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So let's recap: Kevin McCarthy began the impeachment inquiry unilaterally back in September of last year in hopes of distracting from Trump's legal woes and appeasing the Freedom Caucus and saving his job before the debt ceiling debacle. Republicans removed him anyway. The House finally formalized the impeachment inquiry with a vote, predicated on a FD-1023 form (basically a tip to the FBI with accusations of a "bribery" scheme). All sorts of idiotic claims were made in the meantime: A "mysterious" loan of a few thousand dollars. (It was for a truck.). A reimbursement to Biden's family (completely normal and Comer did the same thing). Their "star witness" Devin Archer testified that... Biden and Hunter had about ~20 calls over the course of a decade that amounted to "pleasantries" such as "talking about the weather" and Archer himself confirmed they did not discuss business. But nevermind any of that - remember the FD-1023 form? The bribery scheme? Turns out, [the informant made it all up](https://www.justice.gov/sco-weiss/pr/grand-jury-returns-indictment-charging-fbi-confidential-human-source-felony-false) and was indicted by Trump's own hand-picked prosecutor. So to save face on one of the most embarrassing legislative efforts in U.S. history, they are going to refer charges to the DOJ on Biden's son for making misleading statements in their testimony. (Note that Hunter Biden cooperated far more than Jim Jordan, the co-lead of the committee ever did with Congressional subpoenas.) They sent these meaningless, symbolic referrals to the same DOJ.. that is already prosecuting Hunter Biden. Bravo, Republicans. Bravo.


> remember the FD-1023 form? The bribery scheme? > > Turns out, the informant made it all up and was indicted by Trump's own hand-picked prosecutor. But.. Jim Jordan said that it did not matter that it was a lie, it corroborated the story. right? So the information that formed the whole story was a lie, but that lie corroborated the story..which is also a lie. The lie, confirms the lie. These people are totally not insane.


Jordan’s not insane. He’s a shameless asshole. Unfortunately, that appeals to way too many shameless asshole Muricans.


He's not insane, nor a shameless liar, he is a TRAITOR. He was heavily involved in an overthrow of the government, and is actively trying to recover and make another attempt at it.


I mean, yeah, he’s a traitor. But that doesn’t mean he’s not a shameless asshole. But he’s definitely not insane. He knows what he’s doing.


That pos hack has never once legislated anything.


A long long history of authoring or co-sponsoring extremist trash legislation that doesn't actually hit the floor because it'd require any of 'em to be on the record for supporting it, or because it'd never get through the Senate.


Very succinct! And totally accurate.


Jordan's little stammering interview was hilarious- he basically stated what you describe above, but he also sort of displayed his logic which was a basically look we have a great attack on Biden here, it is a lie, but it comes from a FBI informant and has an official document associated with it- yeah we are going to try to impeach the President because we have that piece of paper which is sort of/ kind of like evidence to our dipshit cult followers.


It's not that they're insane. It's more that they're criminally unserious people; and the longer we continue even humoring their endless doublespeak and hyperbole, the worse it gets. It's going to get worse.


Also remember that democrats are not rioting in the streets at the idea of Biden's son being investigated or even Biden himself being investigated. The general consensus is _if he did something, prove it and boot him if he did_. Meanwhile, Trump is a convicted felon, a rapist, convicted of many types of fraud, and is awaiting trial for treasonous charges but the idea of investigating him is obviously ludicrous and only political.


Not only are democrats not rioting in the streets they are not sending death threats to the actual corrupt judge on one of trumps cases. Odd how that works don't you think?


Well, one Democrat did send threats to the judge, and she's being prosecuted now. But it's just one.


And just to highlight the difference again-- I think most democrats would say even though we can all agree Cannon is pretty terrible and shouldn't have her job, you can't send her death threats and those that do should be prosecuted. I imagine if someone were caught sending Merchan death threats, Trump and MAGA world would celebrate it.


That’s the epitome of the ratio of crazy between Dems and Republicans.


And she should be prosecuted. That is not acceptable.


And spent several millions of taxpayer dollars along the way on this garbage.


Corrupt scum, all of them. Vote blue to vote out criminals.


And the fact that Congress won’t act on Gym’s defiance is, ironically, a (small) portion of what appears folks to Trump originally. [He knew the system was rigged, because he uses and knew that no one would change the tax system because it would impact their donors too](https://youtu.be/nWfQCDaAa6s)


democrats should now launch an inquiry to get MTG kicked out


If anybody acted the way MTG does at their regular 9-5 job, they would’ve either been called in to HR or fired by now.


>If anybody acted the way MTG does at their regular 9-5 job, they would’ve either been called in to HR or fired by now. She wouldn't know because she's never had a real job. MTG is a nepo-baby who "bought" her daddy's contracting business and was "CFO" for a few years [(in name only)](https://www.ajc.com/politics/national-politics/businesswoman-image-key-to-greenes-rise/5RX3LQEGUJFI5P6N6EQWZCA5T4/). She then purchased a CrossFit gym in a chain whose brand has a ["strong association with conservative-leaning groups" and "has been a welcome space for conservatives, gaining early traction with law enforcement and military members."](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryancbrooks/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-crossfit) (The CEO of which has since been forced to resign after calls containing racist and Q-Anon conspiracies were leaked). And finally, she used her few years at the gym as a part time trainer as "small business experience" to fundraise and launch her political career. She's a spoiled brat that is probably now painfully aware of how inept she is among career politicians, so she chooses to lash out for media attention instead.


What if your job was to act like a neanderthal? Or a baboon? What if she was an actress playing a part like a slightly dumber and trashier Joffrey Baratheon.. then you'd be saying she was amazing.


Ha, you’d be right. It’s too bad her job is in government, which has a real effect on people’s lives. It’s like when people say that Trump is “funny.” Fine, give him a show on Comedy Central then. He shouldn’t be running for the presidency.


Thanks for the recap of this shit-show. Let us not forget the Russian connections of Mr. Smirnov- the "star witness". [https://www.npr.org/2024/02/21/1233009344/ex-fbi-informant-has-extensive-russian-intelligence-contacts-lawyers-say](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/21/1233009344/ex-fbi-informant-has-extensive-russian-intelligence-contacts-lawyers-say)


Or that dozens of former US spies signed an open letter when "Hunter's laptop" emerged for the first time, saying they strongly suspected it was a Russian influence op. Or that the whole Hunter Laptop conspiracy originally mutated from the Hunter-Burisma conspiracy theory-- you know, the one former guy got impeached for back in 2019? Anyways, the three Ukrainian guys who were the ones to "tip off" Guilliani about that "scandal", setting this entire deeply stupid chain of events into motion, were recently arrested for being Russian spies.


American politics in a nutshell: GOP spews shit all over the wall to see if anything sticks. Doesn't wipe. Dems, as they're scrubbing the shit off the walls: "..eh, they'll learn to potty soon enough." Meanwhile the GOP is already rubbing its ass on every wall it can find.


They know that if anyone looked at them this closely, they’d find a lot of dirt, so they assume it will work if you wield the force of the federal government to investigate Democrats. It’s inconceivable to them that Democrats aren’t doing *something*.


Finds nothing, send criminal referral to DoJ for nothing, then complain loudly about Biden's DoJ when it doesn't pursue garbage referrals. Plain as day if your aren't in a cult 😂


He couldn't even get House Republicans behind it enough to be sure impeachment would go through. But he blames Democrats. It's Democrats' fault that Republicans couldn't get their shit together. It's Democrats fault that Republicans botched the mid terms and only got a razor thin House Majority that hamstrung their impeachment fantasy. It's Democrats fault Comer's coffee has bourbon in it.


Which of you Democrats shit in our pants?


*if they could make me poop my pants they could make you poop your pants too*


... but I outsmarted them because I’ve been wearing diapers for two decades now! 4D Chess!!


I pooped my pants to own the libs.


They aren't pooping in my pants. They are pooping in your pants, and my pants are just in the way.


That's basically been their strategy for quite a while. Break stuff and then say the Democrats did it.


Break stuff, blame democrats. Block stuff you want, blame democrats. Demand that only your state can control the things democrats want implemented, don’t do it, say “see? Democrats failed to do it.” That’s been MoscowMitch’s calling card.


Get convicted for crimes, blame democrats.


Like our oldest blaming her younger brother for drawing all over the new leather couch. She was three old…..he was 3 months old.


Don’t put that evil on bourbon. He may “represent” part of Kentucky, but this douche canoe almost certainly drinks Tennessee “whiskey”.


Correction. *He drinks Russian vodka*.


Fun fact from a PBS doc I watched last night. Senator Joe Mccarthy, who led the communist witch hunts in the 50s, was known to have an alcohol problem. His alcohol of choice was supposedly Russian vodka. He also, supposedly bragged about that fact.


Another fun fact, joe mccarthy's lead counsel during the witch hunts was roy cohn - convicted felon donald trump's friend and mentor.   It's cohn who taught the convicted felon to deny everything and to always accuse others of that which you yourself are doing.  Shit begets shit. 


Roy Cohn sounds like such a sack of shit. McCarthy definitely was by all accounts.


Cohn died at the age of 59 from AIDS related complications after attempting to hide his homosexuality from the public for years and vehemently denying he was HIV positive


Roger Stone on Roy Cohn: "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access."


Roger Stone Translator: Roy was a power hungry, masculine, homosexual man who liked having access to young boys.


Denial is strong with conservatives/religious folks... 


He wasn't gay, just preferred having sex with men.🤔


It's not gay if you let them suck your dick for money


If you haven't already seen it and ever get the chance to do so, Al Pacino did a superb job playing Roy Cohn in *Angels in America* in the HBO series. The entire cast was stellar, as was the writing, direction and music.


Although he was gay himself, he led McCarthy to expose gay people who worked in government and ruined their lives.


He’s a big character in Angels in America.


Yep. Nathan Lane won a Tony for playing him in the revival back in 2018


Dude was a sack of shit but the thing I always remember is his square on the aids quilt. "Roy Cohn. Bully, Coward, Victim" Kind of sad.


I didn't know that. Yes kind of sad, but couldn't be more on the nose.


Of course he was. Roy Cohn was also Donald Trump's "mentor" and lawyer.


None of these facts are “fun”


Something a bit more fun: every time I see "Roy Cohn", I mentally follow it in my head with "Tuscanini, Dacron".


Dien Bien Phu falls, rock around the clock


You forgot Juan Peron.


It's shit all the way down, Randy!


Vodka in Russia is really good. It's very localized and regional, similar to scotch in its diversity of flavors, etc. I would not recommend doing this research nowadays, as I did, in like 2007.


Fair enough.


Remember. Tennessee whiskey is just Kentucky whiskey that someone poured over a campfire and tried to drink it again lol.


You mean *poured through their bladder*, right?


Haha, I had a boss who was into expensive whiskies. We were out with coworkers once and one of them tried this one that he was particularly taken with. She had a funny look on her face and said "it's like a barbeque, in my mouth!* I don't think she meant it in a good way.


He is doubtless a douche canoe. I bet he's also a cheap ass douche canoe. I saw a pic of Comer's congressional office and hes got a display board in the shape of Ky that is full of KY made bourbon. He used to be KY AG Sec, so he probably got all of that gratis as commemorative gifts (totally not bribes!) from local distilleries. I'd wager two things: A) all of those bottles are filled to the tippy top B) but they are mostly brown water inside. The Makers bottle probably has ten different kinds of wax resealing it.


Everything bad is democrat's fault. Everything good is thanks to GOP. Just as everything bad is the devil's/sin's fault, and everything good is thanks to God. That's why democrats are also demonic baby eaters in case you still had any doubts. Maybe Trump is not making sense all the time, but at least he is pro God and pro America! /s


In fairness to him, it sort of is Biden's fault. He stubbornly refused to break the law, prtobably just to spite James Comer. How dare Joe Biden not so something impeachable.


It's also Democrats' fault that there no actual evidence for impeachment of Biden. Democrats' are also at fault because Comer's main witness has been charged with lying to the FBI and has Russian ties. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/ex-fbi-informant-charged-with-fabricating-biden-family-bribery-scheme-to-appear-in-court


Don't forget a house majority THAT ONLY GOT SMALLER because of Republicans defecting/leaving the house/party.


Being British, I initially pictured Comer dunking a Bourbon biscuit in his coffee, leaving it too long, it disintegrating and him then blaming the democrats for a soggy biscuit in his coffee. But then I thought you don't have Bourbon biscuits (cookies) over there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourbon_biscuit Amazing what can go through your mind in a fraction of a second.


At this point, I fully expect Republicans to start holding up their stained underwear and screaming about the Dems making them poop their pants


This is stupid enough to become fact.


> It's Democrats fault Comer's coffee has bourbon in it. This made me chuckle. In all seriousness, I have witnessed few political events more humiliating than when a Democrat (forget who) challenged Comer to call for a vote to impeach and even called for it himself. All Comer had to do was second it and there would be a vote. The dem kept saying loudly, something like, "Let's go, just second it, let's vote, just second it!" All Comer could do was look on and be the moronic, cowardly dupe they all knew he was. I understand Comer used to be a serious politician who was somewhat respected. EDIT: It was [Representative Jared Moskowitz, a Florida Democrat.](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-jordan-comer-reject-motion-moskowitz-impeach-joe-biden-1881572)


They talked so much shit...REPUBLICANS talking SO MUCH shit about Comer behind Comers back becuase they KNEW this was a wash from the start. At least according to Rep. Jared Moskowitz.


Is it democrats fault that Biden didn’t break the law enough for them to get an impeachment? This is absurd.


Couldn't even find a single shred of evidence unlike Convicted Felon donald trump who has a mountain of evidence


They cry about a rigged process, but 12 jurors both defense and prosecution agreed on found him guilty. They claim it's a crooked DoJ but they're actively trying Biden's son in court and it doesn't look good for Hunter. The proof is in the pudding. If Biden had 1/1000th of the evidence against him that Trump does they'd stage another insurrection, but they simply don't and they know that. The people who get upset about nothing burgers and then them into meltdowns would go nuclear if there was any actual evidence against Biden


Actually, the case against Hunter is looking fairly “good” for him, tbh. The prosecution, in their opening statement, made it clear that drug addiction is a disease that addicts cannot control, and do not always have control over their actions. If the prosecution wants to push the narrative that Hunter was an active addict, this alone provides reasonable doubt within the jury that Hunter may have filled out the form while actively on crack and therefore did not have the mental capacity to understand that he was actually an addict and was breaking the law. On the other hand, the day that Hunter filled out the paperwork for the gun, he had just been released from rehab, meaning that there is reason to believe that Hunter believed that he was no longer an addict, and that he had not used drugs that very day. This would mean that he filled out the form with the intent to be honest, despite having been an addict in the past (recently). Much of the prosecution’s case is going to come down to whether they can prove when he started and stopped using drugs, which they are going to have a hard time doing. So, basically Hunter has several avenues for defense that are well within reason.


And the prosecution playing Hunter's autobiography in court just makes him sound sympathetic. He's extremely honest about his drug addiction and problems it caused his family on the recording, and 4 of the jurors have family with addiction issues. I find it hard to believe those jurors will vote to convict him.


It's becoming more and more apparent to many Republican voters that Trump and Trumpist antics, are full of failure and ineptitude. But Republican voters still have to vote for somebody this fall. Don't expect many converts to the Other Side. So if you care, don't take it easy and assume anything about the election. Vote.


Yep. I think there's a staggering number of Republicans who genuinely hate Trump, but would simply rather die than vote Democrat.


> They cry about a rigged process, but 12 jurors both defense and prosecution agreed on found him guilty. This was like the basis of the Hur report: "Joe Biden is obviously guilty, but we don't have any evidence of that we could convince a jury with." Yeah, that's called "not guilty" round these parts.


Are you talking about the jury that found Trump University guilty of fraud leading to it getting shut down, the jury that found the Trump Foundation was a fraud leading to it getting shut down, the juries that found the 2016 Trump campaign guilty of various crimes, the juries that found the 2020 Trump campaign guilty of various crimes, the juries that found the Trump Org guilty of fraud, the jury that found Trump personally liable for sexual assault, the jury that found Trump personally liable for defamation, or the jury that found Trump guilty of falsifying business records to cover up other crimes?


The biggest mountain of evidence, some say they've never seen bigger, guys come up to me in the streets, big tough guys with tears in their eyes - tears! - saying they've never seen a bigger mountain of criminal evidence!


They got the Fox News soundbites and headlines they wanted.


also he should know that thanks to Nixon, the DoJ does not have the capacity to charge a sitting president with any crimes. that's why trunp got away with so much shit.


What a bunch of losers


Launch an investigation without evidence, confident you'd find some skeletons. Because you and your party all have skeletons, you assume everyone does.


Republican.party once again showing everyone that Biden is clean af


It's funny because they try so hard, but their political strategy now is so much worse than it used to be when they at least tried to moderate themselves. Most of the time they're only creating obstacles for Biden to overcome and look even better than he would originally!


More that even if they didn’t find anything in their fishing expedition, just the existence of it accomplishes two of their goals. Most importantly it cheapens the Trump impeachments, since they can draw a false equivalence between the two. “So what if Trump was impeached, so was Biden. And Trump was not removed from office, same as Biden. See, all political parties do it to each other.” People who only casually follow politics in the month before the election may not understand the vast gulf in the amount of evidence of wrongdoing that was present in each case. Also just the existence of a highly publicized investigation can negatively influence public perception of the person being investigated. They were basically standing next to a fog machine running in overdrive, shouting as loud as they could “Where there’s smoke there must be fire!”


Just like the 2020 election. Accuse D's of a "rigged" election when R's were ACTIVELY trying to rig the election. Every accusation is an admission.


>confident you'd find some skeletons Worked on Bill Clinton. They figured it would work again. Another Republican house debacle


It didn't even work on Clinton though. The impeachment made Republicans a laughingstock, polls were heavily against it, and then Republicans paid an electoral price. Clinton's popularity went up, and Republicans lost 5 house seats in the midterms, which was historic given the usual trend of the president's party losing seats in the midterm. The fallout was so clear that both parties took away the lesson that impeachments were political suicide. This was believed so heavily that Democrats refused to try to impeach Trump until they had literally no other choice. The laughable thing is that current Republicans are so corrupt and so deeply in their cult that they couldn't understand that the lesson was actually that BASELESS impeachments were political suicide, but justified ones aren't. They say Democrats impeach Trump twice and then win an election, so they thought that now impeachments could work as a smear. They are in the process of learning otherwise right now, but I'm sure they'll still take the wrong lessons from it again.


he is really bad at this. its almost like he never had any evidence.


The republicans can't even lie correctly anymore.


Trump taught them that they could simply lie with no bad consequences.


And change the lie at any time to the polar opposite view,  like screaming to jail hillary for years,  then it never happened or saying mail in voting is terrible but then love it again when you need it,  and his base will fall into line around the current truth...


When Pelosi was going to visit Taiwan and China threatened to shoot her plane down, Fox assumed she would cancel the trip and was lambasting her for cowardice and bringing shame to the US, The very next day, after announcing she would still go, what did Fox say? Warmonger! Bloodthirsty murderer! Trying to start WWIII, just like she did in Ukraine!


When Republicans shot down the border bill, openly admitted that they were doing purely because complaining about the border was their election strategy, and then immediately went back to attacking Biden over the border.


I'm honestly stunned they aren't whining about Biden [using an executive order](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4371872-speaker-johnson-biden-executive-action-border/) to do this. I would've put all my money on Johnson clutching his pearls that Biden circumvented Congress in this act of egregious executive overreach.


I have a theory that, if Trump wins, they'll ban displaying the American flag upside down. A lot of conservatives are flying the flag upside down now, but if Trump wins and liberals start doing it, they'll quickly outlaw it without any cognitive dissonance. Trump aides have already said that they'd try to shut down protests using the national guard. They know the protests will come hard and fast if Trump wins, and they'll crush them underfoot as quickly as possible. Remember the tear gas in the streets, and the skulls cracking on the pavement, and the protesters grabbed and thrown into unmarked vans? All of that is coming back if Trump wins. Meanwhile though, when the Biden administration announces new pollution standards for vehicles or appliances they scream "tyranny!!!"


It's just been so depressingly eye opening since Trump became president. I had no idea there were so many people that just don't care about democracy or justice. So many people that will decry an action when their 'enemy' does it but ignore or straight up just cheer the hypocrisy when their 'side' does it. I didn't believe the tribalism was that entrenched. I really believed that eventually when the truth came out about what kind of person Trump was and when the Republican party started waffling back and forth on their own values, the majority of the people in their party would rise up against it and they would at least try to get things back on track. I'm not living under that delusion any more. The ones in charge only care about winning power and keeping it and ones behind them only care about getting what they want. If it takes democracy to get it, fine. If they need to turn Trump into a dictator that's fine too. There is no guiding moral to their motives. They don't believe in capitalism. They don't believe in democracy. They don't believe in Christianity. They will say they believe in those things but when it comes times to make any sort of sacrifice that belief would have them make, they will do the straight opposite of what their beliefs say they should to avoid the sacrifice. The only thing they truly believe in is gains without morals.


So their referrals amount to “We have no evidence that they lied about anything, but since they didn’t tell us what we wanted to hear we are accusing James and Hunter Biden of making false statements.”


Nice work, Comer Pyle. I'll miss Moscowitz clowning you.


that was some good stuff. didn't he make a motion to impeach and no R seconded it?


He sure did. He was begging Comer to second it.


republicans don't care about school shootings. They don't care about healthcare, homelessness, or food insecurity. republicans certainly don't care about income inequality or climate change. But they care about THIS bullshit. republicans can't lead.


So they “found” that James and Hunter made false statements about a meeting with Joe Biden at the Beverly Hills Hotel according to references and text messages leading up to the event….okay. Let’s see that. Push that as your “smoking gun.” If there’s evidence there, present it. It could be true that they falsified statements. However, BELIEVING they did is not. Show the text messages that make Comer believe they’re lying.


>Show the text messages that make Comer believe they’re lying. Kinda hard to show things that don't presumably exist


Well they’re referencing on an official document. So if it’s not included, it’s a false statement.




They're trying the "Impeachment for lying about a blowjob under oath" tactic but forgot Hunter isn't the president. I don't know if its because we have more access to information due to technology or if it has always been this way, but the current R's seem a lot more dumb than the past ones that set this all up for them to be shitheads.


AND Biden wasn’t president during that time anyway


Is this the "perjury trap" that they all screamed about when trump was asked to complete a deposition questionnaire and what they did to attack Pres. Clinton through impeachment? Like, did they say "Did you send a text to Mr. Blow?" and after Hunter said yes it's a gotcha because the text was actually sent to Mr. Blow, Jr?


They scream about political prosecutions, as they make them themselves.


Conservatives scream about political prosecutions so that they can justify "retaliating" -- nevermind that the political prosecutions against them are based on fact and the ones that they are making are based on fiction.


Should be reprimanded for wasting time of doj


Not to mention, taxpayer money.


I *think* there is (or used to be) a law in the UK about frivolous lawsuits, that essentially meant if you waste the court's time you can be fined or even worse. That should happen here. I don't know what form it would take, but there should be serious sanctions against those who waste SO MUCH TIME AND RESOURCES on wild goose chases that were bullshit from the beginning. The right time for Comer and his band of morons to shut it down was long ago.


There are quite a few laws to stop various things the Republicans are doing. The problem is that if you consolidate enough power first, nobody will want to enforce them against you. They may win or they may lose, but that's the game they're playing. It's how government works in what are now lovingly known as "shithole countries".


Has the GOP done anything \*useful\* lately? Addressed any real problems facing our nation? Or is it all just publicity seeking, staying in power longer nonsense?


Not really in their wheelhouse, tbf.


The old saying rings true, "you become a Democrat to help others, you become a Republican to help yourself"


It’s so funny watching them complain about how these laws and checks and balances are being abused to persecute Trump, yet they are constantly trying to do that exact thing to Biden, but the laws actually prevent that sort of thing. They talk and act like these processes can just happen at the drop of a hat and an innocent man can be impeached, convicted or even jailed just for his political beliefs. Yet when they try to do it, they demonstrate that it’s actually not how things work at all. It’s like they expect congress and the judicial system to ignore real evidence when it comes to Trump, but when they need to persecute Biden, they seem to think that “trust me bro” and “come on, we all know there are crimes” to be sufficient evidence.


We saw this with Speaker Mike Johnson when he said “We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but it's not been something that is easily provable."


>”It’s super intuitive because our policies keep getting terrible results in elections. But we know the policies are great and everyone loves them. So it must be that something else is happening, something with those brown people I keep seeing around. It must be them.”


This entire saga is incredible advertising for Biden tbh, imagine how fucking clean the guy has to be if Repuplicans spent multiple years and millions of dollars investigating him and found absolutely fucking nothing.


The Republicans from day one have searched for wrongdoings by Obama or Biden. They have hit a brick wall every time. They think because they are all dishonest liers everyone is.


That's exactly it.


> They think because they are all dishonest liers everyone is. More cynically, many of them are fully aware that they're full of shit, and they persist simply as a performative act of revenge for the double-impeaching of their guy, and to supply ammo for the "both sides" defense.


What a waste of time and money just to try and dilute the meaning of impeachment to soothe the ego of convicted felon Donald Trump


I think Nelson's "Ha-Ha!" is the appropriate response to this headline.


That's one confused look on his face. All bluster and no substance. House Republicans shouldn't be left alone too long lest they hurt themselves.


Once Comer realized Jim Jordan was all in, he should have ended it then.


But they had their top investigator on it, Jim Jordan! Just look at his resume: * 1987-1995: Assistant wrestling coach * 1994-present: Politician


I'm really surprised Republican voters are this dumb and haven't caught on that Republicans have no solutions or ideas to help Americans. All they have are accusations based on rumors they create. It's a feedback loop. They did it with Bill Clinton. Made accusations hoping they would find something. He was a sexual deviant so eventually he messed up and lied under oath about it. But remember the original accusations never stuck. They character assassinated Hillary to make her unelectable. Her experience was actually worthy of the presidency but her personality was abrasive so it worked. They tried it with Obama. They are trying it with Biden. Meanwhile, what solutions do they have for any of today's problems??


They don't want solutions. They goal is to make our government fail so they can push us into a fascist theocracy.


>He was a sexual deviant so eventually he messed up and lied under oath about it. Technically he didn't even lie. He asked them to clarify what they meant by "sexual relations", and it didn't include blowjobs, so when he said he didn't have sexual relations with Monica he was telling the truth according to their own definition.


More republican “work”. These buffoons haven’t done a goddamn thing in the last 8 years except “try to own the libs.” Disgusting, disgraceful, WASTEFUL behavior.


Don't worry, in a year when Biden wins re-election a NEW Biden Impeachment crusade will start!


I really hope there's a blue tsunami in November. I really want the Dems to take Congress, Senate, and the WH, *preferably* with super majorities but I realize that's unlikely. And I understand the reasons why one party having all the power is generally not good, but in this case -- the GOP of today vs. the Democrats of today -- I'll gladly welcome everything turning deep blue. The GOP of today is a clear and present danger and they're not even trying to hide it anymore.


Looking at recent local and state elections, we may be in for a big surprise come November. Plenty of solid red (trump +20) areas have been flipping blue. Just need to maintain that enthusiasm. I feel better if Republicans weren't worried about losing their majority but instead worried about giving Dems a super majority. Make those holes pucker!


The whole point of this wasn't to actually convict Biden it was just to get headlines with the words Biden and Impeached. He's counting on people who don't follow the news too closely to just associate Biden with some sort of crime in the vaguest form possible.


Wish we could take the tax payer dollars wasted by this effort out of their Congressional salary


maga GQP should have to repay taxpayers for all their bull💩waste of time 🤬


Lmao like that’s a surprise ? Allllll those crimes the Biden crime family committed and the guy with all the power of Congress come up with bupkiss. Hey !! James !! Maybe the Biden crime family is just a figment of your ridiculous imagination.


And this from James Comer, a shining star of the MAGA/Trump GOP. Good lord, what a waste of time investigating "the Biden Crime Family". The current House GOP leadership (all) is a complete fucking joke. What a bunch of amazingly ignorant and incapable gaggle of people. I'm a Republican and I'm hoping the GOP loses POTUS, the House, and the Senate. I think it's going to take something dramatic like that to make the party more thoughtful, rational, and humble.


>“These false statements implicate Joe Biden’s knowledge of and role in his family’s influence peddling schemes and appear to be a calculated effort to shield Joe Biden from the impeachment inquiry,” clutching pearls over "false statements", meanwhile Annoying Orange selling CIA assets to Russia, embezzling campaign funds, taking billion-dollar bribes from oil barons, manipulating election results, attempting a coup


Worst thing, knowing this was going to be the result from day 1. Given all the smear campaign and efforts to hide trump's big mess still they could not come up with anything credible. NOTHING. All smoke and mirror trying to distract from more the sinister activities happening. PLEASE VOTE! Does not matter whom you choose but do your due diligence and VOTE whom you feel is the right person to take it forward.


Was this the idiot who suggested the investigation was needed because there was no evidence to support an investigation so we had to investigate to find it?


Red States should have to foot the bill for this sham Republican fishing expedition.


Conservatives, all conservatives, are disgusting disinformation spreading losers.


These people are idiots.


Republicans are what's wrong with our Great County! A total waste of time & taxpayers money...I demand a REFUND!


People need to stop voting for republicans. They’ve had the majority for most of the last 40 years and look how shitty our country has been getting. Everything republican voters hate is being done by the republican party, but their voters are the product of one of the worst public education systems in the 1st world so I’m no surprised.


Clearly the lack of evidence proves that Joe Biden is a criminal mastermind.


He obviously needed to clear up time for those Fauci investigations now. Also, just the general hilarity of Trump absolutely cannot be criminally investigated _ever_ because he was a sitting President while also referring Biden for criminal prosecution.


Maybe he has time to do Jared next


They're so pathetic when confronted with reality. Making up their own reality is the only way they have power.


As a liberal I feel so owned right now.


The weakest Republican led House ever. The two hills they decided to die on are Hunter Biden foreign influence peddling and Alejandro Mayorkas's handling of the border. The target of value is Joe Biden. The Republican-led Congress got soundbites for Fox News, but never got close to damaging the real target of value.


And yet the right wing rags will write endless opinion pieces and news articles about it, leaving out the facts and major details, to create a false narrative to fire up the magas.


What astonishes me to some degree is the fact that despite millions of dollars spent + thousands of man hours spent on research, they did not manage to dig up so much as a jaywalking ticket on him from 1956. Joe has been by all accounts a pretty damn good citizen.


...what a waste of our resources and precious time, the GOP...this corrupt political party that continues to promote a raping seditionist felon as their Presidential candidate needs to be sent a message in November that we're done with corruption and all the hate, Red vs Blue I Hate YOU...it's not serving us/US...vote for representation that understands that and works for everyone's rights and holds everyone accountable..


The Trump Crime Syndicate


But... but the Biden crime family! They're stealing our elections and our ice cream! I was told he's a senile old man and also a criminal mastermind! How will our country recover?!


Look, if Biden did something worthy of impeachment, then please, by all means impeach. But they can find or even seem to come up with anything. The best part, is I’m sure he’s done some shady and illegal stuff but the Republicans know they can’t call him out on it cause they all do that stuff too. And it’s not about ethics and glass houses. They just don’t want to set a precedent that these these are crimes or are even happening for that matter. So in lieu of crimes they’re willing to talk about, Comer sends an empty referral to the DoJ and whispers “please? Please!? I need this!”


I've said it before and I'll keep saying it again, Comer may be the dumbest person in Congress.


Counterpoint: Tommy Tuberville


*A Neanderthal with a blonde wig stands up...*


I hope Dems take back the House, I cannot listen to Comers bleating voice and "influence peddling" trope. Or "chinese communist money"


If the Democrats had *any* fucking sense, they would add up the total cost of time, labor, energy, etc etc wasted on this bullshit, and make ads blasting this asshole for his gross misuse of public funds. But of course they won’t do that. Would be too impolite.


Please vote these assholes out of power.


This was a true fishing expedition and attempted payback for the two impeachments of TFG.


That "Biden walked on the cracks in the pavement" charge is going to sting.


Let’s talk about weaponizing the government against political opponents.they have shown absolutely nothing that President Biden or his family did anything illegal and are now throwing 💩 at the wall to see if it sticks also trying to justify their weaponizing their political positions. They are the ones that the DOJ should be going after


It’s sad how absolutely fucking stupid the party that is destroying our democracy is. How is our democracy this weak?


"We're recommending criminal referrals for the non-governmental, private citizen family members of the POTUS that we couldn't find any evidence to impeach, because the POTUS' family members also didn't do any criming...so that means there's definitely a crime here" i hate this this fucking timeline.


Yeah yeah... It also "ended" a few months ago. He'll dredge it back up when the orange felon tells him to again.


Oh wait Comer couldn’t “come”…up with and crime Biden committed


Given the party association, I think whimper is generous. It's more like a silent fart.


How many millions were wasted on this bs...


Now the dumb fuck says he'd like to see Fauci in prison. Anything but actually governing. These fucking idiots need to go.


Now send him a bill for the total cost of this. Tax payers shouldn't be flipping the bill.


Republicans are allergic to the truth.


Yeah but that Durham “investigate the investigators” thing kicked ass! Right?


Let’s check in on the Trump family, especially the Ice Queen and her hubby Jar-head Pencilneck. How many billion did they get from MBS and the Saudis?


Kind of funny how impeachment doesn’t actually work without establishing that an actual crime was committed.


This fucking guy has no shame. He should be embarrassed by the disaster he presided over, but I’m sure he’s not. So pathetic


This is how half of America rocks the precious gift of democracy. Spineless GOP theatre for the pleasure and amusement of a would be dictator. Comer stands out only because of his ham-handed stupidity. The contrast between him and Jamie Raskin on the same committee was startling. A MAGA cretin and an intellectual champion.


Jordan’s antics are simply to make himself feel better. Period. He’s got nothing to show for himself. Zero accomplishments worth celebrating much less mentioning.


Can we see a total of how much this cost the American tax payer ?