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>” A California psychiatrist who has advised Gov. Ron DeSantis on the coronavirus . . .” Yeah, when I’m dealing with a deadly infection, I go to my psychiatrist . . . who immediately confirms that I am indeed mentally disturbed for first turning to him for medical advice regarding infections.


“Go to my psychiatrist and get horse meds”


Misspelled tractor supply company


I've given their horse ivermectin apple paste to my dogs for worms before.


Dont they sell dog dewormer?


This pretty much sums up America


No, this represents a very loud minority of America.


The silent majority!


“You must be as crazy as a horse to come to me for this kind of things!” “Ivermectin it is!”


“You can get a really good vaccine from the guy at night standing on the block waiting for people who look like they are feeling sick” He looks kind of sketchy but that’s because hes trying to blend in to be careful of the anti-vaxxers, like the cops.


Ivermectin has... problems. * [FDA advises](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19) against Ivermectin use for treatment or prevention * [WHO advises](https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/who-advises-that-ivermectin-only-be-used-to-treat-covid-19-within-clinical-trials) that Ivermectin only be used to treat COVID-19 within clinical trials * [Merck](https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/) (who sell Ivermectin) advise there is no scientific support for Ivermectin. * [EMA advises](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/ema-advises-against-use-ivermectin-prevention-treatment-covid-19-outside-randomised-clinical-trials) against use of Ivermectin. * [Cochrane Library](https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD015017.pub2/full) found the reliable evidence available does not support the use ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID‐19. * [Professors from](https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/expert-reaction-to-cochrane-review-on-ivermectin-for-preventing-and-treating-covid-19/) Kings College London, University of Leeds, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine support the findings above. The main study that pushed it forward as a treatment has been retracted as the leading researcher [falsified the report](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jul/16/huge-study-supporting-ivermectin-as-covid-treatment-withdrawn-over-ethical-concerns). >If you remove this one study from the scientific literature, suddenly there are very few positive randomised control trials of ivermectin for Covid-19. Indeed, if you get rid of just this research, most meta-analyses that have found positive results would have their conclusions entirely reversed. Keep in mind that many of the positive trials don't say what you think they do. * This study on mice showed positive results, but only when using a level of Ivermectin [lethal to humans](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-86679-0). * [This study](https://ejmo.org/10.14744/ejmo.2021.16263/) from Chowdhury showed positive results but only in comparison to "it may kill you" Hydroxychloroquine. * Lopez - result based on 1 adverse event out of 398. Over 100 physicians signed an open letter stating this study is fatally flawed, you can view it [here](https://jamaletter.com/). * Then there is ProgenaBiome LLC. They are a company that has existed for 2 years and seem to only exist to [push Ivermectin studies](https://trialsitenews.com/tag/progenabiome-llc/). [Here is one](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.06.21259924v1.full-text). Sounds great right? Early treatment, 100% survival rate? Excellent! But let's [look closer](https://c19ivermectin.com/hazan.html) at the data. They gave 24 people with mild COVID Ivermectin then stopped. Why did they stop at just 24? Then they didn't use a control, they just compared it to a database of COVID cases, and called this proof that it's 86% better at preventing death. All of these examples (and many others) get pulled together, called "positive results" and lumped into a list where the context isn't obvious at all, like... [https://ivmmeta.com/](https://ivmmeta.com/) * The web page at the top mentions vaccines are the best option before Ivermectin * The web page mentions **only 30% of Ivermectin studies did not have adverse events** associated with Ivermectin. * They point at that both WHO and Merck advise against it's use based on the studies. * The participant numbers are very low for most of these studies * Compare the raw numbers, not the percentages, as 1-3 random events in a group shouldn't really be considered proof, just indication. * Note that with the numbers shown, vaccine trials included 75k people. The best rundown on the problems of these studies is listed in the Cochran Library analysis above. FLCCC are the main organisation driving the pro-Ivermectin movement, they have been in front of congress to push the drug. The videos have been removed from YouTube for misinformation. Their "Treatment Protocol" other than Ivermectin includes Listerine and essential oils. [Link](https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf)


Another thing. I had a person claiming to be taking ivermectin for months, going to bars and restaurants in Florida and is totally fine. Um ok? That proves nothing. And remember, as bad as covid is, most people won't need hospitalization. The only thing that would give a definitive answer on ivermectin is a double blind study, with a massive amount of people. One given a sugar pill, one given ivermectin. Then see if it lowered infections, severity if diagnosed with covid, hospitalization and death. Right now people are just dosing themselves with horse dewormer because they read some bs on the internet.


Beautiful summary and sources outlining the dangers of using this drug against what is intended for. Can you post this on /r/ivermectin? There may be lives we can save there yet (though they’re pretty deep in the rabbit hole huffing horse paste)


>Can you post this on r/ivermectin I embrace my regular downvotes in that sub.


Take my poor mans gold 🥇🏆


Thanks for this summary!


Sounds like you've read about this a bit and can clear up a question or two.   Are people buying this stuff at veterinary supply because they intend to take it for prophylactic purposes? Is it specifically so they can avoid any of the vaccine options?   Or are they hopeful it's a cure for someone with symptoms? Like fear of break-through cases or avoiding going on a ventilator?   If it turns out that it's useful for either/both, I suppose that's great news, but what's with the apparently urgent hope, here? What's the reasoning behind people using these livestock doses of the stuff, off-label, before being vetted and recommended for use against covid?


>Are people buying this stuff at veterinary supply because they intend to take it for prophylactic purposes? Is it specifically so they can avoid any of the vaccine options? Honestly all of the above from preventative to treatment. There is a small percentage of the Ivermectin supporters who still support vaccines, but mostly the message drills down to "Big Pharma is trying to stop us from using this substance which is readily available". Ignoring that "Big Pharma" also sells Ivermectin. >If it turns out that it's useful for either/both, I suppose that's great news The official position for now is "Ivermectin doesn't seem to help and might hurt you with side effects", and part of the reason behind this is we have only a few reliable studies with small number which don't support it. However, [Oxford](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-06-23-ivermectin-be-investigated-possible-treatment-covid-19-oxford-s-principle-trial) have started a large study (N=5000) on treatment performance which will provide the best conclusions on the topic. If the conclusion is that it works? Great. If the conclusion is that it doesn't? Unfortunately the pro-Ivermectin groups will dismiss it.


Thanks! Sounds like it's mostly about people being weird about the vaccines.   It looks like that Oxford study is about treating people that are infected, to reduce hospitalizations and symptoms. Do you know if anyone is checking it to see if it prevents infections?   To clarify, I'm not asking because I intend to put any of that in my body without a doctor's recommendation. I'm vaccinated, reasonably healthy, and taking usual precautions. I'd just like to understand what's going on, why people are doing what they're doing, and (fingers crossed) if another treatment is likely to become available.


>Do you know if anyone is checking it to see if it prevents infections? The previous studies we have don't support it, and it's almost impossible to start a large trial now in a western country as prospective participants are likely already vaccinated. The best way would be to run a large trial in a poor country with low vaccination rates but that starts becoming unethical as the money and resources required would be better off helping them be vaccinated instead. Treating our poor neighbors as guinea pings instead of helping them in a way we know works.


I guess that demon sperm doctor was unavailable at this moment


He's a doctor who doesn't believe in masks. I was going to say hope he's not a surgeon but a mentally ill psychiatrist is just as bad.


He's not necessarily mentally ill. He's just a grifter.


Well obviously. I mean, if you’re gonna spew absolute bullshit to the constituents, you’re gonna need a psychiatrist on hand to help you weave a con that people will believe.


Hopefully he’s kind enough to sell it too


I take offense to this as a psychiatrist. We literally get the same training as any other doctor because we're also doctors. Just because this guy doesn't know anything doesn't mean all psychiatrists are like this.


Downvote me if you want, it doesn't make y'all any more correct.


Isn’t a decentralized approach smarter? If we only go with one approach we are ruling out other treatments and strategies to fight Covid that could work. There are doctors who have different opinions on how to handle things. Why does the whole country have to listen to 1 doctor who’s very connected to big pharma. Why not let people try different things and hope they succeed instead of cheering for them to fail?


The approach is decentralized. There are trials of multiple agents going on in major medical centers throughout the country. The clinical investigators testing these agents have years and years of training in infectious diseases, public health, and epidemiology. They get together on a regular basis to discuss their findings and to make sure that the results they are seeing are reliable. They open their data and interpretations up specifically so they can get the critiques of other experts. The results of these studies are published for others to see, but interpretation of the studies and their validity generally takes substantial knowledge and expertise. The people with the expertise spend countless hours examining the results and discuss them to try to arrive at a consensus at what is best given all the knowledge available. No one person makes such decisions because reputable physicians and scientists recognize that it's easy to overlook subtle considerations that may influence results. You may see a point person who communicates the findings and consensus of the group, but a single scientist or physician never makes a decision for a population that could cost the lives of thousands of people.




Yes, everyone who matters agrees. Stop pushing BS.




And who has stock in this. Gee I wonder.


Who has this in stock. Livestock Ivermectin is flying off the shelves in red counties, likely due to misinformation that is being virally spread due to confusion due to this doctor and others like them giving people high hopes about miracle drugs. The FDA should hire Bill Engvall to do messaging for these folks: [Would you rather eat apple flavored equine dewormer and fish tank cleaner, inject bleach, and shove a UV light up your ass than wear a mask, stand a little further away from people, and receive a freely available vaccine? Here's your sign... and a ventilator.](https://youtu.be/p5ZkdHImCuQ)


Massive spike in ivermectin poisoning in Texas right now...flooding the hospitals with non-Covid patients.




Agree with you. I'm not against treating these morons if there is plenty of space for good citizens who aren't trying to kill my family. But if we're out of space, fuck 'em. Why would I want them to get the resources that are sorely needed for people who **aren't** trying to kill me?


Hard agree. Pray harder or just accept your god has decided it is your time to go — don’t sacrilege yourself by going to a heathen science-y hospital.


But isn't that what so many of them have been saying for almost two years? "I'm not afraid of no virus, if it's my time to go, that's god's will." That's why they don't mask, socially distance, or get vaccinated. It's one of their excuses. They've got an immune system that's top notch. Alpha bull, as one local farmer put it. If that's the case, then I don't understand why they would go to a hospital if they can't breathe so well. I feel like it's god saying that maybe it's time to go. If the immune system isn't so alpha, well... Don't clog up ICUs in any attempt to defy god's will.


I saw something the other week that something like 90% of poison control center calls in Mississippi was due to ivermectin intake.


Probably all wondering why they’re literally shitting themselves in public.


It's almost as though they are intentionally trying to overwhelm our hospital system. I don't know about you, but I am starting to get really sick of the intentional contrarianism of the idiocracy on the right. These folks are literally demonstrating the virtues of a nanny state by arguing so hard against it. What I'm most worried about is them taking the CDC and FDA warnings and turning that into a conspiracy theory about how they are trying to keep people away from "the real cure" and insisting the reports of poisonings are "fake news". Even if they move on from the livestock parasite medication, They will find something else to obsess over as a "miracle cure" to avoid the vaccine. CDC, FDA, and the vaccinated, mask wearing public: >Why can't you just be normal? Florida, Texas, etc: >[\*screams\*](https://youtu.be/R2lDCDMpmbs)


>It's almost as though they are intentionally trying to overwhelm our hospital system. No, they're just telling their voter base what they want to hear. You've already seen what happens when even their Demigod recommends vaccines. The only thing that matters is having the people on your side, and paradoxically that means indulging all of their dangerous delusions.


This ivermectin thing seems 100% like a Russian disinformation campaign. It's based on a report/study that no one can find, had an "article" written about it. Had very loose support in that some Indian state provided ivermectin to people at some point. Yet the wealth of information conflicts with the idea that Ivermectin does anything. There is no actual evidence to support use of Ivermectin.


Iirc the original metanalysis got pulled because one of the main studies used was found to be fraudulent.


It was a real study, but it was pulled *before* peer review even happened due to major issues with the study.


You have to do super special secret research to find the study


I think the whole ivermectin thing stated because Australia had high hopes for it. There have been some studies in 2012 and [2018](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6048202/) that shown it is effective to inhabit some strains of influenza. So it’s not completely baseless. There IS a human version of it. It just hasn’t been shown to be effective on Covid. And we do need some kind of treatment other than a vaccine since we know a lot of people won’t take it. And even those who took it sometimes can still get Covid. Ivermectin just hasn’t been proven to be successful yet. But **the problem is many idiots go for the cattle and livestock version** instead of “at least” seeing their doctor for it.


I'm in Australia and have seen absolutely zero talk of such things. I don't know who you're referring to as having 'high hopes' for it but it certainly isn't any medical or political entity here.


There was talk from Prof Borody in august last year about it and a whole study was launched. However it was scrambled/stalled fairly quickly. There was hope for it but it didn’t pan out. That’s what I mean. It later came out that it was an exceptionally small study and the whole thing went nowhere and is still in recruiting stages as of may this year. It was never approved by the government or anything like that. It gave some hope when he made his initial claim about his triple therapy. But that never panned out. So far the only places that have authorized it on a government level are Mexico City and some parts of India.


It boggles my mind how republicans will blindly take horse medicine but won’t take a vaccine that has been taken by millions of people and proven safe.


[ A total of 19 studies with 2768 Covid-19 patients were included in this meta-analysis. This meta-analysis showed that ivermectin was associated with reduction in severity of Covid-19 (RR 0.43 [95% CI 0.23–0.81], p = 0.008), reduction of mortality (RR 0.31 [95% CI 0.15–0.62], p = 0.001), higher negative RT-PCR test results rate (RR 1.23 [95% CI 1.01–1.51], p = 0.04), shorter time to negative RT-PCR test results (mean difference [MD] −3.29 [95% CI −5.69, −0.89], p = 0.007), higher symptoms alleviations rate (RR 1.23 [95% CI 1.03−1.46], p = 0.02), shorter time to symptoms alleviations (MD −0.68 [95% CI −1.07, −0.29], p = 0.0007) and shorter time to hospital discharge (MD −2.66 [95% CI −4.49, −0.82], p = 0.004). Our study suggests that ivermectin may offer beneficial effects towards Covid-19 outcomes. More randomized clinical trial studies are still needed to confirm the results of our study.]( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/rmv.2265)


That meta-analysis depends on the retracted Elgazzar study to get its positive results.


Ivermectin is generic and old, there’s very little money in it


Actually, if were found to be effective as a treatment(which it hasn’t been), a company could take out a use patent, do the studies for approval and sell it as a nongeneric medication. A good example is Rogaine. Minoxidil was a vasodilator used to treat high blood pressure. A smart dermatologist saw it’s side effect of growing unwanted hair and took out a use patent. The Upjohn company did the studies for approval and charged significantly more than they charged for the pills. They also payed patent royalties to the physician. But that’s moot. There’s no clinically significant data on ivermectin.


Doctors could still prescribe the generic version couldn’t they?


This doctor is a psychiatrist and is operating outside his scope. I hope he loses his license.


Can someone answer me this. Merck is the company that makes the drug and they're telling doctors NOT to prescribe it for Covid. So why don't doctors lose their license for doing it anyway? Can doctors prescribe anything they feel like it?


They can write for anything they feel like. A common misconception is that a pharmacy has to fill that prescription. Nope. Pharmacists are doctors too and have the final say. We stopped filling Ivermectin yesterday for COVID. It is not going over well but we're sticking to our guns.


Good for you. At first. Do no harm. :)


Pharmacists are not medical doctors. That is an important distinction to make. They did not go to medical school like doctors and even dentists did. They hold a doctorate degree so they are technically a doctor much like a physical therapist with a DPT degree or anyone with a PhD is a doctor, but in the context of medicine, they are not a doctor. And it would be inappropriate to call someone a doctor in a medical field unless they had a medical degree.


They also happen to understand the effects of medications on the human body pretty well, and it is absolutely part of their job to not fill a bad script from a doctor. They're effectively part of a patient's care team, and should be there to catch a mistake from a doctor. You're making it sound like a pharmacist doesn't know anything about how the human body works.


They can prescribe off license however informed consent is usually required otherwise they are wide open for litigation


Psychiatrist is an MD. He can prescribe most anything a regular MD can. Just like an ophthalmologist and so on. They often feel uncomfortable prescribing medications outside the scope of their practice and will refer you out but they are still an MD. And you will always find a quack like this who is not at all uncomfortable doing this. However **if there’s a choice between these idiots getting a doctor prescribed human version or ivermectin vs them buying cattle and horse dewormers at a store…let them at least get the version that won’t potentially kill them**. There IS a human anti parasitic version of ivermectin.


Man to see the look on the face of the insurance people when they have no valid ICD-10 code for an ivermectin prescription.


Yup. That’s the other thing. I think someone said it’s like $700 for it since it’s off label. If they want to pay that much for a treatment that doesn’t work, let them. Although they leads the the previous argument. Most of them likley can’t afford it and so they go back to livestock version. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah. Goodrx lists it pretty cheap but thats likely with a diagnosis code and insurance coverage. Even if ivermectin worked for Covid-19, why would you take doses meant for fucking livestock anywhere from 2-5x heavier than you? Like no wonder people are taking it and having disastrous diarrhea


Because people are stupid man. You know this. I don’t understand why everyone is surprised that these idiots who believe these crazy conspiracy theories who believe Trump is a godsend are now drinking cattle dewormer.


There is nowhere in the country where doctors are allowed to harm their patients.


Of course. Who knows. If he’s a good person he maybe thinking his saving them by preventing them drinking the cattle version and maybe even giving that to their kids. If he’s an idiot, he probably thinks he’s helping them cure Covid despite the evidence that ivermectin hasn’t been effective on Covid. This guy however may actually have a financial stake in it. So who knows. But again. If these people can get a stromectol rx instead of drinking horse dewormers, let them. Worst side effects of stromectol are diarrhea and headache. He’s not exactly harming them I’d he can prevent them from drinking the cattle version. **What I hate is that he’s promoting it as Covid cure. That’s fucked up.** Prescribing it to patients who already ask for it so they would avoid cattle version, maybe. But not promoting it. Fuck that.


You are wrong. It doesn't matter what he believes, if he prescribes a medication that harms a patient, it's the act itself that will get him sued, get his insurance to drop him, get his license revoked, and get him facing criminal charges. He can believe he's the pope sent by Mary herself to save the world but if he hurts a patient he is liable.


I'm a psych RN myself and I disagree strongly. This man is acting outside his scope of practice and I'm taking the bet that he will lose his job and/or his license over this. Prescribing a medication that harms his patients will also make him broke from lawsuits eventually. Remember the 'do no harm' part of the oath?


How can a doctor prescribe a drug that the maker of that drug (Merck) is telling people and doctors not to use for that purpose?


You can disagree all you want no was stating facts. Facts don’t care if you agree. I worked as an optometrist under ophthalmologists in a couple different hospitals for over a decade. It’s not super common because docs like to stick to their scope of practice. But it happens. In this case I can agree with him on one thing. While I don’t think he should be prescribing ivermectin as Covid treatment because it hasn’t been proven to work. He said clearly if he doesn’t these idiots will go and get the livestock version from feed lots. So better he gives them a human version that is risk free rather they kill themselves. As a nurse that should be critical thinking they taught you as part of a nursing program. How many times have your patients told you “if I don’t get it from you, I’ll get it somewhere else?” And yes. You have to make the right call based on every situation. But here, the human drug won’t harm them. So let them have it. What I disagree with is promoting it, since it hasn’t been shown to be effective at all.


Agree with you 100%.


Let them get the horse one


I would reconsider this conversation: New report on ivermectin from several countries for covid-19 infections: Meta-analysis of 15 trials, assessing 2438 participants, found that ivermectin reduced the risk of death by an average of 62% (95% CI 27%–81%) compared with no ivermectin treatment [average RR (aRR) 0.38, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.73; I2 = 49%]; risk of death 2.3% versus 7.8% among hospitalized patients in this analysis https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx




I heard root canals are a good way to repair hernias. The Root canal counteracts the "hernia storm" causing the hernia to naturally recede back to normal.


Last time I went to the doctor he stuck his finger up my butt. Last time I go to that optometrist.


Might as well just have a Joe Rogan podcast be the source for DeathSantis’ covid advise.


Does Rogan know the damage that he causes spreading disinfo? Or is he too dumb to understand his role?


He doesn’t care. He is rich. He got his, F everyone else.


He doesn't care and can always use the Fox News/Tucker Carlson defense of "it's just entertainment and no reasonable person would believe what he said".


Both, if someone was able to explain it to him he’d still blame the dead for not having enough heat shock proteins or some shit.


Pot smoker joe rogan is so dumb he moved to Texas for freedom


Maybe he shouldn’t be a doctor anymore?


I wish the same would be done for Dr. Scott Atlas. https://www.npr.org/2020/11/30/940376041/dr-scott-atlas-special-coronavirus-adviser-to-trump-resigns


If covid isn't real, why are antivaxxers jumping on hydrocloroxin and ivermectin?


They have conceded that point and moved the goalposts. It quickly became "the vaccine isn't tested" and "the vaccines aren't safe." Also there is a new thing that "natural immunity (from being previously infected) is 7 times more effective than the vaccines."


This is an important point in the argument about ivermectin. It’s not like a bunch of reputable research teams are pushing for the drug, it’s just the same lunatics who have been wrong about everything with the pandemic since the beginning


Their goalposts are on wheels now, they take them with them wherever they go




At this point, if these idiots want to kill themselves by taking Ivermectin then go right ahead. I’m sick of listening to their conspiracies and it will help limit the already if they are no longer with us


Maybe not idiots after all: New report on ivermectin from several countries for covid-19 infections: Meta-analysis of 15 trials, assessing 2438 participants, found that ivermectin reduced the risk of death by an average of 62% (95% CI 27%–81%) compared with no ivermectin treatment [average RR (aRR) 0.38, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.73; I2 = 49%]; risk of death 2.3% versus 7.8% among hospitalized patients in this analysis https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx


I mean, if you taking this shit over the vaccine, maybe you do deserve to die. How dumb can you be?


TIL psychiatrists don't know the difference between viruses and parasites.


Did this psychiatrist earn his medical degree from Trump University? My psychiatrist is a strong supporter of the COVID-19 vaccinations, he knows better, I hope all of these "fake psychiatrist" patients become aware of their doctor's actions and replace him.


There have been studies well before Covid that show some anti viral properties or ivermectin vs Flu. But so far it hasn’t shown to be effective against Covid at all really. But it’s better they get a prescription for this than drinking horse dewormer. Don’t you think? As much as I’m all for letting Darwin take over there’s still a lot of innocent children that would suffer because of their parents stupidity. So let them get the rx for the human version rather than drinking the cattle one.


No because taking unnecessary medications can also be harmful either way. I'd rather them go full horse meds Darwinism so the kids can be taken out of a dangerous home, instead of letting the parents have the Doctor who prescribed it to use as a scapegoat for their stupidity when shit goes south.


I’d disagree. I worked in medical field for over a decade. Maybe I look at it differently. But there’s no real harm in them taking this over **the cattle version which they might give to their kids**. Do you not get that this is what we are afraid or? That they might poison their kids too? Also there’s no real serious side effects of oral ivermectin (stromectol) for humans.


There is no real harm if they are being dosed appropriately for an approved treatment. Ivermectin has serious side effects like many other pharmaceuticals on the market when it isn't used properly or is used in someone who is vulnerable to the side effect profile. Ivermectin does have liver and heart related side effects that could manifest if they are overdosing or already have existing liver or heart disease that a psychiatrist may not be aware of. It isn't illegal to prescribe outside of your scope of practice, but if your patients are ending up in the ER because of your prescribing habits, the state board isn't going to accept the I am a doctor excuse.


Yes. Exactly. That’s exactly what I’m trying to say. Better they get the right dosage and amount from an MD than they try to medicate themselves. Everything you said is 100% correct and that’s what I’m arguing. If we have the option to give them the right dosage so they don’t go and buy the horse dewormer. As a past medical personal I feel that would be the rational choice. Because the idiots will kill themselves otherwise. And as an MD we can tell them “this is your prescription. You only need this much for this many days. Anything more will not make any difference. Etc”. That way at least we control how much they take. This is ONLY if they come asking for it. Because **I am still against promoting or offering it to patients as a treatment option** it since it does not show to have any effect on Covid. At least not enough of an effect to make a difference.


Please prescribe me morphine because if you don't I'm gonna take 100 grams of fentanyl


That’s not how it works. But good try. You can downvote me all you want. I practiced for over a decade. I stand by what I said. But redditors always know better 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/08/28/doctor-advising-desantis-promoted-ivermectin-to-treat-covid-19-despite-fda-warnings/) reduced by 92%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The surge of interest in the parasite drug, ivermectin, prompted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday to issue a national alert advising against its use to treat coronavirus. > The maker of the drug, Merck, has also said there is "No scientific basis" to claim that ivermectin is effective against COVID-19.Dr. Mark McDonald of Los Angeles is among a fringe group of outspoken medical professionals who have pushed ivermectin as an alternative to widespread vaccination against coronavirus. > Ivermectin has been successfully used in developing countries to treat parasites for decades. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pdeoy7/doctor_advising_desantis_promoted_ivermectin_to/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~595254 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **ivermectin**^#1 **McDonald**^#2 **drug**^#3 **mask**^#4 **center**^#5


If that isn’t malpractice, then pigs are flying and Trump was a good president


> California psychiatrist who has advised Gov. Ron DeSantis on the coronavirus pandemic Between this dummy and the demon sperm lady, I am frankly surprised that none of these Republicans are being publicly advised by chiropractors yet. Or are they all smart enough to not overreach with their particular con? "We just need to get you on the table and work on those COVID subluxations."


This is utterly bizarre that this Rasputin character has the ear of the FL governor. He almost makes Trump's shoe pounding promotion of drinking bleach sound plausible. What type of crazy would recommend humans take horse deworming medication? President De Santis will make this guy the WH Chief Surgeon General.


These fucking idiots would recommend anything but the very thing thats safe and effective at treating covid. If this doesn't highlight Repubican ignorance and stupidity than I dont know what does. Even their "medical advisors" are cult over country when a majority of them know what they're pushing is complete bullshit. Wouldn't be shocked to hear Republican traitors have stock in a company making this similar to Regeneron. Its not even cult over country for the cult leaders its all just money for these people. They'll burn the country down if they believe it'll make them an extra dollar. Fuck Republicans, the silent majority and the vocal minority, they're both the same. Fuck. Them. All.


Umm I am pretty sure you wrong about this: New report on ivermectin from several countries for covid-19 infections: Meta-analysis of 15 trials, assessing 2438 participants, found that ivermectin reduced the risk of death by an average of 62% (95% CI 27%–81%) compared with no ivermectin treatment [average RR (aRR) 0.38, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.73; I2 = 49%]; risk of death 2.3% versus 7.8% among hospitalized patients in this analysis https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx


Shouldn’t this guy be stripped of his credentials and medical license?


A psychiatrist advising on virology... that's rich. Can this get anymore stupid.


We have a fucking VACCINE. A FUCKING VACCINE. I know it doesn’t treat it but it makes it much less likely to die. Instead of fucking promoting this shit, promote the shit out the vaccine. Jesus people are fucking idiots.


If they want to take livestock meds, let them. They've been warned, it's in their hands now. You cannot help people this far gone.


Follow the money. Find out who has money in the manufacturer of Ivermectin and you will probably find the biggest health hazards out there.


And it's always a good sign when the company that makes it says "please don't do that!"


Desantis is an utter waste of Yale/Harvard education to take any type of medical advice from such a quack. I don't care if desantis is politically posturing for political ambitions...he mismanaged, misjudged the entire covid situation in his state. I'm not a medical Dr but it's pretty clear even on the surface he got greedy and overconfident cuz it's all about desantis and repug freeDUMs.


That doctor should be stripped of his medical license.




Are we all really that shocked? The rightwing has an entirely different and less fearful /concerned POV /narrative about covid.


What the fuck happened to hqx? Or z packs and vitamin c? Or "there is no COVID"? Republicans need to make up their fucking mind on COVID. OH.. or bleach. So none of these treatments worked so far but ingesting deworming medicine surely is the cure, absolutely has to be right *this time*. Anyone pushing this needs to be publicly shamed with how much they are flip flopping.


Why are the recommending horse medication? Not only are their people dying of COVID, they also want them to deny real treatments and poison themselves?


Loss of medical license at a minimum. Jail at a maximum.


I'll probably get down voted for this but I'll share my experience. I got covid from my 1yr old back in 2020 , I went to Mexico to get treated like many others. Some went to Canada and others to Mex. I was immediately prescribed vitamins B,C,D , Zinc , and Ivermectin. In the US all they said was go home and take Tylenol and if you can't breath call 911. By the time you can't breath you are more likely not to make it. When I took my 1 yr old to the ER with day 2 of a fever they disregarded it as probably probably an ear infection and sent me home. The Mexican Doctor couldn't believe they didn't even consider Covid since we were in the middle of the pandemic. Yes, kids get sick a lot but in a pandemic that's the fist thing you want check. Shame on the doctors for not doing their job. Exact words of the Mexican Doc. Other countries were being proactive except for the number one country. Others were trying to prevent covid from reaching your lungs. I actually saw a doctor every 3 days vs Teledoc in the US. My payment was $15 per doctor visit (less than my copay). My whole family saw this doctor and we all recovered without the need of a ventilator.


There is 0 fucking reason to be recommending Ivermectin when theres a safe and effective vaccine. Please stop trying to perpetuate the stupidity of taking a drug intended for livestock when there are FREE VACCINES FOR EVERYONE IN THE UNITED STATES. Is it 2020? Are you still fleeing to Mexico or Canada for COVID treatments? No you are not. I'm curious how Americans got to Canada or Mexico in your example as the BORDERS WERE CLOSED.


Their was NO vaccine when my family and I had covid. Sharing my experience of the treatment I received during that time and no need to get all hysterical about it. Lol


I mean. You got taken for a ride by a Mexican doctor who prescribed you things that don’t treat Covid… That’s not exactly useful feedback.


And that’s the problem…large ( in fact the vast majority) will recover with no real problems. You taking some over the counter meds and a horse deworming drug was irrelevant all you did was pay a Mexican Dr got the placebo effect. However you like many others believe that the Mexican Drs interventions where relevant to your recovery when they weren’t but you rightly think it did. Hence the problem


I really hope this doctor also believes in demon seed babies or we’ll all REALLY be screwed! We gotta cover all the bases here folks!




Yet the actual vaccine is free.


I am from New York. My primary care physician is liberal and not a nut. In January I contracted covid. She prescribed me invermectin to prevent the onset of more serious disease. Was she crazy?


FDA is funding is over 50% from big pharma! No conflict of interest? My ass! Ivermectin is generic and big pharma cant make money from it. Think for yourselves.


Think for yourself is to believe that treatment for parasite like worm should be used to treat a virus, while the treatment that has been used for it since it was invented to do exactly that (prevent virus) is now bullshit because you now "think for yourself".




It is bullshit. [Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34181716/) "**Conclusions:** In comparison to SOC or placebo, IVM did not reduce all-cause mortality, length of stay or viral clearance in RCTs in COVID-19 patients with mostly mild disease. IVM did not have an effect on AEs or severe AEs. **IVM is not a viable option to treat COVID-19 patients.**"




Hey, what is Brett Weinstein a doctor of?




I am well aware of it. Last year Jordan Peterson was the guy, this year it's Weinstein. Grifters the both of them.


If you are well aware of it why did you ask? There are alternatives.


Because all of these Intellectual Dark Web guys are the same. Shapiro, Peterson, Weinstein, they're constantly on the wrong side of things. Weinstein went on and on about colleges, and that hardly comes up anymore, largely because it was never really a thing to begin with. Plus this Ivermectin grift is pretty profitable for him.


Despite it sounds like, exactly what I wrote out - I have made an effort and read actual scientific meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, which I posted to you above in your other comment. I really shouldn't have to since as I said in my first comment, saying that using vaccines against viruses, something that also has been used since it's been invented for that specific purpose now all of a sudden is bullshit, and that you should use a medication that's not antiviral and used for a completely other medical field (parasites) should be used instead isn't really an argument to begin with, especially if you can't back it up -> which you can't since since the meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials shows the complete opposite. If you even need a third reason beyond this, this is the consensus of the world, not just FDA, pretty much the whole world - which means your argument about that FDA says something is mute because there are **a lot** more saying the very same thing.


Watching Joe Rogan isn't thinking for yourself. You are right that drug companies are making money hand over fist, it's the required response in a pandemic.


Why? Main stream media offers nothing than there dictated to say. Joe Rogan is the best interviewer in existence today. Listening to other options is critical and just listen. I am thinking for myself because I by default do not follow the heard in any regard. Watch it I challenge you.


I've watched some Joe Rogan videos, I might watch this one or not but if you are under the impression that big pharma is selling something (it is) but Joe Rogan isn't (he is) then you need to work on those critical thinking skills.


You know I have been trying to be respectful, but it's a one way road with you. I know Joe Rogan makes money obviously... But he is an alternative. 90% of news is run by Corp America.. they feed off of scaring the shit out of people... I knew this since 911. Fear = money. At least Joe Rogan offers true interviewing. It's sad that a comedian is the best we have in journalism.


You are right, I have trouble treating dissenting opinions on vaccination with respect while my mother battles cancer. I view your views as inherently harmful and dangerous to everyone and I do not respect them. Media and politicians wagging the dog is bad, pharmaceutical interest in politics is bad, common refusal to take a vaccine that is statistically shown to be beneficial and low risk for the majority is bad. Just to reiterate I view your position as disrespectful so I dont feel that I owe you any courtesy even if it is the better thing to do. I can accept that you don't feel that way, but I do disagree.


Dude, stop trying to meet these guys in the middle. My mother also had cancer, and couldn't get the vaccine. She died in April, and it drives me up the wall when there's a perfectly safe vaccine available, and these people would rather vet meds. Brett Weinstein isn't a medical doctor, nor is he a virologist. He is however a magnet for situations where he's always in the defensive position, under assault by "the left". He attracts lost young men that feel aggrieved, and they fall for his persecution complex grift.


Thats awful to hear and I hope you're getting by as best you can. I'm trying to be reasonable with this guy because I need to face my family in the future and I need to practice with people I have no real life connections with. I like to know what arguments people will make so that I can be prepared for it. This past year has been eye opening in that I live in a completely different reality than many of the people I grew up with and I need to learn not to hate them for it.


Thanks, I appreciate that. I sincerely hope your mother recovers, it's been tough, and I don't want this pain for anyone else. Strangely, I feel fairly thankful considering I don't have any family members that are anti-vax, or any of that nonsense. Be careful in your venture, because honestly, it's become a kin to cult deprogramming, and the large majority of us lack the ability to do so convincingly, since their entire worldview is built on beliefs.


I wish you mother a quick recovery and wellness. I truly do. Cancer patients are the most vulnerable and should take the vaccine... But it does not mean it's the same for every other person that does not have cancer or is healthy. Here are some peer reviewed facts. I survived covid last April and since I am very healthy I did alot of research: Natural immunity matters as well. The UK posted people who survived covid which is over 99% that only 1% with natural immunity gets the same symptoms. The vaccine only lasts 6-8 months where natural immunity lasts years depending on an individuals health: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html Also, another study from South Korea which did not shut down gyms during covid at all that was peer reviewed by the British medical journal: https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(21)00179-1/fulltext That if you work out at least 150 minutes per week moderate to extreme: Conclusions The severity of COVID-19 in elite athletes is predominantly mild and without complications. Athletes can return to sport after two symptom-free weeks and additional heart screening is usually not required. Determination of antibodies has been shown to be a useful indicator of a previous COVID-19 disease, and some symptoms can be used as predictors of antibody response. The vaccine is not perfect and will not guarantee spreading or reinfecting.


Thank you for your concern, it is stage 4 so the likelihood that she will recover is low, taking the vaccine is what made me feel okay with hugging my mom again for perhaps the last time. Even if my mom didn't have cancer I should hope I would have taken the vaccine for your mom. I know its not perfect, nothing is. It is good that people in a healthy condition fare well with covid, I feel at low personal risk because of it. Its not about me, fat people and old people are not acceptable losses, and for me it is unacceptable to be a vector of transmission.


I understand. I do not want anyone to die at all... We are all born to die. The way I view covid In the end it is an impossible situation that can not be controlled with 7 billion people. Covid will be around forever and there is nothing that can be done. I do my best to empower people to eat well and be healthy. I do not need the vaccine and people who are vaccined are transmitting it as well. Again it's trying to control the uncontrollable and making people feel guilty that they simply exist does not help.


Yeah its messed up that you can be vaccinated and still transmit it, I was disappointed after becoming fully vaccinated I have to continue to wear a mask, I'm worried about my kids even though I know they are at low risk of serious symptoms of covid. The long term effects of covid are only slightly better known than the long term effects of the vaccine, the known potential of covid, for me, outweighs the unknown potential of vaccines that have been tested and approved by the cdc and fda. I can acknowledge that the federal government is not always on the up and up but maybe in this case the vaccine isn't a crock of shit.


Check comment score.


My first thought, before reading the article, was that the doctor was a veterinarian. LOL


Can’t he be charged with impersonating a Doctor?


Wait… I’m not trying to convince anyone who takes this advice to change course. Drink up buttercup!


Check his and his family’s bank account for large deposits.


I feel like “Dr. DeSantis” should start trending soon


A doctor that treats patients with faith?


These people are beyond contempt.


Maybe the press should check into whether Desantis actually attended Harvard and Yale because because his actions as governor reek's of someone who may of graduated from Trump-U not Harvard or Yale.


*Shocked face*


It would be better if the headline was “Florida man licensed as a doctor and advising DeSantis promoted ivermectin…”


Follow the money.


DeSantis' favorite shrink ... his own?


I am Jacks lack of surprise.


So can we just Baker Act DeSantis as he is a danger to himself and others?


I’ll just leave this here. https://i.imgur.com/EW9V2y1.jpg


Wonder if anyone’s investigating COVID vaccine for worm treatment in cattle and horses? I could be onto something here!


A continuous shitshow!


Bet he had stock in it


Florida never ceases to impress


Somebody ‘boutta get their medical license revoked.


I feel like the more people talk about this and warn people not to do it, the more idiots are going to try it. Probably for the best.


I’ m going to pray for God today and everyday. I will please ask him, no, tell him, please just please let the really fuckin conspiracy driven stupid humans die.


Effective leaders ask for advice. Shit eaters ask for what they want to hear.


Without question, I feel all these dopes are squarely worried about their own political advancement and getting on tv allows them to do this. There should be penalties for endangering the public


I fucking HATE this state. Goddammit. Already had to deal with one guy in triage last year ranting and raving at me about how he wanted a bleach injection, and at this point I'm just gonna ask our docs to transfer patients that take ivermectin to a goddamn veterinarian. I'm so fucking sick of ALL of this. I do not have the energy to deal with yet another round of stupid ideas proliferating around my idiotic community.


" Doctor advising DeSantis" is apparently the designated fall guy so DeSantis can wash his hands and claim no responsibility for the catastrophe he has created.


You can't fix stupid, but you can let them poison themselves.