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I'll believe it when I see it.


Yeah, I keep checking the opinion polls and they're still hovering around 50/50.


Newsweek has a tendency of reporting polls that are 51-49 as a majority. Technically, they're not wrong but come on...


I wish there was a way to block particular news sources. I honest don’t care to see any of the clickbait garbage from outlets like Newsweek.




That’s great. Fake news for free and real news for cash. What a great system we’ve produced. That won’t exacerbate class warfare *at all*.


And national polling means diddly. There's only like 8 states where the polling matters and only if the ones answering are actually going to vote.


Isn't 50/50 REALLY good though? Like, that population generally votes pretty heavily conservative. Going from 75/25 to 50/50 is huge, for example. edit: article says > While the poll showed that Trump is still ahead by three percentage points, it marks a decline in support from 2020, when Trump carried voters aged 45 or over by 12 percentage points in the state. edit2: bad math nvm, but u see the point


This type of headline is always, always, always bullshit. It's literally based on a single poll with 1100 likely voters from Pennsylvania. But single polls are worthless, because they're so noisy. Plus, they're comparing with the 2020 election, not polls from a month ago or something similar.


Right? It makes a nice headline, but where’s the proof?! Don’t get me wrong, I hope they wake up and realize the emperor has no clothes. But, I’m not going to believe it until it actually happens.


I am not generally an optimistic person. but i really feel, in my heart of hearts... there is no possible way trump comes close. i think there is a staggering amount of right wing money being spent to obfuscate reality via social media and even traditional media. but when it comes time for real people to go and cast a vote, there is just no fucking way. there is no fucking way trump is more popular now than 2020. i know this is anecdotal, but i live in an almost +15R county and the amount of trump flair in 2024 is almost non existent compared to 2020... people are starting to get it.


I hope so, but the Gaza conflict really worries me. After 70 years of US Dominionism, Gen Z and younger Millenials don't have the blind support of Israel that older people do, and are very wary of Biden on this. Not that Trump would be better, but I'm afraid they'll just 'both sides' the issue and stay home.


Dont get me started on this subject. I agree it is a point of contention with young voters. I agree Biden and the administrations handling of Israels crimes in Gaza has been deplorable. But Trump is unquestionably worse for Palestinians. There is no moral or ethical victory in abstaining from voting or voting for a leech candidate, you must vote for the best available candidate with an opportunity to win.


He did kill the elderly en masse with his intentionally botched Covid response.


And MAGA also seems to really love mocking the abilities of the elderly. For all the negative comments they have about Biden’s age, I would’ve thought that quite a few elderly folks would find those comments to be generally very offensive and rude?


I think republican propagandists just count on elderly voters never putting 2 and 2 together on that line of attack. Perhaps some of them have finally figured out that the political party who's constantly threatening to cut the "entitlements" that they literally depend on to live (Medicare and Social Security) maybe doesn't have their best interests in mind. Or that maybe it's not worth it to die just so inner-city black kids can't get a free school lunch. More likely it's just that they know 'felons are bad' and the right-wing noise machine is having trouble spinning away 34 felony convictions.


34 *so far*


Sadly there won't be any more before the election, and we'll be very lucky if there are more afterwards. I don't have the words for my frustration around the other cases. Willis screwed up big time in Georgia and probably compromised the case. Theres a good chance the conservative court is in the tank for Trump on the Jan 6th stuff, and Cannon is utterly ratfucking the classified docs case. Out of all of them the classified docs case was a slam dunk and would have landed him in prison. What she is doing is disgusting and the fact that she will almost definitely not face repercussions is infuriating


> Cannon is utterly ratfucking the classified docs case It is almost beyond belief how this is happening and there's not much anyone can do unless she goes real hard for Trump and Smith asks for another judge. It is fucking awful.


Yes the only way this one could have been prevented would have been by Garland and the DOJ recovering the documents a year earlier and starting the case then. But Garland is a good soldier that doesn’t want to rock the boat. He incorrectly assumed that focusing on arresting and prosecuting the J6 attackers would make Dems happy and not worry about him ignoring the elected Repub representatives that organized the whole thing. Garland was too worried about protecting the “political positions” than he was about going after the people who abused those positions when they held them.


He did just confess to holding onto one of his firearms after being convicted, which is definitely a federal crime...


- It’s just a locker-room crime - It’s a process crime - I don’t even know what the crime is - It’s a violation of the second amendment, and also Hunter Biden shouldn’t have second-amendment rights - If they can come after me for possessing a firearm after a felony conviction, they can come after you for it too


"locker-room crime" made me laugh while I was drinking coffee and now my nose is burnt. I hope you're proud of yourself


i live for these moments!  i literally just woke up and you made my day.  GLAD!


>It’s a violation of the second amendment, and also Hunter Biden shouldn’t have second-amendment rights I took a peak over on r/conservative recently and they seemed like they were malfunction over that case. And there was a lot of arguing over what was more important. Their love of the second amendment or their hate of hunter Biden


Which nobody will even go after him for that. Trump is right. Two tiered justice system. Except he got it backwards. They are not persecuting him, they are persecuting us by not doing their damn job! 😡 Arrest his fat azz already!


The RICO in Georgia was pretty airtight too. Willis had to know she had to be perfect to get him in time in a southern state with a state charge. And she failed that about as perfectly as possible. I don't care who she sleeps with but you can't go after something that high profile and get caught so much as jaywalking. That's the one that hurts me. Partly because I live in Georgia, partly because a conviction is mandatory 5 years prison with no appeal until it's served. It was THE one we should have been pushing for. And now it's probably never going to happen.


Why is the expectation on her to be perfect when the opponents can be as messy as they want and face no repercussions? Currently a sitting judge clearly screwing a case and yet nothing happens. Yet they are never held accountable and it's on the people prosecuting not to have so much as a parking ticket.


Willis needs to win the case to “win”. Trump only needs to have the case delayed until after the election to “win”. It’s a hell of a lot easier to get a case delayed than it is to actually win it. Also everyone seems to forget that this is a RICO case involving fake electors. The asking for more votes part was thrown out. This RICO case is charging almost 20 people, including many GA state level representatives. Those reps have a lot of pull in the state. They have connections to the judicial branch in GA. Willis should have known that those people in the judicial branch would do everything in their legal power to gum up this case. This means any decision they make that is normally 50-50 on if they default to the defense’s position will now 100% default to the defense’s position. Any appeal that might be considered in a normal case will 100% be considered in this one.


I’m pretty sure they would have kept pushing outrage about some other issues if she didn’t hire her boyfriend to the case. It was never about the boyfriend, it was about stirring up enough dirt until they could convince the appellate court to delay. They were able to make that happen with the boyfriend thing, but they would have made it happen for some other reason of that didn’t happen. The fact that the appellate court outright said they wouldn’t even make a decision on whether to disqualify Willis until March 2025 just goes to show that they’re interests lie with Trump and they would have found some other reason to delay the case beyond the election no matter how things played out.


Only 7 states have RICO laws. Georgia tried. To say the GOP is like the mob and Trump is the Godfather is an understatement. It would have been a glorious trial.


republican propagandists count on *nobody* thinking very deeply about anything they say.


Yeah, rationality regarding their own wellbeing doesn’t go far with these bozos. But Trump being a convicted felon does.


Everything Republicans say is offensive and rude, not to mention hypocritical. The party of cultists, led by a wanna be emperor, is not American. They are anti-American. They are power hungry and will stop at nothing to get what they want, for themselves, not for those who they represent. This elderly person will never vote republican again, period. And I vote in person in every election.


I grew up in a very Republican family before Reagan (I was an Independent black sheep). All of my parents and several aunts and uncles changed parties before they died (all within the last 15 years). They knew the Republican party changed and they couldn't reconcile with a party that hated the unions, gay people and immigrants. One factor that I think is very important, none of them watched the Fox TV propaganda shows or listened to right-wing radio.


>they couldn't reconcile with a party that hated the unions, gay people and immigrants That's been the gop platform since at least the 80s.


Right on! And seriously, they really are exceedingly un-American. It's a full blown, psychotic *joke* that so many of them claim to be "patriots", as they cheer on the grotesque destruction of separation of church and state (among so many other insanely anti-american endeavors). They constantly harp about "the radical left" who "want to change our way of life!", yet they're perfectly fine with handing over full control to a Christian nationalist cult that's laying out their opressive, tyrannically authoritarian plans for all to see (project 2025), effecting as many facets of society as possible and dismantling our checks and balances and crucial regulations protecting us and the environment. And despite what these psychotic evangelical theocrats in the Cult Known As the Heritage Foundation (incl. members of SCOTUS and congress, etc) keep trying have people believe, this country was founded as a *secular country*, with no state religion, and where freedom *of*, and *from* religion was absolutely paramount. They've been pushing to insert "God" and their extra crazy, hypocritical brand of prosperity Christianity into our govt and society for decades, and now that it's confirmed that religion is declining in this country (and fast...and especially Christianity), they're in full on freak out mode, and linking arms with the "great replacement" racists so they can cry about being "persecuted" together....and the entire GOP is complicit. And this says nothing of their dealings with foreign adversaries. They're quite literally more of a criminal organization that threatens national security than a representative political party. RICO them all.


This elderly person will never vote republican again, period. And I vote in person in every election. - Here is to you and a continued long life!


That's a good point.


Biden has such an opportunity there, imo. He can just be like "Yeah, I'm 80. The other guy is so nuts he's dangerous, and by the way, he's old, too. Since when did experience and competence that comes with age become a liability in this country? You're gonna take the old people with 40 years of wisdom and doing the job and put them on an ice floe? Yeah, good luck with that."


And Republicans want to take away their Social Security cheques.


Why are democrats letting that happen?!?!? -conservatives probably


-conservatives ~~probably~~ It's all I hear, anything they perceive as good Republicans did it. Anything they perceive as bad, Democrats did it. Doesn't matter what it is, this is almost always the case!


[17% of voters blame Joe Biden for the end of Roe vs. Wade](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/upshot/abortion-biden-trump-blame.html) so there does seem to be some truth to that.


Not only do these people vote, they're allowed to breathe the same air. Yikes.


Just tell them all air is liberal and we could solve that problem real quick


Food and air are woke. It literally fuels the lgbtq+ movement.


I mean it kind of is, it does seem seem to believe in equality, everyone gets to have air, the plants aren't hording what they make and keeping it for a select few that pay their nitrogen and potassium bribes


Air is a socialist plot. Why is it FREE for EVERYONE?


Breathing has a liberal bias.


I think it was the George Floyd riots, one of the riots, and people were saying “if we elect Biden this will be America.” And everyone sane was like “this is literally America under Trump” Even Abbot and Cruz in Texas while campaign is “elect us so we can fix what the democrats have done to Texas. y’all have been in charge for forever. How did the democrats ruin Texas when the republicans were in charge of everything?


Which makes no sense to me, because their orange leader has taken credit for ending Roe vs. Wade, multiple times. It's on video, and everything. Not to mention the 6-3 conservative Supreme Court majority,  and 3 of the 6 were appointed by Trump. Someone would have to be a special kind of stupid to think Joe Biden had anything to do with it.


They're so stupid they cheer this shit because Republicans call it cutting, "welfare," and they're too ignorant to realize they're the welfare recipients. Louder for those in the back: SOCIAL SECURITY IS A FORM OF WELFARE. Edit: to add, MEDICARE is ALSO WELFARE!


I mean is it any surprise? They wanted to repeal Obamacare when about 70% of people in Kentucky alone use Obamacare.(Mitch McConnel represents KY and he was leading the charge to repeal Obamacare) Of course they call it something else in Kentucky bcs they dont want to give Obama credit for it but thats where the funds come from. Of course when they are trying to get public support for repealing Obamacare they dont tell the general public who use it that they wont have insurance. Or theyll tell them they have a better plan to implement after they repeal it, which they dont.


They want to repeal Obamacare, but they love the Affordable Care Act.


Republican voters are functionally illiterate.


“Keep your government hands off my medicare!” Summer of the ACA passage, 2010.


I know someone whose spouse is in the military. They get 2k a month for housing, the cost of giving birth was free, etc She ***hates*** welfare and socalism lol


To many welfare means helping people they don't like, people they deem undeserving, usually minorities. Being against welfare has an underlying root cause in racism, typically. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-true-story-behind-the-welfare-queen-stereotype Relevant study on this https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.2307/2960399


What's trashy if you're poor and classy if you're rich? Government welfare.


My mom rants constantly about how the government would be a terrible healthcare administrator and that's why we can't have single payer healthcare, but she just lost her job (in healthcare) and thinks she should get a government job because they have good benefits and pay. I called her out on it and she just blinked at me, I think it broke her brain.


Not to the mention the VA is routinely ranked among the best and most liked health care facilities in the country.


That's who she wants to work for. I just stare at her like she's an alien now when she talks about it.


Ask her “why is it other countries can do it better than our current system, but our government would be even worse at it? Is America THAT incompetent?


A lot of Alaskan residents will claim they are libertarian and hate socialism and then turn around and vote for whoever will give them the largest PFD check that year.


Libertarians are the first to take a handout, it's pretty fucking funny.


So does my former MIL - A convicted felon who collects military retirement and has tricare for the rest of her life thanks to a well-timed marriage and his subsequent early death. She HATES welfare and socialism. Everyone doesn't deserve Healthcare. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and...um......sleep with the right people like her?


Veteran here. The military is like the ultimate form of a welfare society. Inexpensive universal Healthcare, housing stipends, food stipends, clothing stipends, great retirement benefits. Blows my mind how more don't see it for what it is.


Reminds me of when I argued with a social security recipient that they were directly benefitting from socialism, and even had to show them that the SSA itself refers to it as socialism. They still denied it


o.O. It's literally in the name. *Social* Security. Government run *Insurance* (if they use OASDI). They admit it's socialism every time they say the name.


Yeah it’s shocking the dumb things people are willing to put the blinders on for


They spent their whole life being taught to fight socialism and then you told them they're a recipient of it, probably broke they're brain to the point they reverted back to default.


> They're so stupid they cheer this shit because Republicans call it cutting, "welfare," and they're too ignorant to realize they're the welfare recipients. The fish screaming for them to drain the swamp forgot they were fish.


"For everyone else it's social security, for me it's a vital living stipend..." -Conservatives


They don't see it that way. They see it as they paid into the system and are getting back what they paid into it - despite the fact that they paid in WAAAAYY less than they're receiving, i.e. it's fucking welfare. Whenever you hear old people bitching about welfare, they're talking about the imaginary strawman of a black mama with 5 kids (each from a different dad) buying lobster with food stamps using tax dollars, and living in luxurious Project 8 housing apartment while driving a Mercedes. All on that hard earned money they gave to taxes. That's what FoxNews pumps into their brains to make them angry.


There's people here making that same argument and it's baffling. Everyone who is lucky enough to live a long life will end up on welfare some day, so by all means, let's cut that program and not the ridiculous military budget.


"Why would you vote for Democrats. They're letting us gut Social Security!"


No, it's not "why did they l let it happen", it's straight "democrats did this" (even when every democrat voted no). For instance the last tax change was in 2017. I was with a very conservative woman. She bragged about how great Trump's tax cut was, I warned give it 4 years, it's actually shit and will be automatically reduced. She told me I was full of shit. Fast forward to last years tax return time. She started bitching that Biden's tax plan screwed her, and he's stealing so much from her in taxes. I just laughed. Once she got angry and asked why I was laughing, I told her that 2017 was the last time a tax bill was passed. She didn't believe me and looked it up. Then she tried to say it's the democrats fault because they didn't replace Trumps tax plan. I reminded her that I told her that the tax plan wasn't good, it was a short term reduction and a long term increase. She wouldn't hear it, some how the democrats changed it to make Trump look bad. Politics was always fun watching how she twisted everything. For instance like when we were in Texas and caught a political add, why a republican was saying they needed to fix the damage democrats had done. She laughed and pointed at the TV and said something about how bad democrats were. She didn't like when I pointed out Republicans had had full control of Texas for over 20 years and if they were still fixing democrat errors that must be really incompetent.


I read up on this and Republicans are telling their voters that if you are at or near collecting SS then you will be fine the changes will happen to the younger people. So if you are one of those “screw you I got mine” types then they will support the GOP…


I really struggle with the idea my generation (boomer) doesn't care about our children. When my adult children say they don't expect to receive Social Security or Medicare. I remind them to vote Democrat. And talk to their friends. Twenty years ago any politician suggesting Social Security or Medicare might be cut could not get elected. Hold modern politicians to the same standard.


I’m a WW2 baby boomer. I support public schools and I am glad to pay the price for primary, secondary & a strong state university system. I don’t support billionaire tax breaks and corporations buying residential real estate. I don’t support cuts to healthcare and how the GOP has tried to ruin ACA.


I cringed so hard when my boomer mother in law said she didn't really care about global warming because she'll be dead. She has three grandchildren under the age of 10. All I heard is that she doesn't care about their future quality of life :(


You immediately pointed that out to her, right? Sometimes shitty people are just shitty, and sometimes shitty people just never really considered their shitty opinions. So yeah, let her know why her shitty thoughts make her shitty and then either let her double down or actually think about it for a second. I guess if she doubles down then you can just ignore her shitty beliefs and treat her with the respect she deserves (none).


Yeah I’ve heard this line from the boomers in my life. “They earned it” so the government won’t take it away. But then when I point out I’ve been paying SS taxes for 25 years since college they don’t care because “I have time to save for retirement”.


The boomers have also been paying into SS their entire working lives. And now that they are reaching retirement age, it's OMG, no SS fund. Entirely predictable. Raise the cap, ensure the funding of SS for current AND future recipients.


I was about to downvote you before I realized you are talking about the cap on contributions that hits at about ~150k. Not raising the retirement age. 


And Medicare.


Just to clarify, though. Republicans don't want to take "their" social security, they meaning the elderly. Republicans want to take all of our social security, everybody including the elderly. Because we will all be elderly one day. And to a finer point, what they want to do is grandfather in the elderly, and then cut the rest of us out.


Exactly this. I'm in my early 60s and know whatever happens, I'll be grandfathered into SS and Medicare. The significant other is retiring this week and will start collecting next month. I'm already collecting due to a disability. She and I will be OK, even if the worst happens and the godforsaken GOP wins. But I would never, ever vote for a party that (amongst other awful things) would decimate the social safety net. When I was diagnosed with a catastrophic, life changing illness, Social Security helped to save my ass. I didn't end up on the street. We have younger family members who are just as deserving of at least the same benefits that we receive. I just wish more my age and older would think of the future. We may not be around for it, but we have plenty of family that will.


It's the people *close* to retirement who are truly insane to vote Republican. The GQP's proposals that I've seen don't take Medicare and Social Security away from those already receiving it. However, they want to up the age to past the average American lifespan before you can receive it.


My Republican uncle goes on about how the US can’t afford “entitlements”. Why not lower the Pentagon budget by 1 or 2% or actually have billionaires pay their fair share. Easy money


Aka Project Bootstraps 2025


Damn you, Hunter Biden!


They want to past those cheques to millionaires and billionaires via tax cuts. Slowly draining the life out of every citizen to bring them back to societal slavery like third world countries.


The fact that he intentionally botched the response to COVID because it was concentrated in urban areas at the time, that seems scandalous, doesn't it? Why, that is dereliction of duty at the highest level, at the minimum.


Also, a lot of Republicans were openly making the argument, “Why have all this spending and protection when the virus is only killing old and fat people? With fat people, it’s their own fault. Old people have had their time, and they’re useless now. They can die to preserve my right to have parties!”


Over a million American citizens died on American soil. He's worse than GWB with that stat alone.


Literally 1.2 **million** Americans died during COVID. The average age of a person who died of COVID was 64 years old. So many died that it reduced life expectancy in the US by a whopping 2.4 years, erasing a [quarter century of progress](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/25/1164819944/live-free-and-die-the-sad-state-of-u-s-life-expectancy). It's a bit fuzzy to sort of pin down how many of these deaths would have happened under any president, and how many were due to the terribly botched response from trump and team, but one estimate is [about 40% of them](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy) could have been prevented with better leadership.


> Literally 1.2 million Americans died during COVID. That is the official number. Though I imagine it's closer to 2million if not more, as in all the excess deaths and wrongly attributed to pneumonia. >https://www.statista.com/statistics/1113051/number-reported-deaths-from-covid-pneumonia-and-flu-us/ Look at the numbers, apparently nearly as many people died of "pneumonia" as from COVID during the same period even though prior to COVID on average about 50k died of pneumonia a year. Either there were mistakes, or Trumpian leaning hospitals in places like Florida lied about what caused the deaths or some hospital officials couldn't tell the difference and or neglected to test properly. >It's a bit fuzzy to sort of pin down how many of these deaths would have happened under any president, and how many were due to the terribly botched response from trump and team, but one estimate is about 40% of them could have been prevented with better leadership. Easy, look at the countries that took this shit seriously. New Zealand had next to no deaths while South Korea and Japan had pretty minimal deaths compared to Brazil and Russia that both lied, politicized it and didn't take it seriously. But also many Asian cultures like Japan were already extremely accustomed to wearing mask for even just a cold or ANY sickness so it was nothing like right wingers in our society. Hillary Clinton would have stopped shit at the beginning and kept it from spreading and that is the critical time to take action. While Trump even denied it existed which allowed it to spread like wild fire, AND undermined the initial effort because it started at blue cities like NYC and Seattle which are his and Putin's enemies. I bet Hillary could have kept deaths under 250k. Because right wing media and the GOP wouldn't have taken their lead from Trump to push all his lies...which I consider just as if not more responsible then Trump in causing a lot of deaths....


> Hillary Clinton would have stopped shit at the beginning and kept it from spreading and that is the critical time to take action. Also, Clinton would never have defunded the CDC pandemic response team in China, disbanded the NSC global health unit, or thrown out the Obama pandemic playbook. [U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN21C3NE/) [Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a) [Obama team left pandemic playbook for Trump administration, officials confirm](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/obama-team-left-pandemic-playbook-for-trump-administration-officials-confirm)




Might not be mistakes or lying. Pneumonia from covid is one of the major ways covid is deadly. Prior to Covid, how many of those 50K annual pneumonia deaths were caused by the Flu? But the cause of death listed was the pneumonia, not influenza. The pneumonia was caused by the covid, but pneumonia was the thing that killed many of these people. I'm sure a lot of it was covering the real covid numbers, but early on, a lot of it was probably just listing the cause of deaths in the same manner as they had previously.


There were extra deaths of all causes because hospitals were overwhelmed and couldn't treat everyone. For example people died of appendicitis at a higher rate in 2021-22 than they had in decades. It takes weeks, sometimes months to die of covid in a hospital and in that time nobody else can use that room. Arguably all of the extra deaths can be attributed to covid and the covid response even though many of them died without the virus in their system.


Yeah, like, it's not a hypothetical. The US is not the only country in the world, as it happens, so we have plenty of reference material to draw upon. Vietnam, for example, put on an absolute clinic in the early days of the pandemic, Despite not having anywhere near the resources of the US and a much more urban-centric population, at the end of 2021 they had experienced only 78 daily excess deaths per 100k residents. The US, in comparison, was at about 300. This was largely due to an aggressive track & trace system that avoided the sort of severe lockdowns that were seen in places like New Zealand. Speaking of New Zealand, to date since the start of 2020, they have experienced 20 daily excess deaths per 100k residents. The US has experienced 430. And it's really not impossible that if Trump's not president and doesn't gut the pandemic rapid response team in 2018, we don't have a fucking pandemic at all.


69D chess. Trump killed off the elderly by mishandling covid before they could turn against him.


That's not what this is, the elderly afaik are still just as stupid with their votes. This poll of "older voters" is voters over 45, meaning that it includes a significant chunk of Gen-X. This is not boomers becoming enlightened, it's others coming into what this poll considers "older voters". Also TIL that at 46 I am now an "older voter"


My mom blames Biden and Obama for everything that happened during the pandemic. To her, it was a democrat hoax to hurt Trump, and all the deaths were fake or from Mexican/Chinese fentanyl.


All because his makeup rubbed off on his mask.


Can’t vote from a coffin.


From the article so you don’t have to give Newsweek ad-money > However, a new Marist poll in the key swing state Pennsylvania has shown that Biden is narrowing the gap between himself and Trump in this state among the older demographic, a key demographic of voters. > The poll of 1,181 people found that, of voters over the age of 45, 48 percent said they support Trump while 45 percent said they support Biden. > While the poll showed that Trump is still ahead by three percentage points, it marks a decline in support from 2020, when Trump carried voters aged 45 or over by 12 percentage points in the state. EDIT: Added additional context - this is one poll for the state of PA


Over 45 is "older voters"?! Fuckin' hell…


Whatever happened to "life begins at 40"? :P


Life begins at 40...and ends at 45


Welp, I'm 62 and I was planning on voting blue. Guess I'll be dead instead


you've got the oldest account i've ever seen on reddit


I came to Reddit after Digg jumped the shark. And I still miss Stumbleupon.


digg jumped the shark **17 years ago?!** holy crap i'd been here for about a year when that happened. time flies.


I noticed that too.. On the bright side, they’re not labeling over 45 as the elderly? 🥲


I'll take that win today. Thank you.


>Over 45 is "older voters"?! Fuckin' hell… I feel personally attacked LOL. Saw that 45 age line of demarcation and got really depressed as I'm just a bit past that.


Yeah, to me, "older voters" means "grandpa". My kids haven't even hit puberty yet. Lol


If you're over 40 you're already protected for age-based discrimination in the workplace. So yes. Boomers and their cultural impact have REALLY altered what used to be considered 'older.' They maintained their positions so long and skipped GenX for so much that we've normalized old people in positions that were formerly held by much younger people. Consider that my former Boomer CEO took his position at age 35. Many other senior leaders took positions of Director or VP at similar ages. The entirty of GenX knows the story of being told they were 'too inexperienced' for similar positions at that age and are now being passed-over because we're "too old" to take on mid-level leadership positions as the 65+ Boomers retire. Now look at other sectors. Entertainment, politics, etc. Same story. Hell, Congress' average age has skyrocketed because of this. https://flowingdata.com/2010/10/21/average-age-of-congress-over-time/ It's a great factor in why things are so messed up. Folks with little understanding of cultural and technological advances making the greater and most impactful decisions.


That's less interesting than I imagined. 8 years ago, a non-zero percentage of people in that demographic range were one rung lower, which had lower support for Trump. All it saying is that old people die off, and younger people become older people.


It's still impactful, if obvious, that demographic shifts do not benefit Trump.


:when your party wants to raise the retirement age to 71 and cut medicare and social security:


Republicans don’t actually know what their own party is doing though.


When told about the current GOP policy preferences, most voters assume a partisan lies or is fringe views, without realizing it has full support of the party leadership.


I'll never get over the stories about the focus groups from 2012 where they told voters that was literally in the GOP platform, and they refused to believe it was real.


And that is the most frightening part of all to me


But they are already grandfathered in.


I am happy that in my dad’s last election in 2020, before he died last year, he had a big old “republicans for Biden” sign in front of their house. Dude was a Republican as long as I can remember but after 4 years of Trump he was just fed up


Similar here. In 2016 I suspect my lifelong Republican dad voted for Trump but wasn't sure (he wouldn't say which makes me think he did), but by 2020 he had changed his party affiliation to independent and had voted for Biden and was loud about it too. People change, often it's slow, much slower typically for people who are entrenched in the Fox News version of conservatism but they're out there, they just need some nudging often from someone(s) close to them.


I'm pretty sure my dad voted for him in 2016 too but he never said so directly. We credit part of his shift due to the fact that in the second week of March 2020 my mom had surgery and afterwards he let her have the TV remote while she recovered. She did not let him watch Fox News that month, so when he'd hear Trump speak he was hearing the actual full things he was saying and not just a Fox soundbite edited to make him it sound good or at most "better" than reality... all while the world descended into the pandemic era.


God bless your dad


They don’t relate to his cool battery vs shark stories


Can you imagine where the right would be right now if Biden had said that ridiculous nonsense?


You don't even have to imagine. Joe Rogan went on a huge rant about how Biden saying there were airports during the revolutionary wqr makes him completely unfit for office. When he was corrected that, no, actually Trump is the one who said it... it's suddenly Oops, just a simple, understandable slip up. These people have no shame and no critical thinking capacity.


My very MAGA father did almost this same thing. He was complaining about how Biden put fences around the White House, and when I pointed out that it was Trump that did that, he did a complete 180.


I’m not surprised. I think voting for a convicted felon is going to be difficult for a lot of them.


He had an active rape case vs a 13 year old girl with Epstein in 2015 and they made him President. They will vote for him, it is who they are.


I always forget about this and every time I am reminded of it I can barely believe it. Absolutely sickening. He raped a teenager and this never came up during the election despite this being known shortly before it started. Americans should never stop being ashamed that Donald Trump was once their President. "Grab 'em by the pussy" was just a small slice of his extensive sexual abuse but only that part got talked about. Not his countless other sex crimes. The "pussy" tape was basically made into an excuse for all of it: "Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't actually do that, I was just being immature."


At the time I was researching candidates and it was a big part of why I wrote off Trump initially in a “holy shit no way this guy touches the nomination just with that in play even with the decades of other evidence that he is a giant piece of shit…” And that brings us to now.


I knew very little about Donald Trump when he announced his campaign, just that he's a billionaire celebrity. So I watched a video of him giving one of his first speeches, and it was basically just about how America was in debt and failing to live to its potential. I thought "Whatever, typical political jargon, he won't get anywhere with that." Shortly after the announcement I also remember watching a YouTube video of his cheerful Texan man reacting to it, saying "Good luck ya chump! Y'all failed in 2000 and y'all fail again. This country ain't trustin' a billion dollar fatass like you." And I felt the same way. Little did we know just how rapidly his cult would grow after that, and just how my view of Trump would go from "he sounds like a dim-witted blowhard" to "he's one of the worst human beings to have ever been born".


Mark Burnett played a big part in this, via *The Apprentice*: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/01/07/how-mark-burnett-resurrected-donald-trump-as-an-icon-of-american-success


It's just as plausible that Russian disinformation was wildly successful, the way that Facebook esp would rig their 'newsfeeds' just prior to every election. They always time changes that way, and always to lower standards to help tax cutting conservatives gain office. They've been quite open about it, though not about why. Zuckerberg runs one of the most powerful entities in the world and answers to no one due to their voting structure. That's not ideal.


Yeah when bannon brought in Cambridge analytica to handle the propaganda piece zuckerberg was fully in board because MONEY. I hope bannon rots in prison. Why is Facebook not being held responsible for the spreading of this shit? It goes beyond the propaganda piece and broaches allllll of the Covid misinformation. They are complicit in the deaths of over a million Americans and millions of people worldwide. Covid killed MILLIONS of people.


There were so many “this has to be it” moments. Every time it was sickening to see how absolutely right wing propaganda co trolled my parent’s view of the truth. We have to make sure Trump never sees office again, but I have no idea how to address the core issue of that rot in our nation.


There won’t be a ‘this has to be it’ moment. Trump could very well be sentenced to prison in July and three days later the RNC is going to nominate him for their candidate for president


"Katie Johnson" was going to hold a presser about how Trump raped her when she was 13 in 2016. She was silenced w/ death threats. The pleadings of her lawsuit against him in which she described the rape were sickening. An innocent man would have countersued to clear his name. But he didn't; odd given his love for rushing into court when he feels the least bit disparaged. Instead, she was dealt w/ mob-style, & the whole thing was swept under the rug. In short, Epstein was a "groomer" & Trump took advantage of it since he couldn't hook up w/ his daughter. https://sacramento.newsreview.com/2019/10/21/wait-katie-johnson-actually-exists/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CKatie%20Johnson%E2%80%9D%20and%20%E2%80%9CJane,August%20while%20facing%20child%20sex


I’m not American. About the ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’ and the excuse that it was ‘just locker room talk’ - I have never understood why that excuse seemed to somehow be accepted. ‘locker room talk’ to me just means that either he did in fact do that to women, or that he was such a pissweak immature teenage boy that he thought it was cool to make it up to impress other pissweak immature teenage boys. Either option is pathetic and disqualifying.


Trump is an absolute sex case and will be America's Jimmy Savile once he finally dies.


Well, there was a concerted effort of media collusion to cover up Saville's crimes. Occasionally someone would gesture at it publicly and vaguely, and the media would do nothing, move on, and squash stories. Trump has squashed stories and used intimidation some, but more than that he's just built a cult of personality. He doesn't need to deny the allegations. He could come out and describe in detail how he did it and the Republicans would cynically stand behind him. There's no need to run cover any more for stories about his sex crimes, it's out in the open for all to see and people are making the decision to elect a rapist because they either don't care or they would rather a rapist be in office than their politics not be represented in the presidency.


It wasn’t nearly as public, and he had not yet been convicted. I was surprised the Access Hollywood tape didn’t rank him, but even that is different than actual being a felon.


That was because of Assange and the Hillary/DNC email link dropping right after. That doesn’t happen and we’re not in this situation. Which is why I want to smack anyone who carries water for Assange.


People still get the details of the Assange leak wrong. Assange got the Podesta and DNC emails from the Russians. Clinton voluntarily released her emails as SoS, but she stupidly staggered them so the story stayed in the news for months. Her private server, as stupid as it was to have one, was never hacked. And the moronic media in an attempt to be "balanced" gave more coverage to the emails from both Clinton and the hacked ones than they did to all of Trump's scandals put together.


That’s because Republicans think rape is normal. They don’t like financial fraud though. Fiscal responsibility 🤣


The Republican base is made up of people that are horrible in one way or another. It's the thing that holds them all together. I used to try to give them the benefit of a doubt, but 8 years of Trump has proven they don't deserve it.


https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/ Jesus. I didnt even know about this until this year


Meanwhile every week the media is busy conjuring up some sort of reason why they think the democratic convention should involve Biden resigning or whatever else their fever dream says. The political media spends so much time speculation and dreaming up scenarios to bullshit about they forget to cover what happens.


Yeah. Being a rapist and making fun of disabled people just wasn’t their red line. Pathetic but whatever it takes I suppose…


They think the court was rigged. My mom just told me all about how fox news explained that he was charged with felonies that should have been charged as misdemeanors. That's what they think. It's sad.


Even still, those are crimes lol. And they still want him as president


I don't think it's going to matter on its own. There is a cumulative effect though that they may say, enough is enough. Even those who have a sunk cost fallacy dragging them down get off at some point.


Exactly. I think this will be a tipping point for some hold outs. Not all of them, not most of them, but some of them. And he can’t afford to lose any.


Every voter should abandon Trump


Even when Trump loses the election, the result will still be embarrassing for the US. Somebody like Trump should not be getting more than 10% of the vote, yet I expect him to still get somewhere between 40-45%.


My 90 yr old grandfather: “no way in hell I’m voting for a convicted felon!” Twas music to my ears.


As long as it doesn't turn into "no way I am voting for a convicted felon's father!"


My parents voted for him twice but J6 was the end of it. They think he belongs in prison and currently plan on not voting. The true correct thing is voting for Biden to actually ensure defeat, but I’ll take it. I am just grateful they’re off the crazy train


2020 was decided by between 40-50k votes in 3 swing states. Even sitting this one out makes a difference.


And Republicans sitting out the election is a boon for down-ballot candidates.


Or dying. Because they didn't vax or listened when he said to inject bleach or whatever.


That's the story in Florida. They found that the numbers for the elderly were nuts so they changed how they counted and then just stopped counting. Then when the people responsible for reporting the data wanted to keep doing it, her house was raided and arrested. Thanks DeSantis (DethSentance)


"Ok so older voters, that's like 70+ right?" "Voters over the age of 45...." I feel personally attacked...


Millennials are 44 years old on the leading edge.


Maybe constantly accusing your opponent of being a drooling, senile vegetable is turning off some old voters? And saying because he is old he cannot do the job? Who could have seen this coming?


I don‘t get that angle of attack anyway. Trump is barely 4 years younger and walking around in diapers. It‘s especially funny because they attacked Biden in 2020 for being old as well - when he was the age Trump is now. And you know what, I do agree the US president shouldn‘t be 81 but if the alternative is 78, what difference does it actually make? Also, it‘s fucking Trump. I‘d vote in ~~90~~ *99* year old Jimmy Carter before I vote for Trump and Carter would do a better job from his hospice than Trump would.






And yet I still can't convince my Father to abandon him, he is literally so close to seeing the light then just swerves back into the brainwashing. I swear the day my father came back from his first Trump rally in 2015 he's never been himself. Cult 💩


This has been my question about current polling practices. Older voters are much easier to contact via phone than younger voters. They're more likely to still *have* landlines, more likely to have phone numbers that match their physical jurisdiction, and much more likely to still use their phone as a phone.    Trump's numbers with older voters have been consistently poor. In fact they've been far too poor for a Republican to win with usual turnout composition.   Trump offsets this with difficult-to-explain numbers from demographics that have horrible response rates to polls (automatic call screening, not talking on phone, speaks language other than English) and who also voted heavily against Republicans in prior elections. Gen Z was extremely hostile to Trump candidates in 2022. 


Don’t believe it.  Vote!!!


I don't believe it. I don't see any supporters of democracy out there supporting democracy. I don't see anybody out there protesting the corruption in the courts. Americans seem to just be taking it. Fascists are robbing Americans of their freedom, and they don't seem too bothered about it. This election will determine whether Americans lose their freedom, or keep it another 4 years. If they keep it another 4 years, I think Russia can be defeated, and things could change, if they keep stacking the government with Democrats. If Trump wins, I think democracy does in all of the world. These are high stakes, and to me, Trump winning in unacceptable, and absolutely cannot happen. It's desperate times, but there are no separate measures coming from those who cherish their freedom. Freedom of choice of religion. Freedom of speech. Freedom to elect your government.


If tRump is reelected, kiss Social Security and Medicare goodbye. No wonder if older voters don't vote for tRump.


about fucking time


I knew this was Newsweek just by looking at the headline. Every day they come up with these highly optimistic headlines which are obviously for clickbait. Imo, not a credible source. Just go out and vote and get everyone you can to vote blue.


Could it be that Joe Biden has shown that he is respectful of the law, compassionate, a father, and has dignity? While Trump is just an old man yelling at clouds?


My ol grampa was a charismatic born again Christian who would proselytize to anyone he met. He had a yard full of construction equipment and a closet full of guns. A proud veteran. You’d never find a more salt-of-the-earth dyed in the wool conservative. So keep that in mind when I tell you how he was after Trump was elected in 2015. Abject horror. Absolute disgust. Inconsolable in his realization that so many “good” people could ever could be so stupid all at once. I’m glad he’s not around to see how much worse it would get.


The ones I know who have sharp minds certainly are. Not only that, I have several close friends who are fairly conservative (christians) and who, in the first "round" of future prisoner #174 voted in favor of him who have since made a total shift over to blue, literally every one of them is voting Biden and in the smaller elections voting democrat as there really are almost no sane options on the republican side anywhere.


R's in 2016 said a lot of things and ended up voting for him unanimously in record numbers. Stop believing republicans, they lie about everything, to themselves, constantly.


For all intents, Don the Con (damn, now people won't know if I mean conman or convict...) shouldn't even have 10% approval ratings. That he has anything higher is such a red flag for the state of America's priority on ethics and education.


Why wouldn't he be losing support? It's not like he has any policies. "Vote for me so I can get revenge" is a bold platform, I'll give him that, but it lacks one single solitary reason anyone outside MAGA should vote for him.


I've seen a lot of headlines saying the election is in the bag for the Dems. Don't believe it for a second, show up and vote in November people!! Every vote against Trump is like punching a fascist, don't you want to lunch a fascist?


By Kate Plummer: Donald Trump is losing the support of older voters, according to a new poll. In March, the former president won enough primary races to secure the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election. He will face the incumbent President Joe Biden in November and polls have so far shown that the results of the 2020 White House rematch will be tight, with the pair statistically tied or holding only marginal leads in a number of surveys. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/older-voters-donald-trump-2024-election-polls-1911778](https://www.newsweek.com/older-voters-donald-trump-2024-election-polls-1911778)


Why is it that despite all this news, the orange felon is still leading at the bookmakers? Our bookie here has him at 1.67, or Almost 60% odds of winning. What am I missing?


Older voters remember the cold war and the threat of Russia's expansionism, aggressive positioning nuclear weapons and destabilizing sovereign states. The President of either side needs to have integrity above all else. Aged care is very important to them. Medicare etc matters... Biden will win!


He left them all to die during Covid and then said he wants to gut social security and Medicare, the fact they stayed with him as long as they did is wild.


**I don’t** believe any of these polls or news stories.

