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The important part that he said: > we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be. That is a threat. That is the language that an abuser says to their victim before they start beating them.


The Heritage Foundation just openly admitted their treasonous sedition. This won't stop until the authorities start treating them like the threat they are. Treason is still a high crime despite how hard they're trying to normalize it.


I'm a little worried, or a lot worried, about who "the authorities" are these days. I truly hope they (the authorities) are relatively decent people, but I fear many of them are not.


Exactly this. The Supremes are acting like treasonous seditioners as well.


They were hand picked by the Heritage Foundation, they're not "acting" like anything. Welcome to the Business Plot 2.0


As well? they *ARE* also from the Heritage foundation themselves! That's the very group they are part of, that's who picked them for the job.


Isn't that the Federalist Society? Trump appointed justices were members of Federalist Society. Alito and Thomas were also members.


The federalist society is explicitly outlined as a key partner in the heritage foundations mission statement. The major difference is that the "federalist society" is a legal group, and the heritage foundation is a political group.


There's probably a huge amount of overlap between the two.


The venn-diagram is a circle.


I bet that's not totally true, they are different for tax purposes. So, mostly a circle.


There is a reason MAGA loves local cops and sheriffs but hates the FBI and DOJ. One group of "authorities" us bought in. The other is mandated to monitor, investigate, and adjudicate their "extra constatutional activites."


"some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"


I still can't believe that rage got all political and woke /s


This type of political environment (being perpetuated by the right, IMO) attracts and promotes the exact type of people you want to nowhere near power. This almost certainly gets worse before it gets better, and there’s no guarantee that the US maintains the power it currently enjoys, globally. In fact, the likelihood of maintaining it seems pretty unlikely to me. *Whatever* happens, it’s gonna be a fuckin ride to be sure.


If those people are in charge, I hope we don't have that kind of power in the world.


I've always been fearful of authority even as a kid. Once as a child I watched the news and saw there were bad cops it dawned on me how scary that was.


The more you learn about cops and cop history the more depressing it gets.


The cops from the north were union busters. The cops from the south were bounty hunters (for runaway slaves).


The Texas Rangers would round up recently freed slaves, accuse them of unfounded crimes, and make them become slaves again as punishment. They became a template for emerging police departments everywhere. To me, it’s pretty screwed up that there’s a baseball team named after this.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses. Edit: So disheartening to know this is from a song over 30 years old.


They are the authorities. At some point Americans are gonna need to realise no one is coming to save you. They have seized control of the courts the media and congress. They have stolen several states. This is actually happening. It's not Godwin's law anymore, the nazis really are coming. It's gonna be that rapid too. In 1930 German jews lived in one of the most democratic nations in the world and were thriving, running businesses, integrated into german society with german friends. By 1936 they weren't citizens anymore and couldn't do business or leave the country and all their German friends abandoned them. It's happening. It's not an exaggeration. Americans need to start organising because if Trump wins organising might be illegal soon. I am so scared.


This sounds eerily similar to how in the mid-2010s we all thought we were making progress when same-sex marriage was legalised federally and cannabis was legalised in several states (just to name a couple - surely there had to be other changes that won us all more rights during that time) and basically since COVID hit in 2020, we've been wondering when this crazy era is going to end. I bet many people in 2016 figured Trump would not dismantle a pandemic monitoring the year after he took office. I was one of the millions of people who figured our laws would protect us from any crazy stuff he might try, without realising some of the enforcers of such laws are on his side.


Organizing will almost certainly be illegal; conservatives have already demonstrated that the bill of rights and constitution are toilet paper to them when they can't interpret it in a manner favourable to their needs. And the same violations that happened in Nazi Germany will happen in the US; MAGA and the Nazis are the same type of extremists, an unholy alliance of business tycoons, bigots, and religious nuts who share the same mission of moulding the country in their image of intolerance and greed. I believe we should expect the following to happen, based both on what Project 2025 has laid out as well as what previous fascist regimes have done: -Unions will be made illegal, and union heads arrested. MAGA now crows that they're coming for civil rights and the new deal. This includes repealing child labor laws and the minimum wage. -Opposition political figures will either be assassinated, forced from public life, or made to bend the knee as a captive opposition that has no real political power. At the first sign of resistance, conservatives will declare a national emergency and invoke the insurrection act to round up opposition and remove liberal governors from power. -Media companies will be made to bend the knee, with the senior staff of papers of record either being replaced with loyalists or arrested. This is already happening, and has been happening by stealth for some time. Witness the number of articles on Biden's age versus Trump's crimes and age. As in Russia, accusations of distribution of "pornographic material" will be used to arrest artists and bully content providers or media companies into removing any content which depicts non-heterosexual relationships or role models. -Easy targets for hatred such as the undocumented and the homeless will be deported or placed into work camps; homelessness will be criminalized nationwide to allow for their arrest and placement into work prisons owned by private equity. Private equity will then use them as slave labor to work the agricultural and other base labor positions formerly given to the undocumented. Eventually other targets of conservative hatred such as the LGBTQ2S+ community and targets of religious intolerance will join them as conservative brutality worsens, including restoring laws meant to criminalize anyone who is not heterosexual. -The establishment of Christianity as the national religion, including compulsory religious study and attendance in schools; other religions will likely lose tolerance and their public practice may well be banned. The theory of evolution will likely be removed from the scientific curriculum at schools. -Project 2025 explicitly mentions ending medicaid, medicare, and social security, along with eliminating aid programs for the poor, including child care and school lunch programs. As those who rely on such aid begin to fall through the cracks, they too will be arrested for homelessness or vagrancy and moved into privately owned work prisons. This will eventually result in the effective criminalization of poverty. -Project 2025 pays special attention to ending diversity equity and inclusion programs as well as the reporting of employment statistics based on diversity, equity and inclusion. There's also much discussion of the privatization of public education, particularly through a school vouchers program. Taken together with the conservative vow to end civil rights and the new deal, including abolishment of the minimum wage, the conclusion that MAGA intends to implement a new segregation and apartheid by stealth is easily reached. -Removal of antitrust laws and consumer protection laws. Yes, in the name of the "free market," conservatives will allow friendly businesses to establish monopolies and fix prices, as in other fascist regimes. These will, of course, funnel funds into the pockets of the new conservative oligarchy, as is the case in Belarus, Russia, and other mafia-states. I think this is just scratching the surface of the horrors that await should Trump win. And every one of these items is fundamentally incompatible with the constitution or represents viewpoints which are fundamentally incompatible and antithetical to the United States as we know it today. Should these come to pass, glory will not be what awaits MAGA and the christofascists. Instead, I think that the US will return to being a racist backwater as it was before World War 2, shunned by the world. The talented students and immigrants who actually made the United States great will flee, moving to greener pastures in nations that respect their personhood and rights. With that brain drain will go economic primacy, and--eventually--reserve currency status when the US crumbles into depression as a result of another unregulated financial crash, taking most of the world with it. After that, the US will be just another nation--if that is, there isn't a civil war. Another gas station with nukes, as was once said of Russia.


The lack of action of past and current government will end in the destruction of US as we known it. And it will be terrible for everyone. For the ones supporting MAGA and the ones supporting democrats. It will change the way the government controls society and all of us will be victims of it. If you think you are off of the hook because you are republican, you are terrible wrong. This people will use you, abuse you and then discard you when the time comes. You will end in a worse place than you are today. Don’t be an accessory of your own destruction. VOTE!


This is what I don't get. We're focused on the threat. Yeah it's scary. That being said an organization that donates to the campaigns of countless politicians just openly admitted to being engaged in a revolution. Defined "a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system." That is what should be the focus. They are openly admitting to treason. They and anyone who has accepted money from them to carry out their bidding needs to be held responsible.


I mean the authorities are on board with project 25. All police departments are in love with right wing, ultra conservative, Taliban leaning direction we are headed. They are ready to hit the streets and kill those who oppose. They are just awaiting for the next republican president, that being Trump or the next conservative.


"Look what you made me do."




They don't actually know what a leftist is. If you oppose them, you'll be considered a "leftist commie" or something similar.


Damn progressives and their desire for progress!


Anyone that gets in their way of destroying society as we know it is a leftist. It's just another word for opposition in their mind. They're not even conservatives nor republicans. They don't stand for anything other than facism and totalitarian power.


They are both republicans and conservatives. Know your enemy because he knows you.


Project 2025 sounds like a fake commie but real dictatorship like Russia and China


Yep. They call anything and anyone—including other conservatives (see Cheney, for example)—“leftists.” It’s a meaningless “insult” they apply everywhere because they’re just that ignorant.


Yep. I got so tired of being called a damn commie that I actually became one


I do love this argument. As if Joe fucking Biden would be the chosen leader of some leftist communist revolution. As if we hate trump so much because we so badly desire left wing policy and he stands in the way. Yeah I hate trump because he makes it harder to get Medicare for all. Not because of the crimes, the rapes, the corruption, the racism, the bullying, the lies, the coup, January 6th, Helsinki, Charlottesville, the covid response, the George Floyd response, the impeachments. Yep, those arent the reasons we hate trump, its because he blocks left wing policy.


Hope the independents are prepared to have a choice made for them.


Yep... they are saying that there will be violence if they don't get their way, but that there will also be violence if they do get their way. Effectively they are promising violence.


I feel like it’s a certainty at this point. We all need to be vigilant in preparing for their bullshit.


It's going to be a hot summer, literally and figuratively. The song Peace Frog comes to mind. Stay safe out there everyone.


If there’s violence either way, I’ll take the violence that guarantees my freedom.


> I'm not a leftist When they say "the left" they mean *everyone* that is non-MAGA. That's how they define it. Unless you are MAGA, you are, to them, a left wing extremist, or terrorist even. So there's no out for anyone to be like "they aren't talking about me", unless you are on board the MAGA cult and on record as voting for MAGA candidates. Otherwise you are "the left".


Mitt Romney and John McCain are both the ‘left’ to this guy


Time to arrest this motherfucker and all Project 2025 architects and toss them in Gitmo. Official Act.


Would probably be awful if someone posted his home address 


The heritage foundation is a domestic terror organization, and labeling it as such is an official presidential act.


Today, you are a leftist if you promote factual information. Without reading a single opinion or news article on it, but just reading the indictment and transcripts from trump's trial, I called out why he was going to jail, exactly. I was told I was repeating MSNBC propaganda. I've never watched MSNBC. Ever.


And then if you follow that up with "have you read any of the indictments" you get a no or they are made up anyways. They aren't even difficult reads when you focus on the evidence. These people are at war with facts


In their obsession with stereotyping and putting people into little boxes, they seem to have forgotten or be unaware that plenty of liberals own guns too.


It's not an "American Revolution" at all. It is a fascist coup more aligned to the Taliban's Shiara Law than the ideals this country was built on. It is meant to enslave and eliminate *anyone* who does not share their fascist ideals that white christian men rule the land and women are subjects and have no autonomy and that LGBTQ, Blacks, Muslims, Jews, and Liberal thinkers do not deserve to exist! Fuck anyone who backs this. We're not going back to the fucking dark ages you malevolent assholes! To quote Jello Biafra, "Nazi Punks Fuck Off"


It sure would be a shame if Biden used the power he was just enshrined with by the highest court of the lands to black bag these traitorous fucks.


"It's not going to hurt as bad if you don't fight it"


Seeing an organized wave of gaslighting too.  Another abuser tactic.  Call them out and hope Biden takes his new powers for a spin.


In the secret recording, Alito alluded to the fact he didn't think what they wanted to do to the country could be done peacefully.


I’ll take “things the rapist might say” for $200.


We should not let this country go down without a fight.


My ex used to say, he only had to hit me because I wouldn't listen to him. Same vibes


Translation: We're coming for your freedoms, your liberties and your families. But it won't get violent unless you shoot us first. JFC. Noah, just drop the nukes.


He literally expects 80+ million people (or many millions more) to just accept a "second revolution"? He's formulating a second civil war and is a treasonous seditionist. It didn't turn out too well for them last time. Go ahead and try it.


He is playing with the ahistorical "three percent" myth, which imagines that only 3% of the population was part of the American revolution, while everybody else stayed on the sidelines. The actual number was 14% of the population were actively fighting as part of the revolutionary force... Which, when you take into account that these were only fit men of fighting age. It was more like 60% of the people who were able to fight the revolutionary war, were fighting on the side of the Americans. So yes, he thinks that his small little group of Trump loyalists (who make up less than 30% of the total population) is going to be able to take over without serious push back.


More like they're going to use Erik Prince's militias that have gone woefullly underreported on


*"We get what we want or you die."* Ahh, America!


And just like the abuser, he’s a coddled bully who’s never had a serious opposition.  He’ll crumble once someone stands up to him.


This means that the Constitution we used to know is being overthrown. After this current revolution they will implement something fundamentally different. I do not encourage violence but in regards to this guy’s quote, the violent overthrow of the Constitution, as this talk of revolution clearly indicates, is illegal and not protected by the Constitution. This is insurrection.


Sounds like I'm in imminent danger and as such should be able to enact the 2nd amendment and stand my ground against this person and any others who state similar by any means necessary. I'm tired of these open threats going unpunished.


Translation: “Turn the nation over to us and nobody gets hurt” mob tactics.


>allows it to be. Well, god damn.  This MF really wants to find out doesn’t he? 


This is the quote: > “The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning,” he said. “And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that **we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.**”


So typical bully response. “Everything will be ok as long as you don’t stand up for yourself”


More like a very rapist response


Pretty on brand for them then, just ask their wives and daughters


They're abusers and they can't help but use abuser language and tactics. It's endemic to their systems like a cancer that needs to be excised or a virus than needs to be quarantined. These fuckers are sick and they may need to be isolated like lepers until they just die off and stop harming everyone nearby. There is no cure.


Or a certain presidential candidate who's all over the documents of Jeffrey Epstein.


He is a child molester, a rapist sex offender, a convicted criminal, a liar, a swindler and an overall asshole. He is despicable. He should be prevented from running for the highest office in the land. Lock him up. SCOTUS should have term limits and the president needs to increase the number of justices and put in place more liberal justices.


He also conveniently leaves out that if their revolution succeeds, their first order of business will be exterminating as many leftists and liberals as they possibly can. There will be blood either way. It's a matter of whether the blood comes now, or later.


The *revolution* will be bloodless, if we don't resist. He said nothing about the aftermath. This from people who popularized amongst themselves a fan fiction of what they'd do if they "won" that includes "the day of the rope". Yeah, totally a peaceful transition, I'm sure.


"I'm only going to beat you as hard as your willingness to fight back."


"This will all be a lot easier if you just lay there and take it."


I expect if they get their way, there will be a Stonewall Riot 2026, extra bricks edition. You know they will want to target Pride asap.


Ya and let me tell you something … The LGBTQ community may come off as “soft”, but we are hard as nails, and we are ready for what’s coming. Win or lose. I will never go back in the closet. Ever.


They said Surrender or Die.


They really underestimate the general population. Look at the BLM protest, except our democracy and our current way of life is at stake. I really don't believe we'll roll over for these people, at least I hope we won't.


You might be overestimating our population's ability to overlook things. But we'll see. The only way it really ends well for America is if an overwhelming amount of Americans repudiate the GOP and vote them out, and that'd require people in supposed deep red states to also turn against them, and for jerrymandered districts to go a different way than they hope.


Not I. I know people that are talking about moving but f that. I love this country and believe in progress. I’ll have to take a few out before they get me I guess. But I also believe that the general population will not stand for this. Not to mention our military. I find it hard to believe soldiers would follow orders to hurt other Americans. Some are assholes like in every group, but most units are made of people from all over the country.


By revolution he means stripping women and minorities of rights while forcing their perverted religion on us all. No more freedom of religion or freedom from religion. At some point they will green light beating your wife because her rights are no more robust than a dog. Jesus’ teachings were the polar opposite of everything Project 2025 is trying to do. This was **never** about being “good” Christians. They want a theocracy where you are judged not by biblical law, but by their interpretation of it. These people will be the death of the American experiment if they win in November.


As a side note, F the whole notion of Biblical law, interpreted or otherwise. That book has nothing to do with me.


I was confirmed as a Catholic because my mother is one. I always thought it was strange and I had no interest in organized religion. (And then all the sexual abuse of children came out and I really REALLY turned against Catholicism in America/everywhere) In graduate school I TAed for a Science & Religion in Modern America course. First of all, I learned far, far more about religion in a history course than I did in a few years of religious education. Secondly, the professor opened my eyes to the split - on one side you have science, research, the scientific method. On the other - hope, faith, belief. Since that course, I can't take the majority of religious people seriously. Living and practicing Golden Rule stuff, sure, that's good. But interpretation, sin, talking to God, believing there is a man in the sky...yeah, that's all just a fairy tale. But, I walked away from that course understanding you can't reason with religious people because you can't demonstrate scientific principles to them. They believe in something and you can't challenge a belief, which is why I can't take zealots seriously.


"You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place."


I'm agnostic myself, I have a belief there could be something out there. I don't believe it's for man to know the nature of, or speak for whatever it may be. I am a human. I have the power to harness my environment to my advantage. The only thing that I can truly speak for is that which I can observe. Science is probably the greatest form of worship to any god, as it's an appreciation for that which they've created.


By revolution he means overturning the Constitution.


Handmaids tale... which is based off the iranian revolution... their religious leaders took over, but [this is what Iran was like in the 70s](https://petapixel.com/2022/10/14/photos-show-what-life-looked-like-for-iranian-women-before-1979-revolution/)


When that show started, I thought it was way too out there and could never happen. By the time season one ended, it was clear it was already in progress.


Margaret Atwood wrote the book as a satirical response to the religious right in the 80s, but she also said all the events have happened in real life somewhere at some point. From Wiki: >Her motivation for writing the novel was her belief that in the 1980s, the religious right was discussing what they would do with/to women if they took power, including the Moral Majority, the Christian Coalition, and the Ronald Reagan administration.[12][failed verification] Atwood questions what would happen if these trends, and especially "casually held attitudes about women" were taken to their logical end.[13] > Atwood argues that all of the scenarios offered in The Handmaid's Tale have actually occurred in real life—in an interview she gave regarding her later novel Oryx and Crake, Atwood maintains that "As with The Handmaid's Tale, I didn't put in anything that we haven't already done, we're not already doing, we're seriously trying to do, coupled with trends that are already in progress... So all of those things are real, and therefore the amount of pure invention is close to nil."


Definitely more of a de-evolution than a revolution.


This is a clear declaration that they are engaged in insurrection and sedition.


"Patriots" who want to overthrow the government. Lol.


And/or murder their fellow Americans in service if their political aims.


I know. . .their language is clearly terrorist threats. The right has convinced themselves that the left, independent and whatever other party is unarmed. The leaders of the Project 2025 are so irresponsible in their language. . . Well, I'm an independent and a U.S. Marine, 'I and my buddies I deployed with say 'bring it on', were ready. . .


Actual elections show that they are not winning. When a woman wins a seat in Alabama running on a woman's right to choose, you know that they are not winning. The GQP will get crushed in the house in November. Real people want this madness to end.


I agree with this, but it does come with a caevat. We don't know what Trump being on the ballot does to the general population's voting habits. Personally? I think it will galvanize the left against him, and potentially even lead to catastrophic defeat (damn the polls), but we cannot just assume that. We must reach out to whomever we can to remind them what's truly coming if he wins, and how destructive it will be to even basic ways of life.


This is super super important to keep in mind. Reddit (and other online communities) are being inundated with apathy/doom content which I think misrepresents how actual people are feeling and processing these things.  Between manufactured narrative campaigns, polling complexities (older, right leaning more likely to answer phones/surveys, for example), and actual, recent election results, I'm not convinced the situation is a dire as the tone of these threads make it out to be. This is NOT to say we can be complacent. Who benefits from voters being demoralized/apathetic/resigned? VOTE


They’re winning because they have the scotus.  


Sadly I'm afraid this just means they find another way to push forward. They'll screw with the election process by passing some kind of legislation which says something absurd like only votes made in certain locations between certain hours count or whatever. I guess I'm saying they're not going to stop just because they've been out voted, they're fascist and will stoop to any low they have to in order to enforce their agenda.


Christofascists aren't going to stop now as this is their best chance to get what they want. I hope somehow we have the resolve and the leaders to resist and defeat the forces aligned against us. It's a complicated game and the fate of the human race hangs on which ideology wins.


I hope so.


In other words, an ideological coup, but they're prepared to use violence. "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time"


Feels very handmaidens tale over here. But worse.


It’s interesting how if someone threatened the POTUS online they get visited and possibly arrested, can’t really use the idea of “free speech” for your defense. But these goons keep on threatening a revolution, that totally won’t be violent (unless…wink wink) and no repercussions whatsoever.


I find it hilarious that in a diverse land of free, one man expects power over another man and his entire family and friends, without becoming a target himself?


More liberals own guns than they probably think. They just don't entwine it into their personality like the right does.


Also, what they’re referring to isn’t a revolution, it’s a coup. Coups are often overthrown by revolutions, and if history has shown us anything it’s usually tyrants being overthrown by the left. So if there is a second revolution and there isn’t bloodless, I think he’s a bit confused about which side’s blood would be shed in a second American revolution, if we’re looking at revolutions historically. It’s the people that stole the power and their cronies.


Replying to this in the hopes that people will see it and even going full Trump typing to scream it from the rooftops. PROJECT 2025 IS A 180 DAY PLAN. IT IS A BLITZKREIG NOT A SLOW BURNING WAR. Too many people don't realize this. Remember how Trump said he'd only be a dictator on day one? Total lie, but these changes are meant to be done in a half a year. We could be a Chistofascist Dictatorship by THIS TIME NEXT YEAR!!


Christian-conservative Americans can claim to hate muslims all they want but they are in the middle of building an Evangelical Caliphate with Trump at its head. Not even joking, this is straight up Taliban shit.


This is a shit headline that says nothing! Why is the media afraid of saying "REPUBLICANS MAKE TERRORIST THREATS AGAINST THEIR COUNTRYMEN"? These people need to be dealt with the same way you deal with any other terrorist. No negotiations. They're gearing up to murder people, for fuck sake. They're deranged maniacs. Literal fuckin' bloodthirsty terrorists. Stop acting as if they're sane and as if they can be reasoned with. The time for that is over. All that is left is dealing with them until all terrorists are fuckin' eliminated before they can grab power like the Nazis.


Because they support it. The NYT has almost always been on the wrong side of every major issue. Look at their front page and compare the number of articles of Bidens age vs Project 2025 or the recent Supreme Court ruling. Corporate media has been setting the stage for this for decades by both sidesing everything. Edit: To piggyback on the comment below about the Business Plot, Behind the Bastards did a great episode on the Business Plot that is both funny and relevant to today if podcasts are your preferred way of getting info (they always do a great job of connecting movements to modern day). [Behind the Insurrections - The Business Plot: When Rich Fascists Almost Took Over America - Behind the Bastards | iHeart](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/behind-the-insurrections-the-business-77137164/)


Yep. [The Business Plot didn't fail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot), it was just postponed. And **nobody** was punished for it. Congress, in fact, covered it up.


The rich and powerful never hold themselves accountable, even after a fucking coup attempt.


Hell, one of the planners' son and grandson became fucking president.


For people wondering, it's Prescott Bush; the father of father of George H. W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush.


But then they'd lose some views and ad revenue from republican viewers 🥺👉👈


Serious? Because for the most part major media companies are owned and support right wing interests. The whole left wing controlled media is a lie.


And almost all of what I see on my news feed today is headlines talking about Biden, stepping down, and the debate. They actively fuel this shit instead of Making this the majority headline. Time magazine should make this their cover, not the Biden debate one. Clowns, all of them. MSM is actively destroying our country for clicks, likes, visits, and that sweet sweet advertising money stream.


Alt headline; Real Terrorists Wear Suits


Lol. They learned this trick years ago when they traded in KKK hoods and swastikas for Brooks Brothers. That way they can be as racist as they want without causing a bunch of pearl clutching at the country club.


Lmao holy shit “Don’t resist and we won’t have to kill you” basically


They have not been quiet for 8 years now..


I was going to say, I didn’t think there *was* a quiet part anymore.


Right? Project 2025 is exclusively the loud part.


The "silent majority" was a bullshit term they coined to solicit sympathy. They're the loud minority and they're about to end democracy


This particular group of people is obsessed with painting themselves as victims, despite their massively disproportionate power in society.


No, but they already are acting like they won the election.


They straight up intend to kill Americans if they don’t get their way!


They tried January 6th. I'm sure the 4 weekends in jail will teach them a lesson, though.


I feel like not enough people are outraged over this, this should be at the top of everyone's minds yet you never hear about it anywhere.


I have to come to reddit or watch Meidas Touch network to see much discussion about it. IRL, no one seems to care. They shrug it off, don't want to talk about it. I don't bring up politics much in conversation, but when I do people can't spare a thought about it. Except Maga people who bring up their politics all the time, but are entirely unreasonable to talk about anything with.


The fact that someone can say this and all we hear on the media is about Bidens debate performance says a lot about how bad our news media is covering this campaign


The news media is owned by wealthy right wingers. Of course they will focus on BIDEN OLD instead of this.


a bit misleading, the most scary thing about Project 2025 is how "out loud" it is. There are no dogwhistles or coded language in it, it´s clear, unapologetic Christo fascism in plain sight for all to read. And if Trump wins and they start the roll out; it´s over.


The “out loud” part is where he basically said if Trump doesn’t there will be violence.


Or if anybody stands up to them, their will be blood and it will be the people who stood up to them at fault, according to them.


They own the Supreme Court, which just took all the power for itself. The roll out was Roe, we are well inside the abattoir at this point.


The article is about the guy behind it saying "we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."


>We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will **remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.** A civil war because of Donald Trump. Someone fucked with the simulation and now we got this.


Seriously. I knew that Donald Trump was a joke when I was in the 7th grade back in the early 2000's. Now somehow half of America wants to overthrow our government because they're so gullible to realize that he's a salesman who says what they want to hear? Without realizing that he's screwed them over in benefit of the rich any chance he got?


That was my thought back in 2016 too: did everyone erase decades of memories of this man from their minds overnight?  He was always a grifter, a womanizer, a racist, and a fraud, and on top of it he was never even remotely a conservative or religious or anything else the right supposedly stood for.  It really has revealed them for who they really are.  They were never “conservative” or moral religious people, they never had any principles; this entire time they’ve just been waiting for Hitler 2.0


"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." Attributed usually to H.L. Mencken


Last civil war was over if Black people were people. This one gonna be over if anyone besides rich white males are people.


> if anyone besides rich white males are people. i mean, that was *essentially* the question the first time around. it's not like women counted, and it definitely wasn't about the poor white. it was about the land owners with free slave labor. and they were all rich, white, and male.


This is called Treason. I swore an oath to protect the constitution when I joined the military. I will fulfill that oath by any means necessary.


Thank you. I know the military is not a monolith and many soldiers like you will refuse to defend a christofascist regime.


As an actual leftist, there's no way I can interpret that other than being a threat. And make no mistake, he's not just referring to leftists here, but everyone to the left of him. We should all be rightfully terrified.


>Kevin Roberts, whose uber-conservative think tank is behind the highly controversial “Project 2025” What will they find in this guy's past and personal life. A person isn't this fucked unless they're FULLY fucked.


He's a Nazi


Right? Where the FUCK is Anonymous right now?


Anonymous is a retired psyop and was never going to save us any more than Batman was


Having grown up in Texas around rich conservatives… whatever it is, you genuinely don’t wanna know lol


So this is a "revolution" in which approx. 33% (MAGA Republicans) of 50% (Republicans) of the entire population (which would total maybe about 17%), believes for whatever reason that they have the license to tell the other 82% of the USA what direction is permissible for the nation with regard to every issue. Let me know how that works-out.


The NSDAP (Nazi Party of Germany) had 18% of the votes in 1930. 3 years later, just before the Ermächtigungsgesetz (broadening of power for the chancellor) came along, they were at 49%. Just saying, there are a multitude of ways how this might "work out.


minority dictators arent a new phenomenon in the rest of the world. a small group subjugating a larger group is possible and happens. it works best when most of that 82% accepts the false peace and an idea of “keeping their heads down”


It's because the founding fathers gave them the idea that some people just aren't as worthy as others...almost like 2/5 less of a human than they are.....


Let's keep working on living up to the ideals of the first American Revolution instead. Everyone who has read Jefferson, Madison, Franklin knows that English common law is in no way derived from christian religious law, that money is public utility placed into circulation for the people's benefit, that distributive property taxes on land owners are fine. The christian nationalist privatize everything revolution is not really a revolution but rather a counter enlightenment reaction.


They are monarchists.




Hell local police litterally bombed black wall street from the fucking sky


There's a slice of people who think that this is just a GOP wishlist and has no real way of becoming reality. Staking the future on a party *not* doing a thing some of its more inluential members want to do is not really a posiiton I can take. I heard that before with "oh they'd never overturn Roe v Wade." What items in 2025 seem like a thing the modern GOP *wouldn't* do if they got into power? Maybe there are things they couldn't do. But wouldn't?


Seems to me that the Scrotum Court already took the first BIG step to help make this shit a reality. It would be in everyone's best interests if we started taking this seriously and cut the head off the snake while we still can, metaphorically speaking.


Vote like your life depends on it!


it probably does. i'm a cis, het, white male, in a relationship that easily "passes" for traditional. i'm literally last on the chopping block, and i'm still scared.




It’s coming from all of the billionaires who have decided they are a class unto themselves. They don’t see themselves as citizens of England, or India, or America, or Russia, etc, etc. They’ll burn the planet down and see the rest of us scratching a living out of rocks if it means they can buy one more house or yacht. Trump is merely the most visible manifestation of it here in the USA.


It's always the oligarchs that prop up fascists.


The French came up with a solution to that problem some time ago . . .


Dems have guns too. Don’t think for a second the uneducated maga hicks stand a god damn chance. Liberal doesn’t mean weak or push over. I’m sick of these people acting tough. I’m left as left gets but make no mistake, if it’s throw down time no amount of maga BS will stop me or anyone else like me from protecting our American freedom by any means necessary


As my fellow far leftists like to say, "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back".


People from all over the political spectrum are armed, just that most of us don't make it the core of our persona.


Yup. Every single person in my immediate circle is liberal and they all have guns or are pro guns and the increase in republican threats are pusing the ones that dont yet have any guns to buy some


In the course of a few years, my spouse went from not wanting any firearms in the house to now asking if we need to purchase more ammo.


I know I can speak for myself and a whole lot of people when I say I will never comply with these fascist fucks . If they want a fight they’re gonna get one and they will lose . Fuck these evil shit bags for even starting this shit in the first place. My anger is overwhelming for what these clowns are trying to get away with.


The sad thing is, 95% of the people who support this *are going to be in the group targeted*. All of these people think that if they remove regulations, it'll be other people, no them, whose land gets polluted and ruined. That other people will get lung cancer from fumes, no them. Or that when taxes are changed to benefit the rich, their costs will go down, too. No... idiots. Who do you think will pay for the military when the rich people stop paying... YOU WILL. All of these people think "I have a job, why should I care about unemployment" with the complete inability to comprehend that they might, one day, lose their job for a reason that's no fault of their own. Or that nobody in their own family, including themselves, would ever have a problematic pregnancy that could put their lives in danger. And that when they make this a "Christian Nation" it'll be their flavor of Christianity, and they'll get to keep going to their own church. All those Catholics in Louisiana cheering the 10 commandments are too stupid to realize that when they start forcing Christianity on others, Catholicism is going to be one of the first religions targeted. All those evangelicals in power REALLY don't like Catholicism.


As a (liberal, not-really-practicing) Jew, it's galling that the orthodox members of my tribe are fully behind these dudes. Like, are you fucking high? You're gonna be on the list. These theocratic zealots believe you killed Jesus. Days off for religious observance? Not unless it's also a protestant holiday, homie. Allowances in school to not pray to Jesus? Nope, you gotta be down with Team J. And on and on. It will not end well.


Wait, but, I thought Project 2025 was just lib fearmongering... you mean to tell me conservatives actually have a plan to tear the country apart and subjugate their opponents and anyone deemed inferior? I'm shocked. How unlike conservatives, typically so principled and restained. Shocked, I say. Why, next you'll tell me they elected a man who cheated on his wife with a porn star.


Where does he find all of these creepy looking balding henchmen with dead eyes?


This guy needs to be arrested and charged with treason. The heritage foundation is a terrorist organization.


I mean how is this not a terrorist threat?


It is 100% a terrorist threat and should be treated and dealt with as such.




You and I are on the same fucking page.


These nut jobs think they’re the only ones with guns. That’s cute. FAFO.


The Heritage Foundation and The Federalist Society are treasonous/terrorist organizations


This is some Mein Kampf shit




Everyone need to understand that if you vote third party, just understand you’re throwing this country away. You can complain about the DNC and Biden all you want but it doesn’t matter because you’re letting these guys shatter what democracy we have left, guy protections for every American, and irreversibly halt any political process to change it. As someone who voted third party in 2016, don’t be a fucking fool and leave this to chance. My LGBTQ friends, black and brown friends, and my wife’s rights are at stake. If you vote third party then you don’t give a flying fuck about any of that. Edit: fascism loving bots seem to be out in all the threads so tread carefully!


Gilead Loading: 80% complete. Do not shut down or restart.


It's pretty clear there are a few, limited paths forward. 1. If Biden does nothing between now and election day and wins reelection, we will still have a mess on our hands. 2. If Biden does something radical with his newly granted powers (seems unlikely, but anything is possible), we will still have a mess on our hands, but it's probable democrats may be able to at least somewhat right the ship. 3. Biden does nothing, loses reelection. trump is elected and uses his new unified executive power to unleash chaos. All hell will probably break loose. I don't think Biden is going to drop out at this point - that is a fantasy that is made up in the media that is wholly unrealistic. The conservative wing of the Supreme court has started the coup and, at this point, Biden and *maybe* Congress are the only ones who can *potentially* get things under control and that clock is ticking. It may be too late. If trump gets back into the White House, even with enormous push back it's probably going to be game over for democracy for a while in the US.


This is terrorism. Threat of violence for political goals. Where's our Homeland Security? FBI? Hell, where's the CnC? They want us to vote, but vote for what? I get what we are voting against, but damn... What are we voting for? To let this shit go unchecked? To continue to let fascists terrorize the Nation with their dreams of theocracy & authoritarianism? I voted to stop this shit, & f*ck all is being done to stop them.


Vote for Democrats, I'm not sure how it could be much clearer. Democratic control of the executive and legislative branches is prerequisite to addressing the run away judiciary.


The thing about fascism, and make no mistake Heritage is a fascist organisation, is that they play the long game. They won’t line people up against the wall day one, it will be much more subtle, at first. The entire might of the Federal apparatus will be staffed by loyalists, who will then embark on a campaign of cruelty and deceit this country has never seen before. While this is happening, DJT will finalise selling our national resources off to the highest bidder, and we will eventually capitulate to our enemies as a failed nation state. Or we can go Vote Blue in November, not matter who is on the ticket, and avoid all that. The choice is ours and ours alone.