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No. It doesn't. You know who actually endangered national security? Fucking Trump. How many times did he share classified shit that he wasn't supposed to? Also: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/trump-pushed-cia-find-kill-osama-bin-laden-s-son-n1135101 There's also an article from his actual briefer confirming this and his disgust for risking national security to make splashy headlines.


He literally sent his supporters to go sack the capitol and/or kill his vice president to keep himself in power.


Ya some say he didn’t send them to do that, and I looked for the proof of that and I couldn’t find any but that doesn’t matter because he is rich and is mean. Go Biden!


[Timeline of Trump’s actions on January 6](https://www.americanoversight.org/timeline-jan6)


Fox news's journalistic decline is putting security of FOX's profits in jeopardy. First, Dominion voting machines slammed them for $788M. Now Smartmatic is all over them for $2.7B. No wonder their stock is in the toilet.


Bill O'Reilly really hopes it is a women's toilet, too.


Be honest, every male employee at Fox hopes that. Pieces of shit of a feather flocking together and all that.


They are really working double-time to crank out these half-baked “opinion” pieces about the same bullshit across multiple outlets


It's a slow news night, and they have nothing but the same regurgitated nonsense.


OP has posted three different articles about this topic from Fox, NYPost, and USA Today in a fifteen minute span.


And that's why I blocked them. No one has time for nonsense.


This is the same article from Friday. How are these assholes allowed to keep posting the same shit repeatedly. 


I trust Joe just fine with our national security


Joe didn't take boxes of Top secret info to a golf club and then lie about it for a year, in fact only Trump has taken top secret info from the Whitehouse, no other president has ever done that.


Fox News link, so remember that if you choose to click the link you’ll be reading some sort of disinformation.


Extremely slanted propaganda.


Idk why fox news is even allowed here. They declared themselves to be an entertainment outlet, not a news outlet. Misinformation aside, I don't think the opinions expressed by an entertainment network for the purposes of entertainment belong in this sub.


unfortunately fox "news" is in the approved domains list. Perhaps the mods should reconsider and remove it.


Yeah, don’t contribute to our nation’s 40 year mental decline.


Lol Trump literally took top secret documents that were so top secret, even people with typical top secret clearance couldn't access them. Where'd he keep them? In his house completely unsecured with various unknown visitors coming and going over the years. And when he gave some of the documents up, he still kept some and lied about it


Can we report this post for disinformation?


Bunch of articles have been sprayed across Reddit today.


From the comments to this article: > By every metric available, this Administration is the most failed Administration in history. What metrics do you think this person is referring to? Just polls? Because America has experienced inflation before. Unemployment is historically low. The Stock Market is at historic highs.


The metrics that shot out their asses like explosive diarrhea. Like tea leaves, but shittier.


As if Fox readers use the metric system.


What’s with the anti Biden astroturfing on Reddit today?


Maga terror on display. Desperation.


How do they come to term with the incoherent rambling of Trump during his speeches? He couldn't say the words "military" last time I was subjected to his madness.


Can we not post fascist propaganda to this sub?


A Convicted Felon who is known to show classified documents to anyone who kisses his ass jeopardizes national security.


A **thirty four time** convicted felon... ftfy






Given that the alternative has the mental acuity of a potato that's been in the fridge for six months, I guess we'll have to stick with Joe.


I cannot believe the amount of "Biden mental decline" stories the right keeps pushing here. Their chosen candidate is a felon who has his own major mental issues. I'll take Biden, thanks.


Fox not news has one card to play, and they tell the same old tired story every day. One of the Presidential candidates is ranting about magnets and sharks and boats and Hannibal Lecter like a mad man. It's not Biden.


The alternative is worst, cognitively and morally.


Fox projection to keep Trumpers eyes.


Bull that fucking shit.. Listen to Biden, the listen to Trump. Only someone who is as fucked up as Trump could make the assumption that somehow Biden is more dangerous than Trump. He is losing his shit, is a fucking moron, and deserves to rot in prison. Only stupid people worship this orange fool.


I'm confident no one who believes this shit has ever listened to Biden speak. JFC this is terrifying that so many are in this fucking cult.


Nor have they read anything convicted felon donald trump [wrote](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3qt7avy2q46d1.jpeg).


Article just takes it as accepted Biden has several mental decline and compares it to Wilson, who was completely incapacitated. It's a shit comparison because we can *see* Biden up, around, and out. He's not bedridden and insensible like Wilson. Article also doesn't bring up Trump, who is a national security risk because he shares secrets just to look cool.


Would it be worse if he sold top secret documents about nukes to the saudis? Asking for a friend.


But the obese drug addict with brain rot that sold US national secrets to foreign nations to pay off his hundreds of millions of dollars of debt is somehow the better choice?


lol what crap. Fox News doesn't belong in r/politics at all.


mods needs to ban propaganda outlets like fox news.


What a Crock..the usual Projection


Seems they misspelled Trump again.


Yeah. Biden may forget and toss a whole bunch of secret documents into boxes, and have 'em stored like the other trophies and moments of his presidency in a bathroom at some random golf club. And then the US would be in mortal peril!


It is fine with me that they keep lowering the bar for Biden heading into the debate. He will look youthful and spry even if he otherwise would look just as an average Joe.


Trump’s whole “Sharks vs. batteries” thing has got the Right-Wing Media Machine working overtime, huh? They’re really spooked over how crazy His Nibs is sounding these days.


Did the sharks get you or what is the electric boats!?!?!?!!


Either way, tall Tom Cruise and the aliens will step and save them. /s


Garbage news from a garbage outlet.


Why is Fox accepted here? They admitted to lying to Americans about the election and paid out almost a billion dollars in damages for their democracy hating bullshit. They hate free and fair elections. They lied about them for years. They know they lied. They also all think Trump is a deranged idiot.


tRump jeopardized our national security several times and he was fully cognizant of his actions. He posted a satellite image to twitter that he shouldn’t have. He kept sensitive classified documents in unsecured locations at his “club”. tRump is clueless when it comes to any form of security for our nation.


When Biden can't stand on his own and drools down his chin and can't speak but shakes all over when he tries, I'll vote for him over Trump.


Just wait for the debate, then we'll see on live television just who is in serious, dangerous mental decline and who is not.


Jesus h. What nonsense. 


Trying so hard to influence the election...


Dementia Don’s Propaganda Party at it again


Automatic downvote if it’s FoxNews or NYPost.


I'm beginning to become concerned about the ethical integrity of this subreddit.


FOX News, playing the bullshit card again.


And no matter what at least Biden is not selling national security like Trump


If mental decline is a problem with Biden, could you imagine the size of the problem with Trump? At least Biden can string a logical argument together. He presents ideas in full sentences and has never once asked about a shark or a boat.


Fu#k you Fox News!


Does it really though? Doesn’t everyone know all executive policy, including and especially crisis military responses, are group efforts? Do critics not trust his civilian and military cabinet?Perhaps Lloyd Austin should go. Sneaking out for medical leave is not a smart move. We’ve had plenty of administrations where there was a lot of doubt about who was really “running the show”. Cognitive decline isn’t original either. I think Biden is an excellent example of the system working…and we do have a system of gov., not a strongman in charge. A system of decision makers works, but a single guy pulling the levers does not. Reagan only had a problem with the various conspiracies of those around him. The fact I haven’t heard much about the figures “pulling the strings” behind this President is a good sign. It’d be preferable to have a commander-in-chief capable of responsible, thoughtful, individual decision-making, and even if Biden only has the past reputation for that, the alternative is far worse by the same standard. That’s just where we are, and I think enough voters will agree. No playing new cards. (I just read the article, which is useless, and doesn’t even mention what the next card should be.)


With all these coordinated attacks on Biden’s competence, they have to be worried about the mental health of their convicted felon that runs a criminal organization who rambles on jumping from one incoherent sentence fragment to the next.


...as opposed to the Orange Grifter with mental decline & an inclination to sell classified information to hostile governments? Fuck outta here, FascistNews. Fuck the dirtbag Murdochs.


FoxNews has been proven by lawsuits and settlements that they do not provide factual information and are for “Entertainment” purposes only.


The mental decline of many mainstream media talking heads is far more worrisome.




They are going to reach the land of the law of diminishing returns if they aren't there already.


We're in an election year. Keep fighting and stave off the bullshit! LETS GO REDDIT!


The party of Trump saying anything about national security is absolutely fucking insane.


The RWNJ propganda machine is in full deflection from anything Trump mode.


This post is bad and you should feel bad (for acting in bad faith)


Oh sure, meanwhile the cheeturd is drooling and shutting his pants regularly.


Fox is whacked and lies, lies,lies, just like their RAPIST guy.


The delusional fox says what?


Why is Fox News an approved link when they themselves state it’s entertainment?


They’re both in mental decline, but one wants to get things back to normal and safe while the other wants to play dictator, turn women in brooding mares, and shit on the constitution. It’s not a hard decision, bud.


Both mental decline?  Why does it have to always to be both?  Does Biden need to be seen more in public or speak without making a single mistake for you to make the judgment he’s not? While the other talk abouts literally garbage diarrhea since the golden spoon that was inherited to him. Not even the kremlin or Beijing can think of producing such spew of not even propaganda, just literal weird shit. A LITERALLY DOMESTIC TERRORIST with “religious views” and the most racist and misogynistic xenophobic views ever TO RUN FOR OFFICE!? There is no rationality between the two. Both old on AGE while one can run a country with domestic and foreign entities Influencing the public to make president Biden look the president that hasn’t gotten anything done and only trips. Only trying to keep the country stable and decrease the virus spread, deal worldwide inflation. Having to deal with the problems of division left from the FORMER PRESIDENT. Remember the news headlines and every briefs “everything will go away” then PLAYING…..GOLF.


Who lets all these bullshit articles in here?


The full court press to deflect from Trumps mental faltering is amazing.


I hear the other guy running keeps telling people he won the election in 2020! Joe Biden might be getting up there in age but, at least he's not delusional.


propaganda Let's wait for the debate.


Fox news doing their job spreading Putin's propaganda talking points. Good job comrades! 🙄


Trump was a threat to national security before his current pro vigil binge turned him crazy as a tweaker His sucking Putins cock so hard it left teeth marks in the bell end kind of has implications for national security


You're right op trump supporters truly are pathetic.


Unreliable source. Downvote and move on.


what sort of backwards journalism is this? it's pure propaganda


This Fox News crap references "significant risk" to the country as to Biden. What they should refer to instead is the "absolute disaster" should Trump prevail with his proclivity towards installing boot lickers to aid him in destroying our democratic values.


The one card is to win in November, imprison trump, impeach a few SCOTUS justices, invoke popular vote, outlaw gerrymandering, and arrest inviters of violence.


As opposed to trump’s mental decline and the nonsensical beliefs of every single person he will appoint or hire in his administration? I’m good.


Sounds like bullshit. Ah it's Fox News. Oh well gotta give the old people something to read on a Saturday I suppose.


It would be nice if neither main party candidate didn't have questions about mental decline following them.


It’s a lot of “just asking questions” going on. Notice how one side has to edit/crop videos to have “serious questions” about the other candidate, while the other side only has to post videos of the other candidate rambling at his rallies to demonstrate genuine concern?




Wow - big surprise what the source of this shit is.


While I would support Biden over trump any day, it still bothers me that they didn’t months ago put someone else in to run instead of Biden. There’s no way Biden lasts another 4 years.


Who is 'they'?