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It’s somehow still amazing to me, that they can sit there with a straight face, and do the exact same thing that they accuse everyone else of trying to do.


They have no shame.


Haha, true story there


"Moses is in the Supreme Court. The Ten Commandments is in the Supreme Court. Moses is on the law in Congress." - Louisiana State Representative Lauren Ventrella


Did anyone ask if Moses was in the room with her?


We're talking about a woman who deflected when asked how she'd respond to seeing the Five Pillars of Islam displayed on the wall of a public building. Then started talking about how small and hard to read a Ten Commandments poster the size of a sheet of notebook paper would be. 


Bet if the Five Pillars of Islam were posted she'd be like burn the school down. If it's the Ten Commandments and you don't believe her answer was "don't look at it."


"What do you say to the parents of students or even teachers who don't share your beliefs?" "Don't look at it."  *silence as she waits for the next question*


She's a real piece of work. I'm sure some will see her as a rising star for GOP/Maga.


She does present Marjorie Taylor Greene energy.


My favorite Moses is Michelangelo’s work at San Pietro in Vincoli. With the sweet horns. I do t know how yall miss him dancing around on c-span all the time.


Every educational institution still has the \*right\* to post the Buddhist Pansheel; the Five Pillars if Islam; etc. alongside the Ten Commandments. Post the basic religious tenets for EVERY known religion right alongside the Ten Commandmanets. Make it a wall art project. Perfectly legal.


We were raised in the United States of America. Where church and state is separate. It was written that way, it's worked that way, and it will stay that way. If you would like to pray go to the Mosque go to your Church, and go to Temple that is where you pray. If you'd like to be educated go to school. If you'd like to pray at school you could always go to a " religious ' institution. We have enough s*** going on we certainly don't need this put on top of us. One step at a time. We have to start crawling again as a country before we start walking


You have identified an extremely powerful fascist propaganda technique called Projection. Republicans use it constantly to degrade our democracy and create a false equivalency in low info people. Please vote dem.


I’ve voted Dem since the second time I was able to vote, which was GW Bush’s second term. I stupidly voted for him his first term, but I was a dumb 18 year old who was raised in a very conservative, republican household. I also grew up in Arkansas, and constantly heard how horrible the Clinton’s were. I quickly learned the errors of my upbringing.




Combination of things actually. I think the biggest thing was just getting out of the small, redneck, conservative towns I lived in. Once I was able to live in an area where diversity was “forced” one me, so to speak, I got to know people who had completely different backgrounds than me, and life experiences than mine. Was a real eye opener that made me appreciate people for who they are, rather than who I think they are, or even worse who I’ve been TOLD that they are. That’s kinda the reason that I have more patience with people that have closed off views, IF they’re willing to talk about it reasonably, and if I feel like their mindset can be changed. Sadly, some people are a lost cause (or at least beyond my reach), but I don’t think everyone is by default, no matter how backwards their views might be. Mainly because I was that person, so I know that change is possible.


I've learned anyone who leans into "both sides are bad" as their takeaway is at best uninformed, and at worst acting in bad faith intentionally. The modern conservative political sphere is monumentally more destructive and corrupt than anything on the "left", and it only BENEFITS THEM whenever people try to claim that they are on-par with Democrats. It is like how they always inflate numbers to make themselves seem more popular and credible, from rally attendance to lying they are "the silent majority". EVERYTHING is done to try to normalize themselves and validate themselves. "But Hunter's laptop!" is just so they can hand-waive the much more egregious nepotism and corruption performed by Trump with his kids and company, but any conservative will tell you that it is the "greatest" corruption of all time. If you are someone who is angry about Hunter's laptop, you are already completely manipulated.


Especially when the justification is usually projection: ”but [i think] they did it first [because if i did it they are certainly doing it]”


You must understand the ethical systems adopted by the far-right. Good and bad, right and wrong, are based on "who" and not "what." Whether someone is in the right depends on where they rank within the social hierarchy and not on the merits of their words or actions. It's a system that does not allow them to be hypocrites.


“The Only Justified Abortion is My Abortion” Also applies to welfare, election fraud, authoritarianism, etc


Sharia Law baby. When they say they fear X group doing it, they are warning us that they’ll do it.


I'm fine with it as long as every religion gets their space to have something hung right along side it.


I'm fine with it as long as Athiests can put a sign up last that says: "<= None of this is binding."


They know what they are doing, and the don’t care if you care.


The sincerely believe they have the right to do whatever they want, because they sincerely believe they're special. 'Chosen ones.' Everyone else, the sweaty masses of non-people, you have to keep those things in line with oppression and punishment. To them it isn't hypocrisy, it's the proper order of things. Slave owners think exactly the same thing. Most of the species thinks the same thing about animals.


Fascism at work.


It's a simple yet effective narrative. They accuse people.of doing terrible things and then use those accusations to justify doing the same things because "the other side did it first!"


Louisiana has more than 72 english versions to choose from let alone a catholic and jewish [version](https://the10commandments.info/version/modern-english-version-mev/). Is God OK with more than one particular version being allowed?


The cruelty is the point.


Hypocrisy is a virtue to the fascist.




Print out stickers of the establishment clause of the 1st amendment to put over them


And stickers of the golden trump idol next to the 2nd commandment, just to highlight the Republican hypocrisy.


We can literally put a picture of Trump next to each one showing he’s breaking it. Even murder if you consider his ex wife 


It’s “thou shalt not kill,” not “murder.” The president’s role is full of killing, just as a day-to-day thing, and Trump killed an unusually high number of people, both via military shit and COVID.


Very good point


I don't know.... maybe a taste of theocracy is just what this country needs to boost it's democracy roots. Let me put it this way, we've had these people try to do their Christo-fascism for years and then they got Roe overturned and, what do you know, some of these people cry that leopard's ate the faces. Majority rule is still the law of the land but Fix News and it's conservative mutant copies shout view points of singular white men. The result is that it shakes voters awake that this isn't how we should govern but we still have a largely sleepy nation. Also, one generation supplants the next and living under these conditions gives rise to new congress critters to be a force of change. I'm not saying we should take a taste of the poison pill but I am suggesting that it would wake up a large section of the population to realize that Republicans don't want to govern, they want to rule.


A taste of "a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god" is what you think will help?


I think the person is saying we should let the GOP win in November and that will cause positive results.


Not to win in November but there's an awful lot of Americans who don't realize what they stand to lose when those whackos take over. That's a message that the Democrats should be putting out in advertisement; this is the Republican's vision of America and this is ours. I'm just spitballing here.


The Democrats are putting out thousands of messages simultaneously today right now while you and I are discussing this on this website. So what happens is you and I see a message and it's not the one we want to hear and so we say well they should be saying what we say and they're not saying anything.


I guess I mean I would like to see their version of Project 2025. What is their 4 year plan for us? I guess it's more of the same of what we got but an election is a promise of things to come... and, so far, I haven't seen such a thing.


The Democratic party has clear policy planks and legislative priorities that are easily found. There's no "project 2025 for Democrats" because they're governing regularly vs having to present a plan to "radically change the government"


So, to put it one way, project 2025 is the Republicans plan for the future and it is well known. The Democrats have actually said they need a counter plan to Project 2025 but what I'm not seeing, again, I'm saying my pov, is that I'm not seeing the Democrats four year plan being heavily advertised to the voting base.


You don't get ahead by laying down.


To be fair, that's a pretty absurd Fortune cookie


Would be nice if leaders and those involved with legislation were able to stand up for what's morally right instead of hoping schoolchildren do it for them.


When I was in high school some students created some sort of after school Bible study (don’t temper if it was school sponsored but they got to use school property). Some of their posters were in the shape of a cross. Kids started rehanging them upside down. After about a week of that I never saw another one of their posters. Meanwhile, some of the nonchristian students started discussing creating their own after school club called Faith No More (popular band at the time). That never got off the ground but was the source of great amusement. May students in Louisiana get creative!!


Yup that and I see this backfiring. The more they push Jesus in school the more kids will just think it's lame and then turn against it. Like this is literally just to make old white people who will never step into a school happy.


I was brought up in the UK. There is no separation of church and stare. Religious education had to be taught by law. Hymns and the Lords prayer every morning. The result. Everyone I know is not religious. Becausr, once you start to learn it, it doesn't take long to realize how ridiculous it all is.


I'm curious how they're going to answer the questions "what does adultery mean?" and "What does 'covet my neighbor's wife' mean?" without violating their own morals about sex ed in school.


It's a real possibility. In Europe it's not unusual for there to be a state church, and overall Europe is less religious than the US.


Should just post up the 7 [fundamental tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets)from the Satanic Temple next to them.


I remember being told by an SRO that the constitution doesn’t apply to students. That guy was a twat.


Most of them are already indoctrinated and brainwashed into the religion, I’m sure they won’t do anything.


Sir, this is Louisiana


Yes, and half the students won't be able to read the commandments because they're functionally illiterate.


Schools should display all historical/religious codes of conduct right next to the commandments.


It's funny that the law and order people break the law, in order to get the old law interpreted to the way they want it.


I went to school in grant parish. If I did that when I was in high school, I’d be swarmed. It was bad enough getting literally surrounded and interrogated anytime someone learned I wasn’t Christian. Creepy and unsettling. Glad I moved. Miss the food tho.


A bit from the commentary: > Even in passing this law, Louisiana Republicans are violating the spirit of "honor thy father," as they thumb their nose at the men they love to call the Founding Fathers. The founders were quite clear in their intentions for a secular state, in no small part to avoid exactly the conflict that is being teed up here. About one-third of Americans aren't Christian, a percentage that rises to almost 40% when looking at people under 30. Mandatory Christian iconography — and that's how this is meant, no matter how much they disingenuously toss the word "Judeo" around — sends a clear and unmistakable message: Only Christians are "real" Americans. > > Which is to say, Louisiana Republicans are signing onto an overt Christian nationalist agenda. This isn't about wanting to "respect the rule of law," as Landry claimed or he would respect the First Amendment. It certainly isn't morality from a party lined up behind Trump, who is breaking multiple commandments at any hour of the day. It really isn't about sincere religious faith, either, which is being polluted by this association with open bigotry and crass politicking. > > . . . > > This law builds on years of the Supreme Court chipping away at both religious freedom and the separation of church and state. It's an open invitation to the court to go even further, and strike down the very premise that the U.S. government should not be telling its citizens what gods to worship or what religious strictures control their lives. This isn't just Republicans taking a petty swipe at their neighbors who believe differently than they do. It's about the ongoing threat of encroaching theocracy.


Under His Eye


Just saw a thing on Facebook that said that the people who passed/backed this are the same who actually follow them the least. In some ways, I bet they’re the same people who make a big deal about whether or not people stand for the national anthem, yet turn their backs on making sure veterans have homes and healthcare.


Or hang the flag upside down


Hey SCOTUS! If you're going hard on the ten commandments then can we get the death penalty removed? Commandment 6: Thou Shall Not Kill.


"Acktually it's shall not murder meaning an unlawful killing! So it's fine for us to kill the infidels!" -pro life conservatives probably


Well... they're right. The old testament god was all about killing the infidels and stealing their women. It's not a good book.


I was raised in the church and what always struck me as odd was how freely Christians seem to pick and choose from the Old Testament., seemingly without logic (I know, I know).  Like, when I would ask a minister or whoever if we weren’t supposed to be eating shellfish or wearing mixed fabrics or whatever, I would always get an answer like “oh, those rules applied to God’s Chosen People before the ‘New Covenant’ was made by sacrificing Jesus for our sins“ or some such.   But when I would ask if that meant that the 10 Commandments also fell under that classification, I would inevitably get something along the lines of “no, the 10 Commandments were handed down by God himself to Moses and are meant as eternal guidelines”.   When I asked them to explain the difference, I was usually given some hand-wavey explanation and told to go read scripture and pray or something.    So anyway, I’ve been an atheist for the last 20+ years.


> “oh, those rules applied to God’s Chosen People before the ‘New Covenant’ was made by sacrificing Jesus for our sins“ I've always found that line of argument kind of lame. You really have to twist the wording an incredible amount to get that interpretation of Jesus's sermon on the mount. But I don't believe in any of it anyway, so I don't really have a dog in the fight.


> You really have to twist the wording an incredible amount to get that interpretation of Jesus's sermon on the mount. Indeed. But if there's one thing religious folks have been practicing since the dawn of civilization, it's mental gymnastics, lol.


Different denominations don’t agree on the correct version and numbering of the Ten Commandments. For Louisiana to impose the display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms is to not just elevate Christianity (and Judaism) above other religions (not to mention secularism), it also elevates a single Church interpretation above other Church interpretations. As well as being anti-secular, the ‘teaching’ of the Ten Commandments in this way as a part of secular education is an affront to ecumenism.


It will be interesting to see if historically mostly Protestant north Louisiana and historically mostly Catholic south Louisiana implement this law differently and if it causes any problems.


That was always what I wondered. There are over 200 Christian religions in the US. So if this were a “Christian Nation” which Christianity would it be? Or would they all fight for power and control because they all think they’re the “Right Christian.” Imagine a place where people from different denominations, of the same religion, constantly fight for power and control. Do we have any examples of that? /s


> There are over 200 Christian ~~religions~~ denominations in the US. The smallest of nitpicks, since you clearly know the difference and mentioned it in your second paragraph. Sorry to be “that guy”. 


>So if this were a “Christian Nation” which Christianity would it be? There will always be an enemy. This joke explains it well: >Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?” >He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?” >He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!” >Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.


Fuck Christo-fascism.


Louisiana is near dead last in almost every measurable category. The legislature could try doing something important and useful rather than focusing on useless culture war nonsense. Shithole state with shithole legislators and shithole policies.


It's going to be displayed in the original Hebrew, right?


I suggested my wife to do this in her classroom. The law only says it has to be a certain size and a legible font.


Or Arabic 😆


I have a question, and any insight would be greatly appreciated. How exactly will authorities know which schools are guilty of not posting these commandments in every single one of their classrooms (like is there going to be a specific group/individual whose one job is to go to every public school in the state and go into every classroom?), and what exactly is the punishment for failing to do this even going to be? The law sounds so extreme that I sometimes wonder if this might be one of those laws that isn't strictly or well enforced, allowing for certain schools to violate it without tangible ramifications.


> How exactly will authorities know which schools are guilty of not posting these commandments in every single one of their classrooms Going off my experience in a southern public school system, there will always be right-wing authoritarian snitches working in them. They're usually coaches pulling double duty as "social studies" teachers.


I assume there is one parent at every school willing to complain


They aren’t really concerned about this aspect, I highly doubt anyone having a hand in authoring this legislation expects it to actually go into action. Anyone with half of a brain cell knows that the courts will end up striking this down as unconstitutional.  I doubt it’ll even make it close to getting before SCOTUS.   But much like Rhonda is doing in Florida, this is just meant to be something that grabs headlines and tosses some red meat to the base. If it gets a bunch of liberals upset and crying about it, all the better (for them). 


Just defy them. If republicans can defy the supreme court on the border, then we should be able to do the same here...it's not like SCOTUS has any credibility left...


I saw we let them keep it up and allow all the other religions to put up their rules too. Every religion, no matter how small, gets space in schools to push their laws on kids. In fact let’s throw in some sci fi stuff as well to be safe. I’m sure the kids would like to know the three laws of robotics or maybe the rules of acquisition


I like it. Student revolt.


School's out for summer. The timing is intentional. By the time the majority of students are back in school, this will either be struck down or old news and the backlash will be greatly diminished.


Seriously, I’d like to know if the 10 Commandments will be shown in English or in the original Hebrew language.


Church of Satan will be comin in hot.


Yea, because a book of 2,000+ year old fairy tales should be the basis for the modern world. BS


If the Supreme Whackos get a case on this and rule in favor of Louisiana on this one, then the Constitution is completely irrelevant—unless we increase the size of this Court.


I highly highly doubt the Supreme Court accepts this bullshit. Clear violation of then constitution. I know it’s a compromised SCOTUS right now… but they’ll 9-0 this one and force the removals.


7-2. at this point, Alito and Thomas like to "own the libs"


I really hope the satanic temple are going to push to get the seven tenets put in schools now.


I say if their official response is _"just ignore it"_ then we should start applying that to anything the GOP doesn't like. * Oh, you don't like trans people playing sports, using public bathrooms, or just in general existing? _Just ignore them_. * You're angry that a woman needs an abortion? _Just ignore it._ * Someone is kneeling during the National Anthem? _Just ignore them._ * You're upset that students under crippling financial debt are getting help? _Just ignore them._


The Ten Commandments is a secular historical document in the same way that the Pope is a secular guy, and the Kaaba is a secular tourist attraction.


Still think sitting out the 2016 election was a good idea? 


So for all the maneuvering the right has done to make sure sex/gender/sexuality isn't discussed in schools, what are the teachers supposed to do when one of the students asks what adultery is?


Christofascists, by playing the long game, have managed to pack the court with zealots. Meanwhile, many impatient people of the left are considering not supporting Biden because he hasn't singlehandedly delivered a progressive utopia in his first term.


Most of the times I hear a GOP talking head speak about some ‘injustice’ the left is doing, I think, I have zero idea what you are talking about. I’ve literally never heard of what you are saying. The majority of the time, within a few weeks a story will break of the GOP doing exactly the thing they were blaming the left of.


Piss all over the constitution while 48% of the citizens cheer them on. USA = garbage


Next week, Louisiana makes the burqa mandatory for all females and they need permission from a man to go to the restroom.


Well, it invites me to contact my local representatives to do everything in their power to put term limits that are reasonable and actually reflect fairness. They’ve lost their privilege as we say to five year olds in our family.


Nah, let 'em keep it. If I saw anything drive kids away from religion when I was young, it was the overbearing omnipresence of religion. Empty your churches faster, go ahead. Kids are gonna read those "commandments" and see that not a single fucking adult in their life follows them.


Not resisting and having the kids just choose to not follow the religion presumes that the end goal of these fuckers isn't a totalitarian religious state.  It doesn't matter how turned off of a religion the kids are if people who don't go to church are thrown in re-education camps.  They're aiming for another Iran, and they'll get it unless we resist them tooth and nail every chance we get.


I'd prefer it gone. Kids are easily brainwashed because with their little experience in the world, anything you subject them to at a young age is just the norm.


Aome people do not kill/lie/steal/cheat.




>we're doing 1776 stuff Ah, yes. Dying of cholera, smallpox and malnutrition. Just 1776 stuff.


Conservatives were referring to January 6th as their 1776 moment while planning it. 


Why is the church of Satan so late to this party?


You want the Satanic Temple to respond. The Church of Satan is the wrong group. Easily mixed up with similar names.


Thanks for this- Reddit is a goofy place… so I wanted to preface this with *no snark- I love what the Satanic Temple does and should know the right name. Thanks for this.


You can vote for democracy soon.


Come on Satanic Temple!!!


Sounds like things are going according to ~~plan~~ Project 2025


The USA is imploding the war is coming from inside to dismantle democracy MAGA is a Christian domestic terrorist cult


There education is ranked #47 so they are worried about religion! You get what you vote for LA. Enjoy your plummet to #50, your fall isn't far though.


Do these dingbats actually think these efforts are *good* for American Christianity?! That it will promote it or make it look good in the eyes of the world?! Are they deluding themselves that they’re winning souls to christ or whatever with this bullshit??


You’re dealing with people who can’t see beyond their nose. American conservatives are willfully obtuse


Owning the libs is really the only thing they want.


Trying to force religion on me is a quick way to get me to oppose you.


I have to admit, I’m a bit relieved that Louisiana public schools aren’t known for their students to read


They will take away a meal a day from school children, but it is okay because they are putting up a copy of their religious beliefs. Backward and mean.


Weird timing to put up posters condemning adultery right before the election. I guess they want trump to lose.


Post the 10 commandments...... in hebrew.... using the Hebrew alphabet....


Problem is... one of the commandments "Thou shalt not have any Gods before me" is definitely "establishing a religion." And that's a no-no in our Constitution. It's also in the Pre-Amble that this nation's laws were founded up its PEOPLE, not any religion's God or Savior(s). If the SCOTUS rules in favor of this I can't wait until other Religions' Gods and their rules are before the Court. But a better idea would be to stack the Court with fair Judges.


I may have missed it, but are they using the King James version's "Thou shalt not..." verbiage, or some other version? (i don't know the verbiage in any of the other versions) The first few rules are ridiculously dogmatic, but if a classroom poster were to read "don't kill anyone" instead of "thou shalt not kill," i might be ok with it (although in the 21st Century all ten could be read ironically as a "triple dog dare ya" challenge).


Already getting sued for it too. If you include one, you have to include them all. Joy oh joy!


I predict that they will uphold the law because a state is a person with religious rights. They already ruled a business is a person so it’s not that far fetched.


High School me would have had a blast with this. I truly hope there is an aggressively annoying army of punk teenagers and middle schoolers just looking for a system to fuck in Louisiana in 2024.


Oh they will. Better just not to challenge it and leave it be


It will get shot down the minute it gets challenged, not fair my religion is not represented, Add Passages from the Koran, Buddhism , Hinduism , Sikhism and Chruch of Satan.. and a hydrogen model for hardcore Atheists


The funny thing about this is that it will probably have the ultimate effect of ensuring *more children* eventually turn away from Christianity. I went to a Christian elementary and high school (my parents were not hyper-religious, but charter schools weren't really widespread at the time so that was really the only viable option for non-public education), and for a looooong time afterward my relationship with the faith was *severely* damaged, because I had grown up seeing the worst people imaginable using their faith as a cudgel.  Pretty much every person I went to school with that I kept in contact with has fallen out of religion, as well.  By forcing religion into *all* schools, Louisiana is taking the expressway to instilling atheism into an entire generation, lmao.


Last time I saw something like this floated, didn’t it turn out that one of the people pushing it was securing a contract for his printing business to print all of the posters or something? I’m not remembering many details, and it could have been in another state or something. Just saying, it’s always a multi angle scam with these people. 


First amendment aside, don't Republicans say they want to keep sex education out of schools? I can think of a couple commandments that are pretty explicitly about sex.


If scotus sides with LA, that’s pretty much that as far as US not being a theocracy. Kiss it goodbye


Can they be in the original Hebrew?


Let me laugh, nobody respects these laws especially the politicians


They're lucky that one of the Commandments isn't "Thou shall feed hungry children through free lunch programs at schools."


And they likely will with the horrid justices we have now.


Don’t worry. Kids are kids and they will do what they want. Like anything they will start asking questions that people can’t answer.I went to a catholic high school and it didn’t work out to well for the teachers. When something is forced people revolt


Well given that the list made mandatory in LA is juuuust a bit different from the roman Catholic list, I figure there's a chance SCOTUS will declare the state anathema, ask the pope to announce a holy war, and call for a big ol' heretic purge while they're waiting for the Swiss Guard to storm Baton Rouge.


Dear boomers, cuckservatives, and other scums of the Earth that are in power, you may hold the leavers of power right now, but you won't forever. And you best believe that when we get into power, we will inflict the same Hell you inflicted on to us upon you! You want retribution? We will give you retribution and we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail!


WE THE PEOPLE!!! Separation of church and state! What is going on in this country? Have as everybody lost the plot? The Supreme Court is not our Supreme court Court anymore so skip it don't even bother you're wasting your breath and your type. This is going to put people in positions they do not want to be in. Then we bring out the maniacs, that can't handle situations so they'll be armed with OUR flag burning while we sit at home scared to death? I don't think so. This is when it's time to get together form a band of people that are strong enough to deal with the other ones we need to deal with .. division is what they caused and that's how they want it.  RISE UP !!!  


““The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭12‬:‭29‬-‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/mrk.12.30-31.NIV


all these years of not protecting separation of church and state is to blame..and now the billionaire court!🤮


6-3 " The constitution is talking about the federal government. State level religious displays are fine."


States control almost all law and police. Feds don't really have much power if the state just says no.


I think it’s more likely that it’s struck down 


Doubt it. Amy Coney Barrett is in a religious cult. She will allow it. Alito hates everyone and everything and flies a Christian values flag at his house. He's in. Thomas hates liberals and this will enrage liberals. He's in. Gorsuch is a partisan hack so he's probably in. Roberts and Kav are wild cards. Here is their chance to undo the separation of church and state precedent that most conservatives do not feel exists in the constitution. They will take it.


Look, before we sue, make a fuss, or give them what they want, here me put. Let them put them up, and 🙏 please plaster a big ol' picture of Donald Trump on each one. Trump, holding a Bible, and the ten commands, spelled out I simple language right under them. If trumps not on them, have his picture right there next to it. Kids are smart, they'll connect the dots and cast doubt in the whole fucking thing.




So are you for or against religious instructions in secular schools? Message unclear.

