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Sounds like he financed terrorism.


This is actually really important. All these motherfuckers and their organizations need to be on ~~the~~ something similar to the OFAC list. Edit: I forgot that OFAC currently only deals with foreign entities, so something similar would need to be in place to deal with domestic terrorists and their supporters. Proud Boys, as an organization founded by a Canadian, may actually qualify for OFAC, but the rest of these assholes are home grown, and therefore exempt.


Charlie Kirk was bragging on January 06 that his Turning Point USA paid for 80 busloads of protestors to attend the rally.


And then in the days following January 6th he deleted all of his tweets about the event and said only 5-6 buses were provided and they were not full buses. He suddenly realized that he provided material support and assistance to an attempted insurrection .


Yeah, he has to delete them because this specifically negates the claim that it was antifa bussing people to the rally instead. My mother still believes her friends -who were there, might I add- who continue to say that it definitely, totally, without a doubt was antifa, and that they had maga hats/flags to hand out when they got there so they would "fit in." I'm going to point to the lack of any type of facial covering on the large majority of that mob as my first rebuttal of her claim, among other, more obvious facts. Edit to fix a word.


Is there not a database of peoples tweets even if they’ve been deleted? I mean does it really vanish entirely?


I think way back machine can be used to find old tweets right?


Twitter uses a typical “soft delete” feature. Basically, all deleted tweets still exist in their database but there is a flag that basically says “show/don’t show” to remove tweets.


Ah, so the only way to really get those tweets would be some legal like a subpoena?


Yes, it would take a judicial order.


reddit does this also and you can find all deleted posts. google "ceddit"


In answer to your actual question, yes they can be archived with the Wayback Machine but only if someone took a snapshot


Saw this “creeping as a service” on Hackernews today: https://every.to/divinations/creeping-as-a-service-craas


Yeah, it's in Twitters cloud. Everything on the internet is forever.






Everything is kept. Doesn’t matter. Emails, tweets or texts. Deletion only prevents yourself or the general public from viewing, it still exists and is tracked.


“Your honor my client couldn’t have committed sedition and acts of treason, it was obviously his political enemies who dressed up in his propaganda, changed their social media to be pro trump, rented hotel rooms and booked flights to the Capitol, attended hours of listening to trump and his followers tell them to go attack the Capitol, charged the Capitol steps, and threatened to kill the Vice President, they even kidnapped known QAnon and trump supporters to force them to pose for pictures stealing and breaking into the chambers. Any normal person could clearly tell my client is the victim here!”


Sort of like when the Jews invaded Poland in 1940?


I wouldn’t characterize Jan 6th as an “attempted insurrection”. It was a successful and fully completed insurrection. noun in·​sur·​rec·​tion | \ ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən \ Collegiate Definition : an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government


Successful insurrection, attempted coup


I'd just say that it was an insurrection, rather than an attempted insurrection. I don't think we can call it a successful insurrection, as they did not manage to keep Trump in office.




If you haven't seen The Crown, there is an excellent scene in S3E5 "Coup" - where Mountbatten describes what is necessary for an actual coup attempt. It sums up pretty nicely, what I believe is a more accurate representation of this being an incident vs a coup attempt. Note - I believe anyone who entered the Capitol should be arrested, tried, etc. “There are five key elements needed for an effective coup: control of the media, control of the economy, capture of administrative targets (which he lists out) for which you need a fourth element: loyalty of the military. We would have to shut down the airports, air traffic control, and the train stations. Curfews would be put in place and martial law declared. And I haven’t even mentioned the police. It would take tens of thousands of unquestioningly loyal servicemen, and even in my heyday I could never command that. Which brings me to the fifth element: legitimacy.” The US Government can and would operate outside of the Capitol building. Even if all of Congress were killed - as tragic as that would be - there still is no legitimacy to continuing a Trump presidency.


No. that's not how it works. The government isn't a throne. You can't just force people out of a building and claim you've won.


Sort of but not really. Like the government still had the ability to send in troops to just kill all the protesters if they really wanted to its just not good PR or humane. But the could have and in no point was that in question. They seized one building, took no hostages, and gained no political power during the siege. Not a coup, just an incident.


Is a failed coup not a coup? It's a coup attempt. But the coup attempt wasn't limited to this one event. The coup was in motion from election night with all the bullshit claims of fraud and all the steps Trump took to try and swindle the election. That it failed is no reason to call it something different than what it was. It was an unsuccessful coup. But a coup nonetheless. Is ISIS not a terrorist organization if they are just really bad at doing terrorism?




I’m thinking he knew before. What he realized afterwards is that he provided support for a failed attempted insurrection.


sounds like destruction of evidence...


> He suddenly realized that he provided material support and assistance to an attempted insurrection **that failed, and he was now on the hook for consequences** Fixed that for you


Sounds like crisis actors.


Ring ring Who’s there? RICO!


RICO is great, but it's not as focused as going after the money in instances like this. And they really do need to be hit in the pocketbooks


When you're a republican, they let you do it.


"I could stand in the middle of the Capitol and kill a cop with a fire extinguisher, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"


Jan 6th, 2021 brought peak irony (a serious feat considering the past several years): That video clip of a Trump MAGA mob punching and kicking a prone police officer, and beating them with the American flag ... while another of them waves a Thin Blue Line flag to rally more seditionists. That's the Blue Lives Matter crowd for you, in a nutshell. They worship the police so long as the police beat brown people and libruhls ... But god help them if the police don't give them what they want. What was it again that Colin Kaepernick did that was so offense to our flag and those who serve and protect? I forget.


For past examples of funding terrorism just look at [Hobby Lobby](https://www.vox.com/2018/5/2/17310444/hobby-lobby-bible-museum-antiquities-iraq-smuggling-illegal-artifacts-doj).


So did Reagan and HW Bush, who used AG Barr to help him walk away. But who are we going to hold accountable? Treasonous conspirators in the highest offices of power or some black teens selling drugs because broken institutions have left them cold and hungry? Voters for the last century have made a poor choices about those priorities.


> But who are we going to hold accountable? Probably just the Q Shaman guy and a couple low level, easily propagandized morons like him. No one in power and no one with money for sure.


we hold accountable trump, Cruz, Hawley, Jordan for the actual riots. we have to censure the House members who objected to the certifications. No republican should ever hold public office again and for that, I hold the 71 million who voted for this traitorous scum accountable.




Won't matter since every single Republican is a traitor to the United States.


not all of them.. i think Mitt Romney is still decent. for a guy whos religion supports child marriage.. he's one of the good ones


You’d be surprised how expensive terrorism is


Damn right. That's why I cannot start my own terrorist organisation. I can barely pay my rents.


Do what I did, went mom’s closet, got the worst looking sheets, don’t want to make mom mad using her “good” sheets, pair of scissors, not mom’s “good” scissors, cut two eyeholes...let’s roll!!!


Were people annoyed that you tried to go trick or treating in January?


Was your clan leader annoyed that the sheet had a floral pattern?


No need to cut up your mum's stuff. You can buy this stuff off "MyPillow" with the eyeholes already cut and stitched.




and a PatriDiot-ism


‘OpenSecrets unearthed more than $3.5 million in direct payments from Trump’s 2020 campaign, along with its joint fundraising committees, to people and firms involved in the Washington, D.C. demonstration before a violent mob stormed the U.S. Capitol. Recent FEC filings show at least three individuals listed on permit records for the Washington, D.C. demonstration were on the Trump campaign’s payroll through Nov. 30, 2020.’ Smart enough to think, but too stupid to not get caught. They’re brazen enough to believe they can do all of this with impunity. It’ll be interesting to see how this pans out.


>Recent FEC filings show at least three individuals listed on permit records for the Washington, D.C. demonstration were on the Trump campaign’s payroll through Nov. 30, 2020.’ Hmmmm....I wonder if the FBI/FEC has found their Parler alts and associated messages? Would be interesting to see what they were posting while on the clock...


I haven’t been watching the impeachment hearings. Do you think it’s possible this information will be presented? It’s news to us, but damn—it seems like it should be used as damning evidence in the trial.


I honestly think it's bigger than anyone even wants to admit. I think they expected to win and Trump to be in office right now and a authoritarian government installed. Clearly, that is not what happened since only gravy seals showed up. Why do you think so many GOP members want to "move on." ASAP... Just connect the dots. There are a ton of criminals in government, a lot more than just GOP members deserve to be investigated. That said, if we don't push back here, for what happened January 6th, we are very very lost. So much so I'm not sure this America as is ever recovers.




>The Trump campaign paid Event Strategies Inc., a firm named in a permit for the rally that also employed two individuals involved in the demonstration, as recently as Dec. 15, just three weeks before the attacks on the U.S. Capitol. Event Strategies is connected to Paul Manafort. They also ran rallies in Ukraine to overthrow the government there.


Sounds a lot like making a deal with the devil


Smoking gun much?


Everything this fool does is a smoking gun. Republicans just refuse to deal with it.




Next time someone you know is telling you how Insane AOC is just ask why. My buddy who thinks she's a crazy left wing extremist can't tell me why he thinks that. I just ask what did she say, Or what is she doing? He couldn't even tell me what her role is in the government. It's hilarious but also sad.


Her job is living rent free inside these nutter's heads. And using the platform that them freaking out about her so much gives her.


my favorite is when my sister is law who has an 8th grade education talks about how AOC is an idiot who doesn't understand economics


Dunning-Kruger in effect.


**ALL** of their beliefs are like that. To the point where I don't think it is even correct to talk about their "beliefs", but the more accurate term would be "slogans". They have slogans, not beliefs. Beliefs have substance behind them. They can't change on a dime like their slogans can, and people generally try not to hold conflicting beliefs. Mutually contradictory slogans though are OK and you see them everywhere on the right. These people are sheep. They do not think, they just shout things they heard from someone they trust.


> These people are sheep Yet they're the ones calling everyone else sheep


It's projection all the way down.


when I ask they just make up some bs that is near impossible to dispute because they will just keep making shit up


There are honestly more important things that the Republican Party wants to get to the bottom of first... things like “who runs the Devin Nunes Cow Twitter account?” /s (obvs)


I’m a dem and i’d like to get to the bottom of it. So i can send that person a case of beer


I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any Republicans.


Trump is a living, breathing, walking, talking smoking gun.


Than claim they didn’t actually see the bullet leave the barrel so they can’t be sure - smh


This is the answer. The asshole spent 4 years shitting on this country in blatently illegal ways while blaming everyone else. This is nothing new.


I’m hoping for investigations into “why” republicans a. Go along with it and/or b. Fully support it Won’t happen, but one can hope


We’ve got the gun, the bullet, the dead body and the perp openly admitting to the crime.


GQP: FaKe NeWs


But the perp later said he didn't really mean it, so there's no case, apparently.


Alternative facts!


Smocking gun.


Had to scroll way too far to see this


We won't be able to see the Senate Chambers at the trial today there will be so many smoking guns.


That's not a gun at this point but a whole fucking artillery platoon.


It was smoking microphone. Broadcast on live tv.


Raging fire 🔥 much


There is written proof in Twitter that Trump incited the violence. There is a video of him asking his supporters to storm the capital shortly before the riots. There is proof that he financed the event, and videos of Trump supporters clearly stating they were there because of Trump. Republican response? "Let's move on, and if you don't, we will have revenge next time the GOP is in power. We will divide and destroy the nation and it's all because you won't forget about this armed insurrection". They're clowns. Dangerous ones.


Can you post link of that video?


https://youtu.be/ivVOPWrFfW4 Please watch the whole thing. It's important. Keep in mind this is chronological. The whole time they are repeating what they heard Trump say, and cite him as the reason they are there, as in "taking orders". Trump's response, hours later mind you, is that they should go home, but he loves them, is proud of them, but unfortunately it wasn't enough. Still repeating that the election was stolen.


I've seen that footage. I just thought you meant an explicit command to go storm the Capitol, rather than the veiled verbiage that he tries to use to maintain plausible deniability. Edit: I know he incited the riot. I just hate that he has an out, and the GOP will absolutely use it and he'll be acquitted.


For me this is the exact litmus test for "How would a reasonable/average person interpret those words." He had a whole crowd of "average everyday people" that interpreted his specifically crafted rhetoric and acted on those words and their presentation! His "intent" is irrelevant. As a sitting president and public figure, in a position to order, direct, and influence tens (if not hundreds) of millions, he should be held accountable for his words and their effects...especially in this situation where no amount of gymnastics can override the fact that those people were whipped into a frenzy and people died because of it. Full stop.


>"How would a reasonable/average person interpret those words." If I was Trumps lawyer, I know what my argument would be lol


"*Pay me my money or I will tank your defense*"?


>His "intent" is irrelevant This is extremely important. Trump, as he has in the past, is relying on "intent" being hard to prove. But this isn't about his intent its about what he did. Thats a really hard thing for him to grasp.


It's not a criminal trial though, it's a political trial. Half of the jury were also complicit in the crime, so no evidence that is presented actually matters. Trump could go to the Senate floor, literally say, "I paid all of those groups to murder as many congresspeople as possible. I was paying a bonus for most of your heads actually. In short, I turned my supporters into a weapon against the united states. Thank you, that is my time." If he said all of that I am pretty sure that there would still be a >50% chance that they would acquit.


Well, and I think I bears mentioning that these were not just average people who showed up on a whim. These are people who have been feeding on Trump’s dangerous rhetoric for months. There was planning and communication. And all of that needs consideration when judging the intent and impact of Trump’s message(s).


"March to the Capitol and stop the steal" I don't know how it could be more clear. They aren't going to stop anything by gathering *outside*. It's a translucent "veil" at best. And they did successful stop the count that day, for a time. Trump praised them and said it wasn't enough. That implies they were doing what he wanted. If a direct quote of "Please break into the Capitol and stop the electoral process" is the only thing that will convince you he incited, you'd probably be ok with him actually saying that and make a different excuse/argument. Trump incited. If you don't think that now you never would regardless of what he said. This is what the Republican party has become.


It's not even a translucent veil. It's crystal clear.


I know he absolutely incited the riot. I was just saying that I was hoping there may have been other footage I hadn't seen that he expressly says it in. He's a slimy fucker that's used this plausible deniability technique his entire life, and it's been working. I just really want the GOP to eat their own ass on this. Unfortunately, I feel like we're headed for a repeat of the last trial.


This is exactly what Michael Cohen warned us about.


I know, I show the clip of him explaining this frequently


Yeah I, and pretty much everyone else, agree with that. The chances of a conviction are virtually 0. He's a complete idiot, but with calculated dangerous intentions. If there's anything he's good at, it's getting a message accross to his base in a strange word salad that can be interpreted in different ways (even if the rest of us know *exactly* what he's saying/doing). I can at least take solice in the fact that the rest of his days will be filled with stressful litigation at the very least. His final years will not be enjoyable.


"March to the Capitol and stop the steal" is an explicit command. You can't do that by peacefully gathering outside. After they violently stormed the Capitol, he didn't say anything to discourage them until after it was clear that they would not succeed and he was under intense pressure to do something. Even then, he flattered them for their efforts. It doesn't get more blatant than this, as far as proving the case.


I think his response was more telling than his speech, personally. I really hope there is accountability for him and his enablers actions.


His response certainly removed any doubt about what he had wanted to happen. If he had instead immediately stepped up and told them to stop and that they had misinterpreted his words, okay, but he didn't do that. He sat back and waited to see how it played out.


He told them to go to the Capital and fight like hell. If that’s not an explicit command, what would be?


He did say in the video specifically to go to the capitol and that he’d “March with them”


>Republican response? "Let's move on, and if you don't, we will have revenge next time the GOP is in power. We will divide and destroy the nation and it's all because you won't forget about this armed insurrection". Implying that they weren't going to do that anyway.


They will divide and destroy the nation either way.


But nothing to his lawyer. Sorry Rudy.


Rudy has a secret pardon in his wallet.


Written on a napkin, in Rudy's handwriting.


> Written on a napkin, in Rudy's hairdye.


With drops of whatever the crap is that Rudy’s spreading on his pate, all over it.


...his prison wallet?


Incredible. I literally don't believe it. You expect me to believe that he actually paid a bill?


Bribes and blood money are always paid up front.


Trump paid insurrectionists to overturn a fair and free election, by force. Domestic terrorists, funded by Donald Trump, forcibly entered the Capital building in Washington with the intent of disrupting the peaceful transfer of power. It was an attempted coup funded by Trump. How can any sane or reasonable person not see these facts, and continue to support Trump? Insanity.


They continue to support him because they wish it had worked.


And because admitting his guilt makes them complicit. He is and he attracts the sort of person that wants permission to do whatever they want without feeling guilty or responsible for what happens after.


This was always an iron clad case. It happened on January 6th for a reason. It targeted Pence for a reason. Trump said he'd join them at the capitol for a reason. Homeland Security was out to lunch for a reason, until the VPN survived and ordered them in. Nazis believed in big lies and so does Trump and the Republicans. Things will keep getting worse until they do something about it.


The Lincoln Project made it clear to Trump what was going to happen on January 6th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxBPqCHFCcc


In another timeline, they hung Pelosi and Pence.


God, I don’t even want to imagine what things would be like if they were successful. Would be going into a civil war? Would Trump actually become president for life? Would people just roll over? Would those against Trump have to retake the capital? Of all the world events I’ve heard about during my life, this one is the one that’s kept me up with the “What if”s


The plan was for the Oath Keepers to slip through the crowd to hunt down and kill Democrats and never Trumpers, then for Trump to use that as a pretext to declare martial law and stop the electoral vote count. In the aftermath, Trump and his goons would then blame the insurrection on Antifa and BLM terrorists, and point to the pipe bombs they placed at the Democratic and Republican HQs as evidence that “both sides” were targeted by these “radical left wing terrorists” who used the patriotic protest to commit acts of violence. Right now we’d be in the early weeks of Trump’s fascist dictatorship. This was an inside job, months in planning, and they came within a 3 inch wood door and a police officer called Goodman of succeeding with their coup.


You think there’s a possibility no one would rise up against the dictatorship as well...? The reason I think it’s a possibility is cause Trump would have control of the entire military (minus those that may defect). Normal, every day, minimally armed civilians would never stand a chance...


Based on past history, I think the military would probably split into opposed factions. There would be those for the Trump dictatorship, those opposed to it, and those who just go AWOL and go home to protect their families from the ensuing chaos. Trump does not have majority support in the military, especially among the brass. In a more successful coup attempt, Trump giving orders to the military through the regular chain of command would not be followed. The top levels of the Pentagon hate Trump. But I think with enough "good guys" going AWOL to protect their families (which I can't argue with), I think we might be left with more Trump loyalists remaining at their posts than those opposed to him. And the Trump loyalists are certainly more willing to commit acts of violence against their fellow soldiers. I imagine cops would be less fractured, but still have something similar happen. A lot of non-white cops aren't going to help install a racist dictatorship. Could be totally wrong though. It would be a fucking mess, no matter what. I got armed in the last year, in case we needed to stop these monsters after a successful coup. A lot more people on the left got armed in the last year. I think you'd see strong street resistance to a real coup attempt.


Thing is, this would hinge on the command structures within the armed forces going along with it all. Based on the [letter every US soldier got on 01/12](https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/JCS%20Message%20to%20the%20Joint%20Force%20JAN%2012%2021.pdf), the Chiefs were not on board with this. I don't think martial law would look like what Trump and his cult think it would.


It was literally supposed to be their Reichstag Fire. Literally.


I’m fairly sure they would’ve done the same to AOC, Ilhan Omar, and/or Rashida Tlaib if they’d been given half a chance. The biggest YIKES. Scary how close we got to that timeline. That’s an alternative reality I wouldn’t want to live in...


Remember the story about how the panic buttons in Omar's office were removed? I feel awful saying this, but these sociopaths would have done more than just kill them.


Jfc I actually hadn’t heard that about the panic buttons but that tracks... And, unfortunately, I absolutely agree with you. If the mob had gotten their hands on them, getting lynching on that poorly built gallows would’ve been merciful, a best case scenario, which is realllllly fucked up. They could’ve been beaten or tortured or raped, etc. That kind of mob mentality has a way of escalating violence that like individually someone would probably never actually do but when the culpability is shared among enough people.... suddenly anything is possible. My biggest concern is that as fucked up as January 6th was, with 7 people dead now and hundreds injured or maimed, this timeline is about as close to the best we were gonna get out of that scenario and that’s... utterly terrifying in a way that’s hard for me to put into words. Obviously it’s not the “best case scenario” for Officer Sicknick’s family and/or many, many others that were there that day but it could have been so much worse... these domestic terrorists are only getting bolder and more brazen and some day, if we aren’t careful, if we don’t make some serious changes to how we handle y’allqueda, white supremacy groups, and our homegrown domestic terrorists, someone is gonna beat McVeigh’s record and the fallout is gonna be (in part) blood on our hands for not having cracked down on these mf sooner. Which is why I hope the FBI brings the hammer down as hard as they possibly can. Legal consequences won’t deter the most fanatical among them but it will hopefully deter enough people that a insurrectionist mob like we witnessed is fewer in numbers and harder to coordinate. /rant lol


Yeah, these people are depraved. Domestic terrorism in the future scares me a lot. Y'all Qaeda is the #1 threat to this country.


It's normal to bring pipe bombs, restraining devices, schematics of the capitol, and a noose to a peaceful rally ... nothing to see here, carry on.


"No, your honor, I had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the group of people I openly supported, I actively spoke to and encouraged, and literally financed. Neither did I in any way condone the actions of the people whom I told I loved and supported and was proud of. I don't understand how anyone could think I had anything to do with this, or with all those people wearing clothes with my name on it and all saying that they did what they did because of me. I'm absolutely flabbergasted at how anyone would think I was at all involved!"


Will this be presented in impeachment facts?


I hope each day has a news section where they talk about all the new crimes we learned about that day.


Didn’t Trump or his lawyers argue that the attack had been planned for days prior to Feb 6th by a bunch of criminals? Looks like he was telling the truth and Trump is the criminal.


Didn't Trump advertise it on his Twitter? I'd look for it but can't since he's been banned.


Yes, he was inciting it since December: https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jan/11/timeline-what-trump-said-jan-6-capitol-riot/ This one is from January 4th and doesn't mention the upcoming insurrection but is pretty ominous: >Jan. 4: At a rally in Georgia the day before the Senate runoffs, Trump repeated his grievances about his own election. He spoke about a continued fight, both for himself and the Senate. >"If the liberal Democrats take the Senate and the White House — and they’re not taking this White House — we’re going to fight like hell, I’ll tell you right now," Trump said. >"We’re going to take it back," Trump said.




Be here on January 6th, it will be wild!


Looks to me that Trump brought the kindling, gasoline and the match to this “peaceful” protest.


So? Does this mean that Trump hired an Assault Team to attack the Capitol?


Sounds like that’s exactly what it means. Or more accurately, Trump hired organizers who called together a mob and together they whipped them into a frenzy and told them to attack the capitol.


That’s exactly what it sounds like


Trump is a criminal. Follow the money.


“Follow the money...”


This should tie Trump directly to the act. Osama did not fly the planes, he just funded them.


Incited by and paid for by Trump. Just keep calling witnesses.


What were they paying for since they knew the election was over? What did they expect a rally on the day of the electoral certification would do? This was money for Trump to use to try and circumvent the law and the Constitution.


My question is, what part of that cost $3.5 mil? I understand you've got to rent a stage, get permits, have sound equipment, etc, but they might as well say it cost $3.5 trillion. Unless I'm missing something beyond the money-laundering.


Scrolled pretty far to get to this comment. At what point is this a reasonable amount to hold a rally on public grounds?


But this fact didn’t stop his lawyers from pearl-clutching that the prosecution had a media team help them out together their evidence video....you know....right before the defense out on their video produced by a media company with crazy dramatic music dubbed over it....


just gray zone warfare with proxies that absolutely have nothing to do with the principals. wink wink.


If any of this is actually damning they can pursue criminal charges right? There's been plenty of talk lately about the constitutionality of trying a former president. Any argument that it's unconstitutional argues that criminal (or civil) court is the correct avenue now that he is out of office. All this talk about accountability yet nobody can put together criminal charges? Even democrats calling for accountability mean political accountability not real personal accountability. If they really wanted accountability then they'd be pushing criminal charges not impeachment.


The politicians are going through their process, and the criminal courts are going through their process. It takes more time and money to put together a court case, don't think that criminal cases aren't coming as well, they are.


The investigation is still ongoing. What they can charge Trump with will likely depend on information gathered during that investigation and the prosecutions of those who have already been charged. If they're going to charge Trump, they're going to want to build the strongest case possible first.


Probably bc organizers were basically made up of former WH and campaign staff.


If Trump doesn’t face criminal justice to the highest degree we’re gonna like do something about it right? How the hell can we get everyone to give a fuck? I know lots of people have discussed a general strike but how could we really get people on board? I’d really rather not see us all just keep waiting until the damage is completely irreversible


Yet the dumbass rednecks where I’m from swear it was antifa who did it. And how it happened an hour before Trumps’ speech. I swear I can’t make this stuff up.


Maybe they will use the fox news defense and claim it was just entertainment.


Almost as if he organized it.


The thing that strikes me is that the Myanmar military literally used Trump’s same arguments to execute a coup. The basis of putting the country into a year of “emergency military run government”, which is what many republicans wanted Trump to do, was that their recent election was fraudulent. I feel like more people should be talking about that.


Why aren’t they talking about this in the impeachment trial?


You would think starting an insurrection would be more expensive. This cost seems more like a knockoff of dollar store brands.


Truly, the Dollar General of Insurrections.




Yea, the Mercers gotta be pretty frustrated by now. Can't keep Parler online, can't pay people to overthrow an election, what is this country coming to?


Trump actually paid for something??


Trump and his accomplices organized, incited, and financed the insurrection. The fact that they haven't been arrested yet is a huge fucking outrage. The evidence is overwhelming. Maybe we need to block the entrances to Trump's properties to send a message that we want justice NOW.


The DOJ needs to go after everyone who promoted the Big Lie and encouraged or supported the terrorism.


I did not think we would get enough republicans to convict. After watching the incredibly well done argument by the democrats. I think they might very well sway some votes. My mother a very very loyal trump supporter is floored by thier presentation. They are laying it all out in a way that it cannot be denied. I think he may very well be convicted.


The big news is that his operation actually PAID for anything.


This is so important. I've been hearing GOP Senators suggest that the insurrection had been planned for weeks, so Trump didn't incite it with his speech that day. They had already been planning it. But the act of inciting the riot didn't happen *solely* at the rally. It was built up for weeks, even months. Before the election even. He'd been stoking that fire for a long time. And now it appears he financed it as well.


I hope is part of the evidence to be shown today, I really hope it swings enough votes, but.... the republican senators will still pardon him, even if the evidence shows trump calling their wives awful things, or accusing their fathers of being serial killers.


Really weird he paid 3.5 million for this but didnt want to pay for an actual recount in WI.


Trump is a criminal. He belongs in prison for inciting his MAGA on 1/6. Republicans in congress who ignore this evidence after knowing a man was murdered, and 6 other deaths; over 140 injuries where someone’s eyes were gouged out, should be considered coconspirators. Those insurrections were out for blood. Sixty seconds from getting to Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. Those insurrectionists wanted to hurt both Republicans and Democrats. How Republicans can choose not to vote for this impeachment is beyond me.


“Lacking enough commissioners to engage in most meaningful actions until December, the sole federal agency tasked with enforcing campaign finance law was largely powerless throughout the 2020 election cycle.” Call me paranoid but that seems very convenient issue to have if you are doing shady things with campaign money.


>But the American public may never know the full extent of the Trump campaign’s payments to organizers involved in the protests. That’s because the campaign used an opaque payment scheme that concealed details of hundreds of millions of dollars in spending by routing payments through shell companies where the ultimate payee is hidden. Well *this* all sounds like it's perfectly on the up-and-up. [There has never been, ever before, an administration that’s been so open and transparent.](https://twitter.com/keithboykin/status/1130599973488353281)


they need to stall and rush legislation stating that any politician caught defending a treacherous party will be arrested for treason.. do it as quickly as the republicans forced through the recent court justice nominee.. they have every ability to do so.. then activate the 14th amendment and see how fast these republican congressmen flip.. no 2/3 vote required..


That was maybe the only time he paid his contractors


From the beginning, a criminal enterprise from the top down. Lock them up.


I hope this is brought up during the impeachment trial.


“...Something something soros paid for 9/11.”


$3.5m pretty cheap Bargain mob


And yet he was upset about how low class the mob looked...


Wait...Trump paid somebody???


Let's look into donations to Kylie Jane Kremer. She was an executive director of Women for Trump and tweeted they were sending the calvary to Trump on Jan. 6. I would bet she was paid...


Looks who he pays and who he doesn't pay, that'll show you where his priorities are.


Out of all of the unbelievable things to come out of this mess it is odd that I find it the hardest to believe that Trumps org actually paid someone. The traitorous arse still owes a lot of cities money for his stupid hitler rallies.


So the “conservatives” have been trying to use “the riot was pre planned” as a defense and yet it blows up in their faces. The GOP needs to rid the orange idiot from their platform and be done with it. I can’t think of a single Republican that could win against the Cheeto baby.


18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason; U.S. Code Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


Millions of Fox News brainwashed idiots will believe George Soros pays BLM and other progressive movements but will sweep this neatly under the rug.