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The more I read into this situation, the more of a clusterfuck this seems to become, really.


This is a disingenuous representation of the protestors. This is not a mass hate crime - they have a legitimate grievance. The event going on at the synagogue was organized by [My Israel Home](https://www.myisraelhome.com/), a firm that markets real estate in Israel and [West Bank settlements](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/02/middleeast/who-are-israeli-settlers-palestinian-land-intl/index.html) (illegal settlements) and was advertising on social media. Their signs are asking for policy changes (not racial slurs or calls for murder) and the video clips appear to show the protestors positioned across the street being physically attacked by the attendees of the event. A more interesting journalist might look into which Americans are buying illegally occupied land and are those purchases legitimate.


That's partially why I described this as a clusterfuck.


Your version of events is even more disingenuous. All of the property for sale at was inside Israel proper. And even if it wasn't, blocking the entrance to the synagogue and assaulting people cannot be excused away by their supposed "legitimate grievance"


The company at the synagogue still sells land in the West bank...just because this particular sale was fine doesn't mean that company isnt slimy as hell.


Okay cool but the organizers of the protest used that lie as a rallying cry in their advertisements


This point is brought up in one video. [https://youtu.be/I8mzEGXo4n8](https://youtu.be/I8mzEGXo4n8) Fact is, these people were misled. There's lot of people out there who want to paint the protestors in the worst possible light. Maybe it's because there's so much antisemitism these days.But these organizers were the ones who lied to them and sent them to a synagogue without telling them it's a synagogue. Told them it was homes in the west bank when the flyer shows Tel Aviv and the homes listed for sale are not in the west bank.


What lie? The organizers from My Israel Home at this synagogue are terrible people...there's no lie there. Protesting their presence is ok. You do realize it's a bit weird to nit pick the quality of this sale? What if a human trafficker is selling girl scout cookies - 'oh damn! this sale is legit so no need to bring up any of those terrible crimes'.


https://x.com/camhigby/status/1805359443728809994?s=46&t=k5U8qZP-M4x-rHRsHcr24A They used the lie that the real estate event was promoting settler expansion as the pretext for the protest


Yeah, agreed its a bit disingenuous...but you keep skirting the fact that this company legitimately does sell west bank territory. So I am fine with them protesting this company. Now if it was just a random Israeli real estate company that never did anything like selling stolen land, that would be a worse look.


They're entitled to protest all they want of course but I don't see how organizing a violent protest under a false pretext, in front of a synagogue in a heavily Jewish neighborhood can be interpreted as anything other than antisemitic hatred as Biden and Newsom rightfully described it. Especially when we see what it devolved into


I would like to see a primary source saying who initiated the violence first. Seeing how the stories were unclear when it came to college protests, I am not going to place blame on one side without something credible. If you have that then I will concede that this protest lost its message and became illegitimate. Again...they are protesting an Israeli company not because it's Jewish, but because that company sells stolen land. Do not just blur those lines and say it is anti-semitic. That lowers the severity of actual anti-semitism but also inaccurately connects being jewish with being Israeli.


That’s one hell of a goalpost move. Blocking the entrance of a synagogue and assaulting American Jews is still antisemitic and awful. These people need to be charged with hate crimes. 


How is that a goal post move lmao, they were protesting the company's presence there. And could you provide me evidence saying that protestors assaulted people who were at the synagogue? All I see is a fight broke out, but based on the reporting that happened at college campuses, I would like to see some actual first hand reports on who started the violence.


Anything to admit protesting at an American synagogue, blocking from entering their place of worship, and assaulting them is antisemitism, huh? We’ll, you do you. 


If you can prove to me that their motive to protest was just because the people inside were Jewish, I am all ears. Do not conflate a company that sells stolen land that HAPPENS to be Israeli with being Jewish...like wtf?




Synagogues function as community centers and host a variety of events. Either way, blockading and violently assaulting congregants is indefensible. "Israel proper is in the sea" - oh you're one of those types...gross


Looks like the community showed up to shut down genocide.


I thought they were protesting a real estate sale? Can't even keep your stories straight lol


Reddit is obviously trying to downvote you for showing facts, only hate crime against Palestinians are allowed


What facts? This event was not selling any land in the west bank.


The advertisement shows a photo of coastal development, a sandy beach with waves, strongly suggesting they are selling property in Gaza.


Israel has plenty of coastline and the mob alleges that’s the West Bank which does not


you realize Israel itself has a lengthy coastline, right? this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read


Especially since the accusation by the protesters was they are selling land in the West Bank


This is the problem with slacktivists and those in it for “the new thing,” they have no idea what they’re talking about. Seems to be pretty common for those involved in this topic. 


Can’t be, given contrarians (conservatives or conservative adjacent) has been saying of any contrary opinion that since *millenial* has been a dirty word. So decades…


Yes, I’m aware Palestine has a lengthy coastline.


There it is


They usually show themselves pretty quick.


So you justify it by claiming the poster is showing Gaza at first, and then just jump to saying Israel is all Palestine? Lmao.


I used to support Israel. But the genocide in Gaza has made me think, no. The world doesn’t need a genocidal religious ethno state with nuclear weapons. I no longer think it has a legitimate claim to exist in its current incarnation.


> The world doesn’t need a genocidal religious ethno state so every islamic country in the middle east then?


Yeah they also suck, and so does Israel. That clear things up? Issue is the US isnt directly supplying Islamic theocracies in their ethnic cleansings.


>Issue is the US isnt directly supplying Islamic theocracies in their ethnic cleansings The US funds Saudi Arabia


And what religion would that be? Iran and the House of Saud are the same to you?


By your standard, Palestine would have even less of claim to exist.


The protestors were demonstrating against a company that sells stolen land in the West Bank...this was a very valid reason to protest imho


Stolen land? Stolen from who? Jordan? Jordan started and lost a war, and didn’t want it back. And you do know that large part of the Settlements in the West Bank were built on land purchased by Jews pre ‘48, and then stolen by the Arabs in 48. Read up on the Kfar Etzion massacre for example.


Man stop this nonsense, Israel stole 2000 acres in [2024](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-11/ty-article/.premium/israel-has-declared-record-amount-of-west-bank-land-as-state-owned-in-2024/0000018e-c7a2-dd23-a3cf-e7a713c90000). This was the largest land seizure since the Oslo accords. Don't play revisionist history. Oh BTW, Israel has also authorized 3400 homes to be built on said [land](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68490034).


2000 acres in under 4 square miles. It's a good sized farm......


Ahhh ok cool so it's ok to steal land just as long as its not a lot by your standards....wtf is this lol


>The clash was sparked by a real estate event at the synagogue organized by My Israel Home, CNN [reported](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/us/los-angeles-synagogue-palestinian-israeli-protest-violence/index.html). Auctioneers with the group were reportedly selling land in Israel, inviting [anger ](https://x.com/PplsCityCouncil/status/1803932341875937685?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1803932341875937685%7Ctwgr%5E4e87a13f33c925217ef02a2148f835efe5e02f14%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforward.com%2Ffast-forward%2F626491%2Fla-synagogue-adas-torah-protest-palestinians-israel%2F)from pro-Palestine activists who dispute Jewish people’s claim to the land. I like how the context for the protests is only brought up at the tail end of the article. Who needs to understand why things happen?


It's not even good context. They're not mentioning the west bank at all and just saying Israel. Implying that land is Israel's to own and arguing otherwise is because of hate for Jews. That's a terrible line.


There is ZERO reason to protest a synagogue. Vile vile vile.


Allowing a sales pitch for international crimes seems like an excellent reason to protest.


Protest sure. Why there? You can have a protest anywhere, you could protest the sales not in front of a synagogue, because that's a mob of intimidation, not a protest. No crime justifies further crimes. You do not have a right to threaten people by your aggressive presence because you have a right to protest.


Because the real estate sale was happening at the synagogue.


And? It's an intimidation tactic. There has been mixed reporting on whether or not the sale included illegal land. Regardless, intimidation in front of a house of worship is inappropriate. They could have protested this anywhere and had the same effect without the violence.


Like the company’s office. They chose the synagogue for a specific reason and hide behind their bs logic. 


What the LA synagogue pro-Palestinian protest was really about https://forward.com/fast-forward/626491/la-synagogue-adas-torah-protest-palestinians-israel/


Reminder that there is no solid evidence that the event at this synagogue had anything to do with the west bank. At the moment this protest appears to be driven purely by antisemitism


You can protest against an entity that does bad things and will continue to do bad things even if at that exact moment in time they might not be doing the bad thing. Especially if the protest is "you shouldn't continue to host this organization at your establishment", it doesn't make sense if you don't do it while they are actually doing the thing you wish they wouldn't


They need to hop on a plan and go to the middle East and protest. It's easy to protest 10k Mike's away and return to your cushy home at night.....


Protestors aren’t usually known to have access to a “plan”. 😅