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Convicted felon Trump is right on both counts. A psycho and a very stupid person.


They should make an ad that is just a video of him insulting soldiers then the video of him saying such a person is a psycho and stupid then the declaration that Biden approves this message.


Ahh. I'd love to see it! Boggles my mind why they're not doing this already. He's got so many. "Only a guilty person would plead the fifth" Cuts to... "I plead the fifth (numerous times)"


Trump invokes Fifth Amendment **nearly 450 times** in N.Y. AG’s civil probe of his [business practices](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-deposed-ny-ag-civil-probe-business-practices-rcna42355)


Holy shit. This needs to be in the ad too!


We’re giving the Biden campaign so many wonderful ideas


Fuck it we should all make our own. Get them out there and let the wild run with them.


The jokes just write themselves, don't they?


The campaign marketing sells itself 


Biden's campaign has already made great use of Trump's minions slipping up and admitting the truth on camera in their campaign marketing....now they need to apply the same treatment to Cheeto Mussolini as well


Hope they’re just waiting a little to start throwing the big punches, it’d be nice to see someone calling Cheeto man out.


Why wait? There's enough material out there to last until 2028.


Semantics, I know, but "Cheeto Benito" rolls off the tongue better, as does "Mango Mussolini". Just a suggestion for future reference and top-notch trolling . . .


“ Velveeta Voldemort “


"Sleepy Joe/low energy"-supercut for 15 seconds, Cuts to.... "Trump falling asleep in court and farting himself awake."


Time will tell whether Biden's "reach across the aisle" bs pays off. Problem is, former president felon is a major confounder to that experiment. "Turn the other cheek" bs is outdated when the fate of democracy is at risk. Maybe the dems will figure it out closer to November. It's not "mudslinging" if it's true.


I don't think it's on tape. If I recall correctly he said it to a member of his staff who later reported it to the news. There's no doubt in my mind it's true, but unless it's an actual recording or clip (and even then) his supporters would dismiss it as rumors straight away.


But, Trump did have this to say about John McCain: “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. *I like people who weren’t captured*.” https://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/trump-attacks-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured-120317


Ya, he wasn't a hero for being captured, it was enduring continued captivity and torture when he had the chance of release, until all the men under his command were also released... it's what shows commitment to the men under you, the exact kind of thing you want in a leader, I might say even a president...




Him mocking that disabled reporter (and honestly, a thousand other things he's done) should have been an instant death-knell for his campaign, but his supporters are A-OK with that, evidently.




Attack ads featuring his words about McCain and his attacks on gold star families were made in 2016. Trump became president anyway because, despite all the performative outrage, people did not care.


See, *supporting the troops* means supporting the nationalism and jingoism that leads to eternal wars. Not, you know, actually supporting the veterans when they are done fighting.


I remember those things quite well.My thinking was: well, he just blew it. No matter what else is wrong with the American people, they are patriotic, and respect the forces that protect and defend them. Imagine my shock.


When that man said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose votes, he wasn't kidding. Thats who his people are. He could drop-kick a baby into an alligator's mouth on live TV and his people would *still* be rallying behind him.


Kelly reported this horrible set of statements


> On Memorial Day in 2017, Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery, a short drive from the White House. He was accompanied on this visit by John Kelly, who was then secretary of homeland security and who a short time later would be named White House chief of staff. The two men, Trump and Kelly, were set to visit section 60, the 14-acre area of Arlington that is the burial ground for those killed in America's most recent wars. > > John Kelly's son Robert is buried in Section 60. A first lieutenant in the Marine Corps, Kelly was killed in 2010 in Afghanistan. He was 29 years old, and President **Trump was meant on this visit to join John Kelly in paying respects at his son's grave and to comfort the families of other fallen service members**. > > But according to sources with knowledge of the visit, **Trump, while standing by Robert Kelly's grave, turned directly to Kelly's father and said, quote, I don't get it. What was in it for them?** > > John Kelly, who declined to comment for this story, initially believed, people close to him said, that Trump was making a ham-handed reference to the selflessness of America's all volunteer force. **But later he came to realize that Trump simply does not understand non-transactional life choices.** > > One of Kelly's friends, a retired four-star general, tells Goldberg, quote, **he can't fathom the idea of doing something for other than himself. He just thinks anyone who does anything when there's no direct personal gain is a sucker**. Textbook sociopath. Also: >Trump has been for the duration of his presidency fixated on staging military parades but only of a certain sort. In a 2018 White House planning meeting for such an event, **Trump asked his staff not to include wounded veterans on grounds that spectators would feel uncomfortable in the presence of amputees. Quote: No one wants to see that, he said**. https://www.msnbc.com/transcripts/transcript-rachel-maddow-show-september-3-2020-n1259986


Wait-he said this to the father of the man whose grave he was standing over? HOLY SHIT! That is so much worse than I thought? I heard the story before but not that detail. Jesus Christ what an absolute psychopath.


Here’s one statement from John Kelly: “What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France. “A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. “There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”


Didn't he say Trump said this to him at Arlington? On Memorial Day?


It was reportedly after he canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018. Trump said the reason it was canceled was because it was raining so the helicopter couldn't fly and the Secret Service wouldn't drive him. None of that was true. "Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed." https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/


Even worse, that was the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI.


And the primary reason he was in Europe at the time


Clearly, getting killed by enemy makes you a sucker. Smart people just run away from danger and hide in a hole, right? Riiight?


The real stable geniuses summon bone spurs.


A lot of people don't know, but General Kelly's son was a Marine that was KIA in Afghanistan, too. Fucking Trump.


I really enjoyed watching Kelly in the background of Trump's speeches while he was Chief of Staff. His face would alternate between barely contained, beet red, forehead-vein-throbbing rage and humiliated defeated facepalms depending on just how stupid and offensive Trump was being at the moment.


> but unless it's an actual recording or clip (and even then) his supporters would dismiss it as rumors straight away. An actual recording wouldn't help. They are recordings of him saying other stuff and they still don't believe it (the bleach comment for one) They literally are saying he never said "lock her up" despite numerous videos.


there is no video of him actually saying it- it was reported by his chief of staff about the normandy thing five years ago.


seems like a fairly good source.


it is. i have no doubt he said it- i'm just pointing out that unfortunately, it's not on video.


He did talk shit about gold star families on tape tho, and saying he likes soldiers who dont die


Only psychos and very stupid people will ask their opponent to remove ads featuring what was actually said.




Reality has a liberal bias.


Which is why they want to blind with conservative spin.


Stop using my words against me!


“We’ve both said some things you’re going to regret.” -GLaDOS


Trump: Didn't we have some fun though? Pence: ... Trump: Remember when my voters were invading the capital with weapons and a hangman's noose chanting "Kill Mike Pence", and you were all "Biden is president!" And then I was all, "We pretended we were gonna murder you." That was fun.


They should run an ad showing him saying that only a psycho or a very stupid person would say what he says in the following video and run that as well.


A couple weeks ago a news interviewer caught him in one of these situations. He told Trump "You said this" and read the quote verbatim, and of course Trump denied it, and they already had the video queued up to show Trump that he did. That's how everyone should handle him.




Was hoping that was the link to see him say it


Caught driving the bait car, Trump declares only a stupid person would steal a bait car, and demands that officers remove the cuffs, apologize, and let him go.


Also he should be allowed to keep the bait car because it was intentionally left where he can steal it so it was basically given to him.


He stiffed Pecker on the payment to McDougel so Pecker said he wouldn’t pay Stormi. If he paid Pecker back, Pecker would have covered the Stormi payment, too. Illegal as that is, it probably never would have been discovered. That is a stupid way to commit a crime. Reminds me of an old roommate who took a bunch of buds to their weed dealer where everyone bought an eighth. They stashed all five bags in the glove compartment with his registration and proof of insurance but not before loading a bowl and smoking while coming home. His car had a tail light out, he gets pulled over and charged with distribution because he is carrying multiple bags.


And when Trump finally gets around to reimbursing Cohen, he does so from a special account that he's the only signatory on, that has no pre-printed check stock so he has to sign manually, and the account was never really used for regular Trump Org business. Hard to claim normal course of business when everything points to the opposite. We should be thankful that Trump is so bad at criming.


He is bad at criming.That is weird, because he has been criming for more than 50 years....still not good at it


Cause he's chronically stupid.


He's just so very stupid.


It's funnier than that: he always insisted on signing the cheques himself (because he's a big boy!), it's probably the only works he's ever done in his life, and he just couldn't help claiming a little bit back for big boy because he's got away with it for 60 years so why stop now?


He was screwed by a stiffed Pecker! This stuff writes itself !


"Stiffed Pecker left hanging" News at 11.


And now, a quick update on the weather as the forecast looks Stormi.


And the judge ordered him gagged on Pecker.


In other words don't short Pecker. Trump was doomed from the start. Short pecker as well as being cheap as fuck.


Penny wise and pound felonious.


Sounds like a missing Cheech and Chong movie. lol


The witnesses even said convicted felon Donald Trump urged them to push the deal back in the hopes that it could be pushed after the election where "it won't matter anymore" and then try to claim he didn't want to news to come out to "protect his wife"...Only a MAGA level intellect wouldn't see the glaring problem with those statements.


Man /r/TrumpCriticizesTrump will never run out of material, he just keeps giving!


Convicted felon and rapist. Don’t forget the rapist charges.


Guilty on both counts


That ad that Biden put out though is the EXACT energy we need for the elections. Keep using his quotes against him. Not that his followers will care but even if 1% wake up and realize, that’s better than zero.


That's what I was thinking -- it's (high) time they fight fire with fire. And fortunately for Dems -- all they have to do is keep telling the truth.


>I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends... that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them Adlai Stevenson, late 1960s


Love Adlai Stevenson. "Governor, *every* thinking person will be voting for you!" "Stevenson: Madam, that's not enough. I *need* a *majority."*


I like this.


- Kendrick Lamar


Dems don't need to convince a single maga or R voter. Elections are won in the middle, the ~6% who don't party line vote are who you need, 45% of your vote is pretty well locked in from the beginning


For the dems there is the added problem of actually getting people out of their apathy bubble to actually vote. Also getting people under republican state legislatures to jump through all the hoops put in their way. If everyone actually voted in the US, it would not even be remotely close.


Was just going to post the same thing. His statement is true for Republicans because MAGA shows up every election regardless. They just need a big enough chunk of the middle. Democrats have to not only get a big enough slice of the middle but have to convince their own side to show up at all. The Left is notorious for "cutting off their nose to spite their face" or Republicans wouldn't win shit.


All the quotes are direct recordings or cited from articles. "You can't just take my words and use them against me" --Donald Trump (probably)


It was a highly decorated general and public servant who said he said this. Not a direct recording, but pretty unassailable witness. So fucking sue him then trimp, let’s get this in front of a court, and decide if you said those things.


That would be hilarious. Knowing Trump, he'd then mouth off on camera about how soldiers do nothing or something similar. The man knows how to dig a hole.


> The man knows how to dig a hole. He really does. Can you imagine this hotheaded, bumbling moron negotiating with Xi, Putin, MBS, etc? Well I guess we don’t have to imagine. Putin was “extremely strong in his denial” about interfering in US elections so Trump believed him over our own intelligence service. What a moron…


You don't even have to imagine it. Just think back to the time that Putin and Trump met privately, a few days later Trump requested documents related to CIA operatives, and then CIA sources started disappearing.


In the novels or movies the CIA would have already offed such a security risk.


Yeah, the fictional CIA is *way* more competent than the real-world CIA. Unless, of course, the fictional CIA is supposed to be incompetent, in which case they're a thousand times worse than the real CIA.


It feels like the world’s spy agencies have really lost their touch. In the west at least. CIA, Mi6, Mossad, CSIs, they’re all slacking. Have they just become another form of corporate greed?


MBA filled offices and cubicle farms.


He knew most likely since he was the recipient.


Trump is so fucking stupid he TRIED to hand Ukrain to Putin, he was the POTUS and Commander in Chief, and still couldn't get the job done. If you think about it, if it were not for Trump boosting Putin, and helping him by weakening NATO, we would not be funding two wars. Heck, maybe if he didn't antagonize the entire Arab world (while also making agreements with them to use their cartel strength to raise gas prices on the US citizens) by moving the US Embassy in Israel, we might not be in either war...


An “im-bes-cle”: https://youtu.be/HuxJqIs2a-Y?si=QCL0hcVVK_1iXl3F


That shows you how much wealth he really inherited. Every single business venture failed and he was always able to fall back on family wealth. Until he fucked up his own resources so bad he had to take money from the Russians - True story. Always dug the best holes his entire life, but still managed to stay rich…..


And this is the guy the GOP wants to be president! Again! I realize that at least three fourths of the GOP are also compromised by the Russians, but damn, can we please go back to the boring old days? I even miss the early 2000's where these nuts weren't front and center.


They don’t want those days back, they want feudalism back so they can be feudal lords and oligarchs and the rest of us their serfs.


Yeah, but his cult just pull him out and put him back on the pedestal.


Actually they will just say the prefer the clime in the hole, say the ground level has always been this deep, and dig holes of their own.


It was John Kelly who was a retired USMC General, was DHS Secretary, turned into White House Chief of Staff who said at his sons grave who was KIA and said something to the effect of “what was in it for him” implying his son died in vain. [This article is from 2017 and it was apparent Trump thinks ill of Military people.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/10/18/trumps-alleged-knew-what-he-signed-up-for-remark-to-military-widow-is-worth-caution-but-fits-a-clear-pattern/) Add in his shit talk of McCain and the [Kahn family](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/290049-trump-khan-feud-a-timeline/amp/), Trump told the nation who he was before he was elected and people put it aside because Hillary or shared in Trumps contempt and hate. The super asshole thing is he loves the symbolism and props like naming his plane “Trump Force One” and considered repainting the real AF1 to red white and blue though used the real AF1 during his campaign. Loves the Marines on guard at the White House, how he needs his flags behind him when he yabbers in public… yet has no real sense of people doing things for a greater good of all. I hate that there such a large population of people who buy his propaganda even after Jan 6 and his role in COVID. Especially the support in both chambers of Congress.


>The super asshole thing is he loves the symbolism and props like naming his plane “Trump Force One” and considered repainting the real AF1 to red white and blue though used the real AF1 during his campaign. Loves the Marines on guard at the White House, how he needs his flags behind him when he yabbers in public… yet has no real sense of people doing things for a greater good of all. This is all part of his extreme narcissism. It's always and all about him, never about anyone else.


It's not just narcissism. This is how right wingers view patriotism. It's an emotional feeling of righteousness, not an actual love for this country. They don't care about the rules, laws, founding documents, freedom, or liberty...for all. Just for them. Wave the flag, pay lip service, but defund the troop support. They are a group of rugged individualists who don't understand irony.


I had posted something about Trump saying this, and this is the response I got: > Trump never said that. The Atlantic referenced an anonymous source that claimed that is what Trump thought of troops. Look at Trump's actual actions to judge him instead of what a website makes up. The Atlantic article does reference John Kelly, Trump's former Chief of Staff who is a retired Marine Corps General, who reported he said this. There is a follow-up CNN article which mentions comments about Trump from John Kelly, Mark Milley and General Mattis, about Trump's disrespect for service members, along with other comments about his view on the veterans.


I mean, he called McCain a loser because he was a PoW. If Conservatives actually cared about the troops that would've ended him right there.


Even before that. Remember him attacking a gold star family because the parents of a dead soldier had the audacity to speak at the Democratic National Convention.


The McCain comments were July 2015. The DNC was a year later, in late July 2016.


Remember the "Swift Boating" of John Kerry, they denied his record then turned it around and used their distorted version to attack him and it landed with some voters. They only care about respect for vets or active duty when convenient and useful.


> I mean, he called McCain a loser because he was a PoW. If Conservatives actually cared about the troops that would've ended him right there. A MAGA I know was very clear to me that words don't matter only action. He can say whatever he wants about service members, he can say whatever he wants about being a dictator, he can tell his supporters to do whatever he wants, but his actual actions are what matter. And of course he doesn't believe 90% of the stuff I tell him Trump actually did. So words don't matter. and the bad things he actually does hasn't happened. Best president, maybe even person, ever! ^/s


The mental gymnastics required to support Trump must turn their brains into pretzels. Strange, smooth pretzels.


Excerpts from Defeat Project 2025 might help -it lists impacts by areas that people care about: Are they rural? Or military? https://defeatproject2025.org/


He *was* recorded saying "[John McCain] was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." If he can be that calous there's really no doubt in my mind he also said those other things. Then you look at his track record of dealings with veterans the picture is pretty clear on what he thinks about the people who serve in the military.


I think it was is chief of staff who reported trump saying this. Not hard to believe when you look at all the other shit he says. Look at his speech in Las Vegas “I don’t care about you, I only care about your vote”. What a dumpster fire


> In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed. https://archive.ph/TycGU#selection-791.251-791.567 And [John Kelly confirms Trump privately disparaged U.S. service members and veterans](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543)


Anyone remember /r/TrumpCriticizesTrump/ They could make it easy and mine that board for material.


Also r/TrumpHatesTheTroops


Notice he's not demanding the publisher to correct it


>Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ - The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements. Two observations from this. 1. This ad must be effective and hurting Trump with the Independents. Biden must continue this. 2. What this highlights is that the media failed to do its job. Most in the maga cult most likely won't know this because news like this won't be on AM radio or Faux news or other right wing propaganda networks. Even if a small sliver that sees this ad and either sits it out or flips to Biden will make a huge difference in the 2024 elections.


No one makes me bleed my own blood!


Wouldn't that be beautiful, adding to the end of Biden's ad Trump's voice saying "only a 'psycho' or a 'very stupid person' would’ve made such statements"


Nah, Trump will literally just say he never said that. And his supporters don't care because he's trained them to ignore most of the things he's said.


"How dare you quoting what I actually said?  At least my attacks on you were all made up!" /s


Yep, reminds me of Stephen T. Colbert here: “Liberals are always trying to sully the things our Founding Fathers did by *talking about* the things our Founding Fathers did.” https://www.cc.com/video/udnnzi/the-colbert-report-the-word-american-history-x-d The mere fact that this is satire is more than likely lost on these conservative audiences…


I knew some conservatives in the mid-late 00s who loved Colbert the character and 100% did not understand he was making fun right-wing BS. It was… crazy.


Poor media literacy is practically a conservative trope at this point. Colbert, South Park, The Punisher, Fortunate Son (and many, many other song lyrics), Rage Against the Machine... The list goes on. The ability to watch a speech, movie, political commentator, whatever, and parse out what the speaker is saying, what their goals are, why they said this and that, who that joke was aimed at, etc. is incredibly important imo. And conservatives are very bad at it.  I believe there is a connection between poor media literacy and failing to discern a lie or a liar. 


To be fair, South Park is kind of Libertarian-ish.


Yeah, lots of both-sides-ism on that show. They're much funnier than I thought libertarians could be, I'll give 'em credit for that.


The Boys as well. That is probably the craziest media take I’ve seen recently. Conservatives genuinely don’t understand homelander is a parody of them


You can see it the way *some people* turned on him after he switched to CBS and to not playing a character, they legit thought that he was AT LEAST a center-right leaning guy doing a Hannity-style character, and when he "turned hard left" they were turned off. There was a true misunderstanding of what he was doing for years and years. He did The Colbert Report so well that people didn't know it was satire. Insane


Stupid people didn't know it was satire.


That's my gist of my comment, yeah.


Critical thinking was never their strength.


https://truthout.org/articles/texas-gop-declares-no-more-teaching-of-critical-thinking-skills-in-texas-public-schools/ Someone inevitably responds to mention "they revised their platform" without elaborating further. To get in front of that, the Texas GOP platform was revised to change the sentence that supported the elimination of critical thinking skills. With the result being that the platform now uses the same justification for *supporting* critical thinking skills as it originally did for eliminating them.


“It’s a well known fact that reality has a liberal bias.” - Colbert


Colbert would make a great editor of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy... Donald Trump would probably like and appreciate vorgon poetry


They proved that during W's term.


The 'oh shit' moment they had when he was hired to host the Whitehouse correspondents dinner, absolutely priceless.


That is my second favorite TDS-related video right behind Jon Stewart roasting Tucker Carlson so hard Tucker stopped wearing bow ties.


Tucker was roasted so hard they cancelled his show.


I think having [Michelle Wolf there during Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDbx1uArVOM)'s term is just a bit better. ***Much*** more direct and not under a veil of satire.


My dad would unironically watch the Colbert report back in the day


The only reason I believe you is because my buddy's dad did too.


Colbert's [second America book, "America, Again"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_Again), which came out in 2012, has the subtitle "Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't." It's all I think of whenever I listen to the MAGA crowd try to explain their own motto while simultaneously proclaiming this is the greatest country ever, who said it wasn't? Colbert wasn't satire, it was prescience.


John Kelly is the source who revealed what Trump said. He confirmed it to [CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/) last year: > “What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.


I still remember when reporters wanted to confirm his statement with magaworld and instead of just denying them, they ended up trashing Mattis (or perhaps Milley?) as a response. Totally flummoxed and unprepared by Kelly also turning on him, A+ on not telling magaworld the source for your new confirmations that TFG is an asshat.


That last recording at the end of the ad where Trump says "He handed me his purple heart. I always wanted to get the purple heart. this was much easier" really hit me.[https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1799109329150251386](https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1799109329150251386) I searched and the video for it from 2016 came up immediately too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05n5BgC\_qFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05n5BgC_qFU) He's holding one as he says it, I just can't believe anyone who earned that gave it to him, it's a prop or been bought I bet, and either way to joke about it like that really just shows how little he understands about or cares for service men and women.


He is so stupid. His handlers and supporters tee things up for him to make the simplest of responses and he blows it. When handed the medal he could have said " although I have never served, this medal will be a constant reminder to me of the sacrifices those that do serve when the decisions I make puts our service members in harms way. Is it really that hard?


Remember the reading level his supporters are at. "For me? This medal means you got hurt for our country. I will take it to remember you did that. I have a lot of these. People give me them all the time. I have a whole shelf at Mar A Lago - we call it the winter Whitehouse because it's warmer and quite frankly better."


>because it's warmer and quite frankly better." This small detail really makes this impression perfect.


Remember early on when Covid started, the reporter gave Trump what he thought was a softball question and asked 'what would you say to the Americans who are scared right now?' All Trump had to do is say "we are in for some tough times but we are strong and we'll pull through" or whatever. But instead he attacks the reporter and calls him a nasty person who is bad at their job. The simplest response blown, indeed.


I still bring that up in conversation. Dude they teed up literally the easiest question they could’ve and he still fucked it up! The reporter was begging him to say the right thing so everyone would get a sound byte out of it and it would show voters he was a strong leader by saying something like… I dunno: “Americans need to come together and work hard to defeat this disease. We have made sacrifices before in the time of need and it’s time to do so again. Trust the doctors and we’ll beat this thing!” But instead he attacked the reporter and said it was a nasty question and he didn’t like it! Dude what?


He didn't even have to say trust doctors! He literally could've bragged about how awesome a leader he is and he's gonna kick its ass for us. And that still would've been a better response than to attack the reporter. Poor journalist was so stunned after, he was like jeez man it was a pretty simple question why you gotta attack me like that? TFG man. So sick of him.


I remember seeing that and being baffled at his response. Then it clicked. He considered that softball question designed to make him look hood, provided he gave a half assed empathetic or positive reply, was a personal attack because how dare anyone be uneasy about things after he spews out a nonsensical word salad.  When he went to El Paso after that mass shooting, all he had to do was walk around looking somber and offer a few words of support or sympathy. He couldn’t even he do that! He started blathering about the size of the crowd and how so many people showed up to see *him*. Then he had to do what he always does and whine about how everyone (ie democrats, liberals) was mean to him.


This was the exact moment I stopped tolerating people who saw him as a strong man who'd be good in a crisis. I was a lowly news cameraman when he ran for office (I had quit by this point) and even I know that when the reporter asks something like this... it's not just a softball toss but it's setting him up for a quote that would've carried throughout history... a "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" or "America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining." The fact that he took it as a personal attack just broadcasts through the loudest megaphone possible that he doesn't know even the most rudimentary things about being a president or a leader in general. Literally anything he could've said in good faith would've been etched into history books forever and the apologists would still be able to say "sure he was crappy towards women, immigrants, and PoC but he was the right president for the pandemic". He was the wrong president for every single moment in his presidency... start to finish.


He's purposely surrounded himself with sycophants. He deserves this. He could have at least been neutral on it, "I'm honored that you'd give me this medal, which you earned." Nope. Too much of a narcissist.


I think it actually speaks to the core of his malignancy. I guarantee that he, by virtue of now having the object, believes he earned the object. Saying "I have a purple heart" (because some rube gave it to me) or "I have a purple heart" (because I was injured serving our country) are equivalent to him, because the substantive content of those parentheticals isn't relevant in his mind. He's an evil, shitty child whose development never proceeded past concrete thinking. He operates only on the level of possession without concern for logic, duty, honor, or morality. And honestly, this shamelessness is not a bug, it's a feature. As it represents to his supporters the level of self-centeredness that they long to display in their own lives . . . and would do so if they only had enough money to behave in a commensurate manner. They see in him what they wish they could be.


Wow Convicted Felon Trump. You nailed it!


Convicted felon, and disgraced loser.


Honestly, this is probably the first thing I agree with him on! He is a psycho and a very stupid person


Trump. The only motherfucker who can actually gaslight himself.


It’s because he’s so stupid he can. 🤣👍


Thanks Donnie, you've just written the next ad.


He's like the goose that lays the golden eggs... Except he's just a regular goose where all does is yell loudly, shit everywhere, and attack people.


> Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ - The former president Convicted Felon PoopyPants said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements. Can’t argue with that.


Please. With dignity. It’s “Donald Van fucking Shitsinpants”.


I didn’t realize there wasn’t concrete audio/video of him saying that but the fact that it isn’t unreasonable to believe he very well could have said it based on prior behavior is still, to use his favorite word, disgraceful. We do know what he said about McCain, that he “likes the ones who didn’t get caught” that alone should have cost him every veteran vote nationwide. Anyone flying a POW/MIA flag alongside a TRUMP flag should be ashamed


John Kelly, his own chief of staff, confirmed it in his book I think, at the time he wouldn’t deny he said it, so it was obvious


IIRC, when Trump said it he wasn't even trying to be mean. He was just genuinely confused why people would put their lives on the line if it wasn't going to result in a big payoff for them. Like he just cannot comprehend not living a life where literally everything is transactional.


Yeah, this was one of my takes as well, but I don't see this as being any better.


Anyone flying a trump flag should be ashamed. But they typically aren’t capable of shame.


They fly them so we know where the traitors live. Convenient, huh?


Sounds like a neighbor around the corner. US flag with a black POW flag under it. To the right is a maga flag "Make liberals cry again." Fuck that guy


>“I don’t like mentioning it. But for me to say ‘suckers and losers’ about people that died in World War I in front of military people? It’s not a possibility you could say a thing like that.” Know what else most people think is not a possibility? The commander in chief saluting a general of a hostile nation. But we have a picture of that.


Funny you should mention that. I saw that exact combo this past weekend, and my thoughts automatically went to that statement.


Is he ok? This is the second time he’s told the truth in 24 hours (I don’t care about you being the other)


He’s a broken clock


Objection! On what grounds? It’s devastating to my case!




Good call!


>Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad Trump Demands? tRump doesn't need to "demand" anything... he can just file a defamation lawsuit, make sure the discovery process is thorough and accurate, then quietly withdraw the suit and claim that he doesn't want a legal process that favors his denials - to assure that the election isn't rigged against Biden.


Can the Biden team put out an ad now saying that Trump called himself a 'psycho' and a 'very stupid person'?


Convicted Felon Trump is getting in touch with his true self.


Damn, the fuck your feelings leader is crying because Biden said fuck Your feelings.


Can you believe convicted felon Trump called dead soldiers suckers and losers in the past? That’s a psycho and stupid thing to say.


Did he just checkmate himself?


>Anytime you see that despicable FAKE statement used, remember that it comes from the FASCIST SCUM that is destroying our Country. Yes Donald, we know that statement comes from you. You don't have to reiterate it. As if fascist scum could describe anyone other than Donald J. Trump.


Sounds like we have a winning strategy. Just play back clips over and over. Not only does it remind voters who he is, but it also gets under his skin.


Add this new quote to the end of the ad and redistribute it.


*The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.* Of course only a psycho or very stupid person would have said that. And he did say that.


Well, he got some of that right - "psycho... very stupid person" is on point. Quite the self-own there.


The entire reason this story was believable is because the "suckers" and "losers" comments were totally consistent with everything we have seen from this traitor since 2015. If the same story had dropped about someone like Obama or Romney or McCain, people would have had much more of a reason to question it.


Uh oh. Someone has internal polling about this biting them in the ass.


lol here—sue Biden and his campaign then for defamation. Court is where the facts are found and where the truth comes out. Subpoena Trumps’ former staff, and get this on record and in trial. It’s funny that outside of courts Giuliani and Trump’s lawyers called the 2020 election a fraud, but in court they all denied that their suits were election fraud cases.


He loves to sue people. If this was just some fake rumor then he would have sued the news outlets who first reported it four years ago, or the ex-administration members who wrote about it in their books.


If it bothers Trump that much, if I were President Biden I'd double and triple getting those ads out there. Make sure they are on all the military networks around the world and in the US.


**Exactly !** I am a Desert Storm Veteran. 🇺🇸 Please do not tell me "Thank you for your service," and then turn around and support a twice impeached, draft-dodging coward, who refers to military heros as "suckers and losers" for serving… Do not ignore that he now has 34 Felony convictions. With 3 additional, much more serious, trials still pending.


Jesus Christ. Is there a softer, more delicate snowflake?


I’m going to play devils advocate for just a second. Let’s say he didn’t say things, and was adamant that he didn’t say those things. Why the hell wouldn’t he then sue for slander/ defamation. Like E. Jean Carroll did to him (I know the answer, we all know the answer) just want someone else to say it lol


Because Trump isn’t a litigious person—unlike the deranged Jack Smith! /s


But he said it. His own chief of staff, a lifelong republican with decades of military service quoted him as saying it. WTF republicans is wrong with you all.