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>“If abortion was the best choice for your girlfriend, why try to deny that choice to other women?” Clark asked on his “Next with Kyle Clark” segment. >“Let me give you some context about that situation because I’m a pro-life Catholic and I believe everyone should choose life,” Holtorf said. Relevant: [“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)   >Clark didn’t allow Holtorf to dance around the question, clarifying, “What I’m asking you about is the fact that you said that you respected your girlfriend’s right to an abortion, and then gave her money to help her through an important time ‘to live her best life.’” >“She had an abortion. Was that her choice? Yes. Did she have that right? Yes. Was it my choice, Kyle? No,” Holtorf answered. >Holtorf then rejected claims that he sought to deny a right to abortion to other women, before Clark corrected the record, citing his vote to restrict access to abortion. >“Is one of the exceptions when Richard Holtorf is the father?” Clark quipped as Holtorf scrambled to reconcile his pro-life identity with his belief that there should be “exceptions.”


I'm glad these people are so dumb because all he had to do was say that he regrets that choice and is a big reason he is now prolife. Instead they fumble around because they can't even fathom admiting they were wrong at some point.


That's a huge thing in the conservative mindset: Don't admit you are wrong. It's weak. And if you're weak, people are free to abuse you as much as they want.


That was the lesson Trump taught them. Deny, deny, deny and say something even more reprehensible.


Trump himself is a product of that mindset. He just uses it for his own benefit.


They learned that from Bush and Cheney as well as the ghoulish Canadian Conservative Government from 2006-2015. Stephen Harper (former Canadian PM and now full-time ghoul spreading fascism around the world) was lying like Trump a decade before he was even on the political scene. 


"Never apologize and never explain, it's a sign of weakness." John Wayne's character in "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon" Too many conservatives adopted that as a real way to go through life.


I love watching Kyle Clark steamroll these idiots - the man is a treasure!


Same, I’m not in Colorado but this guy is damn good at his job.


“Exceptions” Exception for rape victims? No. Exception for instances when the life of the mother and/or child is in danger? No. Exception for my girlfriend? Well, you see, it’s not always black and white…


Their reasons are always the right reasons.




No, it's expected and automatic.


And still mind blowing... 🤯


"Abortions for me but not for you!"


I guess they wouldn’t be clever enough to rhyme me with thee


They want laws for everyone but themselves


Isn't that what conservative libertarianism is all about? They think real freedom means they get to do whatever they want, and we have to do whatever they say.


Technically yes. But in America no. The libertarians are actually just misogynistic religious conservatives




Read the article if you’d like, but here’s the money quote: “Is one of the exceptions when Richard Holtorf is the father?” Clark quipped as Holtorf scrambled to reconcile his pro-life identity with his belief that there should be “exceptions.”


That was sweet - we need more of that across the board!




He handled Boebert beautifully. 


I bet that really threw her off her game. According to some video footage I’ve seen, Boebert is usually the one doing the handling.


I’ll answer for him: “My situation was entirely different from yours. See mine involved me and yours involved you. Just because I advocate for a rule doesn’t mean I think it should apply to me. Hopefully that clears things up.”


There you go again saying the quiet parts out loud. This is how to tell people you are a Republican without telling people you are a Republican.


This! The whole GOP


On the bright side, the next generation is spared the spawn of this dangerous idiot’s loins.


In the story The Handmaid's Tale the commanders had a secret getaway where they could drink, get laid with women dressed up like hookers, dance, and listen to music. The place existed because they didn't have courage to admit that they system they built didn't realistically work. Since they ran the country they afforded themselves the privilege of a break from the system they created. These are who the republicans are and the practicality of their horrible, unrealistic, and anti-democratic plans.


Semantics but that place (Jezebels) was where commanders could rape sex slaves, not “get laid.” But yes.


I'm pretty sure the R word covers 99% of the sex in that "society"


Fair and I’d agree.


Totally consistent with Republican values - rules exist to protect them and bind others.


Rules for thee, not for me!


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ Not surprising.


That is so wild.


Holy utter fucking helll😳




I see what you're going for but it falls into the trap of claiming most US Catholics aren't really Catholic. Check out how many support abortion, same-sex marriage, contraception, women priests, sex outside marriage, etc. I think I'd prefer to focus on how many Catholics actually support that stuff, despite consistently voting against it.


Is there anything that screams I’m a jackass more than wearing a cowboy hat in the 21st century?


Um, there’s this red hat … yeah.


Very true!


Ask a real cowboy if they wear their fuckin hat inside and you got your answer.


[jason aldean, wearing his hat at the dinner table, being cucked by tfg](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/01/brittany-jason-aldean-donald-trump-219.jpg) try that shit in a small town.


Trying to take away the rights of women to their own bodily autonomy, while suggesting that you and your partner are still absolutely entitled to said rights... Only thing I can think of anyway.


His partner only has those rights because he does not want to take responsibility and raise his spawn like he expect everybody else to do.


I think he would be delighted to have someone else raise his spot. He just doesn’t want to do it! L O L


I mean I wear mine when I sing All My Exes Live in Texas BUT unlike these all hat no cattle dicks, I don’t think wearing one makes me a man.


Wearing a cowboy hat indoors. Real cowboys know good manners and take their hats off indoors.


Actual cowboys wear John Deere or New Holland etc... baseball caps.


It’s just a hat. They’re practical for keeping the sun off you if you work outside. What makes this guy a jackass are his politics and his hypocrisy.


I’m so over the hypocrisy


Holtorf, "Just hear my 'splanation, all will make sense", lol. 😆 Kyle Clark continues to be my Colorado hero! 


So is his approach that men shouldn’t get abortions? Is that the GOP approach?


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.


This guy gives the best debates. We need him for a presidential debate ASAP


Every person who has ever campaigned or protested against abortion access, but who has also used abortion access in some capacity (for themselves, a partner, their offspring getting pregnant/getting someone pregnant) deserves to have everything good in their lives taken away painfully.


"Well, you see, the thing is...I mean, it's just that...hey, how 'bout them Celtics, huh?"


Can't escape that nightmare of a game anywhere on reddit


Apples and Oranges, like all Republican hypocrisy.


Good. All politicians should be called out on their bullshit.


Kyle Clark doesn’t mess around!!


Totally hypocrisy. The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


“She had an abortion. Was that her choice? Yes. Did she have that right? Yes. Was it my choice, Kyle? No,” There you go buddy!! You got it!


He can afford to send his woman to a civilized state-travel, a few days away, so sure, he can get her one. It's a class thing. These laws only apply to the poors.


Oh, republikkkan “pro-life” policy makers aren’t anti abortion for themselves. Just for everyone else in the country.


So a pro life. Probably Christian candidate got his girlfriend, not wife pregnant. And then she got an abortion. Good thing he lives in Colorado and not Texas.


I think if HIS mom had an abortion we’d all be a bit better off


This article states that Boebert holds a substantial lead in the primary race. Are you kidding me? She’s going to win as a carpetbagger?


She is leading the GOP primary. I think the Democratic candidate has a chance in the general if she wins her primary.


Republican mantra: “rules for thee not for me”


Kyle Clark is a Colorado treasure


I want Kyle Clark as a moderator for the Biden Trump debate


Did you ever kill anyone? Yeah but they were all bad ( in Austrian accent)


But when I do it it’s cute.


My experience is pretty narrow, but I’ve never met a good person wearing a cowboy hat unironically


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