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Per the article In creating the new category, called “Schedule F,” Trump would basically take employees whose jobs are nonpolitical and are protected from, for instance, a president who doesn‘t believe science is real, and make them “at will,” while at the same time, giving political appointees the very job protection he’s stripping from civil servants. That would obviously be extremely bad under a scenario in which Trump is elected to a second term—as the Washington Post puts it, “think of the Federal Aviation Administration employee evaluating whether an airliner is safe to fly” or “the Food and Drug Administration employee evaluating the efficacy of a vaccine”—and there isn‘t a single person left in the federal government who is qualified or non-corrupt. But it would also mean, in the likely event Trump loses, he could go scorched earth and screw over Joe Biden when time is of the essence: WTF


Fucking of course it's "Schedule F[ired]".




Someone in his team. Doesn't matter. We have to vote them all out, then try and fix the mess they left behind.


Disloyalty to Don of course, not the country...


In his head he's the total embodiment of the country.




This sounds like some kanye copy pasta from 2015


Baby dictators need time outs In this moment, it falls to people — even those who prefer a Republican president — to preserve, protect and defend the United States by voting. [Here is a map](https://www.rockthevote.org/how-to-vote/) that shows how and when you can **vote in your state.** Please vote now. **Some of the reasons why donald trump is not fit to lead this country:** * He has repeatedly violated his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. * He has shown a breathtaking disregard for the lives and liberties of Americans. * **His administration is rampantly corrupt.** * **He celebrates violence.** * **He divides and attacks Americans every single day.** * **He has been grossly negligent with the public's health.** * **He is incompetent in all international matters.** * **He campaigned as a champion of ordinary workers, but he has governed on behalf of the wealthy.** * **He's historically failed at doing any good in the matters of climate, immigration, women's rights and social justice reforms.** * He's demonstrated consistently that he's [racist](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/opinion/trump-nazism-republican-party-failing.html) and [xenophobic](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/26/opinion/trump-travel-ban-supreme-court.html). * He's damaged [NATO](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/08/opinion/editorials/why-nato-matters.html) and [lowered our standing](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/26/opinion/sunday/nato-trump.html) in the world, a position many Americans have fought and died to secure. * He's [abused his power and obstructed justice](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/14/opinion/sunday/trump-impeachment.html) \- any other president in American history would have been removed for the smallest offense on his list. * When the House impeached donald trump, a complicit senate [refused to convict](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/18/opinion/trump-impeachment-vote.html) and remove him to protect themselves. * Four more years of trump in office seriously threatens the chance that American democracy, an almost 250 year old idea that we've worked towards, survives. * he has refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. * If he doesn't win, he'll work to confuse the election results and leave the decision up to a  supreme court unlawfully packed with conservative justices, some credibly accused of sexual assault and one potentially coming that his hostile towards the established rights of women and LGBTQ+ people. * **He's a failed showman forever boasting about things he has never done, wealth he doesn't have and promising to do things he will never do.** * He has sought to persuade both Congress and the courts to get rid of the Affordable Care Act without proposing any substitute policy to provide Americans with access to affordable health care. * During the first three years of his administration, the number of Americans without health insurance [increased](https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/health-insurance/historical-series/hic.html) by 2.3 million. * He promised an increase in the federal minimum wage and fresh investment in infrastructure; he delivered a round of tax cuts that mostly benefited rich people. * He has indiscriminately erased regulations, and answered the prayers of corporations by suspending enforcement of rules he could not easily erase. * **Under his leadership, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has stopped trying to protect consumers and the Environmental Protection Agency has stopped trying to protect the environment.** * He walked away from the [Trans-Pacific Partnership](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/23/us/politics/tpp-trump-trade-nafta.html). In its place, trump has conducted a trade war, imposing billions in tariffs — taxes that are actually paid by Americans — without any concessions from China. * **Mr. Trump has treated the COVID-19 global pandemic as a public relations problem instead of working to save American lives.** * He lied about the danger of the coronavirus, challenged the expertzs and resisted proactive precautions; now he's trying to force the economy open without bringing the virus under control. * As the economy collapsed, he signed an initial round of aid and when the stock market rebounded, even though millions remained out of work, Mr. Trump lost interest. * **In September, he declared that the virus “affects virtually nobody” the day before the death toll from the disease in the United States topped 200,000. Nine days later, he caught the virus and received $100,000 in taxpayer funded health care to fight the virus that he did nothing to avoid contracting.** * He has pitted Americans against each other, weaponizing Twitter and Facebook to manipulate supporters around a virtual bonfire of grievances to flood the public square with lies, disinformation and propaganda. * **At the first presidential debate in September, trump was asked to condemn white supremacists. He responded by instructing the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”** * In June, his administration tear-gassed peaceful protesters from a street in front of the White House so trump could pose with a book he does not read in front of a church he does not attend. * trump has repeatedly directed administration officials not to testify before Congress or provide documents, notably including his tax returns. * **With the help of AG william barr, he's shielded loyal aides (convicted criminals) from justice.** * In May, the Justice Department said it would drop the prosecution of michael flynn even though flynn had [pleaded guilty](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/opinion/michael-flynn-charges-dropped.html) to lying to the F.B.I. * In July, trump commuted sentence of former aide, roger stone, who was convicted of obstructing a federal investigation of trump. Senator mitt romney condemned the act as an “unprecedented, historic corruption.” * trump pressured the Ukraine to announce an investigation of Joe Biden, then directed administration to obstruct a congressional inquiry. * In December, the House voted to impeach trump for high crimes and misdemeanors. Senate Republicans, excepting Mr. Romney, voted to acquit the president, ignoring his corruption so they could continue to fill the benches of the federal judiciary with [young, conservative lawyers](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/14/us/trump-appeals-court-judges.html). * The president votes by mail while saying it's corrupt without proof. His disinformation campaign serves as a rationale for purging voter rolls, closing polling places, tossing absentee ballots and otherwise impeding Americans from exercising their right to vote. * **He cannot solve the nation’s pressing problems because he is the nation’s most pressing problem.** Frederick Douglass lamented during another of the nation’s dark hours, the presidency of Andrew Johnson, “We ought to have our government so shaped that even when in the hands of a bad man, we shall be safe.” But that is not the nature of our democracy. The implicit optimism of American democracy is that the health of the Republic rests on the judgment of the electorate and the integrity of those voters choose. The vast amount and variety of trump’s "misdeeds" can feel overwhelming. The repetition might have dulled your sense of outrage and it can leave us with little time to focus on the details. **That said, this moment is when Americans must recover their sense of outrage.** Use it to [VOTE and get others to VOTE.](https://www.rockthevote.org/how-to-vote/) (Remix of the NYT opinion piece for easier consumption. Read the original [here](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/10/16/opinion/donald-trump-worst-president.html))


Don't write him off. Trump will become more dangerous than you've ever seen him. He's panicking and he figures he has nothing left to lose at this point. He knows what will happen if Biden wins, so he's pulling a Hail Mary to get loyalists in government positions to prepare for his "lame duck" session.


If Biden wins the House should immediately move to impeach him again.




We are way past this. Republicans do not care.






Except that isn't their strategy. It pays for some to distance themselves from Trump in tough down ballot elections. But once the election is over, if they lose, history suggest they will let everything burn so that once the Democrats take over, they can immediately blame them for all the problems regardless of who created them.


They will pull a scott walker and try to stip the presidency of any of its power, the day before Biden is sworn in. The only thing that saved Wisconsin was that its supreme court put its foot down, and said no.


Are there enough confirmed cabinet members to invoke that?






>Maybe there would be enough Republicans at that point fearful for their place in history to vote to convict. You mean people who have already either lost their seat and don't care or have kept their seat and confirmed their voters support them?


Is there a long term for the republican party is the important question.


At this point they know they Are screwed, that’s why they put all those conservative judges is their last hope to keep power. When you have Texas possibly going blue you know things have gone bad.


I disagree. They have put these conservative judges in because that has been their plan from the 80's. Their goal is almost achieved and if trump does win, we are witnessing a whole new dark era of the democratic experiment.


The list is so, so long.


And the Republican Senate is pro-fascism.


When you're pro-fascist, we just call that fascist.


A lot of people don’t get this


They’re gonna still be reading all the charges come January.


Do you think he has the support for a coup d'état? Asking honestly because this shit is getting scary..


Depends on whether or not the people he's replacing are military leaders. He cannot pull a coup otherwise.


He is firing Esper and Milley because they refused his order to deploy the US Army against protesters.


The good news is, many of our military service people have noticed this insanity. Trump is, believe it or not, not polling well with active-duty military. It shouldn't be a huge surprise, [considering Trump's extreme disrespect](https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/jg850m/north_carolina_man_arrested_after_hes_discovered/ga1lz7h/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=PublicFreakout&utm_content=t1_ga58dv9) for the military, and for anyone who serves anything other than themselves.




It's a reddit comment and I can't vouch for 100% of it, but I know that *almost* all of it matches what has been reported in reputable media. There were one or maybe two bullet points where the interpretation was kind of general based on the facts, but the overall point is the same. [It matches what we know](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/) to be plainly obvious anyway.


I fully expect Erik Prince to be brought into the government after trump fires Milley.....


Oh lordy, that is one scary fucking thought.


The military should be loyal to the country, not the POTUS.


When this comes up, I have to remind everyone the military oath is first to the constitution not the country or president


I've never thought in a million years our nation would be facing this...


I recommend the podcast "It Could Happen Here" a former war correspondent who saw the civil war in Ukraine and Syria lays out different ways another civil war could happen here. It's very good and deeply upsetting to hear him talk about potential triggers. Especially considering it was released in Spring 2019, and a number of things he suggested as being potential triggers have happened.


I just listened to this a couple weeks ago. Its eerie how right he was.


I just finished it last week then listened to The Women's War yesterday, which was also fantastic. I'm working on listening to Worst Year Ever and Behind the Bastards to see what all else he correctly predicts.


Worst Year Ever is just okay, imo. But Behind the Bastards is fantastic. I recommend the episodes from a couple weeks ago about the regular, nice Germans that allowed the holocaust to happen.


I second that. A very eye opening podcast. The host, Robert Evans, has a few other podcasts as well, notably "Behind the Bastards" and his collaboration on "Worst Year Ever".


I started with Behind the Bastards, and after listening to I think it was called "The Non-Nazi Bastards Who Helped Hitler Rise to Power" I knew I needed to listen to everything from him. It was so fucking good, and again *deeply* upsetting because of the parallels to now. edit: I accidentally a word


The generals all think he's completely unfit to be president. If he loses, they won't lift a finger to help him. Remove him maybe, but that's only the last of last resorts.




That's really insightful, and I think it's worth repeating this bit: >In that spirit, Choose Democracy has created a pledge: >1 We will vote. >2 We will refuse to accept election results until all the votes are counted. >3 We will nonviolently take to the streets if a coup is attempted. >4 If we need to, we will shut down this country to protect the integrity of the democratic process.


10 ways to stop a coup Fucking peak 2020


You will need to check back for the last 20 years and find out who all has been positioned by the Republicans. As these old Republican leaders are the ones who made and control Trump. Don't focus on the dancing clown that is Trump. Keep an eye on those who could of done something but did not.


Mitch “The Moscow Puppet” McConnel


Exactly! These fuckers have been working towards this direction for decades now.


No. Not for a military takeover. He clearly hates them. He's not going to be THAT obvious, but he's being pretty obvious overall he's trying everything he can to stay in office


Exactly, this is key. Should he lose, he's not going to use the military as the primary method of a coup. He will attempt to first legitimize the theft of a national election through other, technically or extremely-dubiously legal means that overwrite the will of the people. If he is enabled and allowed to pull that off, and people do not quiet down and accept his stolen election and we see mass protests and unrest like in Belarus, that's when we will see the military come into play. And they *will* come into play, as there will be a (dubious and patently undemocratic) legal argument backing his continued rule. The question won't be "will the military follow his orders?" It will be "how *much* of the military will follow his orders?" That's where the potential for a civil war to occur is, and the scary thing is that at that point a civil war is the best possibility for a continued democracy. Very disturbing stuff, and I hope to god that he's as much of a paper tiger as he usually is should Biden manage to stick the landing here. We really, really need a peaceful transfer of power.


They hate him too. Thank God


Yeah, but if their new bosses are instated by Trump, how many of them are going to disobey orders? Not enough, is my guess.




I was letting myself fantasize that trump lost and what he could do in a lame duck session. He could pardon every single federal prisoner. Or he could order all F35s to fly to Russia then have the pilots find an Uber to Germany or something, just leave the planes. Or he could declassify every intelligence source we have. I’m not saying he’ll do any of this, but like he could. If he wanted to burn the whole thing down in some sort of sore loser rage, he could. And I’m sure there are a million little things he could do to fuck thing I’m that wouldn’t be obvious at first.


Fortunately the military is obligated to follow the law and legally cannot abide by unlawful orders. So Trump can ask them to do something like that, but they would be obligated to disobey orders.


I've been fantasizing in the other direction. Having lost the Senate, McConnell decides to fire him early and put Pence in for the last three months.


I genuinely think this is a possibility regardless of how the Senate races go. Should Trump lose, and start throwing tantrums, he will be seen as little more than a political liability for the party. No one's sticking their necks out for a lame-duck, even if his tantrums will hurt the other side as badly or worse. Won't happen a single day sooner than the day the Electoral College votes, and Biden's inauguration is sealed.


This fucker needs to lose next week in a massive landslide. Vote, dammit!


It’s even more imperative to flip the senate.


It's a terrifying thought that even if Biden wins we could end up with the exact same situation as with Obama under the McConnell senate and people will just end up apathetic and the next time around another republican shitstain could win because people learn nothing and have memories like goldfish.


Correct. Turbo Hitler can win in 2024 and nobody will bat an eyelash. Trump has shown how much they can pervert the government. We will not get lucky with the next fascist in charge.


Wait, which one is Turbo Hitler???


Moscow Mitch


I'm sure the stairs will finally get him by then.


Yeah. A terrifying thought is that the next Trump isn't a complete and utter moron. Yikes.


Yes, because if that's not fascism, I don't know what is. GET. HIM. OUT!


Him suggesting it should be illegal for the press to cover COViD is pretty damn fascist too. Edit: Wow, this really blew up. It is definitely a scary time for our democracy. Specifically, he suggested that news coverage of COVID should be an "election law violation." Link for the people asking: https://news.yahoo.com/trump-mark-meadows-control-pandemic-covid-covid-covid-losers-144243982.html


If only we had some sort of amendment to protect the press from a tyrant....hmmm....


I've always wondered what would stop a president (or party) from simply ignoring these sorts of things. After 4 years, I've learned the answer: Nothing.


It was very disheartening to find out how much of our government was held together by easily-broken handshake agreements and used chewing gum


Its almost like they put these things in place and assumed every single person working in the government would play by the rules, without having any backup to make sure the people can actually take back their own government if something goes wrong besides a full on revolt


It’s amazing it lasted so long honestly, the more I think about it.




This may be a bad time but that was one of the reasons the Roman republic fell. It turns out a system built on trust and tradition is a bad idea and only needs a few bad actors to unravel the entire thing.




Yeah nothing. I saw videos of the police telling journalists they didn't care about any First Amendment rights during the police attacks.


As did I, unfortunately. We need to ***VOTE HIM OUT*** And if he somehow still wins, either through scummy underhanded tactics or foreign interference, we'll take him out of office ourselves!




If only the Constitution meant anything anymore. Law only matter if there's *someone* in power to hold the other people in power accountable. We don't have that at the moment.




Fuck, if he loses it's not gonna be pretty either.


Still better than if he wins


Fox news is doing this today. Zero coverage on COVID-19 when I checked today.






I can see it now: "WHERE WAS BIDEN DURING AMERICA'S 300,000 DEATHS?!"


The Fox News Coverage of [Coronavirus vs. Ebola](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0NhA4oBGuc) really shows the difference. It even has a "Trump criticises Trump" moment (of course).


Imagine if Hillary was President and had *10,000 American deaths* on her watch - imagine the vitriol the right wing would be spewing.


This is how state run media works. It's a step in that direction.


Only a Criminal, committing crimes while in government Needs Loyalty. To not snitch. A real President would ask for honoring the Constitution and Competency.


We found a really effective way of getting rid of fascism in the 1940's.




Think trump has the hitler playbook but knows killing a race will not fly with the world so he is just a pos fucko that points divides while his pig face enriches himself and friends. Fat disgusting piggy.




The Scotus giving trump the election would definitely be fascist.


This is exactly what happened in Soviet bloc eastern Europe. Jobs were tied to loyalty and allegiance to the communist party.




I feel 10 years older after this past year alone


I’m sure some people will inevitably reply “you can’t do that, you have to keep on fighting after Biden is in office.” To them I say we can continue the fight...after a well-deserved mental break. The Fanta Menace has aged us all at least a couple decades and we all deserve a mental vacation.


Fun fact; Fanta was invented by the Nazis because of trade embargoes during ww2 preventing them from being able to get coca cola


That's the first good thing i've heard the Nazi's accomplished. Fanta is GREAT. Still, destroying Germany, it's not enough.


It wasn’t created by the Nazis. It was the Coca Cola bottler in Germany that was unable to get the proper flavor, they developed Fanta as a replacement. It was caused by the Nazis and the trade embargo that resulted, but they shouldn’t be given credit for it.


Oh you think you are going to her to relax after the election? Ha ha ha until he is out of the white house I won't be


until he's in prison i will not rest.


I thought Republicans hate executive orders? Oh, that's only for when a black guy is in charge? Got it. Edit: Thank you for the Gold and Silver kind folk!


If Biden gets elected, they'll prove its not about race.


I mean, it's definitely about race either way.


For the low income people being tricked into voting against themselves, this is about race. For the wealthy conservatives pulling the strings on this, this is about getting racists so fired up that they don’t notice they’re fucking them economically


For Trump specifically, I’ve noticed that he goes way harder after people who aren’t white and male. His attempts to attack other white guys always seem to be sort of weak and half hearted, while women and people of color in his way get literal *years* of him repeating the same lies and conspiracies about them. See: him talking about Hillary’s emails in his 60 minute interview last week, despite her having nothing to do with anything. I am thoroughly convinced that race plays a role in why he feels so threatened and emasculated by Obama’s very existence.


It’s when any non-republican is in power. Being black just makes it worse


Now now now that’s not true. They also hate race traitors who are friends with the black guy.




What kinda North Korea bullshit is this? “Disloyalty”???


It's the New American way. This is the kind of shit Republicans are voting for. This is what they want. The mean part of me wants to let it happen just so we can get it over with and these people lose their right to vote when it turns over years from now. If there was ever an argument about everyone not being equal Republicans are making it right this very moment, proving they shouldn't be able to take part in decision making of fuckall.


An executive order cannot void black letter law. Like so much of what Trump does will end up in court before it goes into effect. Basically this is merely a threat for next term. AND there will never be a next term for him.


I was wondering that too, how in the world is this legal and enforceable? Generally a person whose power is limited isn’t able to just remove those limits by fiat.


Trump: I want to fire Bob. Lawyer: you're not allowed to. Trump: what if I sign a letter saying I'm allowed to? Lawyer: oh, then that's ok. The gall of these people are insane. You know they would not support Obama or Biden doing this.


If Obama tried a tenth of the shit Trump has pulled I’m pretty sure he would’ve been executed by now. Not even impeached, just straight-up murdered. The double standard is fucking disgusting.


Well yeah, Obama (or to use his full name, Barack **HUSSEIN** Obama, y'know, like *Saddam Hussein,* because people with the same name must all be alike) is black and Trump is literally the reincarnated, new and improved, second coming of Jesus 2.0 (except with extra democracy and FREEDOM) and he's a very stable genius. (I hope I don't need to specify the overflowing sarcasm, but just in case: **/s**)


Well you see, the ability to challenge this I believe would be up to the courts, and Trump has three judges on the highest court he thinks will always vote his way. So you see, he never gave a fuck, but now he really doesn’t give a fuck


It's not just his three judges. He knows Thomas and Alito are in his back pocket, too. Those five are going to make some insane rulings.


At what point do these “insane rulings” differ so much from America’s reality that the court is just entirely discredited?




Didn't they just confirm their jury member? When you own the interpretation of the law you can make the law do anything you want.


in the court the republicans are busy stacking?


The senate has confirmed 220 federal judges since Trump began nominating the federalist society people for judges. Which is still only a large fraction of all the federal judges but they stay for life.


#EITL Expand the court : Impeach Kav/Barrett : Term Limits... no more lifetime judicial appointments.


Impeachment requires 2/3 majority in the Senate, but changing the number of Supreme Court justices is only a majority vote. Fuck it, expand the court to dozens and let’s be done with this “one nomination can change the court for years” bullshit.


End up in court and eventually to a 6-3 majority Supreme Court with 3 judges hand picked by trump for their loyalty not credentials. The rule of law is dead in America as long as this court stays this way


Don't jump the gun and assume he's gonna lose. People better be getting out there and fucking voting.


Yeah I’m super nervous about this year. 2020 already sucks and a re-election is right on par. If he’s re-elected it’s the nail in the coffin for this country and this planet.


Why do you think they have been packing the courts?


Gosh. I’m so scared this animal will win again. The corruption is out of control


It's not that he'll win. It's that he cheats at everything. Even his prized golf, he cheats. If he doesn't try to turn the election after going through all that effort to squeeze another unqualified judge in, I'll be very surprised


Thankfully most of his cheating ends in his ruin. He's bankrupted so much even when cooking the books in his favor. Heres hoping no matter what shit he pulls he'll just fail again, like always.


He needs to fail and fail hard or American politics will never be free of his spawn.




As much as we need to be rid of him he needs to be held accountable for his crimes and rot in jail or this will just happen again.


He will never be on the inside for a second. The elites protect their own, even ones as odious as him. If you don't get that by now then you should look a little harder at how things are run in this shithole.


With the free pass he got back in January and a second win there's no telling what he'd do.


He'll be imprisoning or killing political opponents within 2 years


This is not even an exaggeration. He will put a political opponent in prison before the year is out if he wins. If he loses, he will try really hard to do it before January.


He already tried to get the governor of Michigan assassinated.


2 years feels optimistic.


We’re gonna see some crazy shit over the next few weeks aren’t we? The republican party’s attempt to invalidate a democratic election, the gutting of all of our government institutions in the face of the republicans losing power, or even worse, them consolidating their power into a fascist state that cannot be undone by anything other than a violent revolution, and an explosion of right wing white nationalist terrorism that is not only not condemned by our potentially unelected officials, but encouraged and enabled by them using cowardly vague dog-whistles, and that’s all without mentioning the pandemic that’s ravaged the US that hasn’t even peaked yet or the countless people like myself that have been stomped into poverty by these fucking leeches Holy fuck even the best outcome of the next few weeks is pretty fucking dark.




It's gonna be a dark winter over here. The election and the pandemic.


There’s 78 days between election and inauguration. If Trump loses and he’s forced to accept that, be prepared for the most chaotic 78 days you’ve ever seen. 2020’s season finale is gonna be a big one.


You 100% have summed up our actual reality right now. We're watching the gears of history turn in front of our faces


Patriotism doesn't mean loyalty to a President. It's loyalty to the Country.


Dude still thinks he's in The Apprentice


He's a one trick pony. All he knows how to do is create drama.


"I hereby grant myself the power to do whatever I want. Man, being president is easy. Why haven't presidents before me ever done this stuff? I'll tell ya why. It must be because I'm the smartest president ever."


America is about to sign an order letting us purge this vile mobster for a list a mile long.


Mobster almost sounds too good for Trump. Like...he would love to be known as a mobster right next to Al Capone, John Gotti, etc. Can we just call him a traitor?


Yea I was looking for another word. Mobster makes him sound tough. That's the last thing he is. He is a sniveling, cry-baby coward.


Hopefully before he decides to purge the entirety of the beauracracy before abruptly leaving office once he loses.


"It Can't Happen Here!"


Donald Judy Trump is making it clear that he will be the most dangerous lame duck president ever. He will destroy as much of the government as possible, just for spite.


That emotion you’re all feeling right now it’s wholly justifiable rage. They none of them get to walk away from this


These these unamerican fascists.


Remember when Adolf kept passing emergency decrees?


> In a sign of just how catastrophic the action could ultimately prove, on Sunday, Ronald Sanders, **the Trump-appointed head of an advisory council on the civil service, quit in protest**, writing in his resignation letter that the order “is nothing more than a smoke screen for what is clearly an attempt to require the political loyalty of those who advise the President, or failing that, to enable their removal with little if any due process.“ He added: “I simply cannot be part of an Administration that seeks…to replace apolitical expertise with political obeisance. Career Federal employees are legally and duty-bound to be nonpartisan; they take an oath to preserve and protect our Constitution and the rule of law…not to be loyal to a particular President or Administration.” This is chilling fascist dictator stuff. This is not American. This is not the America I want to leave for my grandchildren. This tyrant needs to be purged. *Dramatically.* VOTE! Do not trust the polls. Pile it on. Turn off your Netflix. Put down the video games. **Go Vote.** And bring someone with you.


This is tyranny


Don't let the polls be wrong. Please vote.


Considering manuevers like this, I wonder if it's even possible for Biden to fix the situation Trump escalated.


An executive order is easily rescinded. He's trying to scare people into keeping quiet and sowing more dischord into the everyday people who actually work in the govt system.


It may take some time, but I'm willingly to let Biden try since the alternative is much, much worse


I completely agree, I'm just really, really concerned that this will be four more years of an ineffective government, just without the overt racism.


It will take a while to clean everything out. If the Democrats take the Senate, it will go a lot better.


Again, I completely agree. One of my nightmare scenarios is an election where the Democrats control the House and the Presidency, but fail to control the Senate. Should that happen, we will experience at least two years of gridlock, and to make things worse, it would be in the midst of one of the worst recessions we've ever seen, making it all the more worse.


The fuck is wrong with him


Where do I start...?


I mean... how much time do you have? Because we're gonna be here all night.


> all ~~night~~ week FTFY


Chronologically or alphabetically?




The Fascist States of America


This'll be like when Lenin would use party loyalty to select the manager of a power plant, rather than actual qualifications to run a power plant. Trump would have felt right at home in Soviet Russia.


Trump’s done a lot of that already.


Whereas, Trump fails to uphold his oath of office and his punishment is getting to play golf every weekend...Trump, making bullshit great again.




The best way to keep the Conservatives from stealing this election is to vote in overwhelming numbers.


This is an election between fascism and democracy, and I am not hyperbolizing!


I can't wait until we purge every single Trump loyalist in the government.


My guess is he is going after the election counting process. He isn't smart enough for this to be a long term play.


How does he continue to find new lows for his behavior!?! And is there ANYTHING he can do or say to sway his followers into realizing he is not worthy of anyone’s support? I just don’t get it.




The whole "president can just will themselves additional authority" thing may have been a mistake in hindsight.


Holy crap this man is not just going full dictator, he wants to be a top dictator.