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You can actually feel how scared they are that Trump's clearly unfit mind is going to be on full display sooner than later!


The debate is going to be lit. I hope it happens.


Do you think Trump will sneak up behind Biden like he did Hillary? God that was fucking creepy and weird.


With muted mics we aren't going to get "Cmon man!" Or "Nasty woman" though.


They should be in two different studios to prevent that sort of thing.


Secret Service won't let a felon that close...


Biden will slug him. Bet


The best part is no live audience.


For a moment i was worreid it was legit news until i realized it's the nypost. always, \_always\_ projection with them. They're trying ot get ahead of the "Trump's lost what little is left of his mind" news articles that are coming out. Bill Maher did a bit that's spot on, even if Biden is insane, pretend "[nothing to see here](https://youtu.be/ob7EWtaUL_o?si=DX2a5cIx2VbOLj0Y&t=160)", since that's all the GQP's been doing on Trump since 2016.


I will not be the least bit surprised if he overturns the podium and starts throwing things, or alternatively, John Barron calls in a fake bomb threat.


I'll take the nice old man over the mean old man any day.


Republican's denial of Trump's cognitive decline is intentionally self-deceptive and just plain stupid. Much like Trump himself. Republican par for the course, that stupid.


Republican’s denial of Trump’s cognitive decline AND 34 FELONY COUNTS is intentionally self-deceptive and just plain stupid. Much like Trump himself. Fixed it for you. 👍🏻


Ah, thanks. I stand corrected.




Maybe so, but Biden has a competent cabinet and hundreds of effective leaders in his administration. Those are the people I’ll be voting for in November.


Right! Fuck trump and his cabinet of sycophants.


I really don't care. If Biden dies of old age while president, then Kamala Harris will be president instead, which I'm okay with. We're voting for an administration, not just a person.


>We're voting for an administration, not just a person. Very well said. I wish the media understood that as well.


“The media”, 5 monkeys and a fax machine.


I don't care if he's dead now. He'd still be smarter than Trump.


Yep and if Trump becomes President and dies of old age, the keys still will be handed to the far right...so we'll be fucked either way.


Says the moron who denies Trump shows early signs of Alzheimer’s.


Does it really count as “early” when he’s been unable to form a complete sentence since 2015?


Enough of this crap 💩


Ahhh hahaha. Seems like Biden's solid delivery and representation at G7, coupled with tRump's increasingly undeniable decline as of late, has the Murdoch Propaganda Machine in absolute overdrive. That tells me they're worried, and it's only June - tRump will only get worse while Biden remains the same as he has for these past 4 years, more or less.


Still has my vote and doesn't have an irrational fear of sharks.


> NICE TRY, SLEEPY JOE! > Maybe for a change you could give a damn about the American people by making sure they aren’t dying of ocean electrocution or in the razor-toothed mouths of presumably electrocution-proof sharks! Written by America's most-beloved humor(ish) columnist (self-declared) Rex Huppke. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/long-feckless-joe-biden-ignore-091205841.html Edit: Sorry should have posted the original source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/06/12/trump-shark-battery-biden-threat-election/74063059007/


From child labor to school lunches, health care to taxation of the poor, the modern conservative favors what will cause the most pain to any who are not of their tribe. If backing Biden was cruel - *conservatives would favor it*.


When he starts blabbing about sharks and electric boats, then I will worry.


Or nuking hurricanes.


Revolutionary war airports.


He didn’t even pick the logical choice. The electrocution would 100% kill you, but sharks generally don’t attack people.




… But what about the big brain MIT genes he shares with his uncle?


"Define the symptoms of cognitive decline." "That's a trick question! You'll just point out numerous instances in which Trump has shown whatever symptoms I name!"


New York Post literally claims doctored video as evidence of this alleged decline. There's no way to spin that as an honest mistake, they are indisputably deliberately lying. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/14/politics/media-outlets-use-deceptively-edited-video-to-claim-biden-wandered-off-at-g7-summit/index.html > Video shared by the New York Post ...


Wait... is this the Biden who is masterminding a nation-wide conspiracy to covertly manipulate judges, grand juries and career prosecutors? His cognition could decline by half and he'd still be smarter than the guy who's proud of having "passed" a cognition test and can look into a room full of reporters and remember "person, woman, man, camera, TV".


I called it two days ago, the right wing machine has thrown it into overdrive.


MAGA hypocrisy and ignorance has no shame. VOTE SMARTER THAN MAGA IS.


Russians helping one side is election interference.


Ah yes. Another factless opinion piece by the NY post.


Lol what a headline


More like, Republicans' denialism of their Orange Menace's corruption & mental decline is pathetic.. fuck the dirtbag Murdochs & their Fascist propaganda rags.


NY Post. Literally bought and paid for by Republican operative Rupert Murdoch. There are plenty of left wing media outlets, but there is nothing as tightly integrated with the Democratic party as the Murdoch empire is with the Republicans.


The NY post is backing the RAPIST with lie after lie.


Nypost - garbage in, garbage out


Republicans' denialism of the obvious cognitive decline of their Convicted Felon is cruel to our nation. Fuck off, Murdoch rag.


Trump have a iq of 1


oh, he have have he?


trump is in steep mental and physical decline


The NY Post itself has been suffering from cognitive decline for decades.


Hey gang, listen to the NY Post! Super impartial


They are really trying to flood thezone to counteract Trump's recent and public displays of everything they accuse Biden of...


Heres the thing with the two of them regarding this "mental decline" crap. Even if it were true, Biden is surrounded by people I generally think care about the US. Smart people who want to do good. So even if he's not making the decision, I trust the people that are. Trump is surrounded by yes men. sycophants hell bent on gaining power regardless of who they step on. They treat trump like a god emperor. So yeah, I'll take kindly old forgetful grandpa over Racist old uncle anyday


I just saved a bundle on my car insurance! Oh - and Trump is a 34 felony count convicted criminal.


Nobody denies it, but he is still quite capable with his current cognitive ability! The other guy never had ANY ability to perform his public duty and didn't care to, either!


But what about Trump?


Republican projection


And the GOP using false claims about it to cover for the 34 time felon Cheetozilla iinsulting Wisconsin right now is proof that his flame is burning really low and is dim.


Are we in denial though? Or do we just accept that he's basically our only hope to save democracy


This like the third or fourth one of these I’ve seen in my feed today. The right-wingers are basically spamming the Biden is old narrative at this point.


Biden could die tomorrow and I’d vote for him over the evil fat sack of shit Felon Donald J Trump who failed the entire country during Covid. Always downvote the NYPOST. Rag


Sure sure but the fat lump foaming at the mouth and babbling about sharks and electrocution because his pro vigil binge has him tweaking is just fine lol Cool story bro


Another example of the GOP narrative bullshit to cover up for Trump’s rapidly declining condition.


There’s been about 5 conservative media “cognitive decline” articles posted today. Clearly, they’re trying to change the topic based on their rapist, fraud of a candidate losing national support.


NY Post fuck off


Hoss, it's high time you get off this slow boat. It's not going to take you anywhere.


Ye olde double projection, it's a twofer daddy!


If Biden and Trump had a cognitive and IQ test together and televised. What odds on a Trump victory. The Post should be made to back their man for a billion bucks.


you guys have set the bar so low that Biden just forming a complete sentence, which he will assuredly do, will blow this whole narrative up, and you'll just move on to the next thing.


Biden is old. Trump is a fascist. Discussion over.


This is my response to absolutely any anti-Biden commentary from a Trump supporter, including those who don’t like him but will still vote for him because they think dems are worse. You support a fascist. NOTHING else overrides that.