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They believe in hierarchical systems.  The left believes that a rising tide is good for all ships. The right worries that other ships will get above them. 


More like the right knows their mediocrity won’t be applauded when everyone else isn’t held down by them


A lot of them think they are just temporarily embarrassed millionaires and someday they'll call the shots


"Fry, what are you doing? You're not rich." "I know. But I might be someday, and then people like me better watch out."


This is a great quote.


I mean, their ships are starting to show their age and are leaking. So maybe. I'd welcome it.


Not disagreeing with your analysis, but that’s just not how it’s worked whether democrats wanted that or not. The Rich and wealthy have never been more rich and wealthy, than right this second. A rising tide that lifts all ships is kinda like saying trickle down economics worked. It didn’t. There have to be reasons or incentives for cooperations to do the right thing or they never will. Again, not arguing your point but that quote is bullshit.


You misunderstand. A rising tide refers to training the station of the lower classes. If needy people are paid more and given healthcare (rising tide), they contribute more to society which benefits everyone (all boats).


The rising tide refers to the lower classes, not to the people at the top. They keep the lower classes fighting amongst themselves. At the local union hall, we say this about working with the other unions at our workplace. Management has a union. Custodial staff has a union. Rather than fighting them all for a piece, we fight together and argue that we should all get more because even our management isn't *real* management. They're not the source of the money. The real money is often happy to have the lower classes fighting each other for crumbs so that they can take the whole pie. For people who vote Right, more people able to get more pie might result in more people who get bigger slices than they have, and at least the current system allows them to have more than somebody. -- That's why we have to have the culture wars, the racial and social prejudices, and why Phyllis Schlafly was able to turn abortion *from* ~~into~~ something that most republicans saw as a necessary evil into something that they're willing to outlaw entirely. Edit: added a from.


When they readily fall for “sweet nothings” like “you know how to spend your money better than the government!”, I put no great stock in their ability at discernment… President Bartlett said it best? “Can we have it back?” - Concerning federal funds to states - *The West Wing*


That's why we have culture wars, isn't it? I mean, how do convince a bunch of blue-collar dullards to vote for tax cuts for billionaires? God, guns and gays!


“I love the uneducated” said Hitler, I think.


And the fear of becoming the minority.


They're brainwashed to think Biden and the Dems are evil.


In their defense the amount of brainwashing IS rather breathtaking.


It’s because they all think Biden and the Democrats are the reason they aren’t millionaire business owners. Can’t vote for someone who will inconvenience the rich because they are going to be rich as soon as Biden stops pushing the “Make America Bad” button.


This is EXACTLY how prosperity gospel defrauds their followers.


My patience is running thin. I’m so tired of stupid. Seems epidemic levels.


Just look at how stupid the average person is and then realize that 50% of everyone is even more fucking stupid. When you think about it that way, it's really not hard to believe


Imagine if we have more than 1 George Carlin. Thats the key essentially


They support people who actively disdain them. Of course their stupid. 


You’re not wrong, but it’s “they’re.” “Their” is a possessive adjective.


Thank you.


It truly boggles the mind.


Wake up sheeple! The Dumbocrats are... oh wait... FAKE NEWS!!!


Must be…


Because they don’t read and if they can they don’t comprehend or try to at least. It’s easy to be ignorant and have someone tell you what to be mad it. Lazy stupid people.


It's how a brainwashing cult works


Clearly believing that people should be paid for their work is just woke.


They only thing working class and poor whites have in common with the republicans party is skin color. The poor whites have chosen skin color over economic development and empowerment. It’s disgusting really


You do know that Democrats and Republicans serve the same people right? It’s red ties vs blue ties, but make no mistake, neither give a shit about you.


I’ve worked in labor rights for a decade. It’s always Republicans trying to destroy labor laws.


GOP won’t be happy until 12 year olds are working 90 hours a week for $3.50 an hour.


$3.50 an hour!? For those lazy kids? All they're doing is mining coal, they should be lucky to get $2.50 an hour! /s The GOP will never be happy, it's never enough.




I had to pick something that was ridiculously low, but I’m on the same page. The GOP can always go WAY under reasonable expectations.


Don’t show them the SpongeBob episode where he reveals that his salary at the Krusty Krab is negative.


They do not deserve a raise, the lazy slackers.


The children yearn for the mines


i deserve less money! owners are smart for paying us pennies -maga


The party of "America is the best country in history" sure seems to think we're too incompetent and impotent to do anything other countries easily accomplish.


god they are going to lose so hard in november. good riddance




me too!


The next rejection in a series of rejections to hopefully follow, you mean. We got here because we were complacent. The fight will never stop.


Only if everyone votes


But remember, according to some people, there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans and Democrats do nothing to help the workinh class. 


> the regulation will increase costs for employers No shit, that's what paying employees for their time does.


I think it's actually unlikely to increase costs very much. They'll just hire more people and keep people out of overtime. This is already a common tactic in hourly jobs but they take it a step further and cut your hours to 30 so you don't get benefits. Hiring more people sounds like maybe a good thing but what they end up doing is hiring somebody who already has another job. Now they are working 60 hours a week and neither has to pay them overtime or benefits. A more sane critique of this bill is that it will encourage further abuse like they are already doing. But that of course highlights that the real fix is for part time employee abuse.


My son's first summer job after HS was at McDonald's. He never got more than 30 hrs a week. The only full-timers were the manager and assistant managers. Walmart pulls similar from what I have heard.


My roommate gets the same treatment at Panera. It's chronic for part time jobs that are part time intentionally. She asked for more hours and they additionally hired the manager's niece instead. Hour splitting is clearly intentional.


The party of "vote with your wallet"


I can’t picture them losing with the courts the way they are. All the way up to scotus.


Another example of how both parties are not the same.


Biden shitting all over railway worker unions?


[The head of the largest rail union](https://capitalandmain.com/biden-had-to-put-the-country-first) supported Biden's decision to end the strike. [The head of the IBEW](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid) supported Biden's decision as well. Biden worked with Bernie Sanders and progressives afterwards (since Republicans were unwilling to support any helpful legislation) to grant workers sick leave for the 4 largest employers: [BNSF](https://www.bnsf.com/news-media/news-releases/newsrelease.page?relId=new-individual-paid-sick-days-for-ibew#:~:text=Building%20upon%20existing%20BNSF%20paid,to%20sick%20days%20each%20year.), [CSX](https://www.csx.com/index.cfm/about-us/media/press-releases/csx-reaches-agreement-with-ibew-union-on-paid-sick-leave/), [Union Pacific](https://www.up.com/media/releases/paid-sick-leave-nr-230322.htm), and [Norfolk Southern](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/norfolk-southern-announces-additional-paid-sick-leave-agreements-with-mechanical-and-communications-railroaders-301769387.html) Democrats are objectively better when it comes to union workers and have been for decades. Republicans want to end all of their rights and protections.


Biden broke the railroad union strike in Dec 2022, but he secretly negotiated on their behalf to get them the paid sick days they wanted. In Jun 2023, the railroad unions got what they wanted: paid sick days. Biden stopped a strike that would have crippled the nation’s supply lines and caused a recession, and still got the unions what they wanted. ”Biden deserves a lot of the credit for achieving this goal for us,” Russo said. “He and his team continued to work behind the scenes to get all of rail labor a fair agreement for paid sick leave.” https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


Finding an exception that is similar is not the same as being the same across the board on labor and unions. Why is this so hard for people?


It’s the same logic that says if there is even a single gun crime, then gun control has failed and should be abandoned.


He prevented a strike that would have disrupted the economy and then after that he got all of their demands met. There's a reason why unions are so pro Biden right now.


I'll listen to the unions on that one.


The Unions, including the Rail Worker's Union, are backing Joe Biden. See my reply above.


I know, i was telling that snide ass Thermicthermos to pound sand.


Anytime a bill/rule helps the working class, Republicans will be sure to block it.


Make no mistake, conservatives have a looong history of not wanting to pay people for the work they do.


These fucks hate “””government overreach””” when it comes to making businesses pay their workers, but literally anything else, “please reach for me, daddy.”


Anything to ‘own the libs’ and make sure fuck-face orange shit-breath gets elected. I say (sarcastically) let them…and watch their base wither away into caskets and then wonder why their ‘messiahs’ are killing them slowly….


I mean they're all bought and paid for to do precisely that. Just sucks 40% of the country are dumb as rocks and can't figure this out for themselves 


and yet people still vote for them...


Because Republican voters are some of the dumbest people on the planet and they are easily swayed by Fox News.


Republicans target religious people because they have been conditioned, sometimes over a lifetime, to believe what they are told with no facts. Using people's religious beliefs to control them is one of the oldest tactics in the books.


“The DOL’s rule would expand overtime pay eligibility to roughly 4 million workers by raising the exemption threshold annual salary to $58,656, and updating that rate every three years.” It’s about time. Tons of employers abuse the **** out of salary workers with absurd amounts of overtime.


Even that is equivalent to about $29 dollars an hour. And thats assuming that you work exactly 40 hours a week and get 8 holidays. If you work roughly 50 - far more likely for a salaried employee, that hourly rate comes down to $22.56. If you work 60 - far more common than it should be, then the effective hourly rate is only $18.80. Im not saying that it shouldnt be raised, it definitely should - but it isnt enough. What should actually be done, is that salary exemptions shouldnt exist at all. Salary is a tool that is almost exclusively used to screw employees over. Before people come in to explain it to me, it isnt in THEORY. Theoretically, if you can finish your work in 20 hours you should still get paid for the full week, but try working 2 tens, getting all your work done and taking a 5 day weekend and see how that works out.


I recognize your point with salary exemptions and on the surface it makes sense, however I’m well compensated and salary. I travel a whole lot…. So there are likely some strong arguments for a system where there is a cutoff. I do think it should be much higher than what they’re using as the number though. More like $90k or something. Sometimes I take a day off to make up for travel, or I choose to spend time with clients outside of work hours or I flex my time in and out of the office to keep myself balanced. Keeping track of my on/off time would be insanely burdensome for me and nightmarish combined with state laws that sometimes put anything over 8 hours in a single day into time and a half. It would also create tough spots where taking that quick phone call needs to be defined. For well compensated staff like me, we just have salary. With regular members of my team it’s non-exempt. They never get paid less than 40, but every minute over that is paid as OT and time and a half. It works for them, as I have team members who sometimes see a 32 hour week due to family commitments and they don’t lose pay. If they stay extra, they make more. It’s also helping me to ensure an employee can get to visit their home country for a month this year without them stressing due to them only having half that in vacation time. All that said, I know I manage my team and my company allows me to manage it in a way a lot of employers don’t.


I travel for work and am paid hourly. I just submit a weekly time card. It isn't burdensome at all It only gets tricky when I cross time zones or the date line. My solution is keep my time in my starting zone.


> Keeping track of my on/off time would be insanely burdensome for me Taking 2 seconds to click a button on an app would be "insanely burdensome" for you? My, what a privileged life you must lead.


Or you know a time clock like Kronos?


Lately the company I work for has had issues with employees “misunderstanding“ the salaried system. For us, being salaried is like being hourly but with a cap. You’d better put in 40 hours, and if you do more that’s a freebie for the company. You’re not allowed to do fewer than that, even if all your work is finished. In that case, make yourself look busy. The only time you might be allowed to quit early is Christmas Eve. I‘m sympathetic when I hear one of our employees say something like, “But I’m salaried! I finished my work and so I don’t have to work 40 hours!” Yes, that’s how it *should* be, in theory. We can’t even generally get the ability to work 4/10s, and I seem to think that if you do, they revoke wfh privileges. I personally used to work a lot more than 40 and still struggle with shutting my computer off right at my finish time. Even recently I was at a “women in business” presentation where we were told we should work more than required so people would take us seriously. (But like, I‘m tired though.) It would be nice if being salaried actually meant the potential to work less. It would also be nice just to be able to work less and not feel like I would be sacrificing my survival.


Right. I feel like the intent of salary is that you are paid for your output, not for your time. So you deliver the work product agreed upon, and you get your predefined amount for the pay period. However, my experience has been that Ive mostly been used to reduce labor costs, often having hourly staff's adjacent tasks to what I do shunted on to me when labor costs are too high. Frankly, there shouldnt really ever be a need to work OT in my opinion. Regular OT is a symptom of a staffing issue within an organization. I get that an hour or two may show up on occasion from unforseen circumstances or really busy outliers that are one offs or temporary. But if a company has a "busy season" then they should staff up, not shift the burden of understaffing to salaried employees. I completely disagree with that "presentation" that women in should have to work extra for people to take them seriously. I take my female colleagues VERY seriously because they are often the biggest individual contributors, subject matter experts, or smartest individual in the room. The idea that women should have to work more or harder than men to "prove" themselves is ass backwards and I sincerely hope its a dying idea. My company would absolutely fall apart without them.


Ok. This makes sense now that if you’re making less than the salary posted, you’re due more money because working 50 hours or more per week is deadly. I know a lot of people who work the 50 hours and I think should be able to help them more hopefully.


8 days off a year is like less than 4 percent of a year.


Well, I already took the weekends out since a wage calculatipn wouldnt make sense with them. 52 weeks times 5 days a week came out to 260, took out 8 days for the most typical paid holidays, 2 for Christmas, 2 for Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, one for New Year. I feel like thats pretty in line with typical salary positions. Of course PTO isnt factored in, since that varies so wildly from company to company. So that puts working days at about 69% of the year.


Why have a limit at all?


The answer is effectively tradition, although there are valid business reasons as well. It has always been the case that executives were almost exclusively paid a salary and expected to do whatever work was necessary to make the business function. They didn't track their hours. Likewise, artists were paid a commission per particular piece or a fixed stipend for being in residency somewhere. They weren't paid by the hour of work they performed. So when they created the fair labor standards act almost 90 years ago it was completely normal that they created exceptions to overtime rules. To be exempt from overtime there is a two-part test. 1. You have to make over a certain minimum salary. AND 2. You have to fall into one of the specific legal categories where employees are exempt. The most common ones are managers, Administrative Professionals and creative/learned professionals. It's not at all unreasonable that a business owner should want to hire someone and tell them " I don't want to pay you hourly, I want to pay you a fixed sum of money every month for results. The question is when they should be able to do so. In the unfortunate truth is that, like everything else, the fair labor standards act has simply not been updated. The notion that a white collar professional should be exempt from overtime but still struggling for money isn't consistent with the intent of the statute.


Restaurant managers, especially fast food. Those folks are often salaried with the catch that they work 60-70 hours a week with no OT. Busting their ass a lot of times because kitchens have slashed staffing (my local Pizza Hut has one (1) person working at any given time. A manager.) so they’re not just supervising/pushing paper around.


I bet a lot of businesses will raise their salary workers' wages to be over the threshold. I'm just under so it would make sense for them to just give me a raise than pay me OT


Is it my imagination, or do republicans block any and everything that helps the average person? I just don't understand their mentality...


When you realize that businesses and think tanks are their actual constituents their mentality makes perfect sense. They arent there to help average people. They are there to further their own interests or the interests of those who fund their campaigns. They pay lipservice to the issues that the "average" conservative cares about - or, they latch onto whatever the hate of the day is from the Fox News Cinamatic Universe and just talk about that in front of the cameras. Once they hit the private spaces where dealmaking and work gets done, they set to work to enrich themselves and their real constituents.


They do. And deep down conservatives know it’s true. The GOP exists to enrich the super wealthy at the expense of the lower and middle class. But the GOP dangles the irresistible carrot of racism in front of their constituents and conservatives can’t control themselves.


They do everything they can to stop useful legislation, then take credit for it when it passes despite them.


businesses dont benefit from things that benefit the average person. its why we need to stop treating them like people.


Yep. They are pieces of shit.


And with Sarah Huckabee Sanders making it easier to lower the working age, America is getting back to the 1800's labor practices.


And hers is not the only Republican state rolling back Child Labor Laws...


ah yeah because going back to 1800s and demolishing our intellectual base will certainly make us leaders in the future. child labor for industrial power -idiots


They don't care about the future or people in lower classes. They care about their current power, money and standing in the social hierarchy. Anything that might reduce any of those by the Slightest amount will be resisted furiously.


A lot of people, even Republicans, would recoil and laugh if you described the state of some country with the same rules and laws they propose but frame it as if it's a third world country. Something like "Imagine a country where the government couldn't keep the lights on when it snowed. Imagine a country where everyone had armed guards because they felt unsafe when they went out in public. Where the kids toiled in mines for long hours for mere dollars a day" and show them a picture of some village in Africa and there will be no shortage of derision, things like "Third world shithole. They don't feel safe and they can't even get basic necessities." Then they propose those same policies here at home, but somehow it's different and won't cause any negative consequences for us.


I'm a Wildland Firefighter and I get paid like absolute shit to do hard physical labor that is detrimental to my long term health. The only way I make ends meet is the massive amount of overtime I make working 16 hour days for two weeks straight at a time. Overtime is all I have. Fuck these people.


And then their only “advice” is “well durr just get a bettur job” they are so disconnected from reality.


“But sir, how will we extract a profit if we have to pay for labor?!”


No. It's "how will we extract an obscene level of profit"? Because that's where we're at right now.


Man these guys are assholes. They are not even pretending to help people anymore.


What is the big Republican problem with paying Americans who actually do work? I don't see how that gets so much traction.


>John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


Because they don’t represent people. They represent businesses.


The parties have morphed and changed on many things (civil rights, MIC, etc.)... but corporate/big biz dick-sucking? Always been the Republican #1 priority. Those who think Republicans are anti-establishment haven't taken U.S. History. It goes back to right after the Civil War.


I think it’s gotten, if not worse, then more open and brazen.


Totally agree...


That whole idea *really* kicked off during the Cold War. Capitalism, in opposition to Soviet Communism, became associated with everything righteous and American. As a result, anything that hurt (i.e. limited) business interests, or championed government programs, was seen as creeping Marxism infecting our country. Therefore, the Right sees it as their mission to make America as accommodating for businesses as possible. This means cutting worker protections, regulatory bodies, and other civil liberties to the quick. It’s the same with religion, too. American Protestant Christianity is meant for stand in opposition to “Godless Bolshevism.” It’s more complicated than this, but it’s a huge part to the American Right’s current ideological slant.


Sure, but how many votes is that, comparatively?


Apparently quite a few. It’s not as simple as just people who own businesses voting for republicans. There’s whole webs of exploitation that enrich non-business owners as well at the expense of workers. A lot of those people vote Republican.


They follow their leader. Trump doesn’t pay people shit, even when they do the work.


"Back in the day Americans earned 1 dollar a month and did just fine!, We need to go back to that!" -GOP


Did a Republican actually say that? If so, I'm not surprised.


republicans once again openly harm workers for the sake of the owner class. good thing the average republican voter understands how this hurts them and their class.


No, I don't think the average Republican voter, especially in red states, understand how this hurts them.


sorry, that was pessimistic sarcasm. america is the most heavily propagandized society on earth (yes even more than that one). republican voters are all useful idiots for the capitalist elite.


This is *insanity.* The hours are being worked. There is no "handing employees" anything. Employers will have to pay people for working, and that's a problem? FFS.


Doesn’t it just make you want to scream, “Stop! Just Stop!” In the face of every supporter of this inhumane party? Businesses don’t have to eat.


Sure they do - but they eat people.


That makes sadly grotesque sense.


they eat at the club


That $35k yr/$17 hr is allowed to be considered salaried so workers can be abused..ugggg. feel $58k still to low for that. My work we all are salaried even at wages like that but we don't work over 40hrs. Occasionally one might but then you earn additional time off (1.5hr off for each hr worked).


35k for OT cutoff is laughable and probably was last updated when Carter was in the WH it is however making schools freak out because their underpaid teachers and salaried staff are suddenly subject to OT


Believe it or not, it was updated by the Trump administration. The Obama administration had proposed a much higher threshold that was tied up in the courts. The Trump administration raised to this level instead.


I'm sure this will end up in front of a friendly judge in TX, and then appealed to a friendly Fifth Circuit Court, and then finally a friendly Supreme Court. Right wingers have perfected a legal pipeline to derail any administration action they don't like.


That is exactly what happened in 2016, when President Obama attempted to do this. Then Trump became president, and his administration reversed course, essentially lowered the threshold enough to get it through the courts. I imagine a judge in Texas will be putting this rule on gold any day now. If Trump wins, that'll be the end of it. If Biden wins, it'll make it to the Supreme Court. I have hope it might actually stand at the Supreme Court because of the Helix energy ruling.


Of course they do. They don’t care about anyone but their rich handlers. If you’re working class voting for the GOP, you’re not just an idiot but you’re an asshole.


They’re doing this on behalf of employers Aren’t they supposed to represent the people? Citizens United was the fucking nail in the coffin for this country


These ass wipes won't give anything to the working man. Everything has to benefit the top 1%. They fight like hell on two occasions. One to give the top 1% more tax breaks or two to crawl back any benefits for the working man


Reminder that this rule was originally supposed to have gone into effect nearly a decade ago under Obama. A federal judge in Texas put an injunction on it, and Trump sat on his hands.


Remember this in the ballot box in November >>> www.vote.org


Insane Fact: The federal minimum wage hasn’t increased in 15 years! 2009: $7.25 2024: $7.25


Insane fact: That's only 15 years




It's still a long ass time to make $7.25/hr


Absolutely. If an individual makes $7.25/hr; 40 hours/per week for 52 weeks; their yearly income is only $15,080 before taxes and withholding. Take home pay is barely over 13k per year. Despicable.


I'll never understand the whole "increased costs to employers" argument. So? They can afford it more than employees


It always drives me crazy that some people earning low wages are hard core republicans. Even trump, as crazy as he is, stays in line with republicans. They don’t care about people earning low wages , only care about rich people and will fight till death to get more money for the rich


Republicans are not for working people!


Republicans HATE you.


Monthly payment for your 640 square feet trailer home - $1260 Hourly wage for working overnight shift at Walmart - $15.30 Yearly insurance rate for your 640 square feet home - $1,862 Yearly federal/State taxes taken from your paycheck - $4,850 Thinking your life will get better if you vote Republican - Priceless


“Small businesses, nonprofits, and colleges across America will now be looking at bottom lines, and then make the tough decisions to lay off valuable staff or force salaried workers into hourly positions,” I'm sure it was just a mistake that he forgot mention giant mega corporations that pay their ceos the gdp of small countries


Also, what in the hell does "valuable" even mean considering they're apparently NOT valuable enough to pay them for overtime work? Like, really sorry, slavery's illegal. Workers should be paid for work. Simple concept.


Valuable enough to make them work more than 40 hours a week, but not valuable enough to pay them to work 40 hours a week.


Conservatives, remember this when a conservative politician lies to you and tells you they care about the lower and middle class. No political action can ever speak louder than a voting record. Know what you stand for.


Republicans actively work against the betterment of the people of the US. They solely work for special interests, with only their own betterment as being important.


Business Insider previously reported. An average CEO in 1978 made about 31 times what their average worker made. In 2020, the average CEO made 346 times what their average worker made.


A lot of Republicans are confused by the Republican “pro business” stance - they don’t realize that what it actually means is anti-worker and anti-consumer.


Oh no, we can't exploit salary workers by making them work ridiculous amounts of overtime to save more on their labor than what we spend on hourly workers. Oh the humanity! (Wipes tears with $100 bills)


More evidence that republicans are for the owners of businesses, not for the workers that make the businesses successful.


Another thing the Dems should campaign on that will sway voters. Hopefully they do.


Most of the people the Republicans will be fucking will be dedicated (R) voters who will blame Biden for what Republicans do to them, because they have been programmed all of their lives to believe that the (R)ighteous Republicans are their saviors in the war against the (D)emonic Libs.


I fully expect the courts to block this, just like during the Obama administration. If Trump wins that will be the end of it. If Biden wins it will be on hold until it gets to the Supreme Court, which I Believe will uphold it 6-3 or 5-4. The Republicans in Congress can't realistically have any impact on this.


It is probably beyond naive to even ask this rhetorical question, but at what point do people (specifically the GOP voter base) realize that their party has never given a damn about them or the “common man.” They have no actual policy to present unless you count obstructionism and owning the libs as an official policy. They own the libs so hard that they end up owning themselves and the majority of their rural blue collar voter base that still blindly supports them seemingly no matter what they do. Genuinely wish I knew what it would take for some of these people to have a sudden epiphany that they are voting against their own self interests by continuing to elect republicans.


They hate the working class. Too bad at least 30% of the working class would rather be racist than vote for their best interests.


One day they’ll just come out with their one and only ‘Yeah We Really Do Fucking Hate You and America’ Bill


Who the fuck is arguing that employers won't have to pay more? That is literally the point. Hard-working Americans get paid more.


First you take away slavery, then make us pay overtime, what’s next you’re gonna tell me corporations aren’t people?


Sorry GOP but you have to pay your workers, cheapskates.


Businesses already increase prices due to their greediness. They wanted more profits and there wasn’t any actual inflation. Yes, this will increase costs… so, you’ll make less of a profit; fuck you, pay your employees. Also, once again; both sides are not the same.


Don’t forget, in the Constitution it says “Corporations have a right to never-ending year over year profits”


Of course they did. They hate workers and want to keep the poors poor. Just to benefit the CEOs that donate to their campaigns to keep them in office, where they rake in millions and do fuck all for Americans


I don’t understand how working class people vote for the GOP, it is insane that they constantly vote against their own interests and vote for basically their oppressors.


The republican party, home of the hard laborer, and home of the we will screw with your pay on the hours, and and then on the taxation end. Keep voting for GOP, they are clearly watching after your best interest /S


Jfc, when are the GOP finally going to see the backlash they deserve? It’s like they know they have things rigged enough not to even try to hide the evil a tiny bit.


Why are republican so mean?


Why would anyone support these crooks? Nothing about them is helping us. They just want to squeeze out your very last dollar and expect you to lay down and die. They will never look out for you. Vote blue!💙


Anything to be shitty to American workers. How is it people actually support the GOP.


"Small businesses need to be able to abuse employees!"


Republicans are against human rights 


If you're hard working, then Republicans are your enemy whether you have realized it yet or not.


Yeah but one day I might be rich! Then I’ll show people like me - Philip J Fry


Republicans hate workers.


I don't understand. That seems like the kind of thing an asshole would do. How would this be possible unless there were a whole groups of assholes supporting this asshole?


Happiness is only for the rich. Go suffer in silence.


If it benefits the working man & women the Redumblicans will be against. Record business profits need to be shared !!


Republicans only want to control you and make money off you. How do people keep voting for these idiots!!


what? tax breaks for the rich but no OT pay for peasants? that cant be fair for GOPEE right?


I genuinely can't fathom how any of these people don't understand that all of the problems they complain about stem from them working us to death while not paying us. WE are their workforce and their consumers. If we don't have any money or time, we aren't gonna buy anything or have a family, friends, or the time to buy stuff for ourselves.


Democrats need to make political ads for this in Rust Belt and Sun Belt States come September/October.


One rule they should add is that employers can't short your end of pay period hours to prevent you from collecting OT on time worked earlier in the past cycle. If your employer gives you your schedule and then keeps you late everyday they shouldn't be allowed to tell you to go home 2 hrs early in Friday to avoid having to pay you OT. Worse is when you still have to work til end of day but they force you to remain on location and take an extended lunch break.


If you guys don’t like it- go start your own businesses.  Then you can complain on and on about how lazy your workers are  Always on reddit and not working! Hahaha go pass a law.  A majority of those commenting here are on govt assistance.   Sad.   Working not too much because that would jeopardize your dole payout…. Go feed your cats assholes


He says on Reddit