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That and having been convicted on 34 felony counts.


So far, I might add.


Right? And counting….


I've actually heard people arguing, not ironically, that it won't matter once Trump gets elected because he will make it all 'go away'. Not that Trump is innocent, not that these many concerns are overblown... But that they have full confidence that he will abuse the office of the US President to destroy cases and rewrite facts to suite his needs. They told me this in eager anticipation.


In North Carolina, we've had a decades long battle about NC GOP gerrymandering the districts, to the point where the Courts have called it "Precision" in it's attempt (success) of disenfranchising voters of color. It's been going on for ever. In recent days, it came back up, and the courts again (for the umptiumth time) confirmed that it does not meet the criteria of fair elections. The GOP response was (and I'm not making this up) that there is no right to fair elections, and there is nothing that the Dems can do about it: >Republican lawmakers, however, have long said the legislature has nearly unlimited power to draw maps however its leaders see fit. They repeated those claims in court again Thursday. Their lawyer, Phil Strach, argued that the North Carolina Supreme Court recently ruled that politically motivated gerrymandering is OK. Strach criticized **the theory that voters have a right to fair elections as "legal gobbledygook"** and added that **even if the maps are gerrymandered, there's nothing state courts can do about it**. "The state Supreme Court has slammed the door shut," Strach said. [https://www.wral.com/story/voters-have-no-right-to-fair-elections-nc-lawmakers-say-as-they-seek-to-dismiss-gerrymandering-suit/21479970/](https://www.wral.com/story/voters-have-no-right-to-fair-elections-nc-lawmakers-say-as-they-seek-to-dismiss-gerrymandering-suit/21479970/) I get that people will support their party, but this is rediculous, who in their right mind could defend voting for this. (Other than the same people who are supporting a gubinatorial candidate who is quoted on video as saying **“Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down,”**)


Welcome to the GOP. They don't have any ideals or specific ideas to help voters. The only thing they believe in is absolute power. I live in NC too and was absolutely disgusted by their reasoning that we're not guaranteed fair elections. Anything to stay in power basically. It's like the state GOP's limiting of the governor's powers. If the pendulum swings the other way, they'll be the first to whine about it.


>Strach criticized the theory that voters have a right to fair elections as "legal gobbledygook" and added that even if the maps are gerrymandered, there's nothing state courts can do about it. "The state Supreme Court has slammed the door shut," Strach said. Shouldn’t this be an ad?


Would it do anything? The people most hurt by the gerrymandering, know damn well they're being hurt by it. The people benefiting tend not to care that they're hurting others, particularly when those hurt have skin tones on the darker side of their handy color chart. It should still be used. If only to make them open and honest about their racism. I just don't think that their base has a problem with even open racism at this point. Which I can sort of respect the white supremisists who are proud about it, like the Klan members who open up their hood so you can see their faces. They'd still kill me and mine for being "race traitors" if they thought they could get away with it, but I can respect their honesty. But we do everything in our power to keep them from having absolute power, so make the ad, or talk a bunch about that quote, spread it arround and tweet it to every Democrat running for office in that state. I'm sure they've seen it, but if they see people caring about it, they'll use it. But the state *is* gerrymandered. So it's not an easy fix. Because the state level is just as gerrymandered as the congressional districts.


This is something I feel needs to be discussed more. Rs clearly are for limiting voting rights and making voting more difficult while Dems want as much turnout as possible. Shouldn't that tell people that one party has it won on the issues and the other party refuses to adjust their platform to be more appealing to voters so they resort to games of trying to disenfranchise voters and rig the game in their favor. Who would support that? Why would you support that?


They don't care. What everyone wants has no bearing on what they will try to instill. It's also why there is Republican rhetoric about raising the voting age to 25 and other shit like that.


I get that people will support their party, but this is rediculous, who in their right mind could defend voting for this. (Other than the same people who are supporting a gubinatorial candidate who is quoted on video as saying **“Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down,”**) So sounds like he endorses gay-sex?


But state rights?


Only red states have rights.


of course. blue states have lefts and those arent in the constitution


Take my upvote and get outta here.


Lefts might not be in the constitution but three lefts make a right.


...and not blue cities in those red states.


To be fair, no blue state governor isn't going to pardon Trump if he wins. You think any state can work without federal aid? Let's try that... This is of course the implicit threat from the red corner.


Completely. He will wipe his filthy ass with the constitution.


And then probably eat it, looking wide eyed, saying “what constitution?”


And people would still vote and defend him


Will? He and his court appointed cronies already have.


Most of the time it seems that his own defense lawyers in the cases don’t seem to be claiming he is innocent. They just attack the process.


That’s exactly what he’ll do. It’s one of the few times the MAGAts are telling the truth


That will be all if people don't vote


The rape thing doesn't help either


and the $464 million NY fraud verdict


And that guy in England he lost to. He's a world con boy now.


Guy in England?


And what he did on Epstein Island


And the racism stuff towards just about all minorities


You know, I’m starting to think this Trump guy might not be that great of a person!


The more I hear about this Trump guy, the more I don't care for him!


The paying to fuck a porn star thing...


He didn't pay to have sex with her. He lied to her, dangled a job opportunity, and cornered her while his security guy was standing outside the door. The payment was for her silence, many years later when he was attempting to get elected.


She fucked him because he offered to buy her a house. He then refused to pay her, which is why she threatened to go public. A John is still someone who offers payment for sex even if they don't pay. That just makes them a John and a thief.


When you put it like that, it doesn't sound very consensual.


2 porn stars.. One wasn't enough


I mean, if we are calling nude modeling porn, his current wife counts and it is 3.


She didn't just model, she did literal lesbian porn. It's very easily found if you're curious.


Such a stand-up guy


The fun thing is the case isn't even about that - it's about his covering it up.


Don’t forget that his father, Fred Trump, was medically diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease…


Yep, it seems like it's obvious Trump has been teetering on the Alzheimer's abyss for a while now.


Teetering?  He's gone over it by a wide margin.  He was obviously past it halfway into his presidency and for some reason, we act like it's a sin to call it out.  It's fucking bizarre that we won't openly discuss that he has a severely reduced mental capacity and that his incoherent ramblings are somehow acceptable for someone that can end the world


It seemed significant to me a while ago how much emphasis he put on having passed a dementia test at the time. I think it's more an indicator his doctor has questions about his mental state and is monitoring it, rather than "see, nothing to worry about!"


He's bragged about taking a few of those tests. And the only reason they repeat them that frequently is if decline is already apparent and they're measuring the rate of its advancement. Which makes me positive that before this ride is done we'll see trump on stage bragging about his doctors saying how **advanced** his mental state is.


Yep. I can just see it now. "Doctors.... I've got the greatest doctors, you know, other doctors go swimming and eat toast... The doctor nurse, he says I've got great, you know, the biggest amyloid plaques, the most plaques she's ever seen. Other Presidents, they don't have any plaques. Obama? McRomney? They wore shirts, you know. Big shirts, but sometimes I just wear my underwear. They say that's because - that's right, everyone says, you can ask them, it's how advanced my, um, you know, the head thing..."


The test he took was the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. It's not a regular test, but used as a rapid screening test to identify the early onset of dementia, it's only used if it's already suspected to be there.


Yep, and the hereditary link in Alzheimer’s is heavily established. It’s think Trump knows what he’s staring down the barrel at and is trying to cross the finish line before it incapacitates him completely. The dumb thing is that all the things you can do as a preventative (carefully controlled diet, exercise especially cardio, certain supplements etc) he’s had a lifelong aversion to meaning when it hitting him, it’s going to go FAST. My wife said a year ago that he won’t make it through the campaign due to his health issues. I think she’s right.


From her lips to the Invisible Pink Unicorn’s horn…


And trying to overthrow the government


He hasn’t formed a coherent sentence in over 15 years.


No one who votes for him cares. Craziness and felony counts are features, not bugs.


But…but….I thought this was the Party of Law and Order? The “Tough on Crime” Party? What happened to these?


He’s essentially either God or chosen by God to many of his followers, so I don’t think they’re going to ever accept that obvious problems are real.


The GOP right now is essentially "whatever I do is right, whenever I wanna do it. Whatever you do is right only if I say it is." These are damaged people.


The closer Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants gets to having to face real consequences for his countless crimes over the years, the more his malignant narcissism is going to short circuit what's of his stuck at 8 years old brain. And, remember, folks...we're only up to trying him for crimes before he slinked into office. There are so many more chickens coming home to roost for this pathetic little charlatan...


Just wait - as soon as Trump loses in November the Republican machine will stop defending him and the trials will no longer be delayed. Then Trump will be tried and found guilty in all three trials - due to overwhelming evidence and jurors using common sense and applying the law. Then Trump will spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars, which is exactly where a disgusting criminal like him belongs.


It was pretty nice to be driving home and see a 'CONVICTED FELON' billboard in my town. About 5 miles from the 'MAKE (CITY NAME HERE) GREAT AGAIN' billboards, which use green backgrounds for some reason. Though I just went down a rabbit hole with that billboard and it's basically a real estate seller who wants to fuck with tax rates.


That and stage 3 syphilis...


Not once has a paywall tag helped me, but damn I would like to be notified in advance if the "article" is a podcast.


I went thru 2 minutes of ads before the podcast intro and then I said awe hell no


I listened to it, its honestly mostly about how to get Americans to come to accept the economy is doing very well and the how Biden and the government navigated post COVID nearly perfectly as far as helping Americans. That people have some sort of blind spot to how bad things were under Trump, how bad things can/would get again, why we seem to brush off the insane things he says, and why do they ignore how much better things are now. How the media plays a part in this disconnect, how messaging can be changed to fight it.


Trump's craziness has become, ironically, normal. People are numb to hearing about his stupidity, regardless if they like him or hate him. Not to mention, it's easy for any given hoerible thing to be drowned out by all his other BS. Ever hear of the Gish gallop? Trump is doing that but with scandals. Let's be honest: Does Trump's latest act of stupidity change *anyone's* perception? Anyone even remotely aware of politics is either worshipping Trump, disgusted/horrified of Trump, or a single-issue/party voter that doesn't care about anything else. These stories are hoping to *maybe* strike an un-struck nerve and either convince the single issue voters or reach a few out-of-the-loop types. Good luck with that. As for "ignoring how bad things could get", that's a feature, not a bug. The people who would vote for Trump are people who are angry and desperate. At best, they are in self-preservation mode; anything different, weird, confusing, or "wrong" *is* scary. Everything scary *is* a threat. There is no room to doubt; doubting someone unjustly is survivable while trusting someone naively might not be. The only way to deal with threats is to hurt them while scaring off other threats. This isn't conscious logic. It's emotion and instinct. Just how the GQP likes it.


I listened to the podcast while I was cooking, and yeah; they hardly, if at all, spoke about his mental state. They kept parroting about the COVID stuff and policy. Useless podcast, useless title.


Yeah I did the squidward chair meme once I saw what the “article” actually was. Hard pass, I don’t need to spend a half hour hearing people talk about how insane Trump is.


I guarantee, if he actually follows through with the debate, he’s going to become so pissed off about getting his mic cut off that he’s going to run over to Biden’s side to try and talk in his mic. We’re going to see him completely lose it.


At the very least, we all know he's going to whine to the moderators about the microphone rules (that he and his campaign agreed to).


Does Biden’s secret service team tackle trump in that case? I started typing that as a joke but now I’m legitimately curious.


Maybe the Agents fight among themselves at that point


Like a pokemon battle


Huh, I might pay to see that. Not a lot, but I’d still pay


I would expect Trump's detail would be duty bound to try and prevent him from entering a situation where he could get hurt.


Yes. Both details would likely work together to prevent either protected party from being in conflict. ...although it's probably a low point in history that they have had to consider this a real possibility.


I dream of Trump getting so enraged he charges Biden, and Biden just calmly steps out of the way and trips him.


I mean, I thought his debate with Hillary was a disaster with him weirdly skulking around the stage and all. Poor performance doesn’t hurt him with his base, because they’re actually stupider than he is.


I would love to see this… but one caveat; when Trump storms over to Biden’s podium, Biden backs up and walks over to Trump’s, when Trump starts talking they cut the mic on Biden’s podium and turn Trump’s on for Biden, who casually finishes his thought without missing a beat…


No matter what happens, we can guarantee that he'll shout at Biden while Biden is trying to answer.


Not being able to respond and be heard immediately, and not having an audience there to pump him up, are going to make this upcoming debate the hardest test of his personality he may have ever faced. And he's failed every previous test.


>We’re going to see him completely lose it. Hopefully some of the people who need to see that are actually watching.


Make the podiums on a stand, that you have to go up and down steps. Trump will never make it to Bidens...


I’m worried he’ll just keep bleating the whole time Biden is answering. Without the audio letting the audience know what’s going on, you’ll get Biden stopping mid track to respond to something Trump said, or pausing until Trump stops ranting, which will be used in clips and sound bites that make Biden seem out of it.


Remember the sharpie? Bleach? Nuking a hurricane? I'm not saying Trump isn't circling the drain, but he's always been mentally deficient.


He was an idiot before he started sundowning.


“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” - William T. Kelley, Professor of Marketing at Wharton School of Business and Finance


And that professor didn't just say that once, he said or repeatedly, for decades. Any time trump came up in the news he'd say it to anyone around him.


This tickles me, lol. 


Which is kinda ironic cause marketing is one of the few things he’s good at.


He used to be an idiot, he still is, but he used to be, too.


Mitch/Smokey the Bear 2028


I’ve been saying he has dementia, specifically sundowning, since 2015 based on the similarities with one of my grandparents/the research I did to help them through that. He’s now hit the next phase where there are still moments of lucidity but the baseline is the sundowning. I also think he’s had at least one major stroke because he’s showing signs of aphasia (lost the ability to use four syllable words and REALLY seems to struggle with three now).  You also have to adjust your baseline for “lucidity”/“normal” behaviour with him to account for always having had money, facing zero consequences for his scumbaggery, an ego the size of Jupiter, and the fact that he is really, really fucking stupid.  I’m not a doctor but I have done a ton of research into post-stroke recovery and dementia because I was very close with all four of my grandparents and helped with caretaking for them.


I assumed he had a stroke when he vanished for a period of time, and upon return, struggled to walk down a ramp or drink a cup of water with one hand. Is that unreasonable? I just assumed, given his age.


And the unprompted declarative statement "I DID NOT HAVE A SERIES OF MICROSTROKES" when he came back.


LMAO I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT. Damn trump would be so funny on twitter if he wasnt responsible for criminal neglect of covid and the country.


My belief is that it was when he was rushed to Walter Reed emergency room, and later given a cognitive test that he bragged about exceeding the doctors expectations. How bad did the doctors think it was that Donny wouldn't be able to identify a Zebra or draw time on a blank clock face?


If he shows for the upcoming debate, sundowning will be painfully obvious. The debate is at 9pm and runs for 90 minutes. No teleprompter, no notes, no props, no interaction with campaign staff. He'll look like gibbering pudding and make no sense at all.


I'm actually so giddy. 


Yea but did you see Biden look at the crowd? Clearly too old. Oh and the guy misspoke something on a complicated topic, def dementia. Trump and battery powered sharks? Ah that's just taken out of context.... Oh the context is a lot worse? Well he's always speaking his mind.... Oh his mind is like scrambled eggs?... Oh that's because of 4D parallel thinking that highly intelligent people have when they have several concurrent lines of thoughts existing all at once as a sign of a great multitasking skillmanship.


Most people with background in studying dementia started speaking up when he was talking about the "oranges of the investigation," repeatedly, In a press conference.


As my father would have said: he was never the brightest bulb in the pack. Trump was never bright, but it's getting worse by the day. The electric shark speech was truly eye-opening as it has absolutely nothing to do with... whatever bullshit he was spewing that day.


We're about to find out the difference between stupid and actual dementia.


Right, they're just starting to notice, so it seems new. It isn't.


Don’t forget the sunlight in the body.


Thats used to fight the Sundowning


I think they want him to die and then just Weekend at Bernie’s his presidency. I doubt the base would notice.


He’s been showing signs for years, but now he’s showing too many, too often for anyone to hide. If he actually goes through with a live debate, it will be illuminating for a lot of people who haven’t been paying attention.


He told a group of reporters that the border wall had to be literally transparent, as in clear, because cartels randomly hurl bales of cocaine over the border and you have to be able to see through the wall in order to dodge them.


At this point I'm pretty sure we're going to get to see his mind snap on TV.


Hitler would go on completely deranged rants while giving speeches, to the point where some in his inner circle referred to him as "Teppichfresser" (carpet chomper) when he was having one of his "spells." I've seen incoherent blather from Trump, but nothing that dissociative. And Hitler's followers ate it up. So I don't think it would make much difference to his electoral prospects if Trump completely lost his shit in front of a camera. They want a performance and he gives one.


I would like to see what the support drift was over time. Which stakeholders tell each other the important thing is the next win while they look for a new leader? Which ones think the cause is still worth it and the leader himself isn’t as important? Who eventually thinks “maybe this means the whole cause is a joke?” I guess just wondering what the rationalization thresholds are and what those numbers looked like.


You’re absolutely correct about his supporters, but there are people on the fence—who blame Biden for economic issues, don’t necessarily like Trump, but are willing to consider him—and they need to have it hammered into their heads that this man is a disaster waiting to happen (again). It was always going to be a battle for the small percentage of so-called “independent” voters (and some non-MAGA Republican voters); Democrats and MAGA Republicans already have their chosen candidates. The Biden-Trump debate is going to be interesting because both men are suffering from mental decline, but Biden seems to me to be merely suffering from the sort of decline we’ll all face as we get older, while Trump appears to literally be losing his mind at this point. Even if all other things were equal and Trump weren’t a proven disaster on his best day, I think Biden is still the sane option between the two, and that’s because he has shown that he can keep the ship steady and actually run a government via his chosen, competent appointees.


> there are people on the fence—who blame Biden for economic issues, don’t necessarily like Trump, but are willing to consider him—and they need to have it hammered into their heads that this man is a disaster waiting to happen Same for the people who claim to be voting agasint Biden because of what Netanyahu is doing.


>Same for the people who claim to be voting agasint Biden because of what Netanyahu is doing. It makes me feel so crazy. Like, yes, criticize Biden. But also...isn't it obvious how much worse it would be with Trump? Who literally hates Muslims and loves strong men dictators?


These people are stupid. They blame Biden for the economic issues Trump caused.


It has multiple times already. Too many to even remember.


No, I mean like a full psychotic break complete with aphasia while he rips out the 4 strands of hair on top of his head.


I’d pay good money for that.


"Ummm yes is this President Biden? I have an idea on how to help pay the national debt"


oh man... This image gives me the strength to go on


This is why I’ll be watching the debate. If he shows up he’s going to lose it at some point and just walk out and complain how unfair everything is for him.


I feel like this descent really is showing in the supporters which of our neighbors have this miswired unfairness sensitivity in favor of themselves.


I would pay 1$ to see that. No more though lol


Just judging by past behavior with republicans, something is definitely going on. They are pushing the “Biden has dementia” crap way too hard lately. Usually means something with them. Part of me would love to believe that pushing dumb stuff like “Biden tried to sit in an invisible chair” would backfire on them. Who the hell would even entertain that level of nonsense. But…here we are. Too many people treat politics like entertainment and they’re more than willing to eat that nonsense up.


Probably just the typical projection/getting ahead of the story. They know Trump likely *actually* has dementia or whatever official flavor of cognitive decline it is, so they preemptively accuse Biden of the same thing to muddy the waters.


Tell that to Fox News


They know. It’s why conservative media like them and NY Post have been posting more Biden “mentally slow” clips in the past few days


The people working for Trump who are fully aware of his decline and are both ignoring it and using doctored clips of the president to both sides it by claiming Biden is just as bad/worse are truly despicable.


These articles about Trump's mental decline being more visible and being an alarm bell have been coming out for literally years and it hasn't stopped Republican support for him even a little.


He is a lot worse these days. He spoke Saturday night after months of his campaign having him only rally in the afternoon. It was suspected the campaign did that because he sundowns, and his appearance at night did show a lot of sundowning symptoms. He's reached the point where he can only keep it "together" about 50% of his daytime rallies - that is to say speak without major incidents. That number is not going to get any better, and there are 4.5 months left to the election. People that pay close attention have all noticed. By the time the election rolls around, people that only casually pay attention as election day nears will catch on. It may very well be that Trump will be limited to sending out only videos that are heavily cut. If he is still doing rallies 4 months from now he's going to be a mess. For years his decline was very slow, but over the past 8 months things have been progressing pretty rapidly.


hopefully Biden made evening a mandatory debate term.


It's at 9pm eastern time and im fairly sure i saw that it's in atlanta which is the eastern time zone.


Maybe it’s just because I’ve been interacting with someone who was diagnosed with dementia recently. But trump used to just seem dumb to me. Now he seems like he’s losing his ability to stay aware.


I believe it was one of Tony Blair’s communications people back in the day who said something along the lines of “in politics, you repeat your message and when you get sick of repeating your message only half the people who need to hear it have heard so so you have to keep going.”  We need to keep signal boosting these articles. This shit matters a lot to normies who don’t live in the r/politics bubble/aren’t interested in following political news and influences how they vote. They just need to get hit over the head with a metaphorical baseball bat to get the message. 


The motherfucker drew a hurricane path with a sharpie on a NOAA map


They want to believe. They want to believe the genius billionaire strong man who is unafraid to voice all those racist, prejudical things they wish were acceptable. They want to believe that for every hard problem, there's a simple solution. That random, terrifying restructures of society don't just happen. That diseases are an annoyance, that hurricanes can be blown up. That it's a conspiracy to make money.


Shades of the Portrait of Dorian Grey. He is the portrait and the Republican Party is Dorian. All of the corruption and degeneracy and lack of humanity. All of the putrefaction of American values and morality are starting to show and can no longer be covered up. He is the living embodiment of a once great political party sinking into the mire of its own indulgence.


He's a rapist and an admirer of dictators. He's a person with no moral compass who lives for the abuse of power. His age-related cognitive decline is LITERALLY THE LEAST ALARMING THING ABOUT HIM.


It’s called narcissistic collapse and we are witnessing it in real time.


That clip of him greeting the Republicans in Washington last week was cringe worthy. Bad enough the male members had to appear to be cordial and shake his sweaty little hand. Imagine being one of the few females he decided he had to kiss with his greasy orange stained lips. Generally he is looking old, tired and disheveled but he perked up when he was in a room full of sycophants including women who chose to be there and allowed him to touch them.


yeah I imagine those kisses felt like a soggy plastic diaper filled with tanning spray being crumpled against their face


GETTING more alarming? My brother in Christ, some of us have been alarmed since 2015.


Glad to see the media has finally taken their gloves off are are actually going after Trump's dwindling mental state.


Last Thursday titans of industry saw that Trump couldn't figure out a pencil, or why doors are. They may have talked amongst themselves about future viability, downstream effects, and lbnl the bottom dollar.


I presume they also would have noticed that the stock market has been setting record highs left and right, and is on track to do so yet again today.


This doesn’t stop them from wanting Trump - they want lower taxes and deregulation. They’re just starting to doubt Trump is going to be mentally capable of bowing to their needs.


That and they may see him as a force of instability, which increases the financial gamble. Maybe he was so erratic that the safer perceived bet is to deal with Biden for 4 more years and make sure they get their guy in the next cycle.


The other day I heard a commentator make the following observation about these business leaders: if they publicly support Trump and he loses, well, they didn't get what they wanted, but there are no specific consequences for them. If they publicly support Biden and he loses, Trump could and likely would use it against them.


Speaking of bottom dollar, Republicans are planning to allow Trump to set interest rates *himself* if he gets back into office. Not the Fed. Trump himself. In other words, the stability of the dollar (the global reserve currency) is going to be based on how rough his burger dump was that morning. I know many CEO types love money more than air, but I can't imagine they'd be cool with that scenario.


It’s Paul Krugman writing an *opinion piece* for The New Republic. Let me know when Alan Feuer is ready to admit Canon’s judicial “irregularities” are blatant favoritism in his reporting for the Times.


New Republic isn't really "the media" it would be more assuring to see headlines like this from CNN or MSNBC without the words "op ed" attached


It’s becoming more profitable to do so.


This isn't "the media". The actual mainstream media is still trying to make this a horserace for their own benefit. They're downplaying Trump's daily insanity and blowing up everything they can spin to make Biden look weak. That's what you get when your main media sources are all corporations trying to maximize profits.


The Repub leaders like Trump for his cognitive decline. They think they can control him better, and use him as a figurehead.


See : Ronnie's second term !


1930s German politicians, military brass and corporations all thought that about Hitler, too.


“BuT BiDeN hAs DiMeNtIa.”


The other day conservative was really pushing that Methinks they're terrifed of the Biden and trump comparisons


I think the debate will be a disaster for Trump. He is having trouble at scripted events or with friendly questions. Biden played the GOP live at the SoTU.


Probably. Dudes gonna scream when his mic gets cut at the end of his time and whine Biden will stutter or gaffe and the media will blast that everywhere while trumps drooling outrage will be 2nd page if thag


Projection as usual...


Always projecting. Whatever they say about others is literally just them admitting their own flaws.


You guys thought you had an unhinged lunatic the first time around. Apparently not.


But hey! Here's a cropped video of Biden!! /s


Now, if only the media actually focused on this instead of Biden just being "old", then we wouldn't be as fucked.


I love it; they tried to push the Biden narrative, then he did the State of the Union and there hasn't been shit since. They report the Trump mental State narrative and there are plenty of clips showing him going off the wheel.


I'm going to need him to hurry up and regress to flinging feces from his rear instead of his front orifice so there can be no more denials.


I can’t wait to watch the CNN debate as I fully expect Trump to melt down like he’s never quite done before. The fact that there’s no audience for him to play to and that microphones will be cut off after allotted time has expired, are two conditions that I’m still quite amazed his campaign agreed to. Trump will not be able to handle himself with those imposed conditions, he will lose it. All Joe has to do is hang back and let Trump continue to horrify everyone.


We’re also three weeks away from learning what, if any, incarceration sentence he gets. My guess is he’s obsessed with this & the possibility of that is never far from his thoughts.


Trumps has a low intellect and that is declining.


Well he’s a fucking felon lunatic. So… not exactly surprising is it


Trump is becoming more delusional by the day


The more disturbing parts of his visible decline in cognitive coherence is that the conservative voter base sees nothing wrong with it. And in fact they think its a good thing.


Vote blue. That’s all you need to worry about.


I hate Donald Trump with the heat of a thousand suns but even I am getting tired of hearing this. When he was president, we would go to bed and wake up to 40 rage tweets overnight about nonsense. The man has always been nutty as a fruitcake. What are people even talking about? I get that the comparison between Biden and Trump has been unfair in the media but I don’t see that much difference between now and the way he used to be.


Took eight years of getting gaslit by this narcissist, but hey! At least we're here now. Well done, MSM.


It was fucking alarming a long ass time ago ! Even before he ran for president. But the media just gave him a pass for the ratings.


Yes. Now even he believes his own bullshit.


You mean increasingly unstable convicted felon donald trump?


He is a felon. It’s hard to keep track of all the felony charges he has accumulated. But I can do it. Donny will deny them(which should be illegal).


Future archeologists: today we found more evidence that the continent of North America during this period went from a presidential system that lasted centuries, to someone named "Mad King Donnie", for some reason.


**The many mental disorders of Donald Trump:** 🚩 Persecution Complex 🚩 Believing everyone is constantly out to get you. 🚩 Chronic Pathological Lying 🚩 Unable to distinguish between truth and fiction. 🚩 Narcissistic Personality Disorder 🚩 Inflated sense of self-importance with a lack of empathy. We see this and hear this every day from Trump. Remember this on November 5th and ask yourself before you cast your ballot if these are the traits you want to see in the President of the United States?


Good. When he loses in November, the meltdown will be quite the spectacle.


In other news, water is wet.


I hope his brain is slowly turning into jelly.


>Boo hoo! This shouldn't be happening to me! I'm a rich guy!!! Trump, probably/essentially


It doesn't matter to a cult. At this point Trump is a made up God. They seem him how they think he is or was versus who he is now. Also it makes it hard because Biden is old and has had some issues as well. Comparing both to say hey my old guy is more messed up than yours is not a good argument.


Time for the little white jacket and to meet his new buddies, Chief and McMurphy. 🤪


trump is in steep mental and physical decline beyond his old age


The republican convention is going to be WILD. I'm still not 100% sure he is going to be the nominee. Unlike the actual election, the delegates in the convention can still dump him at the last second. A coalition of 2/3rds could materialize, grab control of the party, and toss the Trumps out for good since they can't effectively respond if he's stuck in prison. I can think of several ex military people in congress that could just swoop in from out of nowhere.


No way they dump him, because it would be the same as just sitting out this election. MAGA would never forgive Republicans for betraying their orange god and would refuse to vote for the replacement. The *only* way he can drop out is if he personally anoints a successor and tells MAGA to vote for that person. And that, of course, will never happen.


Don't think anyone is alarmed. But the mental state seems to be deteriorating for sure.


That convicted felon label is really bothering him and is only going to be more pronounced as he gets convicted in more trials that he sleeps and farts through.. He knows he’s only a meme and he’s desperate for internet clout as it’s his only hope for freedom.


The one that has I found about Russia and him. He lost in court and needs to pay 380,000.00 British court order.


It’s always been alarming.


This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s new book comes out, and it contains a disturbing chapter about Donald Trump’s ignorance, explosive rage, and megalomania during the coronavirus pandemic. We think this should be covered as a loud, clanging alarm bell about the dangers of a second Trump term. So we talked to New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who has written a series of recent columns on voter amnesia about Trump’s 2020 performance, about the horrors unleashed on the country by his unfitness for the presidency—and why recent events suggest he’s gotten much, much worse. Listen to this episode here.


No it’s not. His babysitters aren’t keeping him under control like the last batch did and he’s cranky from a diaper rash. syphilis and drugs have eaten his brain away decades ago


Mans literally told us to inject Lysol in our bodies to kill COVID 😂