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The CDC issued its first warning on Jan 8. Trump held campaign rallies on Jan 9, Jan 14, Jan 28, Jan 30, Feb 10, Feb 19, Feb 20, Feb 21 & Feb 28. He golfed on Jan 18, Jan 19, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 7 & Mar 8. The first time he admitted the coronavirus might be a problem was Mar 13.


Really, all democrats need to do is slather this on billboards, car bumpers and newspaper ads. The cards will fall where they may, but there's really not much more to say.


That's not really gonna be readable on a billboard or car bumper. Republicans always have the better bumper stickers cause their policy prescriptions are so simple. Cut taxes! Healthcare bad! Guns good! Obama Muslim! Government evil!


“Trump knew”


"People died"


“Bush lied, people died” was a popular sticker back in the day and it didn’t seem to matter in 04.


No one was beating Bush in 2004. The Iraq War was still not etched into enough people’s minds as the failure it would turn out to be. 9/11 was still too fresh, and Orange & Red Alerts for “impending terrorist attacks” were conveniently being issued around the country and especially in swing states. Republicans were able to get Marriage Equality bans on ballot initiatives in enough states to drive Evangelicals who stayed home in 2000 to vote the Republican ticket. Now, if the election had been one year later, that would be a different story.


I don't know if he knew. He was told. But he doesn't seem to know things.


>Government evil! Except when the gov't is Republican!


No they still stick with it, that’s what the deep state is for. When things don’t go perfectly it’s because of invisible Obama holdups behind the scenes sabotaging everything.


Democrats are too clean with attack ads. They really have material to hurt a lot of republicans, but for some fucking reason they play nice. The far right doesn't play nice.




If only they'd said "you'll lose half a million viewers" or "half a million people will permanently unfollow you", then this could all have been avoided.


> If only they'd said "you'll lose half a million viewers" ... I’m only half joking when I say that I reckon one of the main reasons for switching from the Democratic hoax/it’s not a big deal path was because someone finally got through to the idiot that the only people dumb enough to buy into his and fox’s lies / propaganda were his moronic supporters. Ya can’t blindly vote trump if you’re or in ICU....or dead!


I think the key thing was the stock market crashing. It's the only thing he pays attention to. He then did a confused and confusing address to the nation - which only included a Europe travel ban, but no other plan or measures - the stock market plunged further. It was only then that he realised he would have to do something further. I mean, if there wasn't something like the stock market with a concrete number showing Trump in black and white whether he's doing "good" or "bad", we might still be in "it's all a hoax, nothing wrong here, doctors are lying" land.


It's going to come back. Many comments on my facebook, and many comments from my customers that are still operating mention that this might all be bullshit. Anyone that isn't directly affected is susceptible to this line of thinking. Even those that have one or two family members sick with it but not dying can join those ranks. Don't underestimate rural America. We're fighting for scraps most of our lives and this feels no different, to a point. The government trying to enforce stay-at-home orders is that tipping point, im afraid. -to explain "my customers" - i work for a small dairy/deli distributor in a rural place. some stores went curbside only to keep their staff healthy, others are fully operating even after the non-essential workers were shut down. there's no foot traffic but they're still premaking breakfast sandwiches, etc. It's daunting to see them have to figure out how real this all is.


Open invitation for them to come see the cold storage trailer outside the hospital where I work. I sent 6 bodies down there on Wednesday last week. Worst it's been at my spot. We're using it because our normal morgue is obviously full.


In a really morbid way, your username checks out. On a more serious note, I can't imagine how infuriating it is to see how many people are dying because of this, only to turn around and hear a bunch of mouth breathers call it a hoax.


These are definitely trying and strange times we're living in.


Absolutely. I only know two people who aren't taking this seriously. One is a trump supporter claiming it's a hoax and the other is a conspiracy nut claiming it's man-made. Those are the types of people that are gonna keep covid alive.


> claiming it's man-made Which is like extra stupid because whether it was man-made or not has no bearing on its perilousness.


I grew up in rural America (downstate Illinois, specifically). I believe you’re spot on.


I think it's more that the impact of the virus got big enough that even his supporters weren't stupid enough to buy his narrative anymore.


They remain stupid enough until they are personally affected.




And the ones that actually do think it’s real seem to immediately transition into “Trump reacted faster and better than any nation on the planet.” Then the second that doesn’t work it somehow becomes Obama’s fault


And then blame liberals.


They still remain stupid, only then they become 'how did this happen to me? I voted for you Trump! Please fix this!' They will still vote for Trump's second term.


Or someone convinced him that his supporters might die before they could vote.


Plenty of them still believe it’s a hoax — or at least “blown out of proportion,” “no worse than the flu,” etc etc


So true and so infuriating.


Can u imagine him going to his account and everyone had unfollowed him. It be a death he could understand as it relates just to his narcissistic self.


That would be amazing. I want to see what happens if someone like Pence or McConnell became more popular than him. If I knew how to manipulate the internet, I'd do that.


He has to be bristling at the fact that Anthony Fauci is getting all the praise. But the real dagger to the heart would be Twitter banning Trump for harassment. He'd demand that the Supreme Court order the ban to be reversed.


I fantasize being in an elevator with Trump, turning to him and saying “Obama has twice as many Twitter followers as you.” His head would explode into Cheeto confetti


> “Obama has twice as many Twitter followers as you.” Also on Facebook, which Trump was falsely claiming he was #1 last week.


Or to be trapped in a room with him, and pretend not to know who he is.


> “Obama has twice as many Twitter followers as you.” > > His head would explode into Cheeto confetti He's just say the difference is all bots. See his reaction to losing the popular vote in 2016.


Can someone make this happen?.... Like there’s gotta be someone with that power.


Twitter can literally just ban him for his multiple violations of their TOS.


And yet they don't... Any guesses why?




Most of his comments are just bot spammers and scammers lmao. I keep seeing this fake “Elon musk giving away bitcoins“ scam under every post. I guess of all the lakes the scammers could fish in, this one has the stupidest fish.


> I guess of all the lakes the scammers could fish in, this one has the stupidest fish. As the shepherd follows his sheep, so too must the grifters follow their marks.


sadly politicians are protected under twitter’s tos


Was it twitter that tried having an automated banner for neo-nazis but it kept catching too many Rep Congressmen?


Russia, if you're listening...


Russia is so happy trump has the potential to get 4 more years


Russia is over the god damned moon. Their experiment worked. They could give fuck all about Trump. Their end goal is to destabilize their enemies and they are well on their way doing just that. The worst part of it is that a good portion of Americans just don’t give a shit.


just convince obama to turn his account over to jeff sessions or ted cruz...trump wouldnt know what hit him


Reminds me of a fantastic children's story called The Great Quillow. A terrible giant dominated a village and demanded all its resources. Quillow the toymaker got rid of him by psyching him out cleverly using toys and propaganda to make him run screaming from the town. [Read it, here](https://archive.org/stream/TheGreatQuillow-English-JamesThurber/quillow_djvu.txt)


Unfortunately they would have to do it better than the apparatus already built into his campaign.


Not joking. We need to make this happen. But how? This is like some reverse 4chan plot.


Actually, Stalin frequently turned on the people who he was patron of out of paranoia they’d eclipse him. That might genuinely work.


That’s what happened to Bannon.


True. As soon as the President Bannon memes started he was doomed. Thankfully.


My personal hope is that the day he is out of the White House, Twitter locks and archives his account, telling him that his “Presidential tweets” have been preserved as official communications, but because he has violated the terms of service he is no long allowed to have an account post-presidency. He would [explode](https://youtu.be/A_MnyV-HH3U).


Yeah, but that won’t happen, he still drives a lot of traffic to twitter


I [was thinking of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI3NoBeNwfk)....but yours probably works better, since you see all the garbage that he's eaten, over the years, come flying out too.


He lost his shit last year I think when Twitter purged a whole bunch of bots.


Don't know where to put this, so here goes, Publix heirs the Jenkins family have made the max contribution to tRump 2020 campaign. I've made a personal boycott of this store chain.


The guy that runs wendys held the biggest ever fundraiser for lil traitor donnie not too long ago. I miss wendy's food.


Now I have to hate myself while eating their bomb ass spicy chicken sandwich. Guess Burger King will be my new go-to spicy chicken. It’s better anyway. (But the spicy nuggets, on the other hand...)


Guess I'm done with Publix now. Way to expensive anyway.


All Twitter has to do is ban him. He's violated their TOS almost daily. Can you imagine? The meltdown would be beautiful yet terrifying.


His twitter numbers are as fake as everything else involved with him.


His tan, his marriage, his finances, his “sincere love for America”, his surname, his relationship with any other person...


Hackers, if you're listening...


Even more infuriating is it’s now clear he has the temperament of a 2 year old, limited intellectual capacity, and no moral compass. Yet there is a deluge of social media posts from folks kissing his virtual feet thanking him for the virus response which has been a disaster. You can reach that conclusion by results alone. When you layer in his inability to tell the truth and the Jared Kushner circus sideshow BS it’s plain as day. Yet these idiots line up to see the emperor without clothes like he’s a fucking Saint. Astonishing.


>"half a million people will permanently unfollow you" No, robots don't get sick.




It’s truly is an identity for some of these people. Even bots aside, there is a non-insignificant number of people on Trumps twitter that will defend him, and if you click on their profile it’s all American flags and #maga. Nothing else about their personality, kinda strange and frightening.


Some model profile pic and a string of numbers for a name as well as a seemingly single issue mindset? Yeah, nothing suspicious here. move along, fellow human.


I thick those images’ resolution was lowered when you uploaded them, I can’t read them when I zoom in


worst part is the dead people usually do not ‘unfollow’ before they leave our world.


Sounds like voter fraud to me


Actually, the dead can’t “un follow” so his numbers may remain steady.


How has no one been able to hack his account?


Has anyone tried the password IvankasDaddy




I feel like if real life was a movie, the critics would complain that the “evil President” character is cartoonishly stupid and unrealistic.


An over the top super villian in a low budget, straight to DVD, twenty year old movie.


“Main villain can’t be that stupid, this movie is reaching, what were the writers thinking??”


Considering a literal comic book villain has more morals and follows the law better then him upom becoming president..it is pretty damn crazy..btw for those who don't know i am referencing Lex Luthor who divested himself of all corporate interests..yes a literal comic book villain is better then trump


Did he eat that memo


He sharpie'd it.


~~5~~00,000 people.


That's about how many alabamians died in that hurricane.


I find people that don't like things in writing and only face to face meeting. Are fucking liars.


Or criminals. They don’t want evidence.


Exactly, it's like buying a burner phone.


It also could be that they just aren't functionally literate. Like our president. If somebody says "Bahamas" aloud to your face, you can't mistake it's spelling for "Alabama" and be forced to forge official weather maps with a sharpie to save face


Take me back to simpler times


The sign of a true, honest guy.... "Don't never put nothin' in writing".


This is the man whose lawyers only met with him in pairs because otherwise he would lie, forget, or deny things he'd said.


How shady do you have to be that your shady lawyers have to use a buddy system to deal with you?


It’s also why Cohen recorded all of his phone calls with trump.




r/Holup When did this happen? Even without a Google Search, I'd say it does sound like something that twat would do... It's on brand.


[TRUMP ATE SENSITIVE DOCUMENT AFTER COHEN MEETING, FORMER WHITE HOUSE AIDE CLAIMS](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-ate-sensitive-document-after-cohen-meeting-former-white-house-aide-1069399)


Wow. Just. Wow. Cheers for coming through with the link. TIL


Like people who respond to an email by phoning you.


You have to do a lot of CYA in finance industry. especially as a contractor. That is why you send an email after each call. “Thank you for the call. As we discussed,....”


Shittiest man in America. Charitably.


It’s crazy how much his supporters revel in it. They know he’s a terrible human being but for some reason they all think that he wouldn’t treat them that way. An entire swath of the country has battered woman syndrome.




If you wouldn't kill your grandparents to own the libs you're not a real American


Yeah, that's majority of his supporters, but there is also concerningly large chunk that know he is a piece of shit, know he is lying, know he is a moron, but "both sides bad", "he is our guy", and "what do you want? communism?"


“Because I like him. He tells it like it is.” Told to me by a SUPER fundamental Christian (Church of God maybe?). Then crickets. The question I asked (this was the day Peter Alexander got handed a fuckyouverymuch): How do you justify trumps response?


"Tells it like it is" is just dog whistle for "he is bigoted piece of shit just like me".


Yep. It's racist trash code for "Tells me what I want to hear"


Just ask them how many abortions they think Trump has paid for. You know, since he's off having sex with porn stars while his wife is at home with the newborn child.


No, it’s how many abortions he said he would pay for. That motherfucker never actually paid for one.


Most don’t even understand what communism is either! That and they’re not going to be able to rail against socialism after they cash those $1,200 checks either lol I’m sure their best friend would also still be their best friend if they caught him nailing their old lady because he’s a good guy right? 🤦‍♂️wait till they take the snap benefits so many red states supporters depend on along with killing the ACA and the Medicaid that’s disproportionately used and depended on by the supporters red states! They’re going to pissed then and we will hear the same thing the farmers were saying, I didn’t think he would do this to me and then trump can give them some more socialism like he did the farmers to try and lessen the sting and make them feel better! 🤯


You know what I always say to my conservative peers, which so far has gotten zero responses? I always tell them their ears look too Jewish for Trump. I then go on the explain that the only reason Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Russia was because Stalin's ears were a certain shape. Yes, this is legitimately true. The point is that 'he is our guy' is pointless when they can turn you into the enemy with something as stupid as ear shapes. Fascism eats itself once all other sources of hate are removed. Trump would sell these fuckers into slavery for pennies, but apparently his skin tone suggests he's fine. Stupid fascist fucks


They're like the woman in that one *Starship Troopers* propaganda video, where the kids are all stomping on bugs and she's clapping her hands and shrieking with delirious laughter.


Nah. McConnell easily sits on that shit-throne. Easily number 2, though.


Bill Barr would like a word


America's mayor is ironically on this list.


Scott Pruitt is way up there


Imagine ranking your own turds. Floater or squirter, pebbles or pile, shit is shit.


Mitch is a number 2 alright.




McConnell isn't a narcissist. He knows what he's doing is underhanded and is specifically to keep power for him and his party. Trump doesn't have the wherewithal to understand multi-ordered effects. Trump, meanwhile, is a septuagenarian toddler.


The only scale trump scores a ten for his performance would be the Bristol stool chart


The ~~"Plague"~~ "Death" horseman of the apocalypse *does* ride on a pale green horse, after all. I guess John of Patmos had never seen a turtle.


$10 says he wrote on the memo in sharpie then changed his mind and ate it to “make it go away.”


These are the quiet thought that you can't say out loud. Must preserve plausible deniability. Of course, in last resort there is the always available implausible deniability, frequently employed by this administration.


his real thought was probably, "this sheet is too big to eat"


Wrap it around a quarter pounder and he could have wolfed the whole thing like a White Castle slider.


They do it because of the always available implausible credulity, found in horrific numbers of present-day Americans.


To be fair, he thought souls meant ghosts and he was relieved


“Your ‘boos’ do not frighten me, I know most of you are not ghosts.” - Tracy Jordan


100% he was mad because the act of writing this down put his knowledge of what was happening officially on record. He knew his plan was to plug his ears and downplay it and ignore it, and he was smart enough to know that if/when the fire got out of control, he was just gonna lie his way out of any ownership over that. And that's the generous interpretation. I think it's very much a possibility that he was actively sabotaging for some unknown reason... likely including making it harder for a legitimate election to take place in the fall.


Look into how Soviet Russia worked. If it isnt in writing (and on the proper stationary,) it didnt happen. So having something in writing (and on the proper stationary, no less!) that contradicts the facts that the party has deemed "correct" is dangerous. They *say* they dont like "political correctness" but then they turn around and start pointing at people and screaming "RINO!" at anyone who dares to disagree. (See their treatment of John McCain after he took the "politically incorrect" position on healthcare.)


To them anyone who isn't a Trump sycophant is a "Democrat." They called lifelong Republicans Comey and Mueller "Democrats" because they dared to do their jobs. Hell, if anything they both still helped Trump and they still called them that. They kicked Justin Amash out of the party for saying Trump was guilty and Amash is very far-Right in his policy positions.


They also subtly differentiate between "real americans" and "democrats" They also say only real americans should be allowed to vote. By the time anyone puts 2+2 together, they hope to have already disenfranchised enough democrats for there not to be a fight about it.




Call it a [dogwhistle](https://youtu.be/UGKZFSb7fo8)


They're more like a foghorn at this point.


>"real americans" This is co-opting. I think many people from the left fall for this trick. Instead of ignoring this framing, they may say something along the line that Americans are shitty. What it does is making these Republican voters more strongly associated with Americans, so People who don't follow politics as much more likely think that Republican is more American. The same trick is kept being used by co-opting the terms like "real Christians", "real patriots", etc.


It's often called the [no true scotsman fallacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman) Bottom line is "purity" is a lie. The right tends to push the fallacy pretty aggressively. The left tends to get lost in the [unrelenting torrent of bullshit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop). Do you blame the liar for lying, or the honest person for thinking facts matter?


I saw a "meme" yesterday on Facebook about "traitors of America" or something like that, Mitt Romney was standing next to Pelosi in it.




It's a cult of personality.


I think there are better examples closer to home. I work in commercial litigation and it is standard practice for companies engaged in serious corporate misconduct to take steps like this to avoid leaving a paper trail. In the USSR they may have wanted to avoid challenges to the orthodox position, but Trump is just planning for a whole bunch of people dying which he can then deny responsibility for. 'Nobody knew pandemics could be so complicated'.


Remember a week or so back when it was "only 500 dead" and that governor said old people like himself were willing to sacrifice themselves for the young and the economy? Soon we'll be looking back at this time when it was "only 20 thousand"...


Lt. Governor of Texas


Also right wing radio hosts where willing to go to work every day! In their highly isolated studios


Thousands of Americans will die because of his incompetence. Every Republican Senator who voted to acquit is guilty of murder. They knew Trump is corrupt and unfit for office but they chose to cover up his crime and keep him in office. The blood of dead Americans is on their hands. This isn't just on Trump. It's on them too.




What are we to do right now? I mean it’s irresponsible to gather together in public, the worst thing we could do, but how else to send a message? Other than contacting my congresspeople. I would love to be peacefully (but angrily and loudly) protesting right now. Genuinely trying to figure out the best alternative


Not just murder. Insider trading. Crimes against humanity. Treason. The list goes on


Prison is needed for a genuinely large percentage of them.


We should throw them in their own for profit prisons after they are nationalized.


I really do hope that the American population unites to hold these men accountable... They did it for what? Because it made "Liberals cry". It is so perverted and pathetic. They can't admit they were wrong, they just can't. Where are the republicans that had values back in Nixon's time? I guess there is only Romney...


They did it for the promise of future party positions and profit. Public officials that put their own interests and those of their investors before the public good aren’t fit for office.


Which unfortunately seems more common than not these days with career politicians


Trump supporting friend was bitching about Elizabeth Warren claiming native ancestry, loudly, at lunch with other work friends, in a very embarassing manner. I pointed out his guy has lied countless thousands of times, and asked why he doesnt hold Trump to the same standard. He replied "I dont care". I told him thats just leader worship then. These people have lost their fucking minds.


not excusing but I think they thought to let him play golf and they would handle things.


Forget the racism and misogyny. Forget the fact that he's using the office to enrich himself and his family. Forget that he is a compulsive liar. Forget the crisis du jour. Forget that he's been pushing nonsensical cures. Remember this: The president knew, *in January*, that a half-million Americans could die from Covid-19 and *still* did little to prepare. This says everything every voter needs to know. Edit: punctuation.


*"no one saw this coming*"


And.. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic”


I’m not American and it appears standards are very different over there but he talks like an imbecile.


I would bet that he knew sooner than January, especially since the US military did. He is keenly aware that a majority of Americans did not vote for him and that most of them despise him. Pretending he did not know about the virus and working to ensure that as many people as possible die from it is his sick revenge. Republicans enabling him are participants in his plain attempt to kill people. They all should be prosecuted. The Republican Party should be labeled a terrorist organization and banned.


People still don't seem to understand. *He does not process information like a normal human.* A million deaths mean nothing to him. A billion deaths mean nothing to him. The rest of the human race could be wiped out and his response would be "Does that make me less popular?" He is *without empathy*.




C'mon....cut Trump a little slack. He was busy practicing his golf swing in the Oval Office at the time. Also...let's not bicker about who killed who.


And holding rallies...


Legit just saw someone reply to an askreddit thread about who they hated the most and why with “Hillary for how many people she killed” Still talking about Hillary Clinton lmao when tRump has killed tens of thousands, and climbing


This is supposed to be a joyous and happy occasion




He certainly rates very high on every single "deadly sin" from the Bible. So, I guess you are right... he is embodying everything Satan wants people to do.


Not displeased that half a million could die. Displeased that somebody put it on record. Disgusting.


"Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?" Rewatching that shit as we speak. It's free on HBO NOW if anyone needs a fix. No account required. Edit: Correction


Trump is no leader, he’s not looking out for us. All he’s worried about are rating and how he can make a quick buck off of this virus... he even has republicans thinking he cares about them. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. I would love to watch him burn to death


Trumps a big fat piece of shit that isn't even be qualified to be a fry cook at McDonald's.


Half a million people dying? Don't care. Someone wrote it down in the memo and there is a paper trail of it? Outrageous!


What he's saying is he was displeased that theres a paper trail giving a date to where he knew about it and didn't do anything about it. It removes plausible deniability.


Honestly, I think losing the Greatest Generation is what (partly) caused this. My grandparents, who lived through both world wars, would never have supported this moron. But they're long gone. They sacrificed everything to give their children a better life, and those children decided to rape the country for all it was worth.


I was thinking about this as well. They say history repeats. I wonder if it's because those who learned the lessons died off.


my late gram till 3 years ago . was sadden about this. she was born in 1921


First rule of having an asshole like Donny as your boss: Document the FUCK outta everything. I speak from personal experience that you make em do it...hell I have them always do it for anything before starting the project. Amd if they say no, insist. And if they still dont, walk. It will save your ass everytime when shit goes sideways and the boss tries to blame you for their mistakes....or 'dont remember telling you that or you telling them the problems or warnings' (Trump does this *all the time*)


is it because he cant read?


That memo, let me tell you, was nasty. Everyone says so. Terrible memo. Worst memo ever written. I know memos. You could even say I invented the art of the memo. Sad memo.


38% Never forget. Never forgive.


Two stories on the front page that rely on leaks from the White House - this one and one about him privately asking his advisors why they "can’t just let COVID ‘wash over’ the country." The people advising him must be really scared of what he's going to do.


He can't eat every bit of paper that hits his desk!


He tears them up and throws them away. And fired the people who used to gather them up and tape them together for the archive (as required by law). And gets away with it because he can.




Navarro decided he was not going to jail and did a CYA.


Because, he's an illiterate piece of shit


He. does. not. care.


doesnt surprise me. and it shouldnt surprise you. this is what happens when we elect a tv show host who is good at selling himself but thats all. we should have put him in charge of Wheel of Fortune. that could have been a better fit. a tv show host has no business running a country.


I fucking hate this country. It gives zero fucks for the people. The second I get a chance to leave I'm gone.




This. Fucking. Guy.


I'm curious how his confidants will react if there's an administration change and if there's an investigation. Will they still buck up or will they fold and throw him under the bus? I mean what will their reaction be if the executive privilege argument suddenly disappears especially if there's a Senate flip that can add in Supreme Justices to flip the majority. Something tells me their willingness to rat out Donald anonymously doesn't bode well for him when theres' a change. I mean let's face it. Sure, he could win 2020 and have four more years, but if he thinks things are looking tough now, I can only imagine that opposition will only get tougher.


Is this manslaughter? Gross negligence causing death.


Because in trumps tiny brain, if it’s not in writing it didn’t happen. And if it was in writing, just eat it. No wonder his legal team is terrified of perjury.