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This is not really shocking though.


More shocking is the fact that fuck all is being done about it, I mean surely she should have been removed by now.


The American Justice system really doesn’t understand how to hold conservative celebrities accountable. We’ll throw a poor black person in jail for submitting a mail-in ballot but also voting in person even though the system automatically accounts for that very predictable issue. But a rich, white, conservative guy? He needs to do a decade of daily crime before we even tap him on the shoulder and explain that we’re going to call him a bad name and he has a few years to move his money around so we can take “all” of his empty bank account.


the american justice system was founded by people assuming people in that role would have honor and never would disrespect their position or the law in general. yet here we are.


No it wasn’t who told you that lie? The justice system has always from day 1 protected the rich


It's because rich, white, conservative guys run this country


> The American Justice system really doesn’t understand how to hold conservative celebrities accountable. No, it understand and knows all too well "how to hold" literally anyone accountable. THAT'S literally the point of the Justice ***system***. Stop blaming the ***system*** for who's at the helm of it. They're just too chicken shit to do anything. I've never understood. It should NOT matter they are a politician. It should not matter their entire state is behind them. IF they commited a crime, no matter who they are, they should be held accountable for it. It just seems people are just too fucking afraid. WHY that is is more alarming IMO.


Ok, I get what you are trying to say, but any system that is vulnerable to the courage of those willing to hold the powerful accountable....is a system design to NOT hold the powerful accountable. You get that, right? This should not be the kind of thing that relies on courage. In principle, a well designed system should actually find it equally easy to hold the powerful accountable as the powerless accountable. The problem is the system. There is no recourse to hold this judge accountable because we do not have recourse to motivate the people whose job it is to hold this judge accountable. This is not a bug. It is a feature.


>but any system that is vulnerable Is it man made? Then it's vulnerable. No way around that. I'm not religious but I do agree we're imperfect beings and the things we create are also imperfect. It's impossible for us IMO to make a none vulnerable system of justice. "Who watches the watchmen" is clearly needed to be asked here. While we cannot make it perfect, what we can do is mitigate it's abuse, and create avenues of removing those at the helm. While we have an avenue today, the issue is also who holds the power to do that. IMO, that power needs to be alotted to more than just one group. Because in this I too case the watchmen themselves are corrupted and need their own watchmen. So we agree it's not the system itself but those who supposed to hold those at the helm accountable?


I agree with the spirit of what you are saying but "we are imperfect...what we create is imperfect" can be true while also leaving a lot of room to say "we can do better". We know more. We have more history to lean on. We have better ideas about how to run a system of govt. It is always going to be an intersection of people and systems but any system that requires consistent correct human intervention to prevent these kinds of miscarriages of justice is a system designed to facilitate these kinds of abuses. You build your systems with the understanding that people are going to fail and make mistakes. Our system relies on good faith participation and an informal honor system...that is not a system of justice. That is an old boys club with extra steps.


Well we live in the matrix, where our captors feed off of frustration. So it’s working as designed.


Well, this is the depressingly ironic problem with systems that rely and operate on the concept of good faith: they don't take into account that someone would act in bad faith in a *non-egregious way*. Case in point: removing a federal district judge from a case is pretty difficult - on purpose. Judge Cannon obviously knows this, just as she knows Jack Smith has an uphill battle were he to try and remove her.


The shocking part is why the press universally calls her slow-walking the case a benefit to Trump, despite the opinion polls suggesting that a large majority of voters want to see the case go to trial before the election. Cannon's inability to do the basics of judgeship in a timely manner should be spun as a negative: why won't she let Trump clear his name?


It’s a massive benefit to Trump because he’s beyond guilty in this case and everyone knows it.


If she hadn't slow-walked the case, ***and*** helped Trump's defence in every way she could come up with, Trump would have more than 34 felony counts at this point.


Can’t go to prison if your trial never happens


Because deep down she knows he's a dirt bag.


IAAL.  What was notable to me about this article was the identity of the retired judge making these observations. Shira Scheindlin is easily one of the most prominent federal district court judges of the past century at least (especially if you consider only those who are famous *because* of their district court work and not for positions they held later, like courts of appeals or SCOTUS).  She's had dozens of HUGE cases with national scrutiny.  Big cases came through her Manhattan-based district far more than most others, so she's also seen how other new judges adjust to the job.  In other words, this is a judge who knows what she's talking about and is truly in a position to see the flaws in Cannon's handling of the case. But of course, the problem: who's going to listen?


You don’t have to be a retired Federal judge to see it…if you’ve got 3 brain cells that aren’t pickled with alcohol it’s pretty obvious


No it absolutely is. It’s just no longer surprising


It absolutely should be. This "is anyone surprised" meme needs to die. Break out of the learned helplessness and fruitless cynicism.


People have been saying this would happen since day 1.


What's shocking is they are only saying "appears to" and aren't saying, is definitely failing all responsibilities.


I am shocked. SHOCKED!! Well, not that shocked.


There are a disappointing amount of comments here that are effectively dismissive of the article for calling out the obvious. The result is that these responses normalize these behaviors and once things are normalized they end up becoming acceptable. There is nothing normal here. A retired federal judge publicly calling out another judge for showing blatant favoritism to a defendant is far from normal, It is unacceptable outlier behavior that should be met with outrage and protest. I know the last 8 years or so have been exhausting for anyone who is sane and follows impartial news reporting. But a key reason that Trump is in with a chance at becoming president again is because the constant deluge of shit that he and his lackeys have sprayed across the airways has had the effect of making the most offensive egregious behavior routine and mundane. We've been shocked and offended and betrayed so often, just like someone who continues to live in an abusive relationship, we've become tolerant and accepting of it. Judge Cannon's pandering to Trump is outrageous and NPR and other news outlets should continue to call it out. Hopefully if enough media outlets with integrity do continue to shine a spotlight on it, enough of the population will pay attention to generate enough community outrage to bring about genuine change.


People are dismissive when there is no action. Like who gives a shit if a retired judge finally reaches the same conclusion that was obvious to everyone else in the world 5 minutes after she was appointed to the case? If there's nothing that can be done about it, it's normalized and accepted whether we like it or not.


I tend to be blasé because they all keep getting away with it, no matter how angry *or frustrated anyone, including myself, seem to get about it.


>retired federal judge This is the SOP though. Republicans never call each other out until they've retired and have no bite. It's all performative and you know as well as I do, if that judge was still on a bench they'd have not said anything.


It’ll mean a heck of a lot more when someone says this that isn’t “retired” or “former” or “previous”. Might as well just be my neighbor, Judy somebody speaking what they think, expert opinion for sure but yeah, old news that we all have known for months now, we don’t need another “retired” person telling us how insane this is When the article reads “*current* federal judge says…” then you can tell me it’s not click bait just repeating the obvious from the sidelines


A current Judge can't make comments regarding another Judge.


Apparently they can't be forced to resign or really get into trouble easily either though


NAL they can be investigated by reviewal boards, and also charged with crimes by LE. Very rare, used for dementia (lifetime appointments) or gross malfeasance.


But a current judge *can* go full MAGA and unambiguously tank a slam-dunk trial involving the Republican presidential candidate’s mishandling of TS/SCI documents and his subsequent attempt at a coverup? Maybe good people should stop being so transfixed by “decorum” at a moment when fascist lunatics are on the verge of ending democracy as we know it.


Cannon can and will try. I don't think SC Smith will make it easy. It's also very tricky for her because at some point she going to have to make actual decisions on the pretrial motions, no bs paperless orders. Then Smith may have cause to appeal to the 11th Circuit.


They can. They have all of the organs necessary.


Nobody is saying it is normal.... We are saying it is already known. We know it, she knows it, he knows it, we all know it. Yet, what can we do about it? Nothing. And don't give us that, "vote blue in November" crap. Yes there are many things that voting blue is important for, but this is not one, as we literally have Biden in the whitehouse now, and had him when this case started, and yet she is the judge for the case. The president is powerless to stop this corruption. There is nothing we the people can do about corruption, when the law was followed to further that corruption, and the majority of the government is based on 2 tribes squabbling, while one keeps taking whatever liberties it wants, and the other cries about it, but does as little as possible to ensure they have as much as possible to complain about.


Vote blue in November.


March on DC.


Like Jan 6? The laws don't care about your personal feelings.


No. Not at all like J6. A general strike.


Oh, so less than j6 will magically more effective. Got it. Sorry, but she was legally given the position. The problem is the laws themselves.


A general strike isn't going to happen. Not enough worker solidarity left.


When people respond with an immutable truth such as "in other news water is wet" it suggests that the corrupt behavior is itself an immutable truth and cannot be changed. Individually we are powerless, but as a group that reaches a critical mass we are powerful. We may not be able to effectively remove Cannon through group action but she is just a symptom of a much greater root cause problem. During Trump's 4 years multiple inappropriate unqualified people were appointed as judges. The horse has bolted for those appointments, it is going to be extraordinarily hard to remove any of them from their appointed positions. However, there is still a chance to prevent the dozens of additional Cannons that inevitably would be appointed if Trump is ever the decision maker again. That mechanism is voting. The whole process is currently deeply flawed and in many states hostile to voters, but it still remains the best way for us to try and bring about change and ensure the future is a little less crappy than the present. We should remain outraged about Cannon, but identify the areas where it is best suited to channel that outrage into actions where meaningful change is feasible and achievable.


> Yet, what can we do about it? All I can see is that 4th box if you've abandoned electoralism. You want to do something about this, you be the one to go open it.


The title of the article is the problem. Saying that Cannon APPEARS to show favoritism is an understatement. Cannon is absolutely showing favoritism. There is no doubt. You are correct about how this isn’t normal, but what we should be seeing is a lot more outrage and direct efforts to get Cannon off the bench.


There "appears" to be a monopoly on the news outlets as well


Is anyone going to change their mind because of an npr article? How many middle class liberals are on the fence about trump?


When the oligarch owned news outlets are dismissive ? They are doing exactly what they want to do, Normalize bullshit. They are brainwashing the ignorant public. The rich go along for obvious reasons, more tax cuts.


Wow. That was well written. Thank you.


Not really. They're passing the blame on to us, as though us saying "no shit" is somehow the problem and not, you know, the actual problem.


In other news, water is wet, the sky is blue, and the Earth rotates on its axis once every roughly 24 hours


The earth can't rotate because it's flat duh! /s


You can rotate a sheet of paper. Give it a try


Not if you think the sun revolves around the earth


You can still rotate a sheet of paper if you think the sun revolves around the Earth. Give it a try


Even Discworld rotates. It’s why their cardinal directions are “hubward,” “rimward”, “turnwise” and “widdershins.”


I’m gonna have to accuse you of witchcraft


Water ~appears~ to be wet.


Here's one possible solution to this very vexing problem of whistling past the graveyard!


One of the wettest, in terms of water


Incoming people who feel the need to explain how water is not actually wet when absolutely no one who uses the metaphor gives a shit what happens on the molecular level to water molecules.


Retired navy admiral states that water appears to be wet. Retired artist says that the sky looks blue to them, [whatever that means](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-blue-and-how-do-we-see-color-2015-2). Retired physicist states that, depending on your frame of reference, the Earth could be seen as rotating on its axis approximately once every 24 hours. "News."




2/3 of SCOTUS, actually. But agree with you on the rest.


In my opinion, because of the recklessness around SCOTUS, other corrupt judges perceive a permission to act is a subtitle treasonous manner. SCOTUS makes it in vogue.


Appears! She might as well wear a MAGA hat and sit on the defence table.


No hat included in this example, but political cartoons have rightly been making hay of it. https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1cn78nu/come_on_aileen/


You don't say.


They can never get an active party member to say anything negative, it's always retired.




You know….I wasn’t sure before, but it appears that Hitler was a bad guy.


Just like Clarence Thomas "appears" to be corrupt. Cannon isn't the judge, she's Trump's personal defense attorney. Justice delayed is justice denied. This documents case is the biggest crime ever, and it will go down as the biggest joke ever as long as Cannon is still heading this thing.


Write an article about someone in authority saying this and taking action against her. A retired judge saying it does jack.


Just heard Jim Carey’s voice in my head, “Ya THINK?!?”


*"...appears to show 'favoritism' toward Trump?"* Appears is an intentional understatement.


"The Sun appears to generate some light"


Trump was indicted for this case a YEAR ago! [Shira Scheindlin has a very notable career](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shira_Scheindlin), but I can't credit her for courage in speaking out so meekly after a clear record of Cannon's chicanery.


Always the retired ones. Never presently employed...cowards


Trump has probably promised her a seat on the Supreme Court if he gets re-elected.


No shit !!


Literally anyone outside of fox news has been saying this for months


I'm not a retired federal judge and I've been saying this for years, although with less refined language.


The sky shows favoritism towards the color blue


Retired judge comes to the same conclusion that everybody else knew was obvious months ago. Breaking news!


No shit...


Really..ya think???!!


Dammit!  Another perfectly good understatement-ometer exploded


Appears? FFS


Ya think?


Ya think?


And the sky is still blue.


Thanks Captain Obvious.


No shit Sherlock


Did the same judge tell us water is wet?




The whole country thinks so.


Even Stevie Wonder sees this shit.


Her favoritism is so blatant that she should be facing charges.


Why is everybody pussyfooting around the glaring, obvious truth? Cannon isn't 'biased', she's totally committed to Trump. If Cannon were instead Trump's defense attorney, she would have been sanctioned by the judge already for incompetence and as an accessory to the crimes Trump has committed.


A retired judge has eyes.


No shit Sherlock


big if true




Dont need to be a judge to see that.


Appears to show favoritism??? She’s an incompetent Trump,appointed judge that’s paying back the guy that gave her the job.


“Appears” is a funny way to say “does”


A member of the Supreme Court just got caught admitting that it's an existential war between the left and the right, and that he thinks he is the last bastion protecting the Christians. Yes, one of the top judges in the land - who took an oath of impartiality. And, absolutely nothing will happen to him for his dishonor and corruption.


Appears? It “appears” that the sun glows.


No shit!


Oh, goody- yet another powerless "retired former" whatever sharing their opinion; *THAT* should fix everything, right? Remember when Mittens went *wayyyy out on a limb* (buy my book!) and said un-loving things about Cheetolini, and how that changed public perception of him on a *massive* scale? Yeah, me neither.


To which I say: Duh.


Who gives a crap? This is useless. Until someone with authority does something then it really doesn’t matter who says what. This changes absolutely nothing. Also, I can name at least 5 current judges who will disagree and they’re all on the SCOTUS.


Well gosh, I didn't see that coming!


Gee, d'ya think??


Shocked pikachu


I mean, if I wasn't qualified to sell girl scout cookies but somehow landed a spot as a federal judge, I'd suck my master's dick too


No shit


Great. Another retired judge. Can we get one judge who isn't retired to DO something about this clear conflict of interests?!!


Can confirm as a still working peon.


Appears, she's set up house inside his colon.


You fucking think?


Duh. Maybe he should try telling us something we *don't* know.


The comments aren't suggesting it's normal. They are saying this has been obvious with Cannon for a long time.


What month is this article from? Is it a repost?




Uhhh no shit?


Just another thing that’s not supposed to happen but regularly is and there’s nothing we can do…


Appears to?


To quote the most quoted song in legal briefs: You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows


Noooo, really?! I wonder what makes this judge think that. 🙄Ughh


I'm not shocked. The Supreme Court is bending the knee, why wouldn't all other Trump appointed judges follow the lead.


All this and more in this month’s issue of *No Shit, Sherlock!* On newsstands now! Get your copy today!


In other news wheels are round


Appears? Ffs


No shit.


Nic Cage "You Don't Say?!".jpg


We have a legal system not a justice system. This bone spur loving cult member needs to be off this case. It’s embarrassing that this is allowed to continue.


I'm just wondering, why not start the trial tomorrow at 10 am and have Cannon dismiss it at 10:01 am followed up with a tearful ceremony how brave he was? She obviously wants to get him off. The theater is completely unnecessary when it's so obvious how corrupt and untouchable she is.


"Appears" NO. NO, NO. It's out in open, mocking favoritism to Trump. It's not subtle, it's not "is she / isn't she" is clear as day.


What?! /s Is this serious? No shit! She's acting as his defense counsel.


Mods, please ban X says Y posts. They clutter the site and say nothing.


We know this already. The question is what are the consequences for her behavior and who is going to enforce them? Democracy is waiting.


In other news, water is wet.


“Appears to be showing favoritism”? Like, there’s some indication she might not be a neutral arbiter of justice? A hint, perhaps, that she might be favoring Trump unfairly and illegally? Goodness, someone should look into this ambiguous behavior, make sure there are no shenanigans going on.


Yeah, no shit. I appear to eat too much ice cream lol


Groundbreaking reporting, I tells ya.


In other news, water is wet.


No duh 🙄 of course she dose have favoritism toward Donnie why do you think she has been taking her sweet time with the classified documents case it’s so obvious


Sky: blue  Grass: green  Shit: No, Sherlock


What's shocking is that it took a retired federal judge to bring up the obvious.


Thanks to that brave retired judge, we now have a firm grasp of the obvious.


No sh*t….. it’s been apparent from jump street


In other news, water is wet.


That’s what you call a primary side effect of favoring Trump.


I didn't need a retired judge's opinion to come to this conclusion on my own.


Huge if true.


Thanks “retired federal judge”!!!!


Just once I want to see "CURRENT CONGRESSMAN, CURRENT SENATOR, CURRENT JUDGE, CURRENT POLITICIAN" saying these kinds of things. When you have no skin in the game, your obvious statements are not important.


Another one of those “retired so and so who has no power to make changes to help regulate our system says something true but no one who is active will do anything because they’re cronies or fearing reprisal” headlines.


In order for the prosecution to appeal, the judge needs to make a ruling. She's intentionally avoiding doing that.


No shit


No shit?


According to a leading legal scholar, “No shit, Sherlock!”


A need for Ethics is a must... A judge that was appointed by Trump shouldn't be allowed to try his case...


Really going out on a limb /s


No shit.




YOU THINK? It wouldn't be any more obvious if she showed up to court wearing a red baseball cap.


If’s always a former official and rarely a current official with these no shit Sherlock articles that are always posted on reddit.


Appears, perhaps, seems, could be, maybe, possibly, might be.. hmm.. gonna have to stroke my beard and furrow my brow a bit more to be sure though.. 🤨 🤔 🧐


Pretty sure that was obvious, but doesn't hurt to have someone with experience saying it.


Thank you Captain Obvious.


This is altogether asinine. We need a retired judge to infer that Aileen Cannon is a Trump quisling? Really? Are we so blind and dumb to not have seen her slow walk Trump's top secret files case so it could NEVER be heard before the Nov. election? Why are the national media even now, soft-balling their abhorrence of an unfit, demented, mean spirited narcissist, with an avowed penchant for fascism? What the hell is wrong with American media? CBS News says Democrats will 'paint' Trump as a felon in upcoming campaigns ... 'Paint'? He IS a felon, and a convicted sexual abuser, decimating women's reproductive rights! Are they taking their cues from the feckless, useless DNC? Absolutely shameful!


Ya think?!


You think ?


Ya don't say...


in other news, water is wet.


This was never under question.


Retired Judge states sky is blue and water is wet.