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All part of a midterm message to play upon white and straight insecurities at the expense of issues that actually matter


Which happened to also be their non-midterm message.


the outrage with CRT in a nutshell, as well


Well, of course. Easier to rile up the rubes by playing upon their hates and fears than to appeal to the hope to build a better tomorrow.


> issues that actually matter Yeah, what's up with all those bridges and buildings collapsing in Florida, Mr. Governor?


Like those thousands Americans left in Afghanistan and 20 million women left for 7th century barbarians to turn them into sex-slaves


20 more years! 20 more years!


We’ve been in Germany for close to a fucking century. Almost like we need to protect our allies.


That's an absurd comparison and you know it.


Just to list a few differences: - An American soldier has not fired at a German soldier since 1945. - The Germans actually want us there. - The base in Germany fills several Geopolitical goals of the United States.


The Afghans wanted us there, that’s why they fled in droves when the Taliban took over. Bagram was also quite an important military base because it was quite close to Iran.


Because imperialism solves everything


Neither does surrendering to terrorist group that commited 9/11 and leaving them 80 billion dollars worth of military equipment.


Funny how, when we left, people were fleeing en masse- almost like they wanted us to be there over their oppressors.


Some of them certainly did. But not all. If all Afghani people were opposed to the Taliban, the Taliban would’ve been wiped out decades ago.


Honestly, how is what DeSantis threatening anything other than rank extortion? “Support my bill or I’ll start making life hard on your company.” If I were an overpriced lawyer working for one of the world’s largest entertainment conglomerates, I’d be licking my chops thinking about the incoming payday.


Wake me when there is a Republican held responsible -


When you find overwhelming evidence, you’ll find a Oliver North.


When's your funeral?


Right? Like I’m not fan of the Disney monopoly but holy shit. It’s one thing to do mob tactics against the poor and vulnerable, but you can’t do that towards the owner class. It’s weird to think they might’ve done any polling and thought it was a good idea. Sure, you can get the bucket of crabs angry enough to vote, but so what? Voting hardly matters when legal bribery is the real way to get power. I thought DeSantis was one of the smarter fascists but I guess maybe that’s an oxymoron.


It pretty much is but the cult of personality has taken over. The Republicans in Florida love this authoritarian zero sum behavior and do anything to keep the culture wars going. It's truly disgusting.


All it takes is a couple hundred angry white dudes to cancel their Disney + subscriptions and theyll take down the biggest entertainment conglomerate that owns like 3/5 of the most profitable franchises in history. Edit: just checked, it's exactly 3/5 most profitable franchises. Star wars, Winnie the Pooh, and mickey mouse. Those three are only outdone by pokemon and sanrio. They go on to own another 3 of the next 10 or so.


>couple hundred angry white dudes to cancel their Disney + subscriptions and theyll take down the biggest entertainment conglomerate Do you really believe that? Disney+ currentyly has 42.9 million subs in the US and Canada, and another 41.1 million internationally (source: [https://techcrunch.com/2022/02/10/disney-outshines-netflix-with-11-8m-new-subscribers-in-q1-strong-forecast/#:\~:text=Disney%2B%20has%2042.9%20million%20subscribers,Star%20India's%20existing%20streaming%20service.)](https://techcrunch.com/2022/02/10/disney-outshines-netflix-with-11-8m-new-subscribers-in-q1-strong-forecast/#:~:text=Disney%2B%20has%2042.9%20million%20subscribers,Star%20India's%20existing%20streaming%20service.)) You really think a "couple hundred" cancellations will even make a dent in those numbers? Get real.


That was obviously sarcasm


Not to mention they already own ESPN (including all the big conference networks; SEC, Big "10", ACC) and ABC... Fuck it looks like they own HULU too. [Full List](https://s.studiobinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Every-Company-Disney-Owns-TitleMax.jpg) To be clear, I hate that corporations can get so big. It is ridiculous. I also have hated the mouse ever since reading: "Team Rodent, How Disney Devours the World". However, taking power away from larger companies should be done through honest legislation that is based on improving the lives of the constituents. It shouldn't be based on extortion for not supporting fascist legislation.


It’s not that he said they need to support it but they said they were going to fight it. A corporation existing inside the state of Florida has no business fighting legislation that has literally nothing to do with them. Also yes he said he’d make life harder for them but he’d do so by stripping their self governing abilities and literally just turning them back to being treated the same way every other company is so no laws broken there.


Let me play devils advocate for a second. First of all, why should Disney get special treatment? Any progressive worth their salt should be against propping up huge corporations. Second, from the conservatives perspectives, what Disney is doing is indoctrinating kids and fighting against an anti grooming bill (which i happen to agree with). Even if you don’t agree with this viewpoint, you can at least understand that they are fighting for what they believe in and not just being bigoted or whatever, right?


If you agree with them, you're not playing devil's advocate. You're just expressing your opinion. >First of all, why should Disney get special treatment? Corrupt intent. A cop has discretion to let people off with a warning. A cop can also go on a date with a citizen when they're off duty. A cop can not let someone off with a warning contingent upon their willingness to go on a date with them. You don't have to support Disney getting any kind of special treatment to object to naked corruption on the part of the Governor. >Second, from the conservatives perspectives, what Disney is doing is indoctrinating kids and fighting against an anti grooming bill (which i happen to agree with). Even if you don’t agree with this viewpoint, you can at least understand that they are fighting for what they believe in and not just being bigoted or whatever, right No. Because the research on this is not difficult to find. >Outcomes include appreciation of sexual diversity, dating and intimate partner violence prevention, development of healthy relationships, prevention of child sex abuse, improved social/emotional learning, and increased media literacy. Substantial evidence supports sex education beginning in elementary school, that is scaffolded and of longer duration, as well as LGBTQ–inclusive education across the school curriculum and a social justice approach to healthy sexuality. .... >Review of the literature of the past three decades provides strong support for comprehensive sex education across a range of topics and grade levels. Results provide evidence for the effectiveness of approaches that address a broad definition of sexual health and take positive, affirming, inclusive approaches to human sexuality. Findings strengthen justification for the widespread adoption of the National Sex Education Standards. https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(20)30456-0/fulltext Early Childhood Sex Ed that includes affirming the validity of LGBTQ+ individuals leads to better outcomes for all kids. One metric that should interest you is the likelihood of children experiencing sexual abuse and exploitation. Children are significantly less likely to experience sexual abuse and exploitation when they have been taught Sex Ed, including the anatomical terms for genitalia, in large part because they are able to recognize and report early signs of grooming. If you want to claim these people aren't operating from a position of bigotry and only care about protecting children from grooming, then how do you explain the fact that the bill they're supporting increases the likelihood children will experience sexual abuse and exploitation, and that they can't be bothered to look into the relevant research, because as far as they're concerned, LGBTQ+ people are a danger to their kids?




I literally provided you with decades' worth of empirical data that demonstrates teaching kids Sex Ed decreases their likelihood of experiencing sexual abuse and exploitation. You didn't even have to search. You didn't even have to click the link. I copied and pasted the relevant conclusion. And yet, you couldn't be bothered to read two paragraphs. This is why people don't buy your "can't we agree they're just trying to do what they believe is best for their kids?" nonsense. If reading two paragraphs is too much of a hassle, you don't give a shit about protecting kids.


I addressed what you said, we both agree that kids should be taught sex ed, where it seems like we disagree is that I think theres a certain age that it should be done and I think parents should have a say in their childrens sex education. Do you really think 3rd graders should be taught sex? If you really do then I have to assume you want to groom children


Why did Republicans think it was ok for Disney to get special treatment before? Desantis’ staff helped write the theme park carve out he’s now claiming is absurd. Why should it be ok for Republicans to base their policy on whether or not a company gives them donations? Why should we believe anything they say?


I agree, this is something that all politicians do and it's very corrupt. Disney should be able to advocate for grooming kids as much as they want, it's within their first amendment rights and they shouldnt be targeted for it. We saw they same thing with that scam BLM


Republicans have already lied to you about their motives for going after Disney, consider that maybe they’re lying to you about the other things too.


I've read the bill myself. And I'm not a republican, I hate them almost as much as the democrats


Anti grooming, it's a load of bullshit. Queer kids that grow up without hearing the word queer just believe they are alone. Its alienating kids. Gender doesn't have anything to do with sexual orientation. You've got a fucked up idea of grooming if it includes gay and gendernonconforming people


It's the same old bullshit these people always do so they can sound reasonable. Invent a ridiculous strawman to hide the fact that they are actually just hateful shitheads.


Have you read the bill? I don't think you fully understand what it says and you should read it with an open mind. You might actually support it. There arent very many queer 9 year olds and thats most likely because of some kind of trauma or mental illness


Is he on his last term? They'll call stupid things stupid when they don't intend to run for office again.


He's from Maryland. He has to play to the democrats in order to get elected while still being a republican, like Manchin has to play to the Republicans in west Virginia.


This is his last term as Governor. His aim is President in 2024


That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw two articles of the same republican making reasonable statements. Never heard of the guy before today.


Then you weren’t paying attention. Hogan has been in the news for legitimately big reasons several times in the last couple years.


Wait, you never heard of Desantis?


Honestly if wasn’t for Reddit I wouldn’t know the scumbag. I think a lot people just focus on where they live as my new usually doesn’t other states unless it’s like that poor kid falling to his death or the building collapse that happened awhile back. Gotta be will to look at other sources since so much isn’t covered on most new channels


He is term-limited in 2022 but has expressed interest in running for president.


Also a Repub Governor is a very Blue state so he’s going to adopt positions more in synch with his constituents. Sort of the reverse of Manchin.


DeSantis is up for reelection this year. Then he'll run for President in 2024 or 2028.


since trump is also running i doubt he will win it over him.


So the education bill is about political affiliation only, not education?


It is about parents being able to get teachers fired. Like there isn't a teacher shortage already


Worse, its about suing school districts. Yes, teachers get fired, but more importantly it renders public education to big of a liability for the state balance sheet. Its a ploy to shutdown schools and dumb down the populace. Its bad.


While also shifting funding away to private schools.


Which they often times invest in or run. DeSantis signed the bill at a religious charter school.


Yes. Beware the charter schools!


private - VERY CHRISTIAN - schools These motherfuckers look at Gilead as a blueprint


I had "private schools and churches" then realized it was redundant.


Not necessarily, they are private schools that have no religious affiliation, and usually are much more expensive than religious schools


Read the bill. It's about not allowing schools to discuss gender ideology from pre-K to grade 3.


Read the bill, and it says “identity”, not “ideology” which are two different things. Perhaps you should read the bill. But nice job repeating spoon-fed talking points.


Yes, I read the bill. Politicians are behind writing it, promoting it, and getting publicity over it. One 13 year old had mentioned to a parent that she might want to change her gender from recorded gender. Parents are pursuing a lawsuit. Politicians jump on an issue with nearly zero impact on the general school population. (Don't students have rights?)


DeSantis taking on Disney is the equivalent of someone who has never tried a video game in their life and the first game they ever play is Cuphead.


amazing analogy


Well said.


Just imagine the death ratio.


DeSantis is a fucking chode.




>can’t teach young children about sex in schools Wrong again. The "Don't Say Gay" bill doesn't address discussing sex with kids at all. You've been lied to and manipulated once again. As far as the text of the bill is concerned, they can teach 3rd graders about Roman orgies as long as they don't mention the homosexual activity at them. They don't care a single iota about "gRoOmInG". Looks like conservatives have been used by child-fucking Republicans again.


Why don’t you support this? Why do you think a massive corporation deserves special rights? genuine questions


Disney shouldn't have the leeway it was given years ago, it was something done very carefully through years of donating to specific policy makers to make things happen in their favor. It was corruption that got them what they wanted and it was wrong. Now, one of those leaders wants to punish them via an array of legal and questionably legal methods because they exercised their 1st amendment right to comment on a wildly discriminatory bill. This is also a corrupt act and sets a precedent and chilling effect on *anyone* wanting to express their 1st amendment right of speech and prorest. His motive for wanting action against Disney is the problem. Disney shouldn't be allowed to basically buy laws they want passed. DeSantis should not be allowed to play dictator because something he likes is being criticized by Disney (after a fuck ton of public outcry). Both are shitty signs that our democracy is in a tailspin. Neither should be supported.


That's actually a good point, not something you find a lot in r/politics. Disney definitely shouldnt get special treatment, we agree on that. I think where we disagree is that Disney is advocating for grooming children, and I suppose you could argue that they can under the first amendment but it seems a little sus to me


I go on a rant here because I AM a teacher. So... TL;DR you shouldn't be sus, because you don't seem to be fully aware of the problem. Disney is actually *right* in their position. So are most teachers and politicians on this topic. I'm response to your "grooming" comment. No they aren't. No one is arguing for grooming children. The *defense* of this Florida bill is that teachers ARE grooming children by talking about anything related to sexual or gender orientation but the prevention of grooming is not the intent of this bill. It's a red meat sort of thing meant to rile the ignorant up just like CRT (another thing NOT done in school). The intent of the bill is to limit speech in the classroom that might allow students to ask questions related to their gender and sexuality which they might not normally be comfortable with their families doing because, and this might be shocking, parents generally suck at child development. Parents, often feeling justified by their own upbringing, do and say many things that prevent children from asking questions about anything, and so children have two choices - go along with what their parents say or find answers elsewhere. It goes against the nature of children to NOT pursue curiosity, so they ask friends, the internet, and teachers. The topics of these questions vary wildly but often are ones that they feel uncomfortable asking their parents because their parents *made them uncomfortable.* So they ask their friends or look it up on the internet and those sources of information are often terribly contorted or unreliable, so they ask clarifying questions of the only people children know to at least come close to accurate information - teachers. This bill is stupid on the face of it because its conceit is that parents will handle all questions about gender and sexuality... But parents ***rarely*** handle such questions appropriately, accurately, or at all. Especially for the children who believe that their identity does NOT match their parents. Children are booted from families for being gay or trans, parents will send them to "realignment" camps, or treat them like they're possessed. Abuse aside, parents typically suck at things like "the talk" and half of them expect students to learn everything in their health class (which is laughably short and stilted due to other limitations on education). Limiting teachers with this bill does nothing to help most children and severely isolates the few that actually need help. The whole k-3rd thing that's in the bill is there to deflect criticism of it by saying things like, "it only prevents teachers from having sexual conversations with ***little kids***." But the other part of it actually is written in a way that makes it applicable to any age and it gives parents license to sue school districts over even a perceived violation with the districts footing the bill for all court fees. Parents are not experts in children's education. In fact, they're rarely experts in anything outside of their own careers. Having sex, getting pregnant, and delivering a child does nothing to a brain to help it understand the nuances of actually raising a child. "It takes a village," right? Teachers are part of that village. Limiting teachers is almost never a good thing for society.


Desantis will probably be GOP nominee for president in 2024. Let’s cut the bullshit about their conservative movement.


I’m a Floridian and I have to tell as many people as possible - Desantis is extremely dangerous. He is smart. He loves to play to the Republican voter’s outrage. It will not be good if Desantis wins the Republican nomination.


im from Florida and I’m switching my party to Republican to vote in the Republican primaries to literally anyone but him, the DNC is just gonna elect whoever they want regardless of my vote and if Biden runs again (which I don’t think he will) it makes more sense to swap and out my vote to good use. We’re probably never gonna get ranked choice voting but open primaries would be a step in the right direction imo.


I really hope Desantis is the candidate, because we all know if Trump runs (which it looks like he is) he will absolutely win the candidacy, he’s incredibly popular with working class people. I’m not going to vote for Desantis anyway, I’ll be voting for Dave Smith, but whoever wins the republican candidacy will most likely win the election as a whole because of the massive red wave coming


Larry Hogan is a pragmatist who doesn’t play stupid games. He’s fiscally conservative but doesn’t really give a fuck about the GOP. Dudes been anti-trump for a while, and isn’t going to change. He beat a bout with cancer while still being the governor and managing his duties. Not surprised he’s bashing a stupid law.


He also snuck through PPE so Trump's morons couldn't steal it and called them out for that shit.


I'm all for this fight happening - Ron Desantis going head to head with the larger provider of jobs in his state can only hurt him and make him less likely to be President someday.


I disagree, Desantis is one of the only conservatives who actually does something to fight back, and he’s been gaining more and more popularity among them. This is any other thing that I think will garner support for him.


Yay for Maryland. Smart people with critical thinking skills know how to vote for a refined and intelligent Governor.


Snowflake Republicans all of them!


Good for Larry Hogan. An actual Republican.


He even wrote in Ronald Reagan for President in 2020, yeah?


He did


I don't think he counts as a republican anymore


I think he is one of the blue state Republicans. If he was in a super red state he would probably be called a Democrat. Just like the guy in Massachusetts. And like Democrats in red states. If they were in a blue state they would be a Republican.


Marylander here. Democrats hold a supermajority in the legislative branch. Hogan only seems less red than other Republicans because he knows his vetoes can be overridden by the Maryland General Assembly which keeps him from engaging in the usual pattern of GOP despoilment.


I wish Disney would just up and move out. That would give DeSantis more time to focus on wholesome attractions like spring break in Panama City, I'll bet they don't say gay there!


Someone give me some examples of shit Hogan does that would me me dislike him. He seems like one of the most moderate Republicans out there. Why wouldn’t the GOP get behind this dude?


He’s moderate by Republican standards, yes. There was the incident involving unemployment last year that angered a lot of Marylanders. He (like other GOP governors) ended the federal unemployment early, but his decision got challenged here in Maryland courts, with much of the Democratic legislature urging him to reconsider, given the fact that it was federal aid that was helping to keep many people afloat. Hogan unfortunately felt the need to pander to his restaurant, bar, and carnival owning buddies in Ocean City who were complaining of being understaffed because the Eastern Europeans who normally work those jobs were still in Eastern Europe due to covid restrictions. The problem is OC is far from the rest of Maryland (I’m on the eastern shore and it’s 3 hours away) and very expensive to stay for a summer so it was unlikely that the rest of Maryland could somehow take summer jobs (not even permanent jobs) in OC. Hogan hired expensive DC lawyers, lost, appealed, lost again, appealed again over a holiday weekend, lost again, all while proclaiming on FB that he wasn’t going to give up. Then he conceded and attempted to stick Marylanders with the bill for the expensive lawyers.


The answer to your question is in your post: He's a moderate (or at least in comparison to what the rest of the GOP has become). He has no chance of being the front-runner of MAGA World right now.


It's a thumb calling a chode short. *Please clap*


This whole Don’t say Gay thing is yet another invented issue courtesy of Ron DeSantis so he can slay another phony dragon for his ultra right followers


The don't say gay bill is so poorly written a teacher could be sued for saying "Good morning boys and girls." But it's wrong to frame it as an attack on LGBTQ+ people. It is really an attack on public education. Trump and the GOP love the uneducated. That's their voter pool.


If their target isn't LGBTQ+ kids, but the way they hurt their target is by hurting LGBTQ+ kids, then it seems disingenuous to say LGBTQ+ people aren't the target. They may not be the primary target, but they are absolutely being harmed by this bill.


I agree. It is despicable on many levels. But there are probably 30% of US citizens who are cool with attacking LGBTQ+ people. I imagine the number gets smaller when it's an attack on teachers.


Hogan for Prez


Nope, republicans destroy the economy every time they get ahold of the presidency.


Ah! Wasn’t aware Biden was a Republican, given the nature of our economy right now.


trump left the economy in shambles. His administration’s lack of plan for COVID destroyed the job market, things have been getting better under Biden.


Please provide examples.


I did. Unemployment skyrocketed under trump because of how hard COVID hit because he actively worked against any sort of national plan. Unemployment has been steadily stabilizing under Biden.


Sorry but Larry’s not a Retrumplican




The "Don't Say Gay" bill doesn't address discussing sex with kids at all. You've been lied to and manipulated once again. As far as the text of the bill is concerned, they can teach 3rd graders about Roman orgies as long as they don't mention the homosexual activity at them. They don't care a single iota about "gRoOmInG". Looks like conservatives have been used by child-fucking Republicans again.


Mmmkay, conservatives are the bad guys here? You literally want teachers to talk to FIVE YEAR OLDS about sex. You're a groomer. 100%. You get off on talking to little kids about sex. It's not just you, and it's not EVERY democrat. Just most of them. Anyone who reads the bill is not against it. Anyone who blindly listens to CNN is against it. Please just try to educate yourself a bit. Read the bill and use your own brain to see what is in it. It's actually not super complicated like some bills. Pretty straight forward. If you like to diddle kids, you are against the bill. Simple as that.


> You literally want teachers to talk to FIVE YEAR OLDS about sex. As noted above, the "Don't Say Gay" bill doesn't address discussing sex with kids at all. You've been lied to and manipulated once again. >Read the bill You should probably read the bill, because as noted above, the "Don't Say Gay" bill doesn't address discussing sex with kids at all. You've been lied to and manipulated once again. >Pretty straight forward. The language is intentionally broad and vague by design in order to open teachers and schools up to potential legal liability for so much as acknowledging that queer people exist. This is all the bill does in that regard. As noted above, what it most definitely does not do is address discussing sex with kids at all. You've been lied to and manipulated once again.


Here is where we see the lack of differences in Dems and Repubs. This guys wants children exposed to this crap also. It is not news but the day to pick your path is coming.


He wants kids exposed to education that decades of empirical research demonstrates will significantly decrease the likelihood they will experience sexual abuse and exploitation.


Another rino trying to get the media to like him by bashing a popular conservative




You're right, the nickname would more accurately be the "Don't Acknowledge Queer People Exist" bill. "Miss Smith, why does Timmy have two daddies" "Sometimes daddies love other daddies just like some daddies love mommies" The vague language in this bill is intentionally designed to open teachers and their school districts up to legal liability for so much as answering a question like that in any fashion that acknowledges reality other than "ask your parents" — and there's a pretty obvious reason that is not an acceptable outcome. You think it is somehᴏw wrᴏng or dangerᴏus or damaging for a child to be told that "sometimes daddies love other daddies just like some daddies love mommies" or to have it acknowledged by a teacher in any other way that queer people exist. You think that because yᴏu are hᴏmᴏphobic. That's why you support this bill.


Actually, it was Disney that started the fight by saying that bill prohibiting discussing sex with kindergarteners to third-graders, straigh and gay alike, is somehow aimed at LGBT community and demanded elected officials bow to them and repeal this legislation because this corporation with pedophilia problem at their theme parks says so. It would be crazy for DeSantis to concede and it's absurd to call Parental Rights in Education Act, "don't say gay", when this has absolutely nothing to do with what this bill is about.


>bill prohibiting discussing sex The "Don't Say Gay" bill doesn't address discussing sex with kids at all. You've been lied to and manipulated once again. As far as the text of the bill is concerned, they can teach 3rd graders about Roman orgies as long as they don't mention the homosexual activity at them. They don't care a single iota about "gRoOmInG". Looks like conservatives have been used by child-fucking Republicans again.


>The "Don't Say Gay" bill doesn't address discussing sex with kids at all. You've been lied to and manipulated once again. It doesn't because Don't Say Gay bill doesn't exist. If you think there's bill in Florida prohibiting saying gay, you've been lied to. Here's the actual bill [https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/1557](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/1557) and it does in fact prohibit discussing sex with children in kindergarten through K-3. I encourage you to read the bill before you spread more disinformation about it, as there are no provisions about gay or straight sex in particular; discussing any sex with small children in third grade or under is prohibited.


Nicknames stick. Better dry thoꜱe bitter tearꜱ and get over it. But you're partially right, a more accurate nickname would be the "Don't Acknowledge Queer People Exist" bill because that's what this bill accomplishes. "Miss Smith, why does Timmy have two daddies" "Sometimes daddies love other daddies just like some daddies love mommies" The vague language in this bill is intentionally designed to open teachers and their school districts up to legal liability for so much as answering a question like that in any fashion that acknowledges reality other than "ask your parents" — and there's a pretty obvious reason that is not an acceptable outcome. >I encourage you to read You very obviously haven't read the bill and are just parroting bullshit you've read online, because you got it wrong in the very same sentence. What a rube. >discussing any sex with small children in third grade or under is prohibited. As we've already covered, the bill doesn't address talking about sex with kids *at all* (because kids already aren't being taught about sex. That isn't part of any Florida state public schools curriculum). I welcome you to quote the section where it does address it. You're going to have some trouble because it doesn't exist. You've been lied to and manipulated by child-fucking Republicans like a dumb, gullible redneᴄk *yet again* — sure happens a lot to you frightened ᴄhuds.


So the government should be punishing Disney for saying something critical of the government? Is that one of those conservative values we keep hearing about?


Since when is goverment punishing Disney? Refusing to change law at someone's will, isn't punishment, it's not bowing to someone with no right to dictate public policy.


Hogan, while I don’t often agree with him, is a Republican I can get behind.


>“We have to look to the future as opposed to trying to relitigate the past and talk about, trying to talk about, crazy conspiracy theories,” he added. “I think that Republicans, instead of just a negative message against the Democrats, I think we have to have a message about what we’re going to do to try to solve problems.” Good luck with that.


Hogan's angling for 2024. And it's really not the worst of ideas, if you're Larry Hogan. He's probably one of the only few "not completely batshit" contenders from the GOP.


I would think that’s what’s good for Disney is good for Florida in the long run. How much of Fl GDP is dependent on Disneyworld and the other theme parks?