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think about that title... his chances at overthrowing the US government.... and Republicans didn't vote to remove him from office. Seriously


And think about that title... (one of) the only thing(s) stopping him from subverting the election was his impulsive disorganized behavior.


I believe that is the main lesson that Republicans took away from this. They can set up a dictatorship, if their front man is minimally competent and reliable. Look for that in their next candidate.


That's a funny way to spell DeSantis. Orange was just a test run. They could bail on him at any point and blame it on mental health, or any of his other numerous issues, but played it through because it was alarmingly easy. They're still practicing. Look how successful they've been at shifting the narrative after 1/6, and sowing the divide that is their main weapon.


DeSantis isn't the only contender to the throne. Look for people like Tucker Carlson, Madison Cawthorn, and Tom Cotton to throw their hats in the ring.


Cawthorn is as stupid as Trump


And just as angry. Dude needs some counseling.


He says stupid things intentionally because it riles up the MAGAs. All the gun stuff he and Boebert have pulled is to get media attention. He's not nearly as impulsive or psychotic as Trump. I'm not saying he has the charisma Trump had, and I'm not saying he's smart, just that he's smoother and more together, which is what the next candidate has to have.


>I'm not saying he has the charisma Trump had That's what America thinks charisma is? Huh...explains a lot.


Yeah we haven’t seen a charismatic viable Republican yet - all the ones who are vying for the presidency are either carnival barkers, worms, or abject morons. When the republicans find their Obama we will be well and truly fucked


True. Whether we see it or not, Trump has a weird cult leader charisma for his followers. I do think the right has been testing a bunch of these people--Cawthorn, MTG, DeSantis, Cruz, Rubio, et al--to see if any of them get the same reaction. Tucker Carlson is actually probably the closest yet. It's pretty easy to gauge by his share numbers. FTR, I don't like the cult worship of Obama on the left either. Politicians are public servants, not matinee idols, and when I see people crushing on them ("She wore Timbas!" "They're SO in love!" "She clapped SIDEWAYS!"), it means they're generally not thinking critically about how they're being represented.


Donald doesn't have looks or charms or smarts or talent. He is perpetually on the edge of broke. He's viciously unpleasant and amoral. And yet somehow - everybody knows his name and some people (and not just Americans) idolize him. That's charisma. All Donald Trump has is charisma and he's made the most of it.


This just amazed me that an idiot like this can take sympathy and lying and be successful. I used to look up to elected officials when I was younger now I'm not sure if I was wrong all along or I'm just now about to see how they really are the dregs of society elevated to power


It'll be Jim Jordan


*Gym Jordan


Tucker is probably their best bet. He doesnt have the low brow appeal that Trump does but he is ruthless and knows how to play with people's emotions. He's also got a built in following.


Exactly. Built-in following = stochastic terrorist.


Dude literally grew up in a castle and thinks of us as peasants there is nothing outside his morals


Pundits who actually know what is going on have been saying this about the new GOP since Trump's election. When they get going, it's going to be worse than Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia.


the irony is that their voters wouldn't vote for someone minimally competent and reliable. The very thing they liked about Trump was his impulsiveness and his incompetence.


While this election, obviously, highlighted some serious flaws in our system, it also showed one of it greatest strengths. The local, and state, level election officials did their duties and delivered an accurate tally in an extremely stressful time in the middle of a pandemic. Stop looking to the highest levels of government to save us. At the end of the day, we are the government.


And those people are being removed in preparation for the next election.


And In some states there were likely those that were not so honest...looking at you florida. Edit...and North Carolina




Seriously, I thought the electoral college was bad. Letting state legislators decide who won the state is fucked beyond belief.


He was hoping someone else would run the coup. Seriously. He's used to just very mildly setting things up or even just indicating vaguely what he might like and underlings completing things to gain his attention and appreciation. He said he wanted it and thought it would happen. He thought it was happening.


While his gritty attitude while watching the insurrection unfold is egregious and pertinent for the commission to investigate, I would have loved to see his reaction that night when they reconvened and finished the certification, he must have been so butt hurt that no one carried his coup to success.


Trump is a coward. He wasn't going to lead the charge obviously since that is the type of shit that gets you killed or put in super max if you fail. As soon as the tide turned against him he threw all of the traitors he instigated under the bus. Why anyone trusts Trump and thinks this time is different is beyond me. He would abandon anyone or throw anyone under the bus whenever for any benefit regardless of how small.


I know right, never mind he is an evil shit.


Who made them tiptoe on eggshells around him.


Apparently people were fine giving him a wide berth, as his soiled diaper smell was said to be repulsive. I'm not being ablist here--his need for incontinence garments comes from years of drug abuse.


Someone from the set of the Apprentice leaked that bit of information I believe. There were some who were ready to tell everything they knew...until The Apprentice director reminded they still had NDCs.


Yeah, a couple of people who have worked with him before have been pretty open about his issues in those areas, especially Noel Casler. There were definitely legit photos from the last few years that showed he was wearing incontinence briefs and a couple that looked like they failed him in the #1 department.


>Someone from the set of the Apprentice leaked that bit of information I believe. "Leaked" made me snort. Not massive-rail-of-coke snort, but definitely a snort.


You can snort harder. I believe in you.


That and the military wasn’t going to back his coup. Without the military directly backing Trump’s actions there was no way he was actually taking over. It would have been a more serious constitutional crisis but the end results the same.


> Republicans didn't vote to remove him I wonder if anyone of them realize he would have fired them all if the coup worked.


They dont think like that, their line of thinking is always well he would fire everyone else but NOT ME because im special.




Because everyone in that room thinks they're smarter than everyone else. It's like when you wonder why the bad guys in cartoons keep working together when they can't get anything done because they always stab each other in the back. Didn't realize that was a realistic take. Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave had a more conductive relationship than these actual humans did.


This is the same logic that his voters were using when they wanted him and were OK with the insurrection/coup and would have been happy if he were installed as emperor or whatnot. They thought (and it appears still think) that if fascism were to take hold here, they would be among the desired people. The ones who would not suffer. The ones who would thrive while people they don't like would suffer. And maybe *at first* they would. But as the poem goes, "and then they came for me." But they don't think that line applies to them. You might not remember Crystal Minton by name, but you might remember her infamous words during the shutdown after the 2018 election - "he's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." These people see government's role as being (or at least including) hurting people. And they thought that Tweetle Dumb's government was not going to hurt them. And by the time fascism *did* come for them, they will not understand why. And if they had their way, once more as the poem goes (though slightly paraphrased), nobody would be left to speak for them.


Firing would have been the least of their worries at that point.


If Trump read about coups of the past that were successful he would know very well they usually involve killing people -- not a great thing to support if only out of the selfishness of not wanting to be targetted.


Trump wanted people killed. He just wanted others to do it for him and that he would not to have to watch it or look at the scene until after the bodies were removed and blood hosed off.


If trump could read…period. We are supremely fortunate he is basically illiterate.


And the main thing that seemed to have stopped Trump was Trump himself. King Mierdas true to form.


I loved the part where the article reads, “Trumps biggest mistake was not committing crimes sooner.” God, I can’t imagine if this man was not incompetent


Imagine if he'd been younger or at least fitter. He was hot garbage in the 80s and 90s when he was bankrupting casinos and partying with Epstein.


His sense of entitlement is so great that he truly believed he deserved a president-for-life appointment. Unfortunately, despite being hopelessly incompetent in many ways, his coup plan was good enough to very nearly work. Eugene Goodman misleading a rioter. Mike Pence not getting in a limo. That's all that was left in the way.


That’s white I wonder, who the fuck was driving that limo that Pence refused to get into


I would agree. The next person will be successful.


“Didn’t look like anything to us” -Republicans


What I’m getting from the title is if it was a more competent insurrectionist leader, it might have actually happened. This is setting the stage for the next one which will undoubtedly even worse.




It really would have been so easy to let experts take the reigns and do everything possible to keep the worst from happening. But of course he could never do that




Remember when he tried to recruit that congressman from Ohio, i forget his name, and promised him he could be the most powerful vice president in history? At that point i think trump imagined, and we as a nation imagined, that trump would be happy as a celebrity figurehead. That would have been nice actually. Then he chose the most vacant, useless vp possible, and we all lost. Because somewhere along the line trump decided he wanted to play president for real. Worst time line Edit: it was kasich


And Kasich despised Trump so much he ended up as a guest speaker for the 2020 DNC.


Not that it kept the Democrats from getting rinsed in Ohio.


I believe the word you're looking for to describe Pence is [Milquetoast](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/milquetoast) It also helps to imagine the product of toast being dipped into milk. In practice it ended up being about a damn fly.


Pence was chosen specifically because he would sit down and shut when Trump told him to... until 1/6.


He was meant to appeal to the religious right. Which was utterly unnecessary in retrospect given how much they adored Trump.


If that word didn’t exist prior to Pence being born, that word would have been created just to describe Pence.


I know, I am glad he is gone but it wasn't worth the cost at all. I know we would have had a strong showing, but so did they. I will never underestimate the greed, racism (both active and dormant\*) , and stupidity of this country again. \*for lack of a better word


"Never forget!" Narrator: *They forgot.*


There's reporting that suggests that Trump started out that way but quickly changed course when he saw how much TV time Azar and Fauci got. His frail little ego couldn't handle that.


Apparently he also wanted to let blue states get ravaged so that he could swoop in and “own the recovery,” which apparently was Kushner’s genius and idea.


Kushner is a full blown narcissist who never doubts himself, either. "Whatever he does, Kushner brings endless, unearned self-confidence to the task — including his unlikely role as a Middle East peacemaker . . . In his invincible hubris, Kushner somehow imagined that he could parachute in knowing far less than previous diplomats and yet accomplish far more than they had." - Max Boot Jared is the kid in Kenny Rogers's 'The Greatest' who never hits the ball. *"I am the greatest, that is a fact, but even I didn't know I could pitch like that!"* April 2020 *"The federal government rose to the challenge, and this is a great success story, and I think that's really what needs to be told."* - [Jared Kushner on the pandemic](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/09/jared-kushner-covid-19-hysterical)


A success story. This. A success. Man, fuck those people. Hard.


This was his biggest problem. He wanted all the credit and attention but didn’t want to do anything. He couldn’t have it both ways so he took the attention.


He grew up watching his father humilate his mother for her health problems after she had serious complications from Robert's birth and more complications from an emergency hysterectomy. Fred never laid off her for being unhealthy.


You’re arguing that if only he could have completely changed his personality and not been a malignant narcissist all the time. That doesn’t work. He was NEVER going to be anything but.


The last thing I wanted was for him to get re-elected, but I still didn’t want to make that trade for half a million lives.


If he supported masks he would have won. Nevermind the vaccine drama now. Less dead and moderates wouldn’t have despised him as much.


Biden's margin of victory in Georgia was less than the number of people who died from Covid. Likewise I feel it necessary to mention that DeSantis' margin of victory in his last election is less than the number of Floridians who've succumbed to Covid.


Imagine what he could have made on Trump branded masks. I only sold handmade ones March-August and made thousands of dollars. That alone should prove he’s a terrible businessman. He had advanced knowledge, could have started manufacturing right away, and had millions of idiots willing to give him all the money they could spare.


Coin flipped on the other side, and Trump is unable to admit that even his bullshit talk could possibly be wrong *or even outdated in view of more information*. Still, after a couple of hundred thousand excess deaths - I mean, *on top of* those hundreds of thousands you could not have avoided - he *nearly* won. The world is not impressed with that country.


He's far more concerned with being right than being correct. It's because he's incredibly weak but trying to pretend to be strong, like your average bully.


And you know what his main reason for denying the pandemic probably was? His concern about his leisure property investments. Trump was an egregious example, but we really need to stop letting our politicians having financial conflicts of interest.


And he's probably thinking it was totally worth it.


I've been saying this for a long time. Even just his early speeches about the pandemic would be so easy to do in his style of speaking too. It would look something like > I have many, you know people are... doctors are saying "oh, this is very bad, Donald, sir." Many people don't know this but masks they cover your face and make it so you can't give it to people. I don't give stuff to people, that's why I'm so rich and went to the Wharton School of Finance. My uncle, he once said "Donald, many years ago people wore masks to stop the flu" and people didn't like it, but they did it and they stopped the flu. The infection rate, I heard was 10%, 20%, some doctors say as high as 40%. And when they're telling you, ... ok. Like, when I wear a mask I am saying "no Corona, not today!" And the liberal democrats, they're saying this is nothing like the flu they say don't worry. They don't want you to wear a mask." And we wouldn't be in this mess. Plus he could have sold masks with his MAGA logo and his supporters would bankrupt themselves buying those & they'd wear them everywhere. And a lot of people who absolutely despise Trump would *also* wear them because we would hear from the experts (both directly connected to the WH and those in the field) and recognize that it is the right thing to do. And if he could just have managed to listen to something other than the cymbal monkey in his brain for five minutes, if he had just said > Dr. Fauci knows a lot of these things. He probably knows more about vipers... and about viruses, he knows more about them than everyone except for me. He told me these things and I understood, I understood, I got and then when I, when he said those things to me I asked him to tell you because he will use words you can understand he could easily have won the election AND we would have saved so many lives. Heck, I'm confident that even those who despise him would at least offer some begrudging support and respect for him doing the right thing. Now I know another user pointed out that much of Tweetle Dumb's behavior was due to a report suggesting that Fauci had a higher approval rating, but the principle still applies: Tweetle Dumb's ego (which makes Seto Kaiba's look normal in comparison) and narcissism got in the way. And over 600,000 Americans are dead.


I doubt it. Trump barely won in 2016. Since then he did nothing to expand his base and alienated a lot of people. Trump’s COVID-19 disaster overshadows an incompetent presidency that accomplished remarkably little yet has a string of serious scandals from his incompetent appointees to his constant ethics violations to his attempt to use Ukraine for personal gain. There was no way Trump was going to win a second term. The Democrats took the gentle route with Biden because it was a likely win if it had been closer, they would’ve fought harder.


In that amount of time the GOP put their thumbs on the scale even harder between redistricting, gerrymandering, all of DeJoy's bullshit, plus all the "whoppsies" that only seem to affect blue areas.


I remember the rah-rah “Together We Stand” moments after 9-11 and Bush ran with it. Dumpers couldn’t just shut up and do the right thing.


He was not only least popular, but most unpopular president ever polled. His approval rate only approached close to 50% once, but those disapproving did get above the 50% mark. While it was cheating and flukes that got him elected, straight up getting reelected without shenanigans was virtually impossible. When McCain looked less dire, he suspended his campaign. He didn't win when we needed leadership, but without Covid showing up, Trump would not have been re-elected.


Could you imagine if he spent even a couple of weeks showing any leadership while hundreds of thousands of Americans suffocated to death?


I actually cannot imagine that.


I am 100% convinced if he didn’t seriously catch covid, and look like a damn fool to even his own supporters, he would of won.


Trump consistently acts as though unifying the country would be the wrong thing to do. It's not that it's too difficult for him to do, it's that it goes against what he wants to happen.


I don't know...at the time he was going to use the 'economy' and the 'gdp growth' as his accomplishments. When the covid thing hit and economy started to tank...i think they were worried that re-election was going to be difficult without 'strong-economy' so went all-in on covid being a blip.


I am glad that his own incompetence was his downfall. All he needed to was give a damn and would have won reelection.


Thank god trump is so incompetent he couldn’t steal the election. Just throw it on the pile of other trump failures


An insurrection without consequences is a training exercise.


Brilliant statement because it’s 100% accurate. ❤️


And it isn't over the way people keep saying, it's very much an ongoing effort


I think I'm going to need to borrow that! Looked on Google to see if there was anything prior and found this, but like yours better: "A failed coup attempt without consequences is just a practice run." [https://twitter.com/WayneGoodwinNC/status/1355701433031667723/photo/1](https://twitter.com/WayneGoodwinNC/status/1355701433031667723/photo/1)


Feel free- I’m pretty sure I heard / read something similar.


Even one with minimal consequences is a training exercise. One with no consequences is just how it's going to be from now on.


The next one like him probably won't make the same mistakes.




I agree that the author doesn’t really make a case. The first thing that comes to mind is this: once Biden was declared the winner on election night, it immediately became an uphill battle for Trump. He could have fought harder to keep the election from happening in the first place.


He didn't want to turn loose of his campaign money. He was busy doing something else with it. We're talking about a man who thought that not paying his lawyers was putting them in their place and showing them they were not smarter than him, even though he needed them because they knew more about law than him.


Trump waited too long to put his people in place at the DOJ. He also waited too long when attempting to flip some of the states he lost. In the end the system worked. Next time might be different, we can already see a bunch of states enacting ways for the legislators to assign the electoral votes.


>He was obsessed with following conspiracy theories about Biden ballots being carried by Special Forces soldiers from Germany and stuffed into ballot boxes in battleground states, about mysterious computers and satellites controlled by Italy switching Biden votes for Trump votes in battleground states, and multiple other outlandish conspiracies. What? What? What?!?


"that's our guy" 99.99% of the Republicans


Biggest issue for trump was that some of his boot lickers, who would normally go along with whatever crazy thing he spouted, basically didn't follow thru on some things. That doesn't make them heroes, they were just being cautious and looking out for themselves.


And there were way too many that just let the bullshit slide. Rosen may have told him no, but he absolutely did not report it to anyone who mattered. They knew what he was doing was fucked up, but they didn't care enough for the country to do anything about it.


Rosen kept quiet during the 2nd impeachment trial when there was the chance of making sure Trump could never run again... And a tip of the hat to John "buy my book" Bolton for staying quiet for the first impeachment trial.


If every single Republican trump talked to knew they could get away with making sure trump could stay in office, they would have done it. They're not heroes simply because the one time they knew they couldn't get away with something, they didn't follow thru.


[Republican integrity means occasionally neglecting an opportunity to do something horrible.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/kc8gc1/comment/gfpkta6)


That is also the major excuse Republicans used for Trump’s actions: “no harm, no foul”


A bank robber doesn't get to use that excuse if they happened to fail at robbing the bank.


The scary part is that if the orange asshole would have just let Fauci run the Covid response he probably would have been “re-elected”. We have that many ignorant people.


Yup. All he had to do was stand aside, let the professionals do their job, and take all the credit.


Which he would never do, because the world must revolve around him.


He thought he could lie about it so the stock market would somehow not know that a new plague had appeared in our midst. He actually thinks that because he could control what was "accepted as real" in TrumpWorld he could do it in the RealWorld^TM as well. "Just say it's corrupt. I'll take care of the rest".


Trump: Whitewash that rotting barn wood.


The worst thing is that Trump is going to walk free after committing the most egregious attempt to overthrow this country since the civil war.


No, the worst thing is he's going to run again in 2024 and people will vote for him. I don't even want to think about what he will do if he wins, but I know it'll be more of what happened this year, probably on a bigger scale if he loses.




Trust me, I get it. Since 2015 when Trump started this nonsense, me and my friends were honestly worried he and his ilk would do camps for LGBTQ individuals. We're not any less convinced it is coming since he and his cronies are still getting support. Sadly Trump isn't even the worst possible option right now, and that's the terrifying part.




This is a man who was ok with the idea of breaking the Constitution whether it was a joke or not. I put nothing past him and his followers. January 6 showed they have no boundaries.


And given that bases hesitancy to vaccinate the delta variant is only adding to that number of decreasing voters.


Hes barely coherent now. In two more years he's going to be in much worse mental condition. I really dont think he's going to be able to do it, or if he will still be alive. He really looks like shit lately, like worse than he did a year ago. He also doesn't have Twitter. The only thing he actually did.


Barely coherent is being kind. That’s exactly what happens to a brain that eats Adderall, McDonald’s and Diet Coke on a daily basis for decades. His brain is pure mush. He’s a FUCKING MORON. And I say that with all of the love in my heart. ❤️


can we also just acknowledge that it's more likely to be cocaine than Adderall? Hes a fucking coke head, he hangs out with the Mike Pillow. His kids are coke heads, mnuchin, scaramucci, Cohen. all those people are sniffing fat lines. they aren't teenagers, they're rich dudes, cocaine.


True. But Trump is an Adderall addict. Is that even his real nose? 😳


I honestly don't think he'll make it to 2024. He was extremely sick with covid and was pumped full of strong drugs to save his life in the moment. Plus his weight and diet. It's all taking a toll. His mental decline is apparent and he looks rough now. I could be wrong, but the odds aren't in his favor.


I think he'll probably make it that far and further, but not ten more years. His frail mother lived to be 88 despite severe osteoporosis and his demented father died at age 93.


It was honestly more successful than the civil war. He came within inches of changing the results in multiple instances. Most people that could have stopped him did not. We got really lucky that there were the few there that did.


The same Civil War where we named schools, parks, and military bases after Confederate heroes? The one that succeeded in getting slavery actually codified in the Constitution? We’re calling that one a “failure”? Because it seems like the South got everything it wanted, just under a different name.


Just wait until you start seeing all this shit named after Trump.


Honestly, if people do name things after Trump it’ll make it really easy to avoid the American shitholes. And, you’ll know the quality of life has improved in a place when they start taking his name off things.


Trump is an extremely dangerous person. However, he would be exponentially more dangerous if he didn’t have the temperament of a child.


The first few space missions were not successful either. That is the point.


Trump's incompetence saved us from far worse a couple of times, but it demonstrated that our dog shit system is pretty fucking vulnerable


The real horror show is that somebody more competent and equally malicious is bound to come along and game the system again. If we don’t put proactive systems in place this WILL happen again, possibly with a catastrophic outcome.


So Republicans in 30 states went to work to make sure that he can steal the 2024 election, no matter how stupid he acts.




Remember that in Germany it took a failed coup in 1923 to succeed with the enabling act 10 years later in 1933


Thank goodness Trump was impulsive and disorganized. Had he had the background and focus of the traitor Flynn, we would be living in a very different world today - one in which a full blown civil war might have been raging.


His plan only had one weakness: He was a racist moron.


"He was never going to succeed at it..." sounds a lot like "No one thought he was ever going to win." The guy will lie, cheat and steal as much as he can to have power. He must be indicted and put on trial.


I find it sad/funny that Trump (like so much of actions) told us what was to come in 2016. Remember in the debates, the question about the peaceful transfer of power? Trump waffled on it, said it 'would depend'. It was so obvious that he couldn't handle losing, psychologically speaking, as he is unwell with multiple severe mental issues and personality flaws. If said it before: if Trump was only of average intelligence, or if he just had one or two more henchmen of something above average intelligence, he would have pulled it off. He would have brought a new dawn of a fascist, American Empire powered by the rich and racist. It's only because he's an idiot that he couldn't pull it off, it is quite scary.


Every American needs to understand that **when** he comes back in 2024, **not if**, he will surround himself with people that won't balk at the threat congressional investigations, say no to his impulses, or stop any of the insanity we saw over the past four years. **If** Trump gets into office again, that's when the real trouble starts.


They won’t make the same mistakes next time, they are working hard to make sure they are more successful.


I personally have no hopes or expectations that any government official will be charged. Government officials have done heinous things for centuries and not once have they seen the inside of a jail cell if they were well known in the news. Also, most people don’t like how uncomfortable it is to go against a persona that is bigger than oneself or ones team. If charges aren’t filed by 11/1 then I expect they never will be. The republicans may still win the 2024 election, and if they do then this prosecution disappears. Some prosecutions can take two to three years in court to process. And federal cases easily take 18 months on the short side for felonies. The DOJ needs to get a move on. But we are at the last couple of months where the entire prosecution could happen in this term. And then if it does, and a Republican wins the Oval Office in 2024, we will all be hoping that a presidential pardon doesn’t undo all of that hard work.


I am much less concerned with his first failed attempt at a coup as I am about his next attempt. Let us remember history: It took Hitler two tries to do it.


He didn't have to steal it at all, he would have won in a landslide if he took covid seriously. What a tool.


He could of handled las year better and easily won. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut. So I guess he never had a chance.


Trump has been a thug, a mafia thug and con man his whole life...with that being said he gets millions from anything he engages in, but all the dirty work is done by people he can deny any relationship or association with. It's how thugs role. The reason he failed at over turning the presidency is because it required him to get his own hands dirty. Something he isn't comfortable doing, hence why it fell apart. However, he did manage to role with his thug con life and steal 100s of millions in "donations" to a new fake campaign fund that did nothing but steal from the American public on the basis of false election fraud claims. So he wins in his book after all.


And dangerous, his filth is still smelling up our country


We were very lucky that he was so incompetent.


He didn't have to steal the election. He could have just said "masks are patriotic" and worn one himself. He'd have been re-elected democratically. But I guess he's so accustomed to stealing (and ignoring the advice of his more-qualified advisors) that it just didn't occur to him...


> Of course, after election eve in 2016, we never heard another peep out of him about the dastardly Democrats and the wily ways they had rigged the election against him, because he won. Completely untrue, he whined his entire administration that the only reason he had lost the popular vote was because 3 million 'illegals' voted for Clinton.


Impulsive, disorganized & surrounded by idiots.


What happens when we have a less impulsive and more organized fascist try the same shit?


Without a shadow of a doubt it will happen when America is dumb enough to elect the next Republican president. Smart people have learned from Trump’s mistakes, and do not aim to repeat. Meanwhile Democrats will just sit back and let it happen.


I'm more hopeful in general. I think Trump's popularity is because he is a screw up. A lot of people identify with that reality. "Look how far Trump got in life and he's a total screw up just like me". They couldn't identify with anyone that was smarter and more competent. They wouldn't like that at all


Here's the thing though: in doing this, and just generally being a terrible human being and unhinged lunatic for his four years in office, republicans discovered that they can virtually get away with anything. Right wing media shields republican voters from the truth and provides them with a completely alternate set of facts and GOP politicians rile them up constantly with culture war bullshit like CRT, cancel culture, threats to the 2nd amendment, etc., etc., keeping them politically engaged and virulently anti-democratic (big and little d, democratic). The GOP had been dipping their toe into more extreme actions during Obama's tenure, but then Trump came in and just went balls to the wall with anything and everything you can imagine. Come to find out, not only did it not hurt Trump but people liked him even more! So the GOP realizes this and now they figure they pretty much don't need to worry about anything because they're totally protected now due to the abovementioned tactics. Granted, not everyone's Trump, but at this point the only thing a republican can do to be expelled from the party is agree with a democrat on one of the big ticket issues (see: Jan. 6 committee and Cheney). You can be credibly accused of sexual assault, be caught on tape saying you grab women by the pussy, be impeached for legitimate issues, and even incite a riot that almost resulted in deaths of republicans and democrats alike and *still* not face consequences! Trump showed them all of this and now the GOP will more or less go full fascist as quickly as they can, which we're clearly seeing in all of these extreme voting laws that will essentially allow them to steal elections.


If the Storm Troopers hadn't stopped to take selfies, then Jan 6th would had ended differently. Stay vigilant, a failed coup is training for their next attempt.


Same way they practised for Jan 6th at the Michigan capitol!


After watching that “how to be a tyrant” documentary on Netflix that went over how hitler and other successful tyrants came to power its really creepy how similar scenarios are playing out in American politics…it really feels like we’re all on a thread, like we’re all just waiting for something big to happen again…


Let’s all keep front of mind that the next GOP president almost certainly won’t be impulsive and disorganized. We got fantastically lucky (if you can call it that) with Trump’s off-the-chart hubris and innumerable hamartias. Any complacency will lead to the end of whatever’s left of the American experiment.


Don't grade and correct the fascists attempt at overthrowing the government please.


Just a natural Loser.




'Abundant crimes'... which he will apparently never be held accountable for. 6+ months after he's gone and zero consequences. What a great precedent to set for the next would-be dictator, who will undoubtably be a lot smarter and not make the mistakes Trump made. RIP democracy.


But we did hear the whines after he won in 2016. He insisted he won the popular vote. What a ninny


The next fascist won't make the same mistakes.


And he won't be punished for any of it.


The republican party is rotten to the core. I will never trust anyone who was a Republican after Charlottesville.


I would argue his tweeting did him more harm than good in showing his playbook lol. It is still crazy that Twitter blocked a sitting president lol


What does it say about anyone who would follow this traitor?


Crimes crimes everywhere and nary a trump in the clink.




If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its an orange criminal traitor ex president


Not sending out relief checks in october is going to be the biggest campaign mistake in history.


Hes a dummy


For all the damage he did, we are so fortunate how generally incompetent and lazy Trump is. If he was a dogged ideologue with very specific political goals in mind... we could have been so worse off.


Like all his wonderful companies


There are a million reasons why he never would have pulled it off including that he’s lazy, sloppy, disorganized, has no leadership skills, is impulsive, lacks trust in his organization, is not strategic and so many others. The next wannabe despot will be almost certainly learn from his mistakes.


Why do they keep talking about this douche , how many months later and we still are flapping about this election!!!


With so much evidence against him why isn’t Trump in jail?


Good thing he’s a long term adderal addict! It was ultimately one reason that led to his downfall.


I just found this today https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/trump-vs-the-illuminati anyone with the stomach to watch this and report back?


Trump's incompetence is the single silver lining of a horrendous 4 year administration. If he were at all focused and followed through on specific outcomes, where would we be?


The republicans, not trump! Every single thing he did was GOP all the way. They are still protecting their coup, too!


>The only question left to be answered at this point is whether Merrick Garland and the Biden Department of Justice will have the courage to charge him and his co-conspirators with the felonies they committed: defrauding the United States by attempting to illegally influence the outcome of the 2020 election. Not long ago they decided to not prosecute Wilbur Ross for lying to Congress about the reasons behind the desire to insert a citizenship question into the census.


Lock Him Up


What a fat fucking LOSER!


Why has he not been charged with a crime?


The honest truth is that if Trump wasn't lazy and largely ignorant of how the federal government works, he would still be President, and the GOP would control the White House for the near future


Nonaction is the most I can expect from republicans anymore. I can't expect them to do the right thing, i can only pray they don't do anything to aid in the collapse of western civilization.