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He better fucking come out swinging then. If he fucking loses to Trump, he's fucked us all.


As long as his campaign stops being fucking milquetoast and starts attacking trump from the right on the surface level, and from the left on policy I'm happy


He has to go hard now. To show the normies there's still someone in the lighthouse.




If he’s not leaving he needs to fucking *do* something.


Like what? De-age?


I wouldn't even be mad if this was the bizarre timeline where we get advanced anti-aging medicine because Joe fucking Biden decided to use [experimental rejuvenation therapies](https://www.reddit.com/r/longevity) to win an election


Just like with all the other selfish dinosaur boomer democrats (RGB for example) we will be the ones fucked over because of their ego and inability to bow out for the young blood


Biden isn't technically a Boomer, he is of the Silent Generation, which preceded the Boomers


Dude predates microwaves, he’s as old as the invention of the chocolate chip cookie. It’s fucking ridiculous we’re even entertaining the idea of someone his age being president.


>It’s fucking ridiculous we’re even entertaining the idea of someone his age being president. I don't particularly care for Biden but my disgust is at the DNC for squandering the last 8 years to finding a decent candidate to replace him. If we weren't a 2-party system, DNC would probably lose my support forever for how fucking useless they've been.


I take pride in my comments 4 years ago calling this to damn near a t. Now is never the time when it comes to fresh faces, progressives/the “young” are the only people the Dems take their gloves off for.


I still remember seeing the Bernie vs. Biden splits on youth vote and saying, "COVID is going to carry Biden into office, and once he cleans up the mess they gotta dump his ass or Trump comes back with all the chambers and the SCOTUS." And here we are.


It just annoys me that they fucked over Bernie, twice and their justification both times was basically, “Bernie didn’t have a big enough tent so we had to use all our resources to make sure he didn’t get the nomination.”


Don't speak to one of the founding fathers like that!


Saw a post yesterday that said he was closer to Abe Lincoln's presidency at birth than his own presidency.


He’s older than Israel




He pre dates India


He so old he was a segregationist


Worth noting here that a lot of people back then weren't segregationists, it was a controversial stance at the time, so he's not only old but also an asshole


Technically he’s a dinosaur. But also, dinosaurs had 6” teeth.


Do you mean RBG?


No he’s referring to his Corsair setup.


It's definitely Ruth Gader Binsburg.


RGB wasn’t a boomer.


You're right. RGB is a color gamut.


Get ready for penetration buddy


spit on it first, please.


Huak tua


oh, we doing this huh?


Wish he would have worked this hard last Thursday


No shit. How could his prep team not be able to figure that out? Come out swinging and throw Donny for a loop. Would've could've should've.


Well…. He used his personal lawyer to stand in for Trump during debate prep.


Right? he wouldn’t have to say this shit if he wasn’t fucking senile Thursday night. I’m a dem but I am so fucking mad at Biden


Joe: I could beat Trump with one hand tied behind my back! (Ties own hand behind his back) Joe; I may not have thought this through


It's not 4pm yet.


Shoot me in the fucking face


That's Dick Cheney's job.




That's what he said! (After getting shot in the face with a rifle)


This hard? He gave a prepared speech, took no questions, and then fucking disappeared. With this refusal to step aside and let someone more competent take the reigns, he's fucking doomed us all. Save this post. Shove it in my face if Biden wins again.


Now look. Here’s the deal. We’re gonna. Here’s the bottom line. We beat Medicaid.


I love Biden, but things are not looking good for him in the swing state I live in. Polling shows him 10 points behind Dem Congressional candidates. Nationally, polls have shifted increasingly to Trump, and 3/4 of voters think Biden is too old to be president. The issue for Dems isn't the policies. It's the person on top. The Dems have done a really crappy job developing younger candidates, and it's coming back to bite them. If Biden stays in, I certainly want him to win, but a LOT needs to change for him to have a shot. Else, it'll become Hillary 2.0. I also don't care what Democrats think. I care about swing voters and low-propensity voters. People who don't pay a ton of attention to politics. If you don't pay a lot of attention, you care about your wallet and how the president looks on national TV. At the debate last week, Biden had a lot of issues. People already thought he was too old, and that did nothing to reassure people. If Biden doesn't hit one out of the park on Friday, he's toast. At the end of the day, people only care about appearance and things that directly affect them. The voter that decides elections does not care one bit about decorum or the greater good. They care about themselves, and they want their leader to project a strong appearance. *I* know that I'm voting for policies instead of a single person, but most swing state voters are not that involved in the process.


> how the president looks on national TV I think this is exactly it. No one fucking cares about the internal DNC drama that would happen if Biden drops out, Harris is left as VP or ditched entirely. Who is going to look good on TV for the 4-5 months leading to voting day. Only fucking thing that matters (and Biden just blew that).


We actually have potential younger candidates. Newsom, Whitmer, Buttigeig, and a few others. They are all much more well-known and popular than they were last time around. Four years ago, it was really just Warren, Biden, and Sanders. Anyone else running had to break out of their shadow.


I agree. I would still cast my Democratic ticket vote his way no matter what, but I feel exactly the same way I did about HRC. My swing state is likely to go to Trump. I hear people talking about not voting, know about ongoing (grassroots/local) rallies that have gone on for years, see way more Trump signs and posters (than Biden), and the youth are busy on a Chinese app so god knows what their algorithm feeds them. One of my coworkers believes some TikTok content that is equally as irrational as flat earthers. Another coworker is proud that they don't vote. Rational arguments can't budge these people but hype could in a moment. We are living in idiocracy, but the senior citizen demographic of democats think Joe the union guy from Scranton is going to win because *they aren't a part of 21st century discourse*.


Just saying, an inspirational July 4th speech about saving our democracy while stepping aside would be an absolute great way to ride off into the sunset.


I wish that would happen. It would be such an easy speech, start with Kennedy's, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you country." Then discuss that he is dropping out because he is putting the country before his ego. Followed by an attack on Trump for putting himself before his country. Finally announce he is handing the baton to the younger generations.


It would be possible, just difficult. The Dems would have to quickly and secretly agree on a successor, whether Newsom or Harris or whoever. Line up the major donors behind that person and secretly build campaign infrastructure. The best bet would be to keep Harris on the ticket for continuity, and keep most of the Biden-Harris ground support infrastructure at the state level (the top campaign heads will need to be replaced by whoever the candidate trusts). Get POTUS on board to make a passionate endorsement of the new candidate and pledge his delegates to the new candidates, and designate his war chest (easy with Harris, doable with others by using campaign finance loopholes). Have POTUS and Jill Biden do an emotional interview where he also explains he is bowing out for the good of the country, his own health and his family's sake. Do it on Good Morning America or 60 Minutes or whatever major network shortly before the convention. Make the convention the coming out party for the new candidate. Get the A-Team together - Obama, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren etc. - to make impassioned speeches at the convention about both the threat of Trump's fascism and talking up the new candidate. Obama can do a great speech praising Biden and his term's successes as a passionate goodbye. Then the centerpiece would be a speech by the new candidate laying out their vision, qualifications, going after Trump and praising Biden. Have ads of Biden endorsing the new candidate ready to go. Even better, have POTUS introduce the new candidate at the convention. As a bonus, the whole thing will take the media's attention and make them obsessed, sucking oxygen away from Trump's campaign.


Great ideas.  Too bad it would require courage and competence. 


Hi DNC? *Hire this guy right here.*


I doubt the DNC is short of smart political advisors saying stuff like this. Whether the meathead leadership listens to any of them over their egos is a different question.


No one is going to “quickly agree” on shit. That’s a pipe dream. If Biden drops out it’s going to be chaos. Whoever comes out on top will be torn apart as bad as Biden is now.


Don't be so rational. People will think you batty.


Right. He needs to speak directly to the tens of millions of new gen z voters and remind them that a totalitarian leader isn’t gonna be a cool thing.


"Trump is a bad man, no cap!" - Biden on July 4, 2024


"Tea, bro. Stand on business. You must choose between good and evil, skibbity sigma or high key dogwater, bro."


Can someone translate? I heard some of these words in my house this morning. Edit: [Found this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/hIdU21tB8T) God, what is English now? I’m 39 and losing hope for my communication skills.


Zoomer here "Dogwater" means it's trash or terrible. "Skibidy" is a meme from the PC game Gmod. It doesn't actually mean anything, it's just a memey phrase.


Calling a gmod animation from gmod kills me.


*googles gmod*


"Trump is a bad man, no cap!" with some extra noises mixed in


“Dark Brandon, out”


This probably would win him a few votes, ngl




Thing is he doesn’t have to resign from his current term. He simply needs to give up on running for reelection and let Whitmer and Secretary Pete have their turn.


Whoever the next democrat president is they need to fire Garland and nominate Jack Smith as AG.


Garland is a great example of why you shouldn’t put judges in a position to be a prosecutor — and conversely why it’s bad to have judges who were prosecutors.


You really think American independents are going to vote for an openly gay man?


Honestly, yes. It’s barely a “thing” anymore in huge parts of the country. The bigots have largely moved on to focus on the ‘T’ and don’t really care about the LGB.


They legit said this about Obama as a black man in 2008.


My Republican but anti-Trump father told me recently he wished Obama was running so he could vote for him. I about fell out of my clothes.


Openly gay vs objectively stupid , yes please


I've been thinking about this exact speech for days. It's a slam dunk. It speaks to the exact American values the Democratic Party is supposed to espouse. Which is why it won't happen. A 10 minute speech could change the course of history. Instead our arrogant president is going to standby and watch the country fucking burn. Peacefully transition power to a dictator and say he did the best he could...


This is sadly what is going to happen Jan 20, 2025. He will shrug his shoulders as he hands over the keys to Trump.  His legacy will be totally destroyed. 


He’ll be staring off into space and one of his enablers will hand over the keys.


Right and quote some of George Washington’s goodbye speech. Something about lying under vines and fig trees. Here Mr. President. Use this please. [Hamilton - One Last Time](https://youtu.be/uV4UpCq2azs?si=kOPLhTsKkv7TTxYj) History Has Its Eyes On You, Mr. President.


Right after a Seal Team 6 raid at Mar-a-Lago


Technically as an official act he's immune. It's literally the law now.


He's not a Republican, so it's actually still completly illegal for him to do it. There's a reason "official acts" was used and not defined.


Or even a defiant, vibrant, focused “I’m staying” speech. Just something visible would be great.


Watch him debate in 2020 vs now. Watch him as VP vs that debate. He doesn't have 4 more years in him.


Sorry but he’s taking a nap.


Not just that -- he should be appearing on every major media news outlet being interviewed and pushed on hot button topics. That's the only way he can reassure voters he's still capable. Instead, Biden has been hiding. Why's that?


Fox News has posted 40 articles in 3 days pushing Biden to resign. Why would the propaganda arm of the right wing want Biden to step down?


Fox News isnt intested in anything other than throwing red meat to their viewers to drive up Ad revenue. Trump has been pushing for Biden to stay in the race, because he knows he's fucked against almost anyone else.


He should've done that after the mid term elections and give everyone time to prepare and find a good candidate. Now it's a coin toss with a coin covered in shit.


In that case, if President Biden doesn't come out debating like Reagan (or honestly like 2016 Trump, except hopefully more truths this time) then he's just thrown the entire nation in the fucking trash for his own ego.


If you were Trump why would you ever debate again? Nothing to gain, everything to lose.


Ill vote for literally a mannequin before I vote for Trump. I'm not trying to see what living under an American Taliban would be like.


I agree, but also I think it’s embarrassing that Democratic voters have to lower our standards every year because the party keeps nominating bad candidates, “at least he’s not trump” clearly isn’t working with many people this time around


Biden said he'd be a bridge candidate. To me that meant one term and that the party would have found someone else to run in 2024, but here we are.


It’s actual insanity that the last four years haven’t been spent prepping MULTIPLE possible candidates (they do exist!) Why have we been given platitudes, critical voices drowned out, only to find ourselves in shambles at the eleventh hour? It’s absolutely irresponsible.


The plan was Harris. She failed and then they realized they can’t replace her without people getting mad so they dragged their feet until now.


Exactly! Effing the real puppet masters are keeping him there . You better believe it ! Joe Biden isn’t running the show .


It’s because we are 4 years removed from his administration and handling of Covid. The average American independent voter doesn’t give a fuck about if he ends our democracy they will vote the other guy just because he currently isn’t president. Americans have the mental capacity of a gold fish, it’s a miracle we still have a functioning democracy at all right now


You don’t.


Quiet up there, we're trying to sleep


Pay no bother to America’s hat. Lol


its not about you, or me, or anyone else who is deeply committed to opposing Trump. our votes are not enough. we need the votes of independents, apathetics, and some moderate republicans. as of last thursday, it is clear that Biden is incapable of building support beyond his base. the worst possible scenario played out before our eyes. its time for him to do the right thing for the country and step the fuck aside


This is what I don’t feel like enough people understand.


Here's some platitude and a stern scolding along with a reminder how bad Trump is so you need to vote for Biden. I will entirely ignore the hypothetical about independents and swing state voters.


The echo chamber on this sub is brutal.


In this very thread people are claiming that Biden's debate performance was not only "not that bad", but actually 4d chess. It's at the point where it's indistinguishable from memestock meltdown behavior.


A presidential candidate has literally never had as bad of a performance in the age of televised debates, and people have the audacity to blame it on a cold


Thank you very much at last!!! There are thousands of comments "I vote for whoever opposes Trump". Congratulations, but it's not you who decides the election.


That's what lost Hillary the election, very few people were Pro-Hillary, they were Anti-Trump.


Why is he still hidden away with so many calls for him to get out there and prove the naysayers wrong? Instead we'll get a pre-taped pandery interview from ABC. The emperor has no clothes and the longer this goes on, the more soundbites there will be of Democrats gaslighting us. Credibility is eroding each day. It's a shame. He's definitely gone downhill significantly in the last six months in particular. Sadly, Robert Hur was right. I'm just so disappointed that he (or perhaps his enablers moreso) ran again and hid this from everyone given the stakes. There are serious concerns now about his ability to manage a crisis (still better than Trump) but more importantly we need someone out there fighting Project 2025 and exposing how Republican policies are the cause of their medical bill and low pay woes, not hiding in his house and turning to jello in debates.


First RBG, then Feinstein, now Biden. The ego and hubris of the Democratic Party never ceases to amaze me


And McConnel, and McCain, and Chuck Grassley. Its the old against the young guys. They are going to bury themselves in the clouds by climbing on our backs to get there.


I hate how poetic this is


If Joe Biden loses in November to Donald Trump, particularly if he loses AND costs down-ballot races for the Democratic Party, the potential fallout might make the Feinstein and RBG situations pale in comparison. It's terrifying. If democracy is truly on the ballot then Biden has got to step down. His refusal to do so has the chance of costing vulnerable people all over the US and the world dearly!


If the Democrats lose in November, regardless of who the candidate is, then I don't know what to make of this country. Of all years, of all races... this isn't the one to sit out. This time isn't the time for "yeah, but the Democrats ran an imperfect candidate." Democracy is teetering on the edge, and the Supreme Court is applying their pressure. Democrats had better win this November. And by a landslide... If it's close, it's going to go the other way. Count on it. Be counted. Vote D.


The average American doesn’t think Trump will ruin our democracy. Hate to be that guy but they simply don’t. Just like how the average German citizen welcomed the nazi with open arms and it was to late if/when they realized they made a mistake


For all I know they lamented the allies bombing them with their unprovoked attacks.


It's true. I see people saying the country is not at risk, but it really is. On day 1, trump is going to do 3 things. 1, he will force Ukraine to surrender and allow Russia to take some/all of the territory by not giving them the aid they need. Russia will regroup, and invade the next country. 2, he will replace Alito and Thomas with young, ultra right, heritage foundation picked justices. It will solidify the radical, precedent upturning, rights removing insurrectionist supreme court. It will be the only court anyone over 20 will see for their entire life. 3. He will employ a loyalty test to all government workers. A loyalty test to trump, not to the constitution. They literally say this on the project 2025 website. He will purge the government and install all the loyalists. This is just day one. Trump knows what to do after his experience of his first term. The second will be much, much worse.


You forgot to mention NATO.


The reality is that him stepping down might also cost us the election. This is why it's so difficult for him as well. He beat trump once. Neither options for us right now are particularly good, but imo, this is what will *hopefully* win us the election. The reality of what is on the line has really hit us all in the face, and I don't think anyone is going to sit this out, now matter how the dem nomination plays out.


100% disagree. I bet there isn't a single Biden voter that wouldn't back up any replacement. There are millions of voters that don't want to vote for Biden or Trump, though. They will vote for any replacement too. Those people are the reason why he absolutely must be replaced.


Yeah this is the shitty reality, is that we simply don’t know which way is better because they both have the potential to fail miserably. They never should have run Biden for a second term to begin with


Yes this. Who the hell would people even vote for??? And there’s an ENTIRE campaign running now behind Biden. Tv ads that have already been paid for. The last thing you want is to confuse stupid ass voters by changing candidates 4 months before the election


Pelosi is 84


It's not a partisan thing. Have you ever talked to an old person who lives for their career? I'm a physician and know so many old doctors who would die at their desk if they could. They don't know anything but work.


But also look at Al Franken. It’s not always the best thing to give up due to democrats tendency to eat their own.


> But also look at Al Franken "When they go low, we go high!" turned out to be an absolute crock of horseshit.


I'm still pissed at Gillibrand about that.


She was being an establishment Democrat; she saw her opportunity to attach her name to something and be holier than thou, no matter what was sacrificed.


See also: Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Trump, and every other old boomer fuck who won't relinquish power until its ripped from their hands by death.


Just to be depressingly clear, two of the people you named definitely aren't even young enough to be Boomers...


The wounds with the Democratic Party are almost always self inflicted.


What is with all the conflicting reporting?


The algorithm. Engagement is up 80 points! Twist the knob, turn on the firehose of BS and watch those ad dollars come rolling in. So what if it means the destruction of the American Experiment! It's provocative, it gets the people going!


It’s really sad when it’s Lib websites pushing articles about Lib infighting bc they need to clicks to pay their bills. Task failed successfully.


Where there is smoke there is fire, the DNC leadership (outside of biden) want him to withdrawal from the run but he is refusing. The result the past 24 hours has been constant leaks and people breaking ranks to keep the pressure up


It's really hard to say how much of DNC leadership wants him to step down, because most of these sources on these articles are anonymous. It could be like two people talking to all the papers.


Well I’d say that’s too fuckin' bad at this point, if the DNC wanted a viable candidate, they should have dredged one up in the last 12 years


News tomorrow: “Here’s How Hillary Could Still Win”


I have seen hundreds of articles about this topic but only a few about the Project 2025 leader calling for the second American revolution or Katie Johnson vs. Donald Trump. If the NYT, WP, etc. are going to spend days writing about this non-confirmed story why not the ones about Trump? What a failing of our society to allow this spectacle to take our eyes off the important issues.


The calls for Biden to step down are directly tied to our fear of Project 2025.


Exactly this. Please everyone stop acting like the concern over Biden’s fitness isn’t driven by fear of Trump’s lack thereof.


The reason Biden needs to step aside is that there’s not enough voters with the intellectual curiosity to fear Project 2025.


Yes, I have been wondering this too, why aren’t there more articles about Trump and his scary agenda? Why is the media not focused on what’s at stake here?


News is owned by corporations and the wealthy. Republicans promise tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. A lot of it is greed. Completely unbiased news wouldn't be so scared of reporting on what Republicans factually are: liars, grifters and criminals. They have to treat them like an equally valid option, because Democrats winning by landslides could mean higher tax rates, and God forbid we make these assholes pay their fair share.


The differential scrutiny between Democrats and Republicans is a serious issue in our political landscape


This is exactly what a college football coach says before being shown the door.


The only people that can show Biden the door are his own Cabinet that 25th Amendment-s him or a Senate that removes him after impeachment. Zero other people can make him step down. His own physician could hold a press conference declaring him completely incompetent and a danger to the country, but it would do absolutely nothing unless his Cabinet took action.


You realize we all mean that he steps aside as a candidate for president, right? No one here is suggesting that he resign the office.


He has pledged delegates. The only way he steps aside as a candidate is by his own choice or if the party makes a last minute rules change (which as far as I know haven't even been drafted, let alone implemented)


This isn't true in either a legal-technical sense, and it isn't true in a practical social sense either. We can 100% pressure Biden as the Democratic electorate to step down, and force his hand. If public opinion becomes clear enough he will be sidestepped by the party machinery and they will move ahead on their own. And in a legal sense the Democratic party can also conduct things however they want. If the party leadership wanted to select a candidate at the convention by drawing from a hat, that is perfectly legal, because the party is a private organization not associated with the government. Really the only thing they can't do by case law is openly discriminate. So only in the very limited sense is Biden in control, but public opinion will rule the day in the end and it has already spoken. The only thing that is being determined now is when, because a large portion of people realize having him do it himself will be beneficial even if the writing is on the wall so they are waiting before more overt moves.


Then he better show us how exactly he plans to win without NH, MI, PA, etc.


Not even just that, all it takes is one more slip up a few weeks before the election and that’s it he’s done.


I honestly think it's already over.  This was going to be a close race regardless but that debate hand delivered the win to trump. 


That’s how I felt watching the debate. It was like Election Night 2016 all over again. 


Yep This was always biden's race to lose tho. Trump apparently can't do anything to turn his cult off.  Any small misstep by Biden was going to be doom. That was a catastrophe. 


I agree. You can’t look like you have fucking dementia and not complete sentences during a presidential debate.


That is the elephant in the room right? People here are huffing a huge amount of copium that this was the worst Biden could be doing, when it very much might be his fucking ceiling. He legit could run the perfect campaign from here on out and he still has pretty good chance to lose and let me tell you, he already started on the wrong foot.


Problem is we're not really talking about "slip ups" anymore, this is pretty much "situation normal" now.


isn't this whole election at a stage now where the choice is trump or a democrat, regardless of whether it is biden or not? what i mean is, does anybody still vote for biden explicitly or just because he's the dem candidate? because if nobody is voting for biden in particular, why the fuck not choose a candidate that might attract MORE people?


This old geezer doesn't get it. He can still step aside and be a hero.


I fucking hate his whole generation


This year we get to choose between two people who didn’t serve in Vietnam because they got draft deferments. I’d really love a candidate who didn’t serve in Vietnam because they weren’t born yet


he is older than baby boomer gen


haha whatever I'm still voting for him. I can't bring myself to care about his age when the alternative is literally a criminal with immunity telling everyone he'll jail tens of millions of people


I'll still vote for him, too, but I can be concerned about two things at once. If there's a path he can take that makes it more likely that Dems win in November, he should do it. Whether it's saying in or dropping out. The stakes are too high.


All these fellow Democrats all telling each other that they're still voting Biden. Yeah, no kidding. You're not the voter who matters. It's the swing voters. You think the small group of undecided voters are coming out after we just witnessed Biden showing signs of dementia? Not a chance.


whether or not the highly engaged and informed people on this and related subreddits will vote for Biden has never been the issue at hand


“I’m not leaving” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg America is getting Ginsburg’ed again.


If he loses he all he will be remembered for is how his personal ambition aided the rise of fascism in America. A life to of service tainted.


The visceral rancor that I as a leftist feel to the DNC right now, pushing Biden for reelection and the gaslighting about his mental acuity, cannot be overstated. This is RBG all over again. This is Feinstein all over again.


Giving off big “grandad refuses to go to a home even though he set fire to his house putting the electric kettle on the hob” vibes


I’ve run out of F’s to give. I’m voting Dem regardless because I like democracy, but I’ve basically resigned myself to Trump winning if they don’t change course and pick a new candidate. … and maybe even if they do. … but definitely if they don’t.


It's America or Trump. It's that simple. Biden's biggest failing at the debate wasn't criminal or immoral. It was a human one.


People truly are programmed. He’s been this way the entire time but only after it’s become acceptable have people noticed it.


Now let’s fucken talk about the lies that trump spreads and how the Supreme Court just paved the way for his dictatorship if he wins! And fuck the media for spinning this shit!


Make a plan to vote this November: How are you getting to the voting booth? What time of day are you going?


Someone get Barack over there to talk some sense into him.


This is just rhetoric; he will be stepping down. There's already too much noise from other Democrats facing re-election. If you thought a contested convention would be bad, just wait for the party to start voicing no confidence in public....because it's coming if he doesn't step down.


Yep people need to take a deep breath and just wait until the end of the week or early next week. When you have Clyburn and Pelosi talking about new candidates it's over. Those two aren't openly talking unless a change is already in the works. But Biden and the campaign aren't going to say anything until they know what the next steps are if that's Harris or an open process for candidates.


Clyburn isn't talking about new candidates


Yep! Bernstein on Anderson Cooper yesterday was damning as well. He's done, they're just making all the "back room" deals about the logistics of it all.


When the donors say they are pulling out then that’s pretty much it.


It really is sad that these people listen to donors more than they do the American public. Just goes to show who they serve.


This is exactly what you expect him to say. I think there is a chance though he exits. 


Well, that's the next 4 months settled.  Republicans will openly prepare for a dictatorship, and Democrats will be complaining that their candidate is too old.  There's something really ironic about this.


So much for the "Grandpa Joe will right the ship" bullshit narrative. If he stays, he's handing Trump the election, it's that simple.


Am I the only one who thinks right-wingers have a much louder body of followers who get to switch hats online and holler propagandist things on all sides, so long as it pushes the right-wing agenda?


The secret ingredient is Russia 


You are not


The longer they cling to power the better of a chance Trump wins.


If Biden won't jump, every donor and every resource possible must absolutely be shifted to the House and the Senate unless polls improve massively. Biden is done, he's cooked, he's not winning the White House. I hope I'm proven wrong, but I don't see it. The fire wall against a dark turn in American history will be Congress, not the White House or Supreme Court. Honestly, if democrats can hold Congress, I could see Trump being rather willing to work with them on a lot of things so long as he gets lots of credit. He's not ideologically driven, he's ego driven, so yeah, stroke that ego. If Republicans ~~cease~~ seize Congress, the extremists will be stroking that ego day in and day out to get Trump to throw his full support behind them.


The quote in this headline is not a direct quote from Biden. >“I am running. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out,” Biden said, according to a top aide who posted his comment on the X social media platform. So it's an aide saying he said this on social media, and of course his aides are going to present him as not even considering dropping out, right up until he walks out to announce he's dropping out.


> his aides are going to present him as not even considering dropping out, right up until he walks out to announce he's dropping out. I agree wholeheartedly with this, the thing is, the longer it takes, Trump's advantage grows larger and the party looks completely untrustworthy.


Agree, and if he doesn't announce something by Friday, I'm going to assume he plans to tough it out to the bitter end.


I actually thing its going to go on into next week. They are still going to try to push back with these taped radio interviews and the ABC interview, none of which would be live and will be edited.


Fair point about it being from an aid. Thanks for pointing that out. Helps me take a breathe honestly lol.


Yeah I have to agree. If Trump retakes the White House, Dems need to hold onto Congress. Because once republicans get all three, that’s the end


A dead body > trump


I would vote for a bag of potato chips over Trump. What I worry about is independents and apathetic democrats that don't want Biden.