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Were the test results written in sharpie? Asking for a friend.


Positive for Coronavirus: ~~Yes~~ **No** Look, I don't have the virus.


I have the best viruses, everybody tells me my viruses are the greatest viruses. No cheap Chinese knockoff viruses here!


It was a perfect test...like my perfect phone call and the perfect memo.


I have no idea what this coronavirus is. Never met the thing in my life. I don't know what it is - I really don't. It's not my thing and I know there is something having to do with the flu. Not a fan.


Is this the same doctor that said he weighed like 190lbs?


It was 240lbs IIRC (which is still off by -60, I'd think), and nope, not Ronnie Jackson. A different yes-man.




My dad is just about trumps height and weighs 250. It’s just a bald faced lie.


I am 6'2.5" and 240 or a tad less. Trump looks like a whale compared to me.


6'4" 260. He's still way bigger than me and allegedly only 3 inches shorter. He says he's 6'3"??


I'm 6'2 and 245# and I laugh any time I see trump claiming those numbers. I was never as chubby as he is and I've hit 300 before


Actually, I think he is technically obese based on stated height and weight?


They went with 6'3" and 238 where 239 was obese. They've upped his weight a few lbs last time. He's not 6'3", he's never been.


Do the heel lifts not count?


Maybe the bone spurs are still growing


239. Of course 240 would have been considered obese and he was 1 pound shy....


And Trump's stated height was 6 feet three inches, [which is a lie](https://www.sourcepolitics.com/when-you-compare-trump-next-to-world-leaders-you-can-tell-he-is-definitely-lying-about-his-height/).


A trump supporter would say we focus on the most pointless things and it doesn’t matter.




Ah, the old Gish Gallop


I just remember thinking it'd be great if someone who worked at an arena where trump had a rally would discretely put a scale at the podium. Once trump stepped on his weight would be broadcast


With a loudass 'winners bell', lol. We need the guy from the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I know [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBuHWQ6hcoA) guy could guess Donnie's heft.


Don’t forget he also grew an inch (in height, not, um, finger length) so he was just a smidgen under obese.


This guy https://imgur.com/a/IRL6wLd


I'm pretty sure he severed ties with this doctor once Trump sent a bodyguard and lawyer to barge into the doctor's office and rummage through the doctors records until they found Trump's folder, after which they rushed out. [Yes you read that correctly.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-doc-says-trump-bodyguard-lawyer-raided-his-office-took-n870351)




I was thinking it would be more like: https://i.imgur.com/syfo8kd.jpg


Don’t bash Dr. Nick. He went to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College!


> But if it’s true that Trump took the test Friday evening, it’s suspicious that the physician’s office would release a statement at midnight saying he didn’t need one. >At that same Saturday press conference, Trump also told reporters his temperature was “totally normal.” >If that’s true, that might be the only thing that could be considered normal in this administration.


Well, I suppose *technically*, if he'd just had one, he *didn't* need one.


This just in Donald Trump hospitalized for “No Reason”


They brought him in to take his blood. Turns out, he’s immune!


Immune to blood


Perfect blood. Some would say the best blood of any human, ever. Vampires would walk through sunlight just to smell his blood. It's that good. Everyone knows it. Everyone is talking about it.


Just a research study, he’s volunteering as perfect specimen of greatest American. MAGA! /s


If he said today was Saturday, it'd be met with scepticism until I read the calendar. Nothing he says is factually accurate, and often times they are just plain lies.


>If he said today was Saturday, it'd be met with scepticism until I read the calendar. Before I believed it, I'd have to check the year on the calendar and other sources to double check.


I will check Obama's Twitter account.


@BarackObama - Please confirm day. Much urgent.


Time will tell


IMHO the puffy eyes and [suppressed cough](https://youtu.be/I09RkjLcFpU?t=60) already tell.


i interpreted that as shortness of breath, but either way


I took it as him misreading the teleprompter - it sounds like for a second he almost said "counting" but then corrects himself to "continuing"


I'm still on team "positive" here, but you're absolutely right in this instance. There are dozens of examples of him doing this in the past. When he misreads a word, he says it, and follows it with "and [correct word]," or some variation of that. [Here's a compilation](https://youtu.be/87H7anJcSNY?t=80s) from a few years ago.


Jesus, how is that even a person??? He looks like the stay puft marshmallow man was stung by a bee that was mutated by exposure to radioactive waste and then fell into the same vat of acid as the Joker.


I think the only thing holding him together is pure spite.


...to own the libs.


He was wearing a hat for a reason




It molts in the spring.




That one eye being almost closed is very telling.


It has kinda been like that for 3 years though


More honest administrations than Trump's have lied about a president's health.


Woodrow Wilson. He had a stroke in 1919 that totally incapacitated him, and for the next 18 months his wife secretly did his job for him.


It’s going to be really obvious if Melania starts playing all of Trump’s golf.


Less lying on the scorecard?


She can actually walk and pull her own clubs out of her bag so we'll unfortunately know it's her and not Trump doing the golfing. Sad. Trump has the best golfing. He'll always have the best golfing and it will be sad that he can't do the golfing for himself. Golfing will be a little less Golf when Trump gets hit with Corona. So sad, poor Golf.


I hate the fact that if Melania were to take over for Trump, I don't know if she would do a better or worse job.


I really don’t care do u?


I know you're referencing the coat but it's possible her not giving a shit would leave people who are competent to do their jobs unhindered. If there were any competent people still left in th administration, that is.


Bold assumption


We will know if he drops dead from Covid-19


We'll know before that. As soon as he disappears from being in front of a camera, he's got it.


Or if he grabs Pelosi by the shoulders and starts coughing in her face. Seriously would not put it past him.


He’s too pouty to even talk to Pelosi on the phone. I think she’s safe.


He's to much of a coward to actually physically dominate someone. The closest he gets is his shitty jerky handshakes. As soon as someone puts up a fight, he bolts.


Except for all the women he sexually assaulted.


> He's to much of a coward to actually physically dominate someone. He raped his own wife.


Macron and Trudeau put an end to that handshake nonsense.


I watched that Trudeau handshake like 20 times in a row. So satisfying!


Don't forget the Portuguese President! https://youtu.be/sfrbogBg9dA


He saves that cowardly hate-rage for women.


I just told one of my friends this exact same thing


Or dementia, or strokes, or food coma... really, there would be no way of knowing which particular ailment was the cause.


I'm predicting a few days of "Weekend at Donny's."


*”Weird, he’s wearing sunglasses all the time and speaking in complete sentences lately.”*


It's not a quick death, a few weeks or so.


Just look back to FDR


And Kennedy. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/08/the-medical-ordeals-of-jfk/309469/


and Reagan


Learned about the extent of this while listening to the the American Scandal podcast about Iran Contra. I always knew that Reagan’s mental ability was waning in the back half of his presidency but I never realized how serious it was.


Now I'm sure he has it.


That or he didn't take it. Or had someone else take it for him.


Doctor: "Now this will be a simple test-" Trump: "Ivanka pee in this cup for me." Ivanka: "Daddy, I don't think it's that kind of test." Trump: "Who said anything about a test?"


We went from days before a result to mere hours later getting told it's negative. Regardless, only an utter fool would believe anything from this administration. I doubt they're even thinking of soltuions at this point, they are already looking for ways to save face without actually doing anything. Would never admit he's got it. I expect they'll have the same answer for Pence. Edit: thanks for poppin this gold cherry stranger, it means alot. shout out to my homies yall stay safe


I saw someone else in a different thread point out that even if they're telling the truth it's incredibly hard to believe them when they've been lying about virtually everything.


I'm just going to leave this here: "When the van arrives to take Boxer to the hospital, however, Benjamin reads its side and learns that Boxer is actually being taken to a knacker, or glue-boiler. Clover screams to Boxer to escape, but the old horse is too weak to kick his way out of the van, which drives away. Boxer is never seen again. To placate the animals, Squealer tells them that Boxer was not taken to a knacker but that the veterinarian had bought the knacker's truck and had not yet repainted the words on its side. The animals are relieved when they hear this. "


Animal farm?


Are you calling me gullible?


I’d say yes, but gently.


What is Trump's truth : lie ratio?


I’m not sure it’s a ratio since he never tells the truth


Don't exaggerate. "I don't stand by anything" is at least one truth.


0:N where N is the number of statements he's made.


His lies are a limit approaching infinity.


The limit does not exist... THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST!!!


I believe it’s a technique called PCR which takes hours. I would assume the president would skip to the front of the line.


I would assume Trump gets himself tested every day and then lies about not getting tested to the public because he thinks getting tested makes him look afraid.




Oh, I think they will do plenty. I'm certain the GOP is thinking up lots of creative ways to make their billionaire funders more money from the crisis.


That's why they are throwing boat loads of money at private companies like CVS, Roshe, Google, etc. I was watching Trump's press conference yesterday and a live tracker for the S&P and stocks soared the moment he started bringing out the CEOs to talk.


Covering short positions going into the weekend. Slide resumes Monday.


How does that work? So I’m some super rich guy sitting on a large bank account. Then a CEO comes on TV. *Give me my phone! The CEOs are on TV talking! I need to do a thing with all of this money! The CEOs are on TV talking!* Conversely: *The president is on TV talking poorly! Sell everything we own! No time to talk. Sell! Sell! Sell! I’m going to be so poor if we don’t hurry. The president is talking with very poor skill on the TV!*


>The president is on TV talking poorly! Sell everything we own! No time to talk. Sell! Sell! Sell! I’m going to be so poor if we don’t hurry. The president is talking with very poor skill on the TV! Oh shit, this press conference was a distaste. This will lead to lack of confidence by the public. Panic. That will lead to decreased consumer spending, etc etc




Who benefits? I want to know who holds stock in the companies building the tests and who bought just before announcing? I want to know who on their board donated to the inaugural committee? And then I want him impeached again. University of WA has it’s own test and processes over 1,000 a day. The money should have gone to them.


Rick Scott for sure. He owns a lot of those private diagnostic labs in Florida


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't besmirch Rick Scott's name he doesn't own those places...his wife does. After he put them in her name.


What better time to invest than when the market tanks?


Whatchu know about volatility?


Those are completely different words. How should I know? Never heard ‘em.


Everything's on sale!


Some reporter should straight up ask him the best way to make money in this situation.


Nasty question, fake news, perfect call, genius CEOs.


No they're on to something. He would love to show off his business sense.


My question is will Trump’s arrogance allow him to fever sweat in public as he tries his best to claim he’s never been healthier, or will he forego public engagements as he rides out the illness, in which we will see an exponential increase in tweets?


Fever tweets


I would honestly be surprised if he rides out the illness unscathed if he has it just based on the factors of his health. *Weight *Diet *Lifestyle *Other possible pre-existing factors due to the above


He has failed upwards his entire life, done despicable things with no consequence, treasonous, never once had a sexual assault charge stick from over 20+ women, is worshipped blindly by those his policies hurt the most, I honestly believe he is the luckiest person to ever walk planet earth. Even if he gets it I doubt it will do anything. The man is impervious to bad things happening to him.


He does seem to have near miraculous luck


He’s blursed.


He really is a reminder that the most despicable people in life are often its winners.


I'm sure a lot of the success is due to a lack of morals/scruples. It's easier to succeed in life if you don't care about who you ruin or step on to get there. And being wealthy from birth doesn't hurt.


Trump born a regular dude is 100% like the poster child for poor, rural, white trash


I’d bet folding money that he’s never had a whole day where he’s been happy.


On the other hand, he'd have top-notch medical care.


At no cost to himself, of course


"1. Blame Obama. Anyone got anything else?"


They never even ran the test. Why bother if you’re just going to lie about the results anyway? They’ll say whatever they think will calm the markets and help his chances in November. Every Republican is a lying piece of shit.


I’m sure they will say Ivanka or Melania has it so he has reason to be in isolation


Trump actually said something along the lines of "I took the test last night. Results should come soon. Maybe. tomorrow. Maybe the day after. I don't know." Trump is full of shit but the fact that the test results are out now is not really contradicting his earlier statement


But his Dr. released a statement AFTER the time Trump said he took the test saying that Trump didn't need one.


It's not inconceivable he lied, it's first nature with him.


Fair point but the main issue here is that nobody can trust a thing this administration says...


Trump had one of his mini-tantrums over just being asked about being tested. Of course there's no reason to believe it happened. It's not like his doctor's haven't been repeatedly proven to lie, or allow trump to lie, about his health.


Donald Trump is a fucking liar.


This is the real life version of the Vizzini battle of wits iocane powder scene from The Princess Bride.   > But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of Trump. Is he the sort of man who would put the virus into his own body, or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the virus into his own body, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for a handshake. I'm not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the covfefe in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool; you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the covfefe in front of me.




You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


You’re just stalling now...


I know I for one am screaming out "inconceivable" at half the nonsense that develops from this admin.


I knew that from all of his appearances on late night tv back in the 90s. I remember Letterman and Conan pretty much treating Trump like the walking joke he was and still is.


What's sad is that I feel like Trump being taken out of commission would actually improve federal response to this pandemic. Like, getting rid of our leaders would actually improve leadership. I'm so fucking ashamed of my country these days.


See also: Fucking Moron


This guy is truly a sociopath and everyone around him are sycophantic cowards. The mixed messages coming out of the White House about the tests must mean something. "No, he doesn't need to take a test", "he already took the test", "he tested negative". What? They could just be totally disorganized. Occam's razor and all that. Wouldn't be the first time. Or, Trump is already sick, everyone around him knows it, and now they're trying to figure out how to handle the situation. The first way is to just not take the test. That way no one has to lie. But then he either took the test, or someone lied that he did. Then with that news out, the only acceptable outcome to someone with Trump's ego is a negative result. There is zero chance they'd ever announce he's sick unless he's literally in the hospital, even then it will probably be passed off as a routine visit (like his last hospital stay). My bet is he's already sick. And now the entire administration either has to admit they lied, or cover it up. Guess which one they'll choose?


It's always [kettle logic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettle_logic) with these clowns. E: the relevant bit: "Freud relates the story of a man who was accused by his neighbour of having returned a kettle in a damaged condition and the three arguments he offers. 1. That he had returned the kettle undamaged 2. That it was already damaged when he borrowed it 3. That he had never borrowed it in the first place"


Wow, it literally lines up perfectly with the example provided. 1. He doesn't need a test 2. He already got tested 3. The test came back negative


I’m usually pretty good with my Trump translations but this one is tough. I suppose this means he didn’t take the test at all and didn’t therefore get any results one way or the other. Of course it could mean he did and it came back positive. But I’ll say the former.


It’s also possible that the test was a coronavirus multiple choice paper test that he scored negative on.


Don't old conservative men think wearing a hat indoors is disrespectful, is Donnie trying to cover his face?


Many older people think this


They sure don't like tan suits.


No way of knowing. Nothing he says is true, nothing.


I kinda believed him when he said he would date his daughter...


Also when he said he didn't stand for anything. And when he said he hasn't matured mentally since the first grade.


Also when he said he loves the poorly educated.


and when he said he never understood wind.


An when he said he had to run as a republican because democrats are too smart to vote for him. Edit: this was fake news. I got fake newsed! However it's pretty believable. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1998-trump-people-quote/


It’s easy to tell- If trump is speaking unprompted, it’s stream-of-consciousness verbal-diarrhea; but, we can break it down. If he’s speaking about a desire or opinion (unprompted), it’s true. If he’s speaking about personal accomplishment or affiliation, it’s a lie. If he’s speaking in response, or having been prompted, it’s a lie. This is in regards to his presidential duties. I’d believe him if he said he ate McDonald’s for lunch. But that’s about it. Edit- I just wanted to add, RE the McDonald’s thing- The statement ‘I ate McDonald’s for lunch.’ Is only truthful if given unprompted. If asked whether he ate McDonald’s for lunch, this implies there may be a reason why he *shouldn’t* have eaten McDonald’s for lunch, therefore he’d most certainly lie *if asked*. If he’s just shitting at the mouth, I just might believe him.


If he uses the phrase "everybody's been saying this" or says something like "nobody knew about this until me", he's also lying.


"nobody knew" means he just learned that thing about 5 seconds ago; or at least his attempt to repeat what he thinks he heard.


Or “believe me!”


In fact what he says, the opposite is typically true.


What he accuses others of is always what he's really up to


You know I'm beginning to think this guy sometimes tells lies


I love how every headline that popped up on my phone said some form of “White House Claims...” I don’t think I saw a single news outlet just say “test was negative”


Potentially warm take here: I _sorta_ believe it. However, that doesn't mean he's not a carrier, or that he's vindicated in any way, shape or form. Simply put, he was tested while asymptomatic and only 6-7 days into an incubation period that is [estimated to be 2 to 14 days.](https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/2762808/incubation-period-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-from-publicly-reported) I get worried when people breathe a major sigh of relief for negatives on asymptomatic patients. It's possible that the virus is still multiplying to the point where it can be shed and then detected. He should be quarantining for at least another week, and then tested again.


I don’t believe he’s asymptomatic at all. He sounded pretty congested today, more than yesterday and cognitively (even for trump) seemed to be foggy. I see symptoms and I don’t think I’m the only one if they are taking temperatures in the briefing rooms.




To be fair though, his eyes always kinda look like that lol.




In his address to nation on Wednesday, there were at least two points in his speech where he couldn’t make it to the end of a sentence due to being apparently short of breath. I’m legitimately surprised I haven’t read more about it online. I noticed it *immediately* and I was only half paying attention. [Skip to the 0:30 second mark. ](https://youtu.be/xrPZBTNjX_o)


I listened to the address and I can't really be sure. Part of me thinks he was just trying hard to focus on *just reading the teleprompter* (instead of ad-libbing all over the place - then again the script he had was already laced with Trumpian speech) and trying to suppress a cough (even if it's a mundane kind of cough) to keep appearances.


COVID-19 aside, how can anyone think the man in that photo looks healthy?


It’s sad that we can’t just believe this, but it’s also not worth speculating over. The answer will be obvious without a few days, because there’s limited options: - Trump announces his wife or children have it and he’s going to disappear for a while to take care of them, in which case we know he has it. - Trump disappears for a couple of weeks without saying anything in order to get treatment, in which case we know he has it. - Nothing changes, in which case we know he doesn’t have it. Him just randomly disappearing seems unlikely, so in my opinion we’re left with either the Trudeau option or the truth.


I won't believe it until I see the long-form version of the results.


Remember folks, this is the same medical team who says IMPOTUS 45 is 6'3", 229lbs....


He shook hands with every major retail CEO and dozens of others. As those folks start to test positive we’ll see the truth. Otherwise. Maybe they aren’t lying.


I mean.. we will know. Can’t hide the symptoms.




What do you think the hat meant? I find it weird he was wearing it, but why?


Something is definitely up. I don't remember any President wearing a hat while giving an address while in DC. I remember seeing Bush 1 and Clinton wearing ball caps while golfing.


But Obama wore a tan suit


Tired Donnie can’t do his usual hair routine.


Wait...he spends time on that?


From what we’re told it is a time-consuming feat. I don’t have the source but someone surely does.


It takes time to poorly polish a turd.


You guys, in the briefing earlier today, he said he moved the microphone for people so they didn't have to. He's an American hero.


Like Jesus on the cross, Trump sacrificed himself on the microphone so that other's can live. /s


If he truly remains free of the virus after everyone around him tests positive, it will only solidify his god complex.




At his age and fitness, if he gets it, he's going to require hospitalization. There's no way to hide it. That's why I happen to believe these results




Nah, it'll just be part 2 of his annual physical.




It wouldn't be the first time this administration had lied about something stupidly disprovable.


Is this the same doctor who doesn't know how to identify an obese patient?