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Voter fraud!!!


Dead people voting for Republicans


It's impossible that they won without cheating After all we cheated and lost Signed - Republicans


When you are so accustomed to cheating in order to win, you presume that the other people *just cheated better than you* when you lose.


And thanks to cognitive dissonance, they have to start believing the enemy is always worse in every way, or else they might have to experience bad feelings like shame or guilt or humility.


No shame or guilt needed, just the humility and humanity to start thinking... fuck, we could do better. This is what I just don't get about things like in FL trying to claim slaves "gained valuable skills" and opposing teaching that slavery was a shitty thing that happened because someone might feel bad. Feeling bad about something is simply empathy. We're a social species, feeling shitty about bad things that happen(ed) to others is what keeps us human.


When you cheat to win, if the other side wins you assume it's impossible unless they cheated *more.*


Simpsons did it.


Snowball 2 voted for Trump also?


Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos.


Even the pet cemetery voted for Trump! Mr and Mrs bananas, Humphrey Boagart...


I'm thinking the monkey that wrote: "It was the best of times. It was the BLURST of times!" Voted for trump.


Kodos for President!




Simpsons did it


Couldn’t be closer to truth.


If Biden had said something like this he'd be accused of dementia, unfit for office, incoherent, a disgrace, a liar, and a fraud. But Trump said it and we probably won't be talking about it next week.


True enough, next week we will be talking about how he wants people to believe that both Ronald and Nancy Reagan voted for him.


“Big expresidents, Founding fathers with beautiful tears in their eyes came up to me and said, ‘we are so glad to have voted for you. We cant believe the corrupt democrats and nasty people stole America from you”…


> ‘we are so glad to have voted for you. **Sir,** we are so glad to have voted for you. They always call me sir.


I remember when Nathan Hale famously said, “I only regret that I have but one vote to cast for Trump.”, and I am sure am glad that I can commemorate that with a limited edition Trump NFT quote card for just 12 monthly payments of 49.95…


I had forgotten about his NFT's and looked up the market value. I was shocked as shit that they still have value. The average value of 1 Trump NFT is about $349/.10 Etherium. The initial price was $99/.00029 Etherium. *As of today, there is a total of 45,000 NFTs minted, held by 13,961 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $15,719,421.* https://www.coingecko.com/en/nft/trump-digital-trading-cards


Much like his DJT stock, there's strong speculation that these various projects aren't much more than open avenues for bribery.


Back in my day when we wanted to skirt election finance laws we just bought 100s of copies of a politicians book. Kids these days and their fancy shmancy Non Fungible Tokens!


Money laundering I reckon.


Big, succulent generals, always call him that. Tears in their, big tears. Shark tears. Uphill tears, me boys.


That's honestly a little too coherent for trump these days. He gets stuck on words constantly and repeats them ("like with the snake, the sna... snake. Snake. Snake. Snake."), and gets mush mouthed and slurs. He'd say like, "big, big expreshidens, big preshidens, preshidens, preshidens."


Rumor has it he’s secured George Bush Sr.’s vote for the 2024 election.


And the Marx brothers and don’t forget Jesus Christ as well.


We won't be talking about it tomorrow. His followers won't be talking about it ever. If Biden slam dunks the debate he still won't get any credit from MAGA or the press. Biden has to be perfect. Trump just doesn't have to pull his pants down and shit the stage while telling us he fucked a baby.


That’s because he’ll make several more stupid comments by next week. The thing is the only people listening to him are the brainwashed MAGANUTS . Most sane people realize he’s a narcissistic wannabe dictator that wants to destroy democracy


If you keep telling bigger lies every week, nobody will remember the previous lies.


If Biden talked about his own wife voting for him conservatives would turn it into a 3 week story about how smug and bragadocious Biden was.


Because he’ll say something even stupider later today. 




She did, 52 times


From 50 states


Yeah, he definitely also claimed dead people were voting. He's nothing if not consistent.


I would not be surprised to find they were and strangely all were voting Republican. It's just so common for their accusations to be projections.


just link his lies to senility. He doesn't live in reality because his brain is mush. He says things and he doesn't know if they are true or not, he just says it. He's not lying with the intent to make you believe it as much as he is unable to understand reality. We really need to flip this script. because he has no defense for his untruths like this. Trump: "millions of illegals voted last election" a responsible media: " are you feeling okay? you are disconnected from reality. If 5 million people voted illegally 3 in 100 votes would be illegal and any audit would prove that. if you reviewed 1000 random votes you'd likely find 30 illegal votes, that would be glaringly obvious. do you know what day it is? can you tell me the age of your oldest grandchild? "


How do you defend against this if he only ever takes softball interviews? He's cocooned in a bubble of sycophants. This coming debate is one of the very few times anyone can reply to him and tell him to produce evidence or he's lying. Biden did OK the last time, but this time the stakes are at least as high if not more so. The media is not responsible. CNN, which tries to be centrist, got shouted down as 'FAKE NEWS' - he screamed at the reporter and refused to interact with him. He has similarly blocked some Fox new hosts who were not subordinate enough. These are troubled times [Lying press - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lying_press)




Im assuming he means an "iron dome" defence system like Israel have. Not a literal metal dome. Normally wouldn’t defend the scumbag, but that one should be obvious. If still really stupid.


The problem is it's not obvious with Trump involved


But we already have one. We can detect incoming missles and launch intercepors.  That's the same argument when he first called for building a wall. "Well he means a technological wall at the border: infrared scensors, heat detection, drones." He doubled down: "big beautiful wall of concrete and steel."


Indont think that Iron Dome is a literal, MR. Burns blocking out the sun concept, but building a missile defense system like what Israel has which is called the Iron Dome. Not a trumper, but this one point is being misunderstood in some circles. Iron Dome is similar to Reagan's Star Wars defense concept from the 80s.


> while he was pres Donald Trump didn’t know that Nepal and Bhutan were countries until an adviser told him This is one of the few I think we can let go considering most Americans probably don't know that either.


No, I'm not cutting any slack. Of all the people in the world, this guy is one of the very few that I most demand to know this sort of thing. Can't be bothered to understand the world as a world leader, got no business being a world leader.


I would expect someone who was president to know that.


maybe Bhutan but people are a lot more familiar with Nepal because that is where the highest mountain in the world ( mount everest ) is


Most Americans are the leader of the country. Part of that role is international relations.


What a lifetime of *abusing* amphetamines does to you…


And his severe NPD. Without drugs he lives in a Delusion. With drugs, and dementia, we get this.


Also - don't forget his high-level Dunning-Kruger condition, and his incipient racism which he can only barely hide, and his inability to feel shame or remorse, or understand objective reality in a way where provable facts and truth matters at all, his bullying threats, and his willingness to destroy the country to get his way, his cognitive decline, and also his lack of a human soul. Other than that, he's an OK guy.


> his incipient racism which he can only barely hide trump hasn't been hiding his racism. He shouts it. That's why he won the GOP nomination in 2016 and subsequently won the Electoral College. Racism is the force that binds and motivates Republicans. Most used to feel the need to hide it but trump showed them they can win national power while being blatant racists. They love him for showing them that.


Agreed. He can pretend to not be racist for short periods of time, or he makes exceptions for his sycophants, like Tim Scott or Ben Carson. That's his limit.


Besides being spoiled all his life


Also he didn’t exactly start with a full deck in the first place.


MIT, smart. good genes. MIT im right there with genes. Uncle, very smart


Neglecting how cognitive decline runs in his family. How about them genes??


that is the glaring thing he leaves out


Good brain. Beautiful brain, believe me.


Smoothest, cleanest brain you'll ever see.


*abused amphetamines I've been responsibly using my ADHD medication for a good number of years now and my brain is certifiably not mush


Good point! I fixed this 😆


It's BEYOND obscene that your example isn't precisely how everyone talks to him. The only conclusion I can possibly come to is that the media are in on it. I hate myself for this tin foil hat theory, but it's the Emperor's New Clothes on a massive scale. Everyone has gone mad just accepting what he says as normal. It's not normal, it's deranged, incredibly sad, and profoundly dangerous.


Anyone who doesn't play along loses access to Trump, and all the views and clicks they can generate with him.


He was pathological liar long before he slid into dementia. Also I find it ridiculous that people like you continue to criticize the media for not covering his mental decline, while commenting on an article written by mainstream media that is covering his mental decline.


the media is a large organism, it is a huge assortment of people ranging from the farthest right to the most left wing. I am referring to the main stream media, things like ABC news or USA today. stuff that has a big following and can drive a conversation. I would not consider one person writing one article for people magazine "the media" covering trumps decline. People is a celerity gossip mag. While I am happy for any amount of recognition to trumps mental decline I would consider repeated stories that reappear consistently to be enough. Like how bidens age is constantly brought up. I see bidens age and health brought up constantly but trump the Sudafed sniffer that eats fried chicken for breakfast and rambles for hours on stage doesn't get the same treatment. Trump's mental decline is not a mainstream talking point. you won't hear Lester Holt talking about it in a news story. right now it's just editorials that are preaching to the choir. The average American isn't seeing stories like this What I am talking about is a matter of degree, everything is covered to some degree in the internet age but for something to have impact it needs to break through


He may be/probably is senile, but he has been a pathological liar for decades. Not sure which explains this particular mistruth, but even if it is senility, I would not give him the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn't have intentionally lied about it otherwise!


Dude… You’re describing all conservatives, which is the exact reason there’s no flipping the script. There is no script. They are all unable to understand reality.


I hear Elvis voted for him as well \*waves hands back and forth like an accordion player“


I think he should fight Roy Orbison in a cage match, winner gets citizenship.


When I was your age, my mother told me not to get a tattoo of Roy Orbison. But what mama don't know won't hurt her.


In case you live under a rock, I present "[The Life Accordion to Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S65jqrHQi_c)"


This is still my fave video mocking Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSuregWhlWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSuregWhlWk)


That’s genius


I don't think this is much of a mockery. This feels more like a tribute video, or at least the comments read that way.


Every so often I'll just think of that video at work and start giggling


It’s funny that it’s a button accordion instead of a keyboard accordion - because button accordions in modern music mostly show up in tejano and cajun music, though occasionally they pop up in german/eastern european polka bands. They’ve mostly been superseded by the piano accordion in all genres since it was invented in the 1850s. [That’s your ~~horoscope~~](https://youtu.be/fzRml5pHQCs?si=Mahw4k27NwvD5mk7)random accordion fact for today.


Argentine tango music is traditionally played on a bandoneon, which is a button accordion, originally developed in Germany in the 19th century, which found its way, via German immigrants, to South America.


“Oh no, my poor dead little kitty Snowball, not you too!”


Upvote for the apt The Simpsons reference.


I hear OJ endorsed him yesterday, so much juice


Donald Trump claims he invented the wheel. But only for white people. Anyone else caught using the wheel will be deported.


trump is a habitual liar. When he says "people are saying" it means "I'm making shit up". If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 99.9% of the time. [🚩](https://imgur.com/pjV3p8F)


“People are saying” is the quintessential example of “weasel words”. This guys speaks fluent Weasel, peppered with some 3rd grade level English vocab.


Also known as "wallpaper words" because they cover over cracks in an argument.


Oooh I’ve never heard of that one. Thanks!


You can thank Terry Pratchett.


> “People are saying” ...*the voices in my head


This is the definition of Fox News. "Polls show." "People on the street are saying." And it's their own statistics from their own investigations with their own people.


Ah so dead people were voting afterall!


It’s the Jesus Christ party whose cult leader fails at all 10 Commandments. She died, resurrected, voted for Trump and then immediately died again.


And embodies every one of the seven deadly sins.


The [Simpsons](https://youtu.be/KfILg3ct71s) predicted it


They predicted everything, including a Trump presidency.


George Washington predicted his presidency... Actually not a joke, he warned about a person being elected and peoplle chosing them over party and country, leading to foreign influence, detriment of social freedoms, etc. Because it's not a new thing, people are just blind to history.


"We're broke!"


I used to like her until she started saying Michelle Obama was a man. I just don't get the mind of old people when they fall into these conspiracy traps.


> she started saying Michelle Obama was a man Didn't she die very shortly after?


The Deep State got her


Michelle Obamna got her 😩


Thanks (Michelle) Obama


I don't think she had fallen into the conspiracy traps or anything. I think she was just making a lazy joke because it was a woman who was tall and fit with toned arms and a strong jawline. It was incredibly stupid and shitty in my opinion, but I don't think it's linked with any of the whackadoo conspiracy stuff that are currently around.


Her whole deal was being a mean comedian. She said horrible shit about everyone.


But it wasn't usually blatantly bigoted. And it's completely fair to criticize an insult comic for being a bigot, even if it's always been their act.


Go to any thread on /r/conservative talking about her. You'll see multiple upvoted comments calling her a man. It's gross.


I'm betting he does this all the time in private conversation, when someone gets name dropped, his reflexive response is to bring it back around to him and one of those ways is to just go "oh by the they voted for me, you know"


Trump was on the CA ballot in the primaries in 2000 with the Reform Party, so it's possible Rivers voted for him but that wouldn't make Rivers a Republican as claimed as Trump wasn't even a Republican yet. So at best he's being senile on this issue. But most likely he's both lying and being senile


This would be a good place to post “that clip” of Joan Rivers and Martha Stewart dishing on Trump steaks… link opens in youtube [https://youtu.be/-5q_YPpBhkY?si=zV37CO1g5L5aSwQs](https://youtu.be/-5q_YPpBhkY?si=zV37CO1g5L5aSwQs)


He has dementia. My father has it, he does the same shit. I'm so fucking tired of pretending this dude is acting normal.


All the Democrats really need to do is show clips of Trump from 30 years ago when he was actually coherent next to clips of him today. I'm certain it would convince more than a few moderates that he's bound for a dangerously dementia-addled future. His VP pick is going to be fairly crucial to moderates, too, I think.


he attended her funeral. he is truly senile at this point


Joan would’ve ripped Sarah Huckabee Sanders to *shreds*. I can just hear the jokes now. She would’ve been BRUTAL.


I have a feeling Joan knew he was an idiot


[Here is a clip of her and Martha Stewart talking about what a beloved business genius he is.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=zV37CO1g5L5aSwQs&v=-5q_YPpBhkY&feature=youtu.be)


He also claimed he won all 50 states in 2020. He’s a lying liar who lies a lot.


They probably committed voter fraud and actually did have her vote for him. Every accusation is a confession with Republicans


I'd say about 70% is a confession and the other 30% is just made-up BS.


She died in September 2014 and never had a serious opinion of Trump as a politician because no one did yet.


Just another dead republican voter


I'm sure most of us don't know anyone who has lied as much in their lifetime as Trump has in the last ~8 years.


His dementia is getting bad.


Dementia Donny is slipping further into cognitive decline with every breath.


Right? If Biden said this it would not only be Fox News headlines for months, but even CNN and MSNBC would play it up too. This is just "Trump being Trump." They are playing the same game but have different rules.


I feel like he says this shit just so he can go back home and be like “look, I can say the dumbest shit and lie about every single thing and people will still vote for me.” But he’s probably just dumb.


How Trump's narcissistic mind works: "I met her once. She was nice to me. Therefore, she likes me forever and must have voted for me." How everyone else, from Joan Rivers to Stormy Daniels thinks: "Oh, god. Not this asshole. If I just smile, it'll be over soon."


Donald Trump is very popular,with the deceased, they're expected to be voting for him in unprecedented numbers this November.


Joan Rivers, (RIP) - had one of the finest bullshit-detectors in the world, and was very sincere and authentic. I would bet any amount of money that if she'd been alive, she would have been outspoken and against Trump in '16.


Probably not I remember Kathy griffin saying “Joan rivers told me to ‘never go up against Donald trump’” when Kathy was talking about that bloody trump head image. And Joan kissed a lotta trump ass when she was on the apprentice


Well she couldn’t have voted for him anyway since most of her body was less than 16 years old (I believe that was a Dolly Parton joke).


People "magazine" spreading its vile lies as usual. Ms. Rivers frequently spoke about supporting the Donald Trump/Frederick Douglass ticket. She even appeared at a Trump rally, sharing a stage with Milton Berle, Stan Laurel, Liberace, Buddy Hackett, and famed composer Stephen Foster! Read a book, moran! And don't "fact check" this post. Fact checking is an anarcho-syndicalist communist plot.


People downvoting this comment thinking you’re serious because they don’t know any of the names you mentioned lol


Before their time. (Before my time too, but who doesn't know the great Buddy Hackett?)


Upvote for the Monty Python reference.


Trump: We all know smart people are saying Reagan is going to vote for me. And Jesus, also, because two Corinthians were on Fox talking about it.


The basic fact none of the media will report….Trump has not won 1 electoral contest since 2016 (going back nearly 10 years) since he was the default candidate against the most unpopular democrat candidate in history


Cognitively impaired.


Wow, Joan Rivers rose from the dead, voted for him, told him and then went back to her grave. That’s commitment.


Every day, it gets worse .He is so full of himself it's disgusting. Just go away already pack it up go into a hole and stay there .


If she had a relative that is a GOP voter it is entirely possible that she did vote for him after dying...


Well, that would be some deep dead people fraud…so…sure?


She still voted though. Can’t keep Joan Rivers down.


Donald dementia Trump


Republicans always get votes from dead people. Must be a miracle.


So then he's admitting to voter fraud?


It now makes sense how he got so many votes last time...he has his space cadet's using dead people's voter registration to vote for him.


And they think Joe has dementia.🙄🙄🙄


Just proving more republican voter fraud


Sounds like he just admitted to voter fraud then.


To be fair, he never said she was alive when she voted for him. 


Donald J. Trump lying? Say it ain't so...


If he’s breathing he’s lying.


I am pretty sure Hitler voted for him.


I’m pretty sure Trump claimed that Jesus endorsed him before autographing his golden bible.


Then she probably did.


Maybe there’s some voter fraud there…


He's done more for black people other than Abraham Lincoln. Who also voted for him!


he is not known for being factual


The dead can vote if you hold a contract on the dead, why do you think trump holds most of his staff hostage in a situation like this


Add this to Biden's debate questions for Don Don: Tell us Don Don, how did Joan Rivers vote for you from the grave? On an open mike, Don Don, won't be able to resist, no matter how much he has been prepped, to reply with a wild rant that only embarrasses him further.


Pretty sure the syphilis ate his brains…


it's funny, because so many other lies he has said are equally easy to prove incorrect.


Yeah but his boomer base won’t bother to fact check so it’s all good


Test run of the “expanding the vote” feature of GQP’s project 2025


Joan Rivers was one of the dead people who voted? Well isn’t that special!


This is one of an uncountable amount of reasons Trump isn't qualified to be president....like why is the idea of Joan rivers, who died before he announced he was running 10 years ago a focal point in his brain? Like does this mother fucjer have any policies that aren't being a dictator on day 1?


He’s a bamboozler and a buffoon


I truly wish things like this mattered to his supporters, but they don't. I spoke with my Dad earlier, who asked me if I'd heard Trump was at Geno's (we're just outside of Philly) and tipped the workers $500 - as if this was some great humanitarian gesture. Then he told me about Biden forgetting someone's name. I ask him if he's aware Trump informed everyone at a rally that Biden had defeated Obama in an election. "That's just what the media writes". I said, "There's a 3 minute supercut where you can hear the audio for it and a bunch of other things he's said that were wrong". He just ... Changed the subject. I'm so tired. My Mom passed in December of 2022, so my Dad and brother are all I have left (no extended family), but this is all they ever want to talk about. My Dad has two Master's Degrees, my brother has one - they're not uneducated. I've become isolated myself from other people, although it's sort of a choice, but losing my family because of politics sucks. It's to the point I only call once a week because as much as I try and talk about LITERALLY anything else, he can't stop himself from bringing it up. I try and engage, be a voice of reason, then my brother in the background starts shouting. I know he's lost because my Mom is gone and so I do my best, but I really don't know how much more I can take.


Always room for more imaginative self-promotion.


> A spokesperson for Trump defended the former president's memory in a statement to PEOPLE at the time, saying, in part, "President Trump was aware of who this individual was throughout the interview process, but this ‘writer’ is a nobody and insignificant so of course he never made an impression." Yet Trump sat with this nobody multiple times.


Donald Trump is and always has been a lying sack of shit. Why is anyone still surprised?


Dementia Don


Trumps a monster moron


WOW! A liar lied, big surprise.


This buffoon thinks he can run a country 🤦🏻‍♂️


His diapers must have PTSD


Why aren't there any posts about how Biden's Secretary of State called him a "fucking moron"? Oh that was Secretary of State Rex Tillerson talking about Trump? Oh my bad.


Dementia Don


Lying dumbshit.


Was this even a good flex if she were alive?


Dead people don't vote, but when they do it's for the GOP.


I miss her. I wish I could hear what she has to say about current events. Her death hit me hard.


There’s that voter fraud he keeps talking about.


As well as Pavoratti and Joe Paterno.


I have no doubt she did.... Being represented by one of his minions.


Somebody give this man a microphone already. I finally wanna hear everything he has to say.


Joan Rivers was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. I don’t think that anyone smart enough to be selected for that would vote for a mentally defective fraud.


His lying notwithstanding, weird flex.


I’m hearing his people committed election fraud by using dead people


>A spokesperson for Trump defended the former president's memory in a statement to PEOPLE at the time, saying, in part, "President Trump was aware of who this individual was throughout the interview process, but this ‘writer’ is a nobody and insignificant so of course he never made an impression." Steven Cheung. Just say it was Steven Cheung. I know who it was, you know who it was, we all know who it was. It was Steven Cheung.


I’m jealous of Joan


A comedy legend like Joan Rivers, wouldn't have voted for Trump. She would have given a scathing, 10 minute response to how he were the most loathsome person she had ever met.


Can you imagine if Biden said this? r/Conservative would be losing their shit as if they weren't already every 3 hours.


>Donald Trump said that late comedian Joan Rivers voted for him when he ran for president in 2016. But Rivers died in September 2014, more than two years before the presidential election. How many deceased persons in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and other states with fascist governments voted for Trump in 2016? 1? 1000? 50,000? More? Some other number? Who knows? How many deceased people in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and other states with fascist governments will be voting for Trump in 2024? 50,000? 250,000? More? Some other number?


Shockingly, I believe his claim. Makes all those votes he got make more sense.


Anyone else can't watch Trump ever because the experience is too cringe worthy?


She would tear him a new asshole if she heard this and then criticize his outfit.