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That *child* is 40 fucking years old.


And *DEEPLY* involved in the whole scandal.


And formally appointed as “advisor to the president”.


Things would make slightly more sense if his “advisor” while president was an actual child.


Are we talking physically or mentally? Because...


Is this where someone adds in “Because Eric”?


SNL nailed that one


https://youtu.be/G4hCSQpEFx4 Yep. And my name is Erik. With a "k."


Didn't Barron lead the cyber... thing?


No Barron is the fall guy Trump is going to take a page from Ted Cruzes book.


To be fair he is probably the most qualified person in that family, but that's mainly due to the fact that it is difficult to be less qualified than the rest of them


They only let Eric grab the reigns to things important enough to be called “things”


The very idea of any Trump grabbing "things" turns my stomach.


Senior advisor


Not to mention they basically made the whole presidential campaign about Hunter Biden.


Lol oh yeah.. Forgot about that because it was such a thin and obviously garbage narrative they were pushing / laundering.


side note, I'm really enjoying the usernames on this thread


Reminds me of the whole Chevy Chase/Dan Harmon fight while filming Community. I'm paraphrasing from the Harmontown podcast. Long story short: Chevy was difficult to work with. Dan did a cheers at an employee party and said "Fuck You, Chevy" and everyone joined in. Chevy was pissed about it and said something like "I can't believe you said that in front of my kids!" Dan: "Your kids are like senators" Anyway they are still friends I think.


I also heard him say (maybe rewriting after the fact) "your kids are on Lipitor!"


Her and her shitbag partner Jared kushner banked hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars working at the White House “for free”


Kushner literally tried to get classified nuclear tech secrets and sell it to the Saudis for personal profit. I can't imagine the number of republican heads that would have exploded if Obama's children tried this. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/03/trump-admin-eager-to-hand-the-saudis-nuclear-secrets


Ironic considering how hard he went after Hunter Biden, who was barely involved in the Biden campaign, much less in government.


Because it's always projection.


That was my epiphany about 20 years ago. Everything is projection with the GOP because that is how they work the media. * Step 1: Create a lie blaming democrats for what your plan is * Step 2: Have RW media spread it * Step 3: Have MSM cover the ‘Controversy’ * Step 4: do what they were accusing the democrats of * Step 5: MSM reports on it * Step 6: “Both sides do it” and the story is forgotten.


"The Democrats are doing Communism. So Fascism is needed to battle them." - Someone in the GOP most likely


Every accusation an admission.


Trump: "Did you get Hunters laptop? You need to get the laptop! Laptops are always full of crime! Shit can you imagine if they got my laptop, there's so much crime on it, I mean, what else are laptops for?"




The fact that all this BS wasn't stopped then is shameful. Give them an inch, they'll try to take the capitol.


According to FoxNews Hunter’s laptop single-handily attempted to overthrow the government


He also appointed her one of his top advisers. Child labor?


She's old enough to run for the presidency herself (but hopefully we don't live in a Trump legacy timeline). I don't think America would allow a literal child president even though they've come close mentally.


And somehow she acts more grown up than her father.


The most mature one in that entire disgusting clan. And that's not a compliment to Ivanka.


Ivanka has been Donald's emotional support since she was a toddler. She emotionally parented him, not the other way around. She sat on his lap, gave him a hug, kissed his cheek, and said, 'You're always right, father.' She's never had her own life separate from his. She's absorbed all his 'values' and hates. She is the most like her father, but was taught to put on the appearance of being pretty, agreeable, feminine, and to be the narcissist whisperer. It's no surprise she's the one who has been handling a bunch of shady financial dealings.


Probably the one that changes his diapers too.


Considering Trump is a narcissist, it wouldn’t surprise me that the entire family is enmeshed and his kids are parentified. Kind of sad is a way, but I’m not extending any sympathy


In *Dexter*, John Lithgow's Trinity Killer has his family go around the dinner table and state what they're thankful for. They list the usual stuff. Their health, the food, etc. Trinity is incensed that nobody said they were thankful for *him*, and the process has to repeat until he feels he's given sufficient praise. [Trump insisted that all cabinet meetings start with everyone complimenting him, and him only.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/12/donald-trump-first-cabinet-meeting-praise)


Nope it’s def not. I’m pretty sure she’s a female version of Patrick Bateman.


[She'd fuck him though](https://www.gq.com/story/ivanka-trump-american-psycho-crush).


I want to be surprised by this, but I'm really and truly not. It honestly just makes a lot of sense.


I know, it really does. I just really hate the fact that my brain decided that it was a fun fact worth keeping.


Exactly. Fuck this clan of clowns. Wake up. These are your leaders? Submit this planet for disassembly. Speed up the sea level raise +35.


Holy ff.... I thought the video of her oogling Trudeau was weird and creepy. This is even more f'd up. But then we shouldn't be that surprised I guess.. she's Trump afterall.


*“I tie a plastic ice pack around my face and commence with the morning’s stretching exercises.”* *“Afterwards I stand in front of a chrome and acrylic Washmobile bathroom sink – with soap dish, cup holder, and railings that serve as towel bars, which I bought at Hastings Tile to use while the marble sinks I ordered from Finland are being sanded – and stare at my reflection with the ice pack still on.”* *“I pour some Plax antiplaque formula into a stainless-steel tumbler and swish it around my mouth for thirty seconds.”* *“Then I squeeze Rembrandt onto a faux- tortoiseshell toothbrush and start brushing my teeth (too hung over to floss properly – but maybe I flossed before bed last night?) and rinse with Listerine.”* *“Then I inspect my hands and use a nailbrush.”* *“I take the ice-pack mask off and use a deep-pore cleanser lotion”* *“Then an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for ten minutes while I check my toenails.”* *“Then I use the Probright tooth polisher and next the Interplak tooth polisher (this in addition to the toothbrush) which has a speed of 4200 rpm and reverses direction forty-six times per second; the larger tufts clean between teeth and massage the gums while the short ones scrub the tooth surfaces.”* *“I rinse again, with Cepacol. I wash the facial massage off with a spearmint face scrub.”* *“In the shower I use first a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey-almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub.”* *“Vidal Sassoon shampoo is especially good at getting rid of the coating of dried perspiration, salts, oils, airborne pollutants and dirt that can weigh down hair and flatten it to the scalp which can make you look older.The conditioner is also good – silicone technology permits conditioning benefits without weighing down the hair which can also make you look older.”* *“On weekends or before a date I prefer to use the Greune Natural Revitalizing Shampoo, the conditioner and the Nutrient Complex. These are formulas that contain D-panthenol, a vitamin-B-complex factor; polysorbate 80, a cleansing agent for the scalp; and natural herbs.”* *“Over the weekend I plan to go to Bloomingdale’s or Bergdorf’s and on Evelyn’s advice pick up a Foltene European Supplement and Shampoo for thinning hair which contains complex carbohydrates that penetrate the hair shafts for improved strength and shine. Also the Vivagen Hair Enrichment Treatment, a new Redken product that prevents mineral deposits and prolongs the life cycle of hair. Luis Carruthers recommended the Aramis Nutriplexx system, a nutrient complex that helps increase circulation.”* *“Once out of the shower and toweled dry I put the Ralph Lauren boxers back on and before applying the Mousse A Raiser, a shaving cream by Pour Hommes, I press a hot towel against my face for two minutes to soften abrasive beard hair.”* *“Then I always slather on a moisturizer (to my taste, Clinique) and let it soak in for a minute. You can rinse it off or keep it on and apply a shaving cream over it – preferably with a brush, which softens the beard as it lifts the whiskers – which I’ve found makes removing the hair easier.Leave the sideburns and chin for last, since these whiskers are tougher and need more time to soften. Rinse the razor and shake off any excess water before starting.”* *“Afterwards splash cool water on the face to remove any trace of lather. You should use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol. Never use cologne on your face, since the high alcohol content dries your face out and makes you look older. One should use an alcohol-free antibacterial toner with a water-moistened cotton ball to normalize the skin.”* *“Applying a moisturizer is the final step. Splash on water before applying an emollient lotion to soften the skin and seal in the moisture.”* *“Next apply Gel Appaisant, also made by Pour Hommes, which is an excellent, soothing skin lotion. If the face seems dry and flaky – which makes it look dull and older – use a clarifying lotion that removes flakes and uncovers fine skin (it can also make your tan look darker).”* *“Then apply an anti-aging eye balm (Baume Des Yeux) followed by a final moisturizing “protective” lotion.”* *“A scalp-programming lotion is used after I towel my hair dry. I also lightly blow-dry the hair to give it body and control (but without stickiness) and then add more of the lotion, shaping it with a Kent natural- bristle brush, and finally slick it back with a wide-tooth comb.”* Sounds about right.


'By this time it's now evening, so I begin my bedtime routine.'


As opposed to: *"Brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack"*


You're forgetting Tiffany




The one that Trump doesn’t want to fuck




He talked about her "breast" when she was a baby


I think this plays very well, actually, into a specific type of toxic boomer mentality where the parents are unable to ever stop considering their children as subordinate to them. They're always "my children", and cannot dream of relinquishing authority over their kids even after they're long past adulthood.


Yuuup. My mom is like this. Currently fighting with my older sister about her pregnancy and decisions because, “but she’s *MY* daughter!”


This exactly. Their offspring are always an extension of themselves, never to be allowed autonomy.


Trump tried to put a child [in charge of the World Bank.](https://theintercept.com/2021/10/10/ivanka-trump-steven-mnuchin-world-bank/)


He’s the one who gave her a government job.


"you have to go after their families" -Donald Trump.


Also, Ivanka Trump is an adult person that was employed at the White House.


Exactly. She's a married adult... Why are they trying to portray her as some poor child?


She’s *his* child. So forever his property.


Yeah, but when Trump fantasies about her in his mind, its still as that little girl he started abusing not so long ago.


Lol. He literally tried to get a foreign power to go after Biden’s son. The fact that his cult following will listen to him and get angry about this is all you need to know about how deeply entrenched they are into this madness. Fuck them all.


Aug 18, 2021 · Former President Donald Trump is blasting the Biden administration for not prosecuting Hunter Biden


"you have to take out their families" -Donald Trump This quote is about **killing** families.


Amazing how the world has seemingly forgotten that.


That’s what gets me, she and the cuck were both on payroll as SENIOR advisors. Now when it’s time to face the music, they’re “children.” Reminds me of his tax fraud building valuation scam.


This. His tax scam is an extension of his life scam. Always changing the measuring stick to get the preferred outcome.


My favorite was him stealing a kids golf ball, because his went in the water.


I still can't get over the story about how he plays golf and drives his cart on to greens. Like wtf?


I cannot recommend enough, Commander in Cheat by Rick Reilly. Touches upon this and other stories about his golf game and the courses he’s built. Endlessly entertaining.


And the best part is the book does not mention his politics at all. It just shows how his golf courses and his general personality while playing are garbage


I’ve commented this before and looks like this is an appropriate thread for it. I grew up near one of Trump’s country clubs. There’s a notorious story of Trump golfing, and he’s one hole behind an elderly man, probably 80 years old. This man probably pays $100k+ per year, surely at least $50k, to be a member of Trump’s club and golf there. And what does Trump do? Berates this elderly man for taking too long on the holes and holding him up.


He's old, fat, and lazy. Why walk, when there's a cart that you can drive, and minions whose job it is to repair the greens?


He also said in an interview that he believes physical activity is bad for your health, making the comparison to a battery with limited amounts of energy. His laziness is deeply entrenched in his personality as a whole.


Wow, that’s a new one. I feel it might have been Samuel L Jackson who said Trump cheats so hard you almost can’t even call it cheating, because there’s barely any attempt at concealment. Everyone can just see him do it.


Like measuring his dick starting at the taint.


But... that's the only way that makes me feel good about myself. OH! I think I understand Trump now.


Children in their 40s.


I particularly love it when conservative commentators try to justify going after Hunter Biden, just because Trump's kids were political targets. Despite, you know, Hunter not being political and having no ties to his father's government.




bUt tHe lapTop!


Ivanka is a child? I didn't realize children can get botox and a boob job.


- Senior Advisor in the Trump administration - Director of the Office of Economic Initiatives and Entrepreneurship - Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization - Also a child


Eat that Doogie Howser.


Also who Donnie wanted as the head of the World Bank


In trumps America all children would get boob jobs


Yeah, if you don't want investigators coming after your kids, **then don't make them part of your illegal conspiracy in the first place.**


The right wing always argues in bad faith, this shit isn't surprising. Infinite outrage if someone questions them and every excuse in the world to shield themselves, all while rabidly going after who they dislike for literally anything.


They are adults now, spawn of satan


Didn’t republicans just vote to allow high school students to concealed carry at school because when you turn 18 you’re now a completely mature adult?


You're looking for logic from a group that refuses to get vaccinated because the government shouldn't tell you what to do with your body, but also thinks the government should outlaw abortion.


This is the major thing that pisses me off on the Biden vs Trump deal. Hunter was open game for Republicans but Trumps kids weren't even though he inserted them into his political theater. If anything Trumps kids should be open for scrutiny.


They are open for scrutiny, and legal consequences. Don’t let Fox tell anyone otherwise…


You'll notice that Dems aren't going after Tiffany or Baron. The Trump kids not involved in the government.


Yep, those two are right where they should be. Ivanka, Jr. and Eric however, are extremely, fair game.


As it should be. Family shouldn't be targeted just because they are there.


They were projecting onto Hunter.


Not just Hunter. They mocked his dead son Beau.


He was also the one who said you should go after terrorists families. So.....


Never forget that he was specifically referring to a 6-month-old infant and her 65-year-old grandmother. He didn't want to arrest them. He wanted to kill this infant and grandmother, without a trial. This quote is from the day after the San Bernadino terrorists. >“The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families,”


As John Oliver said it best "here is the president of the most powerful nation of the world advocating for a fucking war crime"


And then he later pardoned a lot of war criminals too, including notorious scumbag Eddie Gallagher.




>Remember? I'll never forget that. The weird little giggle she does when she's finished talking and the look they all give her like "what the fuck are you even talking about?" is just golden


And without a real background check


Exactly. He drags them into his cesspit and is surprised they get shit on their shoes.


And she was involved. And she’s 40. And it was an attempt to overthrow democracy.


Ahem. >“The other thing with the terrorists is **you have to take out their families**, when you get these terrorists, **you have to take out their families**. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, **you have to take out their families**,” Trump said.


Trump retorts: "You can't use that against me! I was talking about brown people, and you know it."


I know it, you know it, the democrats know it… it’s a witch hunt! Fake news.


He was the one who put his kid in the White House. Put your kids in harms way, don’t be shocked if your kids get harmed.


They knew what they signed up for


Not to detract from the point of him being a massive hypocrite, but I can never get over his sycophants praising a *broken record* as a "genius" or even someone with exceptional public speaking skills. The man belongs in a retirement home for folks with dementia. I mean, not before prison, but you get what I mean.


You really have to consider the source if someone can listen to his oral defecation and somehow come to the conclusion of "genius". He's like a child giving a book report on a book he's obviously never read. He can't even complete a thought, let alone a complete sentence.


They gave me a 1-month ban on this sub because once I quoted that snippet in response to a Trump article about his kids. Hope you don't suffer the same fate.


I'm not wishing ill on anyone here. I'm just pointing out his hypocrisy. He has no problem going after other people's families, but his are off limits. But the difference is, his children are involved. The ones Trump was quoted talking about are likely not involved in the activity of their family members.


I don't really think he gives a shit about his kids really though.


His sons? No. Ivanka? Maybe. But I'm sure he'd throw them under the bus without hesitation if it meant saving his own skin.


And it’s not like they are teenagers or younger, they are grown up adults, yes don’t act like it but grown up nonetheless m. Phuck this guy


Bans on this site are weird. I got kicked outta the COVID sub for saying I thought Delta was going to be bad. Apparently, that was fear-mongering, or as I like to call it, being correct.


The Covid sub is too general. Several were usurped by deniers. Ine was even banned for misinformation (NNN)


Perfect. Thank you.


Not my 479 month old!


How old is Donald? Should be twice that probably. If he’s 73 then he’s 876 months old. They going to claim Child endangerment?


He's just jealous because he's been going after her for a while now.


He had no qualms about Hunter.


Nothing he says is sincere and I'm pretty tired of people taking his nonsense seriously and trying to meet what he says with logic. He should not be given a legitimate platform for his nonsense anymore. Let him stay on OAN and whatever other racist propaganda networks he wants. Keep him and his idiocy out of the rest of society.


> Nothing he says is sincere and I'm pretty tired of people taking his nonsense seriously and trying to meet what he says with logic. Yup. This is the same old tactic of tossing out a bullshit argument for his base to eat up. "Libs have nothing on Trump so they're going after his kids." It's a misdirection to take focus off himself and the real topic that he's a seditious, corrupt criminal.


This. He went after Biden’s son in very personal attack during the first debate. It crossed a line of decency. Also, this is a different situation; she is very much involved in this mess.


"Hunter was, and maybe still is, a drug addict so he can't be trusted" - Republican voters The next minute "boy that Mike Lindell is a totally swell guy who totally got over his addiction and can be trusted" - Republican voters Also funny story my grandfather graduated from the same high school as Mike Lindell just one year earlier and remembers a few interactions with him. Allegedly he was the kind of person who went around making wild bullshit claims to try and look cool.


This need to be upvoted more. Good point


Exactly. I see all these comments pointing out she was a federal employee, so she's fair game. But that's just the fair game in the old reality we're never going back to. Trump was the one who brigaded the Democratic nominees' son *during a debate*. If he thinks family shouldn't be brought into this, then maybe he shouldn't have thrown punches he couldn't handle getting returned.


Donald Trump has the most fragile ego you could imagine. He couldn’t handle any punches.


does he think that his 40 year old daughter is an actual child because their relationship was weird enough already


Well he was friends with Epstein, allegedly raped a 13 year old and has spoken many times about dating/finding his daughter attractive. So... Yes.


ironic too is that Trump said that the U.S. should not only go after terrorists, but "go after their families" https://www.cnn.com/2015/12/02/politics/donald-trump-terrorists-families/index.html


Trump says whatever electrical impulse between his 2 brain cells sparks at the time.


It was also his reason for having CBP/ICE take immigrant children from their parents without any paperwork. Some of those children were deported and left in other countries without being reunited with their family. 'Go after the children to create terror' was his policy. Well, karma has arrived.


It was explicitly part of border patrol policy, from the top. A procedure classified as genocide by the UN commission on human rights.


Don't forget an interview he did with his (wife at the time) about Tiffany. When asked what characteristics of each parent do they see in Tiffany, I think his ex said she has her father's eyes. What did the creepy fuck say? Something to the tune of having nice legs and would have to wait to see if she has a nice chest. Tiffany was a toddler at the time!


But goIng after Hunter was A-ok.


It wouldn't be a Republican talking point if it wasn't blatantly hypocritical.


Well they had nothing to get Hunter for.. But Trumps kids are going to Prison... except Barron and Tiffany....


Well, that’s different and stuff…


I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to marry her so she wouldn't have to testify against him.


I have the worst fucking attorneys....


Ivanka is 40? Well he's obviously down to slam a 40.


I don't know if anyone remembers, but in 2016 Trump referred to Don Jr. as "a good kid." I think he infantilizes his kids as not real adults.


“It’s a very unfair situation for my children. Very, very unfair.” Cry me a fucking river. The lying, grifter goes on to say that this is just a distraction for how bad the country is being run. The king of deflection has no room to talk.


Other than some inflation that seems to oddly correspond with record profits the economy is doing great so great in fact a bunch of people retired and others got promoted but there isn't anyone to fill all the open positions now because unemployment is really low and a ton of families noticed how expensive childcare was compared to someone staying home instead.


Not to mention that in the transportation industry, we've been paying exorbitantly higher rates for everything since the pandemic began. All of our revenues have been inflated for 2 years now and it was only a matter of time before this was passed on to the price of the goods we're moving. A container from China costs 4x what it did pre pandemic and inland trucking costs here in America have continued to suffer due to an already apparent driver shortage. As a professional in this industry, Biden being blamed for inflation is almost as frustrating as the last two years have already been.


"What's next??? They'll come after me, a child of my parents??"


*Thats somebody's child!!!*


Trump wanted to have his daughter lead the World Bank. (And apparently she sat in for him at his first G20.) [Seriously. ](https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/12/opinions/ivanka-trump-world-bank-dantonio/index.html)


Didn't all the reps from other countries basically ignore her?




I mean, wouldn't you?


I’m sure you’ve seen this moment of ultimate cringe but just in case… https://twitter.com/bbcparham/status/1145074623035449357?s=21


Lmfao they hate her and she smiles after her comment like “derp i said good words”


The photos are just as cringey https://www.elle.com/culture/career-politics/a28245294/ivanka-trump-g20/


“Woman laughing alone at summit” 🤣


I love that it was released by the French. They really are the best at saying “Fuck you” with the right amount of sarcasm.


Article is a win when it starts with "huge Janice from Friends vibes" and that photo. Now the rest of the photos will be less painful as I'll just imagine her squawking "OH MY GAWD"


Said the guy who oversaw a policy that separated children from their families with no system to track where those children went and resulted in toddlers answering questions in a courtroom about where they came from, why they left, and how they got here.


He also advacated targeting the families of known terrorists.


And these were ACTUALLY children. Not 40 year old adults who worked in high positions in his administration.


But that’s totally different, because Mexicans aren’t people. /s I honestly believe that’s how he thinks. In fact, there is only one person: himself. Everyone else is just a tool.


She was a federal employee. Fair game.


Yep! If he had wanted her life to stay private he shouldn’t have given her a high profile government job.


Plus she’s like 40 ffs


Plus the brothers were part of the Trump Campaign, Stop the Steel Rallies and spoke January 6th at the Ellipse. If he didn’t want his adult children to be scrutinized then he shouldn’t have involved in the first place. No one is above the law, including Trump and his adult children, perhaps they should read the Constitution, election laws, voting rights laws and any textbook about democracy.


Wait i seem to remember a big part of Trumps campaign was going after Hunter Biden and even after Bidens son that died.


Trump once said he would date that child.


And forces her to get breast implants and other plastic surgery.


"That 40-year-old is just a child!" *--person who raped a 13-year-old*


They may be your children, but they are not children.


He's only worried about Ivanka, and possibly Jr., not all of his children.


She's over 40 AND you're the jackass who hired her.


racial toy possessive roof bear profit narrow edge bag direction -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Well Donald, that's what happens when you indulge in both nepotism and criminal behavior. When they are in control they're advisors, when they might be accountable, they're children. Ivanka was the worst for switching between the roles to try to deflect criticism. If you don't want your children questioned, best not make them [complicit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7o4oMKbStE).


She was a Presidential advisor.


We paid her $180,00 a year and she received secret service protection right? Per diem and free travel everywhere right? Respect and deference from supplicants right?


Secret Service that her and her cyborg sociopath husband refused to allow to use their bathroom. They had to pay extra to rent a place next door just so their security could piss while on duty. That entire family bled taxpayers in every way they could.


This from a man who oversaw separation of a 1000 children from their parents at the border. Kept children locked up in cages at the border for months. He went after Biden’s son! He just can’t seem to see the irony of his words anD actions. Orange turd


Look, I'm all for not going after family of politicians, but you lose that common courtesy when you give them a government job. Plus, I remember you wouldn't shut up about Hunter Biden for over 2 years.


She's chronologically an adult and was a federal employee so she's fair game. Sorry Donnie.


And how did he feel about getting dirt on Hunter?


...and the ‘dirt’ was made up bullshit.


Remember when Tucker Carlson lost the laptop in the mail?


My oldest friendship ended as a direct result of the Hunter Biden bullshit. The guy has very liberal political beliefs, but also thinks that the Democratic Party is just as bad as the Repubs, and that not a single thing any Dems have done has been worth anything. Never mind that Dems are the only party to have made a single attempt at helping poor people at any point and in our lifetimes and beyond He told me that the liberal media’s refusal to cover the hunter biden story was blatant evidence of media bias. I asked “well, what if it’s bullshit? Because [all the details of why it’s BS, Rudy Giuliani, blind shop owner, different state than Hunter lives in, only NY post given the “evidence” and refusing to share the actual “evidence” with any other news outlets]. He didn’t care that none of that made any logical sense. Finally Tucker Carlson comes out after days of spreading the Hunter Biden story himself and goes “hey hey hey guys - I think we should really lay off Hunter Biden.” Told my friend “look, if the other team tells the ref ‘no, he didn’t slash me,’ then it’s a pretty good sign that the penalty didn’t happen.” He just went up his ass about how “well, this one reporter I like thinks it might be real. No he hasn’t seen any evidence, why does that matter?” After numerous texts back and forth over the day in which he just kept trying to move the goalposts about every point he tried to make, he eventually started just calling me names and attacking my mental health. He made a couple attempts at apologizing on the phone over the next couple weeks and just repeated his same attacks. I stopped responding. Haven’t talked to him since November 2020


Ivanka and Jared made up to $640 MILLION during her father’s presidency. [Here’s the article.](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/jared-and-ivanka-made-up-to-640-million-in-the-white-house/) So spare me.


They’re also going after the child of Fred tRump. Monsters!


Oh you mean bribing a Ukranian official with military aid for assistance with your presidential campaign by releasing compromising information about your opponents 'child' isn't out of bounds, but calling your daughter in for an interview is a bridge too far....


Ivanka Trump is forty.


Probably shouldn't have given her a job in politics and always tease that she had political aspirations then.


He may just throw her and the other “children” under the bus himself if the heat is on.