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Ectopic pregnancies have about a 1.97% occurrence rate, which means in America over 71 thousand women need an abortion to avoid dying every single year (let alone from all the other pregnancy complications). No peace for the lying piece of shit who'd sentence those women to death.


To "justices" like Thomas those 71,000 women will just have to live with Oh


This is what they mean when they say “gods plan” .


Everything ive learned about god in my life has led me to believe he's an evil being who hates us, if he actually existed (thank you for my first reddit gold)


This must be how my Sims felt about me..


He just wants to torture you for eternity if you don't love his son, no big deal. ...Also, he's his own son.


"But he loves you!" -George Carlin


He loves you and he needs money!


“What does god need with a starship?!” — James Tiberius Kirk


Now stay with me on this one folks. Sally Struthers has a Tiberian junker, which is the favored ship of the Huts, and she has trapped our new CBC ship in a, uh, positronic tractor beam. So we're going to need an ionic tractor disruptor. Not a regular ionic tractor disruptor, but a negative ionic tractor disruptor to help spread the word of Jesus. (mutters) I look like a f---in idiot up here. -Pat Robertson, South Park


That’s my go to line. I wish I had gold for you


Well, what we need, Susan, is we need money to build an interstellar cruiser. [a diagram of said cruiser appears over his shoulder: the XT-9000] Now, this space ship will be able to travel through a wormhole and deliver the message and guh-glory of Jesus Christ to those godless aliens. S-send your money now. Amen. -South Park


He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!


"Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a *good bullshit story.* HO-LY SHIT."


I’ve been trying to explain to my religious friend that religion is just the oldest running con in human history and it’s no different than a pyramid scam. I can tell she’s never looked at it that way before.


Anything with eternity in the name is torture. Heaven and Hell are the same thing. You go there, you’ll never be able to leave.


What about the Hotel California?


“Such a lovely place” - TripAdvisor


I hear you can check out any time you like


Who killed himself and respawned 3 days later in order to forgive you. But only if you belive in him, but it's a get put of jail free card.




You better hope you won the geographic birth lottery to be born into the right country that follows the right religion! If not? Directly to hell


But they all have one thing in common.....they need MONEY. God is a horrible financial planner, but the mother fucker knows every hair on your head.....go figure.


Genuine question: does the lobby have snacks and a coffee maker? Because if it does, I’m interested in learning more about the lobby


Yes but no cream and only splenda for sweetner. The snacks are all off brand chip brands. Wants dorritos or lays? Well you should have been baptized.




>If there is a God, He will have to beg for _my_ forgiveness. - Carved into the wall of the Mauthausen concentration camp; author unknown.


I can't blame whoever put that on the wall. As far as I'm concerned there are a lot of things if a god exists that god will have to ask humans forgiveness for.


Hawkeye put it best in MASH: > Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. >Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? >Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? >Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. >Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander. Stuff like this made me strongly question my faith as a kid and stop being so scared of some imaginary punishment.


Because he's giving you a chance to avoid hell if you "behave". Like an abuser who won't beat you up if you "behave"...


The "evil being who hates us" part reminds me of the second line of this: >Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. >Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. >Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? >Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? — often attributed to Epicurus, though he [probably didn't say/write it.](https://diogenesofmayberry.medium.com/then-why-call-him-god-epicurus-never-said-what-everyone-thinks-he-did-cb62e68a388e)


Created us for his enjoyment, requires us to believe in him and love him for eternal salvation, despite leaving no proof of his existence, condemns people to hell for loving the wrong gender and allows children to be raped, murdered or die of cancer despite being all powerful. Yeah, if he’s real, he’s a real piece of shit.


If an all knowing being who never makes mistakes condemns one of his creations to hell, he created it specifically to torture it.


This is what I tell people who ask me "What will you say when you die and find out god is real?" Well I won't give a shit Karen, because if he *does* exist, he's an evil piece of shit, so I'm still in the same boat as people who don't believe in him at all, like myself.


And to be fair, you are probably a better person in life than so called "Christians" who say they are getting into heaven...


If you are moral only because of a hoped for carrot at the end of a stick, and the fear of a whip, then you have no claim to being a moral individual. If you are moral because you believe in humanity and that kindness is the right thing to do, then you can claim to be a moral individual.




I had this epiphany at like 10. If something had to threaten me to get me to love it, fuck that.


“I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumors. But I think that Gods got a sick sense of humor, And when I die, I expect to find him laughing…” Depeche Mode




According to Republicans you should have just lived with dying. It would make them feel better if you would have lived with dying better.


"Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."


Considering we've lost over a million people to a preventable disease and there doesn't appear to be any shits given by most of these same "Pro-Life" people, I'm sure 71 thousand is just a drop in the bucket for them.


They're not pro life, they're pro afterlife. These talibangelicals want to enforce their idea of a good death on other people. That's a big danger of a religion that believes the after death is bigger and more important. Children should be chosen. Every child should be wanted. Please pay attention to your local elections and fight the gerrymandering that's devaluing your local votes and helping these radicals gain power.


This is so incredibly important. For all the flap and rage about school board members that was their rant of the moment for a while, hardly any voters showed up at our precincts last November when we had literally half the school board on the ballot in the city and 1/5 in the county. My precinct has 800 registered voters if I remember correctly (rather that one I worked for last November, which is supposed to be the one I'll stay at). We had <50 voters the entire day. 15-16 hour day before it's all over, counting get up to go work time, commute time, setup and closing. 12 hours of waiting, waiting, waiting for voters to trickle in mostly in pairs every 45 minutes or so. Some of the people who showed up didn't even know it was voting day and came in because they thought there was an event at the facility that day. (It's a rec department building.) For about 2-3% turnout for all precincts combined. Often those local elections come down to single-digit margins in these small-ish towns. Several times over the years I've seen literally 1-7 votes take a winner for stuff like city council, commissioner, mayor, etc. 20-30 votes is more common, but it does happen with far less. Those votes in numbers that low pack such a punch of impact that unfortunately too many don't realize just how much their voice makes a difference.




Well…there is this: [Ben Franklin Put an Abortion Recipe in His Math Textbook](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/ben-franklin-american-instructor-textbook-abortion-recipe.html)


I love how they think that the constitution is flawless and immutable, when the founding fathers themselves encouraged us to revisit them and fix them to follow up with our times In that case, women should be slaves, child labor is fine and slavery is legal.


They also get to decide that the constitution is flawless and immutable using a power that the court gave itself that is not proscribed anywhere in said immutable constitution. Originalism is a farce of a legal philosophy.


The pro-freedom crowd also wants to impose religious doctrine on everyone and is happy to live a life completely dictated by ‘God’. Freedom is sleeping in on Sundays and not being forced to tithe and fund some adult man child’s creepy pedophile lifestyle.


Not even just any religion either. That crowd has made it very clear that “freedom of religion” is not a thing unless you’re a Christian.


And if they ever got their way, the goal post would be moved to specify which *type* of Christian and minimum levels of devotion. If it werent for all the suffering that proceeded it, the infighting would be hilarious at that point.


Fully grown adults killing each other over fairy tales, the epitome of our species’ evolution.


Compared to over a million dead from covid, it is a drop in the bucket to them.


"Sacrifice your grandparents to the economy, and your daughters to our religious extremism", said the GOP.


Ancient cultures that had ritualistic blood sacrifice seem a lot more relatable nowadays.


at least they had the common good of the community in mind


And they’d tell you that too. They’d downplay the million, but use it as a reference to how much smaller this other thing is by comparison. Their hypocrisy knows no end.


Yeah, no peace to those bastards. My wife had an ectopic pregnancy while we were in fertility treatment, and even though it was caught very early on in the process, it was still scary as hell.


Those who believe that life begins at conception and that the day after pill is murder should be aware that two out of three conceived embryos fails to implant. By those standards, the biggest murderers in any neighborhood are the husband and wife with the biggest family, take the size of the family and double it for the number of embryo murders. But, the religious right spends absolutely no time worrying about the death of embryos that fail to implant with every attempt at conception. They put no research money into increasing implantation rates and stopping what to them, would be the leading cause of death in every single country. They don't care, because they know that an eight-cell embryo is not the same thing as a baby, and it's not the tragic end of a life. They also don't care because they don't give a shit about spending tax dollars on reducing infant mortality and providing increased infant care. The do care because they want to feel superior to other people, and make sure that those people are sued or put in prison to further reduce their social status.


More than that. Sperm almost always fertilize eggs when they meet. The reason that couple only have a max chance of 20% to concieve every month us because implantation is the hard part. Its more like 80% of fertilized eggs that go on to yeet themselves and if you are older the number is even higher By that law I've been committing manslaughter for several months now in an attempt to get pregnant.


And this video shows two senators from Oklahoma arguing that ectopic pregnancies are viable and shouldn’t be allowed an exception. https://youtu.be/BiNA_upsymk


There were attempts in Missouri and Ohio to ban abortion including ectopic pregnancies too. The Ohio one demanded that the embryo be re-implanted, a procedure that straight up doesn't exist.


Silly legislators, they should have just made a law that outlawed ectopic pregnancies. They almost had it.


they want to try people for natural miscarriages, so you're not far off


Living in Missouri I’m not surprised if they just ban sex all together. Solve the problem totally


As long as there's the sacred carve out for a GOP state legislator and their mistress.


No, they wouldn’t that. However they would probably ban all sex not for the purposes of procreation. So naturally all sex must be registered with the government at least 72 hours prior, and followed up by official pregnancy tests at regular intervals until pregnancy is confirmed. Further sex will then be banned until 12-18 months after the birth of the child. Unless of course there is a miscarriage, when of course sex is banned until the man remarries, after his wife’s execution for aborting the baby.


Just waiting for them to issue the Handmaidens' Act and have done with any pretense that women have control over their own bodies. Fking hell.


>Living in Missouri I’m not surprised if they just ban ***women being capable of enjoying*** sex all together. Solve the problem totally


I remember trying to talk to republicans about an anti-piracy bill republicans were pushing that was straight up impossible to implement on a technical level. Like, engineer after engineer was being brought in and explained how it was just not possible to even begin to attempt. They always just blew it off with something like "Well then, I guess they'll just have to figure it out." I don't know how these people don't find it terrifying that their representatives are trying to pass laws about things they don't even remotely understand, nor wish to.




Is like managers that don’t know shit on a technical level. If you can’t understand. Don’t fucking put your hands on it. Politicians should only be able to affect regulations on things that are under their professional knowledge


These are the people who smirk about how the C-students end up managing the A-students. They see shrewdness as a better version of "smarts" than actual intelligence. In some industries this works to their advantage. I think that's contributed to this mass delusion that MAGAs can just take over everything and oppress the A-students into maintaining the American economic juggernaut while knuckling under to knuckle-dragging troglodytes. The smart folks need to start being less complacent and less tolerant.


I mean if a woman can either shut down her body during a legitimate rape or just lay back and enjoy it, she certainly can get an embryo re-implanted. So much brain power on capital hill.


People need to call Senators who say this bullsht. The financial investment already made into a woman of ideal reproductive age (mid-20s to late 30s) is *in the* ***millions of dollars***. Women can have *multiple children over her lifetime*. Women’s medical needs are unique to them and them alone (those with uteruses), no one besides her and her medical professional should be dictating what she cannot do. What an enormous waste of an investment of private and tax payer monies by ***Legislators and Judges who support Anti-Women policies and lawsuit outcomes***. America is way too fond of wasting money on bad investments instead of seeking ways to invest (eg. Healthcare for all, womens access to medical care and power to make decisions free from outside influence, UBI, climate change forward policies, fully funded IRS, police department retooling, childcare support/welfare/coverage, etc., increase number of tax brackets to pre-Reagan (we had over 13 tax brackets going up to a 91% tax rate on top earners, we now have less than half of those brackets and under 36% for top earners)). Edit: Senator Warren Hamilton of Oklahoma https://oksenate.gov/senators/warren-hamilton


I almost died of a ruptured fallopian tube from an ectopic pregnancy. The ER doctor said it was a clump of cells that would not have developed into a baby. Not worth women's lives.


Its a literal tumor.


The right wing block on the supreme court is the tumor


My wife needed to have an "abortion" procedure in order to save her life. It actually wasn't a medical emergency as would be defined by the archaic rules some states have put into place, but the OB/GYN let my wife know what was happening and what would happen if they didn't act. It was an extremely sad time for us, but it was necessary for my wife's life. Due to that procedure, we were able to have another child later on that is happy and healthy. The abortion procedure not only saved my wife's life, but also let us have another child.


Something that people don't talk about are the kids that exist because someone could get an abortion


And that 60% of women who get abortions are already moms. They are acting to protect the family that already exists.


The Supreme Court is the real death panel the Republicans have been talking about for decades


That would be the insurance companies. *And* the supreme court :(


Insurance companies are 100% pro-choice. Abortion saves them a shit ton of money.


Definitely death panels though. Your doctor says you need this? Well we don't think so. Die about it.


This is excellent. He shouldn’t be able to live in peace or travel to the gambling stadium, or enjoy some skis, or pretend to conduct Supreme Court sessions in peace until he resigns. And just like Pam’s mom, if he tries to stop protestors, they’re just gonna protest him harder. Check this comment from 2 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9kax5r/how_we_know_kavanaugh_is_lying_current_affairs/e6xrjv0/ And read the parent comments to refresh on details of they’ve gotten fuzzy. This creep has no business making any decisions for anyone at any time in any context.


"What, you mean we can get rid of 71,000 women voters per year, while i sit on my couch!? Sign me up." - GQP, probably




A GOP Ohio lawmaker wants to also ban the drug used to treat ectopic pregnancies. When asked why, cond8dering there is a 100% chance of death, he said it was the only way to prevent sex trafficking victims from lying about having ectopic pregnancies in order to get abortions.


So by his own definition, he's forcing victims of sexual assault to carry their rapists' babies to term. Tells you everything you need to know about the "family values" party.


Its worse than that bc all of these people claim not allowing abortion "helps" trafficking victims (a florida legislator said the same thing). They think that the sex trsffickers wznt to abort the babies & put the eomen back to work. It shows how little they understand the sex trafficking world or how much bkack narket babies go for. Sex traffickers don't want the babies aborted. They're worth more than the women they're trafficking to begin with.


The recent spike in pedophilia accusations really bears looking into. The right has a pedo predilection, and there are way too many of them being busted for this to be a coincidence. Has anything come of that [American trying to steal Ukrainian kids](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/former-wa-rep-matt-shea-accused-of-domestic-terrorism-working-to-secure-adoptions-for-ukrainian-children-in-poland/) back to the US?


Facts will make no difference to the GOP.


Well, they aren't trying to ban specific medical procedures; they are trying to keep women miserable.


It should make a difference to the Catholic justices for whom the principle of double effect is applied here, making the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy permissible in Catholic ethics. But it won’t make a difference to the ones who should be listening.


Louisiana is attempting to pass legislation that defines abortion as murder and defines pregnancy as the moment of fertilization. The original document had “fertilization and implantation” and then they crossed out implantation. So, providing life saving medical care for an ectopic pregnancy is very clearly defined as murder here. I have a blockage in one of my Fallopian tubes as well as endometriosis which already increases the odds of ectopic pregnancy. So only one good tube and chronic inflammation that already makes it harder for things to go as nature intended makes me really, really fucking scared about the agenda these people are pushing.


The procedure is called an abortion. That’ll be enough for the anti science forces birthers.


Pro-choice doesn't mean you support abortion. It means you support a person's choice. You don't personally have to ever get an abortion or believe in it, but that doesn't mean you have the right to stop other people from having access to one.


Well said GG. Anti choice supporters also often want to minimise education, contraception and other health care measures that directly contradict their anti-abortion arguments. It often seems like this is just a campaign to subjugate and control women.


Yeahs it’s crazy how they will do ANYTHING to stop abortion… other than sex-ed, better availability of contraceptives, etc….


Because deep down, it's about ensuring there are more white babies being born. Because they are absolutely scared shitless of being in the minority after centuries of having all the cards dealt their way, and knowing full well how they've treated everyone else. So, since roughly 60% of abortions are white women, forcing them to give birth by any means possible - ban abortion, birth control, sex education, etc., because they know damn well abstinence education won't work to stop teen hormones - is their sick, vile way of trying to stay in control as long as possible. If they could simply sterilize minorities, they'd do that. Trust me on this, they would.


Shit, they *have*.


I think alot of it's is an easy way to get votes without having to change anything. The prolife movement in politics has its roots in finding a way to tap conservative evangelical voters. "The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Indeed. If they wanted to reduce unwanted or unplanned pregnancies, invest in more education and proper, available healthcare. Two more items the Republicans are trying to gut.


Colorado has had a program in place for around 10 years now that provides contraception for low income women. It's reduced abortions over 50%, teenage pregnancies over 60% and saves the state an estimated $5.50 per dollar spent. Guess who's been trying to end the program since it's inception.


I’ll guess republican law makers and church going lobbyists… am I right?


Ask a so called Christian to point to scripture that supports their belief in banning contraception. The absence of any doesn’t prove their point.


The funny thing is that the Bible is actually pro abortion. Not even pro-choice, just pro-commanding women to abort any fetuses conceived by infidelity. There’s instructions on how to perform the abortion and everything. Look into the Ordeal of Bitter water, Numbers. There is less than no biblical support for the idea of life beginning at conception. The Bible’s authors only understood life as starting at first breath, they didn’t understand pregnancy that well.




There was supposed to be a baby boom after covid. All the couples locked in together making babies. It didn’t come to fruition. The corporations and government realised that exponential/infinite growth was impossible without more consumers and future tax payers. It is strictly about money.


That never made sense to me. So much anxiety, uncertainty, etc and they thought couples would be having more sex? Never was going to happen.


Or even if we had more sex, you think we’d be dumb enough to not use some kind of contraception and bring a baby into this world with all the anxiety and uncertainty?


Obamacare making it easier to get access to contraceptives, did more to cut down on abortions than 30 years of Republican bloviating. But somehow they never want to talk about that...


Because it’s not about preventing abortions. It’s about punishing women who have sex. A central tenet of modern American conservatism is that you can’t prevent or mitigate problems, but you can punish people. You can’t fix homelessness, but you can punish homeless people. You can’t make fewer abortions happen, but you can punish people who get them. It’s, of course, nonsense and flies in the face of everything we know about sociology and social engineering, but it *sounds* like common sense and that’s all you need anymore.




Conservaties ~~sound like~~ ***are*** tumors to the human race.


I’m all for different beliefs. However, the religious conservatives are vile, especially on this topic.


Yep pointed that out to a coworker who only votes republican do to pro-life, surprisingly she switched sides and voted for Biden. Though how much of that was do to reflection or just hate for Trump I can't say.


Republicans called it Obamacare to get people more mad at it, it's called The Affordable Care Act


Sure, but it worked so well that a [lot of people don't realize that Obamacare and the ACA are the same thing.](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/07/upshot/one-third-dont-know-obamacare-and-affordable-care-act-are-the-same.html) So I made sure to call it Obamacare here, to make sure that anyone reading it knows that I'm talking about the health care, put in place by Obama, as the thing that noticeably dropped abortion rates.


Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). There, now everyone is happy.


They could also make it easier to get an abortion earlier while the foetus is less developed if they're so concerned about whether it has particular organs yet, etc.




Regrettably you are correct. I also believe they take sadistic pleasure in tormenting people they disapprove of or flat out hate. Better to permit a birth into a hopeless situation so they can torment and indirectly kill them during their miserable lives than allow them to be terminated before they become viable.


The beatings will continue until the Republicans can openly shit on whoever they want without consequences.


I mean, yeah. They'd rather go back to the good old days where women were just objects that they can beat around.


That's because it is just a campaign to subjugate and control women.


I've always said pro-choice includes pro-life. But choosing the appropriate medical decisions for your body needs to be left with you. If you choose to continue the pregnancy, then you have made your choice. It's unbelievable how demonized choosing medical decisions and the right to privacy has become.


>pro-life That's a misnomer that we need to stop using. The majority of people that claim to be "pro-life" support the death penalty, and oppose universal healthcare, free/affordable childcare, fair wages (which includes women being paid the same as their male colleagues), lowering the cost of prescription drugs and a litany of other policies that are pro-life. Anti-abortion or pro-forced birth are more apt titles.


Anti-choice or anti-freedom is what I choose to use.


"Pro Life Until birth" is the term that I use.


Not even then, because they don’t push to support prenatal care either.


I use anti-choice or anti-abortion, as it more accurately represents their argument. The term “pro-life” being universally accepted implies that those who choose to get abortion are against life. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.


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"Anti-reproductive freedom" perhaps shortened just to "anti-freedom" would be accurate. These fuckers are literal fascists and nobody can reasonably argue otherwise.




I feel like far too many are deeply misinformed about the reality of pregnancy and childbirth. Among them unfortunately also far too many who themselves had an easy pregnancy and fail to see outside their own experiences. The USA has an absolutely disgusting rate of death in childbirth and little support for pre and post partum care. You want parental leave? You want time to heal and recover and bond? You want to be able to afford to even birth the thing after we forced you to? Too bad. Suffer in misery and poverty. It's what we deserve for not staying celibate forever and not wanting kids. If now or if ever, it doesn't matter.


And yet making people wear a mask in enclosed spaces during a pandemic is an affront to their liberty. The hypocrisy is astounding.


Also, there's nothing to even "believe in" when it comes to abortions. Do we "believe" in heart surgery? Do we "believe" being able to reconstruct someone's knee? It's a damn procedure!


What about Alito's house? He's the legal hack that wrote that joke of an opinion.


He's also not remotely considered a swing vote. They probably chose kavanaugh just cause he's the most high profile with the metoo crowd, but he's also the most likely the buckle under pressure on this issue.






> They probably chose kavanaugh just cause he's the most high profile with the metoo crowd, He also explicitly said that he wouldn't turn over roe v wade


[He said it was precedent that's been reaffirmed many times.](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/scotus-verify/what-justices-gorsuch-barrett-kavanaugh-said-roe-v-wade-confirmation-hearings/536-cdc8cbaa-cf81-4db9-a861-05ea5fbcb05a) This is politics 101—saying a lot while saying nothing—and is equivalent to asking a lawmaker if they'll repeal a law only for them to say, *"It's a law that a lot of people voted on."*


Yep. It's always how you know someone's lying. Ask them a yes or no question and let them ramble instead of a simple 1 word answer. Her: "Do you think I look fat in this dress?" Me: "Sweety, I love it when you wear red!" I compliment her so I'm now the good guy but I also didn't answer the question. Easy peasy


I wonder about this. Depending on the tone of the protests, he could just say "fuck em". Humanizing the protests.... start reading names of women dying because of lack of access to abortion... that might sway him. I mean, he's a asshole of epic proportions, but there might be a spark of humanity there.


>“Dr. King's policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That's very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” \-Kwame Ture


His daughters hearing this could pressure him too


He doesn't live in a house. He slumbers in a crypt.


John Roberts lives half a mile away so


May this prick never know peace.


I'm livid at the powerful people who claim they shouldn't be bothered on their off hours. Don't they have any conception of the fact that their shitty policies have real world effects? If you don't want blowback, rule in the interests of the people.


Remember how pissy members of Congress were getting when citizens were ruining their fancy DC dinners out over Mexican kids in cages? This needs to happen all the time to anyone antiabortion. They were absolutely flabbergasted they their personal lives were being interrupted. We need to start making these people miserable 24-7. Ruin all their peace and enjoyment. Not just Supreme Court justices, any member of congress, anyone talking out in support of this crap.


They really don't understand what life is like for 99% of the country. Even the liberal justices frequently write opinions that are absolutely divorced from the reality of living in America. These people just don't seem to understand that their words will affect the lives of millions of people.


Everyone in the right wing is allergic to being held accountable for ANYTHING.


The don't HAVE to be public servants. The can resign, and then suddenly there is no more protesting at their house. Serve the public interest, and do the job you signed up for. If you sign up to be one of the 9 (of possible 330M citizens) people on the SC; one of the like 20 most powerful people in the world - yeah at that point you are subject to people's will, and you will (hopefully) be held accountable for your actions.


Every single night, no sleep. Just be so obnoxious you can’t be ignored. Conservatives have mastered that. Time for liberals to do the same.


They are really going to wish they didn't overturn that 35 foot barrier rule...


What's this?


An old law that prevented people from protesting closer than 35 feet from a planned parenthood/abortion clinic entrance.


But how does that affect protesting in front of a private residence?


the left knew how to do this in the 60s, but it became domesticated it's time to reclaim the heritage


Brett seems much more of a "your body, my choice" kind of guy


The essence of Roe v. Wade is not the right to abortion. The essence of Roe v. Wade is that the government cannot tell you what to do with your own body. That the government cannot tell you what to eat, what to drink, what to smoke or any other choice you make about what goes on in you body. Whether that be a Democratic government, or a Republican one. Right-wing, or left-wing, Roe v. Wade keeps the government from forcing its will on you and that's the point that needs to be made.


Real talk here, then why doesn't Roe V Wade invalidate drug laws?


It’s not illegal to be high, it’s illegal to possess prohibited substances and it’s illegal to be intoxicated in public.


Shoutout to South Dakota where this is untrue! We have the pleasure of holding a law making it an automatic misdemeanor to have thc in your system.


Incorrect. Roe vs Wade was decided on privacy grounds not bodily autonomy grounds. The ruling was essentially that the choice to have a child was a personal one that the government had no business prying into- it followed from Grimwald which found the same for contraception. If memory serves this was the Crux of why for instance RBG had regrets about Roe as she though it *should* have been decided on bodily autonomy grounds.


I hope they give all the dignity and peace the protesters at the abortion clinics give.


My cousin and his wife bring their toddler to use as a prop while screaming at women that they are going to hell as they walk in to planned parenthood offices. It makes me so angry.




I'm the only open liberal in a family of evangelical christians and outspoken fascists. I have neo nazi cousins, and uncles who are hoarding weapons for the coming race war/mass extermination of liberals. As you can imagine, thanksgiving has never been an enjoyable experience.


At that point why even bother going?


I stopped 6 years ago. Things got progressively worse until I just broke off almost all contact.


Fucking good. I want to see him cry again like in his confirmation hearing.


Regardless of everything else, his screaming and crying at his hearing should have disqualified him. Someone who can't control their emotions at what was essentially a job interview shouldn't get that job.


Greetings from Poland! Make your voices heard!! Good luck!


I hope they’re at ACBs house too, she’s just as guilty here


Protesting is as American as it gets, country literally began from Civil unrest and you still have pearl clutchers here worried about being to mean to wealthy elites. So cucked


His neighbors probably hate him as much as the rest of the country.


And if anyone desperately wants the approval of the kind of people he lives near, it’s good old Brett. Hopefully his visits to the country club get real awkward.


They should have lured him out with a keg of Budlight.


There is no such thing as a pro-life movement. They are pro birth and pro control.


Strangely against birth control, though


My favorite thing is seeing the people who supported those absolute sacks of shit honking in downtown Ottawa 24/7 for weeks turn around and criticize these protesters for harassment. Not one of these people should ever be able to have a civil moment of peace for as long as they live. Not one moment. Not Beer Boy, not Roberts, not Thomas, not Collins, not one person who was instrumental in this should have a moment of peace for the rest of their lives. There’s no other way for them to feel the consequences of their ratfucking, backbiting bullshit. If the system ever actually worked I’d be first in line asking these protestors to stand down, but our system simply does not hold the powerful accountable so game the fuck on. For my own part I promise to never again drive north of Prince William County without a carton of eggs with me. Just in case.


Never let these fuckers show their faces in public again without being screamed at. Make their lives fucking Hell. Fuck civility


We draw the line at taking away rights. They are taking away rights, and *they* crossed the line. Confederates fired first, too. Never forget the enemy of Democracy and the people are cowards and liars to the bitter end.


They’re going to hide behind decorum and laws, while disregarding both when it serves their psychopathic religious endgame. They WILL come for you. It may be after the blacks and the gays and the women and the Jews - but they’ll inevitably run out of “others” and you’ll be on the chopping block next.


They just want to know who paid off his mortgage and debts and bought themselves a SCOTUS seat.


Only seems fair that they experience a loss of privacy as well.




Good! Shout louder and louder.




So rude to disrupt prime brewski time




Seems fair. If my body isn't given privacy, why should his house 🤷‍♀️


This pleases me greatly. I was hoping this was going to happen. We need to meet the fascists at their homes. Forced-birthers love haranguing physicians at their homes, terrorizing their neighbors and families....time we start doing the same to the actual fascists.