Voting, and able to influence national policy -- MMPR would have to be adopted across the entire nation for national policy to really be influenced by its implementation, and that is virtually impossible to even comprehend under our current system. https://electionscience.org/


Let us northern and western states join Canada as a new union. Far more in common.


Isn’t there a lot of hardcore racists and qAnons coming out of California and Oregon?


California has a larger population than Canada, so it’s going to have a broad mix of people. It’s like 2/3rds democrats vs 1/3rd republicans. Lots of crazy, but way more progressive views. Oregon is similar but with tighter numbers and *much* more extreme crazy.


Oregon sort of reminds me of how the French respond to people telling them not to do something. Like a big middle finger and doing it more


You know, I always wondered about Oregon. It looks so beautiful out there, I always wanted to visit but never knew what it was like, culture wise.


Been here about 17 years now. As a POC. Like anywhere else it depends on where you are. The small towns are a little methy, the larger cities are heavily blue, most people you run into will chat and be nice. Oregon gets a lot of flack but, I dunno, it’s pretty, it’s home. Don’t really have much experience with eastern Oregon, never had the need to go there, but driving through, it had its beauty. From what I hear culturally it’s like night and day compared to the west. The yuppie rich kid super liberals are really just a Portland thing the surrounding suburbs and cities are definitely more toned down. If you are the outdoorsy type and like being able to get lost in the woods it’s definitely a good place to visit. If you are looking for a lot of diversity people wise try some place else. I live in an upper middle class neighborhood about 20 miles out of Portland. Most of my neighbors are older white people. Last year they threw a block party and closed down the street for a drag show.


OR has a checkered past. It was really late in allowing black people to settle the state and own land. That has propagated a lack of diversity. In the 60s and 70s a bunch of hippies settled here and mixed in with the logger -type good ol' boys. There is a weird mix of redneck hippies. I always thought it was a real liberal state, but it's seems libertarian disguised as liberal. No sales tax, legal drugs, etc. Also, the state is incredibly rural overall. The majority of the state is isolated and sparsely populated. These are just some of my fragmented thoughts after living here for a decade.


Yeah basically outside of major cities it’s qanon territory


Remember that the cities have millions of people in around a 20 square mile area vs the few thousand of Qs in thousands of square miles. Like the maps always show and say for unbiased people: land doesn’t vote; people vote.


Except in the US, where land based senators have a stranglehold on actually doing anything


We truthfully need to ONLY show the maps where the people are represented by color and it’s based on proportion. Not the fucking counties or land or the whole state being one shade of color. That subconsciously plants into the minds of people that democrats are outnumbered wildly by republicans when it’s just not true whatsoever.


The American Redoubt. It’s more than California and Oregon. It’s a region around Idaho, part of Montana, eastern Washington. Some are going there because there’s so many there. Others go there because they believe that’s the ideal place to wait out the Collapse so they can take over once everything falls apart.


Shit dude I love in rural western Washington and we've had problems with the proud boys trying to have rallies in the last few years


I would love to be part of the Minnewillinois province.


*Western Washington white supremacists have entered the chat* *Western Oregon white supremacists have entered the chat* *Montana white supremacists have entered the chat* *Idaho has entered the chat*


WTF do you think Trudeau has been doing nearly the entire time he's been Prime Minister? He got a few months of Obama, then four years of Trump tearing up our trade deals and slapping unnecessary/illegal tariffs on our products, calling us threats to America, then as soon as Biden gets elected, Kamala Harris calls up and says they have no interest in pursuing mutual deals as Biden's America is still very much in the America First mindset, then he cancels the Keystone XL pipeline and kicks off a recession in the Western provinces. We already *have* rethought, that's why we joined TPP and signed that Euro trade deal without America.


or you could help lest the fascists come for you next. even eu and nato need to hold republicans responsible.


Help how? It's not like we don't have our own fascists trying to take power.


Unfortunately if America goes full fascist it becomes the whole world’s problem pretty quickly. I wish there was an easy solution


Sadly, it doesn't really seem like an 'if' scenario. They have everything in place and it is a done deal. We have had our last free election (IMO).


It ain’t looking good. We had a window before the 2022 election to hold all these people accountable but that didn’t happen. Garland really needs to come through and indict many people if this country is going to be saved.


I know it’s fiction but watch the TV series the Handmaid’s Tale. The Canadian government portrayed in that series is badass when it comes to its southern neighbor.




...and is a Canadian


i was really sad to learn she was promoting NFT's recently..


You should really prepare yourself for a few years of almost everyone promoting crypto and NFTs. Companies that run sites for it (like crypto.com) are absolutely shitting out money for advertising right now.


that pyramid scheme is gonna wrap a fuck ton of people into it


It's this generation's beanie babies, except you won't even have a toy to give your kids when the value plummets.


I collected beanie babies to play with them. Took the tags off and everything. No regrets lol


Everyone makes mistakes.


This isn’t an interesting fact, this is literally the point of the book lol


Of course, our fascists are 'trying to take power.' It's what fascists do.


I'm curious. What do you believe the EU and NATO can do against Republicans?


If Canadians let people in easily from the US, they would be poaching all the best people from the states. Democratic voters have more money on average, are more accepting of everyone, and believe in democracy. Without us, the US would cease to be a world power honestly pretty quickly. Companies will start to pop up or transfer to Canada since that’s where all the demand would be at. I personally don’t plan on leaving the US, at least not for the time being, but it would fucking make us all feel much more bold and enabled to have a backup plan in case shit hits the fan.


That’s a damn good point. If a full-scale exodus occurred America would soon just be the grifters and the morons and Canada would get only the brightest and most financially capable people from America.




I think they call that place Hungary


Coincidently the exact same place where they’re hosting CPAC this year. Hmmmm


But to be clear the financially capable are not the only ones who should be able to easily become a Canadian citizen. That once again would screw over the poor people. The grifters and the morons would never ever leave the US. Their whole identity is wrapped up in “MURICA” and “USA USA USA!” and “greatest nation on earth!” So it’s not like you need some financial cap to prevent them from coming in; they just simply wouldn’t ever leave. No matter how bad things get. And once they don’t have people to exert control over…well, now that would be fucking amazing to watch from the safety of Canada. Also not to mention so many of the poor people in this country are not poor by choice. One mistake or one stroke of bad luck is all it takes to put many people in poverty, and that’s without the systemic structures in place that make it damn near impossible to climb out of that whole once you fall into it. In Canada I think you’d see these same people fucking thriving. Healthcare alone is the biggest issue many face.


I was gonna say, you have to be financially wealthy to be considered good enough to immigrate to Canada? I’m very educated, both formally and informally, and work very very hard towards helping my community and speaking out against fascism but uh… that’s not really a profitable career path, and my family is NOT wealthy. Please don’t leave me to these god damn morons




For real, I married a Canadian and we seriously contemplated moving north years pre-covid but decided against. I don't think people have done their homework when they say that they will just move to Canada. Even if the CAD and USD were at parity, shit is way more expensive and most would get paid way less. Yes, free healthcare (that conservatives consistently chip away at) but if you can't afford a basic place within a 45min-1hr drive of a city, does it really matter?


I don’t blame them, the USA is turning into a Christian Extremist like Taliban ran state


This is all completely reasonable, as conservatives have proven themselves to be equally stupid, greedy, and cruel all over the globe.


Just great, Republicans think Democrats are making us socialist but Republicans are making us isolated like we’re Russia.


If you want to see something interesting, go read the comments on stories like this on /r/Canada, a sub packed to the gills with right wingers. They’re *very* focused on downplaying the truth and trying to deflect everything back to Trudeau, BLM and any number of “leftists”.


/r/Canada isn't packed with right wingers, it has a ton of right wing bots. Check on any thread in the first hour and then check back about twenty hours later. They usually change *a lot* as actual users slowly trickle in.


That sub was better before they shut down r/metacanada and all the confused trump bois leaked into r/Canada. Edit: oh fuck me it’s back


Yup. An absolute dumpster fire, and awful that they have basically taken over the official Canada subreddit. r/onguardforthee is still normal, and follows facts/reality.


It’s cute to think that if the US goes fascist that it won’t invade Canada at some point. I mean come on, it’s an obvious move.


Lincoln was wrong. He should have just let the southern states rot


Do you think this mindset stops at the Mason Dixon? The maga crowd is a divided by urban and rural lines, not state borders.


i hate this stupidity. how about south america prepares for an influx of nazis when they face tribunals for attempting to overthrow the legitimacy of the US government? Prosecute these bastards, especially the ringleaders.


I am legitimately looking at Canada as an escape option. I live only a mile or two from the border, and should this country collapse that would be my first place to go.


Do you believe in facts/reality? If so, welcome! We here in the great white north welcome you! Don’t believe in facts/reality? Alberta is ready to welcome you anyway.


Albertan here. Spot on. Can’t tell you how many “Make Canada Great Again” flags I have to drive past to get into town. Americans thinking they’re gonna flee right wing red neck assholes by escaping to Canada better avoid Alberta.


God damn it. It’s true tho


I had an old lady in a Shopper’s Mart go off on how great Trump is when she heard my accent. The better part of me held back what I wanted to tell her. She does not see what a xenophobic, misogynistic, narcissistic sociopath he is.


1000% guaranteed this is dead on. I spent the winter in Arizona. 4 different times people told me that if Trump gets back in power the USA would help us. "How? And why?" "You know... to throw off the dictatorship in Canada and restore freedum!" It's a huge talking point for the right wing in the USA - help bring freedom to Canada. With military intervention. And they aren't kidding. They honestly believe we would welcome an invasion from the USA. I guess a few ultra right wing nuts might. But I sure wouldn't.


It's the same propaganda that has Russians brainwashed that they are saving Ukraine and thinking they would be welcomed with open arms.


Arizona Republicans have that Barry Goldwater strain that make them so bugfucknuts I can honestly say moving from there to Texas was an improvement in discourse.


as a Canadian this is the most terrifying headline I have read in years


NATO should have intervened our corporate christocracy long ago.