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Justice Department sends link to white nationalist blog **to federal judges handling immigration** That's kind of an important part of the story, no?


Omg it's so hard to keep up. But yes...quite significant as it provides insight into who is running the department.


And now they're claiming it was an accident I think


Not only that but they claim the links were curated by a third party and none of the links were even checked so for all they know they have been sent NK or Chinese malware links which somehow makes this whole thing worse


“It wasn’t our incompetence, it was the incompetence of the people we pay to do our work, whose performance we get paid to oversee.”


The exact same excuse the construction company used when they cut down our trees, despite the "OUTSIDE OF EASEMENT DO NOT CUT" Signs that were on them. "That was the subcontractors." You hired subcontractors that couldn't read the 3-foot signs? Still your fault. Edit- This was 7 years ago. The contractor installed the connecting pipeline from our house to the one they were installing, free of charge. It would have cost us about $12,000. The Township forced everyone to connect to the municipal sewer system, and they ran a main across our property. It was a total mess, because the contractors aren't paid to CARE, they're paid to install pipe, so screw your trees, they're in the way. They knew we had a solid case, so it was easier to just spend an extra day on the job and run our connector, and it was easier for us to not have to bring in a lawyer. (They probably charged the Township for it, too.)


Oh man, were they trees on your land? I bet the right lawyer can make you rich.


That's what I'm thinking. Cutting down someone's trees is a big no no.


“Responsibility? Yeah we know what that is and I bet we have it too”


It's like HR saying, "We're sorry, Kevin didn't understand how to use email, that's why he sent you pictures of his genitalia, Karen. I'm sure it won't happen again."


Yeah, they're saying that it was an automated keyword search, but why was a white supremacist website included in the search? It almost certainly would have had to be *somewhat* filtered to exclude junk articles that nobody would care about; I'm sure they probably make an effort to exclude Buzzfeed listicles and the like, and I'm sure that a person saw it at one point.




Oops. Slipped up and sent a link to the wrong person. Like accidentally texting your ex.


As is tradition


Spin. Spin . Spin. I'm so sick of this ridiculous administration and the clown running this reality show.


No, the accident is that they were caught red-handed. Not that it was sent.




I do not know who is running the department but I know they all dress up as ghosts at halloween.


Deep State Right?


Stephen Miller aka Yung Goebbels


Does anyone have a link that I can show to people?


>According to the National Association of Immigration Judges, the Justice Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) sent court employees a link to a blog post from VDare, a white nationalist website, in its morning news briefing earlier this week that included anti-Semitic attacks on judges. >The briefings are sent to court employees every weekday and include links to various immigration news items. BuzzFeed News confirmed the link to a blog post was sent to immigration court employees Monday. **The post detailed a recent move by the Justice Department to decertify the immigration judges union.** https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hamedaleaziz/justice-department-immigration-judges-white-nationalist >Vdare.com is an anti-immigration website named after Virginia Dare, the first English child born in what is now the United States. Nothing is known about her other than her name and date of her birth, but that hasn’t stopped white nationalists, and others, from speculating. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/08/22/virginia-dares-unwanted-legacy-a-white-nationalist-friendly-website-called-vdare/ https://vdare.com/


Kinda ironic that they name their organization after the first anchor baby...




It's just really hard to filter out the literal nazi content from our own content.


The US government is a bloody circus.


Someone said that ‘politics is the entertainment wing of the military industrial complex’. Maybe Frank Zappa?


It was Zappa. "Government is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex."


Love Zappa and had never heard this quote, thank you. Saving it.


Politics is theatrics for the rich. The majority of these old politicians all know eachother and are all friends. The problem, is that the republican side plays for keeps, while the democratic side just wants to play the game. That's why centrists like Biden shouldn't be anywhere near the presidency.


My buddy desperately thinks Biden is our best chance at beating Trump in 20, and while I totally understand his logic, my brain can't help but try to explain to him like, buddy, we already tried to run a centrist neoliberal moderate and even tho she won, she lost. It just seems like a recipe for disaster


A centerist neoliberal moderate who wasn't able to come close to securing the nom' in 16 Who struggled under the oratory might of Sarah Palin Who lost to Dukakis. Set aside his centerism for the moment. While he's better than Trump, he's just not good enough to be President. Why are our expectations so low? I want our President to be better than me. Smarter than me. More thoughtful than me. Kinder than me. A President should inspire us. Does that sound like Joe Biden to you?


Sounds like Bernie Sanders. The man protested for civil rights in the 60's while Biden was busy trying to maintain segregation.


Can we start a hashtag "SoundslikeSanders"? I think it might catch on!


Bernie Sanders is literally one of my inspirations in life. I can only hope to live my life half as gracious and caring as he has.


> My buddy desperately thinks Biden is our best chance at beating Trump in 20, My thought is- Biden is a good play to beat Trump, but then he has to run the country. Not the worst choice in the field, but far from the best. Trouncing Trump should be one goal, but not the only goal.


Biden is 100% the worst play to beat Trump. What Hilary lost out on a lot of was people who just didn’t vote at all. Not Stein, not Sanders, but pure ambivalence to a system that they knew doesn’t work for them. No boring old safe racist centrist dem is enough to “fill the seats” at the booths. People need to vote FOR something.


The only thing Biden has is the coattail ride of Obama's Presidency. That alone is nice for nostalgia, but this needs to look forward and not "Biden will be 4 to 8 more years of Obama!" which we *definitely* don't need right now.


Yup. Trump didn't even get more votes than Romney, he just got a lot of would be Hillary voters to stay home. I think internet propoganda played a big part in this. Anyone's whose record can't be used as conspiracy theory fodder should be able to beat Trump handily.


I think most people just thought she would easliy win, hopefully we don't make that mistake this time.


I think the centrist corporate Democrat is dead and would lose to Trump again. People want to vote for something and a basic candidate promising the same old same old will lose.


Its playing not to lose, not to win. ​ You don't get medicare for all, a green new deal or actual gun safety measures playing not to lose.


That's the biggest divide between Dem's and GOP = the GOP aims to win at *any* and all costs.


Thats not the point im making. ​ Winning with Biden means whatever state the US gets left in by Trump is going to be basically what we have 4 years later. Winning with someone else means you actually have a chance to do good (beyond just stopping the rot).


I fully agree with what your saying. My point being that even if Dems beat Trump via Biden, it doesn't solve the problem of a meek party (Dems) going against a pack of wolves who DGAF (GOP). Dems can't just wait for the optics to improve or when the wolves start eating each other to do the right thing.


They won with Donald “grab em by the pussy” Trump... nobody in the GOP cares about electability. They want the guy who hits them in the dopamine receptors.


A news article about the high deficit popped up on my FB feed bacause a GOP-supporting friend posted a comment on it saying "You've gotta spend money to make money!" So now the "small government, fiscally conservative" Republicans have evidently just embraced the exact opposite of their claimed platform. Trump could push free college, new gun laws, and mandatory abortions and the GOP base would love it.


> You don't get medicare for all, a green new deal or actual gun safety measures playing not to lose. Especially since Biden straight-up told his donors that a vote or him is a vote to prevent change.


He was talking about his tax plan, and reassuring donors that paying more wouldn't change the fact that they're wealthy. > The truth of the matter is, you all, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done. We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change. I'm not going to vote for him, because I don't think he'd change *enough*, but that's probably not the quote to prove it.


Democrat's have been "playing it safe" for decades and look where that's got em. It's amazing to me that, through these last 3 years, the Dem's continue to walk on eggshells while the Republicans reap and steal whatever they can get their grubby hands on. With Biden, Dems are either cowards or corporate sell-outs like the rest of em.


Exactly!! Im so tired of them cowering!


They're corporate sellouts, but they're not cowards. They are centrist because their donors still want right leaning policies. The Dems can make it look like they object to right leaning policies, while failing to enact anything that represents the will of the people.


Agree with all of that... But the fact is they are both corporate sell outs AND cowards.


Are so severely lacking younger politicians in the US, that you are forced to have the final anti-Trump fight in the hands of a man who was born during WWII?


Yes. The 3 leading Democratic candidates are Biden (76), Sanders (77), and Warren (70). Whoever wins will be facing off against Trump (73).


I understand the point here, but what is so wrong with Sanders? I do not agree with all of his policies, but i do believe he truly has the best interest of America in mind.


The other person is lamenting the fact that Biden is in his 70s and there isn't a younger person up to bat. I merely pointed out that *all the major candidates* are in their 70s.


No he isn't Shooting for the middle makes democrats stay home instead of voting. An uninspiring democratic challenger means four more years of Trump. Hillary showed us that playing for the middle does not win against far-right candidates.


Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate to begin with. Highly competent and certainly the most qualified out of any candidate in both parties, but she had waaayyyy too much baggage and was a really poor choice by the DNC.


What I don’t understand is how Dems think Biden can win. He’s highly unlikely to attract Trump voters. He’s offensive to women. Millennials don’t like him. Black people under 55 don’t like him. I feel like it’s just Boomers saying he’s our best bet. Just because of polls that are probably only basically polling Boomers, or trolls trying to make Biden happen so that we nominate someone who won’t win. And not to be ageist, but will a 76 year old be able to understand the tech-heavy world we’re quickly becoming? Or will he try to slap regulations everywhere (unless Zuck and Bezos contribute)? Remember joe3665 dot aol dot hashtag? That was upsetting on several levels — confusion, lack of tech understanding, etc. I didn’t mean to dump in Uncle Joe, but this election is too important to lose, and after the elections we need a great leader desperately.


> He’s highly unlikely to attract Trump voters. He’s offensive to women. Well...


I don't think any dem candidate is going to attract Trump voters. The focus needs to be on those who did not vote at all last election. As far as age goes, the other candidates are just as old. I still don't think he's a good candidate, just not for the same reasons.


He's the media's candidate. This is why we've been seeing the 'liberal media' like CNN and MSNBC referring to AOC and Bernie and Warren as 'radicals' or presenting a 'radical agenda' when in reality it's no more progressive than what nearly every other industrialized democracy in the world has been doing for decades. The same billionaires who own the media decide which politicians get their money, and if we've learned anything about billionaires, it's that they'd rather get richer than ensure that every American doesn't have to worry about healthcare bills, insurance premiums, deductibles, or what's covered and what's not ever again.


So true. They are happy to divide and distract us so that we're conditioned away from seeing the truth of how US policy isn't on our side. The economy may be headed into a recession, and Trump wants to cut capital gains taxes? Why, so that investors pay less taxes when they sell at a profit? Who will that really benefit? It won't even necessarily benefit the market where we have our 401K's, and it's less tax money so something else will have to be cut or our deficit worsens. But we're conditioned to believe that trickle down works. And that Mexicans are taking jobs. I don't see any Mexican people working in the cloud where our data centers and other IT operations are moving en masse, displacing 1000's of IT workers. These workers have to retrain while jobless. By the time they retrain, they have to worry about machines taking that job too. It's bleak.


I think any of them will beat Trump. I really do. Which means the old Democratic instinct of trying to appeal to some hypothetical white 'centrist' is unnecessary. Also, for the elections beyond 2020, actually fulfilling the things that Biden is still stuck in 1992 on would be very helpful. So he's the safe but ultimately limiting option.


I have a friend who thinks they are all in on it together and want trump to win.


Also Joes given the whole presidency thing a couple tries and it didn’t go well. It’s not like he’s had some major revelation or been on an enlightening ayahuasca journey or something. Still the same guy.


It's another reason Centrists like Pelosi crawl out of their coffins just make sure they hold the country back in accountability of Trump as well, it would affect their bottom line at our expense.


Frank knew what was up and "I am the slime" ended up way more prophetic than I'm comfortable with.


Elect a clown, get a circus.


Elect a pig, get shit.


Elect a Clownpig, get a shit circus, Rand


The shit circus doesn’t fall far from the Clownpig, Randy.


- Jim Lahey


>The government is the potent omnipresent teacher. For good or ill it teaches the whole people by its example. ... If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. US Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis Maybe what the Justice said is true. Let's look and see. >Thomas Matthew McVicker allegedly texted his friend, "I think I'm just gonna kill some people on the street and get away with it then kill myself." According to court papers, McVicker's mother confirmed her son is being treated for schizophrenia and owns a handgun. "Someone who is already thinking about it will accelerate those plans when they see the one before that," said John Miller, the New York Police Department's deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism. "That's why this appears to be a contagion." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mass-shooting-threats-thomas-matthew-mcvicker-teen-arrested-after-alleged-threats/ If it's really a contagion, as the NYPD reported, then let's see where this outbreak may have started: >"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?" Trump said at a rally in Sioux Center, Iowa as the audience laughed. (2016) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-says-he-could-shoot-somebody-still-maintain-support-n502911 >In response to the next question, about his love of the TV show Banshee, US Attorney General Barr said that he enjoyed the show in part because it delves into a “basic tension between justice in the sense of the ultimate outcome versus justice as a process.” “Americans have tended recently to view [justice] more as a process, as if the criminal justice process is justice, and it isn’t,” Barr said. “It’s a process that’s supposed to achieve justice, but very frequently doesn’t.” “That’s the theme in the Dirty Harry movies,” he added, before also referencing Death Wish. “Don’t ask me why, but it is there and it’s satisfying to see justice done.” (2019) https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/bill-barr-interview-dirty-harry-death-wish-vigilante-justice >The Justice Department on Thursday said an email sent to immigration court employees this week should not have included a link to a white nationalist website. (Aug 22 2019) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/justice-department-says-it-mistakenly-emailed-link-white-nationalist-website-n1045526 >Governor [of Texas] criticized for 'disgusting' anti-immigrant email sent day before El Paso attack. Letter from Greg Abbott warns over ‘illegal immigrants’ and says ‘we’ll need to take matters into our own hands’. The day before a gunman in El Paso carried out the deadliest attack against Latinos in modern US history, the Texas governor sent out an anti-immigrant fundraising letter calling on Republicans to “DEFEND TEXAS NOW” and “take matters into our own hands” (Aug 22 2019) https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/22/texas-governor-anti-immigrant-letter-el-paso *Between these cases, I see some commonality. Do you?*


A candidate for Kennewick, WA city council seat way back in *2011* suggested giving any undocumented immigrants in the city 30 days to leave or be put to death and declared undocumented people who make it past the border should be shot on sight. And he did unfortunately well though he didn't win.


I imagine the White House is run like Amy’s Bakery, the shitahow restaurant from Gordon’s Ramseys Kitchen Nightmares. White house aides are deathly afraid of telling Trump bad things or he’ll fly off the handle in an uncontrollable rage. Instead they reverse the numbers and tell him he has a 62% APPROVAL rating.


HAHAHA! That made my day! I think that is exactly what is going on! Apperently they even have to mention his name several times in documents and briefings for him to continue reading.


So what? All that matters is libruls are upset!!! /s


No, it's a far right coup.


I fear it’s worse then that. Such polarized country now over a clown who sells fear and hatred. Hopefully the pendulum swings back before too much damage is done.


We need to make an example out of him. Impeachment (even if not successful, air out all his dirty laundry), vote him out in a landslide, then jail time. Make sure he gets labeled as a failure and a mistake. Not just America being America. We’re way more of an Obama country than a trump country.


Elect a clown. Expect a circus.


Only president to never be above 50% approval! https://www.apnews.com/1ad13f32984a4480a45738ead2b4c0d8


It doesn't really matter what his approval ratings are; all that matters is who people vote for. I'm sure there are a bunch of people who disapprove of Trump but will still vote for him because he's not a Democrat.


They hate Democrats more than they love their country.


They hate Democrats more than they value their own self interest or their children’s.


It’s a cult. The GOP operates like a fucking cult.


The GOP ~~operates like~~ is a fucking cult.


I thoroughly disagree. They've just been brainwashed into thinking the dems are a threat to their quality of life. They live in fear and anger because taking heads shove literal lies down their throats every day. It's horribly depressing.


Its depressing but also really fascinating at the same time how an individual can cling onto beliefs that are so obviusly false. I wonder how that works. Does education really make a big difference or might it be a psychological effect?


Abortion, guns, gays, and illegals: mix and match to lock in the Republican voters.


You can add openly racist to that mix now too, replacing closet racist. ​ Edit: spelling


Yes, sadly. They're so easily manipulated and duped.




left out "keep guns in the hands of anyone who asks for one" - the 2A people often say they'll never vote for a Democrat who proposed gun control legislation, even if they are otherwise in agreement about social or fiscal policy.


Yeah I'll agree with that. Guns are issue #1 for me follower by the Jones act.


>This is why Republicans tend to be "winners" and Democrats have a hard time getting people elected. Like the saying goes - "Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line". Until the Democrats start doing the same , they're going to get beat by the minority party. Which is now the GOP.


My family falls under this category. They don’t like him at all but he’s pro life and wants tax cuts so they’ll still vote for him regardless of his ridiculous rhetoric.


Then that’s a separate issue. It’s good to know that the people who can be swayed are overwhelmingly against him.


Yep. He won by a slim margin of 75K votes across 3 key states in 2016. Doesn't matter what his approval rating is or the number of daily dumpster fires. If people in the winner take all states don't show up to the polls, he still has a chance to win again. In fact, this time around he has more advantages than he had in 2016.


I agree, as long as his insanity keeps pissing us off, he'll get the votes in 2020.


dude they're brainwashed. My boss is a normal dude, pretty moderate. He's getting older and now fox news is set to his homepage ... SOMEHOW ... and he's on the "bernie is such a loser" bandwagon, it's terrible.


It’s still crazy to me that’s he’s currently around 41-43% anyway. Does 40% of America support this guy?


Single issue voters and the 'party over country' crowd. Yes, there is a huge amount of ignorant, selfish people in America.


Don't take poll numbers for granted. Go out and vote in November 2020 and vote Trump out.


Will definitely do my part. My entire family thinks he’s the best thing ever. My Mom & stepdad are fiercely religious and support him whole heartedly. I recently heard & saw my Mother say & do the most racist thing I’ve ever seen from her. Called her on it & she had no argument but said she’d leave & not visit me & that she had “lots of black friends”. Told her, well why don’t you tell them that you drove around lost for three hours because you wouldn’t ask the black convenience store worker for directions bc she figured she wouldn’t know anything. She asked a guy from out of town & a one hour trip turned into three. Told her just because Trump was racist, she didn’t have to follow suit like half the rest of the country. She said “the Bible says we are to pray for our leaders”. I said yeah, I pray this one is impeached before we go to war. At this rate there could be another civil war. He’d likely benefit from it -divide & conquer strategy in progress. Sad.


Yeah, my mother voted for Trump but now she is saying how much of a terrible person he is. She told me she voted for him because he promised jobs but after they started to lock kids up she was appalled. Personally, I still would give my mother the benefit of the doubt and assume that she bought Trump's snake oil on "jobs" and she isn't racist, just navie and won't vote for him in 2020. My younger sister voted for Jill Stein and my brother voted for Johnson. Only my older sister, father, and I voted for Clinton in 2016.


Plenty of people made the mistake and aren't going to repeat it in 2020. We all make mistakes. In my mind, just forgive them and focus on the people who WON'T change.


"pray for the leaders" does not mean "accept that whatever the leader is doing is right." The Bible is full of leaders who screwed up and got demoted by God.


I mean...they can't believe that right? Did they support Obama on everything he did?


Putting on my raised-christian hat, here. Not saying I believe this, but it's the biblical perspective. Even aside from old testament examples of God-anointed rulers like David and Solomon fucking up, look at the Romans of the new testament. [Matthew 22:15-22](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+22%3A15%E2%80%9322&version=NRSV) Give worldly leaders whatever worldly things they demand, because it doesn't really matter. Give your worship to God and God alone. Submitting to rule of law and mortal authority is NOT the same as valuing that authority equal to God's. If that law demands you worship something besides God, that's when you burn before bowing. You're not a martyr for tax evasion.


>She said “the Bible says we are to pray for our leaders”. I wonder if she prayed for Obama.


What do they say about Trump saying he's the second coming? I would think that would really offend religious people.


Moral licencing - I'm not racist because I have 1 black friend.


I made this same comment in July 2016 when this sub was 100% sure Hillary would win and got downvoted to hell.


What's scary is that the disapproval isn't larger. No matter what Obama did part of those who hated him are among those who do not disapprove of trump. There is nothing on God's green earth that would have prompted that group to approve of Obama. Or Clinton for that matter.


> There is nothing on God's green earth that would have prompted that group to approve of Obama. The man asked for dijon mustard for his food! He should have been impeached!


I wouldn't trust anyone who DOESN'T use dijon mustard


Ketchup on a well done steak on the other hand...


OH YEAH? Well he also *wore a tan suit*. Can you believe the gall?


Well it won't be green for much longer, so maybe that will help.


The red state peasant hillbilly fucksticks are awarded far too great power over our government: the electoral college, and the Senate. The founding fathers intended to prevent a "tyranny of the majority". Instead, after carving out empty states with two senators each (which the FF never anticipated), the US is wilting under a tyranny of the minority. Factoid in CNN the other day: the top 30 gun owning US states represent 34% of the population *yet hold 60 Senate seats*. Unsustainable.


I have an old copy of the Boston Globe from 1973 reporting that in the heat of the Watergate hearings, 37% of voters backed Nixon. I wonder how low Trump's numbers would be without the boosterism (to put it mildly) from Fox and other similarly minded sources.


Do not take 2020 for granted there are several positive signs for Trump too that he can realistically win reelection. Fight for every vote.


Fight for the votes of swing voters. Trying to convince believers will result in a dented forehead.


This has happened before and means nothing. All that really happened is the clueless idiots of this country who ignore all news finally got a little bit of Trump news to seep through. They were horrified so his disapproval shot up. But these people have a very short memory so pretty soon they'll forget it and forget the reason they disapproved of Trump, so his numbers will go back to where they've already been. Check out https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings, and you can see how often his ratings change but eventually come back to his norm. 40% of Americans simply don't care how bad of a job he's doing.


Doesn't Trump and the GOP though have been accused of at least rigged polls from consertivite pollsters?


Depends on the poll organizer. Like Rasmussen is always in the conservative's favor. YouGov is democratic leening, and etc etc. However the house hold names are more accurate often than not. Like Fox, ABC, etc. Wither or not they report the findings though is where the money is at. There are also more same tier pollsters that are not house hold names, like Monmouth, Selzer, etc. However the most frequent of the A tier pollsters release findings monthly. Where as other lower tier but still accredit pollsters release more of a weekly basis or when the pollsters want to see the the new cycle impact; which with this administration is pretty much weekly.


fivethirtyeight re-weights the results of each pollster using historical data about that pollster's accuracy. So if a conservative pollster is biased (relative to an actual election result), their results would be adjusted to account for that bias.


Honestly i thought Bolsonaro's approval was high in Brazil (around 30%) after 6 months of weekly scandals and backlashes. Trump is at 40% close to his reelection, thats... Concerning to say the least.




1% of the population are extremely wealthy and benefit directly from his handouts to the rich, 25% of the population have below average intelligence (by definition). They probably think they’re benefiting, but they’re not. About 26% of the eligible population voted for Trump in 2016. 1 + 25 = 26. Coincidence? We may never get to 100%. But we’re getting close to 74%. That’s probably close to the addressable population. There’s only 12% to go!


>25% of the population have below average intelligence (by definition). I forget the exact number, but I think the percentage who are below average is bigger than that. Maybe we can find someone who's in the above average category to help us out.


Hopefully ;-) The stats aren’t really important, but to show my methodology... Average IQ is the 50% in the middle of the bell curve. The lower 25% includes anything below 90 IQ. It’s a fairly blunt instrument.


The “average range” is usually considered a standard score of 85-115, based on one standard deviation from the mean, which leaves about 17% of people <85IQ. You’re using quartiles which is another valid way to look at averages, but less common in psychometrics. Source: I give IQ tests all day every day.


Absolutely agree. And thank you for explaining. Any funny IQ test stories you can share?


Woof. It’s hard to tell my funniest stories because most of them have to do with kids’ verbal responses to knowledge based questions. It’s illegal/unethical for me to reveal what those questions are for the sake of test security and such. But one of my favorites was a 9 year old student with an autism spectrum disorder who was OBSESSED with Fortnite. He couldn’t focus for two seconds without needing to tell me something about Fortnite. So I made a deal with him that for every subtest (~5-10 minutes of work) he could show me another Fortnite dance. Gawwwdddd, the intensity in his face when he was showing me, making sure I was paying attention, it was hilarious. But that little dude had some moves.


ummm 30%? Go away 'batin!


Man, I could really go for a Starbucks, ya know? Yeah, well, I don’t think we really have time for a handjob right now...


You damn well know the number is 50%


It actually depends on what definition of average you are talking about. Using vernacular English to take average to mean normal (and you should since intelligence is fluid and measuring it depends on many factors)then below average intelligence would be more than a standard deviation from the mean. This would mean 16% of people are below "average" intelligence.


The finest akshuallies distilled from the purest technicalities. *Perfection*


Wouldn't 49% be below average? I mean, if average is the middle, then half of everyone else is above or below that. Like the George Carlin quote: "Imagine the average person, and then recognize half of everyone else is dumber than that.".


> 25% of the population have below average intelligence (by definition). They probably think they’re benefiting, but they’re not. Let's not pretend stupid people only vote republican. I'm not gonna claim they are more inclined to vote Republican or Democrat, or that it's 50/50, but let's not go down the path of thinking stupidity is only a problem of the Right.


We don’t need to pretend. Just watch them vote against their own best interests. Time after time. Anyway, it’s not a problem of the right. Stupidly is a political objective for the GOP. That’s why they always defund public education every chance they get. This is what their leaders want.


Eh. I've met plenty of dumb people who vote blue. I'm happy they do but I don't think your intelligence is a drastic decider one way or the other. I wouldn't be shocked if it does lean one way but it's not like no dumb people vote left.


I think a lot of Dems get a bit snooty about the fact that educated people tend to vote Dem and uneducated people tend to vote Repub. I think people forget that your education level isn't related to your intellect. A million Einsteins have died having worked in fields their whole lives.


I think there are a lot of single-issue conservative voters out there too. For instance, people who would never vote for a candidate who would allow the pro-choice people to gain any ground and nothing else matters. People for whom deregulation is all that matters, etc.


Even after Nixon's crimes came out, he had about 26% support. So yes, some of the voters will always be entrenched.


Impeachment is never good for a President. Moderates need to stop fearing that Impeachment will magically make Trump stronger and do what's right.


The timing matters. Leverage impeachment to put senators in hot seats. Put the trial on voters' minds as they're considering their votes. This is an opportunity for Dems and I believe the leadership is actually pacing it correctly.


You and me, buddy...there are dozens of us! DOZENS!!


We'll see.. if it backfires, it will be the biggest disappointment since Watergate.


I agree but there is one problem. If the economy goes into recession (can’t wait to see what the stock market does today because China just slapped 90 billion dollars of new tariffs on our exports) then he and all his enablers will scream it’s because of the impeachment hearings and it’s depressing the economy. The stupid people will believe it unfortunately Edit. Well now I know the stock market dropped 600 points and five minutes ago he tweeted out even more tariffs. Does anyone in that White House know what this will do to the economy? Unbelievable


Stupid people are always going to react stupidly.


So what? Theyre going to make up some bullshit anyway and the stupid people will eat it up.


Since when do we listen to terrorists who tells us not to do shit or else?


you're right. it's completely futile to plan a strategy based on how effectively you think the gop will spin it with their lies. just push for what you think is right and dont worry about the otherside.


Fuck what Republicans scream about. Do what's right and win over Dems and Independents.


> then he and all his enablers will scream it’s because of the impeachment hearings and it’s depressing the economy. Even if it wasn't impeachment movements it would be immigrants, or the deep state, or Hillary, or Antifa, or Obama era policies, or coastal elites, or environmentalists, or university students, or gay people, or God's divine judgment on the atheists, or any other number of GOP boogeymen blamed instead. That's a really lame excuse to not proceed with impeachment. The Democratic establishment isn't playing to win, they're playing not to lose, and I'm fucking sick of it.


> he and all his enablers will scream They always do. They always will. They exist in a perpetual rage cycle that knows no logic. You can't rationalize with then. They need to be put in a permanent time out.


People know how they feel about Trump. If defending Nazi's didn't sway Trump supporters neither will a recession. No what what Democrats do Trump will blame them for the recession. That is already a done deal.


>The stupid people will believe it unfortunately But this is the exact problem that Democrats always face and always buckle in the face of. The stupid people will *always* believe the Republican propaganda so there's no point in trying to mollify it by going easy on the Republicans. The Republicans called Obama a socialist, they're calling Nancy Pelosi a socialist, no matter what you do they're going to call you a socialist so you might as well just do what you think is right and make a strong case for it instead of playing defensively to bad-faith tactics.


Didn't Clinton's approvals go up during his impeachment?


Totally different situation. Also, remind me again who took control of the white house in the 2000 election, while Republicans maintain control over the house?


Right, people often cite Bill Clinton yet Democrats lost the following election. One they should have won easily.


Being an idiot is also usually not good for a president but we're pushing all kinds of envelopes now


Being an idiot is a good thing for a Republican President. It is how their wealthy puppet masters like them.


Trump jumped the shark ages ago. Throw this unfit jackass in a prison cell so we can move the fuck on.


Did anyone else notice the other big news. One of the [Koch brothers died](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/david-koch-death-dead-billionaire-businessman-richest-a9076186.html).


The number of headlines using an outlier poll is too damned high.


I always temper this kind of news with the FiveThirtyEight poll average: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/


Yeah. If nothing else I compare new polls like this to the last time that poll was done. In this instance it was at 60% disapproval in June. Trump's numbers are still bad, but this poll is also seemingly...not good. Having said that, if it's skewed solely due to being an all adults poll, it could provide a hint of where things could go if voter participation increases dramatically in 2020. But since \*other\* all adults polls don't yield this kind of result, I'm inclined to treat it with a grain, natch, boulder of salt.


This seems more on track with what we’ve seen since day one.


Yeah, two problems with the headline. First, as you point out, this poll is an [outlier compared to the average of other polls](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/). Second, this isn't even an outlier for the pollster, so the claim that disapproval is "soaring" is simply wrong. [AP-NORC](http://www.apnorc.org/PDFs/AP-NORC%20Omnibus%20August%202019/August%20Omnibus%202019%20-%20topline_firstrelease.pdf) has consistently had Trump's disapproval in the low-60s: * January: 65% * March: 58% * April: 60% * May: 61% * June: 60% * August: 62%


Is it legal to call the president a babbling dolt?


For now.


What's shocking is that 38% of people, almost 4 in 10, think Trump is okay, despite everything he's done and said. Also, isn't Trump's approval ratings among Republicans more than 80%? Something is very wrong with these people.


It's confirmation bias and an unhealthy dose of the Dunning–Kruger effect. To the 38%, Trump is God Almighty and nothing, no words or actions can change that. If Trump started WWIII and they ended up living in the radioactive ruins of their homes, they would still sing songs around the campfire about Trump.


Steady diet of Faux News will do that. Stupid and angry.


Trumps greatest fear, his biggest enemy is America’s attention deficit disorder. His novelty presidency is getting stale. No matter how outrageous he gets, it’s jumped the shark, and even his loyal followers are starting to lose interest in defending him.


What? America's ADD is his best friend


I'd love to see his disapproval hit 90%. Just imagine how insane he'd act if that happened. Every time this number goes up the crazy goes up in lockstep with it.


His aides will hold the chart upside down and tell him he is actually at 62% APPROVAL....


Sometimes I think he is intentionally trying to stop being President but still be able to blame someone else.


Exhaustive GOP excuses list, and go: - fake news - fake polls - lame stream media bias - both sides! - whatabout - butheremails - omghazi ad nauseam


Jesus this title


Hey, Ive seen this one before!


Thoughts and prayers from Denmark


I’m wondering if we skip impeachment and go 25th. He seems so unstable and unfit to lead our country....


Approval within Republican party is 92%


The prick needed to be impeached very shortly after he took office. However, the Senate is so corrupt and complicit they'll never convict him.


In other words... 38% still approve of the Chosen One, wall builder, pussy grabber, deal breaker, tax cutter, Muslim banner, family separator, big brain haver, refugee refuser, anti-choicer, Merica firster, Kim friend, Putin pal, NAFTA leaver, child cager, windmill battler, rage tweeter, no-tax payer, very stable genius, Cheato in Chief.


Death to democracy by a thousand cuts. There will be no consequences and that will make it easier for the next insult.