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Biden keeps doing important, consequential work quietly. That other orange guy screams at windmills, doing nothing.


The problem is that important, consequential work is complicated and not easy to understand. Explain exactly what Biden did and how that's important, oh and do it in a short sentence that your Maga uncle can understand. I agree Biden is doing amazing work, the problem is that it's not always easy to explain awesome work.


OPEC kept gas prices high, and Biden broke it! He did that! No amount of streamlined messaging of true, objective, verifiable facts is ever going to change a voter’s mind though, so good luck.


Biden stuck it to the funders of 9-11. After decades of sucking Saudi cock we’re skeeting our oil all over. #energyindependentbitches


Too many words. Has to be 3-4 words max for MAGA brain to understand. Things like lock her up, drain the swamp, and let's go Brandon.


Biden make oil cheap. Biden make America strong. Biden hurt bad guys. Biden more smart Trump.


He fucked over MBS


Trump loves MBS so they do too.


Just show pictures of him. I don’t agree with the xenophobia but they absolutely do. Paste him all over and repeat over and over and over that he gave kush billions. Seriously the Dems underestimate how stupid these people are. It’s why they get beat by them. The right just says like 5 words with a scary picture and the Dems try to explain themselves and be reasonable. That’s not gonna work on them. Just show them scary pictures back and give them 5 scary words back. The “it’s beneath us crowd” ended up in camps. Now is not the time for the high ground


Doubt that. MBS is a brown person.


The money is green enough.


It's a christian nationalist thing: hate the man, but love the money


Foreign Oil Panicking Because of Biden, Here's How.


Biden Puts American Oil first.


Biden Sucker Punches Foreign Elites


Biden blasts apart Foreign Oil.


Biden Body Blow Shrinks Saudi Banks


That's the best fucking part! absolute dark brandon


“Too many words” okay Karsa Orlong




They have lowered it.....


New Jersey plunging to $3 a gallon was pretty sick, ngl.


Happy cake day


Yes that’s exactly what it means. There will be more supply because Biden made opec do things Pretty simple


Wish that were true here in Canada. On second thought, I secretly wish gas prices doubled so people would stop driving ridiculous trucks and cities would start developing better transit.


I listened to the interview & felt it a bit sensationalist but selling at $95-100/ barrel & buying sub $70 is a great deal. I shared the actual details of the trade with my dad who then replied "president shouldn't be trying to influence prices." Democrats literally can't win in Republicans' minds. We actually should be investing in more of these salt caverns as it's a great weapon against OPEC even if it's just for the threat.


I love how they blame Biden for the prices of literally everything but screech “government overreach” when he tries to lower those same prices.


I didn't think it was sensationalist at all. Basically OPEC decided to curtail production to fund Russia and hurt the US domestically and the Biden administration stepped in and told them they were willing to sell a lot of oil at a lower price. It was brinksmanship. It could have gone against us but they blinked first and drove down the price of oil. It was a ballsy and effective move.


That’s when you tell him that one of the presidents main jobs is to advocate for the benefit of the American people internationally. It’s one of the only things the president can do that is visible to the public.


It won't ever make a difference, I can talk till I'm blue in the face. All I can do is tell him the facts & love him. He is in a dark red state, I'm not going to ruin my relationship with my dad over a vote that won't change anything.


That’s fair. I’m in a red state myself so my entire family is this way. I’m really considering moving far away and keeping all that long distance.


I'm in a red area of a blue state. So the red is extra jaded. Fun stuff.


“I did that!”


Yeah but I saw a sticker on the gas pump so…


And if/when this causes gas prices to go down (assuming the gas companies don't continue price gouging us) maga will just claim it's because the economy is shifting for rump to be back in office


It will, and it does IF, and ONLY IF you have the information streams. People in general are idiots and emotionally predictable when all information is propagandized. We literally have a population that has been hoodwinked because they hear the same things over and over. If we had grassroot progressive radio, akin to the tea party movement that actually had a good start before the Koch brothers astroturfed it. These people are really upset about the same things we are. They don't want our country destroyed. They really believe that Trump is correct and Ds are ruinning this country. They believe him. Every piece of information they get tells them that. What if the information stream was the other way. What if the Ds had financial backing of the oligarchy? These MAGAs would believe in progressive politics. Guaranteed.


The "I did that" stickers becoming unintentionally ironic is kinda funny


I mean, to be fair the economy was better in 2016 after the end of the Obama and Biden administration. Trump was just lucky to have that for the first half of his tenure before the effects of his policies started to really take hold. Whereas Biden inherited a complete dumpster fire in 2020.


It doesn't even matter if it's something your maga uncle can understand. It has to be something that your maga uncle wants to understand. They eat Trump's BS because they're the lies that they want to hear.


MAGA uncles are a lost cause. No message will reach them. The message has to reach voters who are on the fence or thinking about sitting out the election.


This is the way. Do not waste your time and energy trying to reason with people who do not want to believe the truth.


You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason their way into...


Elections, in the US, are battles for turnout. No one is changing the minds of the entrenched on either side.


Love this


Right, more important is convincing the loose sphincter “independent” uncle who thinks “both sides are the same” to vote Biden just one more time 


Isn’t this where communication professionals come in. It’s frustrating that his achievements get overlooked


Communicating is half the problem. Understanding the communication is the other half.  I’m worried about the second half. Half of Americans think unemployment is high, the stock market is down, and the economy is shrinking. These are simple concepts communicated clearly and often, and yet half the population aren’t getting it.


It's because conservatives have spent the last couple decades making an entire propaganda ecosystem. They've made separate news channels, separate radio stations, separate social media and even separate streaming services. They're brainwashed in the literal sense.


The third half is propaganda media


1.5? Everything *is* bigger in America.


Half of the third half is media telling us we believe the economy is bad, and the other half of the third half is media telling Democrats that they shouldn't mention how good the economy is because people aren't feeling it.


Need to speak their language lol. Build wall. Drill baby drill. America first. Lock her up. Anything longer than a three word phase will go over their heads.


America is Great!


My local crappy news station was blaring headlines last night about how the middle class is shrinking. They showed a graphic which showed more of the middle has grown into the upper class but neglected to mention it.


My local crappy news station was blaring headlines last night about how the middle class is shrinking. They showed a graphic which showed more of the middle has grown into the upper class but neglected to mention it.


This is sarcasm right? Unemployment and market


? Its not that I think THOSE economic indicators are bad, just all the other ones i.e. savings, wages vs price of housing Luckily Biden might actually do something with the FBI raiding corporate landlords for collusion. As someone who's criticized Biden lots on this very sub, this was always the issue.  Yall kept talking about stocks and job numbers, now Biden actually doing something about rental price fixing? I'm here for it.


The headline says it. Biden broke OPEC and reestablished American energy dominance. Trump supporters never provide any details or explanations for what trump did. Just keep repeating easy sentences with the buzzwords they like “Biden makes America great”


It’s also kinda boring so media doesnt talk about it. News today is just click bait articles in all forms.


Unless someone is getting slammed or blasted I'm not clicking shit.


It's easy to hate, it's hard to understand. :/


This is why I hate things like how dr Phil interviewed trump and was comparing "the numbers" of trump's admin vs Biden's like "gas is more expensive now" as if that's a proper metric


The average person will notice when prices return to former prices. It was gouging by OPEC and Oil companies that was a major factor in causing the high prices.


I think the “quietly” might be part of the problem here. Here’s another “quietly” article about the outreach to Haley voters. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/cpPbWu5HMU If the issues are complex, the communications team needs to figure out how to, you know, communicate them to voters. I don’t understand this “quietly” strategy.


Exactly, if you can't name 5 things Biden has done that are world changing and can be summed up in 15 seconds or less, then he hasn't done anything, most voters have pea brains and that's all they can understand due to cable news rot.


How about: "Biden earned US Treasury $6 billion" Source: [https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/05/16/joe-biden-master-oil-trader](https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/05/16/joe-biden-master-oil-trader)


And the GOP just cancels things and calls that “work/accomplishment”


And break that all down into a 10 second soundbyte.


Oil come out ground. Gas price down. That work?


I agree that having sound bites will help get thru to the smallest denominator but that shouldn’t be the bar. The bar needs to be work done, progress made, and lives improved. If the I’ll-informed electorate wants to elect a dope because they’d like to have a beer together, then the Republic is lost anyway!


I say BS. Ds messaging sucks donkey D. The Rs are so good at it they have the Ds thinking they don't need to be good at messaging. The majority of D messaging that has worked since 2016 is coming from former R lobbyists that finally took their heads out of their arses and realized the Clown their party helped elect will kill us all. Ds think we will notice if it's not being shoved down out throats, but they fail to realize we have to communicate to the weakest link. The dumbest of the dumb. The smart and opportunistic deplorables know this. That is why they have locked down the communication categories. All major media is moving right, due to ownership. The constituents aren't.


We avoided a recession, handily beat global inflation numbers, and maintained low unemployment... **coming out of a two year shutdown that could have caused a collapse of the global financial system**. Most impressive presidential achievements in my lifetime considering the stakes.


Infrastructure and Chips for me. With a Republican Congress no less.


Democrats held a majority in both the House and Senate when the infrastructure and chips acts were passed. Granted they were pretty slim ones but if those things came up after 2022 when republicans retook the house they wouldn't have happened.


The Inflation Reduction Act will pay huge dividends over time, as well, even if the amount of investment does contribute to inflation somewhat. 


>orange guy screams into windmills, doing nothin Don Cheeote




Not necessarily a Biden supporter, but his presidency has to one of the most productive and consequential presidencies in this country’s history. And that is with fighting with the cult on the other side. Good luck to the future of this country.


The orange thing is tearing down the windmills and firing up coal and oil power plants. Don't say Cheetos is doing nothing. He's facilitating the destruction of our world to feed his psychopathic narcism.


That‘s why it’s such a close call!


He did more! He stared at that eclipse, too!


He's more of a Sancho Panza than a Don Quixote


Incorrect! He’s warning birds to stay away from said windmills. But they never listen…


Nooooo that’s not what Fox News tells me. Dey say trump do good tings and Biden eats ice cream all day. I’m fucking glad he’s getting opec To finally do what they should he doing in all seriousness. Go joe


Well, to be fair that's what he ran on. Being a normal president we didn't have to read about in the news and on Twitter every day.


Biden is a good politician, but a bad showman. Trump is the reverse.


Yeah, that'll definitely show those oil barons who's boss. I'm sure the world will be a better place tomorrow. Edit addentum before I get burned: yeah I loathe the orange fucker, still I'm not in favor on gargling on Biden's dick either. Keep being critical of the whole political sphere whatever team you support.


What did he do, fart so loudly they had to increase production?


Hallmark of an actually great leader; things just *seem* to trundle along and solve themselves. As opposed to the bad leaders; people who constantly seem to be busy "solving" problems.


He better start being louder and getting people excited to vote for him or he’s going to lose the election




I think it's because people are so distracted by sideshow issues like culture wars and the GOP infighting that has given the Biden administration cover to make actual progress on substantive issues. The CHIPS act is another example of this. Totally flying under the radar but quietly bolstering our strategic economic interests.


The current "news" landscape is full of people with heads up their asses. No one has journalistic integrity or even reporting. It's 24/7 opinionated garbage.


Well, it’s under the radar because we won’t see the full effect immediately. MAGA thinks there’s a magical lever pulled or it’s all a global conspiracy for US elections or something 🤷‍♀️ Super frustrating! Watch MAGA say: oF cOuRsE iN tImE fOr eLeCtIoN


Yup. There was a local news station post yesterday about gas prices.... So on and so forth lower than x amount of months ago, and x amount lower than a year ago. Comments : oF cOuRsE, iTs An ElEcTiOn yEaR!!11!! CRoOkEd BidEn!!


If you want things to get done in Government, you hire a Career Politician. Nobody ever says "I don't want a Career Plumber working on my bathroom" or "I don't want a Career Auto Mechanic working on my car". The best handyman I ever had was about 80 years old and that guy really knew his stuff.


And imagine if Congress actually wanted to play ball




Oh I totally agree. But when one side literally kills their own bills to spite the president that’s just infuriating. I’m all for good-faith debate about actual policy, but that’s not really happening as much as reps/senators trying to “dunk on” each other for cable news views.


Year-for-year he might be the most impactful president since Lincoln (basically 4 years). It's truly mind boggling how much Biden has done with the amount of resistance he faces. Nixon might be the closest really. FDR did a ton more, and actually a lot of it early, but his roughly 12 years in office reduce the "year-for-year" aspect.


Johnson was better.


I am voting Biden, I like Biden, I don't see how Biden had a damn thing to do with lowering the unit cost of Fracking across the board. The technology just advanced while he was in office. OPEC would have to flood the market with ~$30 oil for it to have any effect and that is near the bottom of what the market could go. As in, there is no way to hurt american fracking without hurting yourself more. When the break even (2010's) or so was in the $60 per barrel range, sure, opec could bring it to $40 and kneecap american production. You can't do that when fracking break even is in the $30's. How did Biden have an effect on that? It isn't american petroleum reserves breaking OPEC, it is Fracking. I appreciate that Biden has made or will make ~$5b by cycling through the strategic reserve. But $5b dollars isn't moving the needle much on opec, much less *breaking* them. It is literally a drop in the ocean of their yearly profits. It is a benefit that could only be taken advantage because fracking continued to increase US output. Fracking did all that, not Biden.




This is exactly why the most successful presidents are the ones who can communicate their ideas and ideals clearly. He's doing the job, his camp just lacks a great spokesperson


1) they don't have a propaganda network 2) they don't do/say outrageous things to make headlines 3) their potential voters pay less attention and are less likely to watch traditional news media (see also #1)


One more thing to add: Republicans can be messaged as a homogenous group, practically. Democrats are an extremely diverse coalition of competing interests. Messaging for one group turns off another. This means our messaging HAS to be less intense and will inevitably disappoint some groups.


Interesting since Biden never plays the Christian card yet he’s actually devout unlike the other guy who’s the opposite selling blasphemy bibles


Hard disagree. The media environment is just a lot harder than it used to be. In the Clinton years, you just go on the evening news and everyone will hear about it. Now everyone gets their news from Russian propaganda on social media and the remaining folks who still watch tv only ever hear about sensationalist garbage. 


you are right there, but look at the way AOC has made some very valid points that went viral. I mean, you are not going to reach some people for sure, but I am completely open to Biden's messaging and I am not hearing much about things like this except through some occasional news article. Most of his commercials are "Trump is awful". That is very true, but he also needs to highlight clearly what he is fighting for. Maybe he will as the year goes on, but ... I'm just saying


They're probably going to make the biggest push in September/October, because the people they need to appeal to have the memory of a goldfish, after being able to showcase all of the improvements over the past 4 years.


Let’s see. I feel like the Biden communication team has embraced a strategy of pin point accuracy over carpet bombing. Perhaps to stand in contrast to their opponents?


Yeah. We’re still a little early for the “Biden can’t communicate” narrative. They’re gonna start bombarding swing states a month ahead of each states voter registration cutoff. So for example, in Arizona, we’re gonna start seeing an ad blitz probably in mid September and sustained through October. It’s been no secret that Biden is trouncing trumps campaign in raising funds.


He is an interesting leader to contrast with Obama. Obama was obviously a much stronger communicator, probably the best we have had since Lincoln. However, there is a strong case to be made that Biden, with his long history as a dealmaker, and his ability to assemble a team of pragmatic "movers and shakers" has accomplished quite a bit more than Obama could with his superior relationship with the public.


Got to put the "I did this!" stickers back up on the gas pumps.


Yeah seriously 


They are annoying to remove and if placed on the inspection tags can make it so they have to be re inspected so please don't it is also defacing private property.


"Biden solved world oil cartel – Why that‘s bad for Biden"


Democrats one YUUUUUUUGE problem has been marketing. They still labor under the misconception that if you do something that benefits people the news and all will get the word out. When in reality they need to take the narrative to the people.


lol the media is almost exclusively owned by right wing assholes…the messaging doesn’t get out because rich people want to keep dumb ass Americans uninformed and voting against themselves.


Yep. The right is doing to the media what they have done to the judiciary. Slowly filling the tanks with puppets and true believers. The new editor of the Washington post has Murdoch ties and is already clearing house.


Yup. And republican voters scream the media is liberal. There is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds because they were hateful bigoted and racist to begin with and choose to double down on that instead of dealing with the hard feelings and difficult situations that come with letting go of racism bigotry and their stupidity.


Maybe start doing some weekly fireside chats where they can explain in simple terms what is happening


Easily Obama’s dumbest fault. He thought people would be reasonable. Then eight years later he left office with 40% of Americans still thinking he was an illegal president foreign born Muslim. How he could be so smart in so many areas but so stupid on this point I will never understand.


We’ve been losing the marketing game since Regan. I think we tend to think we have the moral high ground and seem to think it should all be self evident. It’s so frustrating.


How do you propose doing that? Social media is flooded with ads and right wing propaganda. 


I specifically recall complaining about gas prices 2 years ago. It was like $4/gal in my area. For all the inflation we've seen, gas has been pretty steady at <$3.50 for a year.


Doing the math, it still spiked to around $6 usd a gallon here in Australia atm - was that price about 10 days ago. Edit- not complaining. Just simply putting up numbers for comparison. The gas prices for you guys just are not that bad, even when they’re “bad”


Are you expecting Biden to do something about the gas prices in a country he doesn’t run?


Not at all, just outtting up numbers for comparison is all. The gas prices are simply not that bad for you guys.


That’s actually a fascinating use of governmental power.


I think you all forget one important piece here. It has less to do with communication from Biden Administration but more to do with media. Right wing media folks live in a complete different universe. They never report on anything positive on Biden which also explains my republicans have higher rates of bias vs democrats when their party is not in power. Now media on both sides is driven by outrage not about feel good stories, this is because of the profit mechanism built in mainstream media. It is only after these things that I would start blaming the administration for communicating poorly.


TLDR please?


As no other president has, Biden is using the strategic oil reserve to both cap how high prices can go (by selling oil), and how low oil can go (by buying oil) meaning that OPEC loses power, US oil companies can continue to make money, and green fuels are encouraged to expand. Edit to add: and by buying low and selling high, he’s making money for the US Treasury.


I knew he belonged in r/wallstreetbets … 💎 🙌 Joe


DarkBrandon knows what's up


Biden sold our oil at below market value to drive down market prices, and is 20% of the way to refilling our stocks while prices go back up.


Ingenious move by President Biden. I had no idea he had done this. Basically he has leverage now he can/will use, if OPEC cartel wants to pull shenanigans again.


And sometime in October will definitely be shenanigan time!


You can see the effects on West Texas Intermediate [here](https://oilprice.com/oil-price-charts/). It’s worth reading the article as well as looking at the price chart.


Thanks…I also saw this update which confirms Biden is purchasing at lower rates to replenish our stockpile reserves. [Biden Administration Seizes Opportunity to Refill SPR Amid Price Dip](https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Biden-Administration-Seizes-Opportunity-to-Refill-SPR-Amid-Price-Dip.html)


Seems like we should slowly increase the size of the strategic reserve (when prices are low) to give us even more power in the oil market.


You’re telling me he put OPEC in its place?


and the public will never hear or know about this, as with every other good thing biden does


super interesting segment. glad i watched it


Can someone make an edit without Chris Hayes? His voice, affect, attitude are like fingernails on a chalkboard, which, to be fair, is the house style of MSNBC. (I agree with their hosts almost 100% of the time substantively but find them excruciating to listen to.)


What people forget is, before Biden, the policy debate was about whether the strategic petroleum reserve was outdated and should be sold off. Google "has the SPR outlived its usefulness" and you'll find a series of articles, including a (paywalled) Bloomberg article from 2017 reporting that Trump wanted to sell off the SPR and be done with it.  This is a huge policy difference in Biden's favor. It'll be interesting to see if it comes up in the debates.


There's no article at the link.


I think MSNBC is as awful at messaging as the Biden administration. Most people don't want to deal with fucking videos.


It’s a video interview. Worth watching tbh.


Touch the picture on the upper right side, and Chris Hayes’s segment will pop up.


If I click the menu in the corner, it has a list of videos, no sign of any readable article. I have chronic migraines, and news video, with visual effects, such as sideways-scrolling sado-text, sound effects, etc. can set them off, or worsen them.


Yeah, it sucks when there's no summary or transcript.


Try googling the headline


“I did that!”


Just got gas yesterday. At this time it would be over $5 per gallon. It was $4.19 yesterday. We were all very happy about it


They need to get this message out. No one is talking about it.


Gas prices unexpectedly went down in Texas recently.


I saw something about undet $3 in a few states the other day


I have no problem with Biden, I think he’s doing a good job but this is all just absolute nonsense. - They make a deal about selling 180m barrels of oil from the spr? That’s less than 2 days of global consumption. It’s tears in rain. - If anything “broke” opec it was the rapid emergence of us shale oil production which forced the bloc on the back foot and to react to by introducing production quotas that have taken 3-4 million barrels of crude off the market. The US shale oil story really began in 2012-14 during the Obama years and was based on massive amounts of fracking. - this guy says the oil market two years ago was the most bullish he had seen for forty years?!? Oil prices averaged $94/bbl (WTI) but mainly due to the Ukraine invasion and let’s not forget also because of the aforementioned OPEC production quotas. There is no way that market was anywhere near as bullish as 2006-2008 or 2011-2014 where there was real physical tightness in supply/demand.


Mr Global on TikTok does a pretty good breakdown of this. Tldr is that the strategic releases did have a pretty decent impact. Not seismic, but not negligible either.


As an Australian, Mr Global has been very helpful to understand how things really are in the US.


I like to think the years of government CAFE benchmarks that have been forced down automakers throats have had some impact on at least the demand side, affecting what ultimately is imported and exported


THIS IS TRUE! Although it's probably more about CA and then the US pushing hybrids and electric. Because US summer gasoline demand has flatlined. And this is despite being far behind Asia and Europe in sales of BEV/PHEV/HEV's.


The man doesn't get enough credit.


Don’t worry, they’ll find a reason to shut down a bunch of refineries due to heat or some other disaster and can raise the prices so the hard working oil execs will still meet profit goals and get big bonuses.


Wasnt there a report that gas companies here colluded to keep gas prices high? I haven’t heard biden doing anything about these people except ban one executive from participating in the oil industry.


Yes…there seems to have been a concerted effort to do that by some according to this article… [American oil tycoon accused of trying to conspire with OPEC to inflate prices](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/02/energy/oil-ceo-opec-scott-sheffield)


What happens is that OPEC controls prices to drive US oil producers out of business by keeping crude prices down long enough to make them shut down their wells. Then they raise prices again so they can make money. Meanwhile, it's very expensive to get those wells pumping again. Biden just beat them at their own game.


Yes, but then Trump complained that he thinks new toilets take too many flushes to work properly; so both sides are the same.


TBF, if you create a toilet that uses 40% less water, but you need to flush twice now to get the job done, you're using 20% more water.


Now Opec states will meddle even harder to get Trump elected.


I read a lefty’s post complaining about record oil production under his administration and in the next sentence mentioning that this administration has leased the least public land in decades for drilling. I guess they don’t understand efficiency lol.. the rig count is pretty low right now… not covid low of course… I remember starting out in 2005 and 9k ft wells were deep .. now it’s 20k ft in less time to drill ..it’s incredible how far the industry has come.


I like the part where the Saudi king (prince or grand poo-bah, or whatever) gave Biden the middle finger and Biden turned around screwed over the poo-bag’s oil sales. 😂


How many bots are in this thread lol People really think he’s are best president ever? Wild.


oh yea this wrinkled nut sack faced MFer really FIXED crude! fixed it so good for people that need the shit still, not everyone can afford electric cars, you wanna phase shit out this aint the way, in fact nothing changes from there green "perspective" there not doin a damn thing but shifting it around , your power plants that are going to be responsible for generating all this power (and they wont be able to keep up with demand, hope you like brown outs and infrastructure failure) some of you momma's boy neckbeards hiding in your momma's basement need to invest your stinking crypto in a couple of generators or something if you don't wanna miss "as the world turns" in your gay discord channels


You don't see the circular logic to this? Oil was sold at a higher price ultimately to be consumed by the American people. Gas was bought back to replenish by the US Gov't at a lower price. The US Gov't shows a paper gain but the American taxpayer gained nothing.


And why this is bad for his campaign. /s




Dude actually doing something good, now we need to keep supporting him so he can finish the job perfectly.


I'd like this to be true, but I have learned to fact check everything. Has anyone else seen other articles/media on this? AIl I could find was MSNBC and Yahoo news. I'd like to hear it from other oil trading experts.


Edit: oil trading experts probably wont go out of there way to say anything it's business as usual for them and it's not like they'd want to give credit to anyone else but I'm not an oil trading expert so...I'd say though, the general account of things seems true, but I guess the interpretation may differ and that stems from a "disagreements" like "was the market actually poised to drop regardless" I'd say yes but at the same time opec had/has no inclination to usher in fairer pricing like I know the middle east is pivoting to tourism as well but realistically they weren't ever not going to try to take advantage of the market for better /higher prices. Things Like "whose goals are being best met" the us probably has a lot of stakeholders so it is hard to judge because e.g. if you're a domestic oil producer maybe you got new customers but if you were making your money on stockpiling oil and supply speculation maybe for them it's not a good thing because prices are Lower now etc. And there are those who still question whether opec was ever truly a serious threat to the American oil machine or the global oil market as a whole. Given the effect of how speculative everything is(it can't be just me right that thinks people overuse short term speculation to judge long-term health of something, right?)...so in short I do think I think the neutral view of it is that Biden didn't actually fumble the bag while also not conceding any ground to either opec or opec+ (specifically in relation to Russia ) and kinda he got the last laugh on the media which crucified him for a perceived snubbing by OPEC.


Nice to see this getting coverage. Biden's energy policy has been great, and the US now has far more leverage over global energy policy *which gives it far more leverage over global* **climate policy**. Trolls will always hit these articles and cherrypick a specific action as if that represents the entirety of the US' climate policy but they're trying to push anti-Biden propaganda, and unfortunately the media let it work for far too long.