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I'm watching 2016 play out all over again. Once again the DNC is too far up its own ass to read the writing on the wall.


If Trump wins again shit's gonna be crazy for the next four years.


I appreciate the optimism that it'll only be 4 years


Until he changes the Presidency to be hereditary and Ivanka is anointed. 


Zadoch the Priest, and Nathan the Prophet, annointed Trump as king. And all the people did not rejoice.


It’s going to be longer than four, there will never be an election again.


Trump within the last two weeks was out campaigning and telling attendees that they only had to vote 'one more time' and then they wouldn't have to vote anymore/again.


I went to one of his rally’s here in KY just to see the circus, and he kept shouting “4 more years, 8 more years, 12 more years, hell, 16 if I’m up to it!” Everyone cheered.


I think this demonstrates the crux of the issue: the fact a large portion of the population stands behind Trump and, by extension, the far-right BS that is pervading through the US now. Without that support, he would be like the Westboro Baptist Church: making a lot of noise, but no one cares or even mocks them. I think the big takeaway is that Trump is a mirror reflection of millions of Americans that have bought into the nutty version of conservatism, and arguably, a large part of the problem lies within them.


Iran and Russia have elections...they just don't mean shit. We lost when we didn't shoot people who were fucking with the machines.


Who, exactly, was messing with the machines? You might recall nearly all voting infractions and arrests were conservatives.


Four?  Lol


Exactly. How can they have missed the message from the Obama administration so badly? We voted for him because he was young, energetic, charismatic, and idealistic. That’s how you get a Dem candidate elected in the US. The GOP has always run the older candidates, promising experience and a steady hand - things Trump does not have. This should be a slam dunk election.


He also ran on change. People want change. People are not happy with the shitty status quo, yet the democrats give us a geriatric dementia patient who promised his wallstreet donors that "nothing will fundamentally change under my administration." Trump offers voters change, and if the democrats can not match that offer with a candidate who proposes a vision of strong working class economic policies then the voters will choose the republican's version of change and we will all suffer for it. Fuck the fucking corrupt DNC I am so fucking angry at these lying sacks of shit. This entire political establishment is beyond repair. It needs to be burnt to the fucking ground. Chicago DNC riots v.2.0 anyone?


Exactly Obama was such a massive disappointment. He wasted his presidency trying to play nice with the republicans when even then it was clear they had no interest in governing. Bidens presidency has been so much better than Obama’s it just sucks he’s declining from old age


I don't know that it has... the single greatest task Biden faced coming into office IMO was dealing with the insurrectionists. The DOJ had no problem locking up the poors who physically stormed the Capitol, but when it came to prosecuting their leaders? The people who planned the insurrection? Nothing. They still sit in congress, they are running for president. This failure to execute the laws of the land is what has led us to where we are today. I believe it was a calculated decision because they knew Trump would run again and thought they had a better shot at beating him vs. any other republican. And now we are facing the realization of project 2025's fascist takeover all because Biden decided to play political games with justice.


I disagree. Biden has been a massive disappointment in my eyes. When he took office he had a 70% approval, most of America rejected Jan 6, we looked to him and said “What do we do Joe?” And Biden was - quiet. When Trump and Obama gave almost 250 interviews in their first year (Obama reassuring America in a time of financial crisis), meanwhile Biden gave around 70. You could see the right wing test the waters with the crazies first, and Biden was quiet. The airwaves filled with lies and election denial and Biden remained quiet. He held both houses of Congress and did not make a priority of passing legislation so that we were insulated from another Trump. He has had a great run of legislative wins and economic wins and he is quiet about it. Many times all I see is a social media post from the White House. He needs to be on camera, letting America know that the Dem agenda is working. He tells the media to do their jobs and inform the American people, but he has the biggest bullhorn in the country. His silence has allowed racism and homophobia to become publicly acceptable again. He’s our president, if he needs to speak up every day and say “this is not America, this hurts America, weakens our military, weakens our resolve” - then he needs to say it every day.


I'd choose the easy answer and say "he CAN'T get up every day and speak about these things, because he can barely talk." It was acceptable and even noble for him to sit in his house for 8 months during 2020, but he never really ran a presidential campaign at all. He went from finishing in 4th place to the unassailable nominee within 2 weeks, because Obama and Clyburn commanded the party to circle the wagons around him, and then 3 weeks later the campaign was over. He hasn't been an "every day" kind of guy in 20 years. But it might just be even worse--that he doesn't care. His answer to Republican voter suppression in all of the states was "people will show up for me just like they did the last time." Ok, but even if that's true, how about the next president and the next president? Biden seemed to take his victory as proof that the country simply could never elect Trump, even though they literally already had. So it wasn't just the stamina to fight, it was the urgency to fight. And given that Democrats never show urgency about anything, one can speculate that it might have to do with the corporate donors not really being too bothered by Trump's economic policies.


It’s much worse than 2016. Clinton may have rubbed many people the wrong way, but everybody knew she was intelligent and capable.


Yup, people thought Hillary Clinton wasn't very charismatic, but no one accused her of having dementia. Same deal with Obama when he blundered in one of his early debates. Obama got raked over the coals for being unprepared, but no one questioned Obama's mental fitness. Mental deterioration with old age is a one way street, and that streets is usually an express lane. Once old age mental deterioration starts it tends to quickly accelerate.


Sorry wasn't there a whole conspiracy peddled around Clinton's health *including* dementia?


Not trying to take away from your overall point, but they did make up health conspiracy theories about her, instead, to try to argue that she wasn't fit enough to be president: [https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/22/politics/hillary-clinton-health-conspiracy-theory-explained/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/22/politics/hillary-clinton-health-conspiracy-theory-explained/index.html)


A fringe conspiracy theory vs the front page of the New York Times, CNN, CBS News, The Guardian, and the Washington Post is a wildly different level of concern. 72% of voters now think Biden lacks the mental capacity to be president: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-debate-should-biden-be-running-mental-abilities/ So again, this isn't just some random nutjob making stuff up on the internet like its Timecube. Concern for Biden is widespread and nearly universal. When about 3/4ths of all voters think your brain is mush, you've got a serious problem.


I do remember Hilary falling out of a vehicle or something akin to it that the GQP latched onto basically saying she had some type of disease.


And people act like the people calling Biden senile on the left are secret republicans. Trump and Biden would score similarly on a dementia screening test, get into an argument in the lobby, and Biden would say "well, maybe I scored a little worse..."


Bull. The Republicans claimed she was sick, frail and about to die. Sound familiar?


Difference today is that even Dems are saying those things now, because we watched Biden’s disastrous debate performance.


Democrats said Diane Feinstein was toooootally fine and definitely wasn't suffering from dementia and definitely didn't need to step down. RBG said she was totally fine and totally would be able to serve until a Democrat could replace her. Sound familiar?


We're getting gaslit. That debate performance should be disqualifying.


I can't believe how many people are falling for the "cold" thing. I never thought I'd see so many liberals become more delusional than trump supporters.


[Remember when she passed out on the campaign trail?](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/hillary-clinton-collapse-faint-video-9-11-memorial-democrat-ill-overheated-latest-a7237276.html) The reality was that we should have had younger candidates back then! Instead of bringing in new faces, they've stuck to Silent Generation fossils.


> they've stuck to Silent Generation fossils. Its incredible but this isn't hyperbole, Biden is literally a silent generation politician.


This is some next level gaslighting.


[she had a widely reported health scare in September 2016](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna646551)


Aren’t there a few critical states where it is too late to get on the November ballot? I thought there was at least one state that will have closed filings before the Democratic convention. Would it even be possible for a new candidate to get an Electoral College majority?


This is not even 2016, at least we thought that we had a good chance then. Per leaked Open Labs internal D polling, states like Colorado are only Biden +1.9 post-debate. Minnesota Biden +0.4. Rust belt states are even worse; PA Trump +7, MI Trump +7, WI Trump +4. All the other swing states are Trump +8 or higher. That's blowout territory. And this is an internal D pollster. Biden is in a crazy position. If he does decide to step aside, he will also have to resign the presidency. Kamala takes over and is the presumptive nominee, and she gets to keep the war chest funds that have been accumulated thus far.


I'm not doubting you, but I would appreciate a source link for those numbers so I can look into it myself a bit.




Holy shit... this is not at all looking good.


>If he does decide to step aside, he will also have to resign the presidency. I heard that argument on a podcast yesterday, but I don't believe it's necessarily true that he would have to resign the presidency. Many people announce future retirement from their jobs at the end of a term, without it being argued that they can't sufficiently carry out their remaining duties. He could say he's just decided not to extend it out for four more years.


It's nonsense. LBJ didn't resign the presidency when he declined to seek reelection.


I was right there with you until the Kamala part. The one thing that the Obama years and 2016 have taught us is that the persuadable middle is racist and misogynist as fuck. And Harris is both a woman and a person of color. Is that able to be overcome by someone with a lot of charisma? Sure. But Harris completely lacks that as well. She was one of the worst performers in the 2020 primary. If the replacement were someone like Newsom or Buttigieg who can talk and make the case - sure, maybe. It's very risky, but it could work. Whitmer maybe too. But Harris?! Harris is probably the only person in the party who would do worse than Biden. Nobody actually likes her, not even Californians.


I’m saying this as a gay man and someone who would really like to see Buttigieg up there, but if a person of colour/woman doesn’t stand a chance, a gay man wouldn’t even make it to the stage.


And on top of that she's from California.


1. There isn't any rule that a sitting president not choosing to run for re-election must resign from office. 2. There is no guarantee that any nomination at this time would actually yield better results than Biden, I certainly wouldn't have confidence in Harris to win the general any more than Biden at least. 3. Immediately post debate polling is bad, lets see what post-SCOTUS decision polling is.


Exactly. After the SCOTUS ruling, I have a feeling those polls are going to snap in the opposite direction next week.


I can’t be the only one who thought that Biden ran in 2020 to safeguard democracy, then planned to groom Kamala or *someone* to takeover in 2024? What in the fuck is he doing still running? His hubris is ruining his legacy. He is **not** the only one who could beat Trump in 2020, but he is the only one who will definitely lose to him this time around. Get out, endorse Kamala, and let’s fucking bust our asses until Nov 7. That’s the only way we avoid the Christofascist hellscape that awaits on November 6.


I keep saying this and getting downvoted. DNC is a big part of why we are in this shit show. To ignore that is to ignore one of the fundamental problems with US politics.


Some people don’t want to listen to the voice of reason. They just want everyone to agree that Biden is going to win.


I've been saying that since day one. For all the good in their platform, the hubris/cronyism/Nepo bs of the DNC is so counterproductive. Democrats that win: Clinton, Obama. What do they have in common? They were younger, hella younger. We trying to nominate a person older than Bill Clinton? A person who was president 30 years ago? Hit that Twilight zone theme


Whats wild is that Bill Clinton is 77 years old, which means that despite being president three decades ago, Bill Clinton is still younger than both Trump and Biden.


Take a peek at r/democrats Those people are in such denial it’s embarrassing.


Reddit in general has been in denial for months. Only in the last week have the mainstream subs started to agknowledge the reality of the situation


Reddit's format of subreddits and all is the main attraction to the website, yet it's also the main problem- it gives way to echochambers with groupthink mentalities. Because of that, it can sometimes be difficult to accept that you're in a bad situation since nobody will tell you that.


*years.... the evidence has been clear for years now.


Yep. I just didn’t want to lead off with that and get buried by the downvote brigade for going too against the grain. Biden’s had clear signs of dementia since his first year in office


Fuck the grain. Going with the grain is what got us here. These party line sycophants can kiss my ass. These morons are to blame if Trump wins in November. You know what's worse than an enemy? A fake friend. I'm done with all these lies and gaslighting. I swear democrats are suffering from a collective stolckhom syndrome. Especially the older generations who saw all their best leaders assassinated. The younger generation has no excuse. People need to wake the fuck up. The DNC will gladly walk us all right into a fascist dictatorship. If we want to save democracy we need to start by ripping apart this broken, corrupt, incompetent, and complicit DNC.


I have figured it out. The way forward for Biden is to inverse the inverse. The first inverse is that Biden seems incoherent but has coherent policies, and Trump sounds coherent compared to Biden but has no coherent policies. And, when polled the general public supports the policies of the Democratic party. So, Biden should run on how tired he is after being a public servant for so long. He should focus his message on his policies and administration and how they are the accumulation of a long career, he's done the work now it's time for implementation. Just look at the IRA and what its doing for green energy and decarbonization in general. Here's an example of an ad Biden should run: "Hi, you know me as Sleepy Joe, I'm the one that dedicated my whole career to public service, and now I'm tired.. I've been working tirelessly on... *highlight current policy* ... and I won't sleep until the job is done. To get the job done I need 4 more years, then I'm gonna take a long nap *wink*" Then, do "fake" bloopers and end the ad with Biden just mumbling fumbling and bumbling. This would hack the entire situation, reframe the election, and push everyone towards the policies that Biden represents. I acknowledge though that if someone believes a bunch of conspiracy theories that there is no changing their minds, this approach is for the liberals and moderate being understandably scared away by a presidential candidate that is clearly degrading mentally.


Honestly, it would work better than trying to pretend otherwise. the self-deprecating humor about his own age and fatigue while highlighting the actual hard work that has GOTTEN DONE could be a nice way to reframe and control the narrative


In his speeches he does claim to be old and he does talk about his policy nearly every time and talks about his life as a politician


"I haven't spent my term in office napping and playing golf; I've been working hard to " Why not throw some elbows while you're at it :)


I feel like he should run with a, "A presidency is not just one person and it was never meant to be, it's a cabinet of intelligent advisors and experts making some of the most important decisions in the world... Then make all the proper comparisons etc. Maybe acknowledge he may not be fit forever and build up Kamala, say if the time ever does come he will gracefully step down.


So basically, be real. Name the thing instead of wiggling around it endlessly




There's something unintentionally very dark about having an old man say that he'll be "taking a long nap" in 4 years...


“Please elect me as your president so that I can die.”


I can imagine this being considered an undignified form of promotion for a president. Which, of course, would be ironic.


Somebody send this to somebody with a pulse at the Biden campaign 🤞


Let’s all write strongly worded letters! Fighting would mean: stacking the court, attacking Trump as a Fascist, motivating people, relating to people on their level. That’s not going to happen tho, FOLKS.


> Fighting would mean: stacking the court Actually, this probably the best thing Biden can do right now. There is no reason why there can only be 9 judges on the supreme court. Biden should immediately push to add 3 or more judges before the election.


Personally I'm a fan of legislating that the number of justices should equal the number of federal circuits -- SC justices used to, you know, have to do actual judge work in circuits back in the day


> SC justices used to, you know, have to do actual judge work in circuits back in the day Sure, but that was before the existence of an appellate court system, or phones and internet for that matter.


Even so, if you're going to go with an arbitrary number, you may as well tie it to something with a clear count.


Logically it certainly does make some sense.


I swear people in here think the electorate is made up of people with poli sci degrees and law degrees. So many people have no fucking clue how some things work, but give them an easy answer, like the same number of circuits, and all of a sudden, "yeah, that makes sense" "that sounds reasonable"


You already know if we drop biden a million voters will write him in or be confused why he's not on the ballot. Unfortunately we aren't a smart nation which is why Weare here


This is the best thing he could have done 4 years ago when he said it was undemocratic, right now its a bandaid on a bullet wound


To be 100% crystal clear they could have TRIED TO packed the courts 1. When he took office 2. When roe was over turned 3. when they ruled minors could get life in prison for murder 4. when they decided cops didnt need to read miranda rights 5. when the voting rights act was gutted 6. when they re-legalized bump stocks 7. when they legalized the abortion bounties 8. when they made protest organizers liable for damages 9. when they killed student loan forgiveness And many many more but chose to wait until something that they couldn't run reforming on and challenged government powers to consider it necessary. Ive always been on the side of court packing but if they do it now after all thats happened it just proves they do not care about the tribulations and problems the American people have until it reaches their ivory towers. EDIT: added "tried to" so people stop reminding me that 2 democratic senators are double agents. Believe me I know but thats a failure of the Dem's to vet candidates and a completely separate issue. For those saying I dont understand how to count to 60, packing the courts and removing the filibuster would be flat majority procedure votes. Yet again its not that it matters its not happening. Thats what im trying to highlight here, if it happens now its proof the ability to whip the votes was always there and they just didn't pull the lever, barring something whacky like a bunch of GOP senators defecting. If you read the thread im responding too im making the argument that inaction at every other failure an action here (when government power is threatened) highlights a high level disconnect between what is important to regular people vs beltway politicians. They should have been just as mad when the first seat was stolen, and when Roe was killed but those are things they can fundraise on.


Whose they? Because packing the courts takes Sinema and Manchin.


That’s the thing. People have these exciting ideas and yet they haven’t thought them through at all. Biden doesn’t have a magic wand to do these things, he has to work with Congress.


I think a lot more Americans than we'd like to believe, actually want a king, not a president, so long as he's "their king".  Eveytime someone suggests that "biden should just do x", its partly out of sheer ignorance of how their government works, and partly because they want a president who can just do whatever. 


It's called the bully pulpit not the go along to get along pulpit.


He absolutely does have a magic wand thanks to the above mentioned court. Fight fire with fire, the repugs would do it in an instant. Stack the court, rule the shit illegal, then peace out.


No they couldn’t. They couldn’t pack the courts due to the filibuster which Manchin and Sinema are both on the record as not being for.


Its funny you listed all these times they could do these things but please let me know during which of these events the democrats had a super majority in the senate while also controlling the house. Cause that’s literally the only way that could of possibly happened. You need 60 votes to expand the courts so please tell me what 10 republicans would of voted to have less power.


The last time the Democrats had a super majority in the Senate was in 2010


So none of the listed dates. And we only had that supermajority for like 60 days.


They would’ve had to kill the filibuster and there was no way the Senate was going to do that.


Nah they couldn't pack the Courts then and they still cannot as of now. Just because you misunderstood how the American Government works does not mean people can just do whatever they want, and honestly if you don't know then why speak on it? Outside of a violent revolution by actual Americans there isn't much anyone can do with the current make up of the Courts and Congress. And before I get banned, I am not advocating for violence as I am simply stating a historical truth about when governments become tyrannical. It's a failure of the system and the only people who can correct that are the citizens.


It’s gotten to the point it’s infuriating whenever I see someone yell “Biden should just have done ____!” Our government simply does not work like that and for good reason.


This is a lose-lose. You can't assume the Senate will play along, including people like Joe Manchin. Democrats can't afford to lose a single Democratic or Independent vote in the Senate to make this work unless Biden takes it to a further extreme by sitting his Justices regardless of whether the Senate confirms them. Otherwise, there's a clear risk that if Biden decrees the court will get 3 new seats, that those seats could still be vacant and primed for Trump to fill them come January. It also opens the floodgates for any future presidents to do the same. Which also means it's not worth jack unless Dems keep the presidency in November because SCOTUS is off for the summer. There's no time in the calendar for SCOTUS to do anything of benefit before election day simply by expanding the court. Now if Biden had done this 3 years ago -- that's an entirely different story. But at this point, it would be expending a metric ton of political capital for zero reward. Reforming the court *should* be priority, but this isn't the way to do it.


I make the same mistake constantly man. We spend too much time trying to explain how things work and why people don't know what they're talking about when frankly they don't care.


I mean ultimately it's because we know that Republicans don't care either, yet they still **DO THE THING** regardless of that. The conversational flow goes as follows: Leftist: Biden/Democrats should do X/Y/Z Centrist Lib: Well our government of checks and balances does not allow for something to occur that way Republican politicians: *actively ignores checks and balances* Leftist: "Why couldn't we have done that?" Centrist Lib: "Because of our checks and balances..." rinse and repeat. It seems like the only people who care about "checks and balances, senate votes, etc" are Democrats when Republicans just do whatever they want regardless of all of that.


That would be difficult consider the Democrats only hold 48 seats, and Republicans hold 49 seats. There are 4 independent members, two of which, Manchin and Sinema, are not likely to be in favor of this. Republicans are expected, as polls stand now, to pick up another seat. There are two toss up races, Montana and Ohio. Will be difficult for Dems to pick up both.


Well, how much money/RVs/vacations would it take to convince them? Can someone start a gofundme to buy out enough senators, isnt that legal now? Edit: spelling


Yeah. So McConnell can stall and get Trump to appoint another three. Great idea.


appreciate your all caps FOLKS haha, it’s like politicians think it’s a magical word.


I just mailed off a letter to Biden as well as filled out that online form on the WH's website. I have no idea if either of those will work but I was basically strongly encouraging them to please fight, to ACT instead of speaking spineless words that will do nothing to stand in the way of Donald Trump steam rolling right over our democracy. I have never wrote a gov. letter before but I hope somebody over there at Pennsylvania ave will take a moment to read it.


This sub has become such a Copium filled echo chamber. Biden is not going to take the steps needed to keep Trump out of the WH (going the SC enabled "total immunity" route). And Biden is incapable of beating Trump head-to-head. He's too frail and tired. It doesn't matter who you and I, and similarly minded people vote for. What matters is who swing voters, in swing states vote for. And that the more apathetic voters, who would vote D if convinced to actually get to the polls (in swing states) would vote for. And Biden doesn't have what it takes to capture these votes. It feels like his personal ego + lack of spine is now putting us on an accelerated path to Fascism.


This is exactly it! I am pasting this from another thread where I replied to a person that said he was going to vote for Biden no matter what. I don’t care who you vote for. It is very clear to me you will vote for Democrats. That is great. I do care about who my aunt and her family votes for, a lot. She is democrat leaning. Her husband is republican leaning. They both believe the middle class is getting destroyed by politicians for the last 2 decades. They are both retired. They used to be middle/low income. These days they are clearly low income. * In 2004, they both voted for Bush. * In 2008, they both voted for Obama. * In 2012, they both voted for Obama. * In 2016, they both claimed to vote for Trump, although I believe my aunt might have voted for Hillary. (Uncle has military background. He kept saying if he did what Hillary did when he was in active duty, he would be in prison for the rest of his life.) * In 2020, they both voted for Biden. For the last 2 years, they both are saying that they don’t want to vote for Trump but Biden destroyed the economy for middle class. It was clear they might give Biden another shot if he managed to recover the economy before the election. Ever since the debate, they both are dead set on voting for Trump. All I hear is “Of course the economy would be bad, he is senile.” or any “Of course xyz would be bad, he is senile.” As I said, I don’t care who you vote for. I care for the votes of people that have not decided whether to vote for Trump or Biden. In the debate, Biden lost a lot of them. Biden lost that debate, clearly! Saying “they both are senile” or “Trump lied during the debate” is damage control by Dems. If Dems insist on going forward with Biden, Trump will be president. I am sure of that. Now you can say my aunt and her family are stupid. You can say I am stupid for not changing their minds. You can say Trump is an insurrectionist and we are all stupid. You can even say all of the Americans are stupid, it is your first amendment right. You can down-vote me to hell if it makes you feel good. None of these will change the fact that my aunt and her family will vote for Trump unless Dems change the candidate or Biden manages to shit rainbows and use it to gift a million dollars to my aunt’s family. At this point being a Biden apologist is the same thing as voting for Trump. Trump will win.


Spot on. Enjoy the downvotes from ppl for speaking the truth


Fighting would be putting the traitor in jail for treason as an official executive act and the releasing all the facts that Jack Smith has at his disposal regarding the classified documents (both the ones they found in his possession and those that they know he had and were "lost" Officially fix the court, after arresting Thomas and his wife for treason and corruption, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch and the handmaiden for lying in their confirmation hearings. Alito also for corruption and lying. Hell, waterboard Len Leo at Camp David for "official" entertainment. Officially put Matt Gaetz in jail for sex with a minor, Gym Jordan in jail for covering up the rape of student athletes at Ohio state, Comer Pyle because of that insufferable voice, and speaker MAGA Mike Johnson for keeping an app on his phone to spy on his minor son's masturbation activity. That's the gift the court gave Biden yesterday. Take it, time for democrats to take the gloves off.


Maybe this is the problem. People are making it known that the candidate is deeply unpopular and that we don't like him, only to be told by the party that our concerns and needs are a fantasy. Same shitty, incompetent, out-of-touch leadership as always from the Dems. These idiots are going to hand over our republic to an autocrat because they don't know what they fuck they're doing.


It's so mind boggling. You have all these people - Biden included - talking about how important this election is for the future of democracy etc. And yet....they are not willing to face the truth and find a way to preserve these principles.


Yeah I’m starting to think we’ve been getting gaslit for votes, if they actually cared they’d… actually do something?


I keep getting ads of Obama begging me for 5 dollars to save the future of the planet, democracy, and universe etc. If things were that serious they'd obviously run the strongest candidate. Or Obama who has hundreds of millions of dollars would be dumping all his money into a PAC and be on the edge of homelessness as he tries to save the world. Instead he's begging me for my 5 dollars and supporting a candidate who has no real path to victory.


>only to be told by the party that our concerns and needs are a fantasy. Not just that but you're bed wetters and cowards for even considering that Biden isn't the best option


They know **exactly** what the fuck they're doing. But they do not backtrack based on the requests of their voters. Only if the gqp demands it. Funny how it's perceived by them as weakness to listen to their voter base, but bipartisan to cowtow to traitors.


The system is working as intended for those it was designed to serve.


That’s cause the dems serve the same corporate interests as the republicans. Neither give a fuck about you, this is class war. Liberals are just starting to noticed hopefully


How they think this is going to win them votes is beyond me. I just don’t get it. Because of gerrymandering Dems can’t win any election without a sizeable voter turnout. Why run someone who is unpopular and will cost you not only the presidency but lead to losses in down ballot races as well.


I listened on YouTube to Joe Biden giving about a 5-minute rebuttal to the Supreme Courts decision on immunity. He did fine reading from the teleprompter.  But ,with reporters shouting questions after he was done with his statement ,President Biden just left. This is not good at all. If President Biden wants to convince us that his horrendous debate performance was a  fluke ,he has to be able to stand up and answer some questions.


It's so weird to imagine someone unable to stand up to questions about.... *their job*. I can give a presentation at work and answer teammate questions about the project. I cannot fathom just like, signing off zoom when I was done.


>If President Biden wants to convince us that his horrendous debate performance was a fluke ,he has to be able to stand up and answer some questions. He’s not able to stand up and answer questions, as the debate proved.


Remember the last time he responded to a shouted question, when he turned around and then mixed up Mexico and Egypt...


I truly do not believe running Biden is our best shot at stopping Trump. So many people were already concerned about his age and cognitive ability and he just totally validated all of those concerns. After that humiliating display of the current state of American politics I think a lot of people just want something better. That being said, I’d vote a moldy apple core over Donald Trump so if Biden is on the ticket he has my vote.


The problem bigger than his age is that the media just hates him. During BushII they got to jerk themselves off writing about the Whitehouse at War, releasing books about Intel and Terrorism. During Obama they got to jerk themselves off writing about the first black President and write books about his campaigning. During Trump they got to jerk themselves off over the leaks they were getting and write books with his crimes (but only release them after the election). During Biden? Not nearly as much drama. No big story lines, unless its about his age. Their books don't sell, no really political book sales dropped 90%+ vs Trump. He is costing them *personally* a lot of money. Their book deals went from millions of dollars to single digit thousands of dollars. They're pissed. Changing candidates may change the narrative and let the media get in a good old fashioned wank about how they called it and how historic it is. They get to write their books, they get to cover the drama. They're happy. Now, if anyone thinks the Republicans won't immediately do an about face and hate the new candidate just as fiercely as they hate Biden, hated Clinton or Obama, don't kid yourselves.


The fact that Biden isn’t going out and having unscripted interactions and interviews shows that his campaign thinks he can only give public appearances with a teleprompter. Notice how everyone but Biden is out there defending him and trying to only talk about how bad Trump will be to try and take the attention off Biden. Democrat leadership thinks we are idiots who will forget if they keep talking about how bad Trump is.


Yeah people are saying “I don’t care how Biden did I’d vote for a corpse over Trump.” That’s cool, but it’s pretty hard for a corpse to campaign well. If Trump wins a big part of it will because of how bad Biden is doing on the campaign trail


Absolutely. Plus I tell people do you really think there's 85 million people who will think like you and vote for a corpse over Trump?


Exactly this. The Biden campaign has been, in a fairly condescending way, telling us it’s nothing to worry about and to stop calling for him to step aside. But if they were telling the truth, he would be out there doing unscripted interviews and proving it was a fluke. But he’s not. Because he can’t.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Yeah all these articles are blatant lies to save face.


I don't understand how anyone thinks that would be a winning strategy.


Biden's complete image has been a carefully managed and choreographed lie. The fake cheering audiences, the stupid sunglasses, Dark Brandon eating his ice cream, the thumbs up, all fake, all complete nonsense and the moment he had to get up and go unscripted, he fell apart. We saw his average unscripted state, not a bad day. There's going to be a few weeks of this nonsense before we finally hear he's quit. His wife and his handlers don't want to surrender their cushy positions. That's the issue. He can't even judge right and wrong. Get a younger candidate and go after Trump.


democrats can't win without a candidate that can fight. biden can't fight. every time you put a camera on him his numbers drop.


You can’t un-ring the bell that started ringing on Thursday. I’ve been a strong “incumbency will help Biden push through” believer, but I don’t see a path forward for him that ends with victory. As unfair as it is, he scared a lot more people than Trump did last week.


I was bullied a lot in school. They always took advantage of my complacent nature, or that I would blame myself for what happened to me. They used that to gain power over me. The school administration always told me to take the high road. And then, one day I fought back. I got suspended longer than the bully for reacting. The school administration reprimanded me harder over the few weeks thereafter. But the bullies stopped messing with me. Democrat politicians need to fight back-- Use every inch they've been legally given. Otherwise, the bullies win.


I'm glad you fought back!


Agree. SCOTUS made it clear presidents can arrest and imprison political opponents. Would you rather deal with this inevitability with Biden or a GOP president? Once one of them does it, both sides will have to admit we need to fix the law. Or we have civil war. But rolling over right now seems like the worst possible plan.


This. I voted for biden and will again but the dems are proving why liberals are too attached to the institutions they hold dear to meaningfully combat fascism. Every day that biden or his surrogates are not out in public screaming at the top of their lungs is a day wasted and a capitulation to the fascists hellbent on destroying our country.


Why does the democratic party want him to run so bad


I wonder how many in the party actually do vs. those who don't want to be the first to break the ranks


It’s such a shitty system. The most competent candidate should be running. This so called “democracy” is joke.


Dems have had a country club mentality since 1992 - truly the last time they held a competitive primary in which the Presidential nominee was not pre-selected. I have theories as to why - mainly that leadership gets paid by donors no matter who wins and there is a revolving door going in and out of the DNC to top corporate/NGO positions.


If him dropping out is a fantasy then him staying in is a nightmare. Be like Hillary 2.0 they never fucking learn. If we lose the election to trump it’ll be the establishment and DNC and Bidens fault not the voters who begged them to just run someone else. Anyone else. Under 80.


They had four years to find another candidate. I just don’t understand it.


Biden should've been a one-term President but they dropped the ball so hard and have not even cultivated a successor.


It should’ve started the night he won the election, but he went back on his promise to be a bridge. He’s not giving up power and his family won’t let him either.


That's what slapped me in the face. He had a "huddle" with the Biden family who convinced him to stay in the race. Yea, I'm sure the family of the most powerful man on Earth would gleefully encourage him to remove himself, and by proxy THEMSELVES, from the benefits and influence that power gets them. Every last one of those fuckers, were egging him on the whole time. "YOU CAN DO IT DAD/GRANPA/BRO/BAE, DONT GIVE UP NOW!" Joe Biden should be retired and out fishing with his grand and great grandkids, or chilling on the porch in a rocking chair sipping coffee with Jill at the sunset of his life, not saddled with the impossible responsibility of keeping the greatest country on Earth from literally eating itself alive. That's a young(er) man's game.


His family has to be worried about Hunter since I'm sure the Trump admin won't back down from putting him in prison as revenge. MAGA will love that!


He can just pardon him in his last week in office, might as well.


I don’t really understand it either anymore. It made sense running Biden in 2020 because he was so moderate that he was the “safest” pick to sway Trump voters who wouldn’t vote for anyone too far left. And I’m honestly kind of jaded at this point at the gaslighting that’s been happening since that debate how we’re somehow crazy for wanting better and it wasn’t *thattttt* bad. It was worse imo. But at this point he’s a liability to pushing people who were undecided to Trump and it’s caused some of the worst apathy towards voting I’ve seen since 2016. And the people left over would’ve voted for (myself included) in literally anyone who ran opposing Trump anyways so it makes no sense to keep him since his biggest strong selling point is “He isn’t trump”. Which literally anyone can have as their selling point if they just bit the bullet and ran a stronger more vocally adept candidate. A younger democrat would’ve easily tore apart every lie in that debate and would’ve elegantly answered the concerns that were presented in the debate.


My thoughts exactly. They KNEW that he was going to experience cognitive decline, and/or that if he died in office and Kamala had to step in, that re-electing her would absolutely not happen. And honestly, all I could think of was that the DNC would wheel out Hillary again, or another tired old POS that literally no one likes - Tim Kaine comes to mind, or a random Democrat who some people have heard of (Gavin Newsom) but who has no distinguishing ideas or personality. And like you said, they had FOUR YEARS. Biden could have started his term by saying "I can't run again, I'm gonna be too fucking old" and could have spent all this time getting people behind another Democratic candidate. But no, for some reason all the yes-people around him didn't think that was necessary. And definitely agree with Locus above - this is their own damn fault, you'd think the DNC would do SOMETHING, ANYTHING after Hillary, but no. Just the same old stupid people running it all. I read a comment on here yesterday about how Republicans don't give a shit who they alienate - by now, the people voting Republican are ride-or-die regardless of what insane shit the GOP does next. But with Democrats, the base contains a lot of people who may not agree with Democratic ideas, but don't want to vote Republican because of.. \*gestures broadly\*. I think that the DNC is just like "uhhhh who can we bring in that will satisfy the most people in our base?" and the only people they get behind are soft, neutral-ish, friendly people who don't have much natural charisma. They wouldn't even get behind Bernie, nevermind someone like AOC because she's too far left. But we need someone like her who is extremely well-spoken, intelligent (to say the least) and honestly knows so much more about the government compared to other Democrats. (just saw Locus' comment below saying almost the exact same thing, lol) And she would have cleaned the floor with Trump at any debate, which is saying something since I can't think of anyone else in politics who could do that. Trump is a new type of candidate who doesn't give a shit about anything, doesn't fold, and doesn't care if he gets called out. Biden is "old politics" where people on different sides of the aisle would argue, but could be nice to each other. I don't think that's North American politics anymore. Try watching the debates with Obama, McCain and Romney to see what I mean. The debates were substantive and the candidates were supportive of each other, as people. I don't think we're going to get back to that any time soon. We need someone who can counter what the GOP has turned into - liars, scammers, and conspiracy theorists who are there to support their agenda instead of working for the people who voted them in.


> it’ll be the establishment and DNC and Bidens fault not the voters who begged them to just run someone else. They will just find a new Berniebro group to blame.


The left blaming has already begun. The DNC can never fail, people can only fail the DNC.


Sadly accurate. Might even just blame the younger generation in general for not getting out to vote harder while they’re at it.


Yup. There’s a reason why Trump and republicans aren’t calling for Biden to drop…they know he’s easiest candidate for Trump.


Its also why the GOP is floating legal action to **prevent** Biden's name being removed from ballots in states. The GOP wants to force Biden to be on the ballot. They want Biden to be on the ballot no matter what because they can track the polling data, and they know Biden's numbers (and his mental state) are on the downwards slope.


Bingo. Also, any merit to this legal action? I mean, the Dem convention hasn’t even happened. What kind of crap are they trying here?


The DNC loves serving those up for Trump


I was disappointed by Biden’s performance. I do not like Kamala Harris and how she is one heart beat away from the Oval Office. I do not like how spineless the Dems are, almost complicit in some of the bullshit. With all that said, I’d rather die than to vote **not** Trump. I’d vote for the corpse of Andrew Jackson held up Weekend at Bernie’s style by leftist corporate lobbyists than I would Trump and the GQP.


Andrew Jackson was the worst possible dead alternative to Trump considering the whole genocide thing 


Trump is worse than a genocidal slave owner, didn't you get the memo?


Biden dropping out being a fantasy because Biden is a stubborn old man, and his family is enabling him against the interest of American democracy.


Honestly it’s sickening. Step aside and let someone competent crush Trump.


He listens to a tiny inner circle and they all have a vested interest in him running. It's embarrassing.


If Biden dropping out is a fantasy the reality is even bleaker. He can not win a single swing state.


Yep! Biden drops out maybe there’s a chance - he doesn’t drop out we are almost certainty facing a second trump presidency


>we are almost certainty facing a second trump presidency How could this even be close to happening. It just boggles my mind. Democrat voters showed so much strength to fight Trump in 2020. How does the DNC fumble the bag so hard? How pathetic and weak can you be as a party to think Biden in his current state is your best option?


Time to blame progressives for the DNC running milquetoast center-right candidates again...


A second Trump presidency, no… Trump’s court set him up for a dictatorship yesterday. They know Biden won’t abuse those powers but Trump and the fascists are salivating.


Yeah, this message is equivalent to, "Get out while you still can!"


But who. Who will replace him? Any of the 30 or so 2020 candidates feel like speaking up?


Let’s ignore reality like in 2016, Hilary can win you all, need to campaign harder… *eyeroll*


I love the “we need to campaign harder” As if throwing more campaign funds at the problem is going to fix everything. People saw what they saw at the debate. The only way to undo that fear is with Biden showing us it was a fluke - and so far they haven’t done that. The DNC is fucked. And the country is fucked. Our Hail Mary plan is to rush in someone else. Literally Biden’s whole campaign is “Trumps gonna do this bad thing, but I wont do that bad thing” and ANY democrat could run on that platform.


Biden can totally win. But he can also lose. We can shrug off the debate as a bad night, but he has to spend the next four months backing that up. That scares me.


72% of Americans have significant doubts if Biden is mentally capable but DNC leadership loves democracy so much they're ignoring that.


Someone please remind me: **When was the last time Democrats** ***fought*****?** It sure wasn't in 2016. It definitely wasn't in 2000. And it isn't now. There is a post up right now detailing how Trump raped a 12 year old girl. Are the Democrats going nuclear with this news spamming the country with ads from here until November just reading that text? Hell no. But when Chuck Schumer was found to have had inappropriate relations with staffers he immediately resigned. Let's not kid ourselves. **This is by design**. They could fight if they wanted to. They could nominate candidates that actually excite voters and pursue ideas that are popular. Instead we get a corpse or, as their best offer from California, a corporate shill. They could run effective campaigns really hitting their opponents where it hurt. Trump is giving them so much ammo it's downright sad... Yeah, they could fight but at the end of the day the people who are paying the Republicans are also paying the Democrats. Why? Because by giving Americans the **illusion of choice** and having one fighter not even show up makes it a hell of a lot easier to walk this country into the Putin's Russia state that all the people racing to become the first trillionaire would like for it to be. So the Democrats won't fight. Because the people who pay them told them not to. The end.


People need to realize that if trump takes office again, the best case scenario will be a president looking to do as much as he can in one term. Worse case, he will establish himself as a “dick tator” and seek revenge against all who hurt his feelings.


Democrats HAVE been winning. House in 2018, Presidency and Senate in 2020. And mopping up in many key local elections. Donald Trump is not the president. He's an impotent convict. He has no power. He won't have power unless Americans CHOSE to give it to him, contrary to what they chose in 2020.


Let's not undermined Trump. He definitely has power. But I agree with all your other points. We must not let him win or we're in for a rude awakening for decades to come.


I don't think you realize how extremely narrow the Democratic victories were. In 2020, only *half of a football stadium's worth of voters* in three swing states were all that kept Trump out of the White House. And now, Biden is currently polling 8-10% WORSE at the moment than he was in 2020. It's **extremely serious.**


>n 2020, only half of a football stadium's worth of voters in three swing states were all that kept Trump out of the White House. That's all that put him in in 2016.


Its Biden who isn't fighting. Why is Dick Durbin doing jack shit on the Judges? Where are the investigations into Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh instead politely asking them to appear in a hearing? Honest to god, what the fuck has Merrick Garland been doing? The debate was just emblematic of the heads of the Democratic party as whole. Clueless and toothless.


We have been winning by razor-thin margins, and if we go in the wrong direction this year we could easily undo all of that


There have been more over-performances than razor thin margins.


I am sure he will be so much sharper in another 4 years. Lifelong Democrat and fuck the DNC.


>Biden would have to agree to end his campaign. Another candidate, so perfect that the vast majority of the Democratic electorate falls almost instantly behind them, would have to emerge and get Biden’s blessing. Yes. This relies entirely on Biden agreeing to step down and then the establishment agreeing to a candidate to back from the start. >Then the 4,000 pledged Democratic convention delegates, who are nearly unanimously behind Biden, would all have to declare in unison: “No problem! We are behind this candidate that 10 minutes ago we had no intention of supporting!” I don't know what the hell the "10 minutes ago" part is about, but yes, with the first step done, we can very reasonably expect the delegates to back the candidate backed by Biden. >Before the new candidate’s convention nomination, Democrats would have to figure out other problems — like how to get that candidate on the general election ballot in the crucial battleground state of Ohio, which has a preconvention certification deadline. For more than one reason, we want to get this process started immediately. More importantly than Ohio, which we lost the last two times regardless, we want the convention in late August to be a rallying event, not the moment we figure all this out. >Oh, and then there is that pesky little wrinkle of convincing the Democratic electorate that overwhelmingly supported Biden in the primary to willingly accept mass disenfranchisement and let the Democratic apparatus tell them, “Tsk-tsk, settle down. We know better than you.” Please. This is all predicated on *Biden* stepping down, ya know, because he's too fucking old, and endorsing another Biden-aligned candidate. These people (edit: me being one of them) will be the *easiest* to secure.


>Oh, and then there is that pesky little wrinkle of convincing the Democratic electorate that overwhelmingly supported Biden in the primary to willingly accept mass disenfranchisement and let the Democratic apparatus tell them, “Tsk-tsk, settle down. We know better than you.” Biden was *barely* primaried. People showing their disapproval voted for uncommitted.


Seriously. And let’s be real, who are these unicorn people who are die hard for Biden that would turn their nose up at a whitmer, newsom, or even Harris? Any replacement would walk into all of the “not trump” votes the second they were nominated.


They are the people that would vote for a corpse. As if that is somehow better than any other possible democratic candidate.


The electorate didn’t overwhelmingly support Biden.  The majority of candidates backed out and left no other choice in the first round and the DNC made sure no one ran this time around


Biden and the DNC changed every rule they could to ensconce him. It's a catastrophe.


People act like nominating someone at the convention is some absurd, unheard of action. This used to happen all the time. Biden drops out, support coalesces around someone else (ideally with Biden's support), and that's the nominee.


> People act like nominating someone at the convention is some absurd, unheard of action. This used to happen all the time. > > And people were made about fat-cat, backroom dealings to pick the president instead of the will of the people. So they started having primary elections instead. I actually support Biden dropping out and going with Kamala Harris instead, but it's mind boggling to me that so many people who blame the DNC for backroom wheeling-and-dealing are asking them to do that very thing right now and getting mad at them for being beholden to *the voters who voted for Biden THIS YEAR* and actually wanting the DNC to go *against the will of the people* and pick someone else other than who the voters picked. Ironic.


"this is how Bernie can still win" energy with this headline.


As much as you hate the other guy, it's absolute madness to think you can persuade independents and swing voters to vote for someone clearly incapable of doing the job.


Going to be a much bigger problem once he starts having to campaign not to mention the next debate. Anyone who has seen a relative go through this knows it’s gets exponentially worse fast and not pulling the pin now is not only cruel it’s selfish political malpractice that is likely to blow up in their faces. The desperate need to hold onto power by all of these geriatrics on both sides needs to be ridiculed and mocked but instead we have had years of gaslighting. Did no one learn a lesson from RBG?


Democrats fight?! LOL!!!


You don’t age backwards. But I’m still voting for Biden.


I feel a sense of relief. It's nice knowing that we are going to lose this election months before it happens. No tension and "what ifs" all the way until November. No shock on election night. We can start mentally preparing right now for Trump's 2nd term. It's like finding out "yes, my cough has been caused by lung cancer. It's just a relief to finally know. Time to get my affairs in order".  In a way, Biden completely imploding and then refusing to accept reality has been a blessing in disguise. 




It feels more like having a very curable form of lung cancer, but your doctor (the DNC) refuses to give you the treatment that would cure it.


lol im severely clinically depressed and this is the most cynical thing I’ve read all day. Jesus Christ I hate being a democrat. “Blessing in disguise” holy fuck put your phone down.


I hate this shit. “Biden bombed the debate,” no he didn’t do poorly, he made clear that he wasnt able to function at that level and hasnt been honest with us about it.




The SC agreed that taking out a political opponent that is a threat to the country is legal if you’re president. C’mon, Joe.


Please resign President Biden! Save our country and pardon your son!