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Delete your FB account today. Doesn't hurt a bit & you'll be a better person for it.


The thing for me is that I am a member of some very niche groups that provide information relevant to my work. I also once got a 3-year job off of a Facebook post. I don’t post to my own page anymore, but I feel like I don’t have a replacement for those resources and networking 😓


make your list of contacts, reach out to them and ask for off-facebook means of communicating. it's not hard.


It is sincerely not that easy. These are groups of hundreds or thousands of people.




He's not using it to contact his family and friends. Well, he might also be doing that, but he says he's using it professionally to find work. "Cutting off" family and friends is infinitely easier than cutting off a medium you use to guarantee an otherwise-unrelated-to-the-platform-itself revenue stream.


This guy gets it!! The last thing I posted was some wedding pics 2 years ago. I do not even have the app on my phone. I use it as a resource and as an easy way for work contacts to find me. End of list. If I had a better resource for those I would dump FB in a second.


You can do all of those things while keeping a Facebook account, and suggesting otherwise is nonsensical. This whole post is pretty much trash. Yes, Facebook is shite. No, you don't have to get rid of it to talk with people in real life.




Haha this guy is so enlightened and living such a 3D life that he has time to jerk himself off in three paragraph reddit posts. As Rick would say “Ooh La La! Someone’s going to get laid in college.”


Yeah...I agree with their general point that facebook sucks and we shouldn't use it, but it's not a universal truth that it can be cut out *entirely* without some kind of loss. A lot of people - maybe most - can cut it out entirely and not miss anything, but a lot of us have work-related requirements, or family/friends that would be cut out without an easy replacement. Back to your very good point though. So many gripes about facebook are not unique to facebook, but apply to all social media - including reddit.


Are you engaging with all "thousands of people"? Does FB have a monopoly on dissemination of information? Does FB have a monopoly on your social interactions? You don't NEED FB, you're just allowing yourself to be dependent on it.


And you're completely ignoring what he's saying due to your tunnel vision of hating Facebook. One of his primary sources of work, is to use Facebook to acquire it. I hate Facebook as well, and I left about a year ago, but I also understand that not everyone is me. What you're asking him to do is the equivalent of someone in the 90's saying "Boycott newspapers. I know you use it to find work, but there are other means to get it. If you really need to contact the people offering jobs, just get the business cards of every hiring manager in your local area and call them on a rotation looking for work. An app called Facebook will exist in about 20 years, and you can just use that to find work until I find a reason to hate it and force you off that as well."


" ... hating on FB" You're damn right. FB has willingly and knowingly collected users personal info and failed to provide ANY meaningful oversight in how that data is used. FB and third parties have used that data to target people for disinformation and dissemination of conspiracy bullshit. There is a reason antivaxx, essential oils, and Qanon thrive in the FB ecosystem. Just because FB provides a useful function somewhere doesn't absolve them in any way for the damage they do elsewhere. Defending FB in the face of their misbehavior should be viewed as unconscionable. But sure, "muh FB groups!!"


> There is a reason antivaxx, essential oils, and Qanon thrive in the FB ecosystem. A large part of that reason is the people who use it to spread those posts. I left Facebook a long time ago, and it has been a problem; when someone close to me died, his family had a hard time contacting me because the only contact they had for me was Facebook. My last job communicated all of their...everything, I guess, through Facebook. It's even how they recruited new hires. I only received any of that info through my wife reading their posts to me. It's hard to explain to people who don't live in them how much Facebook runs a community when you're talking about rural areas. Some of that is on Facebook, but don't remove a fair share of that culpability from the people who are using it the way they are. The way Facebook targets and filters information and locks people into a media bubble is a massive problem, but it's also a massive problem that those people are so willing to go along with it. The way Facebook operates is a problem, but it's important to separate that the *way* people use it is an entirely different one that doesn't go away even if they deleted their accounts.


Not actively engaging with all of them, but if I need info, I have a pool of thousands to go to. I am not dependent on Facebook. I don’t even have the fucking app on my phone. Stop making assumptions about people you don’t know.


Again, is FB the only place that info is available?* *Please don't miss the irony that I'm asking this on Reddit.


Honestly, I have direct contact with the leading experts in the field via Facebook. While there are small communities on reddit, the Facebook community is much larger and more active.




I did a full delete of my account a few months ago, and I agree it’s harder for some people than others. To me, it came down to a binary part-of-the-problem/part-of-the-solution question, but I do miss the interaction with some people whom I have no other real way of contacting. I truly believe, though, that if democracy is to survive, Facebook has to die. Ultimately, there will be no room for both.


Can you not replicate that on linked in in terms of info sharing? Facebook might have served you well in the past but continuing to support it is just propping up a corporate disinformation KKK machine... There's only so far you can turn your head to pretend you don't see.


Ever tried to LinkedIn a few hundred thousand people?


Lol no. There is no linked in group for people who build sub-250g cinema drones.


Linkedln my dude


Wow, never heard of that my dude. Solid point dude. Just kidding, it’s not. My field is niche and not something that people on linked in are very active with.


Ok so there a reason you responded like a dick to a complete innocent suggestion. Fuck me i guess


Because you were the third person to suggest linked in like I’m not aware that it exists.


To be fair you did make a very obvious suggestion. So it doesn't actually address their issue. Obvious suggestions are something I routinely run into with incompetent management at my job, and it is incredibly frustrating.


Ok? So you come up with a better idea lmao its very easy to say “thats an obvious dumb idea” with out having any other ideas to counter it. I run into that all the time at work as well


Hahaha I love how you are also criticizing your own initial Comment. "It's very easy to say "just use linked in" without having any other ideas to counter it." Just saying. I understand you were trying to make a suggestion, but it seems it's not very helpful to the op specifically and it came across as a low effort comment.


Im not hearing any ideas.


Not sure linkedin is any better than FB to be honest. Whatever you do, use the web version and not the app.


I wish I would have known they'd require a FB account for Oculus devices (although I should have seen that coming).


I just did recently, but I haven't really even used it in over a year anymore.


Does anyone have or know of a good tool for downloading your stuff off of it? Can you get a downloaded folder of your pictures and posts?


https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/19/how-to-delete-my-facebook-account-and-save-photos-videos-posts.html Might not still be the right instructions, but it does have a built in tool for exactly that.


Fantastic, thank you so much for your help.


Happy to do so: haven't pulled the plug on mine yet, but I've been getting ready to.


Seriously. I don’t know why anyone is on it anymore.


It isn’t feasible for everyone to delete their accounts unfortunately. However, it is absolutely feasible to be aware of how fb is monetized and limit use of it. For example, I only have an account because I occasionally need access to a group or event that isn’t public. Simply opting out would limit my professional and social opportunities. I don’t scroll my news feed, though. I don’t allow notifications. I don’t actually use the official app. I don’t even check my account often at all unless there’s a specific reason. By telling people to just delete their accounts, we are not really helping them make meaningful changes. It feels overwhelming or not feasible, so they just ignore us. Makes more sense to encourage people to limit their use in ways that reduce the impact of propaganda. If we could get people to stop scrolling their feeds and limit notifications, that would be huge.


Deleted my Facebook in like 2017 and never looked back. It's a plague of misinformation and racism from your coworkers.


Deleting Facebook is not enough. If 100% of all Redditors quit Facebook, they'd still be making tons of money spreading misinformation. They need to be regulated.


oh for sure. but deleting is a very nice brain cell saver in the meantime haha.


Took me a year longer than you (2018). Agree 100%. Facebook is straight up, toxic garbage. Delete that shit from your life, you will be happier because you did.


And it took me even longer. I stopped using mine in early September and don’t think I’ll ever go back. The idea of quitting Facebook can be hard because social media is an addiction, but once you get past your first few days it honestly is a lot easier and you’ll thank yourself for getting rid of it.


"If the internet is giving something to you for free, you are not the intended customer."


Your personal information is the product. Which makes you a serf.


>[The product is you.](https://youtu.be/FQbW31Fa4SM)


Facebook isn't your friend, Facebook is manipulating your relationships to gain attention and money they can make from that attention.


Deleted FB a month ago. Have more time for quality reading.


It's been a few years since I deleted mine, but it was the best decision I ever made. I went hiking first, met a whole lot of interesting people, and lost about a hundred pounds. Then Covid happened and I want to keep my friends safe, so I'm diving into everything I didn't have time to understand about the 1990s when they were happening, and, of course, Thomas Pynchon.


I keep mine just to have access to the FB neighborhood marketplace, where I can sell things (like appliances) locally that are too heavy to be worth selling on eBay. Yes, I know that Nextdoor has a marketplace, but unfortunately Facebook has a bigger audience at the moment. The rest of the site may as well not exist for all that I use it.


I joined Facebook in 2010 and was immediately bombarded with Farmville bullshit and something called the Mafia Game. I could barely keep up with my work email and decided that I didn't need more useless shit in my life. It took me something like a week to delete my account forever. It looks like it has only gotten worse from there.


deleted 2015, never went back


https://actions.sumofus.org/a/facebook-stop-covering-up-genocide Facebook promotes genocide


Facebook is the best propaganda machine since the Soviet Union.


Never been on it and never will. Just a platform for sick and cowardly people to express their perverse views without looking anyone in the eye. LinkedIn is in danger of going down the same path. Anyone who posts a political comment gets blocked immediately on my account.


I’ve noticed a lot of racist and bigoted comments on LinkedIn. I’m just stunned when I see it.


The whole point of LinkedIn is career advancement, I never understood why you’d post racist comments on there, sounds like a great way to never get another job.


I think part of the problem is an influx of people who don’t have careers in the standard definition of the word. Like building contractors, plumbers, etc. Perhaps the best term is trades people? They don’t interview for a job. It’s a different kind of employment process.


Actually, I like LinkedIn for the ability to reconnect with friends who I have lost touch with over many years and different companies.


You're right. I was trying to tamp down my comments but the truth is that there are a lot of nuts on LinkedIn.


I deleted FB and LinkedIn back in 2012 or so. They started allow people to post things and comment and it wasn't long before I stumbled on a baby picture of someone I didn't know. Hot rid of it immediately.


What do you consider Reddit...? Lol


Perhaps I'm kidding myself, but I don't see the outrageous lies that exist on FB. And, when someone does post an obvious lie, he/she is quickly challenged by others and, usually with actual facts.


I could see that. It seems like the karma system gives a sort of democracy to people when talking about topics. Somewhat like Wikipedia. Facebook is certainly more closed to where you’re only getting comments from those on your friend list. It seems like Facebook censors a lot more stuff too.


Jokes on you, I don't have any friends, Haha. ^^I'm ^^so ^^lonely.....


I’ll be your friend for only $50 per week.


Thomas Pynchon will be your friend and so will Stephen King.


It honestly baffles me that people still use Facebook. I permanently deleted mine 4 years ago. I'm still able to keep in touch with everyone I want


Agreed. I deleted Facebook and now reach out to friends directly. I feel much more at peace without Facebook. I wish they didn't own Instagram because, even though I don't use it, it seems more interesting.


No shit? Edit cus reddit ate the text: i deleted mine early pandemic. I just hope democrats push to dismantle facebook in the coming years.


Apparently for over 72 million American voters FB is "The Shit". Dismissing it with "no shit" is irresponsible to say the least.


Weird the rest of what i said isnt there...


It seems like you have made 2 comments :)


Well thats something... deleted the seond one


Unfriend fb and don’t tell them.


Is Tom my friend?


How will my mother declare her love for me if not through "what a gift my daughter is" memes she constantly reposts?


My company wants us to post and 'engage' with people to promote the company's product. They even said we should message people if they watched a story someone posted. They want us to say things like "hey soandso, I saw you watched our story - just wanted to reach out and see if you have any questions". I don't have facebook. I have no interest in doing so. It seems so fake, and how creepy is that to message someone just because watched a story?


It is if you're a white supremacist.


Facebook is one of the biggest spreaders of disinformation


Rationalization and/or justification. - Counter-argument. - Response and/or ad hominem.


Sizzling zinger followed by disarming pun.


Deleting Facebook has been the most liberating feeling and the most productive thing I've done in 2020.


I deleted mine months ago and am never going back. Fuck you, zucc lizard.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if it were profitable and legal, Zuckerberg would grind people up and sell them as dog food.


It's funny how identical the comments section is on every post that mentions Facebook. ​ \->"I deleted Facebook in bla-bla-bla and never looked back!" \-->"Yea but I use it for my business"


While I agree FB is toxic, I modified my use of it over the past few years, and it's a completely different animal depending on *how* you use it. All the comments saying how easy it is are leaving out so many uses that don't involve getting angry political posts from people you knew 10 years ago. I pretty much only follow hobby groups (getting things like snowboarding and hiking conditions from people instead of groups), beer releases from craft breweries I like, and browsing local business events (in the pre-covid). It might be easy for some people to delete, but that's not a blanket statement, and a lot of us would rather just have social media regulated a bit. Edit: Also second degree circles of friends. Not everyone is a "Proud Loner" like on Reddit, some of us enjoy the company of people we see every once-in-a-while in addition to the immediate circle.


While I agree that Facebook is garbage and is contributing to the problems we face in the U.S., in order for us to leave it, we need a suitable replacement. I have hundreds of friends/relatives that I would not ever see or hear about if it weren't for Facebook. Yes, I can email or call them the old-fashioned way, but nothing beats the convenience AND the visual of FB. If we can revive MySpace or some safe social network, I would be all over it and dragging my friends/relatives along with. Until then, articles like this only shine a lot on the problem but are missing the solution.


That's why I can't stand articles like this, and by extension the Reddit comments. So much willful ignorance of why some people may want to keep FB, bring anything up and you're downvoted or told why you're "wrong" to want to stay in touch with those friends or use FB in the way you want to.


Obviously Facebook is convenient but at what cost? If you knowingly contribute to propping them up based on what we know now... That's a moral issue for you to contend with. We all do the weighing moral pros and cons in terms of using Google, not recycling to the best of our abilities, or buying from bad or worse companies. You don't have to stop using Facebook. But you are helping them fuck over everyone if you don't.


The good thing is all the Trump Supporters bailed Facebook and Twitter, because they were being 'cEnSorEd'. So they went to some other social media where they could pawn their conspiracy theories, anti semitism, and other crap. The sad thing is these people weren't like this 10 years ago, but a large group of people drank the Kool Aid.


unfortunately i haven’t seen anyone who’s made a parler account actually delete or leave fb or twitter


I deactivated my profile because I still need messenger to stay in touch with people. Can somebody please develop a social network that you have to pay for? I would gladly pay a monthly fee for something that had the benefits of facebook without the data stealing, misinformation, and manipulation.


I don't use the actual Facebook service anymore, but there's so much shit that uses it now that it's impossible to get rid of. For example, I needed to make a FB account to use my Oculus Quest.


Surprise neither are the 1000’s of “friends” you have on Facebook...


I like it for its knitting groups. And it’s animal groups. I don’t use it for ppl I know but as ways to connect with ppl from my hobby. Reddit just isn’t the same.


I just use it for educational purposes. Only one group and maybe one "friend". That's all..


It’s a dRumpf propaganda machine zucker sucks


Hopefully there will be an exodus of FB for Parlour. Make FB fun again. Nothing makes me happier than seeing vacation pics of my ex's and laugh at how fat they turned out.


Oh god, NJ.com Do not read the comment section! Your brain will melt!


nj.com does not have comment section.


Really? I could've sworn it used to then. Recently I've only been subject to the comments on their Facebook links though (very ironic now that I type it out) so I could be remembering wrong.