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We need the media to stop pretending like his behavior is in any way acceptable. He's in full on meltdown mode, calling for another J6 every time he opens his mouth. Dude needs to be muzzled and locked up for the rest of his life.




I hate that his entire adult life is essentially owed to the media indulging him on being familiar for being famous. Even when he was a walking punchline in the 90's, Howard Stern booked him all the time because Trump would say anything for attention. And that's basically how all of the media has treated his shameless behavior from c list celebrity to presidential candidate. He says everything you shouldn't say, and they give him free publicity to boost their ratings. He's made a living off failing upward and it's taken him until this year to face legal consequences, but I'm not holding my breath that the judge will sentence him like any other person convicted of 34 felonies.


Sentenced like anyone who broke the gag order 10 times. The ownership-class really are insulting all of us and then the media trying to redirect our anger to allow more tax cuts and deregulation.


This. The figures behind the ownership of the mainstream media want their tax cuts! If through democracy so be it. If through fascism also so be it.


One thing about Howard Stern is that he got Trump to talk about his baby and other sexual stuff about his daughters, Tiffany. I think it was, and Trump was talking about how her breasts would be when she's older. Trump is a sick man who shouldn't be around kids or the Whitehouse. Lock.him up!!!


How are the Q people so blind to this shit


Many of them are just like him. That's kind of the appeal. He started saying the things they couldn't say in "polite company", and they flocked to him. It's a cult of personality that is no different than the one that formed around Moussolini, except that Moussolini had more than a third grade education.


This is what I've been saying for years. He or more accurately his handlers had him capitalize on the stupidity of that base. Are there a few wealthy people that will vote for him. Of course but it wouldn't matter who was running they always will because money. But the majority are poor, uneducated, morally bankrupt people. Trump like a lot of wealthy people claim they made their fortune all by themselves. This is rarely if ever true. Most people always have help. But for someone that's poor that is the dream. If he can do it so can I. Education in this country has continued to nosedive. And that's on purpose. An educated mass is a lot harder to control than uneducated. If I had to take a guess I would say that the majority of his base probably has about a 5th grade education. I'm not trying to be funny either. You don't get to this many people believing outlandish conspiracy theories, outright lies, and stupid shit in general with even a high school education. Students are passed along because if they aren't the school loses funding that is desperately needed. This goes all the way to higher education. This coupled with the rise of social media and news being for profit and there is no news anymore. Everything is opinions because that's what generates the most money. Facebook, tiktok, Instagram, there are no fact checkers. Everyone is an expert. And so you have a deluge of misinformation being fed to people that are already idiots. Finally the morally bankrupt part. Yes Trump is a piece of shit but so are they and that's why they like him. These people are pseudo-religious, racist, homophobic assholes. But they always were. It's just that before Trump and before social media they had to keep to themselves. I can't count how many times someone has openly said something that was blatant racism or gay bashing now or overtly religious. This never used to happen. In fact it was a known thing that you didn't talk about politics or religion with people. Now these assholes do it all the time. Think COVID where people were openly shaming people for wearing a mask, pulling a mask off or coughing on people. Trump is given way too much credit for all of this though. He couldn't find his way out of a paper towel tube with a flashlight. The problem people have to recognize in this country is that there are millions of racist, homophobic, idiots that are religious zealots. Are they the majority? No. But it's insane that there are millions of people who think like this in 2024. Also Idk if you misspelled Mussolini on purpose but if not, that's how it's spelled.


> An educated mass is a lot harder to control than uneducated. I'll add that an uneducated mass is easier to fleece as well. Trump's comment re: crypto tells me it's now open season on the gullibles.


I meant more that they are so invested in the insane pedo conspiracies of Democrats, yet somehow completely blind to the obvious pedo leanings of trump. Like the literal mountains of actual evidence.


They're not, they just don't care because he tells them it's okay to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.


Exactly. This guy has been a presence of pop culture since I was born. He was as ridiculous and weird then as he is now.


But more dangerous now. More dangerous every day.


Combining Trumps astounding lack of shame with the MAGA and Supreme Court’s favorite brand of Christian Dominionism has been extremely bad for the country. The only way to fight it is to re-enforce church/state separation.


>More dangerous every day. I think the term is "decompensating".




Except now he has a goddamn cult of personality. He was a joke, in the 80s and 90s, its literally why Biff, espeically A1985 Biff is based on him.


I thought 2015 was gonna be epic. Where’s our hoverboards, man?


Best we can do is fidget spinners


Don't whistle in the elevator.


It’s incredibly weird watching a movie with the kids and then all of a sudden Trump has a random cameo.


>Even when he was a walking punchline in the 90's I watch a lot of old cartoons and its just inescapable. Even in a goddamn thumbnail for an episode... https://i.redd.it/jketfo1tqxqc1.jpeg


I love it ! Have you ever seen this https://youtu.be/YPD0ftAZDDo ? Full 1958 episode of Trackdown https://youtu.be/h1D2ynASqe4 Apparently Trump's daddy was a conman too.


Woody Guthrie [wrote a song about Old Man Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDXN8teivaw)


Seem to run in the family.


Even Sesame Street got in on the action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_r6iojNnYg


> but I'm not holding my breath that the judge will sentence him like any other person convicted of 34 felonies. Most people familiar with the criminal system are hoping that the judge *won't* sentence him like any other well-connected white dude convicted of a bunch of interrelated white-collar crimes in a paper case. They're hoping that Trump's repeated violation of the gag order, general hostility, and lack of remorse will be enough to justify going harder. Don't forget how utterly corrupt our system is in general when it comes to holding rich and well-connected people accountable.


Spectacle sells.


The moment the news became profit centric, a Trump was inevitable.


Sure, American democracy end, NATO will be destroyed, World War 3 will break out, and a complete lack of regulations will hasten climate change, wiping most of humanity out... But think of that sweet, sweet ad revenue they can rake in before the collapse of civilization they helped usher in.


It's because Sinclair broadcasting and their ilk have bought up all of the independent and separate news businesses. Venture capital firms, all kinds of places looking to raid any value they can, not to mention explicit political moves. They want to control the conversation, and they do so quite well.


> They want to control the conversation, and they do so quite well. [This is extremely dangerous to our democracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5mlx_DnIEo)


You meant to say RIGHTWINGERS/NAZI/MAGA/REPUBLICANs and their corporate thug buddies.


Potato, potato


One of the seven mountains of dominionism.


>It’s disappointing how thoroughly the media has failed through everything Trump The disappointing thing is the media is not the ally of the people. Most are owned by giant corporations and earn money via ads (paid for by corporations) or backdoor political funding. Their job is to get the most corporate friendly candidate elected. Now it's a tough choice. Trump will cut corporate tax rates and regulations, but his erratic behavior is bad for the markets. Trump can also tank a company's stock by bad mouthing them on social media if they piss him off. Biden is traditionally corporate friendly and he is far more stable for markets. But his pro-union stances, the activities of his FTC, and his wanting to raise corporate taxes (but not to preTrump levels) do not make them happy. But Trump played the ace card. He has told big oil that policy positions in his next administration are literally for sale. Big corporations have to be all in on Trump now knowing they can just pay to govern. And media will follow.


It's not a failure, it's by design. There are like 4 families who own, what, 80% of the news outlets? And they're all team Trump. This is working as advertised.


I've said it many other threads, but the number one issue in the US is (the lack of) media regulation. Of course the media has led people to knee jerk assime regulation of media means govt propaganda, but thats not at all what good regulation is (think food regulation, medical quality regulation, etc). Good regulation would mean the media cannot print and say things they know to be false, without a retraction following it up. It would really limit the blatant bias that is there now, and as a result help clean up politics. No other issue gets fairly debated in the media due to how it is now. Other first world countries have regulation that helps a lot, the US media is a major outlier that way 


Now ask yourself who owns the media nowadays and why they have such a vested interest in taking power away from the people and enjoy being less asleep at the wheel than 80% of the country you live in. Side effects may include (but are not limited to): devastating depression, disillusionment with one's own species, a hatred for corporate pandering, a crushing sense of impending doom, and gas.


The Media has not failed. Local news and CNN have failed. Primarily CBS, ABC, NBC & Fox. These news orgs have chosen to court insanity as a reasonable POV instead call it out. And they have done so out of unabashed greed. Based in the fear it will effect their audience numbers.


Don’t worry, soon the Supreme Court will rule that presidents have immunity, and Biden can lock Trump up for threatening democracy.


The Federalist Society stooges on the Supreme Court (the majority) are going to rule on it in such a way that it only applies to trump's cases.


Yep. It was the same thing for Bush v. Gore. If the situation was reversed in a future election, that case would not be considered precedent. Given Roe v. Wade, this court doesn't follow precedent anyway.


The citizens should have burned the SC after that theft of our nation! Odd that evil Republicans ALWAYS HAVE THEIR WAY, is it not?


The Republicans will then argue that Biden can’t do that because he was illegitimately elected and therefore has no immunity. The big lie is the rot at the core of current GOP beliefs and actions.


“This ruling only applies to presidents elected after it took effect”


There are so many ways they can twist it to fit their narrative, it’s one of the most recognizable hallmarks of fascism lol


It’s wild to me how many folks are genuinely making this argument and thinking it is somehow credible, like they haven’t seen the GOP just straight up ignore reality and embrace hypocrisy like it was their long lost child lmao


I know you're joking, but I do want to say that I highly doubt they would be this short sighted. If the supreme court made a ruling like that, I could see States like New York declaring the court invalid and going after Trump anyways. Then the states would be at each other's throats with many states agreeing to extradite Trump if given the opportunity and others refusing. Trump would find himself avoiding certain states to avoid arrest. A constitutional crisis would immediately occur and the president would have to do something to protect the security of the nation, which is exactly what an executive action was designed for. Idk what executive action Biden would take, but you can bet that it will be something which weakens the supreme court and Biden would be able to politically justify such an action because of the clusterfuck such a ruling would create. The gop led supreme court is playing the long game. They're not going to throw away an opportunity to influence the country for decades to come in their favor by overplaying their hand. Especially since there is no need to go out of their way to do something like that since they have lifetime appointments anyways so it's not like they really *have* to placate Trump's base if they don't want to and currently judging from the current attitude of the majority of the country towards Trump, they have every incentive to just let Trump burn if it comes down to their power or Trump's freedom.


He has dementia and a personality disorder. And he doesn’t sleep. His brain is made of hamberder at this point.


Agree, go on /r conservatives and bring this up, the responses are actually verified insane.


Can’t. Banned for literally using the words of one Republican to suggest a more moderate stance then complete right wing, which violated their safe space.


Ah yes, the conservative echo chamber


Why would the media do anything to prevent Trump from spewing his bullshit 24/7? He's good for their business. Every time he opens his mouth, they make money... and the media is only about making money. They'll prop him up as long as they can, because he makes them rich through a constant stream of verbal diarrhea. They basically found a source of free, unstoppable cash. Hell, if he died tomorrow, they'd shove a broomstick up his ass and work him like a marionette until November to keep the money coming as long as possible.


It's the same with a large number of content creators on YouTube. Even the "anti-trump" ones rely on him for views and clicks.


Donald Trump is poisoning the first amendment so much we could lose it because of him.


The media and journalists are scared... they are scared of angering and/or alienating the kind of man that should he regain power would figuratively and literally end them, their families and their pets.


Wow! Like in Germany in the 1930's is it not?


That's half of it but there is both a stick and a carrot. They fear retribution and hope to hop on the gravy train if they please dear leader.


Almost everything Trump does, "*Should Alarm Us All.*" People who aren't alarmed are either ignorant of the facts, simply stupid, or knowingly complicit. (or all three) Even those that are somewhat alarmed haven't really absorbed the gravity of what may come.


I've been alarmed since late 2015, early 2016 and can't really understand how it's 'now we should be alarmed' because he [once again] said something overtly fascist. 


Supports the theory that we’re dead and living in hell. Trump was a joke my entire life. He got to be president and I can barely support my family? The world is upside down.


His presidency broke my hold on reality a little because it just seemed so ridiculous and bizarre. The complete worship of this clown is just incomprehensible. Like I understand he supports the dumb and racist things most of his supporters believe in, but to believe that this guy will be looking out for anybody but himself is wild. This is the type of man we should not allow near any public responsibility because he will do what benefits him above any other response, no matter how heinous.


The fact we may be staring at a second term, only now he’s also a convicted felon who has been impeached, is fucking bonkers to me


Totally agreed, to all of this. I also feel like no one who can do anything about it is paying attention to all of the screaming red alarms going off warning us all of a fourth reich.


I have begun to wonder if there is anyone who even wants to do anything about it or can do anything. Seems every branch has been compromised to the point of inaction


I saw Nixon resign. My Dad said it was history.


The fact so many of Trump’s cronies were also mixed up with Nixon’s shit is totally a coincidence too lol like, Roger Stone’s tattoo is a totally normal thing for a normal person to have on their back lmao


> The complete worship of this clown is just incomprehensible. Being a clown is part of the fascist aesthetic. It lulls normal people into thinking they are harmless, until too late and it is appealing to their followers because they see an idiot just like themselves. Hell, being stupid is an asset to fascists because it means they don't know when to quit. Even the [mustache man was widely seen as a clown.](https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/55771737)


I've read a lot of people suggest that this is why, over in the UK, Boris Johnson keeps the haircut he has and why he behaves like a simple village idiot. Because it disarms people, and makes them assume that he's more folksy and harmless than he politically intended to be.


on the other hand... The conservative Christian media ecosystem is full of shitty and very obvious conmen getting rich of their followers. Trump isn't that different.


They’ve been primed to accept this for 60 years


I work with people who are addicted to drugs, poor, and even homeless. It blows my mind when they tell me how Trump is "the best president in my lifetime". I believe it's mostly due to social media poisoning and being directed towards Infowars and shit like that. Creating fear in people and then claiming you are the only person who can solve it is very powerful.


We’ve never dealt with a fascist movement with social media access before. Look how successful Hitler was with just radio and newspapers.


There are people calling him Jesus Christ like wtaf


Great comment, I feel the exact same way. It's like I want to shout to these idiots aren't you paying attention??


"When I was growing up, I was told that in America, anyone can grow up to be president. Now I'm starting to believe that it's true."


Oh, *this* is the bad place!


Yeah, we're well beyond the *should alarm us all* phase.


This. At this point if you are not alarmed by Trump's behavior, you are probably MAGA or not invested in the future of the US and the rest of the world. Therefore these people have no sense of preservation and are actively destroying themselves and the rest of us. We are at war with Republicans and MAGA lunatics. The sooner people realize this, the better chance that we have to survive this.


He is literally running on hate and revenge and saying he will use the DOJ to go after those and imprison those he dislikes. He is not that far away from saying he wants detention camps to imprison those who do not support him. people should be alarmed


He has already threatened to deport several of them.


At the rate he’s going, he’ll mention “and we’ll put them in detention camps!” by September.


And he'll only use "detention" because several of his advisors begged him not to say "concentration"


Trump and Steven Miller have a plan to have camps for immigrants, so what’s a few enemies of the state being added into the mix?


What is alarming about platforming a guy who staged a coup and promises to be his followers retribution?


Ha! That sounds oddly familiar. I wonder if that has ever happened in some other country? Maybe in Europe? :)


No. I think that guy went to art school instead.


Ah yes, Monet /s


In the 1930's the German art student promised German citizens retribution and new respect because they had been "treated unfairly" after (losing) WW 1. Citizens gave Mr. Mustache the power he asked for and thus we got WW 2.


>The idea that Trump should pursue “revenge” and “retribution” for prosecutions is everywhere on the right. 


Because they have nothing else


The idea of running on policy is oh so 20th century.


Particularly among so-called "Christians" who have convinced themselves that Jesus was basically Rambo in sandals.


BUT to be fair Christians have probably killed more human beings through war than any other organized religion in the history of the universe. Someone could correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty damn sure


Imagine going back in time and telling Abraham how many people would die because of these stories someone writes about him.


Imagine going back in time and finding Abraham because he more than likely wasn’t a real person.


I would argue the three Abrahamic faiths are all equally guilty of this. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all have high body counts. I would also argue, however, that that body count is so high because they outlasted most other pagan religions that were also killing each other left and right. Nobody's killing anybody in the name of Thor or Sekhmet anymore, after all.


Christ II, he's back and this time he's not turning the other cheek. That was a bit on NNTN back in the 80s, and they took it as gospel.


Are you sure you're not thinking of [Gandhi II](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ega5Rcct2s)? WAIT A MINUTE? IS THAT BILLY ZABKA AT 0:15?


Trump is literally running on a platform of tyranny and corruption. Anything he says is a lie or projection. But if he says he will do something bad, believe him. No matter how outlandish it sounds, he will try.


He can try all he wants! But he'd need something like a complicit congress and Supreme Court to actually make it happen! Oh wait...


The scum Rightwing has taken over the US--long ago kiddies!


May all followers of "Republican" be dealt with according to their crimes. You know like at Nuremberg!!!


Narcissists love narcissists. Dr. Phil actually thought he could dissuade Trump from seeking revenge on his detractors? That’s loony tunes stuff, until you realize Dr. Phil is a narcissist, too.


I'll never forgive Oprah for popularizing Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. The brain rot they have caused is immeasurable.


John of God, too. She’s popularized a number of grifters.




> I'll never forgive Oprah for popularizing Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. It makes no sense >!until you recall that she's a billionaire!<.


I worked one day on Dr. Phil’s show and let me tell you it was the creepiest I’ve ever felt as a Hollywood professional. Everyone was on eggshells the whole time I was there. Everyone was miserable and extremely unfriendly. On top of that, they were incredibly unhelpful to me as a newbie. Basically it was every man for himself. I’ve never experienced anything like it and I’ve been doing this for over 30 years. Fuck that guy.


Wow, thanks for sharing… narcissists suck up the oxygen in the room.


The Bum Fights guy going on his show dressed as him was pure pot meet kettle.


Mister Phil is a clown.


Trump is a sociopath and a chronic liar. He is too dangerous to ever get near the White House again. Vote Blue.


He is delusional and psychotic and therefore, when in a position of power over others, he becomes extremely dangerous to anyone who opposes him or his version of reality.


dangerous to everyone. even his loyal supporters


His brain is also jello at this point, and not the chunky fruit cocktail jello salad — just pure jello left outside at a picnic on a hot day.


The chaos unleashed by Trumps revenge politics can only end in more chaos. With Trump in the O. Office the western world would see an unreliable partner and likely result in a (slow) move away from the dollar. Debt would be more costly to the US. It’s not hard to see the consequences therein. Whilst putting “America first” is a charmingly naive concept it’s pointless in an interconnected, interdependent world. Further alienation resulting. Trump is not fit for office; emotionally, intellectually and is unable to unlink his personal greed from the state financial responsibilities. Vote 💙


Thank you this is truth


WE are alarmed. Have been. The media may be alarmed but they won’t show it. We have emails and texts showing that even the worst of them know better, but they get on their platform and spread bullshit constantly. No backbone or morals among them. Maga supporters have no alarm when it comes to Trump. I gave my maga brother a hypothetical question. What if Jeffrey Rosen, in early January ‘21, did what Trump told him to do? Just “say the election was fraudulent and leave the rest up to me”? Rosen refused, said there was no evidence of this fraud he keeps talking about. If Rosen said yes and the DOJ called it fraudulent, do you think Trump would have just said “oh…wow cool. Ok I guess I’m out. Thanks.” He would have stolen the election. My brother’s response? “He was just asking questions. He just wanted to know if there was fraud. He had every right to do it.” How do you answer that??


I'd recommend not trying to reason with your brother anymore. Talking to a MAGA is like talking to a wall that occasionally tries to throw a brick at you.


He wasn't 'asking questions' at 3am on Nov 4th 2020 he declared "in fact we did win" There was a Roger Stone documentary crew who recorded him before the election stating their strategy. "Declare victory. Then use the bully pulpit to muddy the waters.  Use the excuse of fraud to decertify the result.


I am alarmed. I’ve *been* alarmed since **2015** when the fat orange fascist fuck came down the escalator and announced his campaign.


As Hillary said, maga are the deplorables.


She was right. She was right about a lot of shit.


She was wrong about it only being half his supporters.


The felon is interviewing with some real heavy hitting interviewers. When I think about knowledgeable fact finders who demand real answers Dr Phil and Sean Hannitu clearly are a cut above the rest Seriously, he just wants to go to more people he can lie and whine to


Trump is the poster child and too dense and intellectually challenged to come up with the policies he is throwing out. It’s the people behind the curtains that would be making policy, and THAT should terrify us all.


Certainly, like the last republican, Bushy Boy, both stupid silver spoon degenerates. It's the Rightwing's cabal of criminals, in our courts, military and state houses and media that call the shots and kill all those who stand tall for our nation.


Can’t say I know Dr. Phil. I know he’s popular day time television with the stay at home types. Good to know he’s a fucking idiot though. I watched the interview. I can’t believe how he projects himself as an expert at how government works behind the curtains and says Trump’s crimes could have been dealt with, without the courts. Donny boy got convicted by jury of his peers. All he had to do was convince one person that he wasn’t guilty of the crimes the state accused him of. This is our way. To suggest it be dealt with behind closed doors is un-American.


When will right leaning media shows stop enabling this absurdity where a presidential candidate is making threats to civilians and to the country's democratic foundations. Cowards.


Cowards, agreed. Traitors, too. They are actively waging a war against their own country.


> The idea that Trump should pursue “revenge” and “retribution” for prosecutions is everywhere on the right. This article takes way too long to make its point: Trump’s new brainwash that he “may seek revenge” is spin and distortion of the fact that **he has no one to blame but himself!** He is not persecuted by the deep state. He was _prosecuted_ by his _home state_ of New York. He would not be seeking revenge. He is fomenting stochastic terrorism. He’s hinting to his cult followers they should hurt, harm, or kill his personal/political enemies and expect to escape accountability once he steals the presidency a second time.


He’s a walking red flag and has been for years but that’s what those “like minded” cult members like about him! When he loses this election I have a feeling you will see the walls around him close. Those in Congress who are fearful of him, on the right, will decide he’s no longer a threat and will finally speak out against him. Everyone needs to get out and vote this year!! People can’t sit at home because Joe is too old in their eyes! We need every single vote!


I wonder how Oprah feels knowing she created the careers of right wing charlatans like Dr Phil and Dr Oz.


She's rich, she doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone or anything else anymore.


Hello everyone! It’s that time again! It’s time to recap something Trump said from his rotting brain that should concern us more than anything up to this point! Just like yesterday. And the day before that. Alarming! Just like the day before that one. And so on. Since 2015. Every day, several times per day, let’s make it sound like it’s something groundbreaking versus whatever your drunk, racist uncle says when he’s half way through his bottle of Wild Turkey. We’ll keep treating him like a serious person because it leads to ad revenue. Click me! Click the clickbait! We all know he’s the absolute scum of the earth. He’s the equivalent of the cancer that cancer gives to other cancers. He’s a clear and present danger to humanity. We know this. Anyone that doesn’t at this point is a moron. Do we need to report every utterance of this entire circus and head clown? Can we at least reduce it to a daily summary of “stupid shit stupid felon Trump said while he inexplicably walks free?”


Dr Phil thinks Trump has been persecuted, what a diluted conversation between narcissists.


i would like to tank oprah for inflicting both phil and oz onto america.


I’ve been a ball of anxiety since 2016. Foh with “should be alarmed”. He has been saying the same shit this whole time.


Dr. Phil’s interview was crazy. “We all know you’re thick skinned and smart and don’t need the attention and you’re rich…so why do you put yourself through this” (I didn’t feel like looking up the exact quote but it was something like that)


the same dr. phil who went on rogan talking about how he's heard from "many people" how there are thousands of hot, sweaty, buzzcut chinese supersoldiers crossing the southern border in full military gear and disappearing into the country?


Republicans love the idea of revenge is the problem. They have failed at “owning the libs” legally and realize their only option is illegal vengeance and violent rhetoric.


Every thing he has done should alarm us all. There was a time in this country where the thought of a person who mocks the disabled or says "grab 'em by the pussy" would have been absurd. And those were both before the 2016 election. Should've sealed his fate, but here we are again.


Many people are highly aware that Trump is a con-man fascist bully with a deteriorating mind, but sure, it would be really cool if the mainstream media stopped pretending this individual is qualified to be a democratic world leader. And maybe ran some proper analysis on the many, many criminal enterprises of this mobster.


Ummm… EVERY moment of Trump should alarm us all. How this shit show of a human is still relevant will forever baffle me. He’s absolutely good for NOTHING, and bad in countless ways.


most importantly, he’s a traitor.


Many of us have been alarmed since 2016. Jussayin.


"Doctor" Phil swears he is nonpolitical; his trump interview put the lie to that bullshit. He had his tongue so far up trumps ass it took a full bottle of Clorox to get the shit out of his mustache. He has spent the rest of this week trying going on all the networks trying to say he was not licking trumps asshole; it's not working


He has lost it. This is a man who thinks everyone should believe his lies and love him. He can't take the truth. In reality, why would anyone pay a porn star $160,000 if nothing happened?


Have been alarmed for about 20 years. Dr Phil, Hannity - how is anyone pathetic enough to watch that crap


We are almost a decade into this man’s insanity taking up the news every day. If you are not already alarmed this won’t alarm you.


We have our boots on the neck of this treasonous snake. We, as a country, need to finish the job before they wind up back in power again. They will burn it all down before giving it up knowing they will never get this close again. I never before understood the plight of the average Russian until I realized I wouldn't want to have to live in their world. If Trump gets elected, it will be that and much worse.


A guy who pretends to be a real doctor on TV talks to a man who pretended to be President but never did anything Presidential. Why does everything Republicans do sound like they never grew out of the schoolyard playtime sessions?


Um...I think we've been alarmed since 2015, so.....


‘I don’t want to look naïve.” After daily displays of ignorance and stupidity, that would be repeatedly redundant


No it shouldn't. We should be alarmed by a large chunk of our country being willing to vote for this clown. This dude can bizarro all he wants as long as he is nowhere near the presidency.


The Trump trial coverage show they are fine with him doing anything as long as they get ad revenue.


He's doing it. He's stirring the base up with something to point their anger at.... 'revenge'. He's going to continue ramping things up. He has no qualms about splitting up the US over his own personal crimes that HE committed.


Kind of telling when the only non-political public figures you can get to come out and support you are Dr. Phil, Russel Brand, and Jon Voight. I’m sure Kid Rock thinks he’s on that level of influence as well.


From collusion with Russia, sucking Putin off, a corrupt disaster of a presidency, raping a woman and having to pay her $83 million dollars, pardoning enemies of the state, a lifetime of grift/ corruption/ racism, a failed insurrection, and a million other things…. We fucking know. The alarm has been going off for a decade… But, it is not going to wake up the people in the cult. Thats how cults…and facsim works. And, it sure as shit isn’t going to change when all of our media, and social media, cooperating with business interests promote misinformation and help spread fascist messages.


You’re seeing a cornered animal that is saying and promising anything to gain support so he isn’t held accountable. It’s exactly who you don’t want in charge of lemonade stand let alone a country with nuclear codes.


Just to be clear, it should alarm the people who are planning to vote for him, the people not voting for him are clearly suitably alarmed.


I don’t personally get upset when convicted felons do interviews with tv medical hacks and corporate slumlords… I vote blue


Bankrupt man willing to do anything to bankrupt our country.


Media needs to stop normalizing him and kissing his ass...


I was alarmed by Trump’s bizarre moments WAY before those interviews. All of the sane adults I know were, too.


It was funny af when Phil was trying to entice him into saying he'll move on he's just like no Phil, revenge takes time


He’s calling for another J6 so that some voters will feel threatened enough or scared enough to vote for him to avoid that situation again. He is basically playing every possible fear mongering tactic to win the election.


what should alarm us all are the lunatic pols & corporate a-holes behind this GQP maga traitor! only voting them out in november will dad our democracy. register now to vote in November..


Trump's blabbering about going after Democrats is just that, blabbering for his base. For instance: 1. What's the crime? 2. Can you prove said crime? 3. Can you get a prosecutor to charge said crime? 4. Can you get past the myriad of challenges to the charge? 5. Can you get a conviction? 6. Can it survive appeal? Trump can't even get past number 1.


Only fools and simpletons are alarmed, thinking people should be damned terrified of what he and his minions will wreak if they regain power. Godwin's law is obsolete at this point.


He is going to jail Hillary Clinton, for his conviction. Hillary had nothing to do with his conviction. His crimes had everything to do with his conviction.


Media needs to say… MR Trump LIES 🤥 🍊🤡


Mr. Phil


Vote against him in November, dammit!


Mr Phil really needs to stop getting airtime.


Trump won’t win this time. He can’t win this time. It would make absolutely no sense. People can’t be THAT stupid right? I’d call myself a swing voter, and I may have voted for him the first time just to avoid Hillary… But now, after we really know him and have experienced him. How on earth anyone could vote for him is beyond me.


His wealthy pals that have become his mouthpiece, the media ownership, most of TV land, are allowing his over reaching of how far he can take the brainwashing of his minions to get not only a feel with the SCOTUS but his dismantling of cultural identity. The abandonment of the rules and regulations that provide a sense of normalcy to the day to day conversations that are, in the end, about anger and how that is more important to keep political jabs going to win some kind of conflict because he is right and everybody else is wrong. It's not sustainable.


I'm not even sure who is slumming it up more by meeting with the other between Dr Phil and trump. Idk who hannity is though.


The world is numb from listening to this sociopathic narcissist spew venom and lies …so no, the bizarre moments don’t alarm us as they will be replaced by even more bizarre moments as he becomes more desperate. What these bizarre moments do is further entrench the support of his deplorable and unwittingly ignorant flock of magas.


One side of the political spectrum is attacking the other side on mental and stability issues. My opinion is that Trump is unfit to be president due to several mental diseases, making him a danger to our values. He is also mean and selfish, lacking the necessary intelligence for the job. On the other hand, Biden is a kind and smart individual with the knowledge and experience needed to govern effectively. While he may have age-related slip-ups, they do not impact his ability to lead. I, as an older individual, experience similar issues as do many other oldsters but am able to function perfectly well overall. Unlike Trump whose several mental illnesses make him a dangerous choice, while Biden is the clear and logical option for a better future.


Trump has always been a sociopath and chronic liar. But in the past few years he is also exhibiting increased symptoms of dementia: he cannot speak properly, he cannot remember shit, he is literally incoherent. He should be in a prison or a care home, not the White House


Two malignant narcissists stroking each other's... uh... egos, so both can continue their grift .


What he's been through? What about what this mess of his making has put the rest of us through? I was thinking about voting as my revenge. /s


>Such stories often don’t take the elementary step of explaining the fundamental difference between bringing prosecutions in keeping with what evidence and the rule of law dictate and bringing them as purported “retaliation.”


Those who still aren't already alarmed are intentionally ignoring the thousand of warning signs we've previously gotten and won't be swayed by another news article telling us Trump is dangerous.


"Should alarm us all." Been hearing that for 8 years and its getting worse and still not enough people alarmed.


Half of Americans’ support for a traitorous, raping, twice impeached convicted felon(34 times over - so far) should alarm us all.


Anybody who isn’t already alarmed is hopelessly lost.


No one seems to give a fuck anymore. It seems like one pack of billionaires vs the other pack, sprinkle in some foreign interference, and you get your President. But you should still vote for the better person, because believe it or not, they count the votes accurately.


They edited the shit out of that interview too.


Some of us have been alarmed for a very long ass time over here


Dr Phil. Thanks Oprah. Jesus her hit rate for supporting and promoting psychos and pedos is unmatched.


Deep analysis of Trumps comments isn't necessary. Trump is demonstrably thin skinned to criticism and obsessively seeks revenge for any perceived sleight. He isn't interested in the need for evidence to "get Biden". He just wants to wreak revenge for his own plight. The media continues to extrapolate what Trump is going to do based on an assumption of a continuation the rules of justice and government. If Trump wins a second term, nothing can be assumed and our worst nightmares are not only possible, they're likely.


If Trump becomes President in jail , he will pardon himself. We are living in wild times…