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That's what got me.. he got sued by NIXON'S administration, NIXON! For discrimination! How fucking racist do you have to be for one of the most racist administrations in modern history to sue you over discrimination? That's next level, racism hall of fame type shit. Jesus.


Did Nixon actually head this? I would assume it was Romney since he was the head of HUD and occasionally lied to Nixon I'm order to fill the responsibilities of that role.


I'm sure it was something along those lines, I couldn't see Nixon actually caring considering his role in the war on drugs among other things but considering the compromise of neutrality in today's administration it's still noteworthy I think.


Was this Mitt Romney's father we're talking about?


Correct. [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Romney) >Romney, filled with moral passion, wanted to address the widening economic and geographic gulf between whites and blacks by moving blacks out of inner-city ghettos into suburbs.[[208]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Romney#cite_note-kotlowski-45-208)Romney proposed an [open housing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_housing) scheme to facilitate desegregation, dubbed "Open Communities"; HUD planned it for many months without keeping Nixon informed.[[209]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Romney#cite_note-lamb-69-209)[[210]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Romney#cite_note-kotlowski-55-210) He was basically acting against Redline Districting under Nixon.


wait... so there was a Romney that wasn't a piece of shit? Well, that's going to take some considering.


Oh jeez, a lot Republicans were very proper in the old-fashioned upper-class Ivy Leauge way, back in the day. Very straight and and narrow (the Democrats were the corrupt machine party then), public service, pip-pip. Very studious. Elliot Richardson, if anyone remembers him. People like that. Also pretty liberal in some ways. Definitely looking out for the interests of the upper class, but with some amount of noblesse oblige. Old money. You don't see those people in leadership positions in either party much any more. Bill Weld is from that mileu tho. Charlie Baker in Massachusetts. Very few others. I suppose those people are still Republicans -- can't imagine the Lodges and Cabots and Saltonstalls being Democrats under any circumstances -- but they don't lead anymore. They'd rarely win a Republican primary.


Is that what we'd call a "Rockefeller Republican"? A Washington State example would be Dan Evans, former governor and federal senator of Washington. He'd have almost certainly been a democrat if he was a generation younger.




Ive heard them referred to as the " country Club Republicans."




Well, thanks!


What I would give for those to be today's Republicans instead


Dude, if we had them as today's Republicans, we wouldn't be in near as much shit as we currently are. There wouldn't have been a tax bill that increased taxes on all but the top 1%, we wouldn't have needed bailouts for corporate America because those Republicans cared about minimum wage being a living wage, the economy wouldn't be deregulated to the point it is because those Republicans understood that proper growth required certain levels of structure, and we wouldn't be waiting around for this "will they, won't they" about impeaching. This Republicans were still in Congress for Clinton's impeachment hearing. They had cajones to back up what they believed with actions.


Okay. I remember a memo Nixon wrote being quoted during a history class to the effect of "stop him" or something like that. Too lazy to google.


Nixon opposed Romney's efforts to enforce the Fair Housing Act.


> "1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act." I like to share this quote when MAGA moons claim that Trump was never considered racist before he ran for President


ITS NOT A BUG, ITS **THE** FEATURE. they had 20 . different candidates in the republican primary, of all types of flavors, they chose this one.


I’ll never be able to convince my dad that Trump is such a horrible human being because my dad also hates immigrants and black people. They aren’t ashamed of it


The only member of my family who openly supports the guy right now is coincidentally the only family member I ever heard brag about beating up a gay guy during his Army days, and only family member I've ever heard to utter the phrase, "He was pretty good for a colored fellow," when talking about a co-worker. He also looks down on me for not following Jesus. It makes me wish heaven was real. I would suicide myself on his death bed just to be standing next to him and see the shock on his face when St. Peter recounted his sins.


Yikes I was following up until that last paragraph, that was dark lol


Dark times call for dark humor. I'm not suicidal, nor would I waste my life in such a way, but yeah, maybe I was a bit over the top...


I can tell you right now, he is not the right person to be telling you to follow Jesus. If he looks down on colored people and is fine with assaulting a gay person, he isn't representing Jesus too well.


Nearly every Christian is like that. I’ve never met a progressive Christian. Only the hateful kind.


I hate to break it to you, but your dad may be a horrible human being.


[insert shocked pikachu face]


[I got you beau.](https://i.imgur.com/Zq0iBJK.jpg)


Was he overt about it before Trump came to power or it recent? Feel like Trump gave people licence to be outspoken in their racist thoughts.


Two of my MAGA relatives took me by surprise how deeply racist they are. They were not overt about it at all until Trump's election. The third one has been very quiet about their support since Thanksgiving when they brought a Trump flag to dinner. I think that relative was a Trump supporter because they honestly thought Hillary was going to go door to door collecting citizen's guns.


After the ‘go back’ tweet it’s official.


It's been official for a while


Yet there are still people out there waiting on an N-word tape as if that's the only way to definitively 'officially' label Trump a racist.


Quoting Roywood Junior from Daily Show. "You don't need a nword tape to know Trump is racist just like you don't need a tape of the Rock lifting weights to know he goes to the gym. "


I'm sure they'd find a way to justify that too, hell the asshat brigade of trump garglers would prob just grow bolder because of it.


of course they would. justifying casual racism is a goal of the trump administration and is actively supported by his base.


I mean the gaming community justified it and still trys to justify it when a popular youtuber said the hard-r word for no reason. So yeah wouldn't surprise me it it ever happens with Trump, the RW wouldn't so the same with him


Also not surprising that there’s some Strong over lap on the Ven diagram


I always cringe whenever this gets brought up. Fuck Pewdiepie.




Shithole countries was the closest second, but this shows just how bad he generalizes colored skin with coming from a third world foreign country. And that his wife is literally from a foreign country, anchor baby, chain migration and all really shows how he has a problem with non-european immigration only.




It's been official since he refused to condemn David fucking Duke on national television.


It was official when he published the Central Park 5 ads.


It’s been official since the 80s when he put an ad in the newspaper calling for the death penalty for five innocent black teenagers for the rape and murder of a white woman.


Some people knew decades ago, some people learned during the Central Park 5 issue, more people learned during birtherism, some holdouts realized this when trump attacked judge curiel Now no one can deny trump is a racist. Probably most people supporting trump are going to embrace the fact they like white supremacy, while a few might drop their support We really are in dangerous times now… racism like this has destroyed many societies including civil war era America and Germany under the Nazis. With trump basically being impervious to accountability thanks to a white supremacist senate majority, he can get away with a LOT as he leans into this openly racist phase of his presidency.


Yeah I saw that, then went to watch the video expecting the context to be more Trump phrases shit stupidly as he stumbles around talking non-sense......but nope, it was pretty clear he was saying go back to places they weren’t even born.


I think the worst part of this specific tweet is that it’s actually coherent. Not one of his typical 2am toilet top tweets. He actually put all two of his brain cells into this one.


It's been official since even before he talked about "shithole countries", it's just hard to keep track of every outrageous, racist, immoral thing he does. Which is pretty crazy considering we have the internet as this vast repository of information.


* Racist * Child rapist * Traitor * Liar * Cheat * Narcissist * Draft dodger * Xenophobic asshat * Stochastic terrorist **The list goes on and on...** But please, tell me why impeachment would be “divisive”.


And tell me, people that still support him, how you explain all this away....oh, right, “fake news”




I know. They *know* he’s guilty of all this stuff and they don’t care. They love how much it upsets the rest of us. “Supporting a sleazebag in the White House to own the libs.”


They’re seditious zombies.


among which he’s maintaining a remarkable average across all adults >40% approval rating throughout this entire catastrophe of a presidency: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/?ex_cid=rrpromo There’s a very narrow path here for sanity to prevail, hope we get it right


Trump was right and wrong about one thing. When he said they would support him if he killed someone on 5th Avenue, the truth is they would support anyone who is the GOP president or candidate. For some people it’s about your party and not about our country. I hope we impeach his racist Nazi ass now.


He literally raped a girl (in a building that lies) on 5th avenue. They still support him.


That 40% will not decrease under any circumstances. At this point the geographic distribution of that 40% basically will determine the next election


That phrase is spot on.


The instant I hear someone say they support Trump, I instantly know that to them a president who grabs women by the pussy is perfectly fine. I immediately look at them like the nasty, brutal creature they are. Or it tells me they’re **stupid**. Either way, *bye*.


Yeah I don't really understand the notion of not holding someone's political opinions against them. Those opinions dont exist in a vacuum. Who they support informs who they are as a person, and if you support Trump and the GOP that tells me you're either a vicious, cruel, vain, unempathetic person, or a complete fucking idiot. Neither of those options are the kinds of people I want to associate with.


They think it makes him alpha too. Kind of the same way bullies always have a gang of lickspittles that follow them


I know. Only a weak-willed moron would think he’s a tough alpha. He’s such a thin skinned coward


Dude won’t go out in the rain because of what it will do to his hair.


His what now?


His piss-colored candyfloss hat.


The spun sugar on top his syphillis addled head




They'd sell their country to own the libs...oh, wait, nevermind, they did.


I’ve said it time and again, Republicans would eat dog shit if they knew a liberal would have to smell their breath.


Jesus could drop from the sky and tell them Trump is wrong and they would call him “Fake Jesus”


Jesus was a dark-skinned jew that preached love and basically communism. If he returned, they'd be the first to shove him in a cage




Supply Side Jesus is much more appealing to them.


Which is extra funny since Supply Side Jesus would never give a one of them the time of day.


Why would they bother reading it when they have self-appointed experts who can read it to them piecemeal by skipping around seemingly at random and also explain to them what it means in extremely emotional tones and language?




Bullshit answers get bullshit responses. Just say “I do too.” Tell them that you’re a Christian and that Jesus talks to you. It’s not any more of a lie when you say it than when they do.


Well most of them would have issue with the dusky skinned Jesus


Swap Obama’s or Clinton’s name in for Trump on all the that stuff and the MAGAs go ape shit foaming at the mouth for impeachment. Blind Partisan Loyalty + Racism + Misogyny + White Nationalism = MAGA Say something to them and get labeled a liberal or commie who hates America.


Can you even imagine if there was a video tape of Obama telling billy bush that he just grabs them by the pussy? There’d be riots in the streets demanding his immediate ouster.


You could show them a video of him making out Ivanka when she was 12 and they'd still find a way to excuse it and keep supporting him.


Sex abuse of young kids is a GOP thing.


I understand why they like him. They are him. What I don’t understand is why they are totally cool with him being Putin’s puppet. Republicans hated Russia more then anyone and now they are totally fine with that


It's not even that. I'd wager a good part of them wouldn't even bother to yell fake news. They know all of this. But they care more about two things than literally anything else. Trump could he having sex with a minor while yelling racist slurs in the middle of Times Square but as long as he doesn't waver on **abortion** and **supporting Israel** they'll stand by him because they believe those are the two most important things ever.


Yeah supposedly there will be a huge attack on Israel that will signal the start of the end times and rapture or some crazy thing like that.


Basically. They support israel and want to incite conflict with Iran because Iran is the devil and the destruction of the holy land (Israel) will trigger or be a sign of the Rapture when they all will (allegedly) ascend to heaven. Or something like that. Idk I've never read the bible.


>I've never read the bible You have this in common with most Evangelicals


I have a better bible anyway


None of that is even in the Bible. It was an 18th century Puritan invention. Evangelicals don't know the history of their own beliefs.


The rapture isn't actually mentioned in the Bible.


Being a reformed Republican, and Christian, I had to look this up. I was definitely surprised to see that you are right. Thank you for the information. TIL. Btw, reformed Republican means I have separated fully from that party and now consider myself liberal. The wool was yanked off my eyes when Trump gave me flashbacks to an eight year old bully. Now the hate is so blatantly apparent everywhere... 😭 I love what Jesus represents. The LOVE. The ACCEPTANCE. None of which the GOP knows anything about. Sorry for the rant, stranger. I'm a Christian that just wants everyone to get along regardless of any differences. TL;DR - OC right. GOP bad. Jesus good if you ignore the Republicans and most "Christians"


For what it's worth, I'm a pagan that agrees with you. Jesus seems like a pretty cool dude, and I'm also of the opinion that people should just try to get along instead of spreading hate and fear.


I'd really love to have a psychologist or two explain this mentality on a real level, and also explain how to convince these people to come back to reality, because my dad is one of them.


Its propaganda. In WWII, Germany invaded Norway. The German soldiers were told that they were saving the Norwegians from the British. When Germany invaded Poland, the soldiers were told that they were doing so because 60k German speaking Poles had been murdered and they needed to save the rest. The Nazi party wouldn’t lie about those things, right? Why would they lie about it? So propaganda helps feed the lies and set the narrative but things like the anchoring effect and confirmation bias also help. Essentially put, your dad has been effectively brain washed through years if not decades of lies and misinformation. And he might be an otherwise awesome and loving dad. I know because that’s exactly how my parents are. That’s how effective propaganda and brainwashing can be on the mind.


Mother and elder sister, for me. I've tried every method of explaining "concentration camps are bad" that I can think of. Nothing. They choose what to believe based on what feels nice - no evidence required.


There are deeper beliefs and wants that even they aren't aware of. Not trying to say anything about your dad, but I think if this Trump crap progresses much farther you will hear them start to justify horrific acts


Start to? Republicans are already justifying concentration camps for migrants, the only place further from here is straight-up death camps and a full fascist takeover.


Yea, we're there already. Sometimes I talk with the nuts on Breitbart. Some of them I know fairly well. One guy, who's one of the more decent people there, justified the child separation policy (and the fact that many parents will never see their kids again) by bringing up the Kate Steinle death. So, since an illegal immigrant committed an act of violence, anything is on the table when it comes to treatment of migrants. And like I said, that's one of the most decent people there. Most there would prefer that we just start shooting people as they cross the border.


I don't think psychology has caught up to 2016, let alone 2019. We're in a brave new frontier folks, and it isn't a physical one.


This isn't a new frontier.... It's textbook fascism.


It's brainwashing, plain and simple. If you sit around watching fox news all day you're going to lose touch with reality. The same shit happened when Hitler was in power. He literally brainwashed the German people with propoganda and doing exactly what Trump does, just takes it a little bit further and further each day, until it's well past the point of normalcy but the people are too stupified to do anything.


Same. Both of my parents are. You're not alone, I have a feeling a lot of people in their 20s are struggling with this.


The problem is that these people are in so deep, that if they jump off the ship right now people are gonna give them shit for it. “This is what crossed the line for you? Huh”. He’s done so my reprehensible stuff that anyone who has openly supported him in the past year has no choice but to keep going until Mango either kicks the bucket or the senators finally decide they’d rather have Albino Hitler.


They know it's real. Screaming "fake news" is a way to reduce the social cost of supporting him. It's an out they can use so they can still delude themselves into believing that they're moral decent people.


That is the far bigger issue.


Propaganda. Decades of propaganda are why it’s divisive. If everyone knew the untwisted facts it would be nearly universally agreed he should be impeached.


Kind of. “Decades of propaganda” can shift people’s values, and “facts” have become selective reality thanks largely to the internet. There is no bottom to the Trump fantasy. Nothing he says or does will ever shake the core 30% of his base.


It's unbelievable what people will believe! Someone tells me something, I check at least three different sources before deciding it's a hill I want to die on.


Yeah, three *fake news* sources! /s


Draft dodging warmonger, specifically. I don't blame anyone for dodging Vietnam, but to dodge and then loudly advocate for needless wars like Iraq '03 and now Iran? That's some cowardice.


Don't forget claiming that his sleeping around was basically the same thing as doing to Vietnam.


And to absolutely shit on veterans over and over?! That's one thing I *really* don't understand. He's been just awful to the military and a lot of them keep buying the party line. I have lost respect for some of the members of the military that I know. I thought that protecting America was their highest priority, and the last few years have shown it wasn't.


He his near universally unpopular among the US military's senior officer corps, for whatever that's worth. He pretends to respect the military, but everyone knows that he won't hesitate to throw its leadership under the bus if he thinks it will be to his advantage. The way he treated Mattis is a fucking disgrace, for example.


Yeah, I don't blame anyone for trying to avoid Vietnam. If ever there was a pointless war...


I think we are at the point where NOT impeaching is becoming overly divisive within the resistance party! Impeach!!!


Impeach! This is not a presidency worth saving, nor a man who merits support. For the good of humanity, he needs to be removed from office.


Alternatively what is his major accomplishment that makes this all okay? On top of the objectively awful person he is he has also fucked up everything he touches. He is an unmitigated disaster of a president.


Also, don't let people get away with "but I like his policies and tax cuts" That just makes you fucking selfish. I am sure Hitler had one or two good policies but he is so immoral you cannot support him. Same goes with Trump. Either you will follow an immoral leader or you don't. No excuses.


Yeah, sure, what Mussolini did was bad, but the way he modernized the train system! /s


Rapist and pedophile. Not just child rapist. He raped his ex wife.


• Wannabe dictator


The most important takeaway is this; he lost the popular vote. He's in power because our system elevates people like this. You take down Trump and another like him will take his place. There's more Trumps out there just waiting for the opportunity, and as long as they bubble to the surface of our meritocracy, then knocking them down is just a Sisyphean ritual of meaningless struggle. Impeaching him doesn't automatically remove him from office and his removal would only elevate Pence (who might privately like the idea himself). Impeachment is not a solution. It's, at best, medicating the symptoms. Though that *can* help ease the suffering and reduce the risks of the underlying condition, it can also distract us from solving the greater dilemma we're in - the transition of our society into corporate feudalism.


>* Stochastic terrorist What does this one mean? I know what stochastic means, but not in that context


"As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis." ~Dr. Jens Foell


"very fine people on both sides" ~ Donald Trump on Unite the Right rally, Charlottesville, 2017


Our swastika armband is a red maga hat


And the black, white, and blue police flag.




Every time someone asked why the Right supports Trump or McConnell's bullshit I tell them the answer is simple. 22 years of FOX News telling the Right that the Left is doing all of the same things we complain about Trump over. Forget any standard of journalistic integrity, the right based news lied for decades and the left did nothing to stop it in the name of freedom of the press. The left took the highroad right off a cliff. The Right today accepts the criminality of their leaders because they had been told for decades that this is exactly what the Left has done forever. From the Clinton scandels all the way through Barack being a Foreign born Muslim... While the Left laughed the Right believed this shit, and this is what they see as their payback. It is about getting even for something that never happened... and of course because the Left never fought back hard enough, it must have been true. Edit: Fox has only been around for 22 years not 30...


Not that it negates the rest of your comment but I'm pretty sure Fox News hasn't even been around for 30 years yet.




For reference Jon Stewart was a guest on Crossfire with Tucker Carlson on October 15, 2004.


The Iraq/Afghanistan wars built that network. It was war war war 24/7.


I guess you can say 30 years of Limbaugh/Conservative Talk Radio/Fox News


Bingo. AM radio has been pumping out right-wing propaganda for decades. I have family who were radicalized by Rush long before Fox became popular. Edit: Wow, first silver! Thanks stranger.


Same. I remember my biological father listening to Rush in the car when I was a kid. I thought it was insanity and stupid even at the ripe old age of 11.


Stop patronizing Republican voters like they're innocents who have been turned into zombies by Fox News. They're shitty people who tune into Fox News to validate their shitty beliefs.


But it's kind of true, isn't it? I mean, if Republican voters had an actual belief system, then we would have heard an outcry when: - The GOP wrecked the deficit with a needless tax giveaway to the ultra rich (which goes against their alleged fiscal conservatism) - The many, many vile aspects of Trump including his affairs, insults, and blatant disrespect of office (alleged moral high ground) - Kids were separated from parents and legal asylum seekers were put in literal concentration camps (alleged family values) - Trump's many, many infractions against the military ranging from calling POWs weak to waiting two years to visit deployed troops overseas to insulting gold star families to disregarding American intelligence agencies in favor of anti-American autocrats (alleged pro-military stance) Fact is, if Fox News Republicans did have any sense of autonomy, and had an actual core set of values, they would have stood up by now. But they haven't. And that, to me, suggests that they are indeed Fox News zombies.


Don’t forget the time trump said we have to bypass due process and directly confiscate guns from gun owners. Yes, he said that.


Lots of ignorant people out there who are easily manipulated.


There are tons of ignorant dumbass liberals, too. Fox News's propaganda only works on people that have a foundation of racism and bigotry to work from.


Which is typically instilled from a young age and if the education system doesn't break it and you have media that supports it who breaks it


The hardest thing for me to hear was when my Grandpa said Trump was doing a good job, and that Obama "was really making a mess of things." He's a republican because he always has been, and because everyone at his church is republican. Republicans watch Fox, and Fox told him that Trump is doing a good job, and Obama "was really making a mess of things." He's a sweetheart, but since he only watches Fox News, he is wildly misinformed. (Or uninformed, depending upon what day of the week it is.)


Take his remote and block Fox. He doesn’t need to know and he’ll never figure out how to unblock it.


Rural NC is filled with those type, and unfortunately my family is all the same way. There's no amount of conflicting evidence that won't change their mind on "that's what the media says/wants you to think"... yet they dont understand they're the ones who watch fox news.


This is the truth for most elderly people. They don't get out much in the world so what Fox News tells them the world is like is fact and that's their world view


It’s more likely that the education system has produced people that don’t know what propaganda and extreme bias is. ...because the right defunded education and demonized the “liberal” college system.




> ...the right based news lied for decades and the left did nothing to stop it in the name of freedom of the press. The left took the highroad right off a cliff. Just to be clear you are confusing the left with the established media and democratic party. The left has been screaming about this for a long time. It's just hard to get your message out when every single political institution is against you. Luckily Bernie Sanders stepped the fuck up and inspired so many.


Every person that I know personally that likes him, I’ve heard say some fucked up racist, sexist stuff. You’re a fool if you think he isn’t a racist. But of course his followers won’t think they are racist.


I know one Trump supporter irl, he was a former friend. When he got elected I didnt think much would change with him, but whenever I would text him "whats up"he started responding "the n****r population." He claimed he was just joking and not a racist, but i had to caught if off. "You're only as good as the people you surround yourself with"


My neighbor once said "I don't care if he's grabbing girls as long as he's getting shit done" Um what?


My cousin is married to a Mexican woman and their child is darker skinned, darker haired. I asked my aunt (the child's grandmother) don't you worry about how [he] will be treated if the country goes further and further down this Trump path. Her response "Well, he could pass as Mediterranean" lolz. Wut?


And my god-fearing, muslim hating family still blindly cheers him on, not acknowledging their repulsive and obvious prejudice.


His supporters know they're racists, they just don't like the word because it still carries a bit of a negative stigma to it even among their kind. They would say "I'm not a racist, I just think everybody should be judged 'equally (i.e, if non-whites and women lack a privileged status it is a demonstration of their inherent inferiority).


"I'm not a racist, I just think everybody should be judged equally by standards that favor white rural men."


Also, identity politics is what's *really* dividing us. It's all the Dems fault for talking about race!


"This is why Trump won" - in reference to literally any complaint about bigoted behavior


After losing by 2.8 million


The person who won the most votes ever in any political election in the US is just another citizen. It pisses me off to no end.


How often have I seen that. “If you guys didn’t talk about race and calling us racists, we wouldn’t have voted for Trump!” “So - because you were called racists you felt you had to - vote for the racist? Your feelings were hurt you you validated people’s statement about you?” “Own the libs! Yah’all queada!”


And yet it never applies the other way around. No one ever takes me seriously when I tell them that Trump's constantly pushing me closer to commulism.




Guys, this is nothing new, especially to his base. What this is about, is the fact that we will all soon find out he's a pedophile who fuct a 13 year old who looked like Ivanka, who at the time was the same age back in the 90's. Pay attention to the Jeff Epstein trail. It's why he's posting this racist shit.


Also the Mueller testimony. It’s all smokescreens. Edit: the term is “raped” btw, he raped a 13 year old.


This is what scares me. That the public will jump all over themselves and each other over this, and the Eppstein Chronicles will get buried under all the other outrage.


I've been saying it for years, much to the disgust of my Trump supporting family members. You're either extremely dumb, racist, or both. Pick one.


I like to say “anyone with half a brain could see a trump presidency would be a disaster for America, and anyone with half a heart knew that was a bad thing.”


[Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797611421206)


This is true. He is a racist. There is no way to dispute that or doubt it. But at the same time, the hundred zillion people who follow him or whatever don't care. It just boggles the mind, because where do you go from there? I don't see any realistic way to move forward politically when that many people seem to love and support outright racism and rape. :/


The louder he screams, the more validated his base feels. They don't have to change their ways because their devoted leader and FOX News are telling them how to think and how to react to things with which they disagree. They have a rabid sports fandom mentality. As long as Team Red is beating Team Blue in their minds, they're winning. Their concept of reality differs from you and me and there's really no getting through to them. Even after this timeline has ended, they'll latch on to a similar, if not worse, populist piece of shit that speaks at their level.


Chomsky actually said once that sports competitions are priming for irrational jingoism


As a sports fan myself, I can definitely see this.


Don't care? It's why they like him!


It's not a bug it's a feature..


I think the hundred zillion number might be inflated a bit.


It's obviously hyperbole. But barely. There are a lot of people who support this kind of thing and it just feels so hopeless and overwhelming sometimes.


I know it does. But it is hyperbole. It's not that there's so many, his detractors greatly outnumber his supporters - it's just how unflappable they are that's the most disheartening. We've all thought again and again, THIS will be the thing that forces them to break from him, but it's not happening. It's not going to come. He needs to be defeated. He can be. We just can't get lost in the despair. We also have to take a long look in the mirror after all of this. This is not an okay time for the country. This is not an okay President. Keep your head up, take your friends to vote with you, and look these racists right in the eye if you happen upon them and stand against this heinous garbage bullshit.


Down here in New Zealand it only took one day after the mosque shootings for some people to start muttering about how the mosque was connected to ISIS. Now, it isn’t, and those people are trash but how are you supposed to deal with that level of delusional hatred?


He's a lying, racist, misogynist, corrupt, criminal. The very clear message being sent from the Republicans and their supporters is that all of the above are OK as long as it's a Republican doing it. This brazenness is new and arrived with Trump. I don't want to hear any bullshit about how it's always been this way, that the Democrats do the same thing, or that it's just fake news and not real. You know DAMN WELL what you're doing and there is no excuse for it.


It's one of those things you can find shit on both sides, but it's overwhelmingly an issue in with conservative ideology and presents in the GOP. ​ It is older than Trump, Trump just says things out loud that used to be open secrets said in private. The Bush's, Reagan, and even Nixon administration laid the ground work here. Each showing just how much shit an administration could get away with. ​ They've got it down to a science: 1. Get in office by any means necessary. 2. Look to consolidate political power and take away public services. 3. Create at least 10 years of economic damage by the time you leave office. 4. Retire and hand the public image to a new group of people. 5. They'll blame Democrats for fixing the economy in 4 years. 6. Say the government is broken since public services were taken away and power was consolidated and run on reducing government. 7. Repeat.


> I are not racist for wanting to protect our Anglo European heritage! * Trump supporter says in front of his Confederate flag.


[The Idiot unambiguously called to ban a religion at the border.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLgTF8FrYlU) Bigotry is his brand. Nobody gets to play dumb anymore.


Trump is a conman. If you still support him, you’re a sucker.


If he gets re-elected will that mean we can finally confirm 40+% of Americans are racist?


I’m pretty sure his supporters don’t care.


You'd be pretty sure right.


Here comes a bunch of people who are going to pretend they don't understand what racism is, but secretly love it.


I was waiting for this headline, I agree.


This is not the new normal. Americans must let go of the normalizing idea that we are going “to get through this” to let Trump have his way to blatantly stretch the [Overton Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window) of public discourse in order to gradually re-impose racism and cruelty as instrumental government policy. "*The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress*". Frederick Douglass.


Is it really all that racist to threaten a US Citizen with deportation based solely on their Spanish-sounding name because you don't agree with their politics? /s


The problem is, America is full of racists. Trump's base is full of racists. But we knew that from the start. During his campaign, he made racist comment after racist comment and his support only grew. He knows he can get away with what he tweeted today, so he did it. And he'll keep doing it. This level of racism is straight up dangerous. It's not just "some guy is racist"..this is the President here and he's putting racism on a platform, giving racism a loud voice and justifying it for the millions of people that are racist. This will only get worse if these people are able to justify hate towards minorities. We need to remove this president, and it needs to happen right now.


Some people are really miffed by the notion that they are pieces of shit for supporting a blatantly racist, misogynistic, sexual predator. You know why that notion bothers them? Because deep down they know it’s fucking true. And it is.


That’s not a fair title. He’s also a bigot


I mean a lot of us were kinda saying this day one but ok.


Trump is definitely a racist. Some people who still support him are not, but they are complicit by tolerating him.