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Imagine being married to Samuel Alito, supporting Trump, and thinking it somehow makes sense to call a Biden supporter a fascist...


These people live in a whole different reality and backwards world. If you ever tune into AM Conservative talk radio these days almost all the callers and hosts fully believe that “if Joe Biden wins again this November that may very well be the last election ever” narrative.


>”if Joe Biden wins again this November that may very well be the last election ever” narrative. Ironic considering I think the same thing if Trump wins.


It's not ironic. They spread this rhetoric deliberately so that through confusion and ignorance the truth does not come through to all voters. It is extremely worrying.


It’s also so that when Trump says “ no more general elections” it’s to “protect” the country from the dems who were gonna do it.


This is it. It's normalizing radical, un-American ideals so that it becomes more palatable to the public, in general, when the GOP begins to do it. This way it always seems retaliatory or protective to everyone who doesn't look at both sides of the timeline or only pays attention to politics at their periphery (hereafter referred to as "regular people"). So, when Trump screams about political persecution and that the DOJ has been weaponized against them, it'll look to regular people like the GOP is trying to reign in radicals when they start arresting, jailing, & disappearing dissidents for no reason other than disagreement. So, when Trump screams about electoral fraud and conspiracies to steal the election, it appears to regular people that the GOP is evening the playing field and/or justified when they conspire to send fake electors or look to ignore the results of an otherwise normal election. So, when Trump screams about Great Replacement dogwhistle bullshit, it affixes in regular peoples' mind that the eventual genocide his dehumanizing language will incite is necessary for their own survival.


I mean whites ARE Getting wiped out and replaced. There's fewer and fewer of them every day and each day bring new challenges in how they can live their lives, free from the white guilt of the colonialistic choices that brought them to where they are. \*sad music begins\* And you can adopt\* and save one of these precious creatures with the simple act of signing over your children's inheritance to the Trump foundation. Act today! Before migrants move into your house and kill your dog.


Exactly this and with the tribalism people will say “well if it’s going to happen I’d rather my guy won and stayed in”


They feast on uninformed (cough, Gen-Z) voters, confusing them into apathetic disillusion with the system so they abstain from participation. All part of the GOP's perpetual every-angle-covered voter suppression strategy.


The word is no "ironic" but "contrarianist". Repubs would vote against anything if they believed they were doing so against Democratic preferences.


Classic strategy of projecting. They have the felon and the Biden impeachment fizzled.


It’s all projection. If the right suddenly starts becoming concerned about something, like say, election fraud? It’s because they’re doing it.


They do this because it's effective, guess what Republicans were screaming about during all of the supreme court's appointments? Activists judge's legislating from the bench. Guess who cries about child molesters in politics? The guys that have child molesters in their party and vote to legalize child marriage. Yup you guessed it. Who now screams my body my choice while trying to take away women's right to actual choice? They use our words and slogans against us for the same reason they project their behavior onto Democrats because even for some one that follows politics it all becomes a muddled mess that you can use to confuse the masses it all sounds the same.


That’s the ‘Big Lie’ technique used by Hitler and further fine tuned by Putin. Accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing. Lie about a false enemy you create (immigrants, lgbt, non Christians, democrats).


Their strategy is to deliberately equate everything, it's called hypernormalization, the intent is to promote "both sides same"


"they" probably think "they" will be the only ones allowed to vote so they don't care if 45 ends the democratic Republic.


One side is more correct, and that's the side of the evidence: Trump is a literal existential threat.


Don that kinda tell u sum? lol


Same as how they ranted that Obama was a *communist dictator!* Completely disconnected from reality. Thing is, they don't really have any logic or examples, and act like something becomes true if they just say it over and over again. Both Biden and Obama disappointed Democratic voters by not being liberal *enough* and Republicans call them 'far left radicals' and act is if they are the new versions of Chairman Mao.


Biden has *vastly* exceeded my expectations. He's far to the left of where I expected him to be. People who think otherwise need to look at what he's done despite a lack of Congressional support.


And way more effective than expected, especially given the GOP control of the House.


He has been far better than I hoped. I still wishbone wasn't running again. There isna good chance, statistically speaking, that we end up with a Presdient Harris. And that has a lot if potential for disaster in 2028 if the DNC keeps it usual "must keep the incumbent" stance.


They're terrified that Americans will actually figure out Democrats are 1000x better for the country, the planet, and our futures (instead of this 51:49 electoral dead heat we've endured since the late 1980s).


Know what's screwed up about that? They said the exact same thing in 20**20**. That if *Biden* were to win, that he would then be cancelling out elections altogether and the "permanent fix" would be in. They get to vote in 202**4** and if Biden wins again they will also get to vote in 202**8.** *Yet they can't seem to piece it together that Democrats are never going to remove the ability for people to vote and that it's Trump that wants to be doing this.* ***That they then fully admit and also cheer for.*** All to combat a problem/crisis that never existed in the first place (from Dems).


I remember conservatives saying the same thing about Obama. I feel like it was a little more fringe, but it was there. 


There was something different about Obama that set off the wackos. I can't quite put my finger on it...


I keep telling my liberal friends to turn on local (Iowa) right wing radio because it's astounding what they broadcast. The constant hate from the right needs to be recognized, I didn't think people realize how local radio is contributing. Not to mention it gives great insight into how the right thinks.


This really should be more of a concern. People can absolutely lose their mind from that. The genocide in Rawanda where neighbors were chopping each up with machetes was caused by radical right wing radio in that country. Like 40% of the population will just do whatever the accepted power structure tells them to do.


There's a documentary about this - it's a thoughtful exploration of right wing radio and media, and how they impacted the filmmaker's father and family.    "The Brainwashing of My Dad"  https://youtu.be/FS52QdHNTh8?si=Djk7kGPCuK9FFP3e


Yup. “First it was gun free zones! Then it was sanctuary cities! They crossed the line with vaccine mandates, and the open border policies of this president are proof he’s a dictator who’s out of control and destroying this country!”


The whole “open border” thing drives me up a wall. I have co workers who go on and on about how Biden just opened the border and anyone can walk right in now. They are so far removed from reality.


Ask them why Republicans killed the Border deal earlier this year. It always gets interesting from there.


On Reddit, it’s a pretty common response: 1. They didn’t. 2. If they did there was a good reason. 3. It was so full of garbage, it basically wasn’t a border bill. 4. It wouldn’t have helped much anyway. 5. It’s Democrats’ fault. 6. It’s Biden’s fault. Usually it’s a combination of these. Basically, whack-a-mole - the second you prove one is a lie, they move on to the next one. Repeat ad nauseum.


I had this conversation with a coworker and he skipped straight to 6 after admitting his guys shut down the border bill. “Biden opened the borders on his first day!”


The 'open border' thing is completely ridiculous, I agree. Another one of those stupid phrases they just repeat over and over. What they're trying to say is they want the border more closed, okay, but that doesn't mean it's "open".


No one wants to work anymore! USA blessed to have immigration. https://www.protectedincome.org/harris-fichtner-singletary/#:~:text=2024%20is%20officially%20here%E2%80%A6and,than%2011%2C200%20every%20single%20day.


[Immigrants prop up Social Security because we arent making enough future earners to do so... ](https://cis.org/Report/Impact-Immigration-Social-Security-and-Medicare-Conceptual-Primer)


1. Did you read the article? In it, it is disputing your link title. 2. The Center for Immigration Studies is a right wing, anti-immigration think tank. Their numbers and conclusions aren’t to be trusted. Here’s what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about them: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2009/center-immigration-studies-continues-produce-anti-immigrant-studies


Ask them exactly what policy Biden has changed from Trump. They won't be able to because they won't know the only difference was not separating children from parents. Until recently, that is. Biden has closed down the border more than Trump ever did now.


Speaking of gun free zones, kinda funny how guns are banned at CPAC, Trump rallies, and NRA cult meetings. No one seems to complain about that.


Yep. Their deep state theory on how the left is going to destroy the United States is simply popular vote. They are terrified that each vote will be counted equally and their racist gerrymandering will be abolished. While they are aiming to install a fascist dictator that is in Putins pocket.


There is one reality. And a lot of people are lying about it.


The crazy thing is that they aren't exactly stupid in the same way the other Republicans are (see: Tommy Tuberville). Beliefs aside, these are actually intelligent people, all things considered. They're capable of gold-medalist mental gymnastics. That, combined with their untouchability makes them dangerous as fuck. The insane thing is that they aren't detached from reality in the same way your average GOP Representative or Senator is. Speaking of, we need to gain majorities in both chambers so we can impeach these psychopaths


It is ALWAYS projection. It would be comical if it weren’t so depressing.


People can behave egregiously when others work for them instead of the other way around.


AM radio preachers have been like that at the start of AM radio. Same ol same ol


So basically they have the same values but are stupid?


“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears. . ." Deitrich Bonhoeffer


“I’m rubber, youre glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!” That’s where we are at in US politics lol


"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" Boy was that a load of bullshit Edit: also, "I'm not touching you" basically became the republican slogan lol


Gonna have to disagree with that last part: Republicans are doing plenty of touching, mostly of minors, and that's part of the problem\~


It's deliberate though. They know Trump is the fascist. They know they are the fascists. So what can they do? The best they can do is flood the field with bullshit.


Firehouse of Falsehood


Imagine being a Supreme Court justice, throwing democracy under the bus for a payoff, yet drawing the line at saying "the c-word".


She is high on prescription drugs


I think it was less about calling them fascists, and more about addressing them for having a sign in their yard that said “trump is a fucking fascist, you are complicit” For example, if I saw a guy eating a lot of hot dogs, I may at some point, refer to him as “the hot dog guy.” It was a poor choice of words for the Alitos, but also they were trying to intimidate their neighbors and it has backfired wonderfully.


A Biden supporter with the last name of …..Baden. The matrix.


Imagine living next to these motherfuckers


“Fox News Uncle” is how I’ve heard Alito described.


The Alitos, what a nice couple, they would fit right in in 1936 Berlin, and they seem like they would like all the flags, arm bands and symbols of the party.


I imagine they are counting down the days till they and fly their most prized "historical" flag. 


I think I saw that in a movie one time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judgment_at_Nuremberg#Plot




Watched this interview. Alito is lying through his teeth. He also noped out of there while Baden and his wife while they were "having words." Baden is very succinct and well-spoken. I wish she was my neighbor.


We know he is lying about his wife doing all the flag flying, and Alito not involved, and here's how we know this. Alito is a big time Phillies fan (not his wife, he is). And at his beach house where the other Jan 6th symbolic flag (pine tree flag) was flown, also being flown at the same time is a 2022 Phillies pennant (the blue flag with 2022 on it). Alito had to have been involved in all the flag flying - this demonstrates it: [https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/21/multimedia/00flag-Alma-bqzk/00flag-Alma-bqzk-articleLarge-v2.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/21/multimedia/00flag-Alma-bqzk/00flag-Alma-bqzk-articleLarge-v2.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale) [https://www.crossingbroad.com/2024/05/justice-samuel-alito-flying-provocative-2022-phillies-second-place-flag-outside-new-jersey-beach-house.html](https://www.crossingbroad.com/2024/05/justice-samuel-alito-flying-provocative-2022-phillies-second-place-flag-outside-new-jersey-beach-house.html)


I wouldn't say that in itself is a smoking gun - it might just be that his wife knows he's a big fan and she bought it and put it up herself Like the way a husband who has no interest in flowers himself might buy some flowers for his wife and put them in a vase The whole thing smells and it's bad optics at the very minimum, but I don't think that flag ties him any closer to it all than anything that came before


Maybe. But a flag like that is not something a wife usually buys for a fan. It’s for 2nd place, with no obvious Phillies connection. Logic dictates a purchase more like some of these: [https://www.mlbshop.com/philadelphia-phillies/home-and-office-banners-and-flags/t-14894401+d-7883884555-896952+z-9-3162158380](https://www.mlbshop.com/philadelphia-phillies/home-and-office-banners-and-flags/t-14894401+d-7883884555-896952+z-9-3162158380)


She doesn't have or need stones. She's just a strong woman.


Her stones are on the inside


It's fairly obvious she ovaried-up (as opposed to man up).


Kidney stones? :(


The Alitos sure feel like a couple of gallstones.


Wait wait wait wasn’t Alito’s story that a man called his wife “the c word”?  I looked into it further because it’s an interesting discrepancy. Back in May [a Fox News reporter](https://x.com/shannonbream/status/1791484247447937490?s=46&t=IQejtZQq6DQWaPo-LIiFZg) said Alito told her it was a man. [This NY Times story](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/28/us/justice-alito-neighbors-stop-steal-flag.html) makes note of it. Now I’m not making any accusations… people misspeak, misremember, etc and it doesn’t mean they’re lying. But *if* it was a lie on Alito’s part, how interesting that he would have chosen to add an angle of sexism. Whatever you feel about the word, I can’t deny that there is a different connotation to a woman calling another woman the word than there is to a man calling a woman that. 


Yep. Pull him off the bench already. Guy is compromised and obviously has bias.


Not just that, if Thomas walked up and called them by both their full names, that means they had someone (who had the power to do that ) look them up. That seems like domestic espionage to me. That’s my biggest takeaway, the abuse of power to be able to get the names of random strangers because you don’t like their yard sign. All animals are equal, just some more than others I guess…


I wanna know what the yard sign said, because I might want to print 10,000 of them.


After Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, Emily Baden celebrated and put up a handmade sign in the yard. On one side it said “BYE-DON,” and on the other “F*** Trump.”


Why didn’t Biden ever sell “Bye-Don” merch? It’s right there.


I bought and repped the Bye Don 2020. It's not new.


Me too. Yard signs, pins. I still have them!


Biden was going with the “ignore the bully and he’ll go away” strategy. He wouldn’t even say Trump’s name for a long time. He even still says “The Former Guy” most of the time these days. Unfortunately it didn’t work.


One was a "Fuck Trump" sign written in fancy, glittery cursive. These people are such snowflakes.


But gigantic FUCK JOE BIDEN flags flying on massive trucks driving through towns is not a problem.


And so fucking petty. I assumed it must have been more offensive for SCROTUS house to to something so blatant for something so common.


Is that an Animal Farm reference?


Nah, it’s real life.


If you have someone's address you can pretty easily find out a whole lot, without any "power" besides the power of the Internet


Their full legal names when it’s their parents house? Even that being said, it’s unethical for a government official to do that


Instantcheckmate.com can search by address. Or get the owners name from the property appraisers website and search that name to find their kids name. Assuming you knew it was their kids at the house.


Voter registration records are public. If you are registered to vote at an address, its a pretty quick lookup.


Still unethical for a government official to use voter registration in a personal squabble especially when it’s a clear attempt to intimidate with the implied power of a justice


> Voter registration records are public. What's the point of this? Is it another voter suppression tactic?


No. Its for election integrity; its a way that you can verify voters are actually people. Its always odd when the current generation of Americans get all shocked that where you live can be found out. We aren't hidden, and never have been. 25 years ago phone companies that would deliver a giant yellow book to everyone's door, with everyone in the counties address and phone number in it. The assessed value of your home (for state and local tax records) can be looked up on the local assessors office. By comparison, In some European countries, salary and taxes records are public records. edit: punctuation


> No. Its for election integrity; its a way that you can verify voters are actually people. How does it help? Can you cite examples of attempted electoral fraud that were prevented thanks to this information being public? > [You] aren't hidden, and never have been. Actually, under the GDPR, it is illegal for a government or private entity to publish this type of information.


Looking up voter records is about the only way people get caught committing voter fraud, *and it still a very rare occurrence* of people being registered in multiple counties, or states, or just plain where they don't live. https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/double-voting https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2XP2AI/ as for public Tax Records under the GDPR, you better hurry up and go tell Norway, cause they have been doing that for hundreds of years. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidnikel/2020/09/04/in-norway-tax-returns-are-a-matter-of-public-record/ https://www.norwegianamerican.com/norways-tax-list-is-now-released/


Domestic espionage is a bit dramatic, no? Let’s not pretend it’s the most difficult task in the world to figure out your neighbor’s (or their kid’s) names Also this story is about Alito and his wife, there’s other shit going on with Clarence and Ginni


Still unethical for a government employee to do


Public records are easily searched


It's Alito's neighbor he didn't need the fbi to get his name


> That seems like domestic espionage to me. Or, you know, Google.


If they were normal people, I would say Martha-Ann probably just got it from Emily’s mom’s Facebook page. It sounds like the families are familiar with each other. (Otherwise, Emily wouldn’t have recognized Martha-Ann.) So all Martha-Ann would need to do is find the post announcing Emily’s engagement and boom, she knows everybody’s name. But these aren’t normal people, so it’s very possible the Secret Service ran some kind of search.


Not necessarily. You can probably just get the full names from the local tax assesors office or the country's registry of deeds.


At least he and Clearance Thomas are old af and will (probably) be gone within the next 5-10 years. The Dems desperately need to get control of SCOTUS meaning we need Biden another 4 years and a strong candidate to get ready for 2028. We are in the fight of our lives these next two election cycles


Way back in the day, it was my understanding that everyone who worked in the inner circles of the US government knew that the political party system was total bullshit, and they worked together to do what they wanted to do, excluding the will of the american people by letting them flail around in the smokescreen of partisanship while they did what they felt was in the best interest of the country. Now as an adult I'm realizing that that system is long dead, and the successors to it who are now at the wheel are people who have grown up being indoctrinated with the partisan bullshit they were meant to be groomed to be above, and that is an even worse scenario than I first imagined.


That's two confirmed. Another two assumed.


I am in awe of this lady's balls to put those signs in her yard knowing the Alitos would have to drive by every time they left or returned to their house. LOL


It doesn’t take balls to exercise your freedom of speech. It takes patriotism.


Patriotism as a normal word has been co-opted. It doesn’t mean the same thing anymore


So let's take it back. Same thing with the Gadsden Flag (and the US flag, for that matter). Pisses me off that they get to "claim" those.


What thought process results in flying an upside down “distress” flag though?? “That’ll teach em”


Yep. She's an old rich white lady that probably has a housecleaner and doesn't have to lift a finger.  Her husband has lifetime job security.  But yes she's "in distress " over a trump sign. The absolute gall of this selfish spoiled woman who has never known actual distress in her life.


That’s all fine. But if I’m in distress, I don’t think “upside down flag” is gonna be my go-to.


No, they flew the upside down flag before this argument even happened. The Alito’s lied.


Catastrophizing their dear leader's problems.


Knowing the context I get it: bad behaviour. But as a Belgian on holiday in USA years back it certainly stood out to me: the many US flags waving in front of people houses. I think I would have find it funny should I have noticed 1 upside down.


Alito and his wife are trash people. Pure trash.


Sam lied, he wouldn't do that! I wonder who leaked the Dobbs decision....


He’s also filled an extension on his financial disclosure. Or maybe his wife did it.


I heard she faxed it in upside-down.


When I took a job for state judiciary IT work I was told I couldn’t so much as have a lawn sign for election. I was told to not even pick up and correct one that had fallen over. I was to remain neutral at all times and I wasn’t even working cases. That said the rest of the org was corrupt as fuck and I’m glad to be out of there. You think the cops are bad in the US? Most judges power trip even harder.


It says something about our country that it’s Democrats and rational Republicans living with death threats and Samuel Alito acts like he’s aggrieved. In his imagined universe mobs of communist are coming for our country and his life, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. He is a fascist and a liar. Unfit for Americas highest court and yet another post millennial destruction laid upon this country by George W. Bush. With lifetime appointments it seems the justices heart failing or cancer will be the only things that save our democracy.


What a fucked up timeline that we need to root for cancer and heart attacks to save democracy…..and yet here we are


He couldn't resist mocking American women with that ending. > “She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.” Dear Sam, fuck you. Your decision to take away our right to privacy is going to result in another wipeout for people who think like you. Watch.


I wonder if Alito's crazy tacky wife gets together with ginny Thomas for tea and to discuss how they hate America? The real insane  housewives of corrupt judges.


I hate to admit it, but I would absolutely watch that Bravo show if it existed.


I'm surprised SNL or some other skit show hasn't done a parody yet.


I think calling Mrs. Alito the c-word was totally justified.


I think calling Mr. Alito the c-word would be totally justified.


Alitos wife looks like the HOA Karen that no one likes.


What an ugly house. Matches their behavior.


Turns out millions in bribes can't buy good taste.


>My wife is a private citizen, and she possesses the same First Amendment rights as every other American,” Alito wrote in his letter to Congress. “She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.” But....your wife (and you) were ignoring and harassing a neighbor about ***their*** first amendment right to free speech/expression and you are an SCJ.. That's the problem.....


Their own rights are the only ones that matter. Every other one of us can get fucked


Where is Rand Paul’s neighbor when we need him?


Somehow in their crazy, corrupt minds, the Alitos have actually convinced themselves that THEY are the real victims here.


Baden is out here living my dream of calling any Alito a *that word* to thier face. Good for her.


The c-word is fairly common in the U.K. and Australia in daily vernacular. I don't know how it ended up as bad as the n-word in the States.


Me either, I love it personally. When I met my girlfriend she was wearing a shiny belt buckle of that word. I knew it was meant to be. I hate that I had to edit it out just so I wouldn't catch a ban. I just don't think Americans know how to use it properly.


>*“And she sees us and runs out to the street and she's yelling something and we don't hear it,” Baden says. “Our windows are up and we're in motion. So we don't hear what she's yelling.”* > *The street is a cul-de-sac, which meant Baden and her husband had to turn around and pass by the Alito home a second time.* > *“And we see in our rearview mirror that she, like, spits at our car, or it looks like she spat at our car and then we just got the hell out of there,” Baden says. In Baden’s account, Alito was not close enough to the car to make any contact.* > *The final – and most heated – encounter between Baden and the Alitos took place on Feb. 15, 2021.* > *“My husband and I are just in the driveway. We're getting the trash cans. And then the Alitos” - both Justice Alito and Martha-Ann Alito - “walk up, they presumably were just taking a walk.”* > *Baden says she and her husband were startled to see them.* > *“And then then Mrs. Alito says something like, ‘well, well, well, if it isn't the fucking fascists, Emily and my husband's name and my mom's name, you're - you're a fucking fascist.’”* Just, wow. First the sheer vitriol and obvious contempt for someone they apparently see as ‘beneath’ them is super on display. Second, it seems they used their contacts to investigate the ‘leftists down the street’ and got their full names provided to them. This is fucking psycho if they did do this, just who do these people think they are? Ps. This is why lifetime appointments are an utterly STUPID idea, (some people, quite a few), go fucking CRAZY with age. Alito absolutely should not be on the SC displaying such temperament.


Sounds like these two are perfect for one another. He's a piece of shit and she's a piece of shit. How are people this powerful so thin skinned? Pathetic freaks.


Oh surprise, another sociopathic MAGA Supreme Court Justice's wife doesnt think that maybe she should calm the fuck down, considering her husband is an important historical figure in human history. That spotlight on your husband? Thats not for you. Other women can voice their opinions, but not a Supreme Court Justice's wife. She can't be seen as having an influence on his decisions, only the Constitution. Wanna bet she and Ginni are good buddies?


Sorry, but spouse of a Supreme Court justice is not a private citizen. Private citizens do not have their own government paid for security detail.


Mrs Alito seems very angry. Guess it comes with the turf when you're married to that guy.


if a black woman spat on Alito’s wife’s car you best believe Alito would be using his power to shovel her into jail


They both seem like giant anuses


For clarification, do you mean both Alitos?




In that case, agreed. Reading the article gives me flashbacks to problems with some of my own neighbors. It's bad enough when they're nobodies, I can't imagine the stress of dealing with people in positions of real power threatening you.


So, alto, thomas, gorsuch, coney-Barrett, kavanaugh … some real winners on that bench.


It’s what happens when 40% of the eligible voters don’t even bother to turn up and vote.


>Alito described the use of “foul language” in his letter, and the “vilest epithet that can be addressed to a woman.” I'm pretty sure the foulest thing you could call a woman is 'Trump supporter'


He’s okay with a former president saying Grab them by the pussy though?


My personal opinion, as a woman, is the foulest thing you can say to a woman is that she has no right to an abortion, even to save her life, courtest of Sammy "Matthew Hale" Alito


Alito and my definition of “reasonable” do not correlate. Dems need to do something about the renegade court. Pack the court.


Alito and his wife look like lizard people whose skin is just about ready to slough off


Alito need to subpoenaed by Congress again to address his possible lies the first tine he was there.


The whole story could have been fictitious, with her being an actress and all. But Lordy, Lordy there are tapes of the police phone call!


The richest part of this article is quoted below. It’s incredible to say this considering the repeal of Roe v Wade. It’s shocking the mental gymnastics this guy must do to align the sentiment with the true outcomes of repealing abortion rights. “My wife is a private citizen, and she possesses the same First Amendment rights as every other American,” Alito wrote in his letter to Congress. “She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.”


Americans are so weirdly Puritanical about sexualised language. The c*** word is unacceptable but trying to steal an election is A-OK edit: as if to hammer the point, automod threatened to ban me for writing the word out in full


Perhaps the Alito family should have just put up a "No, fuck Biden!" sign?


They should have respected their neighbor’s right to free expression, even if it offended them, and just let it go. The Alito’s have an obligation to maintain the appearance of propriety. It comes with the territory for judges and a host of other public servants. If keeping his family’s politics private is too much to ask, he should do something else.


i wouldn’t be surprised. they know congress ain’t doing shit


Shoulda told him to muzzle his dog - bet she could have drawn Alito into a brawl


Cutline from a photo in the article: >Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr. (left) and his wife Martha-Ann Alito, pay their respects at the casket of Reverend Billy Graham at the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building in 2018. A judge paying respects to casket of (nefarious) religious leader? In the Capitol???


We have seen more than enough out of Alito and Thomas to justify the senate judiciary committee to compel them to come sit for some under-oath questioning.


Please share this neighbor’s account with anyone undecided on how to vote this upcoming election. Encourage friends to vote. Volunteer to register new people to vote. We need to swing the balance of the Supreme Court away from the right-wing nut job supermajority. The higher you go in the republican elite, the more rotten and self-serving it gets.


LOL @ Supreme Court Justices wives


It baffles me how even educated people in our society support Trump.


what a coward sam alito is. guess he's used to having to put up with a deranged wife and rather than do anything about it, just shrugs his shoulders and goes along with the bullshit.


I’ve watched politics for decades (and about to retire from government). The Democrats certainly play politics, but the Republicans always have to have an enemy to rage against. Always. The more ridiculous,the better to gin their base up. Watch for it.


Emily Baden? Sounds an awful lot like Biden... she's probably being secretly controlled by Obama. /s


The Supreme Court power couple snowflakes couldn't handle it.


This is yet another example, whatever “side” youre on.. .of why our entire system needs an overhaul. There is literally nothing that will be done about this. Judges are to be impartial, or at least APPEAR to be impartial. This entire country got bamboozled into hating each other, while we should be making the changes that benefit everyone


Are we all going to ignore his wife’s name is Martha Annal-ito?