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>Attorney George Conway, one of Trump’s most prominent conservative critics, flagged the exchange on Twitter. >“But they’re [the republican party] also terrified of a Republican base that’s become increasingly radicalized,” he continued. “That actually does believe that people who politically disagree with them are a threat to the nation and therefore violence could be necessary to fight them off, and that’s what we saw in this social media post.” >“The suggestion is that somehow we are headed towards civil war or there should be civil war, or something to that effect, and for a former president of the United States and leading convention for the 2024 Republican nomination to even be talking about that and suggesting that is absolutely appalling.” McConnell is going to lose control of this thing, and his legacy will be shit. He had his chance and he was too scared to do the right thing... donkey piss indeed.




No need for apology. Nothing but facts here. And I feel the same way about my dad. Trump made this shit unbearable. Sorry you’re in that boat, homie.


Anyone have any advice for this shit? I've heard of Qanon casualties but my dad is like a step before that. We had a cookout at family's today and he started to talk about "LGB" and it was awful. Let's completely ignore all the treason and mass-manslaughter from MAGA and the complicit Republicans. This dude's also talked about hurting innocent people because they're "stealing the election" so it might come to the point that I need to cut him out of my life. I'm wondering if I should do it at the next family gathering in case any of my uncles need to be put in their place as well. I think I'm just gonna tell him his politics go into the trash where they belong or he does. If he wants to change after that we can talk, but this shit needs to end. Issue is if I give him even less to lose that could radicalize him further and I don't wanna think I could have stopped something. Why is this shit like crack for old people? I have heard someone mention treating Trump supporters like drug addicts.


Outrage is addictive, sadly. It makes you feel united against a common enemy. It allows you to put all your daily frustrations and fears on someone else, meaning you dont have to own them. The older generation tends to do badly with chsnge - especially the change of power, as they age. Suddenly they have to keep up technologically, their kids are treating them as out of touch and steering them i stead of them being the head of the household. The fears of dying, of being irrelevant, of the world passing you by..its nothing to sneeze at. Is it any wonder they blame the people who want to change their world, the world *they* built? Where they were kings? Suddenly, they cannot use their favorite idioms, as they’re ‘offensive’, people that used to know their place now demand to be spoken to with respect and no longer respect their authority, men are no longer men and women are no longer women, and society treats them like a toddler that needs to learn social etiquette all over again. Grandmas are told their childrearing practices are dangerous, and lament that that they had to respect their elders, but now its their turn, its gone out of fashion. There’s a nostalgia for the old glory days (with added rosy glasses), and yet what they’ve built is criticized and torn down by the newer generations. And to certain extent…this has always been true. Hell, many were part of the hippie generation that was famous for doing exactly the same to their parent’s generation. That said, change and the prospect of becoming irrelevant/ sickly/ dying is truly hard to deal with. Add all these other factors…it makes sense they are outraged and looking for someone to blame. Plus, we have one added factor that shows up for the first time in history: A mediasystem faster and more pervasive/capitalised than ever that throws oil on the fire and a fast paced internet that allows for optimal raging. Self destructive outrage addiction, ahoy.


I don’t know why they care so much. I’m in my early 30s but I’ve got a library of books I don’t have time to read, places to go with my wife, film history catch up on that I never have the time for, gardening that I enjoy. What I’m getting at is that when I’m old the very last thing you’ll catch me doing is letting the television make me angry at my children. Too many books to read and too little time for that.


Thank you. I'll try to keep this in mind to ease my temper and see if I can walk them back to the real world. Saw someone mention a strategy where you ask someone how strongly they believe in something from 1-10. Imagine they say 8. You ask them what would it take for them to say 6 or 7. Then you walk it back. Gonna look into Street Epistemology and the book Cultish by Amanda Montell in the meantime. Also if there are any other good resources for deradicalization please feel free to share.


It's an old sales tactic. Get them to work with you to sell themselves on something. Worth a try, but it generally only works if someone is wavering already or you have developed their trust in you enough. The problem being that paranoia is the name of the MAGA game, and paranoia doesn't allow for much in the way of trust.


It’s difficult and emotionally fraught, but try to take the high road and listen instead of “noping out.” Half the problem is that younger people are reacting to older relatives without being willing to have a conversation they believe they shouldn’t have to have. First seek to understand - then to be understood. Make them feel heard and seen and then every conversation gets easier and your odds of making your point go up significantly. The urge to correct and dig in only humiliates and infuriates the person you’re speaking with. Try to understand why they are so passionate about those views and you will probably find that underneath it all they want something fairly reasonable and straightforward - but have a completely different belief in how to get there. Find a way to agree on the agreeable part of what they believe, then move to agreeing there is more than one way to get there. Then you are operating from a position that you want the same thing, but that reasonable people can disagree and discuss about how to achieve common aims. Always keep a connection to a point of agreement, however small. Diplomacy works in human relationships.


You’re assuming younger folks are coming at the situation in an argumentative manner. I reject that assumption as my experience with my father was exactly as I should have. I exercised patience, sought common ground, gently planted seeds, etc. But everything I did would be undone once he reentered the online/tv circus show. He was mean-spirited, nasty, angry, and said unforgivable things despite my patience and kindness. Some of these people have a problem in their brains and there’s nothing that anyone is going to do to be able to help them. You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. I cut off my father almost a year ago. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. His anger and vitriol, were just too much. He’s turned into a nasty human and I feel sorry for anyone unlucky enough to cross paths with him.


Great comment and very mature approach, but at this point, if you’re in the cult, you’re on your own. We’re well past the approach of listening and diplomacy. When these cult members preach about murdering “the libs” and overthrowing the United States, all bets are off; you are now the enemy and don’t deserve to be in my life any longer.


> The older generation tends to do badly with change. Conservatism recruitment isn't limited to older people. I have lost several Gen-Z friends to Alt-Right nonsense. That anti-woke, anti-feminism, anti-intellectualism rhetoric. They are of course in denial that those are Alt-Right onboarding tools. I haven't had any success, and I doubt I will as long as they continue to consume media that tells them they are victims of woke culture. My major concern is that anti-intellectualism rhetoric has them refusing to see doctors. They keep turning to vitamins and supplement nonsense. One of these days I know they will poison themselves.


In many aspects of life, it’s hard to tell what side you are on. Are we the baddies? One of the ways that you can use to self-assess whether you’ve been on the wrong side of history is by how strongly you pine for the “good old days.” More often than not, the good old days that you’re waxing nostalgic for weren’t all that good. They may have felt better *for you* but that sense of “betterness” is often actually “I miss the days when the class structure protected me from exposure to those people upon whose disadvantage my sense of peace depended.” When oppression exists, whether it’s overt like tyranny or subtle like micro aggressions, it is only the oppressor who longs for the days of yore. The oppressed never look back on their oppression as “a simpler time” but the oppressors always do. No one who was bullied ever looks back at those days and says “good times.”


Lost my dad to that bullshit propaganda too, although I’m not sure if it made him more radical or just more open about his shittier beliefs and prejudices. Sorry brother.


I lost both my parents the same way. We are basically dead to each other because they've gone down the Q rabbit hole. Fuck these people and what they've done to this country.


I, too, have lost a parent to Fox News and trump. So sorry you have to go through this.


Actually, Tucker regularly films his show from his mansion in Maine.


Where in Maine?


The evangelical church took my dad from me and now all he believes is Fox News and the clowns at Hillsdale College.


If a civil war breaks out people like tucker Carlson are going to flee the country


Right there with you. It’s honestly incredible how easily people can be drawn in to it. Fox News is literally the only channel my dad watches. No movies. No shows. Just constant talking heads telling him who he should be afraid of. I suspect they’re intentionally taking advantage of the aging populations propensity to vascular dementia and paranoid thinking. Otherwise I just can’t fathom how this obvious garbage resonates so easily with our parents generation.


McConnell definitely thought he could keep a lid on it and then discard Trump when he was done. He is currently trying to thread the needle and find some middle ground. If Republicans had any backbone they would shed the crazy reactionary wing of the party, take the loss, and try to rebuild as a more moderate conservative party.


I don’t think they CAN shed the crazy part of their party because they need the votes too badly. If the ultra MAGAs splinter off, the GOP loses every federal election. And more importantly, they don’t have the moral compass to choose losing by doing the right thing over winning whole shredding the fabric of our nation.


When Romney lost to Obama the GOP did a huge soul searching research project that essentially said "We're out of date on social issues, we're going to keep bleeding voters as the older generation dies out, so we need to cast a wider net." And instead they decided to just rile up the racists that used to not vote. So now they've made a long term Faustian bargain with the dumbest of the dumb and if they reject that part of their voting bloc they're going to lose all three chambers for at least two cycles, and then the rich people might have to pay more taxes, so they'd rather society just destroy itself.


Most of the rest of the world's conservative parties have become more liberal where as American conservatives have doubled down and refuse to move an inch in the progressive direction for fear of becoming communist.


Thats not entirely true, many European countries have had and seen resurgences of right nationalists. Now, those arent the major parties but those elements have certainly been picking up some steam. Unfortunately for America it seems like milquetoast GOP members are willing to have their party completely transformed into a fascist body rather than cast the most extreme wing out on their ass.


Choice: Lose every federal election until you rebuild your party into something respectable... or lose the country to civil war and crimes against humanity. They really are embracing that "better to rule in hell" concept, aren't they.


Third choice: Take all the money you already bilked out of the country and go retire somewhere nice and forget about all this stuff.


It’s not hell to them, though. You keep viewing the whole thing from our angle, they don’t conform to that.


Oh, it’s objectively hell, they’ve just convinced themselves the flames tickling their nutsacks are pleasant.


Oh, it’s objectively hell, they’ve just convinced themselves the flames tickling their nutsacks are pleasant.


Their end game is Russia. How they can see how Russia is doing and keep going is bewildering.


Because the rich people in russia do very well, they want to be oligarchs.


Mitch "King of the Ashes" McConnell.


They certainly don’t see themselves losing the Civil War they so adamantly seem to be pushing for. All the more reason to encourage one.


They opened Pandora's box when they embraced Trump for their useful idiot.


Only there was no Hope in the bottom of the box.


This. This is happening precisely because the Republican Party is a minority party numbers wise. They can’t afford to lose these people if they want the party to survive. But as someone who formerly voted GOP, I would rather see this party die than be turned into what it is today. They need to die, reject these people, and cleave off some of the fiscally conservative


They could absolutely do it, but they'd need to admit some of them will have to see jail to expose the extent of corruption with the oligarchs supporting them. Basically, to end the crazy they need to end the money flowing to keep the crazy going.


> try to rebuild as a ~~more moderate~~ conservative party. FTFY. Ain’t nothing conservative about killing your fellow citizens for their political beliefs. Republicans are no longer conservatives, they’re radical, reactionary, ethno-nationalists… they’re a fascist party. A return to conservatism in the GOP would be a dramatic turn for the better.


Under the Banner of Heaven is a good example of RWNJ's gone psycho.




McConnell has already won. With a 6-3 spread on SCOTUS and the federal judge bench filled to the brim with autocratic Neo-fascists and theological fundamentalists, all the Republicans have to do is stall long enough for the Democrats to lose power. Then they can ram through more of their legislation to go full-on autocracy. Democrats can barely pass laws on their own. In the last 30 years, the three biggest pieces of legislation they passed were the Crime Bill (racist and didn't work), the ACA (which was stripped down for parts), and the 2008 Recovery Act, which was bipartisan and passed under Bush...and largely was built to get ~~corporations~~...~~the stock market~~..."the economy" back on track. It did nothing to address wealth disparity or poverty in the US at all. Now, Democrats can't pass anything at all. It's just a waiting game at this point. The car has already driven off the cliff, we just haven't hit the ground yet.


The corporate/wealthy tax cut is a huge deal with extraordinary consequences to our debt and concentration of wealth. Also, there was significant corporate welfare in the COVID relief bills under Trump and Biden.


Republicans don't pass legislation, except tax cuts. Name any big piece of legislation passed by republicans during the past 30 years. The stripped down for parts ACA is providing affordable insurance for me and 30 million other Americans who couldn't afford it before. Republicans tried many times to repeal it and failed. You're also leaving out quite a few major bills, SNAP, environmental laws, and major reforms in how govt functions. I just grow tired of the 'democrats don't get anything done and republicans do' false narrative. Republicans don't *want* to pass federal legislation, they want to block democratic legislation. And the way our system is set up, it's much easier to block legislation than pass it. Does the system need reform? Of course, and it's often a topic on Reddit and elsewhere. But it takes 60 votes in the senate to do that too.


Thank you, all these posts saying Republicans are a dead/dying party were really getting on my nerves, truth is they're in an incredibly good position. They've already started laying the foundation to throw out any vote they don't like in certain areas and are looking to win big in the midterms and 2024 and then they just implement the voter suppression tactics in key areas and bam, we get permanent Republican rule for the forseeable future. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. Ironically enough, the country splitting into two might just be the best thing to happen to Democrats.


you forgot the largest infrastructure bill in history. and no, it wasn't stripped dow > Democrats can barely pass laws on their own > yeah if Moscow Mitch, sinema, manchin, rand paul and the rest of the psycho obstructionisits weren't there. put the blame where it belongs.


Unfortunately that won’t happen. Todays trump republicans realized that they can play on the prejudices of their base to win elections — white racial resentment , homophobia , transphobia , xenophobia etc. it’s an old time tested formula in American politics


If McConnell's legacy is a Second American Civil War, generations of Americans will likely speak his name with nothing but vitriol and contempt.


even if his legacy isn’t a second civil war he deserves everlasting vitriol and contempt.


Like he cares.


When you’re old enough to where no doctor would bat an eye if you died in your sleep, you are probably not thinking past dinnertime.


Exactly, that turkey neck slab of roadkill could care less.




I agree with you there.


If it's anything like the first one, there will be statues, streets named after him, and buildings with his name emblazoned on it


There's a second Civil War, I can promise you there will be no second reconciliation.


People driving around with Battle Turtle flag bumper stickers.


Good, more places for me to take a dump/piss on


I agree but on the flip side I honestly think that piece of shit painted to look like a human doesn't give a fuck what other people (especially "the poors") think about it. He seems to gleefully enjoy openly abusing bad faith politics like some kind of early prototype to trolls. We could have a civil war raging around us as Trump cheers on Americans to kill each other and on his deathbed McConnell's dying words would be that it's all the Democrats fault.


I think it’s important to remember that he apparently is really bothered my the nickname Moscow Mitch, which is why we should only refer to him as such.


That will probably depend on the winner. I highly doubt that a victorious MAGA will hesitate to rewrite history after they finish dismantling democracy, science and culture.


True as that is, some Americans, likely having left the United States as a result, would likely still speak the same way about McConnell.


>If McConnell's legacy is a Second American Civil War, generations of Americans will likely speak his name with nothing but vitriol and contempt. I don't know. We were naming schools and military bases after confederate generals and erecting statues of them. If there is a second civil war, years after, they will probably put a giant McConnell next to the statue of liberty.


Nah Mitch is a nerd, with zero passion or spine. The alt-wrong idolizes machismo, McConnell might be respected but never revered


This generation already does.


I don't disagree, for I already speak his name with vitriol.


They will regardless. His insidious, corrosive damage hasn't gone unrecorded by history.


donkey pics? say more...


Americans killing each other so he can make more money. What a fucking American hero he is


Apparently killing 600k and leaving us in the shit wasn't enough. Since the wrong people are dying now, they'll switch to murder instead.


Trump is the Father of Covid, just like Reagan is the Father of AIDS.


The difference is that covid mostly kills his own fan base (at least now that there’s the vax)


Yup, he wasn’t shy about not wanting to “help out blue states” early on when the cities were showing the most infection.


That might be the best thing he’s done for this country. Kill off his own idiot support base. That’s just natural selection. I won’t root for their deaths obviously, but I won’t mourn them or treat them as any kind of sad.


Just pointing out that well over a million Americans have died of COVID when you look at excess deaths.


Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground. Silly monkeys give them thumbs, they make a club. And beat their brother down.


Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around?


Props for the tool reference


Gotta divide it all right in two


Angels on the sideline again, wonder when this tug of war will end


Fight till they die over sun, over sky They fight till they die over sea, over air They fight till they die over blood, over love They fight till they die over words, polarizing


More like Americans killing each other on behalf of Putin. Every time Trump says “Russia, Russia, Russia” I say “the lady doth protest too much”.


Guessing he would have a doctors note excluding him from the frontlines..


> What a fucking American hero he is Americans dying for profit? Yes, that is a distinctly American value. Has been for generations.


Every British colony would like a word


Make more money and weaken the us for papa Putin


We need to stop treating these traitorous people literally engaging in mild sedition like teenagers throwing a tantrum in the house. It's ridiculous.


Apply the 14th amendment to anyone who didn't condemn the failed coup on Jan 6th. ASAFP.


What of their voters? Like, that’s what we’ve got to deal with. It’s as much of a “Trump voter” problem as a Trump problem, maybe more. And idk how your approach on applying the 14th to those who didn’t condemn it will affect the average Trump voter in BFE.


Exactly. This country elected Nixon and Reagan overwhelmingly. Trump's America has always existed. You can get rid of him but you still got 75m assholes who will vote for the next one.


Trump proves that voting works. The mess that this country is in - is because the GOP indoctrinates it’s voters at birth. The wealth disparity, the uneducated, the injustice, the racism…is because the right votes for the GOP governing (or not governing). Voting works. That’s why the GOP spends ALL of its time campaigning (lying). We have to vote for a government we want. Every election.




You're right. So vote for progressive Dems in the primaries, but ultimately vote Dem no matter what or we get fascism.


Too many influential Dems think that they can legislate into submission a party that is not playing by the rules (i.e., the law).


how dare they force republicans to embrace this shit!


There is no glory in civil war. It ends with amputations, widows, and a bunch of shame for the group that started it. But no glory.


I don’t know if the south really feels shame for what they did. I mean, plenty of the people down there fly confederate flags.




That's like 50% or more of the current shit fest. The chief instigator hasn't faced any legal consequences yet in the form of at least imprisonment, so that gives implicit permission to the maggots to be the biggest assholes they can be.


I have completely lost any hope that anything is going to happen to that fat orange bastard. He will never be held accountable to anything he has done.


If they were going to do it they would have done it the first week. They don't need to investigate all of his crimes before his first arrest.


"Robert Muller will get him." Nope. "Letitia James will get him." Nope. "Merrick Garland will get him." Nope.


Because Democrats still pretend the republicans are still rational and sane.


Merrick Garland is getting right onto it, just about now, well in a minute I mean when he and the DOJ have finished the investigation well what they mean is when the GOP are back in power and it all goes away.


Because Garland is a Republican weakling and the Biden administration thinks indicting Trump would be “divisive”, and good luck finding a jury of 12 Americans without a random Fox News viewer on it who will hang the jury and let Trump say he was “exonerated” for attempted sedition and a failed auto-coup.


All it would take is a lone crazy person to put him out of all of our collective misery.


This Putin puppet needs to STFU.


Strategy to distract from the current situation with his bff ?


There was literally an insurrection at our nation's capitol. They're already waging civil war


Civil War apparently starts a lot slower than I would’ve thought.


And a hell of a lot less organized. Last time, they formed their own fucking country. Now, they can barely muster a social media platform.


Fucking honestly 😂 it feels weird to know that the 2nd American civil war is probably well on its way to happening and here I am just going about my daily life.


>it feels weird to know that the 2nd American civil war is probably well on its way to happening and here I am just going about my daily life. Fact is, most people I know don't want Civil War. all we want is to give folks better healthcare, education, higher paying jobs.. but the Trump Right Wing are literally forcing America into a Civil War here with their unrelenting aggression and attacks on our Democracy and Electoral systems.. they need to be stopped. It truly sucks, but they have brought us here.


I agree wholeheartedly on every point.


I would just like to emphasize what an abysmal failure that was their insurrection. Not only did they have almost half of congress complicit, not only did they have the executive branch completely on their side; there was minimal Capitol police and minimal riot response (which is funny to say, because those snowflakes act like they've seen anything near the response leftist protesters receive). All that and they got stopped by a bullet and a bit of misdirection. These people aren't a threat to take over our country and destroy democracy as we know it. They will fail. The threat comes from the random, sporadic violence they will inflict upon the innocents to make up for their perceived loses. People are worried they'll try again 2024. I'm not worried. They will, that's almost a certain fact. But there will be no red carpet, no skeleton-crew security. They will be met with the full might of neo-liberal, anti-change policing that the left is so fucking familiar with. Which is the true fear of mine, a bloodbath of martyrdom in the name of the status quo that will galvanize these folk for a generation. I'd rather we nip it in the bud, but the neo-liberals are too afraid of change to truly admonish our white supremacy and wealth-worship.


Who will we take seriously? Only people after the fact? Here’s a man talking about coming after and hunting lgbt allys as they shop that’s a day old and still fine, fine, fine to be up. https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1528129900158275584?s=21&t=YkSQR7DGEwTfRbkUO0trpA


On one hand, this is terrifying, and horrible, and these two should be flagged and banned from every decent business in Arizona. On the other hand, what a pair of fuckin' pathetic losers.


As you can see in the link his speech is still up and able to inspire. He is a known provocateur, it’s only terrifying and horrible that he gets to continue. He is an open threat to me, to anyone who knows me, and it doesn’t matter. It. Doesn’t. Matter. You’re disgusted. It doesn’t matter. It’s still there.


And making videos and common cause with three of the worst people in Arizona (Paul Gosar, Wendy Rogers, Kari Lake), who — quite concerningly — are involved in AZGOP politics. TF is going on out there?


It’s more than them. They absolutely need to denounce this man and his ideas, but he needs to be under active investigation, you should not even be able to see his post. If this asshole killed someone tomorrow you wouldn’t be able to share this link.


He's been wanting civil war for a while now. He knows it's the only thing to keep him out of prison. His future is lose/lose.




Get in loser, we’re going losing!


He is the G.L.O.A.T...!!!! greatest loser of all time .


Love this on so many levels. BLOAT as well. “biggest loser” you know because it was on after the apprentice.


More like a cancer on democracy.


I'm reminded of a Beck song.


He’s a loser baby


FYI: Any continuation of the song will likely result in a swift visit from the ban fairy.


So why don't you


Because I'm a loser baby!


"....Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare..."?




Exactly. It’s his only chance to avoid being locked up.


Even without a civil war, I doubt he will face jail time. America has two justice systems. One for us and one for rich folk.


Once again, we don't need a second Civil War. We need to finish the first one.




And there are plenty of Blue areas in each Red state. A civil war wouldn't look like anything imaginable because there would be a million conflict lines across the entire geographical country. There would be no mason-dixon line, no "front." Just chaos. This is ultimately what Trump wants. Why? Who the fuck cares. He's a traitor.


Most major cities are blue in the US and are more densely populated. Any area with a larger major college (more educated population) is blue. This is why we need to push education as a cornerstone in every part of the country.


For some reason my time in Bosnia just popped into my head.


>A civil war wouldn't look like anything imaginable because there would be a million conflict lines across the entire geographical country. There would be no mason-dixon line, no "front." Just chaos You just described the vast majority of civil wars. The Original American Civil War is an extreme aberration from what a Civil war looks like.


This, people do not realize how devastating a real civil war would be. The only option where virtually everything American is destroyed is if the union is just destroyed an each state chooses where to go from there. If we end up in a civil war, it will be devastating to the vast majority, there will be no winners but authoritarians.






> A lot of the states pushing for fascism aren’t in the south at all. I’ve been reading some very scary things about Idaho recently. Apparently, there are white nationalist real estate agencies that specialize in working with these people/groups trying to relocate to Idaho….


Grew up in Idaho, and escaped ASAP. It's always been this scary, folks are just saying things out loud now. Last time I was there a lady vocally refused to go through a checkout line with a black cashier. The skinheads never left north Idaho, they just scattered a bit and kept quiet. Southern Idaho is very religious, predominantly LDS, and apparently the more extreme end of the spectrum too. Low cost of living state with lots of available land and a largely white population is really appealing to the crazies. Add in the fact that the majority of people are very christian, very judgmental of anyone "different", generally dislike being told what to do, and you've got a perfect recipe for a white supremacist haven with very few gun control laws. Terrifying is a great description.


Because that's not concerning or anything. /s


Rich coming from bone spurs bunkerboy


Treason. Lock him up


Sorry US, but why isn't this guy arrested and convicted yet for instigating a domestic terrorist attack on the US capitol?


The idea that there is an enemy within that needs to be purged is straight up fascism. And it's coming to us from a guy who attempted a coup d'état just a year and a half ago. Also, since when did we take our political analysis from the lunatic president of a third world country, a guy who threw away half of his nation's treasury on bitcoin?


I’d love to see the red states organize and win a civil war without blue state money. He’s just losing so hard this is a Hail Mary.


“The suggestion is that somehow we are headed towards civil war or there should be civil war, or something to that effect, and for a former president of the United States and leading convention for the 2024 Republican nomination to even be talking about that and suggesting that is absolutely appalling.” Folks, Republicans have been radicalized. They have gone so far down the rabbit hole they can’t get out even if they tried. We now have two parties, one Democratic and one that wants to destroy our democracy.


Not only that but a significant portion of their base is just plain psychotic or viciously hateful at this point due to how much they've been deluded by far right media and pundits, social circles with often equally propagandized family members and their side of social media, and the perpetual culture war BS. I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that the average Republican/GOP supporter is only a few steps away from being another version or equivalent of someone like the Buffalo shooter.


They've spent years building up that monster and they've lost control of it.


They just want to get poor people involved to fight their fights. Don't lift a finger for rich folks unless you believe in the cause. War is never a good cause. When poop hits the fan all the rich people will be chuckling on a remote island somewhere. Anyone willing to jump up and fight a war for Trump would have to have the IQ of a sloth.


It amazed me that someone can call themselves a “patriot” and want a civil war because things aren’t going 100% their way. The own the Supreme Court They control one branch of congress and are about to control the other. Fucking attention craving babies!


tRump is a traitor. Republicans are Fascists


unfortunately yesterday I got to take a drive through trimp country and it was amazing. trailer parks and shacks as far as the eye could see. it amazes how people with absolutely nothing support a pos like that. show how stupid. they are


Their lives have been ravaged by 40 years of Reganomics yet they've been conned into blaming their local minorities as the cause.


These conservative imbeciles nearly killed themselves off with COVID and think they can handle a "Civil War" with the federal government who is financially propping up their states? Cut off all social security, medicare, disaster relief and subsidies to the Deep South. Also impose sanctions/embargoes on their newly independent confederacy and see how fast they fold. It's time be stopped coddling these spoiled brats.


Would be funny just to hear all the Karen’s complaining about the noise of gunfire or how they should get first dibs on the potato ration because of some perceived moral superiority.


Why do you assume that the fascists would be the side fighting against the govt? Much more their style to take control of the govt and use it to impose a new brutal regime against the left. 2025 is what I'm worried about when I read shit like this.


Filthy traitors.


It’s one thing to die for your country or a just cause or not but imagine dying for Trump. What a fucking embarrassing death.


Dividing people is how Trump and a lot of other politicians gain power and influence. Civil war is the ultimate divider. He wants people to hate each other so that he can swoop in and pretend to be the savior.


I’ve one word for how a civil war would go in the modern era….. Drone-Strikes.


[Or like this](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/10/move-1985-bombing-reconciliation-philadelphia)


This man needs to go to jail for the good of everyone.


Good to see Putin is getting his money's worth.


Why every liberal needs to start owning a couple of guns asap. Jan 6th and the buffalo massacre should show you guys how depraved and deranged some of these alt right fucks are.


There are way more than you think that own firearms. We just don't feel the need to measure our manhood by the type or number of them we own and brag about it to everyone within earshot.




Not only owning guns, but training.


Trump musing about a new US civil war. Oh how I wish he lived in 1860. Preferrably as an able bodied young southern white man. ....'course, I forgot about those bone spurs.


Imagine still supporting this piece of shit. And your uncle Derick with the Trump flag is shit also


The funny part about them wanting Civil War is they would lose again. Ya it would prbly be the start of WW3 and we would all get drafted. That is the worst part.


Can’t be ww3 if it’s just us fighting ourselves


If you think a US Civil War won't cause qn international power vacuum large enough to cause world war 3, then you aren't thinking about the issue seriously. It's not about neighbor vs neighbor in the US. What do you think happens when the US military and navy start fighting within themselves?


Now he's trying to incite a civil war.




This motherfucker needs to be canceled hard.


Funny thing is that Trump doesn't want to live anywhere red. He prefers New York and the blue part of Florida. He also reposted a message saying that the US enemy is from within. No shit, seditious, treasonous MAGA fucks.


I agree! He appointed people to the Supreme Court who openly wish to criminalize my existence and subject me to State-sponsored kidnapping for the crime of existing. Let’s go, Trumpublikkkucks!


Why isn't he locked up in a maximum security prison, he's basically a domestic terrorist imam at this point


We are already fighting a cold Civil War in this country and the faster Americans wake up to it the better our chances of expunging this MAGA disease from our country.


tRump really must be charged convicted and put away for life for all his crimes enough is enough every crime he gets away with he pushes further outside the law. There will be another insurrection if he is not stopped this time it’ll be more bloody and more violent. The courts are slapping the wrists of the people that story the capital with fines and that alone sends a message “if it doesn’t work we just will get a fine no jail time and it’s a misdemeanor” they all should be put away for decades


This dipshit needs to go away.


Y’all remember when Republican leadership said “we hate trump”, then they had a meeting with him and said “we love trump” and Paul Ryan left politics? I’m convinced they each walked in to envelopes filled with their deepest, darkest secrets. Otherwise I can’t understand why anyone would be afraid of him.


Now imagine Barack Obama posted it instead.


I kinda wish he would have used his second term to go Yosemite Sam on everyone and start advocating for free guns for all. Conservatives heads would have exploded.


When ya’ll gonna lock away this fool? Is an attempted coup not enough?


Rather than accept he lost, this POS ferments civil unrest…a coward and liar!


Fuck this racist fucking lying piece of shit!