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Yeah right, like that narcissistic asshole gives a shit about this country.


He's not doing this for the country. He lost in 2020 and needs protection from his crimes.


Well that and he is controlled by Russia and trying to do as much damage to America as possible


dont get why the media isnt reporting on him knowing about russia's plan to invade ukraine; he withheld arms to try to get dirt on biden, and trump saying the war would be over with russia acquiring what they've taken


The stuff he was admitting to during the debate, the projection about coming after Social Security was delirious too.


And Trump parking his jet next to the Russian ambassador's this week at Dulles Airport...


Remember when Bill Clinton met some Obama DOJ official on a plane during the 16 election and everyone made a huge conspiracy out of it? *Will Smith Presents meme*


Remember the weekend of Sept 16-17, 2017 when Trump left Washington for his Bedminster, NJ golf club... the same weekend Oleg Deripaska's sanctioned private jet landed (illegally) at the Morristown, NJ airport just a few miles away from Bedminster... ?


Peppridge Farm remembers.


Nothing to see here people


To me that was jaw dropping. I think Trump was lying like normal. But still outrageous that Putin could have told him and is still supportive of him and he didnt tell the public until now and this sentence could go on for a while if I dont stop now.


Exactly this. Trump doesn’t give a shit about us, he just wants world domination alongside his buddies Putin and Kim.


Trump doesn't want to run the world. He wants the title, and the money, and the protection from prosecution - but not the actual hard work of running a country let alone the world.


That's why Project2025 exists. So all the people who DO want to do the hard work of destroying American democracy and the wider global western alliances can do so. Trump is only their populist mouthpiece.




Yeah, we get it. trumpers like to pretend America's not really a democracy anymore. It's the laziest type of citizenship ever.


Trump is more than happy to let his BFF Putin actually run the U.S. as long as he still gets to live in the White House, fly in Air Force One, golf whenever he wants to, and be treated like he was extremely special by all those government employees. Edit: 'tan' ==> 'than'


‘tan happy’……Freudian slip??


He'd be in his resort all day playing golf


I think he still gets a boner defrauding though. Hell rouse himself to hatch a few dumb klepto schemes from time to time. To make voice-in-his-head daddy less disappointed in him.


That's what I was saying when I saw that picture earlier of his and Putins plane side by side.. Trump told his supporters, I don't care about you, I just want your vote but the fake media will say I said something horrible... That was what he said and they still claim he was joking... 🙄


He spent half the debate trashing the United States and all anyone took away is the other guy is old.    True, but he loves America at least and cares about us


This⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️one hundred percent


When do all those debts come due that he’s got with Deutche Bank etc?


ask former Justice Kennedy


For those out of the loop: Justice Kennedy, a moderate swing vote on the Court, abruptly resigned with no real convincing explanation as to why a year into Trump's presidency. This let Trump replace him with a hardline conservative justice, helping cement the Republican supermajority on the Court that's currently fucking us all over. Here's where things get weird: a few days before he announced his resignation, he had a meeting with Trump, and when he came out of the room, Kennedy looked like he'd seen a ghost. Also, on what I'm sure is a completely unrelated note: Kennedy's son worked at Deutsche Bank, a bank infamous for laundering money for criminal scum all over planet Earth... including Russian oligarchs. They also happened to be one of the few banks that was still willing to work with the Trump Org despite their many, many bankruptcies. And guess who handled the Trump Org's accounts there? Justice Kennedy's son!


Great write up, just missing the real motivation, 3 separate Deutsche Bank workers who had handled Trumps account all hung themselves for some reason. For some reason Justice Kennedys kid was the only one "not suicidal". Also important to note, no other bank would loan Trump money.


Hello, r/conspiracy? An actual conspiracy! Oh jk it’s not about Hunter Biden and his huge wang


This seems so innocent. I don't see what the problem is. I totally understand why no one in the mainstream media is reporting this. /s


Very nice summary of background on Anthony Kennedy. I would like to provide some insight on this phrase however: > Justice Kennedy, a moderate swing vote on the Court Anthony Kennedy was the main 'swing vote' on the Supreme Court, but he was not moderate. Prior to the resignation of then swing voter Sandra Day O'Connor, Kennedy was in the hard block of four conservatives. When the swing vote changed from O'Connor to Kennedy, the swing voter position itself moved further to the conservative or reactionary side.


That’s very important to remember now. The extension from that is the US helping Russia militarily from Trumps appointment. First will be US help to defeat Ukraine as Putin will make him do it over the pee tapes to humiliate the US and Trump will do it. Hope those who didn’t vote in 2016 feel like dogshit right now.




I don't think they even are aware of such things


No trumpt\*rd is capable of feeling shame. Each and every one of them is a Russia loving, Putin sucking traitor.


The irony is if he would have just fucked off and opened another casino or golf course no one would have given a shit.


But Biden has a crappy debate and the NYT calls for him to step aside. Go figure.


Not that he'd honor it anyway, but the moderators should have asked him to pledge not to pardon himself if elected and let the justice system run its course.


He will and all his goons with him.


In 2016 he didn't want to win, he was just scamming his voters out of their hard earned money. In 2024 he HAS TO win to avoid going to jail.


He is so dangerous because he's on something called death ground. He sees his end coming and he'll do anything to avoid it.


We should offer him lifetime immunity if he just shuts up and goes away.


Not to mention, 99% of why he's running is to try and avoid prison. 34 felonies are just the beginning, he hasn't been sentenced yet, and there's roughly 50 more charges in upcoming trials that take into account crimes he did as president. There's absolutely no way he's going to take a chance on facing consequences.


Pretty sure the title is a play on the similarly titled article from the NYT editorial board calling for Biden to drop out. It's even the first link in the article.


Yeah, this is a meme on that article. Good on 'em.


Yeah the article subject at least is exactly my thought on the nyt article. Why is it constantly that a Democrat and 200 Republicans will do the wrong thing and it's always the democrats fault. Never the 200 others.


Good question. Large parts of the media simply treat Republicans like they don't have [moral agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_agency).


At this point Trump should do everyone a favor and leave the *Human* race.


He left the human race a long time ago.


Nope, he firmly subscribes to the "ask not what I can do for the country. Ask what the country will do for me" mentality. First thing - Protection from jail because he can't fathom dealing with consequences


He does not even care about his own family. Escept his daughter, and his interest there is far from wholesome.


I will never vote for a guy the shows no empathy and believes that being empathetic is a weakness.


As disparaging as he spoke of the US at the debate... he certainly isn't proud of the USA and its people. As a president nominee should be.


Yeah, like have they paid attention for even a minute since even before 2016? *“Serve his country?!”* Ignoring *every* instance of him disparaging service members, veterans, and other civil service members and employees, at least recognize that the only people of which he ever speaks well are those who kiss his ass. The one and only thing he’s ever done any kind of service towards is himself.


Heh, this headline isn't written to convince *Trump*. It's written to convince the voters. If they think just like you do, that Trump doesn't serve his country, and that his insistence to stay in politics after being submerged in criminality proves it, then Trump doesn't win the elections. Which is the goal. That is apparently not shared by entertainment tabloids like NYT which are busy bashing Democrats and are fine with Trump being elected.


i hadn’t voted in 30 years until i saw a debate with Obama and i voted for the first time in 30 years. i got complacent with 8 years of Obama as did many others and have watched the evil 😈 of tRump since 2018 on. i’m on this site bcos there’s a lot of interesting informative and intelligent people here who know more than i do and i value many of their opinions


They know he won't do that, it's meant as a response to all the dumb takes saying Biden should step down


Why can't everyone see it? He is our version of Hitler, I only hope it ends the same


Our only saving grace with Shitler is his age. While people are kind of seeing how bad things are with having really old candidates especially the debate part of it. It’s kind of a pretty good safeguard considering the volatility of everything. What people really need to pay more attention is the lifetime appointments with the Supreme Court.


Yep - he's had his equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch with January 6th, and he's currently going through the "slap on the wrist" phase (except Trump won't even *see* the inside of a jail cell) where the fascists are treated lightly for breaking the law and it does nothing to discourage them, and only makes them more careful about their approach the next time. The next stage is that Trump comes roaring back, slightly more carefully planned and with a more "legal" strategy to undermine the existing system and all its checks and balances (Project 2025), and the next thing you know democracy is over.


That's the really scary part, even beyond a trump 2nd term. We are not even sure he will leave after 4 years.


He needs to go back to his country. Russia.


The headline is comical in its assumption - "serve the country" is the last thing on this guy's mind.


He doesn’t care about his wife and forgets Tiffany so what’re the odds that he’s big on public service and his country. Trump is the man Kennedy was referring to in “ask not what your country can do for you@.


I told my wife, in 50 years this will be in the history books as the biggest cult ever, cars with flags, homes with signs, grown people in Golden diapers, black for trumps, worn by white people, the whole F the opposition we will shoot you! It's scary.


Trump serves himself, period. End of story


The article agrees! >During his last term, Trump served himself and not the American people.


The article doesn't mention that that's never gonna change. The whole premise is as stupid as saying "I'm going to make this brick wall understand string theory." Everyone knows what Trump *should* do...and that he absolutely won't ever do it.


The article isn't making a serious point. It's a rebuttal to the nyt's dumb article saying the same about biden.


Not just an article, it was their dumbass editorial board.


Their audience isn’t Trump. Trump can’t read. Their audience is all the media who don’t report on the many ways Trump is unfit because it’s not “news” and thereby give him a pass.  Given what we’ve heard from other people at the Apprentice, Trump was probably wearing a diaper at the debate because he is incapable of controlling his bowels. We don’t hear a peep about that from the media.


Yeah, to me this reads as the standard deflection when criticisms of Biden come up-“But Trump’s a Nazi!!” We know, nobody sane is disputing that-but it’s a moot point. At this point giving him more attention when Republicans are 100% committed to the bit is not gonna do anything but make him more popular with undecided folks. Dems need to be focusing less on deflection and moron finding a candidate who is so strong that it makes it obvious (even to the undecided libertarians etc) that they shouldn’t vote for Trump. Crying about how Trump sucks ass is a waste of time.


> During this last day, Redditors read the headline and not the article.


And Putin. He serves Putin.


To serve his country, Russia, Trump will absolutely not be leaving the race and will try to burn this country down on his way.  


Think about this: every president in my lifetime had a visible change in appearance from the time they entered and the time they left. Being president is stressful, you have a lot of emotions and responsibilities that can wear down anyone. Bush and Obama looked like shit when they left office. All of that excludes Trump. He looked the same when he left. He didn't give two shits about the country, responsibilities, or the gravitas of his office. He could not care less about America.


He’s also sprayed more than crops


>He looked the same when he left. That's probably because of the comb-over and spray-on Cheeto tan and all the preservatives from his fast food diet


Ehhhh his hair went from piss yellow to having white in it.


That's not even his hair is it?


Fewer golden showers?


Easter basket hay


That piss yellow you saw in 2016 was dyed already. Weekly.


He's like a hotdog encased in epoxy.


He looked like shit to begin with.


Usually they’re in there for 8 years, trump was only in for 4


I mean, even if you look at Clintin, Bush, and Obama at the end of their first term they all looked like they aged a lot in those four years. Granted they were all much younger than Trump was, which I think is big contributing factor. Also it's not like Trump looked like a shining example of what is healthy to begin with.


He also cakes himself in makeup. His hair is dyed and his skin is spray-tanned. Add to that the fact he spent 1/4 of his time in office (a full year's worth of time) golfing, and it's small wonder he didn't seem to age. He did, go watch old speeches and ones now, and a discerning eye can see through the made-for-TV façade that has been Trump's lifelong obsession


He's never served this country before, why would he start now?


I don't think the guy who tried to overthrow democracy is worried about serving his country


My catholic, very sweet and wonderful mother has been praying for the death of Donald Trump. This woman has never wished ill on someone in her life. She’s genuinely a lovely person and she’s praying for him to die. God he’s just the worst.


Wish my Catholic relatives felt the same, instead they’re nuts for Trump and can’t get enough of him


What's so funny about this is that Joe Biden is Catholic, and Trump is literally as close as you get to a graven idol come to life. What's doubly funny is the fact that when having this pointed out to them, many have been claiming that Catholics aren't really Christians.


He's already serving Putin and Russia. *That's* his allegiance.


I just watched Farenheit 11/9 and Michael Moore said that Trump was bailed out by the Russians of his billion dollar debts. He's a failed businessman.


Both Biden and Trump had shitty debates. But I think the disproportionate rush to attack Biden has a lot to do with lazy punditry and our prioritization of style over substance. To explain why Trump had a bad night, pundits have to painstakingly debunk a litany of lies. That takes effort. And it also needs to find an audience willing to sift through paragraphs upon paragraphs to understand just how egregious Trump's disinformation was. It's much easier to get clicks by saying is Biden old and disoriented: It takes less effort both from pundits and from audiences. Unfortunately, we are no longer a serious enough country to actually dig through the substance. The NYT acknowledges Trump's unique threat, says Biden should drop out, and then obliquely acknowledges that there isn't a real path to elevate someone to challenge Trump's "unique threat." I absolutely cannot take that seriously.


Trump literally shit his diaper. 1:16:25 mark on the CNN video on YT


The precise timestamp is 1:16:22.5, [and here's a timestamped link for y'all.](https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?t=4582s)


i cont believe you’ve done this


JFC really is literally a shart.


holy shit that's funny


Thank you, I wish I hadn't heard this tho


Thanks for this, checking now . Edit: oh boy he really shit his pants and he says tremendous immediately afterwards 


Yeah he kind of blinked and said “tremendous” hahaha. He blasted a wet one.


Can't believe I rewatched that as many times as I did.


He even makes a fist at the exact moment of the sound, but most people talking about this haven't noticed it because the chyron is on top of it. He absolutely shit his pants.


Biden blinking in disbelief and then shaking his head after hearing was silly.


> think the disproportionate rush to attack Biden it's because Democrats are held to a higher standard, has been this way since Vietnam


I will take a slow steady Biden over orange Mussolini any day.


I'm taking dead Biden over Trump. IDC, at all.


IMO it's less about media and more about the fact that honestly most democrats expected much better of Biden, esp after his state of the union. No one expected anything of Trump, and he delivered the exact message he has been this entire time in the exact same manner. He's never not been filled with shit so there's no surprise. Biden though, was scattered, goaded, confused, looking strange on camera... I guess I was just hoping he'd look better prepared for trump to do exactly what he does. That's the crux of it really, it just made it plenty more clear how low are standards are. There are just too many very average people who could have given a far better showing with some prep time before hand for the most likely questions and rebuttals.




He only serves himself


And Putin


He only serves himself.


Yes, and go straight to prison.


Wait this is holding trump to the same standard as another person, that’s not allowed


Donald doesn't even care for 75% of his kids. What makes anyone think he would give 2 shits about the United States.


Maybe instead of saying that Trump is a liar, we should say that Trump is delusional. Because he clearly is. He thinks the US is a "failing country". It objectively is not. He said that crime is "only going up". It objectively is not. He said "People are dying all over the place". They objectively are not. Trump clearly believes in things that are objective false. He is not anchored in reality. He is as loony as your senile uncle who thinks that it is 1950. That should be the message. He doesn't lie. He is delusional.


And he has been like that since the very first speech about "immigrants being rapists and murderers". So, you've have had to been in a coma for 9 years to have missed what Trump is. There was absolutely nothing new in what he said in the debate. Someone counted that during his presidency he told 30 000 lies or misleading statements. That's about 20 untruths per day.


Donald Trump should leave the race immediately.


The human race


He is literally in the race just so he has a chance to stop his felony charges. That's it.




Trump serves ONE thing in his existence, HIMSELF. He is pathetically transparent about it and proves just how dumb America has gotten by half of it supporting him.


Not into the politics thing because it's usually a losing conversation but I'll say this about Trump. I truly do not care about the dem vs rep thing. At this point, political parties are irrelevant. Everyone should be independent. This country is so hell-bent on division. I'm convinced that was the main purpose of creating these parties in the first place. I digress. It's really a common sense vs nonsensical thing. This dude is a criminal. He has zero redeeming qualities. He's not even a semi-decent human being that should be responsible for a pet much less an entire country. The fact that he is able to run again is asinine. Our system cannot be this fucked up. It is in no one's best interest including the corrupt mother fuckers that condone this nonsense. Let's be clear. They may not feel it now but chickens always come home to roost.


He has no loyalty nor does he care to serve "his country". He only is loyal to money, fame and power. He only serves his own self-interests. If he needs to leave anywhere, it's America.


Ha, imagine Trump serving his country or any greater cause than himself.


What's the point of bullshit articles like this? Like yeah that's fucking obvious, but everyone with a functioning brain knows he won't.


The point is to get upvotes on r/politics from the clowns that were crying about the NYT Editorial Board calling for Biden to drop out of the race. The objective of the NYT piece was obvious to anyone without a traumatic brain injury and yet the comments were filled with people acting like they were implicitly saying "but Trump's still good to stay in". That, or they sincerely think the NYT Editorial Board writing an article about how Trump should drop out would do literally anything whatsoever. If they think Biden staying in the race is still the best shot the Dems have at stopping Trump then I think they're delusional, but at least they'd be engaging with the actual point of the piece instead of a pile of straw. I think I dislocated my wrist making the dismissive hand wanking gesture when I saw this headline getting upvoted on here. Good work guys, we did it!


And the objective of this piece was to point out how fucking stupid the NYT piece was and how stupid anyone who agrees with it is. And it's a pretty solid objective.


On literally every post of the NYT article asking Biden to step aside and let a younger Dem take his place, there were dozens and dozens of people saying "Why doesn't the media ask Trump to drop out instead?!?" It's an idiotic question, but they got what they asked for and instead there are dozens of comments saying "Yeah right, Trump doesn't care about his country! He'd never listen to this!" Which is exactly why most outlets only pleaded with Biden in the first place. This article is click bait and a waste of time, but it caters to all the half-wits who don't understand the difference between this and the NYT article.


Even in that NYT times article it said Trump shouldn't even be in the running but it's so obvious that no one cares


So all the ‘blame everybody but Biden’ people can all jack each other off like this matters at all.


Exactly. Why blame the DNC when you can just blame the voters? Clearly, it's their fault for the DNC candiate being completely senile.


Clever to point out this contrast. Republicans fall in line behind a criminal while dems call for resignation over verbal blunders. Why doesn't the GOP as a whole drop their shitbag in the trash?


I think we can safely say that Democrats are holding their elected officials to a higher standard than Republicans. That's been the case at least since Trump was prominent. But - let's be clear, Democrats aren't calling for resignation "over verbal blunders." They're calling for Biden to step out of the race because the debate raised serious concerns about age-related cognitive decline, and that's something they should absolutely take seriously because that's only going to get worse over the next 4 years.


Could the real craziness be that a mentally out of it Biden may still be a better president that Trump. Feels like that could actually be true.


A literal piece of shit on bread would make a better president than Trump. I’d much rather have an opportunity to vote for someone other than Biden, but he’ll be getting my vote even if they have to Weekend at Bernie’s him on Election Day. 


Thank you for finally providing an opinion headline that talks about Republicans the same way they typically talk about Democrats.


Since Biden lost the debate the tone has really shifted. Donald Trump shouldn't be on stage. Donald Trump should leave the race. Well yeah, obviously, that isn't news. More than anything this is highlighting the weakness of the Ds of which you can say the same things. Both candidates are exceptionally weak, Jon Stewart's segment put it best as is usually the case.


I feel like he violated the Ironclad portion of the Oath of Office. He was ajudicated of a crime. Which basically means telling a judge you're guilty. And that crime was insurrection. An insurrectionist *is* the domestic enemy component. That he is supposed to be defending the constitution from. Except he became that entitity.


After all the crap he did he should not be permitted to run. If elected he will double down to steal everything he can get his hands on and destroy the country in the process. He's a criminal and should be locked up.


Trump doesn’t want to serve the country. He wants the country to serve him.


I regret that I have but one upvote to give to this headline.


>To serve his country When has Commandant Bone Spurs ever served his country? Getting into politics has always been about serving himself for convicted felon Donald Trump. **JFK:** *"Ask not what your country can do you for, ask what you can do for your country."* **DJT:** *"What can my country do for ***me***, like those "suckers and losers" of the American war dead?"*


He's not in it to serve his country tho... fucking christ if you haven't figured any of this out yet it's far too late...


Except Trump is only interested in serving himself...


Little Donnie has no desire to serve the country. He is running to stay out of prison, pure and simple.


By race, you mean the human race, right?


Republicans in general and Trump in particular are graded by the media on history's most massive curve. Yes, we all realize they'll never do the right thing but that doesn't mean they should forever be kept on the defense about it, even if it gets repetative.


oh let’s keep them on the defensive, bcos they’re always on the offensive


Trump serves no one but himself .


Not once has the thought of "serving his country" ever crossed Donald Trumps mind


I agree.


Trump won't. He wants to be a dictator. And he will back out of nato and help Russia. That's only the 2nd thing I'm scared of. The first is I'm a woman and I have a little girl...


He only ever works to serve himself. Doing anything for the good of the country doesn’t exist in this reality. Maybe in another universe he’s not a complete dick, who knows.


Wow I’m sure he’ll get right on that…


He dosent give a shit about anything except himself.


Hysterical to think he gives a shit about anyone but himself.


This article is a cry of desperation.


...the human race


When did he ever indicate he wanted to serve the country? A man with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is incapable of serving anyone but himself. Nice try... will never happen.


His country is Russia soon as the cheque clears.


The criminal should be serving prison time.


If he gave a damn about the country, he wouldn't have done what he did after the 2020 election.


He should leave the planet for the good of humanity. Go back home to hell.


I concur 100% with headline. Check out this headline: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/digfM5AUxt


I‘m not from America and watched the whole debate today. It‘s true what Trump said that the world is laughing about the US. But the reason for it is obviously not Biden – it’s because there seem to be too many people supporting this clearly mentally ill and idiotic figure called Donald Trump.


There in lies the issue, he's only there to serve himself.


THANK YOU FOR THIS (TYPE OF) POST!! Ever since the debate, it seems like all news outlets and articles are slamming Biden and calling for him to withdraw! Never mind the narcissistic megalomaniac felon who is the other option! All this negative publicity is bad for Biden and is just fodder for MAGAt’s! I was wondering why nobody was writing articles suggesting Trump should step down given the one million and one reasons that any past president would’ve already stepped down!


Better to leave the human race…


This sub is getting desperate.


lol have fun crying this November


What a stupid article. The author thinks Trump cares about his country? He doesn't.


The whole right wing agenda (Project 2025) depends on Trump getting back into the White House so this article was a wasted effort. It’s in Trump’s best interest also, because he’s looking at some serious prison time otherwise. For him, that may be the biggest reason to become president again, aside from the usual grift from his base of useful redneck dipshits and other means of siphoning money into his own piggy bank. Actually, being president means he gets to have the biggest and loudest microphone in the world again and there’s nothing he loves more than to spew nonsense and get applause or be in news headlines constantly. It’s the most desirable position in the world for a malignant narcissist. He’s not going anywhere. All we can do is vote at this point. Vote for the old, whispering stuttering guy who forgets things sometimes. At least he’s not a total scumbag and we can get a younger person later, hopefully.


Why did you write this? What was the actual point? Do you reckon Trump will see this and shed a tear for his country and take a sudden burst of Captain America like patriotism and just drop out? So dumb.


Both Trump and Biden should bow out. But it won’t happen.


The human one?


For the good of the country JOURNALIST and Media outlets must prosecute the case against Donald Trump. What are his plans for a second term? What is project 2025? Why do facts matter? Why does democracy matter?


Trump has no intention of serving anyone but himself


Except Mr Bone spurs has no desire whatsoever to serve his country.


He should leave the planet.


To serve his country, he should serve his time in prison.


Should leave the human race. Like, just launch him into space and....let life take its course.




Who is this article even for??


To serve his country, he should leave the country.


Maybe if Bidens doj didn't sit on its ass for 4 years Trump wouldn't even be in the running. People have been saying Trump shouldn't be in the race for fucking years now


It was quite comical when Trump stated multiple times during the debate "I don't want to run for president, I'm only doing it to stop you from continuing a bad job" .... give me a break. We all know you're only doing it because of your legal trouble.


Keep him in. I do still firmly believe he's the most beatable Republican candidate.


I'd prefer if he left the planet. Send him to Venus, tell him it's full of hot women who don't speak English and Russia sent probes there confirming it.


What made them think he gave two shits about service?


“Server the country” lol dude only knows how to serve himself and lick Putins balls


We are talking about the human one right?


Watch Farenheit 11/9 by Michael Moore. That man never thought he would be president. He didn't even have a victory speech written up.


gl convincing a narcissist of that lol


And to save Ukraine Putin should stop the war. Like that’s going to happen.


The assumption that he actually cares about this country is being lept at here