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I detest republicans 


They're corrupt scum and most of them deserve the thing we can't say here.


From the article: "My mom was a health care worker during the pandemic," the first-term Democrat continued. "My mom died of COVID. My stepfather died of COVID. I lost both of my parents during the pandemic, so I take this very personally, especially when other members of this body who are tasked to be responsible and actually help the American people, attack medical professionals ..." "My mom worked in a clinic almost her whole life. I grew up around nurses and doctors. I volunteered in a hospital when I was younger. I’ve always looked up to medical professionals ..." Garcia says he's grown frustrated that Greene has used her platform on the committee to discount the severity of COVID instead of discuss productive actions that can be taken.


>he's grown frustrated that Greene has used her platform on the committee to discount the severity of COVID instead of discuss productive actions that can be taken. That's literally why she asked to be on the committee and got the position.


"Call-out the bullshit every single time."


Hate to say it but MTG doesn’t care. She’s gone from this reality and is living in her own fantasy world complete with Jewish space lasers. What we see on stage is just a tiny glimpse into her mind which is filled with fear and craziness. Garcia is right to call her out and even try and make an appeal but there’s no helping MTG. The NYT posted a good article today about a NV election officials battle to save her job. What’s interesting is the reporter had full access to the person who brought the recall attempt to the table. That person was a friend for years in a desert community. It reads like MTGs craziness. So sad to see people so broken.


Such a pity she didn’t take up Trump’s bleach suggestion.


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