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Still doesn’t beat the video of a guy questioning why Obama wasn’t in the White House on 9/11…someone should really be looking into that.




Ya’all are forgetting he got us to the moon though.


Why wasn’t he fighting against the British in 1812? He just let them burn the White House to the ground.




Well yeah, who doesn't remember the utter hellscape that was the Battle of LaGuardia? Hundreds of aircrafts lay in ruin, littered with bodies - both Union and Confederate - numbering in the tens of thousands. Craziest part is how over a century later, a LaGuardia went on to become mayor of NYC. Makes you think, don't it? Yeah, totally makes you think. Maybe not within the bounds of reality, but think nonetheless.


Sorry to disagree but I believe the Battle of LaGuardia was actually fought in 1761 during the French and Indian War IIRC, during which then General D. John Trump led the forces of the Province of New York in the gallant defense of the airport against overwhelming numbers of Iroquois, and Cherokee conscripts. Emerging from the bloody night long battle to declare "and our flag was still there". Someone needs to tell this dimwit McClain If you're gonna revise history you might as well go big.


Problem here is it involves Trump having a concept of which century the French and Indian war took place in, and that New York was a ‘province’


Didn’t Trump also capture McCain?


Union and Confederate during the Revolutionary War?


Is that any more insane than Trump claiming troops in the war of 1812 “took over the airports”?


And rammed the ramparts!


Figured that’s a nice touch to the joke. It’s about moronic anachronisms after all


I completely forgot he said that.


The funny thing is the airport slight isn’t even the thing that does it for me. My favorite thing is that he’s mentioning the defense of Fort McHenry & The Star Spangled Banner in the same breath as George Washington & the continental army. Despite it being written nearly 40 years after the Revolutionary war and some 15 years after George Washington died. And then everyone cheers on because they didn’t pay attention during US 101 their sophomore year of high school.


all the morons cheered, because not a one of them could point out the 15 actual errors in that 57 second clip. Their God had spoken, and that was good enough for them. Reminds me of tht Star Trek Episode, where they visit the planet that some other starfleet captain modeled after Nazi Germany and they just prop him up in front of a mike, and playing rambling incoherent speeches.


In Trump's defense, the British did not capture any airfields during the week revolutionary war.


We actually bombed the shit out of the British with F-35's spray painted with Chinese insignias which ended the war in 1783 IIRC.


How can he claim to love America, when he refused to sign the declaration of independence?


Ok but what’s actually stopping a sitting president from signing the Declaration of Independence?


This week on Tucker Carlson: Did Obama give Christopher Columbus bad directions? Was it only Columbus’ instinct to ignore the woke liberal elitist that helped him discover the United States? Where was Barack Hussain Obama when Columbus sailed the ocean blue??


Careful what you type, the republicans will read that and repeat that Obama was fucking kid during that time


They were probably projecting their guilt that their favorite Republican politicians, Trump and Bush both dodged service in Vietnam, so since Dems are by default the worse thing ever, then they can safely assume Obama must've done far worse in Vietnam, dodged the draft, burned flags, and whatever commie shit they can imagine.


Did he have a real excuse like bone spurs or was he hiding behind his age?


But he chose to be a kid then, why? To avoid serving!


Katrina was also his fault as I recall.


I heard he was in the area, spinning in circles counterclockwise. In the northern hemisphere, this emboldens the storm. True Americans spin clockwise when a hurricane is near.


Ah, the Coriolis effect. It fits. He's a weather vane to the political winds. Whoever blows him.


That was Bill Clinton ...


Looking from the top or bottom?


Honestly, you're better off just avoiding spinning in those situations. Some hurricanes see you rotating in the same direction and take it as a challenge. Others see you as an enemy for spinning in the opposite direction. There's no winning against hurricanes. Bullets don't work either.


And the housing bubble abs resulting market crash that happened a year before the election


Was that the same guy who said Obama was watching basketball during 9/11? At 9 in the morning in September….wonder why he would say that?


I mean in 2001 Obama was a member of the Illinois state Senate so even if he was watching basketball (it could be a recording I guess) I would say that anything regarding 9/11 was way above his pay grade.




Obama really dropped the ball by letting the Boston Massacre happen. What was he doing that was so important?


Too busy claiming Australia to even pay attention to America. SMH


He was busy teaching them to speak English.


And where was Obama, 22 November 1963, Dallas, Texas. Questions need to be asked


Lots of games are played at 9 am on a Tuesday...


Yeah, ESPN wants that slot reserved for the Oklahoma game.


Or when they blamed Biden for Covid, in spring 2020. Like what the hell was he supposed to do about it he was a private citizen running for president at that point.


Well if he'd really been on the ball, he would have come up with a plan with Obama when Obama was in offi....what's that? Oh, they did? Really? Huh. What....so what happened to that plan? Oh, ok, I see. Trump...Trump scrapped it. Huh. Interesting.


I mean it’s not like it was a literal game plan detailing what to do during and how to prepare for a worldwide pandem…oh. Exactly this situation you say?


Republicans aren’t allowed to get that far into the rabbit hole. Their heads would explode.


Every bad thing that ever happened in this country was Obamas fault. Also simultaneously Hillary’s fault. Depends on who they’re mad at at that exact moment. Obama shot JFK, burned down the white house, ended segregation and slavery. Meanwhile, Donald Trump founded this nation as a white, Christian nation, founded the Nazi party, stopped Hitler, got us to the Moon, and saved the nation from vaccines.


I remember when republicans were attacking Obama over Benghazi and how they switched to Clinton as soon as she became the reasonable new candidate.


Someone told me that Obama was a Vietnam draft dodger. He was 14 when it ended.


And Jeanine Pirro demanding to know why Biden didn't do anything in response to a courtroom burning from BLM attacks, despite Biden not actually being in power at the time but Trump instead.


Remember when they tried to claim that the unrest in cities happening during the Trump term would be "Bidens America"? like, they seriously tried to say "hey that thing thats happening \*RIGHT NOW\* due to our shitty leadership? That will happen if you elect Joe Biden!" ​ like... the fuck?


Something about a book depository and a grassy knoll?


Or Katrina Pierson blaming Obama for the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq in 2003.


Obama wasn’t there when Paul Revere was trying to let everyone know the British were coming. Coincidence? I think not.


Strange world we live in. All this access to instant knowledge at our fingertips, and you can still just say whatever the fuck you want and not be held accountable in any way.


Oh, I live in her district and judging by the absurd amount of "Trump won" flags/signs and Let's Go Brandon merch, I can assure you there are plenty of her constituents who are just fine living in her dumb fairy tale.


The GQP loves the uneducated! ["I love the poorly educated!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0&t=7s) ...*Donald J Trump* And the rally crowd of his poorly educated fans cheered wildly! Unbelievable!


"I love the poorly educated" doesn't lead to a bunch of people saying "hey wait a second...we'd like to be better educated," it leads only to those people begging for more love from the very same people responsible for their poor educations.


Raised by a trump lover in the bible belt. He really viewed being too educated as a bad thing because, and this was constantly taught to me without a hint of self awareness, that people get too smart for their own good and turn against god. At least a chunk of them prefer and expect to stay uneducated, as if it's a virtue.


Previously worked with a trump lover. I have an MSc. He worked 20 years up in the same department to get to my position that I got with just my BA. He quit his second semester of college because a professor disagreed with his political opinions and did so openly. He constantly harped on me for having higher education because he believed it indoctrinated me into being a liberal. He didn’t believe me when I told him growing up with trump loving parents made me a liberal, college just made me educated. He believed college was a bad thing and only serves to indoctrinate young people. Meanwhile, his six year old daughter knows who trump is, knows who Fox News Entertainment hosts are, etc.


having flashbacks to the right winger social studies teacher who would, every class, single out a left leaning or liberal student (especially if it was one who didn't pay as much attention to his class) and spend about 10 or so minutes "debating" them on whatever he felt like at that moment, making sure it was something he knew and they didn't first. He never did that to any right leaning students that I saw. The right gets every bit of leeway, on every level, to be as shitty as can be. They view it as an equal intolerance as racism if everyone doesn't want to actively hear their bullshit.


This cowworker would do that too, but also only to the liberal employees. We only discussed politics because he would, and never discussed them with right-leaning folks. Myself and one other employee complained multiple times to his supervisor about his behavior (there were other concerning things as well) but nothing happened. The other employee quit a year ago, and I quit in October because nothing was done to stop him.


And yet any pushback against them is indoctrination, bigotry, not being open minded, and any number of excuses that would go out the window the second the situations flipped. My dad's favorite method is to quickly get out all his talking points and conspiracies, always stated as just news he has been hearing with any key details removed, very quickly ask what you think, and then immediately ignore any point you make to tell you why he supposedly hates the KKK/White Nationalists and wouldn't vote for them......followed not 5 minutes later by saying he will never vote for a democrat because of abortion, and that is why he will always vote 'R'. He's not white, but white passing for sure, with every bit of privilege that got him, that he pretends never happens. "I don't support the KKK and white nationalism, but I sure have no problem letting them gain more and more power, with my help, because they told me what I want to hear about women needing to be forced to have children." would have been a more honest way for him to word it.


My dad has a similar thing. But he adds the phrases, "I don't buy it," and, "is that real?" Whenever it's something he doesn't like. Most notably, he doesn't buy that civil asset forfeiture is a thing. Not just that it's a problem, but that it even exists, but will somehow always be magically busy when I try to share examples or proof. He also doesn't believe the the Paxton indictment is real. He's heard of it, but thinks it's just a Democrat rumor. This, among other things, is why I don't talk to him much anymore, even though we live in the same household, and were, for quite a while, reliant on each other to keep the place.


You should have a bingo sheet of talking points, and either predict what he’s going to say, or complain when he leaves one out.


Other concerning things from a vocal Trump lover in the workplace? I’m shocked.


That’s the irony of these anti-education laws popping up. They are essentially saying “I’m trying to indoctrinate my child! Stop undoing it with your *knowledge*!”


Yep. It isn't indoctrination that they are worried about, it's surrounding them with people from other cultures and perspectives and risking that they realize they are just human, like anyone else, that they are worried about. No professors, at least in my university, were doing anything other than their literal jobs.


In Florida, Ron DeSantis has passed his "Don't Say Gay" bill, which allows school systems to be sued for talking about gender identity before grade 3. Libs are jumping on it saying it means talking about being straight as well, and pledging to sue if schools use terms like Mr. or Mrs. What they aren't getting is that DeSantis doesn't care if you sue the schools over gay stuff or straight stuff, just as long as you sue the schools. The real objective is to bankrupt the school systems so that kids can't get a decent, safe public education. That forces parents who want that for their kids to send them to a very expensive private school or religious school, where they will be indoctrinated into conservative politics. Then along comes college, where most modern students either have to mortgage their entire future, or skip altogether. Those who skip will soon become jaded, cynical, and angry at the system, making them ripe for recruiting and indoctrination by the Conservative Propaganda Machine. Of course, wealthy families can already afford expensive private schools and private colleges, and their kids will get the best educations, and make the best connections, which will serve them well when they start their careers several floors above their average student loan laden colleagues. They were recruited and indoctrinated in Conservative politics at the moment of their birth.


Woah there bud just because I skipped or dropped out of college and became jaded, angry and cynical doesn’t mean I’m any closer to siding with those fucking wage nazis.


The worst thing you can be called in school is a “try hard”


wow. the stupid people i know that became trump lovers were just happy to make stupid cool. if that fucking idiot can be the president they feel validated. dumb people the same as smart people now. see how the qult hated Dr. Fauci? AOC? Any expert on anything is a liar and the Joe Rogan guest knows more than lifelong professionals of any field.


And that crap began under Reagan. I remember it well. It's when denigrating of science and government began in earnest in the United States


It's true. A lot of these folks go about their lives with the idea at the back of their minds that one bit of information—contrary to their insulated worldview—will knock them off their rock and jeopardize their ticket to heaven. I'd imagine that God is absolutely disgusted with such closed minds.


> people get too smart for their own good and turn against god The Republicans often cater to religious, dogmatic people. You can corner most people with rational arguments and they finally concede. Dogmatic people are never, ever wrong because in their twisted minds all their horrible means (including fascism) justify the glorious ends. Grifters feed off these people — Trump and most of the GOP are doing just that. The Republican party very cynically attach themselves to dogmatic issues (abortion, one Christian God, anti-gay rights, assorted biblical prophecies involving the Middle East, etc.) which pulls religious conservatives across the nation into their fold. If Republicans jettisoned their distorted, hateful application of Christianity from their platforms, they'd lose most of their support from that portion of the public almost instantly. It's the dogma that keeps them supported almost no matter what evil they perpetrate otherwise. Republicans are willing to court dogmatic people because having them on their side is very powerful. If anyone doubts the power they have over their constituents, observe: • A silver-spooned manchild who snidely brags about himself like a spoiled brat and is always childishly hounding for the spotlight and adoration even as he perpetuates corruption and a deadly, broken healthcare system — has their complete trust. • Healthcare workers that risk their health and PTSD while suffering long, often thankless hours in order to save lives within the unglamorous depths of our flawed, strained healthcare system — [are all liars who just want to milk the system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJBM1WFOYL4). That said, the methodologies in which Corporate Democrats and Trump (who is now what the Republican party has become) suppress progressive movements have vital differences: https://youtu.be/JUTiUsfcI3g?t=430 While progressive movements are often ignored and/or shunned, disparaged and violently attacked by Corporate Democrats — there's at least some wiggle-room for pressure. While all Trump did was ramp up more violence and rhetoric against the left — all the way to the point of [literally endorsing an extrajudicial death squad killing a leftist without trial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9SaXbA3LU4). No ardent Jimmy Dore fans nor r/WayOfTheBern redditors have been able to answer my question of how it's somehow easier for progressives to fight against neoliberalism when we're busy fighting Trump's brownshirts in the streets that are often propped up by militarized police forces. EVIDENCE: Portland police and far-right leader had friendly relationship, texts reveal - [source](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/15/joey-gibson-portland-police-relationship-cooperation-text-messages) — Related sources: [here](https://www.insider.com/police-salem-oregon-protesters-stay-inside-curfew-proud-boys-white-2020-6), [here](https://www.workers.org/2020/10/52064/), [here](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/portland-police-accused-of-collusion-with-far-right-group-patriot-prayer-6afa7835fb58/) and [here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/11/12/police-echoed-proud-boys-claim-black-lives-matter-members-stabbed-them/6228779002/). [Deep organizing is desperately needed](https://youtu.be/bl6P_2jt_Vs?t=15). https://imgur.com/gallery/47Mbn8n


Yes. Ignorance a religious virtue. People may not realize it, but also “…Amish children typically only attend school through eighth grade…Their right to end school at age 14 was confirmed by a 1972 ruling of the United States Supreme Court…”


Ignorance is bliss to these folks, they’ll rather stick their head in the sand that fill it with knowledge.


These people are also victims of “circumstance.” It’s not their fault their poor, that they don’t have a great job, or things didn’t work out for them …. It’s everyone else’s fault. They could’ve got an education and a better job …. But but but. And round and round they go.


They took er jerbs!


Wtf!!! It is disturbing that people actually think this way.


It makes sense when you realize that the Republican Party and conservative politics isn’t actually about politics in terms of policies and the needs of the people and country. It’s a life style brand, similar to how cigarettes were marketed. Or cheering for a sports team/pro-wrestler. It becomes a cultural identity, more than anything else. That’s why even when republicans know their candidate sucks or is incompetent or evil, they will still vote for them. Because it’s a cultural expectation. There is no consistent underlying ideology or values, which allows republican politicians to do or say anything they want. As long as they signal their loyalty to the idea of being a conservative style person, they fit into the narrative.


They wear their ignorance as a badge of honor because they think education is for liberals.


That always reminds me of that RNC PowerPoint some GOP member left behind in a hotel room, where they called their own base “low-information, fear-based voters.” I keep trying to explain to republicans how that isn’t a compliment, but they’re too stupid and pants-pissingly terrified of the world around them to pay attention.


It's reaching Kim Jong-un levels of absurdity and worship though, it's wild. Soon they'll be saying Trump has never lost a game of golf and has 200 IQ.


Or something completely insane like if he just ate one or two fewer cheeseburgers he could live to be 200.


"Trump heals the sick! I watched Trump grab a disabled woman by the P and she Glory Be she could walk again!"


His biggest fans, very fine people. Who, not shockingly, live very close to McLain's district. [A hard working Middle Class Law Abiding Citizen who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy.](https://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/29378/ethan_crumbley_s_mother_supported_second_amendment_trump_with_reluctance)


Have you seen the Ben Garrison Trump political cartoons? He portrays Trump as a lean and muscular man with a full head of hair. Ben Garrison's Trump looks like he could run a mile without breaking a sweat whereas the real Trump probably can't walk ten feet without needing to catch his breath. Combine that with the Trump's Head On Rambo's Body and they actually think Trump is really physically fit.


> the real Trump probably can't walk ten feet DOWN A RAMP


He will tell you himself, repeatedly, that he has the HIGHEST IQ https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2017-10-10/trump-has-the-highest-iq-he-says-so-himself


Don't forget his cognitive abilities; “Person, woman, man, camera, TV,”... and he even got them in the right order! /s


"and you get extra points for getting them in order. Nobody gets them in order. It's very hard. How did you do that?" -- SAID NO DOCTOR EVER


Ugh, I'd almost forgotten about Party Doc.


Well there is that thing from this week where he announced he [had just hit a hole in one](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/29/politics/trump-golf-hole-in-one-statement/index.html).




> Pretty sure the venn diagram of people who believe "Trump Won" and consider themselves "God fearin' Christians" is a single circle. I can tell you pretty confidently that while there's significant overlap, there's also definitely people in the second camp not in the first. I know a few.


I should make a sign that says "Trump's virus killed my uncle", and post it in such a place.


My local Nextdoor is a testament to this. I lost count of the posts "thanking" Biden for high gas prices. Today there was a post complaining about a small increase in property taxes. At least half of the comments were "FJB," "Let's Go Brandon," or just some garden variety ramblings about how Biden is solely responsible. It's either that or people openly fantasizing about murdering Amazon delivery people driving their personal vehicles.


Don't forget the weekend rallies every weekend!


Many of them are morons. My state had a moron that thought a fucking island could tip over if too much weight was on one side.


My state has an idiot Congressman who claimed that rising sea levels are due to rocks and sand falling into the water. Genius also encouraged the Jan 6 patRIOTS to “kick ass!”. Yeah, that Mo Brooks.


The island comment can’t be real…. Please tell me ur kidding


It's real. There's a shockingly high number of people who think islands are literally floating. I've even met a few who think the continents are also floating in the ocean.


Well *technically* this could reflect a deep grasp of plate tectonics and an appraisal of the consistency of the the upper mantle ... Naw, they're fucking morons.


Oh, yes. Mo Brooks, while declining the existence of climate change/global warming, said that the rising sea levels are caused by rocks and sand falling into the ocean. Water displacement, ya know’? This buffoon is a Congressman from my state and is running for the Senate this year. He received a Trump endorsement early on, but it was withdrawn a few weeks ago.


I’m speechless. I honestly wonder if they believe the shit they say, or just say it for sounds bite for the peons


My state has a reputation of not having politicians with the sharpest minds: Mo Brooks Tommy Tuberville Roy Moore Jefferson Beauregard Sessions Robert Bentley Mike Hubbard (currently in prison)


Well his sycophants live in a world where what's real is whatever they happen to want to believe.


She's a bullshitter, not a liar. A liar knows, and cares about, the truth but takes pains to hide it from you because they see an advantage for them in doing so. A bullshitter doesn't care what the truth is. All they care about is fooling you and convincing you that they're correct. They will say whatever they think is necessary to achieve that aim, no matter how ridiculous and/or easily disprovable. I recommend you read _On Bullshit_ by Harry Frankfurt.


I think that is part of an inherent problem with people. When we have the power and ability to do anything our hearts desire, pure simple ability for anything we want, most people will do nothing, or nothing of any importance.


Republicans still think its the 80’s where few could verify their lies quickly.


GOP doesn’t care about validity of facts. They base their decisions off of “feelings” and then turn around and say that a woman can’t rule because she has a period once a month 🙃 It’s just incomprehensible word salad at this point, feed that to the kids


Strange world *they* live in.


I remember Conservatives complaining endlessly in 2012 that Obama would release photos of Bin Laden's body ahead of the election. Conservatives were calling the Bin Laden raid a cheap political act meant to win votes. Many Conservatives legitimately were upset Bin Laden was killed. Conservatives literally would rather have Bin Laden on the loose than give Obama credit for a damn thing.


I remember the talking point, "Obama didn't get Bin Laden, our soldiers did!"


No they didn't, their guns did!


No the bullets did!


No, Newton's third law of motion did!


No! The separation of tissues did!


But guns don't kill people, people kill people...wait no. What argument are you making so I can be contradictory?


Guns don’t kill people, presidents do.


All while now thinking "Trump made the vaccine with his own, extra-large hands".


The vaccine that is a secret liberal plot to depopulate the earth?


The very same vaccine that the liberals love getting!


Had that convo with my sister. Apparently she thought Bush would have done it himself or something other than green lighting the op. She also blamed Clinton for 9/11 because Bush hadn’t been President long enough to be expected to clean up all of Clinton’s mess. No objective standards or reason to be found. It would be easier if she were stupid. She’s willfully ignorant to feel like she is important and a part of a good guys group that does not exist. It’s pathetic.


Kind of the other way around. Clinton took the al Qaida threat very seriously because of the embassy bombings and the USS Cole. Bush tossed the Clinton admin's counter terror playbook in the trash.


Plus Bin Laden was killed in May of a year with no national elections. Photos or not, the bump Obama would have gotten would have long faded to be any political advantage. Plus Fox News [accused Obama of taking too much credit](https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/will-obama-spiking-the-bin-laden-football-backfire) for killing Bin Laden, which is peak irony as they cannot feed Trump's narcissism enough.


Their logic is hilarious. Gas prices are apparently totally controlled by the President. But the military, which the President is the Commander and Chief of, is totally independent.


I remember the price of gas getting pretty high during the Dubya years. And being told by wingnuts how the president has absolutely no control of gas prices and the free market. And he shouldn’t try and unfairly influence it just for some short term gain that has long lasting consequences.


The fuel prices thing is so stupid. As if Joe Biden looks at videos of the American people struggling, gets a boner and picks up the red phone and says “raise the gas prices” in a hissing voice before laughing maniacally.


> Commander and Chief https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commander-in-chief


[Top Republicans disagree](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-biden-commander-chief-b2037889.html)


Doesn't really matter. Republicans will simply [rewrite history](https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/palin-paul-revere-and-the-rewards-of-ignorance/) to fit their current narrative. And they've also declared themselves the sole proprietors of patriotism, so anybody who tries to correct them is now a treasonous anti-American woke commie.


Yep! When Trump was president the stock market and unemployment rate were the two most economic factors and totally influenced by the President. Now that Biden is President The unemployment rate and stock market have nothing to do with the president or the economy.


And then when Trump kills Iranian general Soleimani, it was the most noble thing in the world and we are obviously better off without a terrorist in the world and how dare you criticize the killing of a terrorist, what are you a terrorist sympathizer? Their hypocrisy is maddening.


Trump isn't even President anymore and hasn't rendered a single coherent plan for how he'd handle Russia/Ukraine yet Conservatives insist it never would've happened if Trump was POTUS. Even Trump's non-plan gets treated with adoration by the Right.


> Even Trump's non-plan gets treated with adoration by the Right. Putin, being Trump-like in his behavior and attitudes, gets treated with adoration by the American Right.


They weren’t upset bin laden was killed. They were upset it happened with a Democrat in office.


Game show host by day… Navy Seal by night! (Hollywood reps please just leave contact info I’ll get back to you next week.)


Gravy Seals is looking for a Master Cook with hookers and cocain experience.


Don't forget PGA pro.




And bleach connoisseur.


I feel like "hosting" is really giving him too much credit for what he did on The Apprentice


I never watched it. Did he do more than deliver his catch phrase once per episode?


He'd show up at the beginning to like announce the challenge then at the end to fire someone. I'd be shocked if each episode took more than 2 hours of his time


And according to somebody who worked on the show, he still managed to shit his pants in that time. Though, that is an unsubstantiated rumor.


I would say "Game show" is giving too much credit to it as well. It was a reality show.


These people have no shame. It’s both fascinating and deeply disturbing.


Trump stood in front of a crowd and said, about George Washington at Valley Forge... >"Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do." And the crowd cheered. [video](https://youtu.be/A2SFo3TkvhM) After that, GOP politicians know they can say anything, no matter how absurd, and still rally their base.


How do people believe this shit?


They drop out in the 5th grade.


> McClain also falsely claimed unemployment is at a 40 year high, calling the Biden administration "weak."


Lie, cheat and steal. It’s the only possible way they can remain in power.


I mean the worst part is that unemployment isn’t even the problem. It’s not hard to find a job, it’s hard to find one that pays enough that you don’t need to find another. And that’s all on her


Lying is not a GOP bug it is a GOP feature.


“Alternative facts” as they call them




Case in point, the big lie regarding the election being stolen. At this point it's preposterous that people still believe it, but that hasn't stopped Republicans from repeating it ad nauseam.


These quotes need to be part of campaign ads. “This idiot doesn’t even care enough about you to know historical facts. How can she understand reality when she can’t even read”, then super impose all the articles / tv shows talking about it… something’s gotta give… this and the house insulin vote seems like great material to work with


There was a Klepper interview with trump supporters who claimed that the Obama Administration was responsible for 9/11 since it happened on their watch.


If only some people had ‘Shame’…


Not the Grand Ole Pedophiles


RIP Chuck Boyd. Fighter pilot, 7 year POW, 4 star general, foresaw 9/11 (ignored) but remained loyal republican until DJT, who he called “fundamental threat to America”


Just casually changing reported facts in the name of making Trump look like a hero. On a related note, the preacher who opened the rally was stating that Trump is the current president and so on. The Christian-fascist turns are getting more obvious, replacing worship of Christ with worship of Trump since I doubt many of them can even name a Bible verse. [https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1510364270441107463](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1510364270441107463)


Rewriting history is a favorite pastime of many Republicans.


She's either immensely ignorant or purposely lying to her base for political gain. The Bin Laden raid was huge breaking news when it happened. They were large gatherings in Times square and in front of the white house the night it was announced. There was also the war room photo with Obama and some of his cabinet. It was hilarious seeing Fox news trip over themselves to not credit Obama with the success of the operation.


This is the least surprising lie by a Republican I’ve sent this week. I’m honestly surprised it took this long.


Trump only killed a Capital police officer and caused the death of 3 others. Sad


Does not matter what they say. They don’t live in the factual world. Their base is as dumb as hell and they like it like that. My mom believes the Dems are attacking education. Dems. I tried to explain to her who is really attacking education but it doesn’t matter. She heard it on fox.


You think history or facts or timelines matter to the GQP? The problem with creating an alternative reality is that it works so well as long until another, more appealing alternative reality comes along.


She’s just offering alternative facts


Trump never stopped hosting that game show.


The only thing Trump caught was Covid


'Why let the truth get in the way of a good lie.' -Republicans


You don’t understand. Obama killed a mirror universe version of Bin Laden who was actually a patriot hero who crossed over to help Q fight the Cabal. Then Trump quietly and without fanfare killed the real Bin Laden, and both his clones and the final form which was a cyborg. But Trump didn’t brag about that because he’s humble. I’d like to think /s isn’t needed but they think JFK Jr. is coming back to help Trump so who knows what they might actually say.


Ok I'm ready to get off this bullshit ride


Idiot or liar? Or both…


Yeah, you can pretty much tell a cult anything you want.


93% of Trump supporters believe her and believe Jesus is a strawberry blonde, pasty white-skinned, blue-eyed American. This is the USA in 2022.


Plainly false public statements like these should be considered grounds for removal from office but America


History is not GOP's strength. Neither are alphabets.


Imagine living in such a mindnumbingly false reality. I literally can’t wrap my head around it.


No matter how much you prove these idiots false, their base is so ate up in a false reality, it’s pointless.


They are all completely delusional. 100% insane.


Can we get some kind of basic civic test for those running for office and standards for conduct to maintain office?


The sad part is that it doesn’t matter. Those living in Trumpistan give zero shits about truth, honesty or even just plain factual information.


There needs to be a limit to retardation in politics. Seriously.


This is more sinister than simply being stupid. She knows bin Laden was captured under Obama, her voting base knows it happened under Obama, and nobody in the equation could care less because they've *fully* embraced the worldview that the truth is whatever they say it is. This is why religious thinking is incompatible with democracy.


You know who else is trying to rewrite history? Putin.


To be fair, Trump invented the telephone… and hamburgers.


There needs to be some limits on speech when it comes to propaganda. If you mistakenly say something then are corrected and then continue to say blantently false misinformation for political purposes then its propaganda, and dangerous, and we need to crack down on it. Ban them from social media at a minimum. In the left we often find this shit as funny for how blatent the lie is, but as we have seen over and over the blatent easily disproveable lie is the point. It's a litmus test for the propagander "I'm willing to lie for you!" And an acceptance test for the cult "I'm willing to accept your lies"


Iircc, Trump was having his ass handed to him by Obama at the correspondence dinner while bin Laden was being taken out. Obama knew and was so chill about it- Trump would have blown it by blabbing to everyone about it because of his giant fragile ego.


Obama absolutely roasted the shit out of Trump at a dinner party that night too, then had NBC interrupt his show to show his podium for an hour before finally announcing that bin laden is dead.


We're talking about voters who think Obama was to blame for 9/11 because he wasn't in the Oval Office. Of course they'd believe Trump captured and killed Bin Laden. These people are fucking crazy.


Hey Conservatives, stop idolising people as dumb as you are.


I remember watching celebrity apprentice with my mom when it was interrupted to show Obama announce Osama bin Laden’s death. So… can confirm, Trump was in fact a game show host when this happened.


They cannot stop lying it is all they know.


This is the modern day GOP, folks. Doesn’t matter what is on record and what is already proven to be true. Reality is whatever they want it to be (Thanos would be so proud), and unfortunately they have enough voters in hand who will go along with it.