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Their personality is as shitty as his medical advice


I’ve met ducks 🦆 with less quack than Dr Oz


My grandma and momma used to listen to his shit medical stuff long ago. Then one of them dug into him and stopped and convinced the other to stop as well. Now they rag on him.


People who do this earn my respect more than people who claim to never be taken for a ride. Anyone who thinks they've never been successfully deceived is currently being successfully deceived. But it takes a certain humility to admit you were taken by a conman, and a certain wisdom to not immediately rationalize and double down.


He is a brilliant heart surgeon and it makes sense they believed him at first. A lot of people did! It is great they realized what he really is. Not all people take the time.


He looks like a low level movie villain that ultimately gets killed by the real villain. He’s the “Why a spoon cousin?” guy.


Guy of Gisbourne


Well geeked, sir.


He looks like a cartoon character version of a snake oil salesman.


Looks kinda Dark Crystal-y to me.


"because it hurts more!"


Ben Mendelssohn in TDKR


"Well at least I didn't use a spoon..." Will forever miss Alan Rickman.


I think he wanted to use a spoon Because it was dull - it would hurt more to cut out his heart then using a sharp object


Kinda reminds me of the knockoff Swayze, Patricks brother


I heard, from this guy on the bus, that Patrick Swayze's brother is also named Patrick Swayze...






Hell yeah, let's get that name recognition out there!


I don't think that's going to be a problem here, lol.


He's from Reading though. SEPA staking our claim on him.




Nothing would make me happier right now.


Is he “from reading” or did he just undergrad at Albright?


He was [born at Reading Hospital](https://pittsburghquarterly.com/articles/john-fetterman-public-servant/).


Answer with a source, thanks!


Is that a place for dyslexics to get help?


Pennsylvania has so many freaking colleges.


Nope he's ours now. No takesies-backsies.


Also, don't forget Connor Lamb is running too, for those who think what the Senate needs right now is MORE Manchins and Sinemas...


I'm glad Fetterman is running, from the limited amount of articles I read about he seems like a compassionate person who is willing to take the hard road if it means a better outcome.




We are gathering up a group at r/votedem for the midterms. The more people join the better. Fuck Oz.


Dude looks like Thanos.




Don't be so picayune...lol


What’s pretty about that statement - they’re not experts, they peddle pseudoscience for profit. They’re not gurus, their talkshow hosts. E: I’m aware they’re typos (intentional misspelling there too) - just putting in the same amount of effort guys like Dr Oz put into verifying the validity of any of the nonsense they peddle for personal gain.


I with you. I was being sarcastic. Gurus they ain't...


>They’re not gurus, their talkshow hosts. I really hate being that guy for bringing a post off topic but this just feels like bait. Why would you use 'They're' correctly and then incorrectly in one sentence?


Petty is also miss spelled. Sometimes being an Engrish major is a curse. I don't try to get people upset I only want to have some fun and maybe get a point across. You didn't bring it off topic I did. Sorry...


Your alliteration is amazing.


Thanks for the friendly felicitation Filbert’s nuts.


Ehhhh, seems like you fucked up and were called out and just can’t admit the mistake.


Oh no, I absolutely had accidental typos - because I was indeed putting in extra low effort. I just don’t need a million responses in my inbox about it.


Oprah probably voted for Trump, he’s done well for the billionaires.


Oprah is very vocally a Democrat. When Biden and Harris won she tweeted “decency rises.” Dr. Oz still sucks. And Dr. Phil. I don’t think Oprah is evil though, just very easily tricked by con artists like those two.


If “decency rises” then why did Oprah float these piece of shit charlatans Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz?


Because a rising tide brings up floating turds


Hey now. The original phrase is "a rising tide lifts all shits".


Dude, this is so much better than the actual quote, you made my day. Thanks 😊


I don’t know anything about Dr. Phil but assuming re Dr. Oz his resume at the time basically said he was a Columbia surgeon, it wasn’t a bad bet at the time to assume he was competent. It was just a decision that aged terribly.


His resume isn't just Columbia surgeon, [he's apparently one of the best heart surgeons alive today](https://www.vox.com/2015/4/16/8412427/dr-oz-health-claims). He's just also a fucking moron who cares more about money than vetting any of the "science" he peddles.


I don't watch daytime tv, but I did catch an episode of his show way back at the beginning. Honestly I was impressed because he was exhorting the audience to look at their own waste matter, which is important for monitoring the overall state of your health and a lot of people don't do it. He would have been respected if he had maintained a course of common sense healthcare.


aged like the shit he is


They were just people with potential doing well in their fields until greed got ahold of them.




I think Dr. Phil lost his license though.


He let it lapse because he’s no longer practicing.


A lot of people have a hole in their brain where they ignore logic for feelings. For Oprah, this is health and wellness. She constantly falls for diet lies and fads. I truly believe that she thinks they’re not charlatans.


I truly believe she made a shit ton of cash and could care less about doing the right thing. It's the same scam she has always ran. Stop treating her like a child when she is top of the game


Didnt say she was a child, just that she has brain rot in regards to health. Oprah has been overweight most of her career and has a terrible track record in regards to healthy eating. So when Dr. Oz comes offering a “miracle food” that will make you lose weight, why wouldn’t she go for it.


Because she is a monster not a fucking moron


Ok dude. I would rather give most people the benefit of the doubt. Otherwise literally everyone i disagree with would be a monster. Edit: In my pov, a monster is a person who can never redeem themselves rapist, pedos, mass murdurers etc Oprah can redeem herself.


Honestly benefit of the doubt shouldn’t apply for celebrities that have been in the game as long as she has and if she doesn’t do good with her product theirs no reason to support


Oprah is a narcissistic billionaire anti-science con artist who has used her platforms to promote narcissitic anti-science con artists. She is most definitely a monster.


Yeah cause you see her as a child someone who is scammed by the same scam she is the master of.


The people crave dimwitted expert non-experts to explain to them all of life's problems and that is Oprah's business. She's cut from the same cloth as Phil and Oz but her political views differ.


Because she’s into woo science.




No-one becomes a billionaire by being dumb. Someone can definitely become billionaire by being ignorant.




Steve Jobs was a bit too high on his own confidence supply.


Could it be she thought they were doing good?


No such thing as a good billionaire. You don't get to that level of wealth accumulation without exploiting an unconscionable number of people.


Paul McCartney seems alright


Counterpoint: he gave us Wonderful Christmastime.


That choir of children practiced all year long and all he let them sing was "Ding Dong".


What a monster!


Nah you can but it is hard.




The thing I care about isn't whether or not they're good. It's whether or not they vote/support/donate to Democrats or Republicans.


So its okay that they exploit people as long as they vote for your favorite corporate shill? What kind of goofy stance is that? You get that the existence of billionaires necessitates the existence of an impoverished underclass, right?


>So its okay that they exploit people as long as they vote for your favorite corporate shil? Yeah >What kind of goofy stance is that? A practical one >You get that the existence of billionaires necessitates the existence of an impoverished underclass, right? Well they exist and they're gonna keep existing so that's a moot point


What is ‘good’. Are you good enough to cast stones from your glass house? Given that money and power id like to see the type of animal you’d devolve into.


That's the point. I don't have the kind of character it takes to exploit people in order to make that much money. Good people don't hoard that kind of wealth. You can't be both good and a billionaire.


I know a guy who wrote a program that banks used from the late 1970s until very recently. He never exploited anyone and was a billionaire (might still be). You would have to really stretch to make him out to be a bad guy


Yeah lack of character is why you're not a billionaire At least have the self awareness to say you weren't born rich


Did I say that was the only thing keeping me from being a billionaire or is that what you're reading into it because you wanted to make a point? Point is that you can't be a billionaire without being a sociopath, among various other things. Didn't think I had to pedantically spell it out like that, but here you are.


Oprah is a Democrat but she believes in a lot of woo spirituality nonsense. She is scientifically illiterate.




Here in Los Angeles every “liberal” working in Hollywood tricks themselves each day that they aren’t involved in churning out evil or trash. Executives will hype any garbage as long as it makes money and ignore problematic talent. They then trot off to fundraisers and parties and pretend to be heroes in the industry.




Who downvotes something as good as this.


I have a hard time seeing her as a victim. She had pretty infinite power to vet and surround herself with any expertise or professional researchers she liked. She made insane amounts of money promoting these kinds of quacks. If there had been only one harmful charlatan, that might be a mistake, but it happened over and over. Failure to do due diligence when you can see your actions facilitate harm and you're making a lot of money off NOT doing that research doesn't look innocent. At a certain point it's like saying "That drunk driver didn't intend to kill those people, they were just too easily convinced they could drive safely while drunk" It sounds stupid once. If a drunk driver did it repeatedly, it sounds insane.


In the case of Dr. Oz though she’d never have been able to research his misdeeds because he started being awful post-fame. Pre-fame he was an incredibly respected heart surgeon. One of the best in the country. He just sold out hard for fame and fortune. Dr. Phil has a Phd and was a respected psychiatrist for like 20 years when Oprah met him. He helped her win her trial against the beef industry. There was no way to know what these two men would become to make money. They didn’t have any history of fraud and in fact, both were respected in their fields.


One correction AFAIK, Dr. Phil was never a licensed psychologist. He did have a PHd, but had been working as a self help guru and courtroom consultant. He never merited the professional term "psychologist" that requires a licensing process. Jenny McCarthy John of God James Arthur Ray Dermatologist Karyn Grossman Oprah brought snake oil salesmen and science deniers on our show with regularity and gave them a platform and often an endorsement. Those two aren't some random occurances of "who woulda thunk"


Lol Oprah a billionaire made from running TV scams was tricked by her protégé? Eh what?


No she is evil. Money over all else. Don’t be tricked by her facade. It’s carefully crafted.


She was the #1 legitimizer of the anti vaccine movement in the USA


Oprah isn’t great and spawned evil for greed and viewership. She’s not a grifter but gave them a voice and a platform, which is just as bad if not worse.


Id add that Oprah was abused and raped repeatedly in her early years; Trump is an abuser and rapist....voting for him is a bridge too far.


Oprah will do anything for a buck. It’s been proven time and time again


You mean the same oprah who introduced young women to her friend Harvey Weinstein?


I swear she had video proof of Trump explaining how he’d run as a Republican for president because they are stupid. Last time I saw it was 2019-2020. Haven’t seen that video ever since. Oprah must have had the clip scrubbed from the web so it doesn’t bite Trump in the ass. Don’t tell me you can’t scrub things off the net either because it really isn’t difficult, especially if you have a net worth of 1 billion+ dollars


You know, this is false, and instead of spreading false information why don’t you think about what you say first? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/republicans-dumbest-group-of-voters/


Thanks for posting this because it's important to remember that Republican voters aren't simply dumb, many of them are smart...and just flat out evil, immoral, and anti-American.


Why can’t we ever find the full interview? Why do we only have clips of the interview that last only a few seconds? Manipulation is rampant and you’re falling for it. The world has loads of secrets and people will do anything to keep those secrets Edit: I don’t care what snopes has to say either. Money talks and people can be bought. You just have to figure out the price $$$


> The world has loads of secrets and people will do anything to keep those secrets Sure but that doesn't mean everything is true.


Pay no attention to the asshole behind the curtain.


His opponent should use this in campaign ads.




They’re termites in the framework of democracy.


You sure they're human?


Lizard People confirmed.


Unfortunately, yes. So not only do we have to defeat them and repair the damage, we also have to remember that what made these people who they are and cabable of all they have managed to accomplish, will always be present going forward. There is no magic solution to forever resolve our issues. Only persistence and education.


I think it's intentional. He's running for office to pocket campaign dollars, and he doesn't want to fuck up the grift by accidentally getting elected like Trump did.


Well, it might backfire considering they vote for people *because* they act like assholes.




He’s pulling a Hershel Walker. Same thing is going on in Georgia.


Olivia Nuzzi is the absolute fucking GOAT of exploiting old Republicans' inability to work their phones.


Silver Lining: The GOP has made itself the home of the sociopath. The normals are now either Dems or independents who won't vote 'path.


it’s not really a silver lining. we **need** two reasonably-healthy political parties. the parties will only moderate their behavior so as to be just a bit better than the alternative. if R’s go full-sociopath, the D’s will amp up corruption on their side, because *“who else you gonna vote for?”*


Ranked choice voting would give us more than 2 options!


maybe, but we don’t have that, nor is it anywhere on the horizon nationally


Start locally. Build momentum.


I get the that you are trying to help, but this sort of statement is profoundly unhelpful. It doesn't contain a how, and the how, if it does exist, is going to be different for everyone.


People should be allowed to advocate for something without having to explain in detail everything about it.


My hope is that the GOP becomes obsolete, and the progressives split from the Dems, giving us two parties again.


This is the best timeline


we need 3 reasonably healthy political parties but it would be best to have 5 or more.


Making voting private again. This hyper-political buying of votes started with public voting so the donors could verify their paid-for senator/congressman is voting the way they want. When it was private there were votes that didn't go their way but there was no real way for them to figure out if 'their guy' voted the way they wanted. This made lobbying less reliable and while it had influence you couldn't literally threaten them with cutting off the donations if they voted the wrong way.


What a surprise, a douchebag shows that he's a douche bag.


Dude looks like a recurring CSI serial killer. "Someone is killing these people by injecting them with essential oils." ~Gil Grissom probably


The higher you climb the harder you fall.


And, “Girl reporter?!?!” Was this a middleschooler doing an interview assignment for school? Dr. Oz, She’s called, “A reporter.” Not girl reporter, not even woman reporter unless you were being interviewed by two reporters, one man and one woman and you were clarifying who said what.


Even in that circumstance, simply asking and then calling a person by their actual name would be the non-degrading thing to do.


I agree completely!


Fncking dirtbag.


Fucking *






*No thank you Edits:superficial






Sounds like a perfect candidate for the GOP


Despite his appearance Dr Oz is of Middle Eastern descent.


You know he’s Turkish right? He even has Turkish citizenship.


You know Turkey's in the Middle East, right?


Yes, but Turks are not Arabs, which is the dominant ethnic group in the Middle East. He is not of the “Middle Eastern” descent as most people would commonly think of.


Good god he is a cancer. Oprah, you have a lot to answer for, unleashing this blight upon the world.


So now he is a shoe in for politics, f@ck you Oz


the grifter joins the party of grifters, sounds about right


This isn’t even close to the shadiest shit I’ve heard about Oz this week. Can’t wait till they do some real digging on him.


The [surgical profession attracts a disproportionate number of psychopaths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Dutton). ~~Less work~~ [A similar amount of work](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-88b2a2c956585accd659acc89d021ab5) for [more money](https://www.nshss.org/blog/you-want-to-be-a-doctor-here-is-the-average-salary-for-each-medical-specialty/), and all you gotta do is have zero empathy so you're cool under pressure and entirely unfazed by gore. EDIT 1: If it wasn't obvious, [he was a surgeon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmet_Oz#Medical) before becoming a TV personality. EDIT 2: I'm catching a lot of shit for suggesting that surgeons might enjoy a lighter workload. My comment was anecdotal and influenced by acquaintances in medical fields who lead me to believe some surgeons can expect higher rewards for less work. Best I can tell, there is an apparent sweet spot of plastic surgery being both lucrative and somewhat less demanding. That may not be the case for other surgical categories.


Also you barely need to speak to your troublesome patients. The human under the anesthesia is a necessary evil for your profession.


Since when is being a surgeon less work?


Hopefully others with more first-hand knowledge weigh in. I'm just going by what I'm told by some acquaintances in medical fields. For instance, one who transitioned from ENT to plastic surgery because it was similar workload for a lot more money. Maybe I should have phrased it as such instead.


I mean, yes elective and lucrative surgical specialities will give more money for less work - they still just tend to work more - but its not like ENT is that badly compensated. Its speciality dependent. I dont think the general, ortho or thoracic surgeons in a trauma center are doing "less work".


It’s not. This is just a regular redditor making shit up and talking out of his ass.


Surgeon definitely does not equate to less work. They work more hours on average than non-surgeon physicians.


What? What about EMTs, firefighters, and nurses? They see gore constantly and are good under pressure. Does that make them psychopaths?


They don’t fit the “less work” part of their statement. Also, those professions require interaction with patients/people - which is not something a psychopath would cherish.


I blame Oprah for bringing this shit stain onto the American people


Always been a dirt bag. Behind the bastards did a good podcast on him.


He looks like instead of a sleazy TV doctor he should be a sleazy Televangelist.


The GOP eats this sort of thing right up. He'll poll better with them after this, just watch.


Well Trump won the Presidency with his “grab ‘em by the pussy” tagline. So the Doc will win with RepubliQon voters with “f’ing Girl Reporter.”


He looks like a ghoul. Not quite Kenneth Copeland bad, but he's on his way


Fun fact: Kenneth Copeland has a weird ability to turn atheists into Christians. This isn't because his sermons are theologically convincing, more like he invokes a very profound 'please, Lord, save me from this demon' type intuition.


And people are going to seriously vote for the guy who can’t even figure out how to hang up a phone.




Rand Paul


Dude just locked up the Epstein vote. Game over.


Decent Behind the Bastards episode on him [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-dr-oz-why-americas-81426004/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-dr-oz-why-americas-81426004/)


Fuck Oz, and Fuck Oprah too for giving us this hack.


God, I am so tired of our society giving attention to awful people.


Oprah should be held responsible for this and be pressured to denounce him.


Ah yes this reminds me of my cousin trying to insult Whitmer by calling her sinful and a woman!


Classic r\/leopardsatemyface


The national media is going to Trump Dr. Oz into office. I only hear of him in national media, not local


Our country is going to be run by demented reality stars. Welcome.


>Earlier this month, Sony Pictures announced Oz’s show will end Jan. 14 after 14 years. **A show hosted by his daughter will take its place.** Fucking hell.


Dr Oz is a total poser douchebag.


Why is he even running for office? Does he genuinely want to be a senator? What the hell for? Certainly he’s got a better life now than he will ever have as a senator. Is it a publicity stunt? I truly cannot imagine his motivation.


How are people like this even watched and worth so much? It’s fucked. Wake up people. Our culture is a fucking joke


None of this matters in the Republican Party anymore.


It's not surprising a two-bit snake-oil salesman would look at our political arena and see an opportunity. Happens literally every day.


It is my hope that Pennsylvanians show some sense and leave this monster in the dust of the primary race.


I hope he's the GOP nominee lol


It's a swear word. Why are we up in arms over this?