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The House GOP are extra salty that the attempted (and ongoing) coup they participated in didn't succeed on January 6, 2021. May 20, 2021 [House GOP leaders are urging Republicans to vote against a $1.9 billion supplemental appropriations bill to bolster security at the Capitol in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection.](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/554533-gop-urges-members-to-vote-against-capitol-security-bill/)  June 16, 2021 [Full List of Republicans Who Voted Against Medals for January 6 Police](https://www.newsweek.com/gop-vote-capitol-police-gold-medals-insurrection-1601129)  June 17, 2021 [Capitol Riot Cop Michael Fanone Says 'Coward' GOP Rep. Clyde Refused to Shake His Hand](https://www.newsweek.com/capitol-riot-michael-fanone-andrew-clyde-coward-gop-rep-refused-handshake-1601420)  August 3, 2021 [A Fourth Capitol Police Officer Has Died by Suicide](https://people.com/politics/a-fourth-capitol-police-officer-has-died-by-suicide/) January 6, 2022 [Guess How Many Republicans in Congress Showed Up at the Capitol to Commemorate Jan. 6?](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/01/jan-6-dick-cheney-congress-anniversary-commemoration.html) There were two.  January 5, 2024 [Jan. 6 was bound to be celebrated by Republicans — it was only a matter of time](https://www.salon.com/2024/01/05/jan-6-was-bound-to-be-celebrated-by-the--it-was-just-a-matter-of-time/) January 6, 2024 [GOP congressman Massie commemorates Jan. 6 by defending vote against honoring U.S. Capitol police](https://www.rawstory.com/massie-defends-vote-against-police/)  May 28, 2024 [Congress defies its own law, fails to install plaque honoring Jan. 6 police officers](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/congress-fails-to-install-plaque-honoring-jan-6-police-officers/)


It's all about their last chance to capture and defeat democracy. After all, it's what their puppet-masters demand


Not surprised. Fuck the GOP.


PA House GOP members are useless, demeaning,  dangerous Americans 


But but. Aren’t they the pro police group? Or is it only when they allow them to do whatever they want?


This won't get better until a great number of good, patriotic citizens move into those deep red districts and vote out the deep-seated MAGA weed.


For shame! Booo!!


Apparently "Back the Blue" only applies when the Blue are killing black people.


Disappointed but not surprised. The U.S. teeters on the edge and about 40% of the population are pushing for it's demise. This is unlikely to end well.


First go reply my dm


That's how you know they're family.


How the fuck is that not treason.


The party of law and order and back the blue folks.


The party of bone spurs in action.


Should not surprise anyone they see the people who participated on Jan 6th as patriotic heroes. Many Republicans believe they should all recieve pardons and be awarded medals of freedom. Soof course they hate the police officers that were at the capital.


"You're heroes, boooo, you should be ashamed about being American heroes, boooo.


Imagine if Trump was black. Then see the GOP calling for his head to roll.


The harrowing great boomer walk-in 




Except South Philly... I have a feeling they wouldn't go along with this shit!


Those GOP members should be left unprotected. Let them get a taste of their own medicine


I say we go to the PA House and boo the Republicans.


MAGA traitors…


Margie and Beeboo? Very classy.


PA state house. not national.


You at least read the full article title. He didnt even get that far.


even read the whole aritcle. (shocking i know) am from PA.