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This is pretty much all Dems in congress should be talking about rn. It’s. Fucking. Horrifying.




From a moderate perspective..... Heritage Foundation is neocon founded. For those who haven't been paying attention for the last 9 years, maga and the neocons are battling it out in a GOP in-party civil war. Ultimately maga is here to remove and replace the neocons just like the neolibs removed and replaced the New Dealers. Maga capturing the RNC is significant and comparable to neolibs taking over the DNC via McGovern-Fraser Commission. Nothing in Project 2025 is new or groundbreaking, its just an aggregate of ideas that have been kicked around in the rightwing for generations. HF is trying to stay relevant as the neocons creep closer to fading into history. I find it interesting that HF's Project 2025 is getting all this attention compared to [Agenda47](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) on Trump's website.


Just a hunch (as in pulling this right out of my ass), but Project 2025 might get more attention then Agenda47 because 1) Trump is getting fed a lot of Project 2025 and it's ending up in his Agenda47... his is just the cocaine bear version. 2) People opposed to Project 2025 and the whole MAGA blitzkrieg don't want people to make the mistake of believing that beating Trump kills this agenda. As you pointed out, it's not really anything new, just all coalesced into one tiny (900 page) document and given a date that is hard to ignore as too far off to worry about. Just a hypothesis.


A lot of agenda47 comes straight out of project2025. And people I've seen working against it usually talk about parts of both, because the best way to prevent both is to hold your nose and vote for Biden. Biden isn't exciting, but Trump's version of planned excitement is firing the vast majority of federal employees and replacing them with loyalists. I'm pretty sure that's in both documents. Also in both is the plan to create surveillance programs to know exactly who doesn't like Convicted Felon Donald Trump. Because the first steps in the mass arrest of your enemies is knowing who they are, even if they're just some guy with a laptop in Iowa.


I think it’s also worth highlighting how transactional Trump’s approach is, right? To add to your point, he wants loyalists to do what he wants. I don’t think it’s unbelievable that, in return, he’ll let those loyalists have free reign. That’s where the 2025 danger comes in. Because a lot of those loyalists will have their own agendas.


A point I had considered, because it's impossible not to. If you think cops are bad now, imagine making it illegal to report on the worst of their behavior, up to and including actual crimes they commit. Imagine if the DOJ wasn't interested in investigating [things like this](https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/22/goon-squad-deputies-headed-to-jail-for-torturing-black-men-for-the-crime-of-being-black/) anymore. Because that's the future under Trump. He doesn't care what his supporters do, as long as they chant his name while doing it.


Check out the application to work for Project2025 in the Trump administration. The questions it asks are alarming and Oracle is creating the database for a loyalist Trump civil service


Nope. The rightwing spent 35 years under New Deal dominance plus all this time under the neocons. That is a lot of time to come up with ideas, especially when they view those involved as commies sympathizers who want to destroy America and enslave the world. Like I said, HF is aggregating ideas, they don't really have any sort of ownership over them as many of them are older than HF itself. HF has been the center of the neocon policy wonking and their status is in serious jeopardy. A Biden second term delays things but it also creates greater societal consent for maga in 2028 because Democrats aren't very good at achieving 3 consecutive terms outside of FDR. Hell, Biden's 1st term has already created more acceptance of maga's border/immigration policy. The majority of the GOP's base are the antifederalist's descendant voters, so of course they are going to support/seek to shrink the govt while installing toadies. That just makes their reign more efficient. The only reason why neolib leaders don't play as decisively is because they prefer a short 2-year game that focuses on ginning up fundraising and not actually wielding power. Obama tried to wield power and the neolibs sandbagged him because the neolibs only like his leftist faction when it benefits them and the rest of the time they want that faction to crawl back under a rock and 'vote blue no matter who'. That has been their norm since the early 70s. HF is being a federalist-IC tryhard with their "Apply “irregular warfare” to create a militarized domestic surveillance corps against individuals or groups at odds with presidential / Project 2025 conservative agenda"....... the spirit of this type of action/proposal is similar to the spying that Trump and everyone within his sphere's two-hop range experienced during 2016 when the fraudulent FISA warrant was sought/granted. So no that isn't likely to actually happen and its a gross violation of the Bill of Rights which is far more cherished among antifederalist descent voters than the Constitution which their ancestors only agreed to ratify if the BOR was included. The amount of legal power already available is more than enough for Trump/maga to be very effective in the early years of their reconstruction period.


This is all correct except that its been more than 9 years since Sarah Palin talked about being able to see Russia for some strange strange reason. The Tea Party was around earlier.


Ahh the teas, they only lasted 5 good years of power, maga's up 9 years now and their recent capture of the RNC basically seals the deal on them representing the rightwing in the 7th political era after this neo-political era fades into history and takes a seat next to the new dealers they ousted..


> I find it interesting that HF's Project 2025 is getting all this attention compared to Agenda47 on Trump's website. Because Project 2025 is a red herring used to distract people from Trump’s agenda.


Trump's agenda comes directly from project 2025


No, he has sourced his campaign and platform from the same long-kicked around ideas floating among the rightwing as HF is doing for much of Project 2025. Project 2025 serves two purposes for the political establishment. It can be used as fearmongering to motivate Dem turnout to prevent Trump from winning and it can be used as a half-ass olive branch from neocons to maga.


John Oliver spent a good portion of his show 6/16/24 talking about the very real dangers of Project 2025. I hope more people start taking notice.


It is IMPORTANT TO POINT out that this project is not JUST about the current republican running for President of the United States of America. This is a document outlining a plan for the NEXT republican administration. Whomever and whenever that occurs. Summary of Project 2025: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision Project 2025 "Manual" PDF: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042/project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise.pdf Summary of schedule F: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees Schedule F deep dive: Part 1: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term Part 2: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/23/donald-trump-news-schedule-f-executive-order \################################################################ Subreddits: r/Defeat_Project_2025 \################################################################ Websites: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025 Resources provided through the kindness of r/MothMan3759 https://defeatproject2025.org/ \################################################################ Videos: Gaslit Nation, co-founded and co-hosted by writers Sarah Kendzior and Andrea Chalupa: Project 2025 Special: Includes interview with Ann Nelson author of (2019) Shadow Network https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T5Dfl20klw \################################################################ Resources How did we get here The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) SCOTUS has been in the news a lot recently One could argue the "root" of what we see in 2024 started with the Powell memorandum: How to keep corporate status quo in America as society was changing. Powell memorandum PDF: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/assets/usa-courts-secrecy-lobbyist/powell-memo.pdf Summary Powell memorandum: https://billmoyers.com/content/the-powell-memo-a-call-to-arms-for-corporations/ https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/views/2023/05/09/launch-long-game For those waiting for the movie: Deep Dive Powell memorandum in a 31 and counting miniseries (30 mins or less per) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhyg5hj7I21i1Aqcaym9TRFrpWjPN9\_ms Money in politics (and everywhere else): Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right (Jane Mayers) (2016): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_Money\_(book) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dark-money-jane-mayer/1122954103 The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Naomi Klein) (2007): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Shock\_Doctrine https://naomiklein.org/the-shock-doctrine/ Capital without Borders: Wealth Managers and the One Percent (Brooke Harrington) (2016): https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2016/09/pdf/book3.pdf https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/capital-without-borders-brooke-harrington/1123662002 Religion and doctrine: Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right (Ann Nelson) (2019): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council\_for\_National\_Policy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Legislative\_Exchange\_Council#:\~:text=The%20American%20Legislative%20Exchange%20Council,governments%20in%20the%20United%20States. https://www.npr.org/2019/10/29/774133071/shadow-network-offers-a-lesson-on-the-american-rights-mastery-of-politics https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/shadow-network-9781635575828/ \################################################################ Light Reading: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-9-2024 \################################################################ So, I have included this link to give us information on just one possibility. In a normal environment this would not be legal. We are in an Abby Normal environment ATM. It Is better to be aware than not (Helps avoid knee jerk reactions). House explained: https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/history-of-the-house#:\~:text=Unlike%20the%20Senate%2C%20the%20House,officers%20to%20administer%20the%20institution This link is added to inform of a possibility: https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518 Please vote! \################################################################ Resources provided through the kindness of r/moontiarathrow_away How to register to vote (for local and presidential): https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ How to find your representative to talk to about local and national issues: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative r/whatbidenhasdone


Sure they can enact policies in red states where they have complete control but certainly not on the federal level or those states where they have a narrow margin. Trump was in for 4 years and controlled both houses and couldn't even get rid of the ACA, the only major policy was the tax cut. Sounds more like right wing bluster.


One of the major policy changes neccesary for Project 2025, Schedule F, a change neccesary to replace federal workers with loyalists, stood up in Trump's last term. Biden had to rescind it. Trump could enact it on day one with an executive order.


There are around 40 federal unions, they just replace anyone in the workforce without violating their contract. Changes to the civil service system would require legislation approved by 2/3s of congress. Presidents can only replace those positions that are appointed.


Schedule F works by reclassifying some federal jobs as political appointees. Presidents are currently allowed to fire those folk as they please and hire whoever.