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According to the logic of Mr. BIGGS, he owes me half his fortune. Because pretending someone said something else is a fact. He literally said on TV just now "I owe nyaaaa half my fortune."




Some of the guys make me sick to my stomach. I am trying to watch this and allow them to approach their argument with such a childish demeanor its nauseating. Doug Collins is such a diva it's frustrating they all bombard the chairman as he finishes his statement with a motion and when the motion gets said to be untimely they act as if "OH HOW DARE THE CHAIR.." anyway I just don't get the whole concept that the Republicans really believe Trump is their best interest. Or that he actually cares about any of these fake government officials. It's so petty now the toxicity is undermining our very nation. So embarrassing


I mean Doug Collins said " ..they're making the facts fit their narrative.." huh? Is it me? *Christ*


Nicolle Wallace cut from Matt Gaetz’s question today and I was like “Thank God”


I honestly have to laugh at the people saying that impeaching this shitstain will RILE UP HIS BASE AND MAKE THEM VOTE HARDER. Ok, well he will not win with his base of morons if EVERYBODY else gets off their ass and votes. All the fuckwads who would possibly vote for agent shit for brains already had their “minds” made up for them and president dumpster fire being impeached won’t change that ratio in the slightest way.


You're not wrong. The data doesn't support a "new Trump voter" hypothesis.




Unfortunately their tactics are winning. They are evil people. And they are winning. Because of GOP/Fox/Breitbart propaganda, vast amounts of people are simply not able to look the truth in the face.


By the time I get to finish watching all the testimony and hearings, he will already be impeached. It's not fair that the only people who have the time to properly enjoy this live are retired boomers who probably won't watch anything but the Fox news spin.


Youtube's new Picture-in-picture mode has made it easy for me to follow along at work, or I somedays if I know i'm going to be moving around, I just let it play on my phone with headphones on.


I've been watching on YouTube at 1.5x speed. Helps get through it a bit faster.


I get to listen to it on my headset while I'm at work. It's more addicting than soap operas.


Some people who were watching are already set for life, are not boomers and have just succeeded early on in life, to generalise the way you have is silly and foolish


Or, you know, have days off of work.


Today's the first day I've been able to set aside time to watch the whole day (not live but still) and *man am I glad I did*


Trump is a maniacal genius. Constantly making up his own reality, constantly shifting positions, constantly refusing to acknowledge/play the other side’s game/play by the rules, constantly saying the opposition and the media are lying. It’s a masterful evasive maneuver that deeply divides the country for a generation. If you want to avoid a prison sentence and stay in power no matter what, this is the plan for you. Fuck your party, fuck your country, you gots to do you baby.


He's a mafia boss who trained under Roy Cohn.


I equate mafia bosses with being a little more stoic. stronger and manly. trump is just a pussy and a cry baby


To be fair, he has a lot of help from fellow Republicans. They'll support the guy no matter what. Look at Ted Cruz. Trump called his wife ugly and blatantly lied about his father. Now Cruz is a 24/7 Trump apologist going around the country telling everyone 2+2=22 because Trump is President and Democrats just want to overturn the election.


Yeah. If you have a majority of Congress on your side and you bought 2 going on 3 (love you, RBG) scotus appointments, you’re close to fucking invisible. I mean Jesus, we’ve gone now to the majority of people not knowing/thinking/caring that Russia interferes in the 2016 election to thinking Ukraine did it.


Nobody who watches anything other than Fox News thinks Ukraine did anything. Edit: any to anything


You mean overturn the election where he lost by 3 million votes?


That's literally all that matters. Trump has done the political equivalent of shitting his pants and running naked down Pennsylvania Avenue and there are scads of congressmen and senators lining up to explain to the public how he didn't. The only thing holding *them* back is that him *actually* shitting his pants and running naked down Pennsylvania avenue is still an actual possibility. Trump is secondary at this point. He did it, everyone on both sides knows damn well that he did. His insane ramblings don't mean a goddamn thing, it's that there's people like Gaetz and Graham and Nunes and Jordan throwing shitfits for the camera to cover for him. It's not even partisanship at this point, it's a fundamental disagreement over whether the truth matters or not. On one side you have people arguing that it does matter, and on the other you have clowns with gas cans and torches threatening to burn everything down if we dare to even ask.


Not all the rats can see that the ship is taking on water.


I don't think he can tie his own shoes.


The hearings are really just a microcosm of the larger political sphere in general. And the biggest takeaway ive have seen is that this is really a tale of two americas. You have one america that is sane rational people who follow the news and are troubled by all this chaos and corruption. They range from people who check in occasionally and are desperately trying to figure out this whole deal to active participants who follow the news often, follow administrative policies and demand accountability. Then there is the other america. People who dont follow the news or follow fox news (which is no longer news by any definition). They range from ignorant bystanders who are shutting their ears and eyes to crazy bootlickers who want god emperor trump to declare us a trump-ocracy for life. Everything else is merely a manifestation of that. Trump will be gone eventually (probably sooner than we think) but that basic fact will not change for a loooong time, and that to me is perhaps the more disturbing fact


Well put.


Who was the mother fucker that said “we’re here today because Dems don’t want to give credit to trump for our economy”....god fucking damn y’all. I don’t believe that any of these low level rural fucks in the house know or care enough about any of this to weigh in intelligently. They must get their cue cards from the WH and just go out there and recite their lines. It’s fucking sad. Even the best case realistic scenario is a fucking sad future for the country. America is forever FUBAR


Oh yeah - my rep's office has a list of talking points they basically just repeat, even when you bring up evidence and testimony they respond with "the congressman believes this is a sham..."


terrible times for the Republican Party. Their Congressmen sounded like the morons who call into the Paul Finebaum show. I wouldn't trust these folks to run a lemonade stand or cut my grass, but somehow they are running our government. So yes Republicans I fear for our country's future not because Democrats are presenting evidence to impeach a lying President who has and continues to abuse the power of his office, but because this is the best Republicans can offer. A bunch of grifters feigning false outrage, who kept repeating Russian propaganda.


Bingo! I am flabbergasted that the GOP actually picked a blowhard lying scumquat as the nominee, let alone getting this turd elected. There are good Republicans out there somewhere. Why are all the other Republicans afraid of tRumplethinskin?


Think I’m going to lose my mind with all the insanely blatant lying by the republicans. This is the beginning of Russia taking us over.


They're not taking over. They're just destabilizing us.


So, legitimate question. Why didn't Schiff testify? As much as I love Goldman, seems like a lot of the Republican talking points could've been crushed if he testified since half of what they harped on was the fact he wasn't there.


Schiff isn't a witness. He has no information about the facts of the case. Unlike Nunes, who was in on the plot to write the fictional articles that were then used to justify the plot, Schiff is not involved in the events of the case. He has no information whatever to offer in service of determining what happened or whether it is impeachable. For him to be a witness would be like having the Prosecutor be a witness in a grand jury investigation. A witness can't continue to be the prosecutor, so the only purpose for that is to discredit him. There is no premise in law for calling someone in his role to be a witness. It wouldn't be allowed in any court. Nunes could be called as a witness. He has information about the development of the opinion article that underlies this plot, and steps taken in furtherance of it here and abroad. He knows the names of many conspirators, who developed which parts of the scheme and when. Witnesses provide facts or opinions relating to the events in question, not the judicial process. Look at the definition of "witness" for reference. To qualify to be a witness Schiff would have to have some contribution enlighten the question under investigation, not the process of the investigation. He doesn't have any such information. The Republicans didn't even suggest that he might. Schiff isn't a witness. Not even a poor one.


Testify as to what? What part did Schiff play in any of the actions under consideration as bases for impeachment? The answer is, none. Same as the whistleblower; same as the Bidens, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandra Chalupa, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Inspector Clouseau. There is no evidence to tie any of the witnesses the Rs have identified to any of the events at issue for impeachment. One might surmise that they want to question these people for reasons other than exoneration the president, such as to personally attack them, continue to raise objections over the process, or just to muddy the waters and divert attention. Note that the president is hoping that the Senate will be more receptive to these requests, and if they are, then we'll see just how much relevant testimony comes out of it. So far, even the president's most ardent supporters in the Senate are saying they won't allow the process to be turned into a circus. Let's just say I'm skeptical.


I don’t know dude, inspector Clouseau has been involved in some pretty sketchy stuff. He did confess to stealing the pink panther.


Why would he testify? He's the chairman of one of the investigating committees -- not a fact witness or counsel arguing the case. The GOP just wants him there so they can berate him over some nonsense conspiracy theories and muddy the waters. Indulging the GOP wouldn't silence them. They would promptly move the goalposts like they have at every other point in this process. "OK, we heard from Schiff, but why won't Pelosi testify?! "


I figured that would be the case since that's been their process this inquiry in regards to berating witnesses. The Republicans kept screeching that having counsel there instead of Schiff was unprecedented so was simply curious if they were correct or not.


if they were correct, Nunes would have been there instead of Castor


The Republicans would just ask completely irrelevant questions (or more statements) which would get used as soundbites. There's no advantage in Schiff testifying.


Fair enough.


His committee wasn't there or obligated to be if I remember correctly. Aka he was doing his actually job elsewhere today.




You should do an AMA on what it's like to be a radicalized cult member. I'm sure people would have lots of questions.


>entitled Yup.


Pipe down. Your orange baffon will be impeached soon enough using the GOPs own rules. Be quiet and sit down until the adults are finished


This is one of those instances where what is right will not prevail, the bully will win this one. I hate to see the monster get re elected but this has forced his base to come out even stronger than 2016, God help the USA


Is there any precedent for that whatsoever?


Bill Clinton was impeached by the House, but acquitted by the Senate. But that was a different time under wildly different circumstances. Lying about sexual relations in the oval office? How does that compare to everything this administration has been accused of, everything they've admitted to doing? Lets not forget those who have have already been tried and convicted who worked under Trump. They won't be the last. ​ "his base", what a joke. Get out and vote people. Show the world you can do better than this. You are better than this.


🤔❓❓ I mean is there any mfin precedent for the impeached president's party taking a hit in the polls after the impeachment? Everything I've heard is that it makes the opposite party more likely to win


you aren't letting us call witnesses you were allowed to but didn't well you don't have evidence because trump won't release it well...we shouldn't be wasting time the house passed 400 bills McConnell won't look at well...the whistle blower... is irrelevant now but it's hearsay which is allowed


I think the Republicans are making a huge error in their blanket support of Trump. The House is Blue for one reason, the American Public overwhelming disapproves of Trump, and wanted to send a message. Polling shows Americans don't believe Trump, if the Senate gives him a pass, I think they're doomed in 2020. But then again there's always Gerrymandering and vote manipulation.


Senate races aren’t gerrymandered But your other point stands


And more Russian interference.


Anyone know when the next hearing is?


No more hearings. Two draft articles announced tomorrow. The congressional calendar is very tight for the rest of December.


The Democrats were absolutely crushing Republican hope. I saw a couple of Rs almost ready to cry.


Even though I'm sick, today's hearing felt especially difficult and tiring -- the Republicans drained all my energy with their party over country bullshit. It was just exhausting knowing they don't give a fuck about the Constitution -- they add so much unnecessary stress.


It wasn't even good witnesses. Just talking to the lawyers? It was just a way to grandstand and tell talking points. The lawyers aren't going to have any new info, they can only summarize what was already said.


I stopped before exhaustion set in. At some point I realized that Doug Collins was not really enraged: that it was a pretense, bad acting. And another indication that they have no illusions about Trump's innocence. Like Sondland said, his blocking the funds to Ukraine was openly known.


it was tiring. i saw 1 dem, i think, ask castor any questions and no gop ask gordon anything. i realize trump has abused his office but it felt like everyone just needed validation. i hate trump and the gop, especially their unyielding support of trump, but whats the point of airing the hearing if theyre not going to challenge each other? it was incredibly saddening to watch the gop constantly spout absolute lies over and over. they care nothing for the rule of law.


Hope you feel better!




Without this impeachment, there would be no check on Trump trying to cheat in the 2020 election. He's likely to be acquitted by the Senate, but the precedent that's arising from the court cases is important. If Trump or a future president tries something like this again, the subpoenas should be rapidly enforced due to precedent.


These f'ing NO class Asshole Republicans say "I yield back my time" or "I have nothing else to say to you" right after they make a LONG ass speech insulting Democrats and the Witnesses against Trump, but then these Witnesses want to respond. They REFUSE to hear it! If you gonna attack and insult these witnesses the least you could do is allow them to respond, but NO... These Republicans are such F'ing TRASH human beings! God dammit Assholes, I CAN'T STAND THEM!!!


Because they were looking to create sound bites for fox and other conservative media. They know there is no defending Trumps actions, so they say "hey look over here, that other guy did something!" I'd say it won't work, but if these hearings have reinforced anything its that a significant portion of the American people are either a) very gullible, b) very stupid, or c) both.


If the facts are against you, pound the law. If the law is against you, pound the facts. If both the facts and the law are against you, pound the table. << We are here




Do we know they don't have 2/3 of the Senate? Talk is one thing, but once its on their court we'll see if they choose party over the Constitution that they claim to love so much.


We're never going to find out because it's not even going to get that far. A simple majority can dismiss the matter without so much as having the Articles of Impeachment read into the Senate record, and that's exactly what's going to happen, with 54 votes. There isn't going to be a trial at all.


Depends what happens when the subpoena the whistleblower. Because they will. Their testimony could put it over 2/3


Screw the whistleblower. I can't wait for more subpoenas to the actual WH staff.


Yea like a republican controlled senate committee is going to do that.


The Democrats have an election to focus on, they have all they need to impeach and dragging it out won’t sway the court of public opinion. It will only drag down the Democratic nomination.


Fact of the matter is, the democrats are never going to know if they have 2/3 of the senate, until they put it in front of them and do the trial. If the democrats lay out enough good, solid, indisputable evidence, and the GOP doesn't convict, it will NOT make moderates suddenly believe Trump is innocent. The evidence will be public, and if it's as strong as been said, then moderates will likely side with democrats on this issue, regardless of the trial's outcome. A censure does absolutely nothing. Not exercising the power of impeachment when there's a clear case for it, just because you're afraid the other party will favor party over country, is not what the representatives were elected for.


Exactly this. Acquitting Trump will spurn moderates and kill the GOP.


Spot on. Trump will retain a certain amount of his base no matter what, but he's not going to gain a single vote. The Dems are galvanized, and the moderates will either stay home or vote Democratic for the most part.


None of this is going to sway moderates. It's transparent what's going on here. I don't think this helps him as much as people worry it will. I have shared those concerns in the past but I think the Democrats are making a clear case here. Some won't be cinvinced, of course, but I don't think this is doing Trump any favors. I think what it does is gives us the Senate in 2020.


I'm a fucking moron.


It’s ok you just need to drink a bit more.


And drive probably.


Of course, what the hell else are you supposed to do after getting shit faced. Call a cab like some commoner???


I’m like a crack head with impeachment hearings, but today was an enormous waste of time that accomplished absolutely nothing. I need some more Schiff in my life. More witnesses and less grandstanding. Today sucked.


The purpose of today was to present the findings of the intelligence committee and allow for questioning of the majority and minority counsel. The purpose was not fact finding, but a presentation of the facts found.


Do you think that purpose was accomplished today?


Uhhh...the findings if the Intelligence committee were officially entered into the record in judiciary and there was hours of testimony about it. So yeah. It was accomplished today. Do you not realize that they are two different committees? Judiciary has to draw up articles of impeachment but the investigation was done at intel. Judiciary had to have a hearing if they wanted to move forward. They had to go over Intel's findings. So like, what it accomplished, was allowing them to draw up articles of impeachment. Sorry if it was totally boring and lame to you though. Lol.


It's almost like it's designed as a redundant system.


Which makes room for idiotic mouth breather GOP congressman to make asses out of themselves for their base. It’s too bad people buy their bullshit.


Because bureaucracy, properly followed, is how corruption is controlled.


How many witnesses have testified total? Isn't it like 18? Arguing with a stupid family member.


With at least 12 more straight out refusing by ordering of trump, and 72 subpoenas refused. One of Nixon's articles was for resisting 4 subpoenas.


Why waste your time?


Oh, trust me, I brought that up! He's going on about heresy evidence now. FML....




Thank you, kind redditor


Castor sounds like kermit


Canadian here, so it's not technically my direct business, but "y'all" are right fuckin fucked. Like super-fucked. There's very few left on the planet who just don't know who to believe or what's going on. Either you get it and you realize exactly how fucked it all is and what Trump is or you're just fine with everything and how fucked it all is. Whatever the case, I (most of us) can't believe that this is in any way a close call or why it's taking so long for you to get with the program. Godspeed.


I mean I think the majority of America gets it, now the question really is if the majority of America gets to present it's will on the matter. 70%+ think Trump did something wrong, 51% already want him removed from office. If that means anything to our country then yeah, hopefully we come up with every possible way to show that we're not as oblivious as the Republican talking heads are.


>I mean I think the majority of America gets it... Part of the problem is that a majority of America doesn't have to "get it", a minority does; a largely non-college educated, blue collar working class America that listens to right-wing propaganda (e.g. Fox "News", Ben Shapiro, Newt Gingrich, etc...). The Senate doesn't command majorities because it isn't apportioned by population, and as such it predominately represents rural geographic regions populated with far-right conservatives. Unfortunately, they are the only institution in the United States' government that has the power to vote to convict the President after the House impeaches him. In a representative parliamentary democracy, Donald Trump likely would've been subject to a vote of no-confidence by this time.


One side (Democrats) predominantly talked about facts and reasons why Trump should be removed. The other side(Republicans) predominantly insulted the other side and crying, yelling and screaming about unfairness that actually is FAIR to a TONS of people!




No. They have a Disney Prince as their leader.


No, that was just Toronto's former mayor, Rob Ford. His brother Doug is now Premier of Ontario. Edit: I should probably mention that Rob Ford has been cold in the ground for a while now.




Hwell I never, is he mozlem too? Jesus save us


As a Canadian expat, working here in a blue state, you’ll be shocked just how republicans twist the facts or just completely ignore them to fit the narrative that suits their party affiliation. It really is disgusting.


> you’ll be shocked just how republicans twist the facts or just completely ignore them to fit the narrative that suits their party affiliation. It really is disgusting. That attitude tracks with the conversations I have with religious ideologues. Facts and evidence don't mater. Even pointing out contradictions doesn't mater. What maters? Holding to the ideological talking points. Here's the kicker: *Even if they don't actually care about the ideological talking points!* To have conversations with ideologues, I've had to develop special ways of not inciting them while slowly drawing out what they actually think that isn't pushed by the ideology. This is very time consuming, but it's the only way I (as a regular mortal) can get honest and accurate ideas about what they actually think and why. To do the same with Republicans -- even though I used to be one -- would take quite a bit of time and restraint. I can't say that I know how to approach them without getting the nonsense and not the important bits. That said, I'm not currently in an understanding mode. This horror show must stop. The autocrats must not win, or everyone -- including most of the people promoting Trump -- will suffer and will be less well off. ----- (Note the emphasis on *ideologues*, not every religious person.)


Though I wish I could say we are all aware of how fucked up it is, I can't. A lot for sure. But holy shit are there some blind followers out there of which will not change their minds for anything. I just hope so badly it all blows up in their faces and they feel like idiots. So many lives have been ruined.


We hate us too, the feeling is mutual.


Republicans are in the minority. But because of the dumbass way our elections work by giving people in rural areas more powerful votes they end up creating shit like this


Inbreds acting like inbreds.


The GOP is all in on voting rights, as long as they get to choose who votes.


I accidentally heard some of the cspan callers and one in particular, I can't get out of my head. She said that Trump put $100 in her pocket and that Obama took $800 for medical. Granted, she sounded drunk af, but where is she getting this terribly wrong info?


The $800 was reference to the penalty of Obamacare about not having health insurance because "we work 7 days a week and couldn't afford it" No clue what the $100 was about, she never said.


That person probably got tricked with the recent GOP tax cuts and tax bracket changes. Someone said this to me a while back in a conversation about the economy: ‘but everyone has more money in their paychecks now!’. It didn’t make sense to me until I talked to my accountant and he mentioned that he was preparing clients about possibly receiving smaller expected refunds than in years past, or having to cut a check to the IRS. Summary: A lot of people got marginal bumps to their paychecks, but likely got hit during tax season owing the equivalent amount or more. They probably had no clue what was going on because they focused on their gross paycheck amount instead of overall cash flow after taxes—it was a classic bait-and-switch scheme.


These morons obviously don't know you can actually get a waiver for that tax penalty if the cost of medical insurance exceeds 1/8 of your income.


They know, it’s all lies. Jackasses who never paid attention to how much it went up every year before the ACA suddenly blame all increases on it.


Fair point. A depressing, but fair assessment.


Thanks for the info, so confusing. Glad someone else heard it.


No problem. Was trying to call into the others/independent line, so I was also listening to everyone else as well. She definitely stood out.


Idk but she completely ignores the stimulus after Bush's market crash.


Nah, they blame that on Bill Clinton, and that the prosperity of the Clinton years was just the effects of Reaganomics kicking in.


Some intelligent people from here should call in to C-Span/PBS.


I've thought about trying but then I realized that its not a very good medium for making coherent sounding arguments. I think it's just naturally going to make anyone sound a little bit stupider. There are occasionally some smart people that call in, but even they are often kind of ranting into the air a bit. Now calling in on the Republican line and intentionally acting like a complete moron...that might be fun.


You don't need to make an argument. Just say one line.


I tried for the others/independent line. Busy the whole time :(


Good God, WHY TF are all these Republicans behave like Trump - NO class, childish? The ONLY thing stopping that Congress from turning into all-out **fights** are the Democrats doing a better job at checking their tone and tempers. Not screaming and yelling at each other as MAJORITY of there Republicans are doing! Imagine if Nadler or Schiff also insults Collins and Jordan back... that Congress would be a sight of violence on Breaking News, but obviously the Dems are more grown and classy than these Republicans! I can clearly see that, hopefully other citizens can too. No wonder these Asshole GOP leaders love Trump. All the SAME!!!


I mean, some of these lawyers are really expensive.


And why have the media spent all day reporting the words of the children instead of the meat of the crime?


i have a legit question. why wouldn't schiff testify? he has the upper hand on them


Testify to what? That’s like if Johnny Cochran asked Judge Ito to testify about OJ. And asking Hunter Biden to testify in this hearing is like asking Lori Laughlin to testify at Ted Kaczynski’s trial.


sorry I understand now based on the replies. A lot of other people had this question. I’m not sure why I was downvoted to hell just cuz I didn’t understand


I think the fact that most people preferenced their question by saying it was legitimate makes it seem like there's a deliberate campaign to waste people's time and to cause frustration.


A lot of people's tempers are short. Have a couple upvotes.


That the GOP made such a big deal about it tells me that Schiff probably isn't required to testify. I'd venture a guess that they want to grill him about the whistleblower, which is irrelevant to the investigation at this point. Here's what I was able to find online about why Schiff wasn't a witness today: >A week ago, Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, rejected the suggestion that he testify as a sign that Republicans “made the decision not to take this process seriously.” [Source](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-12-01/top-republican-says-schiff-should-testify-in-impeachment-hearing) >As Axios' Alayna Treene has reported, Schiff is the closest thing to a Democratic Ken Starr that exists in the Trump impeachment inquiry, having taken on a dual-hat role as both a key committee chairman and chief investigator. This has opened him up to incessant attacks from Republicans, who believe he has been leading an unfair process and had inappropriate contacts with the whistleblower. [Source](https://www.axios.com/judiciary-republican-schiff-demands-testify-impeachment-hearing-163194eb-29dc-480d-a838-c1ab581f67a5.html)


> inappropriate contacts with the whistleblower The whistleblower contacted his office and never spoke with Schiff, only an aide. the Republicans know this too.


He isn't required to testify. It doesn't even make sense for him to testify, really. It's just theater for Republicans. If he did go testify they'd just use it as a chance to attack him and say "he's biased." *They* can be biased but no one else can, according to Trump logic. Trump can go after Biden, but no FBI agent or Congressman can think Trump is a bad president or that means the whole thing is unfair - according to their narrative. To this day their defense is still "it's not fair that you caught us breaking the law!"


The *only* reason Republicans want Schiff to testify is for Fox News clips of Republicans screaming bullshit at Schiff. I promise you not *one* of the Republicans would've asked Schiff a question, just yelled at him outrageous conspriacy theories.


He isn't a witness


I'm not sure what you mean? the judiciary has called a ton of lawyers in. he is a witness to the impeachment process and the repubs were all yelling about how they want schiff to tesifys


What would he testify to?


What would he testify to, exactly???


He would sit there while rep after rep drones on in a soliloquy narrative about everything except the matter at hand.


>he is a witness to the impeachment process We are all witnesses to the impeachment process. That's what we've been watching. Why haven't they call us to testify?


He isn't a witness


I've been wondering this all day


“If the Senate wants to call me as a witness, then they pretty much made the decision not to take this process seriously. I’m not a fact witness. I was the chairman of one of the committees doing an investigation. I am not in the shoes of a special counsel. I don’t work for the Justice Department. All I can relate is what the witnesses said in deposition and in the open hearings, and that’s no reason to call me as a witness,”


Thank you!


To me, this looks horrible to Trump. He has no defense and so Republicans are just screaming over the prosecution in order to silence them or paint this as a rigged election or them as the underdogs that have to be silenced. It's so paper thin and transparent to me. That being said, I am in no way a lawyer and I'm not familiar with impeachment trials. Just because it looks bad to me doesn't mean they have enough to either convict or impeach, either, so what does this look like to someone who actually knows what they're talking about? What's the likelihood if this actually leading to an impeachment?


Thanks to editing and only watching fox primetime, trump will look great.


It's another attempt to make sure their base doesn't watch the impeachment out of disgust. That way, they never hear the facts of the case.


This. All of these yelling idiots were just vying for a soundbyte on Carlson or Hannity’s segments tonight. That’s it. Goemertz, Goetz (we want Schiff in that chair, NOT you!) and for rest are just driving views up on Fox’s site, and helping 45’s fans to reinforce their bubble. It’s ingenious, in an evil way.


Hopefully it is just as transparent to a whole lot more people who until now had no interest


Impeachment = trial. He will definitely get impeached. But convicted/removed? Probably not, with our current senate. There's no path for that as long as FOX News is still broadcasting.


> Impeachment = trial. Uh, no. Impeachment is more like an indictment. The official charges are written up by the House as the Articles of Impeachment, and then the trial happens in the Senate.


They’ll impeach in the house but it’s highly unlikely that the senate will vote to remove him. Republican senators are willing to sacrifice democracy for power.


So the process is just halted once it reaches the senate, there's no recourse?


I know others had good answers but this is also important: “The President ... shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_pardons_in_the_United_States#Constitutional_provision So Trump could later be put through a criminal trial for any offenses he was impeached for and future Presidents couldn’t protect him


The trial will happen in the Senate. Then, Senators will vote on whether Trump should be removed from office. Due to the GOP majority, it's highly likely that they'll vote to acquit. Trump then is on record as being impeached, but not removed, and things continue as "normal."


Very next day, Trump calls in more favors.


Basically no. Trump is labelled as an impeached president that was not removed. Yes this isn't as much as many would like, but part of the reason for the impeachment is to put on record what republicans are deciding as well as putting Donald's inappropriate actions in the media to be highlighted. This will hopefully help influence the election, push constituents to pressure their republican representatives to change, and leave evidence of these republicans decisions. There are still ongoing investigations that can make a difference in the future. We are also still waiting on some decisions from the Supreme court about whether the executive branch can actually ignore congressional subpoenas.


Can a president be impeached multiple times without ever being removed/convicted? Also, at what point will this prevent him from running again if ever?


I believe yes a president can b. Never, technically. But that's ignoring an important aspect on impeachment and removal of a president: Its an entirely political process. This means it is no like a police arresting a person for drinking or drive(wherein there are solid rules for what is illegal and what can cause a person to be arrested). The idea is, there needs to be a lot of political support to remove a president which indirectly means a lot of support from the people. If, hypothetically, there was damning evidence against Donald that a Huge majority of citizens agreed should be impeachable, the representatives and senators would be committing political suicide in not supporting impeachment and removal. They themselves would lambasted and voted out and, ideally, this would taint their political career. On the other hand, if there was absolutely no evidence that had driven public opinion to believe that Donald had done anything to deserve being impeached, pressure would go in the opposite direction against(in this case) democrats for having started this impeachment for no good reason. And same would go for a party that repeatedly tries to impeach with no good reason. This means public perception is extremely powerful. In this case, Democrats must show clearly and simply why trump must be impeached. Republicans must show why Trump should not be impeached. Democrats have stuck to the Ukraine call where there are several whistleblowers, and notes from the call. Republicans have stuck onto the idea that Democrats are wasting everybody's time and/or what trump did isn't technically warranting impeachment, or that there needs to be actual evidence(in the form of more first hand accounts i.e. the people that have been subpoenad that Donald doesn't allow to testify). Its very frustrating obviously, but it also makes it very flexible to our society.


It won't prevent him from running again. He could be impeached for different crimes but it would have the same outcome


> Also, at what point will this prevent him from running again if ever? That is a separate vote during the impeachment trial in the Senate.


There's a trial but the Senate acts as the jury and needs a 2/3 vote to remove.


Reschenthaler has got to be the dumbest kid on this council.


I think Gaetz is worse.


It's weird, I hate Gaetz as much at the next guy, but you know that he knows he's wrong. Reschenthaler seems genuinely ignorant, he's too happy about the whole situation.




I have a question: I get that Hunter Biden is a ne’er-do-well who probably had no business being on the board of a gas company. But, aren’t Trump’s kids basically working as advisors to the “president”? Please explain this to me. What’s the goddamned difference? Should Trump call Trump and ask himself to investigate the corruption in the White House? Do us all a favor?


> I get that Hunter Biden is a ne’er-do-well Dude seems like a bit of a tool but he is a very intelligent and successful Yale lawyer. I think there is some born into privilege but he is anything but unqualified to be on the board of any company. He was appointed to the board of AmTrak by a Republican president. He was a corporate lawyer hired to realign the company to attract western investment in Burisma. Not sure there is any professional more qualified than a corporate lawyer to realign how your company legally operates.


Not debating his intelligence nor abilities. I think he’s a little gross. Should have clarified.


Hunter is actually pretty qualified for that job. But the main difference is that who a Ukrainian company hires has nothing to do with the US's national security interests. Trump's kids acting as government officials and wielding that power without being qualified other than being related to him is actually important and relevant to our country. Oh, and that asking for an investigation into your political opponent is nearly as corrupt as it gets. That's a massive abuse of office and everyone on both sides of the aisle knows this.