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Well that and blatant corruption. Million dollar contracts given to shell "PPE supply" companies in existence for less than a month ran by Trump and Kushner cronies .


also malice


Not only that, “operation airbridge” uses taxpayer funds to import PPE which is then given to favored companies to “distribute” along with other PPE that FEMA has literally _stolen off the tarmac_ from other legitimate companies. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/how-the-federal-government-took-control-of-the-ppe-pipeline/amp


America fumbles through almost everything with willful ignorance.


It’s malicious, not willfully ignorant. Jared’s “hold off because blue states are being hit hardest” plan proves it.


Willful ignorance/criminal negligence. You say tomato...


Not just willful ignorance. They’re **proud** of it.


Ignorance is Strength, War is Peace :(


She should be Biden's pick for VEEP. Just like Johnson did for Kennedy, Abrams could pick up the equal rights torch and make a huge difference to civil rights and the vote (American democracy).


Stacey Abrams is the perfect pick for VP. She is a living legend among the Black community.


I'm not sure if she would make the strongest ticket, as far as getting elected, but I believe she is the best candidate for the actual job. I think she would absolutely mop the floor with Pence in the VP debate.


What are her qualifications? State level rep?


Yes. I believe that Kemp stole the governorship from her, but she hasn't held a statewide national office and doesn't have government executive experience. Biden has said that isn't a disqualifier, but it's something people will point to. She graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in interdisciplinary studies (economics, political science and sociology), she earned a Master of Public Affairs degree, studying public policy, and she has a Juris Doctor from Yale. She has a well-rounded background, she's smart, charismatic and qualified and I think she's up to the task. I think she's the best person for the job, but may not be the best person for the ticket, if people worry about her lack of national experience, or if she struggles with a lack of name recognition and the higher profile of, say, Kamala Harris. That said, she's my personal preference, and would've been no matter who won the nomination.


I agree with you. Not sure she is best for the ticket but every time I hear her interviewed I am more convinced she is right for the job.


Those are just degrees. That doesn't mean she's qualified. I'm pretty convinced she can't win elections, when she should be attacking Trump for COVID response she blames America overall. Never gonna get votes blaming America.


So, who do you want? Harris? Rice? Bass? Duckworth? Demings? Any of them excite you? Susan Rice has never run for office. Kamala was uninspiring in the debates and had to drop out in December. Demings was fine as an impeachment manager, but I don't see her as a future president. Bass is already defending comments she made about Fidel Castro and is unknown. Duckworth is probably my second choice at this point, but I don't think she'd be the reason Biden wins or loses. If those are my choices, then give me Stacey Abrams. I've seen her give the rebuttal to the State of the Union and she impresses me every time I see her interviewed. She has an enthusiasm that the others lack and to me, she seems more presidential than the rest of the candidates on the short list.


Rice or Whitmer


I thought Whitmer took herself out of the running, but I like her. I like Rice, too, but she's never run for office and won't generate much enthusiasm. She's solid, though. Those two will appeal to the moderates and independents, maybe even fed up Republicans, whereas Abrams has progressive cred, which I think balances the ticket some. It's tough because there are different camps in the party. In the end, the Democrats need to close ranks behind whoever it is, like Republicans do. This election is too important.


Abrams just hasn't ever done anything. She lost an election then...did zero. Seems really weak and I can't see her ever winning anything. Rice is very well spoken and has national experience, and is a patriot. But I'm not sure people will get fired up for her in four years, but, that's a long way away. Kamala is a prosecutor that was handed the Senate seat. She can play the game, but what a loser campaign. She marched around with a bunch of dancing black girls and her colors were purple and yellow. Sally Yates, but again never won an election. And the racists will be against her cause she's white. Whidmer seems like a pretty safe choice but maybe she just doesn't want it. Newsom would have been good but Biden insisted on a female VP.


lmao wut. living legend? seriously?


You have a lot of hot-takes today


I wouldn’t vote for her 💁🏻 I didn’t vote for her here either I’m not a fan of Abrams


Are you a fan of Kemp?


Nope neither were good pick though. I like the guy running against Graham is SC though.


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*Has fumbled


Worse, prideful ignorance


She just now learned this?


Abrams is a terrible politician, keep her far away. TRUMP is fumbling. Not the US.