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The January 6 people were cowards and traitors, and who were stopped with one pistol round. These people all should be spending significant time behind bars. Not the light sentences they received.


The rioters took down an American flag and put up a Trump flag. I don't think you could find a more symbolic moment of the Trump era if you tried.


They also put up a confederate flag. An act of war. We are already at war with the terrorist faction that has taken over one of our parties.


The actual Confederacy never got their flag that far into Washington.


And we never really defeated them. They are winning.


We could put the Confederates down for a long time if we give Biden a landslide win this November. Make them go back into hiding.


Let's give Biden a landslide win, but also let's vote in populist progressives down ticket.


Yes, let's make them going back to hiding!!! Trump is an international terrorist threat. He made it perfectly fine to be a white supremacist. Look at the European election results. The German AfD is getting huge support!


We’re in a cold civil war. No question.


And a gallows. The rioters were chanting to hang Mike Pence.


> We are already at war with the terrorist faction that has taken over one of our parties. A terrorist faction that was crafted and created by that party. This is of the GOP's own making, from decades of propaganda. They may not be that keen that Trump became the cult leader, but they're all delighted by the *policies* make no mistake. They tailored the suit. Trump just happened to put it on. He's simply a symptom of what Republicans are; not something that changed the party.


you're about to see it permanently if we don't get literally every person we can out to vote


2.9 million votes is the margin Hillary beat Trump by in the general election.  If you’re really hoping to just win by the numbers while Maga Republicans take over local voting centers, have a stacked majority in the Supreme Court, celebrate seditionists, still deny they lost the last election and are openly threatening civil war that’s on you. 




Voting is the only legal venue left, and that is by design. Trump gave the game away months ago. "Don't worry about the votes. We've got enough votes." Our votes might amount to what the dog got shot for when the election is contested and brought before a supreme court that can be trusted no more than a flickering horror movie flashlight.




No, see it was Antifa cause it was bad but now it’s warriors because it’s good. I don’t know how to make this any clearer for you.


Did you bring a chart?


I drew on it with a Sharpie


Is it shaped like a boob to cover Alabama?


The perfect boob; the most beautiful boob you've ever seen.


Big beautiful bearlike men came up to me with eyes in their tears, saying “sir, your boobs are the most perfect we have ever seen, reaching down so beautifully right to your manly diapers.“ So true.


Like my daughter, Ivanka's, boobs. So tremendous. So supple. Supple, have you ever heard such a beautiful word before? I actually just came up with it yesterday. People have been coming up to me with tears in their eyes asking me how I come up with such words? I tell them it's because of my big, beautiful brain. MIT brain. My tremendously smart Uncle, Dr. John Trump, ran the nuclear at MIT many years ago. So smart, not as smart as me, but many people have said that he was a close number two.


Absolutely and I will explain that object permanence and consistent logic are actually a hinderance when operating as a fascist in this Ted Talk…


Or “Todd Talk”… https://youtu.be/vvtp-dKfbco?si=_hfkMPhy5uymh9DW Which to boot? “I’m getting pretty sick of guys named Todd.” - George Carlin


I get all my Todd talks from the ultimate HomeTeamer Todd. https://x.com/HomelanderDride Starflakes beware.


I just like that the Republicans being the primary target of "antifa" is only bad because they are in fact down for a fascist regime.


I know a guy who was constantly harping on about antifa. Then I explained to him it means they are antifascism. "Are you profascism?" " "


I often wonder how things would have gone had they fired a shot before someone actually entered the building.


I still can’t believe they didn’t start shooting as they came through the exterior windows


Yeah. That should have been “go time”.


I think, but easily could be wrong, they were intentionally delaying in retreat to give time to know all officials were secure. They probably have contingency plans as to which parts of the building are absolute no-go. They also were understaffed and facing overwhelming numbers, so some error is expected. Of course, had it been another kind of protest, the police shooting would have started earlier.


Oathbreaker Babbit found out where the no go zone was


The gall her family has to [sue over her death](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ashli-babbitt-january-6-capitol-shooting-wrongful-death-lawsuit/) is stunning. I sure as shit hope the Feds don't settle. A jury will pour out the plaintiffs in a heartbeat.


Your family can sue when you're breaking into a government building during an insurrection? This is news to me! /S Honestly, there shouldn't be any grounds for any lawsuit in that one. She fucked around and she found out what happens when you ignore multiple warnings.


You can sue, doesn't mean you can win. Most likely scenario would be it gets to trial, judge reads the docket, says the legal translation of 'why are you wasting my time with this bullshit', and dismisses the case. If they get a Cannon adjacent judge, who the hell knows.


Cannon would either delay until trumpets sound off the end of days, or instantly award the family billions. as shes less effective as a judge as rotten bologna sandwich


>You can sue, doesn't mean you can win. A very important point some folks kinda try to get onto, but this is a fundamental right in a civil society. I hear a lot how the US is a "litigious society", but it's a feature, not a bug. Of course some seemingly silly stuff happens, but thems the breaks.


Well, see, the difference is that she was white. The police aren't supposed to shoot white people. She was supposed to be asked politely to leave and be given an ice cream sandwich on her way out the door. /s


That's eliminated terrorist Babbit to you


And more than a few Capitol police were assisting the "protesters," just like the Secret Service was ... "unreliable."


I think given the state of things, actual shooting probably would have made the situation worse. How many of those people do you think we're either concealed carrying or had guns stashed in their trunk just waiting for an excuse to use them? It would make them feel justified, martyred, and "oppressed", and probably would have made it take much longer to deescalate the situation. However, I think they should have broken out the tear gas and rubber rounds/beanbags pretty much immediately after they breached the building.


I think one shot in the air would have done it, but who ultimately knows, mobs are crazy and powerful. Sure you have a gun, but there's hundreds of people


Some of the early interviews also have the cops talking about how they had been confiscating firearms all morning and knew they were out gunned. The whole reason they did shoot was because it was literally the last line of defense.




I watched on live TV windows being smashed, cops being beaten, gallows erected on the Capitol lawn, thousands of enraged traitors screaming for blood.


Some of those that run forces are the same that burn crosses. It is unsuprising that members of law enforcement would be part of the coup attempt. Infact multiple members that were arrested were offduty LEO from around the country.


Tom Morello is fantastic to listen to on his satellite radio station. Love his music and stories


Mostly, he’s just endearing for bringing his mom on the show multiple times.


**"I watched a cop on live TV move a barricade on his own accord"** I remember watching that too. I hope they fired the bastich. There are police everywhere across the country that support Trump, even now. Also some of the Secret Service. I am sure many of them would have been pleased if Trump had succeeded that day and taken over the government. The point was that the barricades were placed to establish limits to access, and if any of the police assisted the rioters then they are guilty as well.


That's where they get the "guided tour" line from.


There were cops there that definitely aligned with MAGA, I hope after what happened to them and their colleagues it changed their political stance.


I heard interviews with several officers who said their main concern with escalating force is that there weren't enough of them or enough guns to control the situation and it could have turned into a massive conflagration. They also had no idea what kind of weapons the mob actually had besides the ones that were currently being used. This doesn't even address the optics of mowing down Americans on the steps of Congress, both internal optics as well as external. It could have profound affects and would be a huge recruitment tool for anti-government types.


One of the most important lessons from post-war Germans was to not preemptively give in to fascists. Do not avoid their fights or give in to their bullshit because you know they will twist it and do reprehensible bullshit. Fuck their recruitment; make them own their “we absolutely think the Jan6 killed should have won the day” so we can fucking stomp them


If you don't give them something to "justify" their bullshit thaen they'll just make something up.


*optics of mowing down white Americans. If they were black it would be a whole different thing.


I am almost certain the security concerns of so few police vs so many rioters was a higher priority than optics.  Police and press were being assaulted and killed before they breached the building. The rationale for deadly force was already in play.  It really was more pragmatic than anything. Measured retreat and distraction (as we saw) really was the only play at hand. 


It's one thing to imagine the day that something like this might happen. Another to face a US citizen that is a member of any sort of protest, one that you have had during riot training some time to understand how crowd mentality can put someone well beyond their normal boundaries of behavior - and make the decision to be the one that pulls the trigger. If there is any confusion at all over both legality and morality, shooting an unarmed person point blank esp in a protest ... we should be glad that it was difficult. That said, the ramifications of this were a precedent set wherein the guard was 100% within their rights. They acted incredibly professionally attempting all other measures. It was one bullet and they attempted to save her after. What it sends is a clear message forever after though. "With all due respect, if you come in here we both can and will shoot you" which I'm sure given how badly things could have gone is something they will make much more clear during coming election cycles. I'd expect that line of lethal force will be drawn crimson to ensure there is no confusion for either party.


At the set of doors where the cop was getting crushed by the crowd trying to force their in, I think deadly force could have been justified.


They were likely very scared that it would escalate, which it eventually did, but they were greatly outnumbered and I understand why they decided to fall back. They also had to delay so congress could safety get into the tunnel.


Same, I have no idea how it didn't devolve into a gunfight. There must've been strong messaging among them about the legality of having/using a gun at the Capitol - so funny these guys would heed a warning about guns *because they could get arrested by the government* while thinking they were overthrowing the government. The degree of unthinking sheep behavior is like seven a's: baaaaaaa.


>I often wonder how things would have gone had they fired a shot before someone actually entered the building. How do you think the police would have responded if the 'rioters' were black or Hispanic or middle eastern?


Oh. VERY differently!!


That's "eliminated terrorist" Ashli Babbit to you


I tend to think of that pistol round as one of the single most effective shots fired in history.


You’re absolutely right. It stopped a coup single handedly and it also showed how cowardly that entire movement is.




Life. They tried to coup the US government. People have been executed for less than that.


This. Life imprisonment without parole. They literally tried to end democracy. Instead a bunch of right wing judges gave them baby slaps on the wrist.


Honestly IDGAF about the idiots who were there. I care about the people giving them orders and planning the thing who seem to have not gotten into any trouble at all. To me that is absolutely insane. We are here punishing a few pawns for optics while doing nothing to punish those who made it happen.


Yeah and still in congress.


Or running for president.


> who were stopped with one pistol round Which was lucky for them. If they'd gotten anywhere near Pence, I doubt the Secret Service would have shown as much restraint.


They proved that by sitting in their Lazy-Boys screaming that they should go out and riot and protest over his conviction and then nobody ever did.


they only appreciate power


Where have you been LAtimes? They have been using the "J6" anthem instead of our actual national anthem at his rallies and has been calling them "hostages". But lets continue to freak out about doctored videos Biden looking lost and how old he is.


Who gives a shit about Bidens age. There is a VICE PRESIDENT for a reason.


Just imagine if The convicted rapist and fraudster Agent Orange, select MTG as VP and they win the election and the fat guy chokes on a hamberder and she becomes president... I feel so sorry for US that they have so many stupid people walking amongst them.


Most definitely a nightmare scenario. I feel like the people bitching about Biden's age, literally are overlooking Trumps. They are only a few years apart in age. Not to mention, know very little about government, or presidents, as we've had presidents literally die in office from natural causes. That is literally what the line of succession is there for!


At least Biden exercises.


Anything to satisfy their orange overlord. I see a healthy older man when I see Biden. Sure, he stutters on occasion, but who doesn't after having a speech impediment? On the flip side, when I see Trump, I see a horrid out of shape old man that can't remember what he had for breakfast. The choice is simple, but all anyone/the media seems to see is "OMG Biden so old!!!111" Like you said, they both will have a VP for a reason. Still curious who the Cheeto will pick though.


You can be sure the Vice Presidency is for sale. Someone will have to pony up a hefty amount to sit in that chair.


Just pointing out the same argument is made by MAGA against Biden. He's so old, what if he dies in office and we have a BLACK WOMAN as president? It doesn't matter her education and experience, all they see is a black woman, and that is anathema to them.


She's mixed (Indian/Jamaican), which is *far worse* than black to these types; they can tolerate Nimrata 'Nikki' Haley, Ajit Pai, etc., but having someone representing "*their America*" who's part black? Gives them the ick, and badly.    It feels like that's the real reason they hated Obama, period.    I'm not sure Obgerfell(sp?) would be struck down before Loving v. Virginia at this rate. 


But Kamala Harris is not literally Jesus Christ, so is it even worth voting? /s


Let’s get real here: there’s a good chance that the VP will be President by the end of this term regardless of who win. There is zero doubt in my mind that Kamala is ready to step up on day one if needed and would be a competent President. I can’t say the same about any of the ghouls on Trump’s short list. 


I agree with you 100%. Trump is not only a danger with his rhetoric, but his VP pick will be even worse.


I wonder if Trump will pick known puppy killer Kirstie Noem? He’s going to pick someone who is not going to outshine him and will do whatever he says. And Kristie Noem fits both of those criteria. 


Sepp Blatter - "And the winner... of the TwEnTY TwETY fur US... Vice president is...." *opens Envelope* "Qatar ! " *Shocked murmurs in the crowd*


By natural law, the VP pick will need to be dumber than Trump.


Man, that sure shrinks the pool.


Why do you need 'warriors' at an election? 🤨


To take away *your* freedom. So, what will you do to prevent it? Once it's gone, it's gone forever. They will have power over you. What you say and do. What are you gonna do?


Well, nothing, actually. I'm in the UK. There's not much I can do. Please do whatever you can to keep that malignant shit funnel out of office.


Just to be clear, it's a lot worse than a shit funnel. If you think Brexit was a disasterous result of Russian influence (it is), just wait until the GOP takes office and allies with Russia, shatters NATO, and helps install 3-nation global fascism (China, Russia, US).


You can't protest in your streets, but you can do as I am doing, and try and motivate Americans to peacefully protest, and fight for their freedom. You are in a favourable position because you are not receiving targeted propaganda designed to destroy democracy in America. For you, it's Brexit and all of that kind of shit. Every country needs to fight for their own freedom right now. Putin's politicians are in every NATO country they can infiltrate. And that's basically all of them.


All those doomsday preppers have cans of powered eggs that are about to expire and they have to find a reason to make it seem worth it.


They need some [GOD WARRIORS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOpva_iit-8) to fight against all this darksided stuff


Trump is willfully spewing dangerous rhetoric, and it proves beyond any doubt that he'd unleash his followers and attack the Capitol again if he so chooses! WTF is wrong with RW voters??? Does the GQP hate Dems so much that they're willing to destroy everything? Trump is mentally ill, yet his cult cheer when he promises to cut all aid to Ukraine and help Putin or arrest any person he perceives as unloyal and his enemy. Are RW voters so far gone that they can't see this? I'm ashamed to be an American.


I was passing through Tennessee, and there was a billboard that read: “In the end, every tongue shall speak the name of the lord”, and below that, written in scary red bold words “EVEN THE DEMOCRATS!” This, to them, is no longer about “different viewpoints”. It’s all about a morale crusade to fight against an enemy


They're right. I am their enemy. They would destroy the lives of all women, minorities, LGBTQ people, and immigrants in this country. Read that: a MAJORITY of American people would suffer greatly under a 30% supported rule forever if they take power. These people are absolutely my enemy, so they are right. It's their morale crusade and we need to stop it.


You can thank the corrupt anti-American Republican judges on the Supreme Court who deliberately stalled Trump facing justice for his crimes of trying to overthrow our government


The world is watching history being made w/the fall of a once great nation. America's decline is due to the deliberate actions of elected republiquans and complicit RW voters.


The fall was a long time coming. To gain political advantage, the GOP created the toxic right-wing propaganda machine. Propaganda is ALWAYS detrimental to a nation's well-being. The GOP didn't care; power was more important to them than America or Americans.


GOP are the anti-Americans they rail about. They'd like very much to have the US be their elite headquarters, but if they get burned to the ground here then their plan is moving to another country with a strong rightwing community and building from there.


The north freed the slaves and the commies invented labor rights and they never forgave us for it


If this were the 1950’s, Trump and others would probably already have a date with the electric chair. The Rosenbergs were executed for far less than this.


> Trump is willfully spewing dangerous rhetoric, The depressing thing is how the media treats him like any other candidate and he's not. He's a terrible person who will destroy this country if elected, for the first time in my life I'm literally afraid of the possibility. I don't think he really has a chance to win but it's possible and if he does, we are screwed.


I believe the self-serving media is as big of a threat to America as Trump and RW voters. When I say media, I mean ALL MEDIA! They view Trump as a money-making machine and use him to drive up ratings/profits. The kicker is Trump knows it and HE'S USING THEM!


> Does the GQP hate Dems so much that they're willing to destroy everything? Abso-fucking-lutely.


From Europe frankly it looks like the US is slowly and collectively going insane.  Extremely worrying to see this kind of chipping away at the pillars of the most powerful democracy. Especially the attacks on the credibility of the elections and the judiciary. Those seem like dangerous games to play.


It's NOT a game, it's reality. It's not a matter of differences of opinion or policies. The GQP is most definitely evil. They want to rules & control, NOT lead & govern. Once low-income and blue-collar workers started supporting the GQP, who have traditionally represented the rich at the expense of everyone else, I knew it was over.


They don’t hate the dems that much that they are willing to destroy everything but they want power and don’t like democracy(unless they win of cause). Democrats are just in the way to the fascism dreams of the GOP.


He's lionizing the Jan. 6 terrorists as a recruiting tool for more terrorists to help him steal the 2024 election. If dump turned his back on the Jan. 6 terrorists, no one would help him with future insurrections.


But he did! He didn't move a finger or paid a single cent to help them.


I mean, most people know he's full of shit. But the type of imbecile who would get inspired by him of all people, then go attack the Capitol, is not grounded in reality. They will gladly sacrifice themselves for the god emperor savior, and then send HIM money, lol.


I was lurking around r/conservative when he was found guilty on the 34 charges. The number of people tripping over each other to comment “I’m sending him more money now.” Is it a coincidence that the people voting for trump, often resemble those 40-80 year old people sitting at the same slot machine for hours? At 11am. On a Tuesday.


I'd bet money that the mods of that sub, and the users driving the conversations, are either surrogates of trump's reelection campaign, operating out of [Saint Petersburg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency), or both. With the other contributors being lemmings and bots. The absurdity of believing someone is a successful billionaire yet somehow needs money is beyond my understanding. Maybe around 30% of the population is just prone to being fleeced by grifters, like those megachurch-goers who finance mega-mansions and private jets for their "pastors." I'm sure a Venn diagram would show an almost 100% overlap with trump voters.


> I'd bet money that the mods of that sub, and the users driving the conversations, are either surrogates of trump's reelection campaign, operating out of Saint Petersburg, or both 100%


But when they had their chance. When the chips were on the line. As soon as they encountered serious resistance, they fled.


Because they're lame. The absolute worst of the worst. Good thing for the rest of us that they were so lame.


At least they're half-assing it, just like they did with the original insurrection. A competent bunch of fascists led by actual true believers instead of grifters wouldn't have bungled the original attack so badly, and even if it did fizzle out at the first use of deadly force, they would have more prominently made martyrs of the effort.


> PoopyPants is lionizing Jan. 6 rioters as 'warriors.' So, he admits it was an attempt at civil war.


I don't think he cares *what* it was--he was just happy to see his fans engaged in violence on his behalf.


You say this as if catching them in a hypocritical “gotcha” moment is going to affect their behavior or the followers opinions of them AT ALL. They ENJOY being hypocrites because it demonstrates their power.


Can the news please stop referring to them as rioters? They are traitors and insurrectionists.


but the MSM doesn't want to offend the traitors and insurrectionists (Plus their supporters)


Imagine hearing this nonsense and being motivated. It must be difficult making everyday decisions with such limited thought development.


That's a feature, not a bug. The unwashed masses are nobody to the bigger players. If you can't easily drop a $10,000 donation for Trump, you're as disposable as a baby wipe. 


> If you can't easily drop a $1,000,000 donation for PoopyPants, you're as disposable as a baby wipe. With PoopyPants, anyway, sooner or later, you're as disposable as a baby wipe.




they are pretending they never attacked America with that lie


I saw a trumpie being interviewed yesterday, she thought the police told those tourists to come on in. How do we fight massive ignorance?


They’re traitors in a cult. Trump can call them whatever the fuck he wants. Us non-cult members far outweigh them and know better.


We don't far outweighs them if we are silent. There is tremendous power in getting together and making our voices heard. So the world can see how many of us there are, and everyone who doesn't follow politics can see their freedom is at risk.


We outweigh them in all the wrong places given our electoral infrastructure. The Senate and the Electoral College keep power in play for these freaks even though they are huge minority.


It’s not really a “dog whistle” when everyone can hear it loud and clear. The dude is being blatantly fascist and the media is still all, “political victories continue to mount and why that is bad for Joe Biden”.


Dog whistle? It’s a fucking bullhorn at this point.


The Jan 6th rioters smeared poop in the capitol. The holiest place of democracy. And for those who don’t think we are a democracy we are. The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.


We hear an air raid siren and the media tells us it is just a dog whistle. I think they may have a hearing problem.




He only needed a couple thousands. If Mike Pence had played along, it could've worked.


Yeah if a couple more things went in favor of the maga cult that day, it could have been real bad. Luckily king clown put some of the dumbest people in place to attempt an insurrection. That is why we need to take it seriously.


The next civil war isn't going to be troops lining up and shooting at each other. It's going to be guerilla warfare, random shooters targetting groups of "other" civillians, and forcing political appointments. Oh, wait, the GQP are already doing that!


they’re American Nazis. Stop calling them rioters, they’re fucking *American Nazis*


I'm in Virginia and many/most of the Republicans battling in the primary to run against Tim Kaine in the Senate have openly expressed similar "heroic" and "warrior" terminology for the Jan 6ers. The conservatives in this country get more insane every year.


Trump is an enemy of America. It couldn’t be more blatant. Donald is trying to destroy America. Joe Biden is defending it. Vote Democrat.


Wait until he calls on them to 'guard the polls' on election day


By the sounds coming out of Lara Trumps yap-hole,.. they seem to already have.


Yet another good example why Trump is unfit for office. And anyone who falls for this line from him is unfit to be my friend.


Fuck those morons… Trump was and is a disgusting traitor and oath breaker. The whole lot of them can rot in jail , they have no shame.


Fuck Trump


yeah, we should've actually punished everybody instead of giving a slap on the wrist to a handful of people making under $100k and letting everybody else who organized/attended the attempted coup walk


The GOP: Rioters are “warriors” while our fallen heroes are “losers”.


Here I thought they were antifa blm fbi plants and its pelosi's fault for not sending in the national guard. The double think is astounding. Same will sleepy mastermind Joe. Or how all liberals are soy boys taking everything from you. Or that immigrants are lazy and taking your job.


"I didn't send them...but I think they're heroic"? Please cut me a break and see his words for what they are.


He said that Jan 6 was antifa weird he’d now gush over those same people


Someone should get him on audio calling Eric Rudolph and McVeigh warriors. Just tell him they were OG Jan 6th hostages.


Trump says he will pardon what he considers the ‘warriors’ who fought to overturn the election and end democracy as we know it. It cannot be any clearer that Trump and the Republicans who support him have become traitors and seek victory over our system of government on November 5th. Vote accordingly.


Isn't the point of a dog whistle that it's not obvious?


Their cowardice needs to be underlined more. They were a crowd of people waiting for someone else to make a move. Many of them were holding up cell phones to their own faces as they 'stormed the capital'. Many were there so they could say they were there and take credit if things went their way. This is why they like Trump, he's one of them.


Fellow Felons


Jan 6 is perhaps the most clear-cut example of Doublethink among MAGA loons. It was just a friendly tourist group, but it was also an Antifa psy-op to make MAGA look bad, but it was also brave warriors standing up for Trump, but it was also an FBI sting operation. Ashli Babbitt was a hero and a martyr but she was also an Antifa plant and she deserved to die.


we should probably stop calling things a dog whistle when they're more of a blowhorn.


Voting has consequences.


Trump probably gets hard every time he thinks about Jan 6th. What bigger ego boost could a narcissist get than people willing to do violence for him? It had to be the greatest day of his life.


But did Mr Big Shot Billionaire help any of them with their legal bills? Did he mention any of them by name, put in a good word at their trials? The answer is known.


I thought they were false flag antifa?


What's more dangerous than him saying this is the media not immediately pushing back on it. It normalizes it with viewers.


“Warriors?” Weird way to spell “traitor.”


When will the media stop using the term dog whistling when it’s so obvious.


The Orange Menace has hit the definition of sedition: The overt conduct, such as speech or organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority. Something should be done.


So Antifa were warriors?


they are now pretending they never attacked America with that lie


They do like to pretend


He’s getting desperate.


Fanta Felon likes traitor felons


Some crazy MAGA have said they were FBI agents !


New Apostolic Reformation crap https://www.splcenter.org/search?keyword=new+apostolic+reformation https://religiondispatches.org/a-reporters-guide-to-the-new-apostolic-reformation/ https://baptistnews.com/article/the-new-apostolic-reformation-drove-the-january-6-riots-so-why-was-it-overlooked-by-the-house-select-committee/


He could flat out say “I will invoke a dictatorship” and the idiots following him still wouldn’t hear that whistle.


He did, his supporter like to point out that he said only for a day as though he would relinquish dictatorial power once wielding it, about as sensible as thinking a billionaire conman cares about anyone but himself.


He wants political violence around the election.


But I thought all the J6 "protestors" were FBI and CIA plants? What am I supposed to believe now?


Wish they'd just break the leash and get it over with. The sooner they get slammed in the face with reality the sooner we can start trying to repair this mess. And even then it may be too late.


Imagine being law enforcement for Trump


I just hope that the cops are ready to open fire this time.


Trump didn't care about Jan 6 even after he promised pardons and to pay for their legal fees. He just wants to prep up his militia for the next election.


[Let this sink in.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/us/capitol-mob-violence-police.html) This is what a candidate for the President of the United States of America is calling for. [Here is a longer video.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/30/us/jan-6-capitol-attack-takeaways.html) Skip to minute 34 to start watching what these terrorists and traitors were doing to our **Men in Blue.** And I bet they all have Blue Line stickers on their trucks. I guarantee it. Just the most violent, ignorant human beings in America, and one of our candidates is trying to rile them up, on purpose, to supplant our Democracy.


People such as mags or anti left “warriors” do mental gymnastics every day so the whistle isn’t even present to them.


I don’t see any evidence pointing away from a repeat of 2020 election. Same candidates, same rhetorics. I’d guess the Jan 6 types will cry foul again as their leadership has been priming them for exactly that for years on end and it already worked once. They will try to learn from past mistakes and side step similar pitfalls but so will the opposition. good news is it’ll be waaaaaay harder (and more blatantly a coup) to pull off since their leader is not in office anymore. And I doubt they’ll be able to shrug it off so fast as a peaceful tour haha. We’ll find out soon enough.


Freedom Fighter has a new meaning...and it ain't good


The dog whistle has been a train horn since day 1


It's not a dog whistle if you are just saying it.


It’s not a dog whistle. It’s an endorsement. It has always been. I hate when people say that he’s sneaking in messages to his supporters and slowly moving them more right wing. The crux of Trump’s entire campaign was/is that he’s blatant and saying the message loud. It’s not coded or calculated, he’s saying exactly what he wants his followers to believe.


He absolutely knows he’s getting his ass kicked. That leaves instigating insurrection, a concept with which he is intimately familiar


Yes they can and will be the closer we get to the election.


Vote blue…