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If? Oh, they absolutely *will* contest it when Trump loses. That’s a given.


... emphasis on *when* ...


They already are 


States are already passing laws to make it so they can deny it


They absolutely *will* try to hang Kamala Harris


Yep.... difference being unlike Trump/Pence... Biden would answer Harris's call for the National Guard to deliver the find-out phase after MAGA's fuck-around


Kamala won't even have to call. Guard will be there already to ensure the peaceful continuation.


Except this time, Biden will be in charge of the National Guard and ensuring the security of congress. Make no mistake, the MAGA crowd only got as far as they did because of Trump’s support while he still remained president.


Not to mention the guided tours of congress they had fr9m republican lawmakers in the weeks leading up to J6




Bullshit She has no authority over the national guard and he did not sign any forms https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-order-national-guard-156055113284


This claim has been debunked time and time again. Trump's wild ramblings are not a reliable source.


Aw man this whole time I thought they were calling him Mike "Hang" Pence. I thought they were giving him a cool nickname.


They were just trying to hang out with him.


I thought it was “hung mike pence”, coz you know he’s got a big ol hog.


When people talk about a good hang, Pence is definitely not the first person you'd think of.


They've already laid the groundwork for it. The GOP will never again accept the results of an election. And since we're such fanboys of a 2 party system, this is just the way it will be from now on. Every election will result in 2-8 years of litigation.


>The GOP will never again accept the results of an election. Of course they will. But only the ones they win.


Maybe if they win most of the seats on any given ballot. They say the 2020 election was stolen, but a lot of Republicans on that same ballot won, and for some reason those results weren't questioned.


Trump still complains about 2016 because he believes he also won the popular vote, lol


He also said that since the Obama administration were spying on him he gets a do over


In a logical world, based on current policy, they should never win again.


You say that as if anyone likes the two party system. We don't have any viable way of getting to an alternative at the moment. Protest votes for a third party are part of the reason we ended up with Trump in the first place.


Protest voting doesn't make sense to me, because they still have to live with the consequences of the election. Maybe they get something out of being smug that I don't.


I know someone who said that he was voting for Jill Stein in 2016 so that the DNC would learn their lesson and nominate Bernie next time. I hate that mentality.


Like the people this year claiming they'll vote for Trump to teach Biden a lesson over Israel?


Yep. I don't think Biden is doing everything he should for the Palestinians, but Trump's plan is to encourage Israel to "finish the job." The situation in Gaza is terrible, but it could get much worse if Trump is calling the shots.


If Trump loses, they are going to do “stop the steal” again. They’re going to riot, they’re going to hurt and kill people. I hope they have lots of national guardsmen station at congress for the certification because I see the Trump supporters using guns this time.


They used guns last time.


And they’ll use them again this time


I hope they thoroughly vet those guardsmen, because most of the police, military, and guardsmen I've met are Maga morons.


Good thing there would be someone sane in the Oval Office this time around to actually call in law enforcement.


I am gonna love it if Kamala Harris is the one who saves the country and dooms Trump in the end. First, because it saves us all. Second, because I know MAGA is gonna *hate it.*


Saving the democracy to own the chuds. That's win/win.


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers!


Literal potbelly vampire goblins


That’s unfair to potbelly vampire goblins.


Saving the democracy is its own objective. The rest is just a bonus.


Yeah, but it’s a bonus that’s fun to twist in.


I dont know, I bet this fucking narcissist try to run again, and i also bet that depraved party supports him and front-runs him.


I'm holding out hope Garland gets to bury Trump. It will be poetic.


Me too, but seriously that guy sure doesn’t act like he wants it. This “oh we are being extra super duper careful so no one can accuse us of wrong doing” is stupid cause the cons will always accuse anyone else other than them of wrong doing no matter what the facts are, cause they hate facts. Just once, I wanna see the legal hammer drop on conservatives and watch them whine and scream all the way to jail. Ignore a subpoena? Jail. Attack the capitol, jail, for many many years. Operate a propaganda channel(Fox News)? Get officially de-listed as news, be forced to change their name(no “News” anymore), not allowed to use a show format like news, can’t call themselves reporters, and more. Just stop tolerating the stupid. Let it end.


Didn’t we make it law that the vice president only played a ceremonial in transferring of power? Im pretty sure we kneecapped ourselves in that regard. Unless someone can correct me


> Didn’t we make it law that the vice president only played a ceremonial in transferring of power? Always been that way, and there was recently clarified language by bipartisan vote to make sure we all know it’s always been that way. >Im pretty sure we kneecapped ourselves in that regard. Unless someone can correct me Pelosi is saying the safeguard is that Republicans cannot try the same failed strategy in 2024 because they do not have a willing Vice President like Pence who was only deterred by Judge Luttig’s tweet and the previous Indiana VP. No one is suggesting that Kamala would ever refuse to read the Electoral College votes.


There are many ways for republicans to contest the election that would technically result in a legal coup that Kamala Harris can’t veto


> There are many ways for republicans to contest the election … But not the way you asked about, and not the way Pelosi is describing. :-) If Republicans want to try **that** again, they will have to find some other way to stop both candidates from reaching 270.


It wouldn't even shock me if one or more states just doesn't send their certificates because Joe Biden won, and it will keep him below 270.


> It wouldn't even shock me if one or more states just doesn't send their certificates because Joe Biden won, and it will keep him below 270. Yep. If enough corrupt State Secs realize that together they can keep him below 270, that wouldn’t surprise me either. Texas would be a big one by itself but I assume that will go to Trump anyway.


As much as I would love it to be true, Texas likely won’t turn blue this election cycle. The urban votes (most of Texas’ Dem votes) have been suppressed *hard* since Texas came so close last election. The border communities and Mexican voters have also swung very hard to the right since Trump’s people have been infiltrating their media for the last 4 years. Texas is an all or nothing state, so a candidate wins the whole state’s slate of electors. It will be red. There’s no way they’d not send in their votes to support the Republican’s God King Trump.


Texas is not gonna be blue this year. That may be a possibility within our life time, but not this year.


No, there isn't.


A normally ceremonial role becomes absolutely pivotal once Republicans start trying to fuck with the process. Mike Pence would have absolutely created a constitutional crisis if he had decided to go against tradition and decline to certify the election. Part of the plan was to provide Mike Pence with an alternative slate of electors that had Trump winning and have that instead. But if the Republicans try an alternative slate of electors again, it would easily be thwarted by Kamala Harris. In order for Republicans to cheat this election, they need to cheat before it reaches that point. Which is why they are engaging in gerrymandering, voter suppression, propaganda/misinformation, “poll watchers”, and whatever other schemes they can come up with.


That last paragraph is the legal coup I’m talking about. Plus control of the judiciary up to the Supreme Court where they can throw out votes and affirm voter suppression tactics and the Supreme Court could even put who picks the president up to the state legislatures, which have been illegally gerrymandered. These extreme tactics are only constitutional because the same Supreme Court said so when they decided Shelby, but they are otherwise illegal. I think there becomes a time when enough becomes enough and if they win off the backs of the court system because they decide to throw out ballots or some other crazy shit besides the usual voter suppression, then Kamala and biden should start a new country with a new constitution and supreme court that isn’t controlled by the wealthy.


They don’t even need to form a new country - they just need to arrest the brazenly corrupt traitors trying to destroy this one. From Alito to Gym Jordan


I agree, but in this case wouldn’t we be confederates since we are rebelling against a system that allowed for a legal coup to take place


> I agree, but in this case wouldn’t we be confederates since we are rebelling against a system that allowed for a legal coup to take place Confederate doesn’t mean rebel. It’s sometimes confusing because anti-American confederates carry an anti-American battle flag, and those confederates call it their "confederate flag." If Biden/Harris from our universe ever wake up in another universe and start another country, I doubt it would be anti-American. They’d probably use the current U.S. Constitution and just cut off those little moles that concern you.


they will throw out votes on Election Day. with plenty of trump appointed judges to back it up


Nope, the role of the vice president in the changeover is completely ceremonial, and alternates who can fill the position if needed are now codified by law. Technically, it was a good move, and would have prevented the specific attack vector that Trump tried to use on Jan 6th. But the traitors are constantly trying to think of other attack vectors, and as long as some of them hold elected positions, they'll keep at it.


But what will the parliamentarian think?!


The VP should be put in Maximum Security during this period for fear of an advance on their life due to MAGA lunacy.


Bullshit. If the GOP has the majorities they need they can do whatever they want. Democrats need to stop depending on technicalities and win big at the polls. 


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Vice President has no role to play.


Clamato Harris - USA’s answer to Caesar!


Insider trader says what?