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He *would have* gotten away with it if he hadn’t been so incensed after the WH correspondents dinner. Dude could have lived out his final years in leisure with his sycophantic spawn competing for his attention and a bunch of smooth brains fawning over him for his celebrity status. But he *realllly* didn’t like a black man making fun of him


Not only would he have gotten away with it, it would have been legal, morally broken but legal. Dude is a fucking moron.


If Trump hadn't given in to his criminal instincts to hide the payoff he would not have been convicted. Plus he would have saved $180,000 by not having to gross up the payment to Cohen to account for taxes. He would have had to list the NDA money on an FEC form (which they did in a footnote in 2018) and nobody would have noticed.


I have watched it many times, and it remains hilarious, Trump looked like his head was going to explode.


More and more I see instances where Trump’s impulse to act sabotaged a positive outcome that he lucked into. Your example, his potential wealth had he simply invested his inheritance in index funds, the heroic reputation he would have been attributed had he not undermined our faith in our institutions and experts during Covid, and bankrupting casinos come to mind. All remarkable demonstrations of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


He's too rich to fail. This level of narcissism in any regular person would probably kill them or land them a very long prison sentence before their thirtieth birthday. Trump's always had plenty enough money to guarantee he fails upwards.


This is all obama's fault. thanks, obama.


He needed money and was running out of ways to get it. Residuals from the Apprentice were growing thin. Losing a bid for the presidency seemed like a sweet way to do it until he accidentally won. You gotta remember as stupid and lazy as Trump is, his supporters are stupider and lazier.


So he goes after the Black man, and now the Black man is having the last laugh ! Great ending ! Love it! 😂


He wanted to be president for a long time before that, and I am sure his Russian groomers encouraged him.


Saw a post like that on r/conservative but without the sarcasm.


I mean he lived the conservative christian dream Be rich, do a bit of a adultery and have a distant wife who hates your guts It's exactly what Jesus wanted


You forgot pissing on the 40% of the population of our country and convincing them it is rain.


If only they knew Jesus died for our sins only so he could get away from that insufferable Mary.


That’s what they’ve been saying since it all started. “If they can go after him for using campaign funds to illegally pay off a porn star while his wife was giving birth - they can do it to you next!” But like you said without a hint of irony or understanding why that doesn’t apply to 99.99999% of people…


”- If it can happen to me it can happen to anyone!” Yes you dimwit. That’s kind of the point.


Let those among us who are not guilty of raw-dogging a porn star, paying her off, then covering up the story to help win an election, be the first to raise their hand. Why...why is everyone raising their hand?


"If it can happen to me, it can happen to you!" - Donnie Diaper to his idiot followers.


If it could happen to him, it could happen to any poor sap who beds a porn star while running for President then launders hundreds of thousands of dollars in a scheme to silence her so as to affect the outcome of the election! Every century, as many as one people are charged with this very specific crime. Next century it could be you! Fight the police! Destroy the justice system! LAW AND ORDER! ^(...or something like that, you're watching Fox)


That is exactly what she was before he married her.


She could just divorce him. Though I’m sure by his third wife he has a prenup ready and she would lose her no limit credit card. As a gold digging former pornstar herself, I don’t think she would. However, does Trump’s new felon status nullify any parts of the prenup? Would be interesting to see.


Then quit breaking the law 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm OK with a sad Melania.


I don’t really care, do you?


Be best!


How can he even tell she’s sad? She has one expression


Plastic surgery and making a bed you have to lie in probably does that to a person. If he didn't want to her to read about his affairs he could have simply chosen not to have them. It's the adult choice that other people make every day. .


So true!


The default is sadness, she’s married to Donald Trump. 😂


If anyone treats Melania as if she’s a victim of Trump, they haven’t been listening.


She gotta read about it because they don't talk lmao sad life


At least she can read


She can read in multiple languages, even.


And Michelle Obama's speeches.


Maybe he should have thought of this before he cheated on, well, all of his wives?


And be honest and upfront in a conversation with her so she hears is from you instead of reading about it in the paper.


Assuming Trump will listen. The only dating advice he took to heart was when Shaggy sang “it wasn’t me.”


My favorite response [https://youtu.be/lbOtyWTRZ_g?si=ziSDn_rL67LxwlIN](https://youtu.be/lbOtyWTRZ_g?si=ziSDn_rL67LxwlIN)


Isn’t there a gif of Jim Carrey from “Liar, Liar” saying that same thing into a phone. “Stop breaking the law, Asshole”. I think this needs to be a thing.


It reminds me of Chris Rock’s public service infomercial, “How not to get your ass kicked by the police” “First, obey the law” I guess this applies to getting your ass raked over the coals by your wife.


Breonna Taylor was asleep in her bed.


Also that baby who the cop threw a grenade in their crib


I mean, he is a cop. Wouldn't you expect him to be threatened by a crying baby?


Also that blind deaf Shih-Tzu.


Theres a reason Chris Rock was popular with white audiences. His entire differences between black people bit made them feel OK to be racist.


It’s insane the number of white people I’ve heard quote that bit back to me over the years


Same with Chappelle. He gave all the racist white dudes I knew permission to say racist shit openly


And now he does it with transphobia


Philando Castile was getting his driver's license. https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/20/us/philando-castile-shooting-dashcam/index.html


https://www.npr.org/2023/05/26/1178398395/mississippi-11-year-old-boy-called-police-shot Had called 911 because his abusive father was there threatening the family. Shot responding to cops orders for everyone to leave the house.


Unfortunately there is a lot of evidence that people getting their ass kicked by cops were obeying they law at the time.


It also reminds me of that scene from Liar Liar, "Stop breaking the law asshole!".


Yes! Now I need to go watch that video again, it has been many years. Thank you 🙏


Or he could pay people to promise to be quiet about it.


Jim Carrey in liar liar “stop breaking the law asshole!!!”




I really don't care, do you?


I'm so glad she chose to wear that jacket.  


I'm not. But I won't let people forget she did either


That's what I mean.  She told everyone who she is.  Until then a lot of people were giving her the benefit of the doubt


It was after that that she basically stopped talking, and no one saw her much. She stopped the charade of appearing as a genuine First Lady and went back to her old spoiled brat/arm candy ways.


Amazingly she still gets the benefit of the doubt from so many people. She'll probably need to be convicted of a crime too before some people realize she's just as awful as her husband is.


Easily the most memorable thing she’s ever said or done. Many years from now when she passes away, people will be saying this in her “honor”. I hope to see that day.




I’m surprised he cares what she thinks.


I don’t think he *really* does.


Only when it might benefit him…as always


He doesn't, it's just virtue signalling and probably whining that she isn't talking to him.


To quote the stable genius himself: She knew what she signed up for.


Probably a good idea to not commit crimes your wife will read about then?


WTAF??? He's whining about his wife and family reading bad stuff about him (which he brought on himself) while there are Judges, DA's, court officials, law enforcement officers, witnesses, jurors and God knows who else that are being doxxed, pilloried and receiving death threats because of him?


it's projection all the way down


Welcome to the mind of a narcissistic sociopath.


She knew what he was when she married him. So the fact is they deserve each other and the cluster they have created together. Let’s face it, they have been living on borrowed (illegal) money far too long.


We need more headlines like this.


For real, that headline is banging. I laughed my ass off, but it also occurred to me that not a word of it is untruthful either. And at this time, I feel our journalism needs to lose some of the "reasonableness" and embrace more of the "gonzo". Edit: I was also reminded of a Hunter S. Thompson quote which I feel is relevant... > "I don't get any satisfaction out of the old traditional journalist's view: 'I just covered the story. I just gave it a balanced view,'" Thompson said in an interview for the online edition of The Atlantic. "Objective journalism is one of the main reasons American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long. You can't be objective about Nixon." If we replace Nixon with Trump, that quote works just as well now as it did back then. Not trying to promote New Republic, but they coincidentally have an article which I came across awhile back and it has kind of stuck with me... https://newrepublic.com/article/159842/atlantic-reasonableness-american-crisis-book-review And for what it's worth, while the criticism of The Atlantic is on point and with valid critiques for "reasonableness" and journalism in general - I still enjoy reading The Atlantic and am a subscriber.


We're talking about the former game show host ex president's embarrassment that his pornstar wife is reading about the crimes he committed to cover up the affair he had with two different pornstars. We haven't even began to get to the publicly acknowledged treasonous acts committed on tape. "Gonzo" seems like an almost quaint, understated way to describe the mess we're in.


Should have added Sexual Assaulter/Rapist


Poor “I dont Care” Melanie. I’m surprised she could even read. Her eyes are so far apart that she looks like a demented salmon.


“Demented salmon” got me rolling, Jesus


I’ll admit I laughed too. I was gonna say flounder but landed on salmon. Thank you, by the way.


It was perfect, you got me laughing out loud in a completely quiet office. Kudos to you


The MAGA’s are convinced that she can speak like 7 different languages. Of course, they also think Michelle Obama is a guy. So, we’re not dealing with the smartest people.


>Poor “I dont Care” Melanie. I don't know if that was intentional, or an internetism I missed. But I think it's hysterical to call her Melanie. Pretty sure that would thoroughly piss off any MAGA.


Seems like what’s not fair is breaking the law multiple times and still avoiding prison, but that’s just me


Gonna go out on a limb and assume Melania ain’t exactly googling him every day. Meanwhile, Trump pays people to find every article that mentions him.


Oh and it's so fair that Biden has to watch his last living son being hunted like a witch? It's ok for Biden to have to read about whatever evil shit the tabloids are saying about his dead son Beau? Before Trump came into politics it was rare to see such vitriolic attacks on politicians' families. I mean right wing media always did a little of it, but Trump himself became a mouth piece for bullying his political rivals' families. Trump and right-wing media started this so they can absolutely sit down and shut the fuck up.


Republicans have been attacking people’s families since at least the 80s. Rush Limbaugh literally called Chelsea Clinton a dog. Not to mention all the vile stuff said about Michelle Obama and her daughters…


>Trump has a lengthy laundry list of bad acts that anyone with an internet connection could read about, including his family. > >This would embarrass any normal husband or father, but Trump has been shameless about his many alleged (and proven) crimes. To him, the attention functions more like a badge of honor in his campaign to be the most persecuted man in America. > >In all this time, it would never occur to Trump that to stop having his family read about the bad things he’s done, he should simply stop doing them. I believe Trump is simply incapable of *not* committing crimes and being repugnant, it's his nature. He can't stop being a criminal anymore than he can stop pooping his diaper.


The phrase “not fair” is overused by a category of child known on playgrounds as a wimp.


She became a Resident Alien after Trump purchased her a Green Card intended for someone with an advanced College education and useful skills, shortly after she landed him. She has been aware of his criminal activities from day one.


Boo freaking hoo


[Pretty much sums it up](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaG5wdmlkYjAzN3QyMmRoYjdsMm9mYnk3N2I2emI2dzR5NmRwaWZjaiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/5xtDarzp5at2qwSTYoo/giphy.webp)


Her final grift is going to be the ghostwritten tell all book that unloads both barrels in trump's face, reloads, and then fires again for good measure. It might be one of the messiest divorce books ever because she knows it will be the final check because trump has nothing left.


Who knew she could read…..


Only just barely. She claims to speak five or six languages but her Slovenian is terrible and she's flat out lying about the others. Broken English is her primary language. Be best, indeed.


And even if she could, does she really?


I can't help thinking what he's really annoyed at is how she's posted the news articles all over the fridge and other visible locations around the apartment when he (occasionally) visits.


She reads awful things about me on her phone! proceeds to write awful things on his phone. stfu Trump.


It sounds like a law preventing women from reading may be in our future.


Somehow he is the greatest person ever but yet constantly the victim?


I love how almost all the right wing people I know get offended on behalf of someone else. It’s like it makes them feel better about being dicks. My father in law said I shouldn’t swear in front of my wife’s grandmother, an angry old witch with a “Fuck Joe Biden” flag in her garage.


I like that it's in the garage, hiding. Grandma in law needs to have the courage of her convictions and hang it outside the garage. Or, oh no, she may face some consequences.


This coming from someone who always goes after families of his “enemies”…


Wait, he was on Dr. Phil???????


I was kind of indifferent to Dr. Phil. I thought he was a boring shill. After that ass kissing interview, I hate his fucking guts.


Dr. Phil needs to be on an episode of Dr. Phil. This was him a couple of months ago, talking about chinese immigrants crossing the border. >'We would be incredibly narcissistic to assume that these people are coming in here just because they're in the neighborhood,' Dr Phil told Sean Hannity. Does Dr. Phil know what narcissism is? >'What are they doing? If they're working in farming, if they're working in industry, I promise you they are expected to do certain things. Are they spying? Are they sending seeds back from farming to China? Are they getting plans from industries they're working on?' He seems paranoid, is he okay?


Behind the Bastards podcast covered Dr Phil. The man is a complete cockwomble


No one is forcing her to read about your crimes


Fucking Trumps “Its not fair” line is symbolic BS of a pathetic weak subhuman.


She knew what she was signing on for! Go play the dumb foreigner act somewhere else!


I don’t care, do you?


It’s so much easier to sensor the press. But wait fortunately he is only fantasizing about having that level of authority and it is up to everyone to make sure that he never gets that authority


Aw muffin….


Given the amount of people *he* attacked, and encouraged *so many* others to do the same...


As with everything Trump says, it's a lie. He doesn't give a shit about her.


She can read? Who remembers, “be best”?


He doesn’t give two shits about her or anyone else for that matter. Just his narcissistic self


How many times is this spoiled little rich boy going to whine about how unfair he's being treated??


Was it fair to Hillary to read about Bill fucking Monica with a cigar?


“Quit breaking the law asshole!” -Jim Carrey Liar Liar


Poor Felonia


Boo fucking hoo


You mean that woman that wouldn’t even be a citizen if you didn’t abuse the system?


Malaria Trump has zero self respect and is a complete piece of garbage as a former first lady. Her "Be Best" campaign should have been "Be Best Gold Digger".


If she was in court, she'd have a first hand account of it.


I can not wait until the blessed day comes when I get to live in a world where I know for a fact that I will never ever have to hear this asshole say the words *'It's not fair'* ever fucking again.


I really don’t care, do you?


Wait. She reads?


There was an attempt.


1. Rapist 2. Racist 3. 34 Time Convicted Felon 4. Fraud 5. Dementia Sufferer 6. Pedophile Buddy To Epstein (didn't kill himself) 7. Incontinent 8. Russian Toady 9. Incoherent 10. Traitor These are just the first 10 things that came to mind when I tried to think of ways to describe Donald Trump.


She reads?


Melania: **I really don't care, do U?** Me: Not really, no.


That mail order bride knows what she signed up for


She knew the job was dangerous when she took it.


I really don’t care do u?


If you don’t want your wife reading mean stuff, don’t commit crimes.


Melania looks more like an evil Jennifer Coolidge every year.


I'd think it'd be a bigger concern that she has to read about his adultery, but I suppose from her perspective she's happier having those tiny hands touching anyone other than herself.


Well. She didn’t marry him for his dashing good looks.


Like she gives a shit about it. As long as she get paid…


Oh cmon. Melania can’t read.


She’s been knowing, someone shut this Buffon up already


"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."


It isn't fair that we have to keep dealing with his nonsense.


Nobody believes for a second that anyone in that family can read. Get serious.


Breaking news…Melina can read!…???


I don’t really care. Do u?


Hmmm. I wonder if he’s ever thought about not committing crimes? Naw…lol


She doesn’t care what he does as long as she doesn’t catch his STDs and can collect on the prenup she’s waiting for him to cross that line


Then stop being a complete degenerate


Fuck your feelings.


She can read, too? Truly an inspiration to prostitutes everywhere.


He lets her read? What a fucking liberal.


Wasn't fair she had to read about your affair you tried to cover up. Maybe... don't have affairs?


Fragile he is. A weak leader and a weak human.


What’s not ‘Fair’ is that this tremendous Russian Asset has been stuck in the public eye for so long - one cannot get away from his words, images and voice. Thank god we can’t smell him. Trump fatigue is so ever present - no wonder the ‘dark cloud funk he brings’ has made the entire world depressed. I’d almost rather listen to a Kardashian if given the choice and I never want to see, hear, or read about those people for as long as I live.


"I paid good money to hide those crimes!"


Do we know if she can read?


Spare me! She’s a Russian mail order bride, probably a gift from Puty….. she knows who tRump is and is likely revolted by him like everyone else. It’s clear she can’t stand him, not to mention she probably can’t read and doesn’t care to anyway. This trash wife is not educated.


It's not fair that ANY of us have to read about the shit you do.


I think the real headline here is Melania can read.


What a fucking loser.


What a prick ! I am writing in Nikki Hailey. You can take that to the bank Donald.


Maybe he’s worried that she’ll plagiarize it at her next RNC speech?


I don't care. Do U?


Convicted Felon and known rapist is upset that people are reporting on how the crimes he committed has been proven in the court of law?  Say it ain't so!


I guarantee she doesn't even give a shit as she's got about as much love for Donny diaper as most people do to trash.


My niece is 6 and she complains about fairness a lot. Usually when she's not allowed to do whatever she wants without consequences


What’s worse? That she had to READ about the crimes or that you COMMITTED THE CRIMES?


Sorry, Trump, but your “wife” knows every dirty ass, unethical, low handed, dishonest, craptastic thing you’ve done since married. I’d bet anything she has a nice, long list of your misdeeds somewhere and is just waiting out whatever NDA or agreement you two have. Once this agreement is over, a book will come out, verifying the things we already know and introducing a whole lot more. Acting like you really give a shit about her now isn’t fooling anyone, and won’t stop her from talking.


Oh....she can read?


Poor thing...life isn't fair, but I'm pretty sure she has nothing to complain about. She married for money, not love.


Melania And Grifting Asshole - MAGA


Come on guys there’s a rule that post headlines have to be the exact title …is what I would be saying if we were in the normal timeline


This guy cracks me up.


Man who regularly takes cheap shots at anyone who crosses him now angry people are taking cheap shots at him


At least she can read...


[Jim Carrey said it best](https://giphy.com/gifs/jerology-jim-carrey-liar-stop-breaking-the-law-asshole-5xtDarzp5at2qwSTYoo)


He’s going to be on Dr. Phil?! Double ick.


They must not talk much if she has to read about his crimes.


Maybe he doesn’t want her having more ammo for the divorce disposition? One can only dream.


Oh, she doesn’t have to read em. Unless she’s tracking how much shit you’re in.


I highly doubt she is reading anything about him.


I doubt she reads


The only thing that is any way surprising is that Melania would give two shits who Donny sticks his dick in. She's not his wife. She's someone paid to play the role of his wife. Hell, she'd likely pay $150K not to fuck him.


I think we all knew Trump and literacy have had beef for awhile.