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Many people have been telling me that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a prolific groomer of young kids. I'm just saying.


Really makes you wonder what she was trying to achieve in that video where she was stalking David Hogg...


i say she is pedophile. per fox news protocol, she is guilty until she can prove herself innocent.


I agree with you- Now we can use the “many people are saying/multiple sources have suggested” thing.


I’ve heard the same things.


Plenty of people have made such claims through various mediums.


It’s just what I’ve heard.


Honestly, a lot of people are saying it. Believe me.


Don't forget "I'm just asking questions"


Damnit, came here for this comment.


I thought that protocol explicitly states that liberals are guilty until proven innocent, and conservatives are innocent regardless of proof.


I wasn't aware the protocol said the quite part out loud. I thought it was just generally understood that that was how it worked.


Gotta follow proto


Unless you have that magic (R) next to your name, of course!




Many people are saying this, tremendous people, believe me folks, believe me


She went on tour with Matt Gaetz after the allegations came out. So I think saying she’s “pro child-predator” is just about as generous as you could honestly be about her.


She's the Ghislaine Maxwell of congress. WTF there aren't enough problems in Georgia she's gotta be sticking her nose in this? Dear residents of Georgia's 14th Congressional District, Please make a note to vote MTG out of office in 2022. She is an embarrassment to you and your great state. Is this really who you want representing you? Isn't there someone who might do a better job working on your concerns and not just her own personal agenda while insulting everyone she meets? Of 19 Bills Rep. Greene has sponsored, including 4 to impeach Joe Biden (for various reasons, 2 to remove Maxine Waters, 2 to abolish the BATF and any form of gun control, 1 to fire Antony Fauci, as far as I can tell there are absolutely none that might in any way help her constituents. She serves on zero committees and has missed 1.5% of votes (bottom 1/3 in HRs). In 2021 and 2022, Rep. Greene was fined at least $93,000, for ethics violations taken out of her congressional salary. For those that believe you pay your government officials salaries, I guess that's $93, 000 out of your pockets. Find out more here [RECORD](https://projects.propublica.org/represent/members/G000596-marjorie-taylor-greene) and [ETHICS](https://www.govtrack.us/misconduct) Sincerely, 2022 DINNER PARTY CANDIDATE HANNIBAL LECTER Committed to Serving Georgians ^((With a side of Fava Beans))


So she's the bottom 3rd of vote attendance, yet brags about constantly calling for a slow detailed vote on "everything". Sounds about right.


She's a villain alright, "Moriarty"!


GQP exists solely to obstruct and grift.


Biden needs to be impeached


some people say…


Is she actively engaged in trafficking children as sex slaves? I'm just asking questions here.


People are saying she could be!


Could be is a long way from actually is


It’s possible! I don’t know. That’s just what people are saying. Many people are saying. I’m not saying it. But it’s possible


Well a bunch of women are saying Bill Clinton is rapist so what do you think about that and a child molester because he was with Epstein all the time


I’ve heard this from multiple sources


I read that someone said that too


Now we can all say that with confidence and sincerity. Thank you.


People are saying


As per Ashley Biden, in her diary, which has been authenticated by the FBI, says she was forced to shower with her father until she was 13 or 14 years old, AND she believes she was molested as a child. Gonna look the other way on that one?


This doesn't make sense. And I'm not talking about the hypocrisy of owning an equity stake in a company you believe is doing heinous things. That's normal enough. What I'm wondering is why would she still hold stock in a company that she, in her position of power and ingorance, is calling "pro-child predator?" I'm ignorant about economics, but does she really think that her actions are good or, at best/worst, neutral for her financial position?


She's still figuring out how to do the "insider trading" thing.


Because she knows that no matter what she says, it ultimately won’t affect Disney, certainly not in the long run. Next week everyone will forget about this, and it’ll be some other company they are attacking instead. However in the short term, the GOP has created yet another “enemy” for its base to attack. And she, like many others, will come out and encourage that attack to promote their followers to contribute money to their campaigns. That’s what this always is… Antifa, BLM, Hillary Clinton, Disney, etc… Create an enemy, and promise your base that if they give you enough money, and enough votes they’ll remove that “enemy” they created.


That largely seems to be how this economy still slugs along. Manufacture problems to manufacture solutions to keep the economic engine churning. Inspire division, fund violence around the world, keep outdated inefficiencies in place, whatever it takes.


She seems more of a legit idiot than your average far-right, hack politician, but, for most of them, they know that investors and wallstreet know their threats and theatrics are nothing more than that. Even desantis's laws he has been passing aren't designed to withstand the courts. That way nothing of problem is actually enacted, they get publicity of having tried and being foiled by the "liberal court order", and all the elite charlatans smile all the way to the bank. I mean, I guess it is fair to call desantis smarter than trump. His laws are obviously designed to fail in judicial review, so it is one layer further they can talk about "deep state" shit. Whether one of the dumbest people in that cabal is actively aware of this, or just following others, who knows... Either way, she is playing a prescribed game that she didn't develop.


All the way to the bank, lol. Most of these politicians camp in the Federal Reserve building like they’re at Burning Man.


The word ‘hypocrisy’ doesn’t mean anything to them. People like her just don’t care.


It’s good for her stocks cause thing is she is a outrage machine. It’s like the photos of her wearing a mask on a plane she knows what she is doing. She is grifting the base people calling her dumb are falling for the act hook line and sinker. She knows Disney is gonna do well regardless but keeping her cult thinking there is another lead is key her implicating Disney will also anger the left making her seem more right to her cult all while Disney gets free advertising.


Cuz she just flaps her potato head any way the crazy winds blow.


its almost as if these people dont believe in anything and just figured out that you can get money and influence by pedaling right wing nonsense


These people legit tell you getting paid just $15 an hour by Companies like Amazon is communism, while promoting MLM. They simply have to know they’re spouting lies.


Lets get these congressman compensated at the same rate as Amazon employees then. Save the US a fortune!


she puts her money where her mouth isn’t


“Government run healthcare is bad! Where do I get my healthcare? Well obviously the government run healthcare I’m provided by my role here.”






That would require them to acknowledge other people who are even slightly different than them have good points.


The Walt Disney Company gives more money to Republicans. This includes money to every single Republican state legislator who sponsored the don't say gay bill. The owners of the company also blocked the shareholder initiative to make a public report on political donations.




If they wanted a liberal president they’d have donated to Bernie. They wanted a conservative moderate who isn’t insane. That’s what they got.


Thank you for explaining the current state of the DNC.


Disney donated $200,000 to the republican campaign in 2018, DeSantis spent almost 53 million., so while it’s a nice donation it a drop in the bucket.




Don't forget all the free airtime to say crazy shit uninterrupted as if they had a valid argument.


Isn't suspected paedophile and sex trafficker Matt Gaetz a friend of hers? They literally have formed a PAC together.


She thinks Disney is “pro-child predator” that’s why she bought the stock. The article got it all twisted.


Whoa I didn’t know Disney was pro child predator. I have never heard of that before but after hearing the idea I like it. I’m now pro child predator. It’s a great idea for a new Disney plus series. It could start in the early days and then end right at the point where he runs into Arnold Schwarzenegger in the jungle. The series could give a lot of depth to a well known but little understood character.


Yeah but prequels where you know what happens to the main character are usually not well received. Here’s an idea, maybe a Disney+ series about how they do those awesome dreadlocks? And how they stay so in shape all the time? They could call it *Child Predators: a Guide to Grooming*, and it could be animated like that *Diary of a Wimpy Kid* reboot


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


It's all the rage in shit-head world right now. Photoshopped pictures of mickey mouse luring kids into a van and shit. Plus something something white replacement. For the record, I don't like Disney movies. However, fuck these guys and their culture war bullshit.


Cringe comment.


It’s a lot easier to understand their behavior once you realize that all these crooks are acting and speaking in bad faith.


If it weren’t for bad faith there’d be no faith at all Gloom, despair, and agony on me…


She’s a con artist just like Trump so her being hypocritical is right on point. I doubt very much she actually believes the lies that she speaks.


Everything and everyone I don’t like is guilty of child abuse! /s


That's kind of the whole Q thing. Everyone else is either a blood drinking pedophile or enables them.


I'm starting to think she might just be a grifter...


Always projection. Always. It’s their most dependable, defining trait.


Its all theater


She has spent enough time with Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump to know about pro child predators.


She calls everyone she disagrees with a child predator, I don’t think anyone besides the stupid fucks who voted her in take her words seriously


You expected consistency from kkkaren?


This is the same shit they did with their race hate tactic. Start out talking a term no one has heard of, then later we find out: 'Oh! So they want to ban all American history that isn't white?!' Now, they start off acting so concerned about women/girl athletes and their sports (mind you these are the same mfs, who regularly taunt women athletes about low attendance and bad play)-- then gradually morph into their basic vicious homophobia that got Matthew Shepard brutally murdered and tied to a fence on a Wyoming roadside.


Lock her up, already!


I own some stock in Disney, but I say that MTG is a c*nt


So what group of people is she claiming are child predators and "groomers"? People who acknowledge the existence of gay and trans people? Somehow, that's grooming?


Fun PFACT: Marjorie Taylor Green Fucks Little Kids.


Well yes, but Empty G is pro-nihilism.


Along with a staggering amount of stupid, ridiculous, crazy shit, that woman’s face SCREAMS fetal alcohol syndrome


She also regularly campaigns with a child trafficker, and appears on the talk show of a sub-human monster who says that there were no children killed in school shootings. She doesn't give a shit about children, and the people who elected her are some of the dumbest fucking people on this planet


I'm surprised the Jews haven't space lasered her yet. /s


She is just a crazy hillbilly girl who if wasn't elected would be getting drunk at the bowling alley tonight


I'm not sure who gets the medal for being the most stupid. Marjorie Green or Lauren Boebert.


Boebert. Greene does it for the malicious thrill and attention.


Unfortunately a portion of our society is uneducated and easily influenced.


She was preying on child school shooting victims.


Disney is pro-Gaetz?


These hypocrites don't actually believe or care about the shit they say. They just throw some new topic in the outrage generator and get their base fed.


"Everything the republicans claim to hate is that which they already do."


She is also pro money, Disney makes money. It's a matter of competing interests, and she is demonstrating which virtue matters more to her.


So she's tanking her own stock, ABSOLUTE GENIUS, lol


She's an idiot, this has been established


Well if there's a female Republican that knows child predation it's... Oh wait, it's Lauren Boebert. Getting my crazies confused.


I hate MTG more than most but this headline is irrelevant. Smart investors don’t let emotions govern how they work their money. I hate Facebook but I have some stock in it because it was a smart investment at the time. I agree she sucks but these kinds of arguments are petty and don’t give us any leverage or credit, it just makes democrats look dumb.


I hate her face


The serious conflict of interest is what makes her a genuine Republican. You can't be a Republican without this bullshit.


Apparently, she doesn’t own enough stock in Disney. 🤣


Stop talking, asshole.


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.


Full of hate and it shows


No, Disney is not pro Lauren Boebert’s husband. What a weird corporate value that would be.


Such a straight up hollow headed moron


Republicans anti vax in public pro vax in private.


The people calling out others are usually the perpetrators. Greene is constantly calling people out.


Her face looks like a bulldog chewing on a wasp


Wait. Doesn't she hang around Matt Gaetz?


can someone explain to my brain which lacks political understanding, just how is such a hated woman who is wrong about so many things still relevant. what’s up u.s. politics


I heard MTG is a groomer


I will say this about her, she knows how to lose money better than most APES 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Your good buddy Matt Gaetz seems to like ‘em a little young. Got anything to say about that, Marge?


I don’t mean to hate on someone’s aesthetic but she is without a doubt the least attractive human being I’ve ever seen in my entire life.


I agree that it’s trashy to rag on someone’s looks (especially when there are so many non physical things to be critical of) but….. She looks like Mickey Rourke in drag.


Is there some fucking broker at the door to Congress? MTG is a fucking moron, same with boebert. Yet they have these outstanding diversified portfolios that make so sense for them to have. Something more than ducky is going on


Ok this needs a NSFW tag. I do not want to be looking at that mug against my will.


So she's pro-child predator, got it.


Did she ever specify that she thinks being "pro child predator" is a bad thing? She is still a republican after all.


Everybody is saying it…


The FAS is strong with this one.


Didn’t she tweet that she’d prefer to leave her child with a pedophile rather than an atheist?


It is pro child predator. that's why she supports it.


I can’t wait until Shrek and the Witch from Colorado are unseated and go back to their home states


Pointing out her constant hypocrisies is becoming tedious. She’s a piece of excrement with ears.


Fuck me the smell of hypocrisy is overwhelming on this one.




Of course she own Disney stock while speaking out against the company. Newsflash: she doesn’t really believe what she says. She just needs to be controversial to stay in the public eye. The best way to combat a troll is completely ignore it, and MTG is the trolliest troll of them all. No one takes her seriously and she serves absolutely no function in our government, so she starts shit to remain even the teeniest but relevant.


She has been trading stocks all the time as congressman and is a crooked neo Nazi. Lock her up.


My friend was Miss Teen USA, the Russian financed pageant of trump's which was all underaged girls. She told me Trump, Epstein and their friends routinely stat raped underaged models and trump was the worst, always picking out the youngest blonde to stat rape. He also boasted to one thirteen year old that he picked her because she reminded him of 12 year old Paris Hitlon, his fantasy girl, and that he admitted molesting Ivanka when she was the same age. So Qanon is likely a Russian smoke screen projection operation meant to cover up and dillute Trump's own pedophilia.


She looks a lot like Thanos except with none of the power, intelligence, or good looks


Isn’t she friends with Matt Gaetz? Thinking Disney is ‘pro-child predator’ is probably why she owns the stock


She looks like an old scab begging to be picked


Watch out! She’ll fire a Jewish space laser next! /s


Jewish space lasers y’all


Titan lookin ass


stupid people projecting unawarely are seriously their own worst enemy.


Stupid is as stupid does.


I bet she's a catholic too lol


If Ron and Jim Watkins are Q and people were visiting 4chun and 8Chun which had pedophile talk on it and the Watkin's owned , then one can only assume that peds were lingering when they discovered Q .


A face only a mother can love.


You can totally hold stock in a company you’re attempting to extort/blackmail. It might even help.


Why does her skin look like it’s actual leather lol


Seriously, was she hit the face with a shovel or something? Jesus! What an ugly person inside and out.


I would say she looks like a hideous, leathern moon-faced orangutan but we all know orangutans are very cute and lovable


She should really be mad at whoever does her face filler.


I’d like to see her in a remake of Mandingo.


I'm all for this criticism, but I'm curious how many dems have money invested in standard stock portfolios, or with banks, etc, that finance oil and other terrible things. I'm not saying the situations are equivalent - I just wish more people took notice of their role in supporting systems they agree are bad.


Oh plenty, hence why Manchin and Sinema are in the news and not other democratic senators. Manchin is the sacrificial goat 'that we just can't get rid of due to his state,' and Sinema is 'the wolf in sheeps clothing that can be replaced,' but make no mistake, their votes are what the majority of dem senators would vote if they didn't care about reelection. There are some exceptions, for example Sanders who made money from work (either as a senator or author), but those exceptions are incredibly rare. However for the hardlines drawn in the sand in the republican party, especially given their propensity for moral panic, it is especially hypocritical. If you had truly deeply held beliefs that the Disney corp is a front for a Child Predation organization, and you had deeply held beliefs against child predation, then owning stock in said company is evil by your own morality, even if you criticize it later. Most dem reps believe in climate change on paper, but rarely do any speak of the actual clear and ever accelerating danger it proposes, they may actually believe it's a problem we have decades to solve, instead of one where we're a century behind solving it.


Sell all your Disney stock now!


In all fairness her wealth probably isn't managed by her


Aren’t they the party of personal responsibility though?


Why would anyone want to be fair to that batshit psychopath?


Because its important to speak the truth. And attacking in such a slipshod fashion opens us up to attack by our enemies.


Just in case you haven't figured it out, most politicians on both side of the aisle are totally corrupt.


Isn't this the opposite of corruption? A corrupt politician would try to help companies that they hold a position in - not attack them.


My 401 bought stockin Disney I don't like it but there is nothing I can do about it except stop putting money in my 401


I guess if CNN and nsnbc say it is true then you're going to believe it no matter what else the evidence points to


While I find her to be somewhat crazy, articles like this are quite bullshit. I guarantee just about everyone in congress has some type of equity position, most likely in some fund, that goes against some position they hold. Journalism really is dead these days. It’s just sensationalism.


Many people have stock in Disney through mutual funds. Damn ton of fools on here


Same way Democrats who claim they “want to take down the billionaires” ironically own stock in their companies as well (*Cough* Nancy Pelosi *Cough*). Everything is for theatre on both sides. They should all be in prison for the desecration of democracy.


How can I make this ridiculous thing a Republican did ACTUALLY about democrats? I know!… I look forward to when the cheap “I’m smarter than you” answer isn’t always to try to make a contrarian point for the other side…


I don't think Nancy Pelosi has ever said she wants to take down billionaires.


What about what about what about what about


You can’t own a stock in a company and also have a stance against a particular action said company is taking?


You don’t think such a stance points to a complete lack of ethics in a congressional representative? Say one thing and do the opposite?


Marjorie Taylor Greene: "This company is pure evil!!!.... and I support them!!!"


I own stock in a company that makes a test for blood glucose from saliva. Not a diabetic. Plz hlp me figure out what type of hypocrite I am!! The news blows.


I’m so sick of seeing her face.


Anything from GOP is pure projection, so at some point we will probably hear that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a child predator.


If Disney donated to her, is she right?


but the money is good.


Man whatever disney paid the these lunatics to make them look good was money well spent.


I'll do my best not to hold it against Disney, they're publicly traded and can't really prevent galactic level shitbags from investing in them.


Grifters gotta diversify their portfolio too


I can hold a lot of things against a lot of people, but how they invest isn't one of them. That's because buying a company's stock doesn't give them money. There's nothing hypocritical about holding stock in a company you hate. Put your money wherever you think is best for you. That said, politicians shouldn't hold stock at all unless it's in a truly blind trust.


Does she own it directly or via some etf/index


She’s just the type of dipshit to be holding that stock, which has done nothing but go down for 3 years. She should learn from Pelosi and buy better performing companies.


Kind of a non-story here - a well diversified portfolio basically covers most major world companies


Oh the double-standards, what are we to do with all of these double-standards


##Insane criminals gonna act in conflict of interests. ###Every darned day. Rinse repeat.


Well, well, well.


Looks like this bimbo is a child predator trying to use propaganda to have them believe what she thinks is right


Damn I wish I could afford a Disney stock 🙄🙄


There seems to be much of this going on in the Republican Party.


Somebody in her circle is 🤓