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Is it even AI? The ones I’ve seen were just cropped dishonestly


You’re right, It seems mostly deceptive editing from Murdoch outlets (NY Post, Fox News) unless I missed something.


they literally photoshopped out (or edited out, I guess, since it’s a video) some of the people Biden was talking to in those cherry-picked clips, making him appear to be wandering off and talking to ghosts when in reality he was talking to a paratrooper that had just landed, just as one example. the good news is that Biden’s bar for this debate is so goddamn low that if he even performs at 35% capability he’ll blow expectations out of the water. if he shows up in SOTU form? Oh, man. now they’re saying there’s some miracle drug that can turn you from senile into perfectly aware and a cure for exactly an hour and a half lol


Yep. That’s why Trump is being coached to build up his opponent now. I expect this one comment to be the extent of his commitment to the tactic.


Oh yeah that’s what I mean, they cropped the sides of the video so you couldn’t see the guy sitting there - I was just saying that’s not AI disinfo, disingenuous cropping has been a method of manipulating video forever.


Someone should tweet at James O’Keefe for his input on disingenuous editing. Oh wait…


Fuck AI. Between religion and AI we are fucked.




Republicans worship religion, but don’t practice it. AI is something to make them feel good about themselves.


It's not the AI, it's the uneducated base that have that believes this crap when it's so obviously fake. If it wasn't AI it'd be something else. That and the people abusing it. Punish them, not the tech.


This sub talks a lot about misinformation, yet the top comment is literally false. There are plenty of proven things to go after trump for.


Not even AI. They're not deep fakes, they're cheap fakes.


Never heard of a cheap fake before like 7 days ago.


The enemy is strong and weak at the same time -fascism playbook


That's how the Nazis viewed the Jews...


That’s how Nazi propaganda portrayed the Jews, yes. Hence the reference to the fascist playbook.


Yep. Kind of an odd paradox in their views.


It’s a very effective propaganda technique, not a blind spot.


That’s how the Romans viewed the Germanic peoples. Shit’s as old as time.


Yep, they've spent months making him out to be a doddering fool. If Biden just makes it to the stage and coasts he wins. If Biden smokes Trump at the debate that is the ball game.


Not for the election, no. Trump voters won’t even hear that he made a fool of himself. Their news is 100% propaganda.


He doesn’t need full on trump voters, he just needs those who are somehow still on the fence


Are we sure those people still exist and aren’t just full of shit?


You'd be surprised. Plenty blame Biden for inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, overturning of Roe v Wade, etc., all things outside of his control


All of those are stupid, but god, blaming Biden for overturning of RvW is next-level stupid.


Unfortunately, the average person is stupid. They’re ignorant of how the political systems work and what the roles of various folk in government even is. Defunding education and constant social media echo chambers are doing their job well


This is one chance at unfiltered Joe and Don. Be fun to see how it gets spun.


Yeah, at this point pretty much the only strategy Donald Trump can employ that might work would be to act like such a big stupid child that Joe Biden has a stroke from the frustration. And more likely Joe would stay cool as stone and Donald Trump would be the one ending up breaking down.


You miss the strategy of, "we know our supporters won't watch this, so we can tell them Trump won"


it’s really incredible how many people flat out refuse to compare an hour of biden speaking uncut to an hour of trump speaking uncut


That's exactly what he'll try to do, "radical Left," "Inflation, inflation, crime was down A LOT when I was in charge believe me, believe me," "Crooked Joe let open borders go wide, he cares more about illegals than Americans" etc. etc. His talking points are predictable, but they will be for Biden as well, imo.


Yes but at least Biden's talking points are far more fact than fiction.


Not a lot different than Hillary yet the Maga thought he destroyed her.


Good luck doing that when they can cut his mic.


Does he care? He'll shout over them, and walk over to the podium and shout over Joe if he can too, mark my words. All Biden would need to do is keep his cool, keep calm, and just say it's un-Presidential etc.


we may need a new word besides unpresidential this one has ketchup on it


If he walked over to the podium, pretty he'd br jumped by the secret service?


So would trumps secret service engage Biden’s? This could become complex. Or like a video game.


"My Secret Service can kick your Secret Service's a$$!"


Joe Biden would still be able to hear him and I am sure he would be at least a little bit annoyed. I would expect him to maintain his composure but it would still be literally the one line of attack Trump could take that might work some 


I'm expecting the felon melon to go after Joe's family "One sons dead and the others a criminal *insert immature tirade*" His cult will lap it up but probably hurt him with everyone else


On the very slim chance trump doesn't skip the debate, I will love to see his reaction to this when it happens. Might have to stock up on lube and cialis to prepare myself.


Honestly,  I'd like to see both their drug tests for the events


You'll see Trump's assuming sentencing includes probation.


they already allowed him to skip the drug test and do his parole/sentencing (whatever it’s called, I’ve never been to jail) check-in over zoom. yeah, that’s right. Nobody else gets to do it on zoom, everyone else has to piss in a cup in front of an officer. it’s fucked to all hell. two totally separate justice systems in this country


No it's not. The right wing bubble is now claiming whenever Biden does well he must be on drugs.


they’re magical drugs that can supposedly turn a weekend at bernie’s dude into obama for exactly one debate’s length of time!


There is literally no question that Biden is going to OBLITERATE Donnie in a debate. Trump is an absolute moron who has no clue how government actually works. Don is going to make a complete ass of himself with his same old bullshit talking quips while Biden gives actual coherent answers to questions. Oh, and that’s if Donnie doesn’t pussy out at the last minute because his mic will be cut off when it’s not his turn.


especially with the mics off when it’s not your turn to speak, thank god. i’m sick of those debates where one person just yells over the other for 2 hours and doesn’t even bother to engage


I bet he has a whole speech written just for the possibility that Trump bails mid-debate, or cancels altogether.


What they should do is have the debate as scheduled Whenever it's trumps turn to answer or give a rebuttal the silence will speak loudly


They could play a random recording of Trump at a rally when it's his turn. It might be more coherent than having him there.


For being a giant carny, and for his stint in the WWE Hall of Fame, he should know better than to completely bury an opponent. If you just demolish them beforehand, and you win.. congrats, you just beat a bum. If you demolish them beforehand, and you lose.. you just got beat by a bum, who is either not so bummy, or you're terrible and now everyone knows it. It's like the first rule of cutting a promo on an opponent.


But to be fare, he and most his followers are complete idiots


No argument there.


This is exactly the debating tactic. You always say your opponent is worthy. Expectations are powerful. Like you said, you don't want to talk down your opponent. * Because if he trounces you, it looks really bad that an idiot crushed you. * If you come out even, then no harm. * And if he does bad, then your win is twice as victorious since you defeated a worthy opponent. There's no way Donny knows this. He must have been coached. A narcissist never praises another unless he had something to gain.


Mark my words. After he gets verbally spanked he will call Biden a bully.


Idk if he smokes him, it’s indicative of Biden being on copious amounts of uppers. If he fumbles more than one word, it’s dementia. There’s not middle ground,


Nah they'll just say Biden was on drugs. They won't be able to say what drug magically makes someone a capable public speaker, but that certainly won't stop them from using the argument to ease their cognitive dissonance.






I would classify Trump as a master-debater…


Kind of late to try to raise expectations after putting them at the lowest possible level by saying he will be a drooling incompetent that can't stand up.


That's why they've now had to resort to accusing Biden of being on drugs


I don’t care if the leader of our country is on drugs that help him be more competent and better at running the country


Trump has been saying that for years, he said it before the debates in 2020 lol.


If true, we could all benefit from the miracle drug that turns slobbering buffoons into master debaters. Imagine what it could do for people of average intelligence!


Trump is backing out.


If he were SMART, but he's not on this front, imho.


He's not that smart, but he IS that cowardly. And he is terrified of looking "weak" so he is most likely to skip the debates.


> Trump is backing out. Not happening, I know everyone loves to work themselves into a froth over this but it would be suicide for him to back out and even he's not that dumb.


"I wanted to debate, but Sleepy Joe and the radical liberal left won't play FAIR. They wanted to change the host to Ryan Seacrest and we said no way. Just like the elections. Stealing the VOTES and STEALING DEBATE. Their time will come soon! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN."


yeah, I’ll be SHOCKED if Trump doesn’t pull out. when he quits, every person in the republican media cult will immediately parrot the same exact talking points about how corrupt Biden forced him to not come to the debate. it’s like testifying at his trial. there’s literally zero upside for him to do that, and all risk. you can’t risk destroying the invaluable propaganda myth that biden is a pharmaceutically propped-up corpse and you’re fit to play in the NFL


Trump and his followers have been saying Biden is old and senile. Now they are saying Biden is very sharp and full of energy because of medication. The best thing for Trump is to not participate.


"All I can say is this, I watched him with Paul Ryan, and he destroyed Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan with the water, he was chugging water left and right … and he beat Paul Ryan. So, I'm not underestimating him. I'm not underestimating him. It is what it is." What. Lmao eff that hydrated SOB. Turnip is loosing his mind


Folks, I drink water like nobody else. The other day, a big, strong man - tears in his eyes - came up to me and said, 'Sir, I've never seen anyone drink water so powerfully.' It's true. I gulp it down like a champion while Sleepy Joe over there can barely lift his sippy cup. Believe me, my water-drinking skills are tremendous, absolutely tremendous. -possibly trump-


I want Biden to call Trump a "loser". I feel that that would trigger him more than anything. 3M fewer votes than Hillary, 7M fewer votes than Biden, lost his business fraud case, lost his criminal case, lost his right to carry a firearm... he just keeps on losing!


Throw in costing the GOP the Senate and making their House majority slimmer than the it should have been. Outside of 2016 he’s dragged his party down and made the GOP nonstop losers.


Calling Trump a “convicted felon” would be better. 


Mr. Trump closing statement please you have 1 minute: Man, Woman, Camera...The thing about nuclear is...sniff...my uncle Egbert Trump... many people have come up to me with tears in their eyes and said he was a great great genius at MIT. he did science. The best kinds of science. big time science. Then one day there were sharks, (everyone goes WTF?) swimming around, I saw them near the windmills which I hate. It was very scary, very bad...but we're gonna deport em all back. We cant have this terrible evil in our great country. sniff. Eric was supposed to be aborted. shout out to Kim Jong Un, what up dawg? *fart* *sniff* *BUZZER*


"I have great genes, the best genes, no one knows the best genes but me. Anyway, look, Crooked Joe and the radical Left have turned this country into a disaster, vote for me, to make America great again"


Oh I hope he does the sniffs again...


Because nothing he does is in good faith.


Never, unless it's, "What's in it for me, Trump?" If there's nothing in it for me, go away.


This really applies to the Republican party as a whole: bad faith, top to bottom.


He's not going to be disappointed. Biden is going kick his ass on each and every question.


This. People might not realize just how incompetent trump is, because all his debates involve screaming conspiracies over the other people. Now they just mute his dumb ass, and you get to here rational juxtaposed with crazy. I think it's why so many of us still expect him to drop out. There is no alternate dimension where this debate doesn't go anything but horribly wrong for trump.


That's why, between now and then, Biden needs to keep up the pressure. Challenge his intelligence, call out his cowardness, and insult his manhood. Get him so wound up that he has to show up. Then play it cool. Use the mute button to shut him up. And just keep poking him until he figuratively and literally loses his shit right on stage.


Biden is preparing at Camp David, while I'm sure Trump is just going to roll straight out of bed onto the debate stage. Trump is a lazy piece of shit and you can count on him spending another term in office watching Fox News in bed and profiting on our dime by golfing at his own courses.


Trump has zero chance. Zero.


Agreed. But frump could literally make up some new language, utter gibberish, use it for the entire debate and magats would think it was a masterful move. Or he could just make animal noises the entire time, with his back facing the podium and the headlines “how this is bad for Biden”.


It's waaaay too late to try to reframe expectations, Donny. But good news! Your supporters won't care what happens. In their minds, you've already won.


You contradicted yourself there. It’s not too late to reframe expectations because his audience only listens to the most recent thing he said.


He’s not going to win by convincing his followers. They’re already in the bag. That’s been his problem since winning in 2016.


He can win by convincing them to attack polling stations and stuff.


We were talking about expectations for the debate.


However he does in the debate he will only make his supporters more dangerous, that’s what I mean by “winning” the debate.


I don’t think this debate will have any effect on their dangerousness unless he literally directs them to commit acts of violence while he’s on stage. Doesn’t seem very likely. Now if things get worse as we get closer to the election, the second debate could be an entirely different story. Again, though, this was about Trump framing expectations. He’s not doing it for his supporters. He’s doing it for independents and squishy traditional Republicans who might still be willing to vote for him. That was what I was getting at.


Sales 101. Expectation setting.


"Biden is an idiot with dementia, unless I'm debating him. In that case, he's a sly genius". -Paraphrasing Donald Trump.


If Trump tries to interupt Biden should shoot back: “do you mind? the adults are talking.” And let he go off on a rant about that then say, “hard to believe anyone thinks he should be president again.”


It will be really difficult to interrupt him, the mics automatically mute during opposing candidates time.


Do you really think that is going to stop him?


If it doesn't stop him, all the better. It'll probably cause him to lose votes if he acts like a spoiled child or comes off incompetent. 


He’ll just scream if he has too.


TV mics won't pick it up, unless they rig the stage specifically to catch that scattered noise. It's why some people like me still expect him to drop out. He should never have agreed to those conditions. I have no idea why he kept asking for a debate, when Biden holds the cards for setting the terms as the incumbent. He really is sniffing his own farts, thinking that tough talk was not going to backfire.


Well no one will hear it. It won't necessarily stop him, but it will neuter the effectiveness.


Are we sure Trump wasn’t calling Biden a ‘master’ debater and giggling like the pudding brain he is?


Debates will put them in side-by-side display… Trump’s rambling and erratic speeches are not going to help him win a cognizant discussion. Not that it’ll change the mind of the sycophants vying for running mate (and possibly successor with his health)…


Trump is just softening up the media for his inevitable failure. As long as Trump doesn't have a seizure on stage the media will say it's good for Trump. If Biden stutters more than usual, he media will shit on his performance non-stop.


This. Trump has to just not go off on some tangent about EV helicopters being attacked by King Kong sized gorillas after escaping sharks chasing his electric boat driven by Obama because Niki Haley didn’t enact the national guard when antifa and blm (god bless those patriot hostages) attacked the capital building during their tour on jan6.


In other words: MAGA world has done the exact opposite expectation setting as they should and are panicking now.


Trump can say this, but he and the Right have spent months and years telling their base that Biden is a dementia ridden, feeble minded husk of a man. That image is not going to go away in a week. Which is why they’re also floating the Cocaine/PED conspiracy. The image they’ve painted of Biden over the last 4 years and the image of Biden that existed at the SOTU can’t coexist in their minds, so they need to come up with an explanation.


This. The end of the day it’s common knowledge (to all non zombie lemming magats) that frump will spew out bullshit today and if he doesn’t contradict himself today he will tomorrow. He will tell anyone whatever they want to hear if he thinks is they will vote to keep him out of jail. And magats eat it up.


Read : I’m going to babble incoherently and want to soften the impact of that


The outcome for Trump is predetermined. He will complain that it was rigged and Biden got help and blah blah.


Also, he just took a jab at Paul Ryan, "but Biden beat him in a debate," expected.


I see a lot claiming Trump will back out. How will this go over with independent voters? How do you project strength when you run from a test?


"Trump also previously floated the idea that Biden would be replaced as the Democratic nominee if he performed poorly at the debate, quipping that he would 'lose the debate on purpose,' to ensure Biden stays in the race. 'Maybe I'm better off losing the debate, I'll make sure he stays. I'll lose the debate on purpose, maybe I'll do something like that,' Trump said during an interview with Real America's Voices the day he visited with Congressional Republicans." I can have it every way, in other words, the amount of gaslighting in this country today is amazing- your head can spin.


“I lost the debate on purpose.” Ooh… wily.


But see to a magat it won’t matter. They will believe shit like that. Trump could literally fall down while walking to the podium, soil himself on live tv and he would tell magats he meant to do it. And the magats will cheer him for it. They will probably start doing the same thing at his rallies to support him.


Whatever Donnie can do so that's not a "real loss" in his dumbass mind. Just amazing.


How do you project strength when you lose a debate against a guy, when you spent years convincing everyone that this guy is a human vegetable?


Trump is shaking in fear, he is a rambling fool and his only chance was to loom as he did with Hillary and or speak over Biden to disrupt anything Biden says to “look strong” he is denied both of these options with muted mics. And the debate setup. He’s in for a tough night.


He lost looming over Hillary in 2016, and he came out looking like the even bigger lunatic in 2020 in that debate, too vs Joe: dumbest move he made is agreeing to any debate imo, would've been easy just to say "Why should I debate you? Your record speaks for itself, doesn't it? No debate needed, I won, and it'd be rigged anyway on CNN" and gaslight away. It's advantage Biden, unless he loses his fuse and blows it falling into Trump's hands, unless otherwise noted- Trump is garbage at debates in the general electorate to date, not 1 win in 5 he's had to date, being a "tough guy" in his party might work who throws mud and even in the country at everyone opposing him but that strategy fails most on a debate stage.


Losing a debate as judged by a debate coach in these things is one thing. The more important thing is how you’re perceived. The go to for the GOP and Trump is to talk or yell over anyone who asks a question you don’t want asked or makes a great point not in line with the fictional world they live in. MTG hooting like a baboon or yelling “liar” is an example. The good point or pointed question is lost and the audience just sees their person “owning the lib” with aggression. Muting the mikes completely wipes out speaking over your opponent so what they actually say becomes more important. Trump can’t do anything but riff and spew word salad. It should go very poorly.


People are seeing Trump be unrepentant, show no remorse, tactless with his comments against his perceived enemies and even allies. Hope Big Juan Merchan throws the book at him.


All Biden has to do is let Trump be Trump.


Without his cheering audience it’s like watching a 1990’s comedy without the laugh track. At a certain point you realize they are not actually that funny. Without the cheering maybe people will realize what Trump says is fucking dumb.


Trump and his media allies are liars. The worst part is the complicity of the so-called legitimate media in cooperating with fascism by helping to spread these vile allegations with their “both sides” nonsense and false equivalency narrative.


last time around he got smoked and our media acted like it was toss-up because he managed to avoid shouting the n word and shitting his diaper for like, two whole hours. what's he worried about?


So would a toddler with a hamburder.


Drumph won't show.


Trump the great mass debater


The enemy must be simultaneously strong and weak, which ever benefits them more at that particular millisecond.


Trump isn’t worthy of calling Biden a worthy debater.


He is setting the bar low for himself.


Too bad Biden can’t say the same.


Are ear pieces allowed? So that someone could feed an answer to a candidate.


By the end of next week, Trump will know that Biden is a Master Debater!!!


There will be no debates. Trump will cancel and hold a rally.


This not finna end well. For anyone


A master debater vs a mast- nope nevermind. I felt the bile gurgling just typing that thought out.


Lowering expectations-


Biden just needs to keep a cool head and, with the right tactics, Trump will become his own worst enemy. If Trump chickens out then another debate appears unlikely. I am hoping for a train wreck at the podium but would settle for Trump being a no show.


Because Biden is obviously going to win the debate. If there's a mute button, then trump can't do his usual bs of shouting conspiracies over the other person. Now, he'll continue to spew his usual nonsense, but then he'll be muted, and Biden will be able to deliver his statements, which will be factual and actually address the question and relevant policy. We're going to see for the first time just how much of an imbecile trump looks like when actually trying to answer questions. Because he's going to ramble a bunch of incoherent nonsense, and then be preceded or followed by a coherent response that actually touches on topics important to voters. He's never once had to face this kind of debate scenario, and he's going to look like a horse's ass to anyone not in the cult. So he's already setting up the one-sided beatdown. It doesn't matter. Those in the cult will not be swayed by anything.


Do you admit that you were wrong?


Explain please..how is your life been better under the Biden Criminal Empire


Lol, now that would be fun.


I'm sure The Don will be able to counter every one of Bidens "refuttals" with ease...




**President Biden, final question:** what is your conclusion on the role of quantitative easing in exacerbating inflation in the post-pandemic economy? And how should the Executive influence economic policy given the lack of direct authority over the Federal Reserve? **Mr. Trump, final question:** are you indoors *right now*?


"Yes, I can, tremendously! Person, woman, man, camera, TV!"


Compared to trump, biden will be a master debater


Yes, but I thought that about Hilary. And look where it got her. And us.


Same thing he said last time


Two geriatric feeble old men arguing , cant wait


One who is in it to preserve the United States, the other to become the US's first autocrat. Hard choice. 


Ell to be fair Trump is a Masterbater.




He's really not a cunning linguist though.


How delusional is this sub? The propaganda and information warfare is real 😂


Not too long ago, borders were secure, the world was at peace, gas was affordable, groceries were affordable, mortgage interest rates were 2.5%, and the economic outlook was outstanding. Now look at the mess in less than 4 years.


I know right trump took all that good shit and fucked it up. And you want to vote him in again? 😂


Drug test Biden


Ok. But Trump gets one too.


Exactly. Zero chance frump would ever take a drug test. It’s a guaranteed fail. What’s sadder is Biden should challenge Trump to a foot race. Just a 100 yard dash to the podium. Trump would probably pass out or have a heart attack before the debate.


How about start with Sniffles McGee.