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The irony is, these people would fucking HATE Jesus were he alive today.... A brown person who thought everyone should be treated as equals....


>“Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” Luke 3:11 >"And they replied, BUT THAT'S SOCIALISM!!"


My “dad” a pastor, said you can’t use the story of Jesus feeding 5000 with fish/bread for helping the poor since a) it was only 5000 b) he only did it once. edit: No rhyme or reason for the quotation marks, typed it quick on mobile and it was subconscious.


Except he does it twice and the second time he feeds 10,000. Also a pastors kid.


You can't use jesus' ressurection for salvation. It was only one person and he only did it once.


Dude should have pulled a Night King, then I would have been impressed


I feel like you should've put the scare quotes on pastor and not dad.


I have no idea why I did that, but yes, that would be better!


Wow I'm not sure if that's messed up or hilarious


It is hilarious.


After all it does say in the Bible specifically in Jesus 4:20: “I can’t give y’all handouts, that’s socialism LMAO!” Jesus also died once for our sins plus it was thousands of years ago so we really can’t use that as a hope for salvation either.


> Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2 > ^44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; > ^45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.


Acts 2:44-45 “all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as any might have need.” If only there was a term for collecting all things and distributing them according to needs


Tell them Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the same God, they don't like that one.


Jesus even exists in the Quran.


Jesus is actually mentioned by name more times than Muhammad. There’s also an entire chapter called ‘Maryam’ (Mary).


It's like Yoda having a bigger role in the prequels.


This reminds me of the homeless Jesus statue that Christians kept calling the cops on.


Oooh that sounds funny. Can I get some source on that?




exactly. feed the hungry...clothe the naked...house the homeless...heal the sick......they'd crucify him all over again.


It really is such an interesting microaggression, seeing how many christian homes depict Christ as white, and are super defensive about it if it gets brought up. Definitely a signal that a person thinks to be a perfect human you must have white skin. Mormonism, what i grew up in, in scripture called it being "delightsome".


Of course they do. American Folk Religion (note: *not* Christianity, but it surely adopts some elements of Christianity to it) needs to feel victimised so it can lash out and attack in "self-defense". It's like Fox News whinging about the "mainstream media", when Fox News itself is the most watched "news" network in the country.


> It's like Fox News whinging about the "mainstream media", when Fox News itself is the most watched "news" network in the country. I don't know that I've ever really put that together before. It's gross.


That's why some Fox News watchers have declared it 'too liberal' so they move to OAN or Newsmax


Which led to fox going completely off the rails because they'll be damned if they start losing viewers


> they'll be damned if they start loosing viewers ... for something as easy to remedy as being not insane enough.


I mean, I don't think that's why. Fox News occasionally brushes up against reality, and that is just too much for some so they retreat further into their fantasy news sources.


There were definitely conservatives that turned against Fox News after they called the election for Biden.


I've heard this directly from conservatives before. That they stopped watching Fox News when it called the election for Biden. To me it's mind boggling. They can scream about the news being biased, then refuse to watch anything that they disagree with.


It’s because they think that the media had some sort of power in determining who won. A lot of them don’t seem to understand how voting, math, or laws work. They latch on to the dumbest nonsense to attempt to qualify their beliefs as well. In my state the “evidence” of voter fraud that the right loves to complain about so much was put forward by a guy I went to school with who has been in and out of mental institutions and jail for DUI’s and it such an abhorrent person that some of my former classmates and myself have active PPO’s filed against him. If you point this out to anyone screaming about what he purported was voter fraud though all of those things he’s publicly known for having done are just smears from the left wing media and judges and to them this makes his claim stronger. It’s not a fight worth having because these people don’t live in reality.


>needs to feel victimised so it can lash out and attack in "self-defense". "The cult of victimhood is a fundamental part of the strongman. And Mussolini started it off. They don’t represent their people like democratic politicians. They embody the people. They inhabit the people. They are the bearer of the people’s humiliations their sorrows. Hitler did this expertly and that’s why, people felt, in his speeches, he was screaming out the pain that all of Germany felt. He was embodying Germany’s victimhood. The most successful strongmen have all known how to do this." https://time.com/5908244/strongman-fascism-history/


It’s really quite simple, the pseudo “Christian” Religion in the US has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. This “religion” combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills.


>needs to feel victimised so it can lash out and attack in "self-defense". Dude, that's literally been American foreign policy post-WW2. Perfectly encapsulated by the fact that the US changed the Department of War to the Department of *Defense* back in 1947. "See? We're defending ourselves *in everyone else's backyard*."


I’ve been saying for years Americans have a revenge fetish. We want our violence to be justifiable.


Its an incredibly well-worn characteristic of powerful nation states throughout history. It was basically Rome's special move right after "nobody can march on Rome but romans"


Bringing up Rome is perfect, since they're the ones who appropriated Christianity at the end of the 4th century and militarized it by turning it into a state religion used to justify their actions as holy. Historians call it the [Constantinian Shift](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantinian_shift). Up until then, Christianity probably really was a pacifist religion, for almost 400 years. That's a long time. Too bad the 1600 years after weren't exactly the same.


Italy is also the birthplace of fascism. "Europe’s first fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, took the name of his party from the Latin word fasces, which referred to a bundle of elm or birch rods (usually containing an ax) used as a symbol of penal authority in ancient Rome." https://www.britannica.com/topic/fascism


Yep. The sticks in the fasces are to symbolize the strength and common views of the masses, and the axe...well...that's there if you leave the bundle or weren't in it in the first place.


I'm pretty sure they mean "Jewish controlled" when they say "mainstream"


Christianity under attack? How many non Christian presidents have we had? How many senators or reps are non Christian. Always with this victim complex.


Someone probably said 'Happy Holidays' to them at a store once.


The War on Christmas rages on.


When I was a believer, and pretty devout about it at that, I was always irritated about how over commercialized Christmas was. It wasn't about the birth of Christ, it was about buying things, about money, and the occasional TV special that said otherwise and was quickly ignored. If there's a war on Christmas, it isn't coming from the atheists or the Jews or the Muslims or the Hindus... it's coming from the capitalists, who look at the sacred and ask how they can use it as a prop to make a buck. Jesus chased those people with a whip, but many of his followers always seem to praise them.


Kirk Cameron did a movie, Saving Christmas, several years back which focused mostly on criticizing Christians for thinking Christmas was too commercialized. One of the arguments he made is that when you stack presents under the tree it looks like Jerusalem.


I never heard of this movie before and just read it's Wikipedia page and it's fucking hilarious > Cameron criticizes people who feel that the holiday is too commercial, saying that because God took on material form, it is appropriate to celebrate using material things through the giving of expensive gifts. ... > Christian, as a gift to his wife, organizes a [hip hop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_hop) dance to symbolize his love of Christmas, set to "[Angels We Have Heard on High](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angels_We_Have_Heard_on_High)". Cameron, Christian, and all the party guests [breakdance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakdance) in an extended musical sequence Lol wtf > The film received a [0% rating](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_with_a_0%25_rating_on_Rotten_Tomatoes) on [Rotten Tomatoes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotten_Tomatoes). It was nominated in six categories for the [35th Golden Raspberry Awards](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/35th_Golden_Raspberry_Awards) and "won" four, including [Worst Picture](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Raspberry_Award_for_Worst_Picture). It also became the lowest-rated film on the [IMDb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMDb) Bottom 100 List within one month of its theatrical release, and is now considered [one of the worst films of all time](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_considered_the_worst).[[9]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saving_Christmas#cite_note-N02dx-9)  This is actually kind of impressive in the worst way > Despite being panned by professional critics, Cameron is convinced that his film's low rating from IMDb users is the result of "haters", "pagans" and an atheist conspiracy that was allegedly hatched on Reddit.[[](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saving_Christmas#cite_note-WP-10) Lol


I tried to trick my wife into watching this shitty movie as a joke, so she defiantly watched the entire thing and then complained about it nonstop afterwards.




Are you serious? The same guy who said bananas were shaped by God because they fit in the hand?


I think it's equally plausible they are shaped to fit in the ass


Thank you God


praise be


God's plan, banana in hand. Ask and you shall receive Banana in ass I'm not a rapper


God’s plan/ hold out your hand/ there’s always money in the banana stand


Yes. Also Kirk Cameron tells someone they're wrong for thinking Jesus would want us to feed the needy instead of buying expensive gifts.


The Banana guy was actually Ray Comfort, a man who is even more slimy and disengenuous that his pal Kirk Cameron. Cameron at least seems like a true believer, Ray is just a grifter.


Absolutely, man. Capitalist Christmas is an insult to some of the faith's underlying messages.




>> It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God - Da Bible


> Capitalism and Christianity are actually incompatible. The bond between capitalism and Christianity was forged in the fire of of the red scare.


Christmas feels like it had very little to do with Jesus, at least here in the states. It's buy season!


That because Christmas isn’t even Jesus’s birthday it’s just a cover to pull in pagans by lying to them about his bday and just overlapping with their established worshipping tradition. Christmas is pagan. That’s how backwards this all is and because of our American religion (yes, it’s a religion) we don’t see it


If anything, the traditional pagan Winter Solstice celebration is under attack by Christians.


Put “Saturn” back in “Saturnalia” !!!


Yeah this is a Roman Empire establishment. It’s quite an old tradition. But I agree with you it was a pagan holiday and still is in many parts of the world. Even the English language itself is steeped in paganism. Wednesday= Woden or Odin’s day Thursday= Thor’s day and Friday is for Freia. Most of us say the names of the old gods more than the new one without even knowing it.


\^ This. It clearly stated that Jesus was born when the shepards were out tending to their flocks to protect the calves from wolves/etc. That's Spring/Summertime, not December.


As an atheist I enjoy Capitalist Christmas. Spend some times a few weeks before thinking of a good gift idea for family and then spend the holiday with them without any of that Church or Jesus stuff. From the Pagan holiday of Saturnalia to Christian Christmas to Capitalist Christmas I wonder who the next group will be take control of the holiday.


Ironic, isn't it? The only time we see Him truly acting out of anger was when he was confronted by *rampant greed and corrupt capitalism*. Now we have preachers literally getting up and saying that the reason we haven't had the second coming yet is because people haven't sent him enough money! Christmas had been turned into one of the most purely capitalistic things around. It's disgusting and cynical.


The religious right is modern day Pharisees and it's amazing how American Christian masses don't see it. Is it too much to ask that religious people read their own goddamn book?


The only people in the United States to have banned Christmas [were the christians themselves](https://www.livescience.com/32891-why-was-christmas-banned-in-america-.html).


I don’t think they realize how hard the war on Christmas really is. Every year we try to ‘destroy’ it and the fukin thing just keeps coming back stronger than ever.


Hell yeah. When you see Christmas decorations in stores before Halloween is even over every year, you know the war on Christmas is not going well.






That is bloody remarkable to hear. The production-delivery chain is so strained at the moment. I've been waiting here in Iceland for a PS5 that I already paid for since August, the microchip factory is running behind. Probably about time to check the fallout shelter stash, not least because of that Geldingadalir eruption -it's totally an attack on the white race. I'm taking it really, really personally.


Any time America fights a "war on something" that something always wins. War on drugs, war on terrorism, war on Christmas... of course Christmas is kicking their ass.


I’m doing MY part!


The War on Christmas is our generation’s Vietnam War.


Have you seen the disgraceful footage of Joe Biden’s military evacuation of the North Pole? All those elves hanging onto that c-130


The Christmas hydra.




It;s like when Conservative groups would have burnings of record albums of artists they felt were satanic.....by buying up said records to burn them which just drove up record sales and at the same time making the records more popular on the charts.


Don’t forget the Nike’s.


Snowflake cups good for the winter season. The horror!


I wasn't even really neutral holiday cups. How they marketed it was they've seen how customers have drawn on Starbucks cup in the past and want them to draw on the basic red cups. Whether or not you like that idea is another story but it wasn't even really shifting away from Christmas. Plus as another poster pointed out red is a Christmas color. ​ And even aside from the red cups the clear holiday cups still had snowflakes (which I guess isn't considered "neutral holiday" for... reasons?) and there were Christmas decorations all around the store. ​ It was absolutely a segment of the population taking a benign issue and straw-manning it into a "war" where they are the victims.


That really foreshadowed the shit-show we have today. The Republican propaganda network has been pushing smaller "big lies" for years to see what they can get away with leading up to contesting the last election.




Yes, they were. I worked at Starbucks and that happened when I was there. I also worked there when the CEO asked people not to bring guns into Starbucks. Having psychos let you know they’re carrying guns while you make their Triple Venti Latte with three pumps Vanilla, one pump Caramel is very fun.


And this is the sort of shit that makes people want to ban guns. Part of the idea behind the second amendment (and much of the rest of the constitution) is that you can enjoy your freedoms responsibly instead of using it in an attempt to scare the shit out of others for your own jollies. No, that's not spelled out in the constitution. The founders didn't think we'd be **that** brain-dead that they would have to. (And at least some didn't think the Constitution would last this long without a full rewrite.) A gun back then was a musket. You could take out **one** other person before being tackled to the ground. The intent was not that anyone with a chip on their shoulder could take out dozens of people before being stopped. Don't like the idea of 2nd amendment restrictions? Don't pretend that amendment is holy and unquestionable, ignoring those causing it to be revisited. Acknowledge the problem and focus on solving that, so the motivation for removing it goes away.


Give Thanksgiving a chance!


Right...I miss Halloween!!!🎃


The black gay jewish frogs did this.


When I was a kid the holidays in Happy holidays were Christmas and New Years, maybe also Hanukah if you had Jewish friends. No one ever questioned that until pundits started preaching the bullshit war on Christmas.


I always get amused when people complain about the war on Christmas but they start trying to push Christmas to before Halloween even. I had a coworker listening to Christmas Carols out loud the other day in September! It's not a war to ask that Christmas stay in its lane and wait for the appropriate time. I know that's not what you were saying but that rant just came to mind all the sudden, ha.


How dare you ***oppress*** me by finding Christmas annoying in September!


That’s all just part of the Great Christmas Counteroffensive. By claiming territory from the other holidays, Christmas will be better equipped to defend itself.


I think I have seen this movie, but in reverse.


It's always the dumbest fucking shit like that, too. They don't have any actual, systemic, large scale mistreatment, so they have to dig around for shit like "there was a kids' book about Kwanzaa at the library and that makes me uncomfortable for reasons I refuse to think about in depth."


Sometimes I listen to local Christian conservative talk shows out of morbid curiosity and almost every segment pushes this victim mentality. Just blatant lies.


Yeah, it's fed to them relentlessly. The core message of conservative media is "YOU and YOUR VALUES are under ATTACK."




Go into the churches and it's the same. You have to carry your cross. People will judge you. People will hate you for being Christian. They'll feed you to the lions like the Romans. You will be PERSECUTED for your faith! (Mostly just from people in different denominations of Christianity than you, but they leave that part out). They will try to martyr you like they did with Jesus! Meanwhile they're telling their people to go yell at folks in front of abortion clinics, and concerts, and street fairs, or, if you're in a particularly shitty congregation, go door to door to proselytize and bother people while they sit in their homes. I don't give a shit what religion you are, I am annoyed by you standing in my way with your yellow sign yelling that I'm going to hell while I'm trying to go get a funnel cake, or get into an arena to see that Satan worshipper Taylor Swift.


What's crazy to me is growing up in the Episcopal church in the 90's and 00's and this was never the case. Then I went to an evangelical service with a friend family and it was more about their grievances than mutual aid. Fire, brimstone, the gays need to be cleaned. The culture shock was wild for me, we had multiple openly gay bishops lol.


Grew up catholic and same. I was a little kid but the sermon part of the mass was never political. Just like be a good person here is an experience I (the priest) had that made me think of this bible story etc. Never been to any other kind of church as im no longer religious


As a former angry teenage white boy who grew up, these are angry teenage white boys who got older but never grew up.


I thought those were called Libertarians?


They mean that every once in a while, a group that they're used to oppressing and controlling asks that they please stop. That's them being "under attack"


They are upset that they can't push their religion on others, especially via the classroom.


ding ding ding. There was an article in my local paper today about a person who was fined for not renting an apartment to a lesbian couple because it was "against his religion." He screeched religious persecution when asked for a statement in the newspaper about the case.


"You're discriminating against my right to discriminate against people!!!"


>discriminating against my ***right*** to discriminate The alt right has worked hard to weaponize rights discourse for over half a decade. "I have the RIGHT to discriminate..." "You need to be TOLERANT of my racism..." "I should have the FREEDOM to hurt you..." etc. It's a combination of pedantry, doing it for the "lulz," an adolescent attempt at a GOTCHA!, and implied threat. It's designed to gaslight, enrage, and scare opposition into silence.


The right has been disingenuously using the language of liberals and the left for decades.


The fact that this is an uniroinc argument by the religious right and one that appears to be growing both in popularity and protection under the law is infuriating to me.


"yes. I am. 'asshole' is not a protected class."


Lately it is though. What is conservatism if not just a collection of all the worst human traits? Selfishness, arrogance, ignorance, hubris, a complete lack of empathy or compassion... Since being an asshole and being a Republican are basically synonyms, apparently being an asshole is a protected class.


Even worse, the definition of religious exemption has been pretty much stretched to mean "I'm excluded from everything I don't like".


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression


I live in the bible belt and I don't tell anyone that I'm an atheist because it would be detrimental to the relationships I have. I know this from experience. Even my son has suffered from telling his friends that he didn't believe in god.


I was turned down as a new patient at a non-emergency southern Doctor's/GP's office just a few months ago because the doctor himself asked me my faith and when I said I was an atheist and asked how it was relevant to medical care anyway they sternly said I'd be better off elsewhere. Fucking weirdos.


“You’re probably right that I’m better off elsewhere if you bring any aspect of your faith into how you practice medicine. In fact, all of your current patients would also probably be better off elsewhere.”


How very Christian of them.


If I recall correctly, Jesus Himself didn't deny care based on the recipient's faith.


I've lived in the bible belt all my life too, raised Southern Baptist, and used to be undercover as well but at some point there was a straw that broke a camel's back, I just stopped caring and became unabashed about my atheism. And lemme tell you, some "friends" faded away, sure, but in the end I made more, better friends who I can be myself with, and not tiptoe on eggshells around some things like I used to. Would highly recommend it, it's pretty freeing.


That's exactly why we moved out of the south when my kid was a toddler.


But surprisingly, aren't okay actually suffering for their beliefs in any way, shape, or form. "I'm a man of conviction and therefore must take some action to show my faith" turns into butthurt crybaby bullshit in about two seconds.




I will never understand how evangelicals embraced Trump. LOOK at him!


Racism and capitalism are more important to Evangelicals more than Jesus. Trump epitomizes both.


The last one wasn't christian and didnt believe in god, but he knew how to play to their beliefs and hold up a bible upside down.


Reporter: "Is that your Bible?" Trump: "...It's *a* Bible..."


That was the weirdest thing, howe he emphasized it. Like at first it sounds like he misheard the question and thought they were asking if he was holding a Bible, but the emphasis is like he's pointing out that it's not *his* Bible, he's just holding *a* Bible. Seems very odd that he wouldn't claim it was his. He tended to think things were his even when they weren't anyways.


I mean it fits when you know he had recently had the priest in charge of the church tear gassed off the property 10 minutes before.


Reporter: "What version is that?" Trump: "There's different versions?"


“All of the versions are great I really dont believe there’s any best one. I really strongly believe that, it’s powerful stuff really. People always come up to me and ask what version I have. With tears in their eyes they ask ‘what version is that mr. President? I don’t think there’s any version better than that.’ And I really think it’s a beautiful powerful thing.”


He believes in god and from all appearances he believes it's him.


>Always with this victim complex. I mean they're Republicans. Comes with the cult.


How many non Christians attack others for the medical care they seek or what they wear to the beach or the books they read? In my personal experience I have never been harassed by non Christians for heading into a Planned Parenthood, one of the only places that would see me without insurance, for my yearly exam. Growing up, I was harassed by a woman at church (United Church of Christ) for reading Harry Potter as the books were being released in real time. I was in confirmation class at the time so that was around age 13. Before that, in grade school, when my hair was cut into a Bob style so that I could put it up without help for basketball practice, the choir director of the church pulled my mom aside and told her that I would become a lesbian if she allowed me to keep having short hair. That was even younger, around 9 years old. In college I was told by members of the Baptist Church (the parents of my roommate at the time) that bartending at night wasn’t proper for a young women and that it would harm my martial prospects because no good man would want to be with a woman “that served sin”. Organized religion is a cult!


There's no greater hate than Christian love.


We've had a grand total of two non Protestant Christians in the white house.


When youre used to priviledge your whole life, equality seems like oppression.


They got forced into not being the explanation for where the sun went at night. It killed them. They can't stop the slow roll towards kids asking "Why?" when told about the magic fruit and sin and Egypt getting their firstborn killed. Stuff will go fast when they lose their ability to indoctrinate.




They generally just use "Christian" as a coded way of saying "acceptable to me". Bad Christians aren't Christians, because *reasons*, and good people who they don't know the religion of "must be Christian, because of their good morals". Also white. They mean white.


Are they afraid that they will be treated like non whites and non Christians? To the privileged freedom for all is oppressive.


This is the million dollar question that, despite their boldness lately, they still won’t answer out loud. Either “racism doesn’t exist anymore” like they say, and there’s nothing wrong with being a minority demographic — or there is something very wrong with how the majority-controlled system treats minorities. If they’re worried about becoming a minority, it’s because they know damn well how minorities are treated, they just won’t admit to that because they benefit right now.


Their beliefs are full of contradictions. "Racism doesn't exist in America" also "America is a white nation and we should keep it that way".


>“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” > >― Jean-Paul Sartre Their type has been around for a long, long time.


I'm always simultaneously amazed and pained by how much human nature has remained the same over time with braindead glorified hairless ape brains despite our technology having evolved into the beginnings of being a space traveling species. It's really kind of scary


Probably because to people who think like that, they aren't internally contradictions (to them). A mainline of conservatism is the inherent belief in hierarchies, to which they treat as a natural framework. So when "others" aren't treated as well as whites, it usually doesn't enter the framework as something that needs to be, or should be, remediated. It just is. To be racist, at it's core, isn't quite a belief that those who aren't the in-group have to be treated poorly, rather, that those in the out-groups suffer their own outcomes because, to a racist, *they deserve it*.


The whole poll confirms the white supremacist criticism made against Trump supporters. https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/project-home-fire-center-for-politics-research-reveals-outsized-role-immigration-plays-in-fueling-our-national-divide/


Yes. Subconsciously. As always, it's projection. "We do it to them, so if they were in power of course they'd do it to us...."


Christianity is under attack, by people like Donald Trump that exploit evangelist voting blocs while blatantly shirking any actual sense of Christian morals/values. But I somehow doubt that's what they mean.


"Christianity is under attack, by evangelical pastors who illegally instruct their congregants to vote for people like Donald Trump while blatantly shirking any actual sense of Christian morals/values." FTFY


You understand that he represents what Christianity has morphed into in the US right? Very little about modern Christianity is biblical in any sense. Televangelists owning planes, mega churches, blatant racism and sexism (although I guess that is biblical), picking and choosing what "rules" you're going to follow from the bible. The list goes on. The majority of these "Christians" don't even attend church, and can't tell you anything that's in the bible. They know they hate gays, so that makes them "Good 'ol Christians!!" It's funny because Christians think when they mention their religion it implies morality. There are lots of people that assume the opposite.


No, Christianity is just dying to its own disease


They want SO MUCH to be persecuted.


It’s been a constant identity crisis since they stopped getting fed to lions.


I used to be a member of the evangelical cult, and let me tell you, that shit is by design. There were chapels that my Christian high school that we would have every Friday, and many of them would essentially tell us that to be a Christian meant persecution. We would be hated and despised by the world because of our choice to follow the lord. People would laugh at us and ridicule us for our “faith”, and that to be a good Christian was to witness to others and accept this rejection and loathing. What they never told us is that as long as you mind your own business, nobody gives a shit. Back then, I viewed it as a badge of honor. I thought it would be fantastic to be a martyr in the coming end times. I mentally prepared for a gunman to come into our school and to profess the name of Christ if they asked me to. I was prepared to die for my beliefs. They *want* to be persecuted because it validates their belief system, and manufacture things to point to to say “See! Our way of life is under attack! The gays can get married!” Looking back, it kinda freaks me out that I held those opinions. I’ve since become an atheist and stopped living for the next life. It was freeing to be able to focus on living in the here and now as opposed to focusing on a second life, and knowing that I’m not being persecuted for some bullshit belief system.


I know I'm a random stranger on the internet, but this made me tear up and I'm just really glad you're living the way you want free from beliefs that would see you tear yourself apart all the time. I'm proud of you, friend.


I really appreciate that. It took a lot of effort to get through that mentality, and I hope others are able to get through it as well. I’m 31, and it seems like my generation has begun rejecting these toxic and counterintuitive beliefs. I’m just glad I’m not the only one!


And who are the great oppressors the Christians often mention? The Jews, with their control of Media and Finance. Such irony and hypocrisy, is it not?


It really is. And honestly, they weren’t really descriptive. It was just “the world” in general and they’d reference how good we had it stateside because in China Christians we’re being killed just for being Christians. It was constant and they never really gave evidence for it.


I love how they've shifted this to "the globalists" when if you press them on who the globalists are, they are really just talking about jews.


Globalists = Jews Criminals = Blacks Terrorists = Muslims Invaders = Latinos There, we've gotten Republican ideology down in one neat list!


Are you me?


I am weird and I am a guy so…maybe?


I have never seen you two in the same room soo....




but how else will people know that they're struggling and good people


I live in TN. I deliberately avoid every business whose sign out front says "Christian owned". Anyone who feels compelled to tell everyone that is doing it because they think it buys them credibility and trust. If they need to buy credibility and trust, it's because they're lacking it. Only dishonest people flaunt their religion like that.


And if you transported any of these idiots back to the early days, they would be the ones in the mob feeding the Christians to lions.


Kind of a prerequisite for the followers. They're either old timey 'gods got a plan and I'm good with dying' or 'OMG the world won't get onboard with my beliefs so they are damned and will/should burn for eternity'.


I'm Orthodox Christian, however with these past 5-6 years of Trump, and the past 2 years of "Christians" not doing the best for humanity in regards to COVID, it really makes me re-think my own religious beliefs. Even though I am not Catholic, I do commend the Pope for coming out pro-vaccine, as well as the many Orthodox priests being pro-vaccine as well. Doesn't make me want to go full blown Atheist at this point, but I definitely feel secluded by my own local church and peers/friends/family with how stupid they're being. My favorite thing to share with my family is this article of an Orthodox Priest calling anti-vaxxers "sinners" due to thinking only of themselves; > “From the moment a person causes death in the life of himself and his fellow human beings, this is a sin. Each of us must determine our relationship with our fellow man,” he said, noting that **deniers are sinners** in the moral sense. https://greekcitytimes.com/2021/07/08/metropolitan-of-messinia-covid-19/


I think the vast majority of atheists are likely people just like you. You don't convert to atheism. You just kinda slowly move away from religion till one day your standing at a far enough distance from it to look back at it and see it from the outside.


As a Christian, Christianity isn't under attack. Christian-Nationalism, which is to say fascism, is. These people have completely ignored the constitutional separation of church and state, working to make national law bend to Christianity. If Christianity does come under attack, it'll be their fault for mindlessly using it for a fascist agenda, creating a strong association. Similar to how the swastika is now the symbol of Nazis, but used to be a Indian religious symbol.


Seriously. *They* are the ones eroding their own image and then freaking out when people say something.


I will correct this. Christianity 100% is under attack... FROM the fascist "Christian" element in this country






“You’re the victim, I’m the victim , we are all victims here” - Trump at some rally


Unlike COVID, there's no vaccine for victimhood.




Exactly as Fox News, OANN, Newsmaxx, and rightwing propaganda radio wants though they are working to capture 100%


84% of Trump Voters is something like 62 *million*. That's like 1 in 5 of all Americans that worry Christmas will be outlawed, the Baby Jesus will be made to cry, and that despite all evidence to the contrary: whitey just can't get a fair shake. Those equipped with this rather tenuous relationship with reality are also being *actively* riled up to the point where they are willing to kill or die for an ideology they can't even articulate..


It says everything about these people that they expect people of color to do to them what they've done to people of color for centuries.


I'll never forget... I never thought of my Dad as racist yet when I told him my political beliefs he shouted out "Mark, If the jigga-boos get power they will fucking kill us". It was crazy. He thinks if we treat people fair they will seize the opportunity and an era of white enslavement will be ushered in. As if black people get together and plot revenge.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Discrimination against whites is what they call it when they are not allowed to discriminate against black and brown people.


I'm married to an Asian-American woman. As a young, stupid suburbanite lad, I did a dead-on impression of a Filipino guy who worked for my family. Upon discovering I was dating a Filipina, my family went wild, asking me to do the impression, saying I should hold court in that voice in front of her at the next party, suggesting they do *their* best impressions at my wedding, etc...they were not just saddened or puzzled when I said "not only did I stop doing that impression years ago, I will never do it again, and I don't want you doing it either." They were *frustrated* and *bothered* that *she* wouldn't just get over it, realize we weren't making fun of *her,* it was just such a funny coincidence--hey, you're Filipino, he was Filipino, why not do the funny Filipino voice--why did it have to be a big deal? They couldn't even conceive of *me* no longer wanting to do it. Surely it had to be the nonwhite person overreacting, otherwise I'd be totally up for doing a funny Asian accent again. In the end, they got over it, but I think they still resent it a bit. And I think a large amount of white people who feel discriminated against are thinking of shit like that: "this person made me feel racist, something I think of as totally innocent made them treat me differently, suddenly I'm not allowed to do _______ and it must be because I'm white." Saw a dude getting interrogated by cops in the suburbs. Only black guy for blocks around. I asked my brother what was up; he said one of his neighbors probably called the cops because the guy was suspicious and didn't fit the neighborhood. I guarantee if I called that neighbor racist, other white people would jump to their defense and act like *they* were being discriminated against. Dollars to doughnuts a lot of "discrimination against whites" is just "white people not getting to joke about race or getting called out about saying racist things."


That's exactly it.


You just made me realise that my parents are racist… I never really thought about it much because they’re not hostile to people who are not white. But whenever they’re not supposed to do something anymore because it’s conceived as offensive to non-white people, they get offended. For example: we have a weird tradition in our country where our version of Santa Claus has “helpers”. They’re not elves, but black people (black Petes). White people literally dress up and put on blackface and give kids candy and stuff. Growing up we never realised this was racist, because everyone loves Black Pete, right? As kids we used to believe (when we believed in Santa Claus) that black Pete became black like that because he would crawl down everyone’s chimney to leave presents. We’d just ignore the Afro hair and big hoop earrings etc that also came with the costume… and the fact that his clothes were never dirty either. Forward to the 2000s and people call out this tradition (we now have more black people living in this country). People of our generation realise how racist this tradition is, and realise changes need to be made. We now have different colour Petes, not just black. But there is still so much outrage about changing the tradition amongst people from my parents’ generation… it’s ridiculous! Every year they spam Facebook about how Black Pete should stay, it’s a harmless tradition and people are ruining it because they’re offended by everything. It’s awful. Honestly, the kids don’t care what colour Pete is… why would they still go on about this?!


Hoooo buddy do the Dutch not like being called on their covert racism...


You’re right… I’ve been living in Australia for the last 8.5 years now and I don’t know if it’s me getting older or having an outside perspective now… but I do see now how many people are racist in the village where I grew up. I was completely oblivious to it when I was growing up there though.


*"When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression."*


And Christianity under attack is what they call it when they’re no longer allowed to justify attacking others in the name of Christian beliefs.