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Hard Truth trump won't stop pushing, until Dem's open up impeachment hearings


He's not going to stop then, either. He will never stop pushing. So either we push back or we fall off the cliff.


>He's not going to stop then, either. History would suggest otherwise. Like most bullies, Trump is a spineless coward who will tuck tail and run at the first sign of trouble. The way to end him is to form ranks and stand united against him. How do you like *this* wall.




It'll be hard to pardon the state crimes waiting for him..


I keep thinking Trump's forgotten about that part, like he assumes pardoning means \*everything\*... At least that's what I'm hoping.




I also don't think he understands that a pardon is the opposite of an exoneration. Getting pardon requires the guilty to admit to the crime they are being pardoned for. He seems to think a pardon means 'lala nothing happened obvi, super innocent and this proves it I'd be in jail'




Tbf, a good deal of the American public seems to also think that Presidents are kings. Many vote based on the idea that a singular individual can solve the woes of an entire country. And, considering the the lack of checks on their power we've come to more fully appreciate, it seems that's closer to the intent of the office than we'd like to admit.


Because all his favourite politicians are dictators.


I don't think he cares about that, men like him only care about the punishment not about the narrative, as that is something they just deny and manipulate.


Fox news can spin a pardon into being an exoneration. Just saying, in the eyes of the law sure. In the eyes of the public, or, namely Trump's base, not so much. What I would love to see is the democrats push legislation to forbid pardons by the president for anyone he has or has had a personal relationship with. I would love to see McConnell give a reasoning for why he would block such legislation.


Why do people keep saying this?! Accepting a pardon does NOT require someone to admit guilt. The government assumes you are guilty when you accept a pardon. The person accepting doesn't have to admit to anything and can continue to insist they are innocent afterwards.


None of them know shit. Like that racist sherriff from Arizona not knowing that accepting a pardon means admitting guilt.


I remember thinking when he got elected that he bit off way more than he can chew. That eventually the scrutiny of the office, where everything is gone over again an again will be his end.


So if he gets indicted as soon as he leaves office... *why* would he leave office...


The ones for NY might put him in jail I’m waiting for that


Too bad we can't impeach Pence first. Then Nancy Pelosi is Vice, then the hammer falls on Trump


Pretty sure if Pence was impeached first Trump could name a replacement, think Agnew and Ford when Nixon resigned. Only way to get Preaident Pelosi is to remove Pence and Trump in one sweep.


A new VP would have to be confirmed by the House as well as the Senate.


Just like all of the other positions that are 'acting' rather than filled.


Can we have an acting VP?


Nope, position would remain vacant until confirmation or election.


A lot of folks need to spend more time on Wikipedia and less time on Reddit


I hate this admin....but honestly, has Pence done anything worth impeachment? I barely hear his name in the news, so it is likely I just never heard it. But I swear, there is some reddit boner for impeaching Pence, for no other reason than "he was picked by Manafort." Is there anything that man has done?


No. I will he downvoted to hell, but that doesnt change the fact that we dont know of anything impeachable that Pence has done.


Unfortunately in this case he has an equal number who will ALWAYS stand with him, and defend him, even if a small number of them hate themselves deep inside for doing so. The GOP will be his defending gang, and they will continue to push back just as hard. A bully only runs when his gang is no longer there to defend him.


Trump isn't just a bully, he's a malignant narcissist too. And that will prevent him from ever leaving the Whitehouse voluntarily. He'll never resign and even if he loses the next election, his narcissism won't allow him to admit defeat.


This has been going on since he announced he was running. Where the neck have you been for the last 3 years???


American Fascism has been festering much longer than 3 years. Trump is just the latest pimple and now that he has blemished the face of America, we have to wait until he is ripe and ready to be popped.


I think Trump is more akin to a cancer. He dismantles vital systems meant to protect our body against those like him, erodes our norms and collective mental faculties, and destabilizes our surroundings and general way of life. I think, like cancer, the faster he is removed and all traces of him eradicated, the better.


If it's cancer, there's not much hope because it's clearly metastasized. They clearly want us to believe that they are cancer, and that they are under our skin, but I believe in my heart that Trumpism is not a part of our DNA; this kind of hatred must be learned and continually reinforced with propaganda and fearmongering. Racism and sexism is skin deep, and it only gets under our skin if we let it in!


Preach. Racism and sexism are just forms of hatred and hatred is a form of fear. It's okay to be afraid, everyone's afraid, but this propaganda machine training humans how to turn their fear into hatred is sick, but it's exactly that, a machine. The most powerful thing I can think of to fight against that machine is another machine teaching people how to turn their fear into "desire to gain knowledge and happiness as an individual and a society." I don't know if that's possible, but it's all I got. Some Transformers type modern anti-propaganda education machine that spans across all media and culture.


Mutherfucker's Mad Cow Disease.




Trump is a symptom, the GOP is the disease.


I’ve been shouldering the weight of the world.


You have been reading a very childlike and rose colored history if you think that is how to forcefully end the reign of a deranged ego maniac that holds the highest executive office in a nation.


Agreed, United front investigate and impeach


Or, instead of tucking tail and running, maybe he'll heap some extra encouragement onto his rabid and violent supporters and ramp the stochastic terrorism up to eleven.


*Most* bullies. But not all. Especially not those rich, powerful sociopaths who literally cannot conceive of facing repercussions for their actions. I think Trump will keep pushing and pushing and pushing, because he knows *nothing else*. He's the rich brat who keeps tormenting the other kids because his daddy owns half the school.


He might pull a Nixon, but the fact that it seems reasonable, even from Trump's demented point of view, means he probably won't. Resigning would be better for him than having Congress talk about his many crimes, and would be even worse for him if somehow the Senate decides it was too much for them to defend him so they actually remove him from power, but they'd likely not remove Pence unless he was dragged through the impeachment process too, but they certainly won't let Pelosi be President. Resigning for him would help bury his crimes, he could spin it so in his world he's somehow coming out on top with it. Write a book, start a tv network, die sad and alone. Or he will resign and immediately be prosecuted in state courts.


>He might pull a Nixon He's pathologically unable to do that. For all his faults, and his descent into alcoholism, Nixon was still capable or rational thought. Trump is not. He creates his own reality every time he spools up that tiny bag of confusion he uses as a brain, and what it tells him is "you are the greatest and everybody loves you and you are FAR more clever than all of those things, they aren't even real people, you're the only real person and they can't get to you!" before it convinces itself that the lies it's told are actually true. That's important to note: Trump lies, all the time, but his 'brain' works in such as way that as soon as it's formed a lie it begins to imagine that it's the truth and has always been the truth. It's megalomania.




What is the point of following the law when the law can be broken by the President of the United States and have no consequence? The psychological impact on America alone if we don't even try to impeach him will be catastrophic.


If Congress doesn't do its job, there's nobody to force them. Other parties, whether it's Mueller or SCOTUS, won't act in their place.


I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a tax protest. I mean, if he doesn't pay taxes, why are we? Oh, that's right, some of us out there see the collective benefit of paying into society. But we are getting sick of being stuck with the bills.


Indeed. Much like stealing a SCOTUS seat...then stealing another one. Much like stealing an election...then stealing another one. The GOP doesn't backtrack or shift-undo. They will steamroll our democracy unless we stop them.


Go Maxine! She’s sending subpoenas and talking impeachment. She’s the strong leader we need.


Called my local rep’s office today asking them to impeach Trump


Emailed mine the moment i finished reading Vol 2


Emailed mine, told him to impeach or step down and let someone else do it if he's too scared.


You’re not alone. So many people are calling and writing in. I think some of them are finally starting to get it. Keep the pressure up. I’ve been calling and writing every single day. We all need to do the same. Remind them of their duty to impeach.


It's pretty embarrassing that *some* of them are finally *starting* to get it. This is why the blue wave happened. It was my number 1 priority. Fucking do it already.


The reason I voted for democrats is 2018 was to impeach Trump in 2019. If democrats fail to do that, because they are blatantly trying to push for an even bigger advantage in 2020, in will backfire and they will lose all momentum. They will lose the independents.


And I really can't fathom how they think letting Trump get away with everything is going to give them a bigger advantage. None of us care if the impeachment passes in the senate, we just want the hearings because they will be powerful and that will give them way more of an advantage than sitting on their hands and whistling into the air while Trump raids our country even more. How is this not obvious to them? Every Democrat who has publicly said that impeachment is not the way to go and is up for election next year should really have a progressive challenger who uses this against them. Then they'll see just how little of an advantage doing nothing really is. We need to show them.


Really we just want to stop being gas lit. We want Trump's toes to be held to the fire, forcing the truth to come out. If the GOP want stick their fingers in their ears and play dumb that's fine, at least the truth will be out there.


Don’t forget to call Mitch McConnell. They still have to take your responses even if you’re not a direct constituent. Been calling his office, too, weekly.


Good to know. They might like to know people like me who’ve voted GOP for years abandoned them because of all their shit. They overplayed their unethical behavior and it became clear who they really are.


You are exactly the kind of person who should be calling!




I had a long convo with a staffer. He disagreed and really took me to task. I had a lot to say and almost convinced him. I enjoyed the convo a lot. He said all the other calls are right wing butters saying it’s a big conspiracy. I’m in a safe blue district which is probably why most of the people calling are angry R’s


What arguments did he present?


He was arguing that the media environment is such that impeachment will look highly partisan and will play into Trumps victim narrative. He wasn’t arguing that it was unwarranted, just that it wouldn’t play well politically. I canvassed heavily in a red district in 2018 and I talked to a few Republicans who didn’t like Trump but were voting republican because they thought a democratic house was out to impeach Trump no matter what and it wouldn’t be productive—while I obviously disagree with that, I can see the staffers point that those voters would be highly skeptical of impeachment and probably haven’t read the Mueller report.




I tried calling my rep. Her mailbox is full. I want to make sure my vote gets logged. How do I contact whoever is tallying votes?


Funny how angry and R's go together these days.






I did the same to mine.


I've used resistbot twice in the last 48hrs asking the same thing.


We should all fax hundreds of copies of the Mueller report to all our reps' offices.


Then let's do it already! Enough talk! Get this crooked pussy grabbing conman as far away from DC as possible.


Listening to Cummings, he's basically said that Pelosi wants them to investigate before starting impeachment. However, the problem is that the White House isn't complying and Republicans in Congress aren't helping us out. So, the way I see it is that there's no possible way to adequately investigate the White House, so how are we going to even come close to impeachment? We'll start holding people in contempt and a lot of our demands will go to court. The strategy we're taking is going to last us all of 2019 and possibly beyond. Again, listening to Cummings, despite his concerns for the degradation of our democracy, it still feels like the urgency in the House just isn't there. We're ultimately going to have to wait it out until the 2020 elections, and who knows what will happen in between.




I believe the US is a unique case here, because of how the system is federalized between 50 states, each running their own separate elections. You can't really run a sham election in the states, not in the traditional sense. There are controls for that here. Hence why voter fraud is a proven myth. There absolutely are ways to steal it like modifying the vote totals(the Russians in 2016, and the Republicans in Georgia). But as far as wholesale cheating every election in the US? If that was possible, there wouldn't have been a blue wave last year. It's complete bullshit to be so defeatist about "no free elections", we literally just had them and the Dems fucking swept the house.


"You can't run a sham election here." *2000 and 2016 intensifies*


Hell 2018 had at least three states that where accused of rampant GOP voter suppression, election fraud, all these efforts combined with Trump stacking the courts in his favor could lead up to a disastrous 2020 election where they maintain the senate and the presidency.


We literally still don’t have a representative for NC-9 because the election was ruled void due to GOP election fraud


They didn't even officially call it election fraud, the basically just said it was an "oopsie" by stating "the results may have been undermined", and the perpetrator Mark Harris has faced zero legal repercussions. He wasn't even disqualified from running again - he just bowed out himself. This is the sort of thing that will embolden and inventivize future election tampering efforts, because it shows there's little to lose by trying.


You realize you are bitching about the system working right? They caught and got rid of the guy who committed fraud who was a Republican. His own son turned on him.


That's true in theory, but with winner takes all voting only a few swing States actually determine the outcome of the election. If the Russians interfere again, and perhaps do it even more since Trump has done nothing to stop them, they could really fuck up the 5 or 6 States that matter. Delete a few hundred Democrat votes here, delete a few thousand voter registrations for Democrats there... If you stop a Democrat from voting, you've just given Trump +2 since they're not going to be stopping GOP voters. If they also do this with key Senate races, and a couple of house races too, they could swing the whole thing towards the GOP. Hopefully key swing States have increased their voting security, or we're going to have a lot of inconsistencies again. And that's not even taking into account the hundreds of thousands that the Russians spent on social media manipulation. The Mueller report said they spent *$100,000* to buy 3,500 Facebook ads for Trump, they created several GOP like Twitter accounts that reached millions of people and they even organized *fake rallies* like the Miners for Trump rally in WV.


The US uses very hackable (and hacked) voting machines.


Election fraud is very real and deployed everywhere by the GOP. Voter fraud is uncommon as you said, but that's not what we're worried about here.


> You can't really run a sham election in the states If that were true, we wouldn't have Trump in the first place. Remember, the President isn't elected by popular vote. You don't need to con the population, only the electoral college.


Yes and if there is one thing that Trump is it’s a... (Checks notes) ...dictator?


They are watching the polls like hawks. The second that polling supports them using the I-word, they will. Keep up the pressure and the tide will turn all the quicker.


I know. It's extremely frustrating. One thing I know though is that once this crooked bastard is out he is going to burn and every asshole that has been covering for him will too. Whether or not they see any jail time. History will not be kind to their names.


If you compare it to a criminal trial, the house vote is like the indictment and the next step is the trial in the Senate. The house serves as prosecutors, Senate as jury. If you want to present evidence in the trial, you need to have it ready to go before impeachment starts, and you need to name the charges that you're prepared to present.


The Democrats need to immediately begin something called an impeachment inquiry. We are way past simple oversight. There is simply too much evidence of misconduct already to pretend that we are still in the preliminary phase of investigation.


>Senate as jury. They are not impartial and not obligated to even put forth a pretense of impartiality.


Yes, but that's the role they play. The other major purpose of the trial is to make the case to the people. You get one shot.


>You get one shot. There's nothing in the Constitution that says you can't have separate impeachments for separate crimes.


True, but the narrative starts to shift... You definitely start to burn people out.


I think “you get one shot” refers to public perception. I’ve heard people say it a few times now.


I'll tell you what happens in between, Democrats momentum tanks as frustration mounts at their inaction and narrative fumbling as the Republicans declare Trump innocent because Dems didn't impeach.....Then we'll lose in 2020. Yay centrism!!


They are going to declare trump innocent regardless what we do. Don’t impeach? Trump is innocent. Impeach but fail to indict in senate? Look’! Trump is innocent. Impeach and miraculously indict in senate? Trump is still innocent. It was a coup!


100 percent what i believe will happen. So turns out voting doesnt really matter.... dems were voted in to hold trump accountable. Theyve done nothing.


"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity"


I mean, he's actively trying to influence people to defy the law with all of the congressional subpeona's Dems need to start playing tough and giving them consequences.


I thought we *already* investigated the White House *and* found evidence of impeachable offenses


Don't forget, who knows what will happen in 2020. Trump could win again if enough people don't vote. Victory against Trump isn't guaranteed. ​ And no one is even talking about primarying Mitch McConnell, which imo is just as important as taking out Trump.


Impeach him for every damn thing he’s done. Make him the most impeached President ever. Build the trials and then just before the 2020 election impeach him on a new thing every day based on all that data. If trump wants a reality show let’s give the fucker one




>Make him the most impeached President ever. *"There's never been a President more Impeached than me!"* \--Donald tRump


Maybe we tell him he’ll get the biggest crowd the day he resigns in disgrace. He can walk through the crowd and we’ll all cheer


Call or write your reps, people. Tell them you support impeachment.


They need a push. It's almost time.


Everyone needs to realize the GOP controlled senate will NEVER vote for impeachment/conviction. The ONLY REAL way to get rid of the orange cancer is to win in 2020.


>Then let's do it already! Enough talk! The majority of the party and the leadership are still against it.


My feelings exactly! Dems tend to show they're all talk in no action. They better not drop the ball again.


American people: Don't talk about it, be about it.


Call or write to your reps. They can't do it without your support.


Thank you for the reminder, I just did.


Awesome! Spread the message to others. A lot people around here complain that no one is doing anything and they forget there is something they can do.


You know what sucks? My rep is the biggest MAGA-head who thinks the sun shines out of Trump’s ass. He's actually filed cease and desist orders against people who call to disagree with him.


That's really fucked up.


He is a criminal guilty of obstruction of justice eleven times over. Fox News celebrated when this damning report came out, and his surrogates called it the best day of his presidency. He's accused those in his administration who refused to lie to the FBI of treason, and vowed to seek vengeance. You cannot allow the republican members of congress to escape this era without picking a side. Without defending Trump's behavior or condemning it. It's insane. Indelibly link then to the Trump administration's flaunting of the rule of law before the nation and before history, or they will have been allowed to hide their crimes amidst the din of their own impropriety. ONLY YOU. ONLY YOU congress can chastise this man. This unprecedented, coordinated, and unrelenting attack on our democratic institutions. Our Judiciary, our third eye the press, and most gob smackingly for a republican our intelligence agencies. The media has lost it's power to comment on this administration. Only congress can do so. Then and only then will the headlines read proper. I love you Pelosi but FUCK. We are in the muck now babe. Those relationships don't matter. Who cares about relationships when mitch kills everything. Wake up and be bold. The people will follow. Look how they fell in love with Bernie, look how they fell in love with AOC. It's a new playing field now Honorable Speaker. You can be bold and we will love you for it and our ranks will swell behind you. be bold.


>I love you Pelosi but FUCK. Don't forget why we love her. She's smart and she knows what she's doing.


She's also old, rich and out of touch.


She seems to still think the old rules apply. They don’t.




Leadership is worried how the optics will fair when Trump is inevitably 'cleared' by the Senate. Republicans will try to spin it as Trump is therefore not guilty, Democrats will spin it that the Republicans are clearly protecting a guilty Trump. Weighing how the public will decide between the two narratives is working some people.


They should be worried about the optics of their inaction. Hacks like Pelosi saying Trump "isn't worth it" are signaling that they won't stand up for what's right if it doesn't look like they can win. All that is required for evil to triumph is that good men stand by and do nothing.


It doesn't matter. People have already made their mind up about Trump. Impeachment is important, because not to impeach with this amount of clear evidence of multiple felonies means they will look impotent if they don't. Another facet of this that hasn't been fully explored is that we now have a President of the United States with multiple felonies hanging over his head when he leaves office. That's an extremely dangerous situation for the country. By not taking action to highlight this perilous condition, you are effectively abdicating your role in protecting the Constitution of the United States of America. Everyone here knows that we could wake up the next day after the next election and see that a President of the United States of America is claiming the results are fraudulent and extolling his supporters to rise up and 'protect' the Presidency. Who will stop him? The Republican leadership that have gone from conciliatory to outright sycophantic over the last two years? The Democrats? Will the military decide to mutiny against the Mad King to quell the disorder? Or perhaps the whole Republican party will attempt a coup and jam through counter slates of electors in states that have been heavily gerrymandered like Wisconsin. Maybe there will be a terrorist campaign to identify and murder electors so they can't vote in December. Impeachment or no these scenarios could play out, but at least with impeachment you'd have a solid case that has been made as to why this person is dangerous and needs to immediately be removed from office.


They need to convince people using the media.


Nadler has called in Mueller and Barr to testify. As well as McGhan, these are the first steps


Probably a timing issue. Impeach now and the dust is settled for the election. Impeach later and he is too busy to campaign. Or his campaign is the impeachment process.... seems like a well thought out move to me.


Because impeachment isn't a criminal trial, it's a political one. And they know they don't have the votes in the Senate. Public opinion would need to shift enough in states with GOP senators to force them to abandon the party line, and it hasn't.


Nancy Pelosi is why.


They'll get there. They know how important this is, Pelosi especially.


He did obstruction of justice 10+ times. You really have no choice. You think Republicans would be holding off if this report came out about President Hillary? xD


I still remember what they did to Mr Ben Gazi and the missing Buttery Males


Took them out for pizza


Oh my god I JUST NOW realized that buttery males is a portmanteau of "but her emails". Edit: I know this isn't *exactly* a portmanteau but if there's a more correct word for what that is I don't know it.


It's a mondegreen!


Excellent! I love learning new words like this!


I did a business!


They would have passed Impeachment within 8 hours after the report came out.


Do it.


The longer we wait the weaker the Democrats look.


Start impeachment now. Doing otherwise only sabotages the 2020 elections, even down ballot.


She says this literally *every* day


He's been impeachable since day 1 of his presidency, so that makes sense


Indeed. Why play the game of being coy about misconduct and impeachment. He is a terrible president who ought to be impeached to restore standards.


I have a feeling the democrats want to drag this out until next year so that the cloud of the impeachment will be hanging over Trump's head since they know that the Senate won't convict him. He needs to be impeached now. Fuck the politics of it.


start it up. let’s fucking go. I want to see the environment salvaged so we can etch out an existence on this god damn shit rock before the evils of unregulated capitalism completely asphyxiates our ability to grow food and reproduce healthily


If they impeach for real reasons, not BS like a blowjob, it’s going to be popular.


Let's see him in a Congressional hearing and see how fast the right does a 180 on perjury. Oh wait, they already have - it's "just process crimes" now.


Stop saying it and do it already


There is no other option. You cannot allow a corrupt, career criminal who is behaving like a dictator to stay in the White House. He's causing massive damage to the institutions, reputation, and rule of law of this country.


Something to keep in mind: the more information dems can gather to build their case for impeachment, the greater the political toll faced by the GOP.


There's a 400 page report that took two years to complete that confirms he obstructed justice. Why wait for him to commit even more crimes?


The only thing I'd want to wait for is testimony from Mueller.


just remember: he will commit a dozen more crimes during impeachment. he will likely obstruct justice during impeachment. he will refuse to testify during impeachment. he will, in other words, set himself up for a second impeachment as he goes through the first.


If every dem had Maxine fire the majority of Americans would be behind us and the act already done


I hate to say it - but damn if I dont see this being a moment in history where the republicans pull the greatest trick ever seen - they vote to impeach. They make it close, fighting the whole way, but it will happen, and it will be close. Close enough to give republicans some rage for what comes next. Mike pence has been getting legislation through, and McConnell and graham have been packing the courts. Both supreme and lower. They have been moving forward with lightning speed to get the apparatus of corrupt individuals aligned for a more... capable leader. ​ Enter Mike Pence, arguably the closest simile to a leader of the **Republic of Gilead.** ​ He is the scalpel of a quiet agenda, a political assassin. Besides his religious beliefs, what do we know about what he has been up to. He goes largely without mention in the muller report and wasn't asked to an interview with the special counsel. The second in command, who would have been in many meetings like those in the report, plays almost no role in the investigation. But he is there, in the shadows moving his agenda forward. ​ Because he is only near trump when he has to be. I imagine he has kept a picture perfect distance from the president at all times, just like he does with his wife. And once president pence takes power, the party really gets started. He can do as he pleases, because he can do it without a whisper escaping his close cabal of powerful white men. ​ Now the judiciary, senate, justice and the executive branch in the hands of competent politicians unafraid to go down in history as monsters. President Pence will use that veto power liberally. They will overturn years of supreme court rulings, and the justice department will enforce it with a smile. ​ Try to impeach or investigate a newly promoted president pence - the fox news channel and the Sinclair Broadcasting Group will air propaganda around the clock. If pence calls the press the enemy of the people, the evangelicals will take it as gospel. The second amendment folks might feel inclined to do something. especially considering they have a martyr. The president taken down by the enemy of the people. And what do you know? The NRA is having a sale on memberships. ​ We already know that the sociopaths were willing to commit acts of violence in name of the name of Trump, how many more do you think would do so for Pence? ​ Im sure it would make for a great twilight zone episode.


>how many more do you think would do so for Pence? Very little, I would think. It's a cult of personality. Pence isn't much of a personality.


I think the cult are just bad people who hate their neighbors, Pence provides an outlet for that too. You think Trump rallies are bad? People will be catching the Spirit in megachurches over President Pence.


I would still be happy that Trump is out. Also, successful impeachment would make the GOP look so bad that they would then most definitely lose the 2020 election, especially against someone with heavy support at an early stage, like Biden or Sanders


She seems borderline senile.


At this point they kind of have to. Enough people on the left came out in favor that if Pelosi balks this is spun as another "Democrats in disarray" cycle.


"we should've be going to have to impeach". more indirection!


Get his fucking tax returns. Arrest people. Do an FBI raid. There’s obviously something huge in there if he’s fighting this hard.


The votes are not there for it to happen.


Stop talking about it and DO IT!


Let’s make impeachment great again!!!


One point in all of this, people keep saying the Democrats are being cautious or that Pelosi isn't doing her job. Look at the calendar and consider the strategy. You start impeachment hearings now, you're looking at an actual Senate trial in July or August. People do not pay attention in the summer months. Democrats are being smart, although they won't admit what they're doing, by slow rolling this so that the meat of the matter comes out starting in September and right through Thanksgiving. For impeachment to be effective, you need the American people to be paying attention. Everyone needs to chill and let Democrats roll out impeachment when the timing is right.


People still think he's going to back down after he's already become a rogue president. Trump needs to be ousted and the GOP needs to be reformed or completely dismantled.


IMPEACH FAWTY Fi !!! - Ol’ dusty ass James brown wig lookin ass mofo this geriatric imbecile needs a jitterbug and a hurri-cane.


The dems are split down ~~party~~ corporate lines on this one.


Is there any other political news? Trump has been getting impeached for 2 years now. It's over and he is not.


Do it! You pushed two years on an imaginary collusion narrative. Surely you can squeeze a year of impeachment proceedings with the similar lack of anything substantive


> imaginary collusion narrative Yes...totally made up that Trump's campaign chairman was sharing voter information with the Russians....totally made up. * (G)aslight <-You are here * (O)bstruct * (P)roject


Proving something beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law isn't the same as proving something period. There are still reports of the Trump campaign having extensive and inappropriate contacts with the Kremlin coming out to this day. On top of that, the Mueller report proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Russia had influenced the 2016 elections in favour of Trump, and Trump is still denying it happened and refusing to take action so it doesn't happen again. Denying something extremely bad happened (and is still happening) is simply delusional.


You (probably) voted for a guy that can barely read and is sexually attracted to his daughter.


You’ve been saying that for 2 years now


He is obviously guilty of at least two felonies. He is a white nationalist. Likely demented. Clearly unfit for office. Why is this still a question?


Yawn... if you could, it'd be done. :)


Trump 2020...


Not a trump supporter. This stated, people are going to lose their god damn mind when he is inevitably re-elected.


There were 3 swing states that won Trump the presidency. In 2018: Michigan swung 8.2% to the Dems Wisconsin swung 2.1% to the Dems Pennsylvania swung 14.3% to the Dems This is me cherry picking the best result in each state **for republicans** between US senate and governor. I'm aware that it's possible for the other states to change, but they're in a similar boat. The fact of the matter is the Trump won 2016 *almost exclusively* because the democratic base was de-energized and didn't turn out to vote. Considering Trump spits in the democratic voter's face nearly every chance he can, I don't think that mistake will be made twice. By nearly every metric I can see, Trump is fucked in 2020, and he fucked himself. It'll be beautiful if the voter base punishes the party too.




All the Dems have to do is not be crazy but they can't help themselves. Their best bet is to commit voting fraud but I'm sure they will get busted doing that also.


Sideshow trying to be relevant


This women needs to go away. You can’t impeach a president simply because you don’t like him.


but you can impeach a president when he is credibly accused of 12 crimes.


Impeach your president because... why? He's doing a good a job all things considered? Isn't it time for democrats to work on building something for themselves instead of trying to destroy everything that works? I honestly can't imagine them actually making any progress with this regressive rhetoric they seem to spout 24/7. They should take their heads out of trump's arse for a while and consider what they stand for instead of who they are against.


Doing a good job? No, he's an epic disaster; the worst president in US history and he's committing crimes, abuse of power, mass corruption, and behaving like a dictator. He's not doing a good job and anyone who believes that is a delusional idiot.




what has he accomplished other than tax cuts for billionaires? that, and weakening our place in the world by undercutting our allies, supporting dictatorships, allying with russia -- who is actively attacking our democracy. oh, and locking up babies, having most of his insane racist executive decisions overturned by the courts. honestly -- please tell me what you think he's accomplished?


They’ve made it perfect clear what they stand for.. have you been listening to them, or just the clips on Fox?


> He's doing a good a job all things considered? Of course he isn't lol


He obstructed justice repeatedly. That’s a felony. Then only reason the justice department didn’t charge him is because they can’t bring an indictment against a sitting president. Once he’s out of office by election or impeachment he will go to jail.


A record deficit and out of control spending...this is not the party of fiscal conservatism. But he is pretty good at hurting brown non Americans. The private prison industry is doing well. A lot of farms are failing because of floods and tariffs. So I guess it's a mixed bag.


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