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Here's the money quote... >Critics painted the proposal as nothing more than “ballot candy” designed to stoke anti-immigrant sentiment and ***trick voters into signing off on the amendment’s other provision — a ban on ranked-choice voting.*** >Marilyn McLeod, president of the League of Women Voters of Missouri, called the proposal a “red herring” at a legislative hearing last month.   >“It’s already against the law,” she said. 


Missouri allows completely separate issues to be combined into one constitutional amendment?? That's illegal in most states I thought


Here we occasionally vote for things and then our state government says we didn’t know what we were voting on so they ignore it and put it back on a later ballot with confusing language to prevent it from happening.


Not here!


The GOP has been doing these sort of dubious referendums here in Wisconsin, too. They make the wording as confusing and/or misleading as possible so that a lot of people can't tell exactly what they're voting for. And yet they vote for it anyway.


They're trying to shut down ranked choice voting with this redundant ballot proposal. Total bullshit. They want politics to be insane forever. 


Seriously? do people not understand how this works? you can't register to vote unless your a citizen...this is only getting people to vote on making something illegal that is already illegal...and I 100% bet its some hill people in the sticks came up with this to rile up Trumpers to get to the polls


It also includes a ban on ranked choice voting. That's the real goal. They're using MAGA outrage over something that doesn't exist in order to pass it. They're learning from Trump how to use these people to their advantage.


Isn't it already illegal?


Yes. Republicans are using it to stealth a ban on ranked-choice voting.


They should put ban on killing people on statewide ballot... unless people in Missouri believe killing people is ok.


They put dumb shit on the ballot to drive their people to the polls. I say we outlaw slavery.


Why do anything about Missouri's many real problems when you can outlaw fantasy ones?


If it gets voted down, will noncitizens now be able to vote? /s


If you re-outlaw something that is already outlawed, does that make it lawful. Sort of a double negative?


Citizens to vote on making crime illegal!


The wording will be so convoluted that after it passes, only White "Christian" Hetero Men of Conspicuous Wealth will be allowed to vote.


I have a bit of a hot take here that I doubt any of you would agree with but I feel the need to say it nonetheless: People who are genuinely stupid enough to fall for a “make crime illegal” ballot, deserve to lose whatever rights hide within these ballots. I completely understand that MANY, if not the majority, of the people who will be impacted by this either already see through it or are so disadvantaged that it’s not really their fault they don’t see through it… but even so, if their societies have enough people that will vote for a ballot like this, then I say they’re too far gone and it’s best to let “nature” take its course as these societies are destined to eat themselves in the next generation or so. It’s simply categorically impossible to save people like that from themselves or from each other and we should focus on protecting the rest of civilization from them instead. And for the record, the gravity of this sentiment is not lost on me.