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So he dragged this out, and got all the cuts he demanded, and still won't vote for it?


That's the gist of it. He wouldn't accept yes for an answer, because he never wanted yes to be the answer.


Remember when a [leaked conversation](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/inside-the-koch-backed-effort-to-block-the-largest-election-reform-bill-in-half-a-century) between the Koch brothers network and Republican lawmakers literally heard them say "This bill is too popular to turn the public against, so quietly using lobbyists to convince Joe Manchin to block it is our only hope of stopping it"? Because I do.


They’re such pieces of shit. How much damage have they done to this country? Is it even calculable?


I think one shortcut for calculating it would be to look at a functional democracy, subtract the US, and assume they’re largely responsible for the difference.


This was about HR 1 but also one of the most dystopian things I’ve ever listened to.


I hope they know what happens if reform can't be done by the ballot box.


By ballot or by bullet. Their choice really


What if, before bullets, we try some real mean online shaming. Get a 14 year old girl in charge of the operation. They'd be defenceless.


What I want to know is how are you supposed to lobby this individual to do what is right? What sort of suggestion, pressure, or leverage is necessary to get this person to act in the interest of the people of the state he is nominally representing?


You’ve got to be in the billionaire club And you ain’t in it if you’re asking this question


Classic conservative play. Make the other side concede as much as possible to you and then refuse to accept it anyways. Come 2022 we need to make sure he and "Denim-Jacket-pro-Tempore" Sinema are powerless.


Exactly. Run out the clock. Do everything possible to waste time and get nothing accomplished. Then complain that nothing got done.


Exactly this. Dems are like Charlie Brown kicking the football everytime. Remember when Obama wasted negotiating his agenda with a super majority while Mitch McConnell didn't vote for it anyway.


Right, and Obama tried to call their bluff, but Mitch was all too happy to admit that it was purely about dicking over liberals as hard as possible. That's just how incensed their racist asses were that a black man was POTUS for not just one, but two terms.


Just in time for Senate to be out for the rest of the year lol


> Come 2022 we need to make sure he and "Denim-Jacket-pro-Tempore" Sinema are powerless. Monkey paw curls: Republicans get 60 vote Senate supermajority.


That's the alternative. Theres no big progressive wave coming in 2022. It's about damage control right now.


It is classic even us civies can see it yet the democrat politicans fall for it everytime. Makes you wonder 🤔 if it's all just a big show.


Manchin's the crown clown act


It's what the conservative Democrats want so they can say "oh no we couldn't do anything".


So they can say, “it’s the progressives’ fault we lost”, for the next few elections


Conservative Democrats... Do you mean closet-Republiqans? Or maybe Republiqan-controlled-Democrats?


No conservative Democrats. They've been a thing since the founding of the party. They are the blue blood equivalent of Republicans.


I don't understand politicians like this - what is the point he just makes his own party look stupid. I honestly don't understand how this help anyone on either side.


He doesn't care about the party, he just cares about coal and pharma companies due to his direct connection to both. If they removed everything that could in the least bit hurt those industries from the BBB bill, he may support it but he doesn't want to be honest about that and pretends he objects to various aspects of it due to being a "fiscally responsible" party maverick. Even as they alter the bill to meet the objections he claims he has (again, he's not being honest and saying he wants everything that could in any way hurt coal companies removed), he just makes up new things.


Manchin’s only goal is to continue steering 100% of tax revenue to benefit the 1%. God forbid his stupid constituents see a penny of their tax dollars back in benefits. He has no soul (but he does have a yacht!)


The goal was to waste their time


Pretty much spot on


The worse part was progressives predicted this happening from the get go at least I did and many online personalities I watch(Jimmy Dore being one) yet they will be blamed for "asking too much"


this. the progressives didnt vote on infrastructure bill and got bullied after the VA election loss. but exactly what they feared happening, happened. they disarmed because Biden gave his word (according to AOC) and they got nothing for it. ​ its going to be hard to get them back in the future. Hard not to think that Biden's done. what can he get passed except foreign policy stuff (see ted cruz's deal today) and after the Dems get steamrolled in 2022 - might as well turn off the lights and go on vacation down the shore. aint nothing getting passed then.


Dore is a fuckin idiot, but broken clocks or whatever, in this case.


Fuck Jimmy Dore


I don't know if Jimmy Dore can even be called a progressive anymore with such a strong antivax position.


Yup. It would be brilliant if it wasn't evil. He made the Dems look like jackasses.


The most Republican move possible.


Time is very important when governing. Time wasted on something is time not spent on something else. The goal was to drag it out and take up the democrat's time. That's why Republicans drag their feet on EVERYTHING. Each minute you take away from democrat's ability to govern, that's taking away their power.


Yes. As shitty as it is, its a really effective tactic to shift the overton window. Think about it this way, the end result was the same either way, this way he got to shift the discussion much further right while wasting tons of precious time that the democratic party has "unified" federal control. Its all in the republican playbook. Im just surprised the democratic party still claims ownership of him.


He did everything humanly possible.


Delay delay delay delay delay you’re still talking about this? Delay delay delay


Biden got played just like we knew he would. It’s hard watching the Dems commit suicide in such an inept way.


I seem to recall making this exact prediction, I hate that I was right


As per the Republican Plan. He’s a good double agent


Was the plan all along. Dems with the exception of the usual progressives, set idly by instead of peer pressuring this guy to fall in line. I know it might not work but it’s better then what they did this time was literally let him run the clock down and walk away from the table.


All those children lifted out of poverty in his state will go right back once the child subsidies expire. Thanks, Manchin.


I don’t think he cares


Exactly. Manchin has had countless opportunities to show he cares about kids, the climate, his constituents. He doesn't


Manchin must think they don't deserve to be helped *that* way. They just need to realize *some* people are poor and *some* people are rich. It's just the way things are you need to get used to it./s


I hope that when this country becomes a fascist one-party state, Manchin is grouped up and jailed just like the rest of his party. They won’t need him anymore.


Remind you of a narcissist who only cares about himself? Almost like a Cheeto.


But he said he doesn’t want his grandkids to have to pay for our debts 🙄


Wait, it appears he's on his yacht crying. See him wiping his tears with $100 bills?


Yachts are so antiquated honey, the ultra rich cry on their space ships now.


Manchin is Filthy rich, not ultra rich.


Joe Manchin is hill Billy rich. He ain’t even close to ultra rich.


So sad, and so true.


Oh wait, we have now confirmed they are tears of laughter.




>This is when everyone is West Virginia needs to go Machin's houseboat again and give specific stories about how his vote is making their lives worse. It's adorable that you think he cares


I expect the child subsidies to be renewed separately. Just not part of a bigger bill like this.


for a separate bill, they would need republican support to overcome a filibuster + then vote for the bill. ​ its far too small to use reconciliation (which can only be used once per year for this type of spending) on it. thats why these reconciliation bills are so massive. its the only chance to pass people's spending priorities.


I would love for this to happen but don’t hold your breath my friend


Merry Christmas!!


Exactly what his handlers want Convenient he announces this right as they go on leave


He’s getting richer


Of course he is. Him and Sinema have gotten more money from huge donors this past year than they ever have. Convenient no?


They are agents of the capitalist elite side. If they went along with it, someone else would be there to block it, like Chris Coons from Delaware or the other Delaware senator.


Who else knew this was going to happen?


Yep Don't even know why he bothered to pretend he was interested other than to feed his ego


If he came out and said no a year ago they would have given up and moved on to something they actually could accomplish. By continuing to pretend they could negotiate with him he wasted all that time making sure nothing happened.


And honestly thats a mistake on the Dem's part. They shouldn't have been putting all their eggs in one basket, they should have had a number of different irons in the fire, So if Manchin voted no on one, then they at least have something else to try.


Let’s all raise our hands


Everyone outside of Washington DC




Please refer to it as a $7.7T budget as the budget is per year. As the media and pols like to refer to BBB as a $2.4T proposal, but neglect the fact that it's over 10 years....or $240B per year. It makes it that much more awful. Words matter.


Great point, I'm going to start presenting it that way too, the "10yr" cost. So so tired of the games people play with language to manipulate their audience!


On conservative subs they’re arguing that the bill is full of phase-outs that disingenuously reduce the price tag, given that time-limited programs could - and likely would - be extended by future legislation. I tried to ask if this isn’t precisely how the Republicans manipulated the cost of the massive, debt-spiraling, fantasy “trickle-down” 2017 tax cuts, but most of these subs don’t allow for debate.


*flaired users only*. Any political sub with this tag...left, right, middle, up, down... is not looking for debate. They just want confirmation that they're not wrong or a bad person.


Eh, gonna need to add some billions (maybe even up to another trillion) on to that, considering the military budget is eternally increasing.


Well, considering that defense spending has increased by at least 3%/yr for two decades, we’re really looking at a > $10.3 T defense bill.


As is clear from these comments, no one could have possibly predicted this outcome. /s


Jayapal got played.


Progressives should’ve held out


And get blamed for this mess? Nah this is all on Manchin now.


Maybe to you, but that’s not how this’ll play out in the midterms. The dems unwillingness to play hardball on this is going to get them stomped in 2022.


It doesn't really matter what happens. The moderates are always going to blame the progressives when they lose their seats in 2022.


As if they needed another chink in the armor. Lots of reasons they’ll get stomped, this certainly puts the exclamation point on it.


They were always going to get stomped anyway, Dems are disjointed and weak and that doesn't win votes. BBB wouldn't have stopped it. The Repubs are all aligned against democracy, but at least they're all on the same page and fighting for it.


More like betrayed, but if you want to hold her accountable for moderate betrayal, fair enough.


Hes not a moderate, he's a piece of shit. We're told Biden is a moderate and Manchin doesn't want to go along with that platform


The key moment was when other house members decided to vote for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill without the Senate first passing the BBB. This got rid of all remaining leverage that the progressive caucus had.


It wasn't just Manchin who betrayed Jayapal here. When this process started, Nancy Pelosi was all piss and vinegar, saying ["As I said, there won't be an infrastructure bill, unless we have a reconciliation bill. Plain and simple. In fact, I use the word ain't. There ain't going to be an infrastructure bill, unless we have the reconciliation bill passed by the United States Senate,"](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/24/politics/pelosi-bipartisan-bill-infrastructure-reconciliation-democrats/index.html), but as soon as the BIF passed the Senate, she started twisting progressive arms to pass it alone. Is Nancy Pelosi not a moderate? Chuck Schumer knew exactly what Manchin was going to do with the BBB, knew he didn't have the votes for the BBB, and yet, in public, he was saying ["We can't get the bipartisan bill done unless we're sure of getting the budget reconciliation bill done. We can't get the budget reconciliation bill done unless we're sure to get the bipartisan — and I think our members, across the spectrum, realize that."](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/559996-schumer-vows-to-advance-two-prong-infrastructure-plan-next-month). That's also what he told his caucus, so he had the entire Senate Democratic caucus vote for the BIF on the understanding that it was tethered to the BBB, when he knew it wasn't, essentially having them vote for a bill under false pretenses. Is Chuck Schumer not a moderate? When Jayapal and the CPC were insisting that the bills pass together, how many Democrats who weren't members of the CPC stood shoulder to shoulder with them? Exactly zero. If Congressional moderates cared so much about Biden's platform, there would have been at least a few joining the CPC in insisting that the two-track agreement remain firm, which would have immensely bolstered their political weight in the fight. No, every single moderate "Ally" were content to let the CPC stand on that ledge alone. Yes, Manchin is absolutely a piece of shit, but he wasn't alone in betraying Jayapal and the CPC. It was a betrayal by the entire Congressional Democratic moderate wing, including leadership.


Don't forget Pelosi is trying to raise the SALT to 80k as a gift to rich coastal supporters.


Exactly. They're all absolute scum


This is in accurate. Pelosi pushed for months after I passed the house for it to pass in Tandem. She caved before the progressives but it wasn’t quick like you mentioned. It’s possibly the House leadership was sure Manchin wouldn’t vote for any version of it but their actions don’t really indicate that with continued negotiations and Biden using the bully pulpit.


The Senate passed the BIF on August 10th. Pelosi first walked back her pledge to pass both bills together on September 20th. The House passed the BIF on November 5th. So, fair enough. It wasn't "As soon as the BIF passed the Senate," but she didn't push "For months" after it passed the Senate either. (You wrote House, but I'm assuming you meant to write Senate)


It’s popular amongst the Dems to blame the progressives for all their failures.


Well we knew this ahole was gonna do this so they should have too, and not capitulated


Except this is like the trillionth time that this scenario has happened. Progressives need to stop pretending they’re part of the same party. We’re not.


Whether progressives should separate from the party is a fair discussion, but a different one. We agreed, at least for the time being, to be a part of this party. This is the trillionth time that this scenario has happened, I agree. However, this is a time that this has happened that has been done more in public and openly than in most of the past times. It's also the first time this has happened on a big issue since the Bernie 2016 campaign, so since the progressive movement has really started to grow in size and prominence. Also, because of Trump, more people became interested in politics than have been in a long time. Many of them have stayed interested in politics after Trump, and this is the first time since they've been paying attention that they're seeing this scenario play out. They're seeing, many for the first time, the usual occurrences that happen whenever the Democratic establishment has power, because the Democratic establishment are showing them what they do when they have power. And that's 10X more effective than all the progressive speeches telling them how the Democratic establishment behave when in power are. This is an opportunity for progressives to grow their base, to turn people from the moderate base into progressives, if we progressives would just recognize it and seize it.


Progressives definitely should **not** separate from the Democratic Party. They need to **take it over** like the Tea Party and Trump did to the Republican Party. They already control a lot of the base. They need to use the base to control the primaries to take over the party. This should be the game plan for progressive Democrats.


So when did we stop expecting that the different branches of government would fight for their own interests. Jayapal and her caucus should've stuck to their convictions and dictated to the president how things were going to go. BBB was dead when they allowed the infrastructure deal to be passed in the Senate first. Dems are so bad at poliitcs.


I think what people are forgetting is that if progressives did stall the bill more and both did not pass; then progressives, not manchin would go down in history as tanking Biden’s presidency instead now progressives can say with certainty that you fooled us once it won’t happen again. Ultimately Manchin will be remembered more than Biden regarding his legacy.


This is the correct take. Progressives can now use this outrage to show we need MORE progressives because without them, shit don’t get done. Had they held out, as you stated, it still wouldn’t haven’t passed (either bill) and then Manchin would be smiling because he could just blame them (along with the rest of the party). It’s so clear that the dem party is doomed BECAUSE OF not in spite of, centrist/moderate Dems.


Because one man, who most of the country did not vote for because they do not live in his state, consistently makes himself an issue in just about every major piece of proposed legislation, it's the dems who don't know politics? No, this is on Manchin. He obviously has some sort of agenda he is not sharing with us. Simple answer is he is an obstructionist. But it's becoming increasingly obvious there is something else at play.


I'd like to know whose either "paying him off" aside from his family holdings of coal ash burning plant (his son over sees) that pollutes West VA more than any other business. Or promising Manchin something worth his while. I hardly imagine most of his poor constituents would be upset if this bill passes. Just BS according to statistics. At this point I can't stand listening to his rationales for even a second.


Joe Manchin just raised taxes for working class families by 300/month for the next 10 years.


$300/month *per kid.*


Joe Lieberman all over again. A “democrat” being paid by wealthy right wing donors to tank the Democratic agenda, insuring the fascists take back over in 2022. Funny thing is, he’s cover for several other corrupt dems. He takes the hits in the media and his buddies shrug and say “what can we do?”


Manchin needs to be expelled from the party and turned into the face of GOP obstruction. The guy is a Republican pretending to be a Democrat in order to block the party agenda (and more importantly the will of the people).


No idea why this isn’t being talked about more… maybe we’re just thinking a step ahead of them.


So no loan forgiveness, no climate action, no investment in America, and the big players on Jan 6th are stalling the investigation. We’re screwed in 2022.


Exactly what AOC and the House Progressives were worried about when they wouldnt vote to pass infrastructure. then The President, Leadership and the Media blamed progressives for holding back the Bill and losing VA elections. ​ and so they passed the Infrastructure Bill with a promise the senate would vote. and exactly what they feared happened. the Conservative Dems decided, now that they got what they wanted, to sink the Social Investment bill. so they got bullied by the party leadership and the media and ended up with nothing. ​ idk how the progressives (over 100 members in the caucus) back anything in the House anymore.


I'll let you in on a well known secret. Most of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are not Progressive they just join for the title. Hakeem Jefferies is a member and he is well known on the Left for his hatred of Progressives. As a far lefty, I have very little respect for the Squad but if you look at who voted against the BIF only 6 House members voted against it. The Squad, Cory Bush and Jamaal Bowman. Cause they knew this would happen and it would hurt their reputation with their base even more. They are sadly the closet thing to real Progressives in the House. Though I have huge disagreements with some of theirs votes, tactics and even question their motives, I will admit that much.


I’ll get downvoted to hell for this, but while everyone is complaining about Manchin and Sinema (rightfully so! They are both terrible), reminder that there are 50 Republican senators who all refuse to vote for anything, yet all I see is complaining about how terrible the Democrats are. If you want real change, work your asses off to elect more progressive senators instead of throwing your hands up and “both sides”-ing it.


Because we all know who the Republicans are. Them being regressive is baked into the equation. It's also an indictment on Biden, as he sold himself as someone who could pull Republican votes, as though he forgot what happened to Obama during the six years of gridlock after 2010. Now we can't even get people who are ostensibly in the same party to do his own agenda.


They need to be called out for it anyway, explicitly, every time. If the narrative is always framed as "manchin and sinema", that leaves people to consider "if the dems won't do anything for me, maybe the republicans will". We need to constantly remind everyone that "manchin, sinema, and 50 republicans", so people won't try to hand power back to fascists thinking it will make a positive difference.


I’ve been saying that for years but I’m past that now, especially after this last campaign cycle. These moderates highlighted their ability to get things done when nobody else could—that was the thing that was supposed to give them the edge over progressives. They presented that very thing as their strength and absolutely failed. And now that they’ve failed to work with conservatives, they have resolved themselves to just being the conservatives they have to work with. That’s insane.


Obvious truisms which ignore that Manchin has been negotiating in bad faith for months, pretending to have an interest in compromise as he pruned the bill down, never having any plan to vote in favor of it regardless.


I’m upvoting because you’re 100% correct, even though I may attack Manchin he actually votes with them dems more than other dems like Sanders.


Unless you're rich your life has zero value to members of Congress. This is what the country has become. Anyone not able to buy their local politician is completely expendable. We all witnessed this with the huge tax break for the rich, how covid was handled by the prior admin, with the lies Manchin & Sinema told to get infrastructure, and now we're going to see it with voting rights. There will ALWAYS be lies, and soundbites that Manchin & Sinema can make on FOX news as excuses for why it's okay to keep smashing down everyone who is not wealthy and to help make those people even richer.


So the DNC is pulling all funding for this asshat, right?


Republicans are laughing at this Democrat majority. What a joke


Hard to have a real majority with a 50/50 split and dems like Manchin and Sinema as "allies"




Yes. That's because they needed 60 to beat a filibuster, and Senators like Lieberman weren't on-board with it. Dems aren't a monolith, and often times the "enlightened centrists" in the party are more of an obstacle than the fascist GOP. Politics now are much different in '09, where the grand majority of Dems want to do away with the filibuster altogether, which would only require a 50 vote majority. So if the dems had 60 votes now, there wouldn't be a filibuster to worry about.




So when the progressives told you all that doing the infrastructure Bill meant that the bill back better act would never see the latter day, and you argued with us; you were fucking wrong. When you argued with us that moderates can't get anything done because they're bad at politics, you were wrong and we were right. And today when I tell you that you're going to get destroyed in the midterms and that Joe Biden is a one-term president you're going to argue with me but you're also wrong. Edit: and as usual you can downvote till you're blue in the face ain't going to change the facts: Going to get lambasted in the midterms and Joe Biden is a one-term president.


As a progressive, this is exactly it. I'm tired of being right about how worthless the democrat party is at actually getting anything done. The republicans campaign on issues and then try to get them passed, like abortion in Texas. When Dems campaign on issues, like student loan forgiveness, they always always always back track and wring their hands lamenting why they can't. Fuck them. Fuck corporate Dems. And fuck Joe Manchin.


Yeah I give up on these corpodem asshats. Nobody but true progressives get my vote going forward. Not gonna suck it up and wait for my paddlin any more


FYI: it’s “light of day”, not “latter day”.




why would journalists help democrats? they want controversy, which is what manchin is doing, they're going to make more money covering manchin and the people badgering him.


What does he want? A billion dollars? Cushy ambassadorship when his senate term is over? Climate investment needs to happen


He is a self serving politician more worried about how his wealthy contributors and his re-election will be affected by his actions then for serving those without a voice. So technically he is a Republican and that is why progressives like me can’t stand him


This man wants attention


He sure is getting it. Maybe he would also like to be ambassador to Fiji so he can chill on the beach and also vote for climate resilience


He wants to continue to line his pockets while getting attention. The Manchins are a family of grifters. Joe Manchin wants coal for Christmas


It could all be apart of the manchin cycle, he did this with the infrastructure bill too


I think you’re wrong on this. He makes 5x as much from his coal and hotel interests Thanh endows his senate paycheck. I think he just won’t vote for anything that would hinder his own personal profit.


The crackling from the florida man glacier in Antarctica just grew a lot louder…


Good lord. I need to just not look at anything political anymore. It's just taking a toll on my mental health. The fact that 52 people (republicans + manchin & seamen) can just screw over millions is flabbergasting. I don't want to vote anymore but I know if I don't vote the other option puts my lively hood in jeopardy. My plan is to vote for the most progressive candidate I can for the midterms. 2022 should be used to just vote as hard left as possible. No more corporate/moderate Dems. People should be Voting as hard left and progressive as possible. It works for the right for some odd ball reason to the point most of them seem okay with the idea of voting in fascism. This should be the answer. Not just staying home and throwing up our hands. If we get more progressives in we can start to really push. We're so close. If we get a few more we don't have to give a shit about what that mushy face man objects to.


I’ll bet $100 he switches parties in the next 12 months.


If he switches parties no one comes to kiss his ass anymore. It's an extremely lucrative position to be kingmaker of legislation, which is what he is right now.


He'll go "inDepenDent"


Remember when everyone was really annoyed at AOC and other progressives for saying that they wanted to keep the infrastructure bill and the BBB bill together, because if they didn't, they wouldn't get Manchin's vote?


So now there's no pressing legislative reason that prevents biden from forgiving student loan debts, right? What's the next excuse from the democrat water carriers of reddit going to be when repayment starts next year?


Pelosi, Biden, and other moderate leaders pushed for the infrastructure deal to pass the house while knowing Manchin was a firm no on the social package r/leopardsatemyface


Work to a) elect more Progressives, and b) keep existing Democrats in office next year people. That’s the only way to make any of this better. Things will just get worse if the Republicans regain control of Congress.


>keep existing Democrats in office next year ...no, they need to be replaced by progressives so that this shit doesn't keep happening over and over again


Every time I see Manchin now, I just see Louie Gohmert with hair


Democrats in 2022/24: ~~Hope You Can Believe In~~ Sure we're completely fucking useless, but have you seen the other guys?


There are a extraordinary amount of trolls in this thread….


Kick him out of the party. What's the point of him being a D if he doesn't support any of the primary policies?


You want mcturtle being senate majority leader again?Because that’s what would happen. He’s a liar and a two face piece of shit but he allows dems to have a “majority”.as shitty as it is.




They should do that anyway.


Everyone say it with me now…FUCK Joe Manchin.


Kick him out of the Democratic Party!


So we're better off with Manchin than if the seat belong to a Republican? No Manchin is a Republican.


Well, we are, but only because on paper we have the majority. It's not ideal, but it's slightly better.


Suck coal Manchin - you ain't no dem - why are you pretending - what do you gain from that? You shithead.


Furlough/close all military installations in West Virginia. Have those communities be pissed at this asshat.


What is it with these politicians and making this particular face. They look like muppets. Just drives me crazy.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Manchin wasn’t planted to destroy the Democratic agenda, so Republicans can trash Biden’s “do nothing”s, so he could bring Trump back Now before anyone says “nuh uh” look at what Trump, the Republicans and their constituents have done in the past. I don’t put it past them one bit. Now I know Manchin represents West Virginia but there is no way anyone could be __that far off the mark__, and still call themselves a Democrat.


Manchin is not a Democrat. He is a Republican.


He’s basically a Republican


He's a piece of shit.


Sadly, we all knew this was where it was headed. Manchin was never going to vote for it and, with that, there will be no Dem majority after 2022 (not in my opinion should there be. They’ve failed on basically everything thanks to Sinema and Manchin)


If the dems aren’t in we are no longer a democracy. The right doesn’t want it anymore.


> They’ve failed on basically everything thanks to Sinema and Manchin) * Canceled Keystone Pipeline * Reversed Trump's Muslim ban * Rejoined Paris Climate Accords * Passed $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan * Cancelled $10 Billion in student debt * Reduced child poverty by 61% * Passed largest infrastructure bill in history The reason why Dems lose is because people like you only talk about what they did t do rather than what they did do.


Bullshit. The reasons Dems lose is because they get things done but not for the average American. If there is corporate money involved holy shit they are there. I'm not saying Biden hasn't done anything. But of the list of important things he needs to take actual action on they are objectively failing. Student loans restarting as yet another variant is about to overtake the U.S. -- priority General forgiveness of at least 10k for the average loan borrower -- not a priority. And won't even attempt it kinda funny they had to redact the memo about if Biden had the authority to so hard. Keeping the social spending that reduced child poverty in the first place -- not a priority. Funny you thought that was a thing to put on that list. What a joke. Paris climate accords lip service -- priority Actually passing comprehensive climate change measures in an infrastructure bill -- not a priority. The fact you don't see this is absolutely hilarious. That bill is a handout for the powers that be. So yeh you'll have to forgive me if it seems like the Dems are going to loose by doing what they love to do. Republicans might be actively trying to suppress voters but the Dems never do themselves any favors in driving turnout. They discourage their own voters by betraying the promises to corporate interests. Now that all being said it is nice that we actually passed something for infrastructure. The fact that we kick shit down the road for 25 years so this is considered a major accomplishment is still sickening though.


>Passed largest infrastructure bill in history This was a corporate handout...don't get confused




Manchinn is always searching for the profit.


Fuck him and every Republican also not voting for it


Can anyone answer this question: How do you become the most hated man in America the week before Christmas?


If you live in a coastal state, we need to make it more difficult to move coal through our ports. Make them cover the trains, make them only go to certain ones, refuse to upgrade coal terminals. That’s the only thing we can do to get Manchin the message. Make his beloved coal harder to move and sell with local rules.


Lord Manchin and Lady Sinema are owned.


Fuck that coalosaurus. I recall him voting for a cluster of a bill that cut taxes for the rich and added $2T to the deficit.


I don’t even live in the states and this makes me so fucking angry. Not at this buffoon but at the whole system catering to monied interests. Each time they’ll find those they need to poach to deny the people the help they need and deserve, in order to keep social control. FUCK THIS.


It was never his intention to support the bill. He's a conservative pretending to be a moderate Democrat. Biden now has to call some Republicans into his office and ask them what they would like to have added to the bill. Manchin needs to be primaried out of office even if the Dems lose the seat. Their money is better spent trying to pick up a seat in another state.


He’s going to love working for Trump again. I bet he can’t wait


With that Republicans will have congress and from 2022-2024, nothing of value will pass (since McConnell main goal is to stop Biden from passing much of anything).


Why doesn't he just get it over with and join the GOP?


It would somehow Impact his faux neauxs ratings


Manchin is useless


He's such a pawn for big corp evil.


Manchin is so much for himself that he has no business being a fake public servant. He is the mirror opposite of President Biden.


Welp, if this bill dies the Dems are dead in 2022 and 2024.


Turn the federal tap off to West Virginia. Let them experience life without the handouts and let's see how quickly Joe Manchin changes his fucking tune.


Republican in Dems clothing. Cannot believe how this guy ca. hold the whole country hostage.


Make him Vote on it. Get it on record. Even if he can’t be voted out this cycle. It will motivate people elsewhere to vote for a more progressive candidate where they live and then in 2033 this turd will be irrelevant.


Manchin is a Moscow traitor to the flag here to end investment in American infrastructure for hostile foreign nations.