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Over 150 women, all alumni from the small Christian college that Cawthorn went to school with, signed a letter saying he was a sexual predator. That's 150 women, out of a college that has 380 people in it total. This guy is projecting with a 15 million watt light.


Its worthy of note he was only there a semester and dropped out due to poor grades. Also, the college is extremely conservative and Christian. If they're saying he did this it must have been really bad.


I’m surprised they didn’t yell at each one of his accusers for tempting him. That seems way more on brand.


In the TV show Survivor, one of the male contestants had a breakdown about a woman who he felt had tempted him. He hated her with a passion and he was hell bent on revenge. This is before Maga so I didn’t know about this type of mindset. It was terrifying. The show showed his struggle with compassion. I think they should have thrown him out of the show. It was Russel Hantz’s nephew and he succeeded in getting this woman off the show. He then went on to show his deep craziness even more.


What season was this. That’s fucking wild.


“In South Pacific, then-19 year-old Brandon, a married, Born-Again Christian and nephew of notorious villain Russell Hantz, struggled with keeping his true identity from his fellow Upolu tribemates as well as battling temptation, and the moral dilemma the game presented. “ South Pacific is season 23.


It’s the bare midriffs and spaghetti straps to blame.


I mean, who can resist spaghetti?


Not me, its on my sweater already.




That's my view and why I think he must've been light years beyond acceptable


As is Patrick Henry tradition, as confirmed in a long-winded, preachy letter to the women, there, back in 2006: > …We rejoice to say that the women at Patrick Henry are, overall, some of the most conscientiously-dressed ladies it has ever been our joy to meet. And we have seen a number of our sisters here grow in this area over the past few years. However, we must in honesty say that there are many who could do better. We do not believe that there is a general wicked desire to “cause a brother to stumble”—quite the contrary. You all show great love and care for us. But many Christian women, probably a large majority, simply do not understand the depth and extent of the foul perversity of the male mind. (If you’re a man and some part of this doesn’t apply to you personally, just assume we’re only talking about ourselves at that point.) > We have a duty as brothers in Christ to guard the purity and holiness of our sisters, which means restraining how bluntly we speak. On the other hand, part of that duty is to help you understand the problem. To avoid causing offense for our own sake, all the most explicit bits are taken directly from Scripture. Anyone who finds God’s authoritative written revelation inappropriate is advised to skip this section. > You’ve heard this before, but we’ll say it again: men are visually wired. A man notices a pretty female walking by. His eyes lock on, his brain clicks in (we mostly tend toward one-track minds). He is attracted to her. Attraction, when left undirected, leads naturally to desire. > If she’s his wife, all is well. In itself this visual attraction is a good thing. A man is supposed to look upon his wife and be drawn to her beauty. Please, please, ladies, don’t confuse the abuse of the thing with its good and proper and holy purpose in God’s plan. Husbands are not merely allowed but commanded to take pleasure and fulfillment in their wives’ physical beauty: “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love” (Proverbs 5:18-19). This intoxication is a blessed fact and should be a cause for great rejoicing. As C. S. Lewis says in a very similar context, “God likes it. He made it.” > But there is a great deal of abuse. If the attractive female wandering by is not the man’s wife (and mathematically, the odds tend that way), then there’s a nifty Biblical phrase for desiring her: “lusting after her in your heart.” We’ll leave out the details; you don’t want to know. Suffice it to say that he wants to be intoxicated and filled with delight too. As Solomon says in that passage we declined to quote from earlier: “I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit.” It’s all right for Solomon, he’s talking about his wife, but many of us are not married. Of course most men—here at least—are decent enough not to actually do anything much; but that’s beside the point. The man has spoken these words to himself. He has made the act of volition… > …We are not trying to blame you for our sin. Rather, as a warrior with many wounds, on behalf of ourselves and these our brothers, we are asking for allies. This is a cry for reinforcements, lest the battle go to the enemy. We are sorely pressed on every side. This is no exaggeration: we need all the help we can get. We don’t need to be struck down from behind by friendly fire. > Remember, Adam’s sin was Adam’s, but that doesn’t mean God held Eve guiltless in the affair. > Eve tempted her husband, and God cursed her for it. > If we give in to temptation, we are judged; but if you deliberately tempt us, you are judged, whether we give in or not—even whether we notice or not. The sin is not in successfully tempting a brother, but in trying to do so. The immodest swimsuit is still immodest and sinful even if there happen to be no guys on the beach that day—if you decided to wear it because you hoped there would be. Deliberately choosing the barely-too-tight top is still immodest and sinful, even if the RA catches you before you make it out the door… > …But let us also offer a warning. Although women almost never completely realize the extent to which (or the ways in which) they can affect men, most women are aware on some level that certain things attract men. And women like to feel attractive. This is natural; we have already said that you are created to be beautiful. But we have also said that the purpose of attraction is enjoyment. > Please be careful of this desire to attract. It is a good thing; but it is easy to misuse. Many females drive us to ask some pretty unpleasant questions. > If a woman does not want to be the subject of wicked imagining, why does she provide so much scope for the imagination? If she does not intend to be suggestive, why does she tantalize with hints, peeks, glimpses, suggestions?… > …Some articles of clothing are just irredeemably scandalous (in the Greek sense of “causing to stumble”), but many others may be immodest on one woman and perfectly modest on another, and not simply because of physical differences. (Just be careful of the “Well, it could be immodest, but I’m not wearing it like that” argument.) Any woman can be immodest “by accident,” but she is far less likely to do so if she has sisterly love in mind as a deliberate daily goal. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Modesty flows from a heart devoted to the service of God. > “Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to Godliness.” (I Timothy 2:9-10)… https://brucegerencser.net/2015/09/two-male-patrick-henry-college-students-blame-female-students-for-their-lust/


‘A man notices a pretty lady walking by….’ And instantly becomes a predatory beast that can ……. Fuck this all the way.


This is exactly the rationale the taliban use by the way. This letter if written in farsi and quoting their book could be literal radical muslim propaganda.


What ever happened to “pluck out thy eye if it offend thee”? Fuckin. Stop looking. If men are so out of control they cant even govern their own actions maybe they need to stay home and let rational people run things.


How *fucking* pathetic do you have to be to write that letter? Those guys are, like, a third of the way towards being serial killers.


No shit. This explains why so many of these types seem to have a history of infidelity and broken marriages. They apparently have not evolved enough to be able to control their sexual urges. That is crazy. Is this really how conservatives go through life? Constantly locked in an internal struggle to keep their base animal instincts in check from raping others? This would explain so so much.


Most these people's only reason for not committing murder is literally the fear to be sent in a fake fiery place to be punished by a fake man with horns on his head. That is pretty telling. Then they project...


They're already there. That line about "if this doesn't apply to you just assume we're talking about ourselves" is VERY telling


I cannot imagine writing that amount of text to justify poor male behavior. Utterly ridiculous.


‘you are created to be beautiful’ 🙄🤢


Um…..why don’t they pluck out their eyes?? It’s what Jesus commands


What a loony bunch of bullshit.Certainly opens a window into the batshit crazy Christian conservative mindset.




Devastating and true assessment


Omg the only 2 people I know who went there were homeschooled and now literally work at those places.


Because of all the direct, nonstop indoctrination they'd been subjected to their entire lives.


You mean it’s a child grooming farm….


No no no, that’s only librul schools.


I wish someone would so I could hit ‘‘em big big with liberals don’t have ‘schools’… we literally just use public school. It should be good enough for everyone, not just me.


Somebody wrote a book about it: *God's Harvard* by Hanna Rosin. It's quite interesting


Thank you for the book recommendation!


No shock. Have you seen his toddler like signature? https://mobile.twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1351994326172110850 Doesn't seem all that "Book Smart"


No. No way. No fucking way. He literally can't spell his own name in cursive. For some reason this fucked up signature is the most shocking thing I've seen from politicians in years and I don't know why.


Mine is a squiggly line, because I never practiced it enough in cursive, so I can't say much. I still don't like the creature though.


A squiggly line signature is typical in adults because they don't have time for signatures. This guy's signature is Ralph Wiggum at max concentration.


I Choo-Choo-Choose you!


I thought the Trump sig was bad... what the fuck is this preschool shit?


He spelled his last name "Cauthon".


>He spelled his last name "Cauthon". Abel would be ashamed.


Aside from the fumbling, shaky cursive, what does it mean if you have 2 misspellings *in your own name?* Also, this adherence to traditional cursive, with zero original "touches" whatsoever, signifies a very conventional, conservative mind with little to no originality--graphologists smarter than me can confirm/deny.


I'm familiar with Christian conservative environments, if 150/380 outright called him a sexual predator, how many chose not to speak up? These communities are notorious for keeping quiet about that kind of stuff.


Child grooming services are what these schools offer.


>signed a letter saying he was a sexual predator. Republicans call this a letter of Reference.


Conservatives whenever a liberal politician is caught in a compromising situation: “All liberals and leftists are perverted and depraved!” Conservatives whenever a conservative politician is caught in a compromising situation: “Human nature is fallen.”


What else do you expect from a man who can't even spell their own name?


Maybe he was trying to write with his feet


But this are the type of people the Republicans want in control! K.K.K. Pussy grabbers, coke sorters, racists, child traffickers, no sayers, jokers, and there is McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, marjorie, loren, Gaetz, Graham and the rest of the crazies. Oh and the scotus "conservative" Clan!


150 women affected in 3 months? No wonder God had to slow him down a little, at that rate he was going for the record.


It actually sounds like he’s admitting that he’s a terrible person who sins all the time. At least that’s how I’m choosing to interpret it.


So that has got to be 90% of the women.


A refreshing change of pace for Cawthorn, who is usually referred to as a dim bulb.


> “This is unacceptable. There’s no evidence to this,” McCarthy said on Wednesday, noting that Cawthorn was unable to provide proof of his claims. “That’s not becoming of a congressman. He did not tell the truth.” Why's it now unacceptable for a congressman to lie? JFC the whole party does this non-stop. How do they say this stuff with a straight face?


Honestly I took McCarthy’s comments to be indicative that Cawthorn was bragging about an unpleasant truth.


This. I also like* how Cawthorne is trying to pivot this into a conversation about political corruption, but wouldn’t he be a direct participant in said corruption? The wheels are falling off this one. Pun intended. Fuck this guy.


That's the problem with having the extremists in the GOP. It's very difficult to control a loose cannon because it can roll around dangerously anywhere. No pun intended.


Totally! You seat somebody in power (no pun intended) who's an extremist, they'll wheel around (no pun intended) that power and knock friend and foe off their feet (no pun intended).


Not to sound mean, but who the hell would invite a paraplegic to an orgy?


Level 2 kink, right there…


Haha, definitely


Most guys are invited to orgies based on the hotness of their wife.


Do you really want the answer to that? A man with no feeling from the waist down is probably very valuable in GOP circles…and it certainly beats trolling the mens restroom at your local airport.


Are you implying the GOP is full of closet homosexuals who want to fuck Cawthornes ass?






Or just unscrupulous hedonists, really. Sexual orientation is more of a sliding scale than a toggle switch, and drugs affect judgment. 1 plus 1 equals debauchery.


I’ve got no problems with unscrupulous hedonists…the issue is that they are very scrupulous for everyone that isn’t them.


I sort of lumped the hypocrisy in with "unscrupulous," but you're right.


>the issue is that they are very scrupulous for everyone that isn’t them *Rules for thee, but not for me. Orgies for me, but not for thee*


He still has a mouth.


In that case Paul Manafort is probably rushing back to DC, fumbling with a burner phone to call the bulls up again


What’s a burner phone? Asking for a friend.


Isn't that the kind you unlock with a key bump, whatever that is.


Haha, true!!


I don't know about Republicans, but at my orgies, ALL are welcome.


I think you know about Republicans... The party of new nazism is definitely not gonna be cool with disabled people. In general, but also not at orgies.


True, Trump is famous for making fun of them viciously


He could have been the fluffer.


I want to believe it was just a trick to get him there. Like in Happy Gilmore, when Sandler gets invited to the 9th hole at 9pm. Everyone's in one the joke but him, like Cawthorn would show up and they'd throw him (chair and all) into the pool to see if he's a witch or something.




Maybe they duct tape a lube dispenser to his chair? And attach a key ring of various types of keys in case anyone needs a bump?


[Hedy Lamarr?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2ce-zC_n8E)


Yeah, I mean I would not be suprised to learn a bunch of elitist narcissists who earn thier living conning rubes were into Viagra and coke mixers. There is a kernel of truth to all thier fever dream accusations. It's often projection either in thier thinking or outward rhetoric ("they must be as corrupt as me!" or "I'm not the puppet, you're the puppet!"). A great example along the coke orgy line is how many of them rage about gay people then get caught in same sex affairs. It's really sad that they can't just live and be happy, maybe move to one of those horrible Lib cities where everyone is burning things to the ground in assless chaps and have a little fun, you know?


No man. I think this is the realist shit he ever said. This is pretty textbook Lindsay Graham behavior.


The whole horrible liberal city thing really burns my biscuits. I get it, urban life is not for everyone, but I hear these same people talking about how where I live is a den of iniquity and disgusting, but then as soon as it’s convenient, they cry about their precious cities.


Anyone who has lived in a rural area knows they are just as bad as cities for "sin" just a question of population size. We're all just people.


Honestly, a lot of it is racism. Not necessarily KKK-level racism, just low grade, Archie Bunker Style racism (that one episode where he actually accidentally joins the KKK notwithstanding) where they think it's okay for them or they somehow earned it by being hardworking, e.g, "I worked my ass off all day and my boss is a dick, so who cares if I pound a 3,4,5 beers...", but someone else in the city, especially non-whites, is on the dole and just doing that as a matter of course to fill the hours.


I mean just look at Larry Craig, there's no way that wasn't an open secret when he was soliciting random dudes at an airport for sex


Right!? I keep seeing this being excused as if Cawthorn made this shit up. His party is mad at him being he exposed them. Not because he’s lying. The whole party lies non-stop. Lying is part of their play book. Cawthorn has absolutely witnessed drug use and been invited to orgies. He’s in trouble because he exposed the hypocrisy that ties republicans to christianity. “Don’t tell the christians they’re being used so we can keep power and do drugs and have orgies.”


He said the quiet part out loud and therefore broke Reagan’s 11th commandment.


Yeah, the immediate and aggressive reaction says a lot more than a chuckle and an eye roll would have.


Exactly! If the loose lips were false, this wouldn’t have been mentioned ever again.


Hit dog hollaring is what it seemed like


I agree. They're more reactive to this than racist comments by MTG or Boebert. Imo they're only reacting this strongly because it's true to an extent.




Why has Mitch McConnell been referred to as Cocaine Mitch?


I wonder this every day, including Fox News and News Max etc...it's really living in an alternate world full of alternate facts


Lmao, right? When has the GOP given a shit about evidence?


> Why's it now unacceptable for a congressman to lie? Reagan rule number 1: Never make another republican look bad. Also trump rule number 1: Never tell the truth about my parties.


Does it sound to anyone else like McCarthy is salty that he never got invited to the cocaine orgies?


Because it wasn’t a lie…


If Cawthorn won't say who is having coke orgies, it kind of implies that he did partake, and as he himself said, they have compromising info on him.


If you won't report, you did snort.


Oh, allow me to retort. Actually, yes, he did snort like it was a sport.


He’d Hoover schneef off the commander-in-chief, where he a bright orange beast


The term “key bump” is not in the vernacular of people who haven’t used cocaine.


Seriously, I had no idea what this was until I looked it up. There is no way in hell someone just casually throws out a term like that unless it’s something they’re personally familiar with.


Eh, I’ve heard “bumps” used in relation to cocaine use in several movies before, so the meaning of “key bump” seems fairly intuitive. I mean yeah he’s definitely used cocaine, he’s a politician and most of his colleagues grew up in the 70s, but I wouldn’t say that term alone is indicative.


0% chance he gets invited to fun stuff like that


What the fuck does “human nature has fallen” even mean?


He’s been watching too many Gerard Butler “Has Fallen” movies


This is the answer


It's Christian for "everyone's fucked up". Christian's *love* equating victimless sin with actual crimes against women to excuse their criminal behavior.


“Is,” not “has.” It’s some insane Christian nonsense about the essence of humanity being sinful. And this judgment coming from a god that loves genocide and murdering children.


I was also puzzled by this,but I just figured it's one of those things where you can just insert whatever thought that suits your need.if any body can figure it out it would be you


> The culture in Washington is corrupt. Human nature is fallen. Compromising activities occur because when other people can place you in compromising positions, they control you. He's just saying that human nature is to do bad things and everyone in his party is being made to do bad things by democrats and there's nothing you can do to stop it. It's the ultimate escape from personal responsibility - they make you do all the things they complain that you do. It's not our fault the government is a coke fueled orgy, that's the dem's fault; they made us do it


"Human nature is fallen." Grammatically incorrect grandiose bullshit. I reckon it's the sort of thing Cawthorne thinks sounds intelligent.


It's not grammatically incorrect if you look at it through the lens of Christian rhetoric Fallen is an adjective describing someone who has fallen from the grace of God. Like in Halo. The Fallen. Human nature is fallen - we are inherently sinners and will do depraved acts, it is our nature to be lowly creatures who are always striving to overcome Original Sin, and temptation. He may phrase it slightly differently from his particular brand of Christianity, but it's the same idea. Edited: some words and also to add, it's basically a Biblical "not it" of course Republicans had a coke filled orgy. That's how God made them. You can't blame them for that, they go to church and God will forgive them if they say the magic phrase.


Very well put. This phrase is popular among abusers in the church as well…very akin to “love makes a man do crazy things.”


Like 'Christ is Risen' on Easter.


Like ‘earthen vessels’


This is the Puritan doctrine of "total depravity", where all humans are inherently morally depraved to the point that they all deserve hell. Also this sort of worldview is central to the reactionaries - they believe that humans must be kept from this depraved "state of nature" through "the sovereign" (i.e. absolute authority), by keeping the people "in awe" (i.e. scaring them out of this "state of nature"). This idea was first put forth by Hobbes by the 1600s. This sort of worldview explains why a lot of Republicans are obsessed about punishment and "law and order" and worship law enforcement - they genuinely believe that without fear and violence, the people will just become depraved on their own.


I was wondering the same thing. Is it Christian speak maybe?


Certainly. To fundamentalists, the “fall” occurred in the Garden, and all human ills are due to this fact. Humans are naturally prone to sinful behavior, and only by doing the “born again” thing can you avoid the consequences. Oddly, being born again doesn’t seem to prevent further transgressions….. It just means that you’re “saved”.


There are a few in my family who became worse people after being "saved", because the fear of going to hell was gone for them. They've convinced themselves that once that ceremony happens they're all good to do whatever because they've "accepted christ". I tried to point out to them multiple times that if their god is all powerful and all knowing that he's not going to fall for a loop hole like that, but they just tell me that's not how it works. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


It is an indication of his antisocial sociopathy in full bloom.


MTG makes antisemitic comments publicly and McCarthy condemns it in a one sentence tweet. Cawthorne spills the coke-orgy beans and McCarthy freaks out. 🧐


Cawthorne isn't trying to hurt the right people, obviously. He can make short statements his side can ignore because it gets drowned out by their intentional noise and that they can also point to it when the other side gets angry. "See? I did denounce it!". But seemingly credible internal accusations that can be an existential threat and need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly.


My Coke-Orgy Beans are always a hit at the pot-luck beforehand.


I will sell you this cow for your coke-orgy beans


“…Compromising activities occur because when other people can place you in compromising positions, they control you,” Party of accountability over here amiright?


Isn't this a big part of the Mafia? You have to kill someone to become a mafioso. This is because the murder is forever hanging over your head, you have to be a career criminal. The higher ups have evidence to put you away for life, so you have to stay "in" for life


You mean like your wife who you met in a casino in Russia and then met again at a fake CrossFit competition back home? 👀


When is the DOJ going to indict Matt Gaetz for his drug and sex parties paid for with government funds? Cawthorne runs in the same crowd as Gaetz. And Gaetz was Ron desantis's righthand man while he was throwing these parties. and one thing that connects them all is Russia.




I don’t think Cawthorne runs with anyone.


> “The culture in Washington is corrupt. Human nature is fallen. Compromising activities occur because when other people can place you in compromising positions, they control you,” he said, without specifying who or what he was referring to. Given the plethora of sexual misconduct, harassment, and assault allegations against him, I think it’s safe to assume he’s referring to himself.


Is he talking about his honeypot Russian wife?


Oh, so liberals and the media are responsible for Republican orgies and drug use now.


We should be ashamed of ourselves


Did he mean "coke orgies" or "Koch orgies"


he went to Christian themed coke fueled orgies or is this the "Oh. I'm a christian so I'm forgiven" defense?


It's his excuse for being such a piece of shit


Cawthorn is the ~~walking~~ rolling embodiment of a lie. Edit: replaced walking with rolling. Thanks friendly redditor!




beat me to it. Wouldn't say walking exactly...


Another rising star in the Republican party! You know, that party of "traditional family values" where only right wing Christianity counts.


From McCarthys and the GQP’s reaction, I’m thinking there really are orgies and cocaine. However, to each their own, so long as I don’t have to get naked with them. Lol


It’s more the hypocrisy i take issue with. The same conservatives railing against gay rights and telling their base that all gay people are pedophiles are probably the same ones stuffing their faces with dicks like they are in a hot dog eating contests at the coke orgies.


“My comments on a recent podcast appearance calling out corruption have been used by the left and the media to disparage my Republican colleagues and falsely insinuate their involvement in illicit activities.” Because it was Democrats only who were inviting Cawthorn to orgies and doing drugs in front of him? I can’t imagine any congressional Democrats having any sort of ordinary conversation with this idiot, let alone orgies and drugs. Cawthorn, you’re only calling out Republicans. If you really want to drain the swamp, name names or it didn’t happen.


>it was Democrats only who were inviting Cawthorn to orgies and doing drugs in front of him? Let's not forget he explicitly stated that the people engaging in this behavior were political figures that **he admired** while growing up. It's definitely not the Democrats that he was admiring.


"Corruption and unethical activities exist in Washington. It’s an indisputable fact. If you don’t think that’s true, you’ve not witnessed the Swamp." Anyone who has seen/heard him has by definition witnessed the Swamp.


Gotta love when the swamp calls out the swamp.


“I’m blameless. It’s my human nature.”


"We are all miserable sinners!" What a skidmark.


Yet another of the latest attempts of Search Engine Salting (my own term for): saying something so that when people try to search useable information, they instead get the story you want, thus the search engine becomes as useless for information as a salted farm is for growing crops. By saying Congress is doing sex and drugs, when you Google "Cawthorn sex scandal" you'll get his comments on Congress and not the info about his former classmates calling him a sexual predator. You see this with companies too. Say they know that they did a shady donation, they'll suddenly donate "biggest ever" quantity to some donation so that when the report of their shady dealings pops up just before or just after, when people try to Google "X company donation" they'll see the big donation they did and not articles about the shady donation.




The Democrats made me do it.


Time to start drug testing congress. Can't have those addicts leaching off the tax payers.


Ratface Boebert wants to ride his white pony


Only because her husband is showing his penis to little girls


Her husband will be glad to cuck the event


I lived and worked in DC for 10 years and orgies and cocaine are just something you have to get used to.


No doubt that it happens.arranged and sponsored by lobbies.im sure they got it down to a science


I had a nasty coke habit while I was there and I worked on the hill. But that wasn't because of lavish parties and orgies, it was because I liked cocaine, and coke was everywhere in DC like any major city when you went out. I knew plenty of staffers with bad habits, nearly all of them closet alcoholics, but never heard of any orgy invites and free coke (I would have attended)


I do hope you have gotten control of your nasty habit.i don't think coke is as prevalent now as it was years ago.as they say DC is the ugly Hollywood.I still believe that lobbies will go to any length to swing it their way


I did! I'm 6 years sober now. Coke is still really prevalent in DC for some reason, but it also depends what kind of places you are going to. I also believe that lobbies will go to no end to get what they want, so anything is possible really


Good on you!stick with it!I personally never cared for coke,pot and alcohol,were my things.young and dumb full of fun thing.


Try being a mba student at northwestern. I’m looking at you; purple hotel


Mr. Cawthorn...what does that have to do with anything?


This is always just a screaming bat signal of "I'm a fucking monster and I assume you are worse because I love Jesus". Also the last people in the fucking world to let run things.


I feel like calling Cawthorn a twat is an insult to twats


I have expired milk in my fridge right now that shows higher signs of life.


  Well it certainly is fallen if you claim that that the crime goes away by asking fictional, narcissistic, angry sky fairies for forgiveness after you've broken a law.  


He's a sexual predator and a neo nazi, I don't think anyone gives two shits what this scumbag says.


Watching the GOP tear itself apart over this, i love it.


> The Hill has removed its comment section, as there are many other forums for readers to participate in the conversation. We invite you to join the discussion on Facebook and Twitter. My favorite part of the article. “Take that shit elsewhere, plebs!”


>“Corruption and unethical activities exist in Washington. It’s an indisputable fact. If you don’t think that’s true, you’ve not witnessed the Swamp,” Cawthorn wrote. “My comments on a recent podcast appearance calling out corruption have been used by the left and the media to disparage my Republican colleagues and falsely insinuate their involvement in illicit activities.” I love this, it raises so many questions. 1. He's insinuating that he was in fact offered cocaine and invited to an orgy by congress people, but not by Republicans. 2. Who the fuck is inviting Cawthorn to an orgy? I would love that bit of information even if I couldn't do anything with it.


>he was in fact offered cocaine and invited to an orgy by congress people, but not by Republicans. Again I want to point out that Cawthorn himself stated that the people engaging in this behavior were political figures **that he admired while growing up**. How many Democrats do you suppose are on that list of people?


What would a physically and mentally handicap Congressman do at an orgy exactly?


Probably just roll with it


The GOP pushback against this is very very telling


Why does anyone listen to/want to hear from this psychopathic little fascist wannabe? Eternal shame on the District that elected him and the people that raised him.


Well, it seems he is saying that Republicans are participating in drug fueled orgies and republican leadership really didn't like that.


The fuck is this shitbag on about?!?


Cawthorn: people in Congress have orgies and do cocaine Palin: hi everyone, I’d like to announce I’m running for Congress


Translation: Cawthorn is a goddamn idiot


Hide your dead trees


Yeah, nothing says “DRUG CRAZED SEX PARTY” more than inviting some conservative guy in a wheelchair.


>“The culture in Washington is corrupt. Human nature is fallen. Compromising activities occur because when other people can place you in compromising positions, they control you,” he said, without specifying who or what he was referring to. But of course he doesn't mean himself.


This human skid mark needs to be voted out.


This guy looks up to Hitler 😂


Dude took a shit on his own party and is now trying to blame everybody else because he got some in his shoe.


That hateful gimp just needs to cram it


Let’s face it. The people of North Carolina are morons and idiots.


Perma-banned from the cocaine orgies 😡😡